Ithm a Tho Citizen la Getting Now Ad vertisers Every Week. Merchants Know Tills is n Good Advertising Medium. Why Walt for Want Ad Itepartn zen Gets Tlicm lycrs? Tlio of Tlio Ci ti le. Only a Ten n y n Word. 70th YEAR. --NO. 60 HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1912. PRIOHi 2 CENTS NOTHING LIKE OUR BEAUTIFUL WAYNE COUNTY Among Its Hills nnd Lukes Is Ideal Place ti Spend Your Vacation Clock That 11ns Record in Jack son Family, Damascus tOWIl slllp. Laurel Lake, July 22. To sit In a room and listen to tho gentle tick, tick of a clock that was made before matches were invented is a privilege rarely enjoyed. The writer, how ever, while on his vacation, has dally been In tho presenco of this grand old clock and listened atten- raitnrui PETER 11eit7.ek succumbs to burns. Passed Away in Scranton Hospital Tuesday Was Fatally Scalded In Accident to l!-lon Stcnm Shovel on Saturday. Peter Doltzcr, tho fireman of the big steam shovel who was terribly scalded by escaping steam when the big 20-ton shovel toppled over an embankment at tho Hawley Coal Co. washer. 2 miles above Hawley Sat urday at Wangum, died In Hahne mann hospital, Scranton, Tuesday morning, where he was taken after the accident. Deltzor was In the cab at tho time of tho accident and It was fully ten minutes before workmen could ex tlvely to Its story. This tlmepieie, standing about seven feet r trioate him from the wrecked steam high. 10' ated in tne living room oi i snovei. the hospitable homo of Mr. nnd Mrs.) Tho body was brought to tho homo W L. Jackson and Is about 140 i of his mother in Hawley on Tuesday years old. It Is encased in cherry i evening. wood, tho frame being carved and highly polished. The weights are large enough for an athletic dumb bell, weighing 14 pounds each. The Mr. Deltzer was about thirty years old and had lived In Hawley nil his life, where much sorrow Is expressed over his untimely end. He dial plate Is of hammered brass and was popular among his associates Is engraved with figures for hours, and possessed many admirable quail minutes and seconds. It is equipped ties and lino traits of character, with a calendar, telling tho day of the month together with many fan tastic devices. One of tho latter bears out the fact that It was made before matches woro Invented. Tho maker, who was Thomas Jackson, of Preston, Conn., great grandfather of William L. and Hon. Clark Jackson, had no means of telling the time dur ing the night so In making this clock he added a contrivance which would strike a bell at the pulling of a string attached to tho bedpost in his bedroom upstairs. If It were 12 25 o'clock at night and the in ventor of this now highly prized clock wanted to know the hour ho -would pull the string at the bedpost. The clock would strike 12 until the minute hand reached 12:30, then it would give the hour of 1 o'clock and strike that hour until 2 o'clock and then so on through the different hours of the night. This is consid ered as one of the curiosities of the old clock. It ticked away the life of Thomas Jackson, tho inventor and maker of this timepiece, and his grandson, John Jackson. For over a century and a quarter, amid the revolution of mankind, through wars and dis asters and excitements, It has kopt steadily at Its task. It hastens not; it rests not. It adopts no modern follies. It minds Its own business, does Its duty, helps all who need its help, tells the exact truth, and lives so virtuously that it never knows a sick day to present Its claim or to bang out any signals of being in the neighborhood. It has ticked away Beveral generations and is modest to say the least. "Mr. W. L. Jackson values this venerable member of his family beyond price. It really seoms a living presenco in the household. The offer of money for it would IdOk like sacrilege. A little historical sketch of Tool. Jackson, maker of this much ad' mired and Ingenious clock, would not be out of place here. He mi grated from England a few years be fore the Revolution in America, learning tho trade of clock-maker in merry England. He settled in tho northern part of Preston, Conn., soon afterwards, sotting up for himself, doing only what he could without having any help. Here he made the clock which we have been writing about. He cast the wheels and other movements that were made of brass, pounded the dial by hand, engraved it, made the casing, finished off tho clock and set it running. That was about 1775. When tho Revolutionary war broke out Mr. Jackson was the first to volunteer his services in tho defense of the new country of which he nad recently sworn allegiance to. He served as a soldier In the Con tinental army. His discharge from service Is still In tho possession of W L. Jackson and reads as follows: "Thomas Jackson, a soldier in tho First Regiment, having served the term of time for which he enlisted with reputa tion, is hereby discharged from the Army of tho United States of America." (Signed), "Col. J. Starr, Commander." ' Springfield, 4th Apr. 1780." "N B. Mr. Jackson Is to recv pay and rations until tho 12th Inst, and victuals to carry him homo. J. S." Tho Jacksons are numbered among tho pioneer and best citizen of Wayne county. John Jackson father of William L. and Hon. H Clark Jackson, was born In Preston Conn., In 1812. Ho followed lumber ing and farming, moving Into Da mascus township in 184C. Ho was an ardont church worker, having from 1847 to the tlmo of his death in 1802, served as a trustee in the Methodist church at Damascus. lie was a member of tho building com mitteo of tho first Methodist Eplsco pal church in that township. Th Jackson homestead was a favorite stopping placo for herdsmen who drovo cattlo from Great Rend to Newburgh over that turnpike. Tho Jackson homestead, which Is located on a prominent point over looking beautiful Laurel Lake, Is now entertaining 14 summer board ers. It is a model homo whero com fort predominates. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Jackson are proverbial for their hospitality, in this respect following tho precodent set by his parents, who wore noted for their kind-heartedness. Tho Tesldenco and all sur roundings glvo every evidonco of re fined plenty, being provided with everything which goes to mako homo delightful. Mr. Jackaon'a eon, Thomas F. Jackson, also lives on tho homestead. Ho takes groat pride in cultivating the farm of 190 acres, tbU year rais ing an exceptional largo hay crop. From flvo acres Mr. Jackson cut 12 hich won for him a large circle of friends. Ho was a member of tho Maonnerchor Society and that or ganization will attend the funeral services in a body. He Is survived by his mother, ono brother, August, of Hawley; and seven sisters, Mrs. Peter Rower, Mamie, Barbara, Anna and Louise f Hawley; Mrs. John Kltner, of White 'Mills; Mrs. McDonald, of Carbondale. The funeral services will be held from tho Roman Catholic church at Hawley on Friday morning. The remains will bo laid to rest in Hill side cemetery. As Result of Accident Wednesday afternoon hen Itoth I'ect Were Nearly Cut OfT by Mowing Machine. Rtissel Losclg. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Losclg, of Cherry Ridge, had both his feet nearly cut off in mowing machine about 4 o clock Wednesday afternoon. Tho mower was being driven In a field on their farm by Mr. Losclg. The boy was standing tack in tho bushes and uddenly stepped out in the path of the mower, which was cutting the weeds whero the boy stepped. Both his feet were nearly cut off at the ankles. Dr. Petersen was called and went out there in his auto and rendered what assistance he could and hurried the boy to Honesdale, where ho was taken to Scranton on the six .o'clock train. Ho was placed In the Hahnemann hospital thero for treatment. The lad Is flvo years of age and It Is thought that he will lose both feet. FIRST PICTURE TO BE PUBLISHED OF WAYNE COUNTY'S FREAK CALF MUSIC PUPILS GIVE MUSIOALE. One 'Hundred Pupils of Miss Murran of East Hniiesdate, Delight Large Audience Tuesday Evening. Tho music pupils of Miss Jennie Murran gave a musicalo at her home in East Honesdale on Tuesday, when about two hundred and fifty peoplo, Recently Brought $1,500. to Hawley owner, hav ing been purchased for exhibition purposes by ' pZp "program a Philadelphia man. BOY MAY LOSE ROTH FEET. ADDITIONAL PERSONAL. Mr. and Mrs. William Lutz and family of Seelyvillo, spent Sunday with the lattor's brother at Way- mart Physical Director Searfoss, of tho Y. iM. C. A.; Edward Kearney, William Jones, John Cogglns, Jr., D, Llewellyn and C. Strong of Scranton departed on Wednesday for a "hiko" to New York City. Mr. Searfoss has walked to that city a number of times. The party will spend several days thero and will return by train. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Ham and son, Charles, of Wauseon, Ohio, are guests at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Rockwell and visiting other relatives and friends hero. Mrs. Llbble Scuddor, also of Wauseon Ib visiting former Wayne county rela tives. This is her first visit here In 30 years. At present she is a guest of Atco friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Softley and son Kenneth of Scranton, who aro stopping at " Camp As You Like It" with Benj. H. Dittrlch, of Laurel Lake, Tyler Hill, Pa., spent Sunday with Mrs. Softley's aunt, Mrs. F. H. Neuberger, at Jeffersonvlllo. They motored there with Mr. Dittrlch and were accompanied by Mrs. John Theobald, of Tyler Hill. Sullivan County Democrat. The above Is a picture of a freak its extra two feet protruding upward calf, formerly owned by Fred Martin over the shoulders. The markings of Hawley, and recently sold to a on Us heads are almost Identical. Philadelphia man for $1,500 to be The second or side view and back of wns most delightfully rendered and wns considered ono of tho best re citals ever given by pupils in Hones dale. It consisted of both vocal and Instrumental selections. Tho pro gram was as follows: Piano trio, Mario Brunner, Helen Rose and .Marjorle Gas. Piano solo, Mary Wenlger. Duet, Helen and Bertha Myers. 'Piano Solo, Irene Dunn. Vocal solo, Marie Brunner. Piano solo, Lila Hessllng. Vocal duet, Rcglna Caufield and Lo- retta Rickert. Piano solo, Helen Bergman. Piano solo, Minnie Rose. Piano duet, Katherine and Loretta Weidner. Vocal duet, Jessie Toms and Kath leen McKenna. Piano solo, Madeline Schworaley. Piano duet, Margaret and Lynett Hlghhouse. Vocal solo, Mrs. F. G. Wenlger. Piano duet, Vernard McArdle and Harmon Brock. Piano solo, Marguerite Bayly. Vocal solo, Jessie Toms. Piano solo, Clara Kuhn. Recitation, Lila Hessllng. Piano duet, Beatrice and Ida Tins man. iPiano solo, Loretta Rickert. Vocal solo, Katherine Flnnerty. 1'iano solo, Mary Ueurket. KELLEY & STEINMAN WIN CASE IN SUPERIOR COURT used as an exhibit at Coney Island, i the same calf shows clearly the two 1 pV t Antonette and Loretta N. Y., an account of which was pub-' tails. The picture was taken In Caufield. r. lished in The Citizen several weeks I Pike county shortly before the calf soi' V, ntr it to tv,n nt t ...... i,i if ic n v, ,.. Piano solo, Rose Dappe B ' " ' 'J .HIUUHU . t.l. V VI. .1 IV..J ' W 1 U I I. O DUIU. . 1 0 , l 1 O OWll lit I LIU H U U T 1 T . IF . A. Bodie, Jr.. photographer, that we ; picture the calf is mounted, having , s'' 1?l,Vee MCtt-enna ler lived only a few minutes after it was '"'V" At ' VL". After the program Father Balta w UU1JI, 1 11U UiUUIllCU Lilll WilH UU CA i j i The first or front view distinctly i hibition In Honesdale several weeks ',,,? " me alienee ana express- shows the two heads of the calf, and I ago GARWOOD-HAFLER NUPTIALS Family Reunion. The home of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Walker, of Holllstervllle, was tho scene of a pleasant gathering on Sunday, July 21. Tho occasion was n reunion of the mombers of the Bldwell family, brothers and sisters of Mrs. Walker. It was a surprise to Floyd L. Bldwell of Bridgeport, Conn., who Is on a visit to his boy hood homo. All tho members of tho family wore present except George O. Bldwell, of Now York City, Thoso present wore: Floyd L. Bid- well, of Bridgeport, Conn.; Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Illdwoll, of Carbondalo; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Noblo and family, Miss Lou B. Bldwell, of Arlington; Mrs. M. Simons, of Scranton: Mr. and Mrs. Ray D. Watts and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd F. Walker and daughter, of Moscow; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Locklln and daughter, of Lakovllle; Dwlght Chapman, of Hamlin: Misses Elslo, Edna, Mario, Helen, Irving and Gerald "Walker. tons of flno hay. Ho la a prosperous farmer and farms upon scientific methods. Mr. Jackson Is engaged extensively in dairying and does a proiitablo buslnoss, ranking high in both. Upon tho Jackson farm several Indian arrowheads, spears, skin cleavers, tomahawks and other relics havo been picked up. Tho Delawaro tribes is said to havo camped upon tho shores overlooking boautlful Laurel Lake. Thoso Tollca navo been picked up la great uumbora after tho ploughing of tho fields. Mr. Jackson has a number ot the Rod Men of tho forest's fighting and hunting imple ments In his home, -which are curiosity to all. Former Wayne County Girl Married in Higlitston. N. .1., Last Week. A pretty home wedding took place last week when Miss Ora Loella Haller, daughter of the late Samuel and Eliza Hafler, of Moscow, Pocono Mountains, Pa., and Edward Estlc Garwood of Bordentown, were mar ried, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Caine, In HIghtston, N. J. The ceremony was performed at 4 o'clock by Rov. I)r. D. G. Stevens of Bordentown, tho double ring cere mony being used. The bouse was at tractively decorated, the color scheme being green and white. The wed ding march was played by Miss Lil lian Calne, nleco of the bride. She was dressed In embroidered batiste. Tho bride was attended by Miss Georgia Miller. Joseph Garwood, brother of the groom, was best man. The ring bearers were Alan Calne and Frank Kenner, nephews of the bride, dressed in white. The flower girl, nieco of the bride, wore white silk mull with green sash, and strew ed sweet peas along the path of tho bridal couple. Tho ceremony was followed by a reception. Later In the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Garwood left for a trip to Buffalo and Niagara Falls. After a short stay there they will spend Au gust and September in the Pocono mountains and after September 25, will be at home at '224 Farnsworth avenue, Bordentown, N. J. The bride wore a going away suit or two-tone taffeta silk with hat to match. The Invited guests at the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Caine, Mr. and Mrs. Mark S wetland, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Messier, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Compton, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. John Allen, Miss Helen Grover, Mrs. Sarah Botzong, Miss Laura Camp, Miss Helon Jones, Miss Jcnnlo Donnell, Miss Margaret Harden, Miss Matilda Mount, Miss Ruth Spooner, Miss Nettle Donnell, Miss Edna Conover, Miss Georgia Miller, Miss Claro Kerst, Hlghts town; Miss Eleanor Hammell, As bury Park; Mr. and Mrs. John Ken ner, Mrs. Georgo Gaskill, Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Bruker, Mr. and Mrs. Gershom Cox, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. .say, Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Stovens, Miss Gonlevo Wood, Miss Helen Wood. Miss Mary Wood, Miss Ethel Wright, Bordentown; Mr. and Mrs. William Flenard, Miss Martha Oliver, Trenton; Miss Emma Garwood, Mr. Joseph Garwood, Allenhurst, N. J.; Mr. Richard Lane, Chicago, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Garwood, Mr. LeRoy Price Garwood, Edward Allan Gar wood, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Wilkin son, Philadelphia; Mr. nnd Mrs. Jos. Devenport, Miss Hazol Dovenport, Master Letser Dovenport, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lane, Patorson; Mr, and Mrs. T. A. Henderson, Inialys- town; Mr. and Mrs. ueorgo Zelgler, Miss Alice Zelglor, Wlllard Zolgler, Raymond Zelglor, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haller, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Luchs, Robert Haller, Mr. Clyde Luchs, Master Howard Luchs, Miss Beatrice Hafler, Miss Mildred Haller, Sterling, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson, Mrs. Sarah Selgle, Miss Mamio Selgle, Mr. Charllo Selgle, Scranton, Pa.; Miss Anno Garwood, Miss M. E. Garwood, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sov- ores, Mr. and Mrs. William Robert son, Bovorly, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs, Georgo Poppler, Miss Grace iPepp- lor, John Peppier, Cranbury; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. cross, Mr. and Mrs William G liner, Miss Susan Cross, Sterling, Pa.; Miss May Barton, Houstontown, 'Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Al bort Bayer, Moscow, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Abram nailer, Waymart, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. James O. Byrne, Wash' lngton, D. 0.; Mr. Floyd Zelgler, Jor sey City. PARENTS MUST KNOW WHEN DATES ARE MADE BY MAIL Postmaster General Hitchcock Puts Foot Down Hard on "Clandestine Correspondence" via General Delivery Window. 'Washington, July 25. Postmas ter General Hitchcock has issued a general order which has the avowed purpose of checking the use of tho gAViTal delivery windows for carry ing on flirtations nnd clandestine correspondence. Many complaints have been received by the postofilce department that service at the gen eral delivery window was being im properly used by minors, partlcu ed his appreciation for tho excellent work of tho music pupils under Miss Murran's Instruction. He said In part: " It gives me great pleasure to be present on this occasion. We mav bear witness to the efforts to attain education along musical lines. What greater joy Is there, to an old gray haired mother than to listen to her child playing hymns they used to play, or to a veteran father to hear the songs that tingled his early life blood with tho fury of battle. The Interest which the pupils show in their work Indicates a love for that work and consequently for their teacher under which conditions edu cation along musical lines becomes n pleasure and not an arduous task." He spoko of Mendohlson, Shuppert ana Last, wno nave given the human heart expression In music. He gave a quotation from Goethe In which the latter says In effect: "Every passion of the human soul has an expression in some form of music. The Dasslon of anger, love and hato, as well as peace and war have their expressions in music. TYPHOID AT niLLSIDE HOME. Seven Hundred Inmates of That In stitution Threatened by Epidemic Six Inmates Sick Two Have Been Removed. (Special to Tho Citizen.) Scranton, Pa., July 25. Tho city authorities aro to-day making an In vestlgatlon Into the typhoid fever cases that developed in tho Hillside Homo threo days ago. Directors Paine and Burko of the 'Homo com mitteo, went to the institution to-day to investigate tho source. Two per sons afflicted with tho dlseaso were removed to ithelr homes yesterday and to-uay thero aro six other In mates sick. Two nurses from Scran ton loft this morning. The causo of the epidemic Is not known but it Is thought that It may bo caused by mosquitoes. Thero Is fear of its spreading to this city. DEATH LIST NUMBERS TEEN. SEVEN- Photo by American Press Association. F. II. HITCHCOCK, Postmaster General Who Puts tho Kibosh on "General Delivery Evil. larly by young girls, and by residents ordinarily served by mall-carriers. Under tho postal regulations, post- mastors may requlro all persons to furnish In writing their names and addresses and statements of tho rea sons for preferring to recelvo their mall at tho general delivery, in au dition, minors may bo required to furnish tho names oi tnoir par ents, In order that thoy may bo notified nnd havo an opportunity to control tho delivery of mall to their children. Postrnastor Genoral Hitchcock dl- rocts all postmastors to enforce tho regulations Btrlctiy anu impartially. Nonagenarian Dead. Mrs. Anna Frederick, a native ot Germany and a formor resident of Honesdalo and Danville, died sud denly Wednosday morning. She passod away as sho slept. Doceasod was 03 years old. Sho i3 survived by tho following children: Mrs Jacob Sherror, John A. Frederick, Joseph Frederick, Mlsa Holona Fredorlck. Mrs. John Booa and Ja cob Frederick; also twenty-aevon grandchildren and twelvo great grandchildren. Tho funeral will ho held Friday morning at 0 o'clock, with Interment in Hughestown Catb ollc cemetery. Of tho One Hundred .Men Working in Surpbern Mine at Unloutomt Only Eighty-Three Es caped. (Special to Tho Citizen.) Unlontown, July 25. Tho num ber of dead at tho Surpbera Mine to-day numbered 17. Tho mlno was flooded Thursday In the old wash ings. Flro Boss Stovens stated to day that there wero 100 men at work in tho mlno when tlio noou came and only 83 escaped. Seven teen bodies aro known to be in tho mlno but thero can bo no hopo of their removal for at least two or three months. Tho water must bo drained off as tho bodies aro prob ably washod way back In the mine. Scurlo iV Salmon, Local Attorneys, Win Caso for Kelly U Stclnman In Scranton Judge Head's Opinion of Case Is Given Herewith. Tho case ot Herbeck vs. Kelly and Stclnman, which was argued in Scranton on March 13 last, having been appealed from the Common Pleas Court of this county, has Just been disposed of and wo herewith publish Judge Head s opinion or tno case. P. H. lion and c. a. uarrau wero attorneys for the appellant and Searle & Salmon for Kelley & Stclnman. brief statement ot tho record facts will make manifest that tho learned judge below neither exceeded his power nor abused his discretion n striking off the Judgment by de fault which tho plaintiff had caused imnrovidently to be entered. The action is assumpsit; tho summons is sued April 11, 1010, and was serv ed; the statement was not filed un til November 12, 1010. Passing by some Intermediate motions and or ders, not now important, It appears that on December 12, 1U10, the plaintiff was permitted to amend the statement previously filed and on the following day gave notice of tho amendment and that judgment would bo taken by default unless an affi davit of defense be filed within fif teen days. At the same time a rule on the defendants to plead was en tered. The next day, December 14, the defendants entered the plea of non-assumpsit. The case was thus put at Issue by the action of the plaintiff himself. Nevertheless, on December 21, tho defendant tiled an aflldavlt of defense. So the record stood until March C, 1011, when the plaintiff obtained leave to again amend his declaration, and the same day filed a new statement of claim. This of course set up no new cause of action. On March 27, 1011, the plaintiff filed a praecipe upon which the prothonotary entered Judgment by default for want of a plea and af fidavit of defense and liquidated the same at $1350.00. The defendants then obtained a rule to show cause why this judgment should not be stricken off. An answer was filed, and on May 10, 1911, an order was made striking off the judgment, and from this order the plaintiff appealed. "At the time the judgment by de fault was entered by the prothono tary there were standing upon the record both an aflldavlt of defense and a plea In bar. When the plain tiff saw fit to amend his declaration ho could not thereby compel the de fendants to again file another affi davit of defense. If the latter were of opinion that tho aflldavlt original ly filed exhibited a good defense to the plaintiffs action, there was nothing to prevent them standing upon It. If the plaintiff regarded it as Insufficient, he might move for judgment for want of a sufficient af fidavit of defense, just as he could havo done originally, or Just as If a second aflldavlt had been filed to the amended statement. The same la true of tho plea originally entered. The plea was responsive to the cause of action set forth in the declaration and put tho cause at Issue. The defendants wero not required to plead again each tlmo tho plaintiff saw fit to amend in some particular or other tho statement of his cause of action. It is clear then that tho record exhibited no case for the entry of a judgment by default by tho pro thonotary for want of an affidavit of defense or plea. Moreover, tho learned judge bolow. In his opinion filed, points out that when leave was given to the plaintiff, after the case was at Issue, to amend his declara tion, the defendants wero entitled to notice, and that tho record does not show any such notice or service. Thero can be no doubt of tho cor rectness of this statement in so far as the fact Is to be ascertained by the record. But without discussing tho effect of what the p'alntlff's counsel argue was notice at bar be causo leave to amend was given In open court, wo havo already suffi ciently shown that tho entry of Judg ment by default by tho prothonotary was an Improvident act. The learn ed judge below was therefore right in striking it off. Tho appeal was dismissed at the costs of the plaintiff but without prejudice, etc. Death of William Owens. William Owens, ono of tho oldest Welshmen of tho Lackawanna val Ioy, a prominent manufacturer for many years, died at his homo In Scranton Tuesday at the ago of nine ty years. Tho funeral was hold Thursday. Rov. Dr. Dry, of Brook lyn, l'a., officiating. Mr. Owens was ono of tho best known citizens among tho oldor rosldonts. Ho cama to Scranton when that city was very young and had seen it dovolop dur Ing a half century of changes that wero prodigious in tholr mngnltudo Ho lived to soo a business that was onco bo important a hand trade, grow Into a machine manufacture. Mr. Owona la woll known through out Wayno county and for tho most part spent his summers at his cot tago at Lako Ariel. "LADIES OF THE MACCABEES OF THE WOULD." Miss Minnie E. Burgln, of Phila delphia, Great Record Keeper of tho Ladles of tho Maccabees of tho World for Pennsylvania, Is in Hones dalo to Instruct tho local Hlvo In tho beautiful now ritualistic work of tho order and to assist them to se cure a club of ten or moro now mombors for whom tho entrance fee will bo reduced. Tho Ladles of the Maccabees O. T. W. has a member ship of over ono hundred and six- ty-slx thousand In fifty-four states, territories and Canada with a re serve fund cf over a million and n half and a total In all funds of $5,854,222.32, being tho largest and wealthiest exclusively woman's organization in tho world. Miss Burgln Instituted Honesdalo Hlyo nearly fourteen years ago and nearly twenty thousand dollars In protec tion ia carried by them and thoy havo so far not lost ono qt their mombers by death. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Callaway and Mrs. J. G. Bono and Miss Emma Bono, roturnod Weinesday from a weok's stay at tho Jackson homo at Tyler Hill. Mrs. Bono nnd daughter returned to tholr homo in Dunmoro on Thursday morning accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Callaway who will spend tho week-end. thero.