THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1912. PAGE FIVE FOR SALE. FOR SALE FARMER'S HANDY wagon, also set of slnglo harness. Apply Durlnnd-Wcston Shoo Co. G9ei 2L HOUSE AMD LOT, FOURTEEN Hundred Seven, Main street, for sale. Nino rooms. All Improve ments. Apply Ocntley Bros., Op posite Postolllce. 57eltf FOR SALE OR RENT THE W. A. Pethlck estate, located In Bethany. Terms reasonable. II. W. Pethlck, administrator, Hawley, Pa. B3mos2 DELICIOUS ICE CREAM YOU can have It by using (Brady's cholco vanilla. Get it at Brady's Drug store. 60mo2 FOR SALE WELL EQUIPPED machine shop and garago located on Industrial Point, Honesdalo. Business established 20 years. Best known glass cutters' supply con cern In the United States. Edward 0. Jenkins, Honesdale, Pa. 42tf. FOR SAliE DESIRABLE DWELL lng house and lot on East Street Extension; all Improvements. Bar gain. J. B. Robinson, Agent, Jad wln Building. 5Seltf MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED TWO GIRLS TO WORK In wash room. T. B. Clark & Co., Inc. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED hand In Alteration Room of La dies' Suits and Coats. Apply P. O. Drawer A. 59tf THE BODIE STUDIO WILL OPEN July 18 at G4 7 Main street. Pho tographs, Frames, Kodaks and Sup plies. 57eol3 WANTED ISSUES OF THE CITI zen March 13, 1912, and Juno 21, 1912 tf FOR RENT: NINE-ROOM HOUSE: all modern improvements. Inquire Jacob Demer, South Church street 52oltf. WANTED AT ONCE 20 SMOOTH ers, 5 roughers and 5 polishers by the Wayne Cut Glass Company at Towanda, Pa. Steady worn anu highest wages paid. 55ei4 LET THE LACKAWANNA DO your laundry. Thomas F. Bracy, Honesdale. acent. Look for our wacon with the sicn "Lackawanna Laundry Co." 57tf MAIL CLOSING HOURS. A.M. P.M. JM. Erie 7.09 2.30 5.50 D. & H G.30 12.M. 4.15 D. & H. Sun. C.45 R. D 9.50 P. M. Stage 2.50. LOCAL NEWS A big business firm of Washing ton. D. C, has advertised for women employes "who don't paint, powder or wear puffs." The management explained that tho decorated ladies are always poor salesmen. Whilo engaged in canning fruit one day last week, Mrs. Maggie Fives, of Bethany, suffered a very painful accident. She was about to tighten the lid on a jar, when the glass broke and severed an artery in the palm of her right hand. Dr. Burns attended her. The fifth Olver family reunion will bo held at Elm Place, Hones dale, Friday, August 23. Basket luncheon will bo served at the bun galow at 11:30 o'clock. Swings will be arranged In tho grove for the children. All members of the Olver family will be welcome. Word has been received by friends of the marriago of Miss Marian E. Carey to Joseph Opryer, a wealthy ranchman, of Douglas, Wyoming, which took place at Omaha, .Nebraska, on July 17. Miss Carey is a native of Honesdale and a former resident of Scranton. They will reside in Wyoming after an extended honeymoon trip. William Mullaney, son of Mr. and .Mrs. William Mullaney, of Ter race street, was seriously injured whilo playing in the street Tuesday afternoon. The boys were throwing stones and young Mullaney was hit in tho head with a stone, which cut a large gash in his head. Dr. Mc Convlll was called and was obligod to put three stitches to closo tho wound. - Rev A. L. Whittaker received a 'elegram last Thursday announcing that his mother. Mrs. Samuel H. Whittaker, had died very suddenly at her homo in Brooklyn, N. Y. She had been ill only a short timo of heart trouble. Mrs. Whittaker was CO years of age and is survived by her husband, one daughter and two eons -Mrs. Lester Scovil and Harry S. Whittaker of Brooklyn, and Rev. A L. Whittaker of Honesdale. That tho three-day celebration in Honesdalo on August 27, 28 and 29 will eclipso any previous effort in that direction, is now assured. It Is expected that many visiting flro companies will bo in attendance on Wednesday, while most of the auto bile owners of tho county have signi fied their intention of coming for tho floral parade and competing for tho prizes. Many prizes will bo awarded In tho civic and grange par ade. Como and have a good time. Tho Flro Company of Liberty, N Y . havo signified tbol;r Inten tion of coming to Honesdale in a body on August 28 to participate In tho Fireman's Day celebration. They inako tho suggestion that they will como If given an Invitation. Secretary N. B. Spencer has sent tho invitation and it is now oxpoct ed that they will bo hero on that day. For tho benefit of thoso lire companies who havo not made up their minds to como to Honesdalo, lot us say that you need not wait for an lnvitat on. Wrlto to N. B. Snen cor signifying your intention of com ing and arrangements will be made for your comfort here. Burr Bennett is tho namo of a now draughtsman of Now York city, employed by tho Gurney Elova tor Co. Tho annunl picnic for tho mem bers of tho Baptist Sunday school will bo held In Olvcr's Grove, Elm hurst, on Saturday afternoon. Como and spend a pleasant dny. A number of Honesdalo me chanics and contractors are bidding on different departments of work for the proposed Gurney Electric Eleva tor company. Tho contracts will soon bo awarded. The fifteenth annual reunion of tho Ferris, Leo and Cottrell families will be held in their now reunion hnll in Mrs. E. R. Foster's grove at Burnwood, Pa., on Wednesday, Aug. 21, 1912. All relatives are cordially invited to attend and enjoy a good time. Tho White Star management has had no information concerning the reported reappearance of Cap tain Smith of tho Titanic, an old shipmate of whom said he saw Smith In Baltimore Inst Friday. Of ficials of the line think the case Is one of mistaken identity. The "Sunbonnet" crowd com posed of Misses Ethel Schlessler, Florence Eldred, Florence Smith, Florence Krelter and Marlon Charles worth, Ralph Brown, Austin Lyons, Warren Smith, Will Rlerdon and Lloyd Schullcr, leave Saturday for Elk Lake, where they will spend a week. Mrs. Annie Frederick, aged 92 years, died Tuesday morning at the family home in Pittston following a brief illness. Tho deceased had been a resident of that city for many years. She was well known and re spected by a large circle of friends. Among tho surviving relatives are two sons, John and Joseph Freder ick, and Mrs. Jacob Sharer. The Knockers club with their husbands, surprised Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Bader on Tuesday night last, the occasion being an anniver sary of Mr. Bader s birth. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. F. Fryer, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Bader and Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd. The Carbondale Leader of Mon day presented a decidedly improved appearance, when It came out with a new head and a new dress and with an additional column of reading mat ter to the page. It surely has taken a more advanced place in Pennsylva nia journalism. They havo in stalled a new Duplex web-perfecting press and that accounts for the im proved appearance of the paper. Stirred by the recent epidemic of train wrecks the Interstate Com merce Commission has taken a new stop to protect tho lives of passon ger and employees of railroads. Recognizing that excessive service of employes may bo an Important fac tor, the commission has ordered all carriers to preserve detailed reports of the length and nature of delays in schedules which force overtime em ployment of trainmen. Mrs. Mary J. Williams died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hat tie Strong, at Port Jervls, Tuesday morning, of old age, being eighty years old. Sho has lived in Port Jervls for 28 years,, and was an attendant of tho Presby terian church of that place. She is survived by tho following chil dren: James A. Williams, of Hones dalo? Clarence Williams, Paterson, N.J.; Charles Williams, of Gallon, Ohio, and Mrs. Hattio Strong or Port Jervls. The Citizen is in receipt of a postal card from Miss Tillio Weiss who has been abroad for some time: "Point of Three Tongues, July 14th. Greetings to Tho Citizen from three countries. Am writing on tho spot where Italy, Austria and Swit zerland join. Sight superb beyond words. Mountains of snow. Wo aro motoring through tho Tyrol and have another day of it through Italy. Weather perfection. Rode through mountains of snow and enjoyed snow balling July 14th." At a recent meeting of the Wayne County Medical Society at the Allen House, the following offi cers were elected for the coming year: H. B. Ely and E. W. Burns, vice-presidents; F. A. Lobb, Hawley, secretary; It. W. Brady, president; P. F. Griffin, treasurer. The follow ing members of the society were pres ent: E. O. and F. A. Bang, of South Canaan; H. C. Noble, Waymart; H. C. White, Ariel; W. A. Stevens, of scranton; a. u. Uatterall, or Hawloy; F. W. Powell, L. B. Nielsen and H. B. Ely, of Honesdalo. Lieut. Charles Becker, in com mand of tho Strong Arm Squad of tho Now York police, who is now un der flro in connection with the shoot ing of Herman Rosenthal by un known persons in front of tho Hotel Metropole, New York Cltv. earlv Tuesday morning, is a native of Cal- llcoon, faulllvan county, whero ho spent his childhood on a farm near Calllcoon Center, now occupied by Mrs. W. Ballard. Ho has been on the police forco for nearly 20 years. Becker recently raided tho gambling houso of Rosenthal, and tho latter retaliated by accusing Becker of ex torting from him as the price of pro tection. uecKer asserts his inno cence. Becker was recently sum moned to tho City Hall, in Now York, and told by tho Mayor that thero will be a strict Investigation of ms dealings with tho gamblers. With her chief aim in lifo to find her brother from whom sho has not heard since tho two parted at tho door of a Catholic Orphanago asylum In New York city about 43 years ago, Mrs. Mary E. Smith Knevitz, of New York, carao to this placo Wednesday In an effort to And Edward Conlon, her missing rolatlvo and from information receiv ed, it Is believed ho is now rosldlng in Scranton. Mrs. Knovltz's brother was adopted by a man named James Conlon, of Honesdalo, March C, 18C9. Mr. Conlon died threo years later and tho widow married a man named Andrew Connolly. About this time, tho boy left presumably for Nowburg. A few years after ho went to Scranton. Any Information as to Conlon'a whereabouts would be appreciated by Mrs. Knevitz, who re sides at 138G Franklin avenue, Bronx, N, Y. Tho Golf club will glvo a card party at tho club rooms on Friday evening to tho members and guests. Miss Mnrgarct Cnrr has resign ed her position as nurse at tho Miss Mao Weston homo on Park street and Mrs. Brorlng, of Clemo, Is fill ing tho vacancy A party of little folks wcro en tcrtnlnod at tho homo of Mrs. I. A. Hartman on Wednesday evening In honor of her llttlo daughter, Mil dred's first birthday. Tho lawn social hold on Henry Owens' lawn on Wednesday even ing was a great success and a neat sum was realized for church pur poses. Tho ladies of the Lutheran church were hostesses. The Maple City Drum Corps will hold nn Ice cream social on the Inwn near tho Baptist church this (Thurs day) evening, when everybody Is In vited. Tho Drum Corps Is a useful organization for our town and de serves the support of the people. Come out to-night and help the boys along. The State Forostry Department will soon take over the Pine Grove Furnace tract in Cumberland and Adams counties, the largest tract se cured for the State In years, the search of title and other work hav ing been completed. When this is done the State will have over 1,000, 000 arrcs of forest land nnd "will add to its holdings a property which will be considerable of an income pro ducer. The following Scranton people are staying at tho Columbia Hotel, Lake Ariel, this week: E. G. Burke, H. S. Wentz, J. H. Hall, Alice Kelly, Mnrjorie Farroll, John Farroll, Jas. McLain, William O'Boyle, E. J. Mc Glngan, Arthur O. Reese, Horace L. Smith, Annie L. Allen, Nancy John son, Sherrled H. Watson, J. A. Mee ham, Blanch Smith, Reglna Murphy, Mary Law, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. White. After a bitter fight of over two years iPeter R. Plckelle of New York and Milford, Pa., has succeeded In breaking his father's will. Owing to the wealth and social prominence of tho family in the Hoosier State the proceedings were watched with Inter est. Mr. Plckelle made his own de fence and literally tore the document into shreds. The Supreme Court or dered a stay saying that a "brilliant lawyer was lost to tho world." Mr. Plckelle's defence was manly, cour ageous and most bitter." From In dianapolis, July 11. An account In the Tribune-Republican of a hard shelled egg with in a hard shelled egg, caught the at tention of men in the store of Geo. W. Sweigart, of Bloomsburg. Un willing to admit that this hard shell ed egg within a hard shelled egg closed the argument that there was something new under the sun, they literally dug up a potato within a potato and sent it to Scranton for inspection. They are seed potatoes, both the Inside and the outside of this potato duet. Tho inside potato grew to such proportions that it has projected on either side of the outside covering. According to our correspondent from South Canaan, Horton Megar- gel, who resides a short distance from tho East school house at that place, has been having more than his share of ill-luck recently. One of the items from the gatherings in forms us that Mr. Megargel and his five children havo had tho old-fash ioned kind of measles but happily are able to bo around again. Another item is to the effect that Mr. Megar gel lost five cows in a terrific elec trical storm last week. The loss of fivo cows Is a severe blow to Mr. Megargel, especially at this timo af ter ho and his family were recover ing from tho seigo of sickness. Mr. Megargel has tho slncero sympathy of his neighborhood and friends in his misfortune. Carbondale Leader. Tho caso of Nellie O'Klefe vs. tho township of Teas will be arbi trated. On Thursday morning W. B. Lesher, T. Y. Boyd and Geo. Rose wore appointed arbitrators. The hearing of tho caso will be hold in tho jury room at tho court houso on Friday morning, August 30, at 10 o'clock. The caso is a damago suit brought by Nellio O'Klefe to recov er damages to tho amount of 12,000 from tho township of Texas for al leged injuries caused her by negli gence of the township in keeping up a highway near Bethany. Sho al leges that on November 11, 1911, whilo on her way to Bethany she lost a parcel. Sho got out of tho buggy to recover it and In tho dark ness stepped off an embankment on tho sldo of tho road, breaking tho anklo bone In her foot. Sho has nover fully recovered from the acci dent. WANTED EXPERIENCED KIIHIOX WEAVERS: Pleeo work; can mnko 818.00 per week, hut aro uiianintwiii Sl.1.00 per week of ." hours. Married peo ple preferred. Seliuum & Ulillnijer Jilnli-speed double deck looms. Ap ply by letter only to VIRGINIA SILK COMPANY, INC., South Richmond, Vu. rmt E. W. Gammell was In Carbondale on Wednesday. T. B. ClarK was a business caller in Carbondale on .Wednesday. ' Frank Mang, Jr., of Fortcnia, spent Sunday with Hawley frlonds. Robert Bader Is visiting his friend Winifred Hesslnger, of Calllcoon, N Y. Miss Elizabeth Balrd Is visiting Miss Kathryn Klrkwood of Carbon- dalo. M. Truscott returned Tuesday from a western business trip for Blrdsall Brothors. P. H. Iloff roturned homo on Wednesday from a business trip to Harrlsburg. Anton Flsch has returned to Scranton after visiting his son, Jos. A. Flsch on Eighth street. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Brady aro now domiciled In the rooms over tho Ready 'Pay store. Rev. R. D. Minch, of Tyler Hill, was a caller In town on Wednesday. Misses Gertrude and Marlon Cog gins wont to Scranton Wednesday to spend a few days. Miss Hazel Deln will spend this week ns a guest of Mrs. Jacob Gclsor at Wrlghtor Lako. Edgar and Frnzler Lathrop are en joying a vacation with a camping party at Lake Ariel. Miss Emma Cook departed on Tuesday for New York City where she will spend her ncatlon. Miss Dlnncho Westgato has return ed to her home In Carbondnlo after a two weeks' visit In Aldonvlllo. W. W. Wood, Jr., Is in Morrltt's Island, Florida, on a business trip instead of New York as reported. Miss Florence McBride, of Middle town, Is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Carrlo Weaver, on Cliff street. Mrs. A. C. Van Etten loft Mata moras on Wednesday for a visit with friends in Scranton and Hones dale. Michael Moran and family have moved Into the W. B. Holmos houso on corner of High and Spring streets. Mrs. W. P. Bader and daughter, Nina, of Johnstown, Pa., aro spend ing a few weeks with relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Whltmoro and child havo returned to their homo, after a pleasant visit with relatives at Abrahamsvlllc. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Hill, of Look out, have returned from a pleasant visit with their niece, Mrs. Robert McDermott of Scranton. S. E. Morrison has beon award ed the contract to Install a steam heating plant In tho houso of W. H. Pearce on RIdgo street. Miss Edna Burkhart, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Is the guest of Miss Helen Beck. Sho expects to spend about a month with Honesdalo friends. Mrs. William Kelly and daughter, Miss Florence Kelly, of Scranton, are spending the summer at their cottage, "Genevieve," at Lake Ariel. Mr. and Mrs. David II. Menner and family expect to leave for Elk Lake on Thursday (to-day) where they will remain at their cottage there un til fall. J. H. Dague, secretary of the edu cational department of the Y. M. C. A. of Scranton, spent tho week-end at the boy's camp, Bldw ell's Pond, this county. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Christ and son George, of Brooklyn, N. Y., are spending some time with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Iloff, on West street. Mrs. M. J. Shields and children, Margaret and Donald, have returned to their home in Scranton, from a two weeks' stay at the Patterson House, at Waymart. Mrs. Frank Robinson was taken to the State hospital, Scranton, on Wednesday morning for treatment. She has been a sufferer for some time with rheumatism. Mrs. M. M. Bolkcom and daugh ter, Miss Nettie, of Port Jervls, ar rived In Honesdalo on Tuesday and will spend the rest of the summer at the H. T. Rldd home In Sico. Misses Anna Ralne and Ruth Van Gorder, of Scranton, aro spending the week at the W. J. Barnes home. They will visit at Beach Lake be fore returning to their home. Mrs. Helen Lord Hydo and Mrs. Fischer, of Mlddletown, N. Y.. are the guests this week of Mrs. E. W. and Miss Florence Jenkins. Mrs. Hydo was a former resident of this place. Herman Tuman, rormerly connect ed with the Diamond Cut Glass fac tory at 'Waymart, has accepted a position with Krantz & Smith, of this place, as foreman of their glass fac tory hero. 60 At Christ church, Indian Orchard, thero will be Baptism and Holy Communion at 2:30 p. m., -with ser mon by Rov. A. L. Whittaker. Services in tho Methodist church Sunday morning and ovenlng. Rev. Small will preach Sunday a. m. Preaching by tho pastor In tho evening. At St. John's church, Hamlin, there will bo on Sunday, July 28, Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.; morn ing prayer and sermon at 10:45; evening prayer and sermon at 7:45. The Baptist church will hold reg ular preaching service at 10:30 a. m.; Sunday school at 11:45; oven lng servlco at 7:30. The last of tho illustrated lectures entitled "Parablo of tho Talents." Tho "Holy City" will be sung and illus trated by request. Graco Episcopal church, Sunday, July 28, 1912: 10:30 a. m., Morn ing Prayer and Sermon, Self De velopment, Self Mastery and Self Surrender"; 7:30 p. m., Evening Prayer and Brief Address, "Tho Courage to Say No." Sunday School at 12 M. As church services and Sunday school aro to bo suspended during August, let all attend this Sunday. Tho special singing In St. John's church last Sunday morning and ovenlng was very much appreciated by tho largo congregation present. With Miss Cresentla O'Connoll at tho organ, tho boys' choir dressed in cassocks and surplices sang sweetly. Perhaps tho best compliment tho singers recolved camo from Miss Rlerdon, tho organist and musical director of St, John's church, Scran ton. Sho told the boys their singing was tho finest for tholr years that sho had over hoard. Miss Rlerdon and Mrs. M. J. Gordon sang at tho 8:30 mass in tho morning, and at tho 7:30 services in tho evening. Tho "Coronation March," playod by Miss RIordon as tho people woro leaving tho church, was tho finest organ rendition over beard In St. John's church. Next Sunday ovon ing at 7:30 Miss Rlerdon will havo chargo of tho organ and direct tho singing. Tho Boys' choir will also render select singing. '35 001 Gordon Smith and Jcnnlo nnd Sarah Mussleman, of Gray, Indiana, aro spending their vacation at N. R. Buller's, at Mount Plcasannt. Norman Taylor, a draughtsman employed by tho Ournoy Elovator Co., returned to work on Wednesday after a month's confinement at his homo In Cold Springs, with a com plicated case of measles. Mr. and Mrs. j. L. Oakcs and niece, Miss Katherlno VnnAlystlno, have returned to their home In Honesdale, Pn., after a week's visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stownrt, of Washington avenue. Lestorshlre-Endlcott Record. Rev. John R. Atkinson nnd wife are spending somo timo at tho C. II. Dorflinger homo In White Mills. The first of tho week Chas. Dorflinger, Thos. M. Fuller, John and Eugene Dorflinger and Rov. Atkinson motor ed to Blooming Grove Park where they were guests at tho club houso. IMPORTANT NOTICE. A large number of tho members of tho American Fraternal Association of Honesdalo met for the purpose of deciding tho best course to pursue to compel tho board of directors of said Association to file an itemized account to the members, of all mon eys received and expended, and the amount of each, and tho amount on hand If any. They retained P. II. Iloff, attorney, to go to Harrlsburg to get the Information ho could con cerning the American Fraternal As sociation on file In the State Insur ance Department and report the same at tho next meeting. All mem bers In good standing at tho time It Is said, tho transfer was made, will please notify D. D. Weston, secre tary, Honesdale. Pa., at once. It BY ORDER OF COM. ANNOUNCEMENT: We beg to announce to the public that we have selected the store of Rowland, tho Quality Jeweler, as ex clusive selling agent for Honesdale and vicinity for our extensive line of Rich Crystal Cut Glass ware, where absolute factory prices will prevail. CRYSTAL CUT GLASS CO. Honesdale, Pa., July 25, 1912. The most wonderful instrument of the century The Air-O-Player WHAT IT IS: Absolutely the finest type of pneumatic Player Piano in the world both in principal and in construction. ITS VALUE : Its artistic quality, its simplicity, its uni que feature of a metal shell for each note that is seamless, nonleakable and interchangeable. Its absolute one price selling plan and its unlimited guarantee. What more can you ask of a Player Piano which Eells at a popular price ? A price which may be reached bv all. We have just received one of tliese AIR-O-PLAYEH PIANOS and will be pleased to show you its good features. F. A. Jenkins Music House Lyric Theatre Building, Honesdale, Pa. LAST REIF REMOVAL NOW IS YOUR TIME To Get In Right. All Shoes and Oxfords will be sold Regardless of Price- REIF'S NEXT TO RED STONE FRONT. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signature (Other Persona on Pngo H.) Accurately Compounded Prescriptions Our Specialty The creditors of the KEYSTONE Pharmacy havo secured tno services of Buel Dodge, who Is backed with 37 years of experience as a pharmacist, to conduct their drug store recently purchased of P. L. Colo. Bring your Prescriptions to this store. You'll receive pure, fresh drugs accurately compounded. That's tho way wo help tho doctor to help you. KEYSTONE PHARMACY 1123 Main St. WEEK S SALE