The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 26, 1912, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Scntl-Wcckly Founded 1008 5 Weekly Founded 1814.
Published Wednesdays and Fridays by
Entered (is second-class matter, at tho postoffice, Honesdalo, Pa.
ii. wilson,
u. Donn.iMiEit,
M. B. ALLKtf.
Our friends tcho favor us with contributions, and desire to have the same re
timed, sfwuld in every case enclose stamps for that purjiose.
Remit by Express Money Order, Draft. Postofllcc Order or Registered
lotter. Address all communications to Tho Citizen, No. S03 Main street,
Honesdale, Pa.
All notices of shows, or other entertainments hold for tho purposo of
making money or any items that contain advertising matter, will only bo
admitted to this paper on payment of regular advertising rates. Notices
of entertainments for tho benefit of churches or for charltablo purposes
where a fee is charged, will bo published at half rates. Cards of thanks,
50 cents, memorial poetry and resolutions of respect will bo charged for
at the rate of a cent a word. Advertising rates on application.
. For President,
' ' State Treasurer,
Auditor Genoral,
k Congressmen-at-Large,
I District Congressman,
If you want to bo rich, Give! If
you want to bo poor, Grasp! If
you want abundance, Scatter! If
you want to be needy, Hoard!
Let tho wholo thing be perfectly
clear. There must be no praise of
winning by fair means or foul.
Itoosevelt Is entirely at liberty to
start his third party movement but
let him and his followers squarely
6houIder their responsibilities. They
must go to the polls in November as
an independent party, and any at
tempt to smuggle themselves upon
the official ballot as Republicans will
only invite the abhorrence of honor
able men.
From a Georgia paper we learn
that the price of watormelons has
fallen so low that in one county
three thousand acres of the fruit aro
allowed to rot because the prices
will not pay for the picking. One
grower complains that he shipped a
carload to Philadelphia and got $5
after paying expenses. Watermelons
are far from being cheap here in
Honesdalo and we would llko to
know how it is that tho consumer
pays so much and tho grower gets
nothing. A good many melons can
be packed in a car and the freight
on any one melon is not much. It
looks as if we aught to be paying
no moro than ten cents each for a
good melon. Who gets tho surplus?
About a year ago it was reported
that there was a big increase in the
price of shoes in prospect. This
year it is announced that twenty per
cent, will be added on September 1.
That is ridiculous. It seems likely
that the price of shoes will increase
somewhat on account of tho high
price and scarcity of leather, but
twenty per cent, is out of tho 'ques
tion. Retail dealers hero say that
most of their contracts for fall shoes
were mado long ago and that there
Is not likely to be much difference
to tho consumer save in some of the
higher grades. One explanation of
the alleged rise is that automobiles
consume so much leather. It is true
that this irdustry consumes a good
deal of leather, but with free hides
this ought not to do much more than
tax tho tanneries to equal tho de
mand. We are assured by those
who ought to know that the price of
shoes is not likely to increase moro
than a small sum on a few grades,
and that tho public has no need of
anxiety on this subject in contem
plating tho Increased cost of living.
Colonel Roosevelt has been very
fond of drawing on Abraham Lincoln
for illustrations that seemed to lend
force to his own position. It may
bo out of place to recall a Lincoln
story that seems to fit tho exigency
that confronts tho Colonel.
Lincoln, as everyono knows, rolled
a good deal upon anecdotes to point
an argument or illustrato a problem
under discussion. Ono time, to ex
plain tho difficulty ho was having in
finding a suitable placo for a certain
army general, ho told a story about
a blacksmith who was struggling
with a pioco of metal that did not
seem woll suited for any use for
which It was tried. Ho endeavored
to hammer it first into ono thing and
then Into another, but each timo it
went back to tho forgo to bo heated
anew. At length tho blacksmith,
his patience almost worn out, de
cided that It tho piece of Iron would
tho Citizen Publishing Company.
not make anything else it at least
would mako a bolt, and so ho Eat
about trying to mako a bolt of tho
intractable metal. But It was not a
success as a bolt nny more than it
was as an as or a hammer. Finally
in disgust tho blacksmith hurled tho
hot iron into a tub of water and ex
claimed: "Well, If it won't make any
thing elso It will make a big fizzle."
The cold water that is being dash
ed on the Roosevelt boom and third
party movement from all parts of the
country suggests that this is what the
Colonel's third party movement Is
about to resolve Itself Into.
Col. Roosevelt says, in a recent
number of The Outlook, that: " No
self-respecting man should stay with
in the Republican party," under ex
isting conditions. That's rather hard
on us, Colonel. Wo have been In
the Republican party for a good
many years. Our fathers were in the
party before us. We feel at home In
It. We should hate to leave it. But,
at the same time, we want to retain
our self-respect. Can't tho thing be
compromised some way, Colonel?
Suppose we should discard Senator
LaFollette, a pretty lively Progres
sive Republican out In Wisconsin?
How would that do? Or suppose we
should drop Hon. William Flinn,
head of the present Republican or
ganization in Pennsylvania. Wouldn't
that fix It up for us so that we could
stay in the party? We don't llko to
part company, on such short notice,
with Lincoln and Garfield and Mc
Klnley and the other great Republi
cans of the past. There have been a
good many men in the party in years
gone by for whom we have had groat
reverence. We often confess to hav
ing had a sort of sneaking admira
tion for you, Colonel, when you were
a Republican. And as we look
around us now and consider the
standing and character and patriot
ism and political honesty of most of
the Republicans whom wo know,
both locally and In the state and na
tion, wo can't help having a kind
of notion that wo are still in pretty
good company. We want to preserve
our self-respect. Sure wo do! And
we're very sorry that you think there
can be no such person as a self-respecting
man who belongs to tho Re
publican party; that hereafter all
Republicans must of necessity be de
based and despicable in their own
esteem as they aro in yours wo are
sorry, but if you will kindly excuse
us, Colonel, wo think we'll remain
for another season yet, under the old
banner and with the old friends.
And you know there is a possibility
you won't admit It of course but
there Is Just a baro possibility that
you yourself aro raistakon in charg
ing all those of us who adhere to tho
Republican party as wanting in self
respect. Think it over a bit, Colonel;
maybe you will change your mind.
(Special to The Citizen.)
Hawley, July 25.
Miss Frances E. Gray, who is em
ployed to teach In the Hawley schools
tho coming term, is now attenulng
tho teachers' summer session at State
College, Pa., to better fit herself to
give to the school the best possiblo
Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Voigt aro en
tertaining Mrs. Harry Grettor and
children of Frankfort, Ky. Mr. and
Mrs. Gretter formerly lived at Hones
dalo. A letter was received from E. C.
Seitz, who was an applicant for tho
prlncipalshlp of the High school
here, stating that ho has boon elect
ed as principal of the schools of
Royesford, Pa., at a salary of $1300
per year. Tho town contains 3,000
peoplo with 95 pupils in tho High
school ami 17 teachers In all. Mr.
Seitz visited tho town in May and
mado a very good Impression.
Tho first gamo of tho series of
eight to bo played by tho Hawley
and Whlto Mills teams was played
hero on Saturday and resulted in
White Wills winning by tho score of
8 to G.
Miss Amy Shartz, Now York city,
returned to her homo on Saturday
after making an extended visit with
her friend, Miss Barbara Unger.
Peter Bower mado a business trip
to Now York last week.
M. Lassley, postmaster of Bohemia
was in town Tuesday with a load
of city boarders who aro summering
with him.
Erwln Buck, who has been at Salz
vlllo, N. Y., for tho past 7 weeks, ro-
turned homo Saturday evening ac
companied by his sister-in-law, Mrs.
Buck. Edwin is In better health as
a result of his visit and will soon bo
on duty at tho store of Wolsh tt
Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Osehinan have
as visitors friends from New York
Mrs. William Pelton Is among tho
sick. Dr. O. H. Catterall is her
Urvcn Daniels has hnd a piano
plnced In his home at Wilsonvlllc as
a gift to his wife.
Mrs. Emily Nell entertained a
family party at the Nell farm In
Palmyra Sunday, the occasion bolng
her birthday anniversary. A very de
lightful time was spent. The grand
children made merry by ronmlng
through tho meadows, plucking wild
ilowers whilo their parents sat on tho
veranda and recalled early reminis
cences. A flno dinner was served.
Margaret Goldbach has been so
journing at Big Pond, the guest of
her nunt, Mrs. D. J. Brannlng.
.Mrs. T. F. Wall and son Arthur,
are enjoying a few days outing at the
Westbrook homo at Blooming Grove.
Kept by Grandfather of Hon. II. C.
mid W. L. Jnckson.
Mr. Jnckson lived up to tho fol
lowing resolutions. Could you? Cut
thorn out, read and reflect.
1 resolve:
1st. To fall on my knees tho mo
ment I awake every morning and get
from God a blessing.
2nd. To be careful to enter upon
no conversation through tho day
without previously Inquiring wheth
er it will bo for tho glory of God.
3rd. To make it my constant la
bor to get moro grace and become
moro spiritually minded every hour
in the day.
4th. To spend the principal part of
my time, unless my attention is
necessarily called off, upon other
things in ejecutory prayer.
5th. To retire at least three times
in secret before God every day and
oftener as circumstances require.
Gth. To have a serious discourse
with some person on the subject of
religion every day.
7th. To watch closely and faith
fully, to admonish, warn, comfort
and escort my dear Christian breth
ren and friends.
Sth. Always to remember and en
deavor to feel impressed with the
thought that myself, my friends,
my neighbors and all around me are
going directly to Heaven or Hell.
9th. To remember that I have a
work to do for my God, for His
church, for my parents, my brothers
and sisters, for my neighborhood,
and for my own soul, and if any of
these suffer dishonor or loss of their
souls by my neglect or unfaithful
ness their blood will be required at
my hands.
10th. To reflect every evening how
I havo spent the day, to look for
Jesus for a blessing and either pray
myself to sleep or lose my senses In
slumbers amongst Heavenly medita
tions. 11th. Always to remember that
unless I have tho spirit of my God
to assist me. I shall not be able to
discharge ono of these resolutions
or to do my least duty.
12th. To read tho Bible humbly
and prayerfully every day.
13th. When I am at last called to
die, to witness to all about mo that
Jesus is precious; his lovo is able
to sweeten the gloomy passage; that
His strong arm can support his sink
ing saints; that though flesh and
heart fail mo the Lord is tho never
moving Rock of Salvation. I pray
God give me triumphant death.
14th. I resolvo to read over this
paper at least twice a week and at
tho same time read 14 John's Gospel,
tho 3rd of Revelations and 12th of
Romans till I am able to repeat
Annual Itcpott of tlio County Super
intendent of Schools of AVayno
County for the School Year IJe
KinninK Juno 5, 1011, and
Ending July 1, 1012.
Number of public examinations
held 12
Number of special examinations
hold 2
Number of applicants examined. .210
Number of applicants rejected.. 6C
Number of provisional certificates
granted 153
Number of professional certifi
cates granted 1
Number of Eighth grade pupils
to whom common school di
plomas wero granted 157
Number of visits to schools. .. .290
Number of directors accompany
ing 30
Wholo number of directors ii
tho county 150
Number of days spent in visiting
schools 120
Number of Institutes and educa
tional meetings attended .... 2C
Number of days spent at oillco
work Including examinations. . 141
Wholo number of days spent In
official duties 293
Number of rural schools In tho
county 157
Number of teachers In graded
schools Including high schools. 88
Number of beginner teachers... 3C
Number of school houses without
suitablo furnituro 3C
Number of high school teaching
agriculture 11
Wholo number of high schools... 14
Number of mnlo teachers in tho
county 45
Number of female teachers in tho
county 200
Number of Normal school gradu
ates C7
Number of collego graduates... 13
Number of applicants for pro
visional certificates examined
slnco Juno 1, 1912 119
Number of provisional certificates
granted slnco Juno 1, 1912.. . . 9C
Number of high school gradu
ates among tho successful ap
plicants 82
Numbor with a high school train
ing of four years 35
Numbor with a high school train
ing of throe years 4C
Number with a high school train
ing of two years 11
Meaner & Co. will soil out their
remaining stock of waist suiting at
remaritauiy low prices. BBel 8
Will Attempt to Show Why lioromo
livo Knglncei'H Should Not Havo
$7,(500,000 Increase In 1'ny.
Manhattan Bench, N. Y July 25.
The Arbitration Commission to de
cldo whether tho Eastern railroads
ore to Increase tho wages of loco
motive engineers somo $7,500,000
nnnunlly, met Monday to resume ses
sions, when railroad officials began
the full presentation of their case.
The Commission arbitrating tho
present wage controversy is compos
ed of Oscar S. Straus, formerly
United States Secretary of Commerce
and Labor; Charles Richard Van
HIse, President of the University of
Wisconsin; Frederick Newton Jud
son, ono of tho leading lawyers of
St. Louis; Otto M. Eldlltz, formerly
President of tho Building Trades As
sociation of New York; Dr. Albert
Shaw, Editor of tho "Review of Re
views"; P. H. Morrlssey, formerly
President of tho Brotherhood of Rail
road Trainmen, and Daniel Wlllard,
President of tho Baltimoro & Ohio
They were chosen by Chief Justice
White, of the United States Supreme
Court, Martin A. Knapp, Presiding
Judge of tho Commcrco Court, and
Dr. Charles P. Neill, United States
Commissioner of Labor. Mr. Mor
risscy and Mr. Willard, the represen'
tatives of tho engineers and tho tall
roads respectively, who were to have
chosen tho other members of the
Commission, had been unable to agro
on tho remaining five to complete
the Board.
Last week was taken up with a
preliminary presentation of the rail
roads' case, and tho full presentation
of tho engineers' arguments for an
A careful analysis of tho demands
presented by tho locomotive en
glnecrs shows that they are demand
(1) Tho adoption of the principle
that wages and rules of servico shall
bo standardized throughout the East
em territory.
(2) Tho adoption of certain stand
ard rates of pay and certain standard
rules of service, resulting In increas
ed compensation to the engineers.
(3) Tho adoption of the princi
ple that locomotive engineers shall
havo the right to operate tho motive
power when it is changed from steam
to electricity or other motive power,
and that electric servico shall be gov
erned by the schedule covering rates
of pay and rules of servico in steam
(4) That locomotive engineers
shall havo the right to operate elec
tric or multiple unit trains when the
samo enter upon steam tracks or
tracks formerly operated by steam,
or where trackage rights are leased
to holding companies.
Tho railroads, on the other hand,
aro rejecting tho demands of the en
gineers as above set forth, upon tho
ground that existing rates of pay are
full and liberal, that existing rules
of servico bear some relation to local
conditions, that standardization of
either rates of pay or rules of ser
vice aro not Justified by conditions,
and that electric servico is not en
titled to be paid upon a steam basis.
In arguing the railroads' side of
the case, B. A. Worthington, Presi
dent of the Chicago & Alton Railroad
" In nearly every instance Stand
ardization will havo tho effect of im
posing a very heavy burden on a very
weak road.
" Tho railroads claim that the ex
isting wages aro fair and liberal,"
says Mr. Worthington, " becauso
railroad employes are as well, If not
oeuer, pam man laoor in otner em
ployments. Engineers constitute the
highest paid class of employes in tho
railroad service.
" Tho existing differential in the
rate of pay in favor of tho engineers
against tho conductors, growing out
of tho wage adjustment of 1910, cor
responds in a majority of cases with
tho differential theretofore existing
for a number of years in favor of the
engineers. Tho 1910 adjustment of
engineers' wagea was made, except
ing in threo or four Instances, on the
fifty-two railroads involved, subse
Treatment of Live Stock.
Horses and, in fact, all domestic
animals, aro very much moro Im
pressionable than they aro generally
supposed to bo. Cattle which havo
had a kind master, a man of gcntlo
but firm nature, show tho effect of
their associations as a breed or
strain. Years of impressed with
such force as to become a bred char
acteristic. In short, good treatment
not only makes an impression on tho
Individuals, but are a keen judge can
toll pretty nearly what sort of as
sociation a horse has had by his tem
perament. Tho Importance of creating a good
temperament In a trotting or racing
horso should not ho underrated.
Tho horso with a good temperament
will do moro work and do it better
than ono which has not got a well
balanced temperament.
. B. Robinson
Real Estate
Real Estato Bought and Sold.
OFFICE: Jadwin Building,
quent to tho adjustment with tho
conductors and trninmen. Tho en
gineers have worked under tho exist
ing differential for tho past two
years without protest until tho lssuo
raiseu at tms time.
" Engineers' wages Increased In
1910 approximately 14,044,230 per
annum, or 10.84 per cent., at which
tlmo full consideration was given to
all the conditions of service then pre
vailing. Slnco that timo thcro has
been no Increase In risk or responsi
bility or physlcnl labor of tho indiv
idual engineer on nny of tho fifty-two
railroads either on account of (1)
tho slzo of englno; (2) the speed of
trains; or (3) tho loading of trains."
The spokesman for tho railroads
also said: "There wero 2008 loco
motives purchased slnco tho last ad
justment with tho engineers for the
fifty-two roads; only C8 of these en
gines were of tho Mallet or double-1
engine type, and most of thorn wero
purchased for helper service; 202
were of tho Mikado type; 810 Con
solidation typo, whllo 524 hnd about!
10 per cent, excess capacity over an
englno with slightly less than 200,
000 pounds on drivers; from which
It Is quite clear this could hardly bo
used as an argument for Increase in
compensation based on the size of
Improved Methods and Increased Facilities lor handling
Merchandise enable us to give the best qualities at reduced prices
Come to Our Store
every Monday and select your wants at astonish
ing low prices.
Monday, July 29, 1912.
Grocery Department
Best Granulated Sugar, 25-lb. bag $1.45
Warfleld and Mayflower Coffee, 30c
Mason's Dry Flint Fruit Jars, quart 55c doz
Mason's Dry Flint Fruit Jars, pints 50c doz
Fresh Fancy Cakes, 15 and 16c value 13c lb
Bluo Bell Sugar Corn, 10c value 3 cans for 25c
Gold Dust Washing 'Powder, 25c value 21c pkg
Best Plain or Mixed Tea, 50c value 40c lb
Other Departments
flain Floor
Irish Poplin, sun and soap proof, 25c valuo 22c yd
Famous Kekko Silk, all colors, 35c valuo 25c yd
Yard Wido English Percales, 13c valuo 11c yd
Best Quality Apron Ginghams 7c yd
Finest French Cambric made, lCc valuo 12c yd
100 White Waist 'Patters, 40 and 50c valuo 29c pattern
27-in. Embroidery Flouncing, 60c valuo 42c yd
New Embroidery Galoones, 18c value 12 c yd
Gent's Balbrlggan Underwear, 25c valuo 21c oa
Men's Work Shirts, all kinds and sizes, 50c value 42c ea
Ladies' Embroidered Handkerchiefs, special value 8c ea
Bleached Turkish Towels, 15c value 11c ea
Threo Leading Styles Corsets, $1.00 and $1.25 valuo 89c ea
Ladies' Handbags, all styles, 50c valuo 34c ea
Second Floor Specials
Ladies' Linen Dusters, $2.00 valuo $1.50 ea.
Ladies' Linen Dusters, $3.50 valuo $2.95 oa
Ladles' White Dresses, $3.50 valuo $2.75 oa
Ladies' Low Neck Waists, $1.00 and $1.25 valuo 89c ea
Children's White Dresses Trimmed with embroidery, $1.25 val .9Sc ea
Children's Gingham Dresses, $1.00 valuo 89c ea
Children's Whlto Dresses, low neck, embroidery trimmed, $2.25 ..$1.65
Opaquo Window Shades, 25c valuo 22c ea
Fulton Union Ingrain Carpet, 50c value 42c yd
3xC feet Japanese Matting Rugs, 50c valuo 39c ea
NOTICE : Monday Specials are sold for Cash only.
Reduced Prices in Gilson Engines.
By purchasing in large quantities tor cash
we are able to make you the following prices
on Gilson Gasoline Engines :
1 H. P. Engine complete
V2 H. P. "
zy2 h. p.
3y2 h. p.
4J H. P.
Large sizes in proportion.
Gilson engines are easy to operate and adapted
to all purposes. We carry a full line of repairs for
these engines. Come in and see them.
Murray Co
Everything for the farm.
You will WALK
25 cents, at
Both Phones
Pimples, SallowncsH, Iilotche and
Dull Eyes Caused by Stomach.
Beauty Is only skin keep, but
that's deep enough to satisfy most
women, nlso men.
in order to keep tho skin In a
clear, clean, healthy condition, tho
stomach must supply tho blood
plenty of nutrition. As long as tho
stomach Is out of order and tho
blood lacks propor nourishment, tho
skin will bo affected.
If you want a perfect skin that
you will bo proud of, take a week's
treatment of IMI-O-NA stomach
Get a fifty cent box to-day, and if
you nre not satisfied after a week's
treatment, you can have your money
For any stomach ailment MI-O-NA
is guaranteed. It gives almost
instant relief and permanently
Largo box 50 cents nt G. W.
Pell's, tho druggist, and druggists
Auto aid Traveling coats at Men
ner & Co. '3 stores, in linen and rain
proof. 55el8
value 27c lb
$ 50.
. 150.
Honesdalej Pa.
EASY if you use
The Rexall Drugstore