PAGE EIGHT THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1912. EXPLOSION HURTS4! Mother Attempted to Clean) House With Gasoline. CHILDREN IN SERIOUS STATE. Policoman Jumps Through Window of Trolley Car to Aid Injured Onos. Child Stepped on Match, Which Ignited One of the Gaso line Bottles. Philadelphia, July 10. Mrs. Irene Caruso's attempt lo clean house with gasoline caused an explosion which seriously Injured the woman and her three children and a fire which result ed In n loss of $0. Angelina, four years old, and Trazzlo, two years old, arc so seriously burned from Inhaling Humes that physicians at the Samaritan hospital do not expect them to live. Mrs. Caruso carried twelve quarts of gasoline up to her bedroom In prepara tion for houseclci'nini:. She divided the lluld among three glass bottles and pro ceeded to saturate the woodwork of the rooms with It. Eight-year-old Sabnno. who was as sisting her. stopped accidentally upon n match. The tiny point of tlame twin kled for an Instant and then burst into n sheet of tlame. The three glass b t ties exploded, cutting Mrs. Camso and the children with flying lilts. Mrs. Caruso, with her skirts blazing, seized Trazzlo, the youngest child, and tried to beat out the flames which en veloped him. Policeman Lnfferty was riding on a car which was passing and he heard people screaming and running up the street. The car had Just started, and before the niotormnn hnd time to open the doors Lnfferty threw open one of the windows and jumped ont while the car was In motion. Arriving nt the house, he ran up the stairs and in the middle of the stair way met Mrs. Cnruso carrying her two-year-old son Trazzlo in her arms. He assisted the two to the street, where he extinguished the (lames, and then ran to the nearast patrol bos. STEEL MEN GET INCREASE. All Working Men Except Tonnage Men Got 10 Per Cent Advance. Pittsburgh, July 115. Notice of an In crease of 10 per cent in wages of all working men, except tonnage men, was posted in all the Jones & Laughlln plants. The increase has already be come effective. The wage advance came as a sur prise, as there had been no notice that such a thing was contemplated. More than 0,000 men are nffected, and the monthly payroll will be enlarged by approximately $100,000. The Jones & Laughlln Steel compnny Is the biggest competitor of the United States Steel corporation In the Pittsburgh district. The wage advance will certainly be fol lowed by a slmlllar boost by the steel corporation an advance of 1 cents an hour. The change affects all working men, skilled and unskilled, who work by the day or the hour. It has no ef fect upon the men who work on a ton nage basis. The men at the coke plants of the Jones & Laughlln steel company are included. IN PAJAMAS, CHASED BY WIFE Philadelphia Man Races Through Streets to Escape Carving Knife. Philadelphia, July 10. Clad only in his pajamas, Edouard Glrornrd star tled Overhrook churchgoers when he lied from his home, pursued by ids wife, Ethel, who was brandishing a good sized carving knife. Every now nnd then the wife would make a false start, and the husband would take two or three Jumps in an effort to prevent being dissected. The noise became so great that Mounted Policeman Parkes made Gl rornrd dress and the pair accompany him to the police station. After hear ing both sides Magistrate Boyle held the wife in $500 ball to keep the peace. FORTUNE IN OLD SHOE. But the Finder, an Old Woman, Had to Give It Up. Philadelphia. July 10. Two thousand dollars' worth of Jewelry came tum bling out of an old shoe which an old woman picked up while cleaning up some rubbish in the yard of a political club in South Nineteenth street. She thought fortune was smiling on her beautifully, but Just then a big police man camo along and saw her gloating over her And. He, too, was after the Jewelry, for It had been stolen from Mrs. Francis Ue Magalhoes several weeks ago. Heat Depresses Man. Pittsburgh. July 10. Alex Tauer, de pressed by tho licat wave, Jumped from the fourteenth iloor of tho Mnchesney bulldlug, in tho heart of tho financial district, to the roof of u neigh boring building. Ho was dead when picked up. Tristato League. At Trenton Trenton, 4; Johustown, 2. (Second game), Johnstown, 0; Trenton, & At Allentown Allentown, 7; Harrta burg, 0. At Atlantic City Atlantic City, 4; York, 2. At Wilmington Reading, 3; WlJ. nlngton. 0, WHITE MILLS. (Special to The Citizen) White Mills. July 1G. C. 1'. Northwood nnd family start ed on an auto tour on July 7. They took the shore line ro.tte, Now Haven and Now Bedford to Orleans, Cape 1 oil, Mass. Mrs. Northwood and daughter Gladys, Is spending a few days with Mrs. (.'. H. Dorlllngor at the hitter's camp. C. C. Northwood and son Norman returned via Ply mouth, Boston, Hartford, Danbury and Port Jervis, reaching home at 4:50 p. in. Saturday. They made the trip in his Jackson 40 It. p. car, cov ering S59 miles the round trip. No mishaps enroute except three punc tures. John Hensey, Jr., was the driver. The "Don't Worry Club" met on the evening of the Fourth and elected the following officers: Jacob Brink, president; Charles Huffleman, sceretnry; Arthur FIrmstone, treas urer, and William Jones, guard of tho camp. Minor Brown has the contract to put in the concrete work on founda tion of the 1. O. H. new hall. Ho started to work on Monday. Win. H. Ham and wife, Alvln Falk and wife motored to Liberty, N. Y., and return on Saturday. George Klni'blo and daughters, Blanche and Gladys, spent Sunday in Hawloy. Henry Crebbs, of Corning, N. Y., who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Williams, returned homo on Saturday. On Saturday atiernoon the light night struck David Smith's barn, shattering tho roof; also struck the barn of Adam Yego and killed a calf. Russel Down, lludolph Johnson, Ed. Joy, Lester Joy and Nathaniel Miller of Corning, N. Y., returned home aftor spending their vacation with their parents here. 'Mrs. Fred 'Delteamer, Mrs. I. De Reamer and William DeHeamer and wife attended the funeral of Mrs. Charles Utt at Lakei i e on Saturday. Henry Teeterman of Jersey City, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William DeKeamer. Ozro Down, who has been spend ing his vacation with friends in Orange county, N. Y., came home on Friday. HOME HOYS WIN THIRD GAME. Fourth Game to lie Played Here Sat urday Gregor Pitches Fine Bull For Locals. Sunday afternoon at Carbondale Honesdale took the third game of the series from Carbondale by a score of 5 to 2. Gregor, for Honesdale, did great work and held the Car bondalers to tho mat for only five hits. Honesdale got twelve hits off Kilpatrick, a former High school pitcher, who was in the box for Car bondale, but the team work of the other team was too much for the Maple City boys. The score by in nings follows: CARBONDALE. It. H. O. A. E. Jones, ss 0 1 2 3 0 Elegy, rf 0 1 0 0 0 Barbeau, If 0 0 2 0 0 Hazen, lb I 2 10 1 0 Neary, rf 1 0 1 1 0 J. Walsh, 3b 0 0 1 2 1 W. Walsh, 2b 0 0 4 4 0 Fee, c 0 0 C 0 0 Kilpatrick, p 0 1 1 C 0 Totals 2 5 27 17 1 HONESDALE. H. H. O. A. E. Mangan, 3b 1 4 0 2 0 Shaffer, cf 0 0 0 0 0 Tuman, ss 0 0 5 2 0 Lawson, 2b 0 1 2 2 0 Jacobs, c 0 1 C 1 1 Gregor, p L 2 0 2 0 Faatz, lb 1 1 10 0 1 J. Polt, If 1 2 2 1 0 Murtha, rf 1 1 2 0 1 Totals 5 12 27' 10 3 Honesdale ..00300200 0 0 Carbondale .01000100 0 2 First base on balls Off Kilpat rick, 2; off Gregor, 5; struck out By Kilpatrick, C, by Gregor C; two base hits Polt. Stolen bases Nearly 3, Fee, 2, Mangan. Double plays Lawson (unassisted), Tuman to Lawson to Faatz, Kilpatrick to Walsh to Hazen. Left on bases Carbondale 8; Honesdale 4. First base on errors Carbondale 2. Hit by pitcher Fee. Umpire Mc- uonougb. Time, 1:50. The next game of the series will be played In Honesdalo on Sat urday of this week. "Doc" Whalen Is scheduled to pitch for Carbondale. Honesdale will have a strong line up. SOUTH STERLING. (Special to Tho Citizen.) South Sterling, July 1C. The weather is very warm and the ground is getting very dry and we are very much in need of rain. George 11. Lancaster has purchas ed a new auto and Mrs. Lancaster is learning to run it. Mrs. Roy 'Marthows and son. Don aid Francfe, are home visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Barne3. E. D. Dunning, proprietor of Ho tel Sterling, has a full house. He accommodated 41 for dinner last Sunday. James R. Smith, proprietor of the Brookside Cottage, has a full house and the rest of tho houses have a nice lot of people. STERLING. (Special to Tho Citizen.) Sterling, July 1C. Mrs. J. G. Cattorson Is very ill and her only sister, who Is on a vacation In Canada, has been sent for. tMrs. 'Cattorson has been qulto ill since her husband died. We have toad a few showers late ly and they are very acceptable for overythlng was drying up. Mr. and 'Mrs. J. A. Bortroo, of Orlando, Florida, are guests of tho latter s sister, Mrs. Fred Hall. Last Wedneday tho Ladles' Aid society met at the church for ldn ner. The Sterling Sunday school will hold their picnic on tho last day of July. A number of the P. O. S. ot A. hoys visited Washington Camp at South Sterling on Thursday ot last AUGUST BELMONT. Will Testify as to Financing of Alton B. Parker's Campaign. August lirltmml. who la t-uwuneil to have financed the cnmnn'.Mi ol Jurtye Al ton II Pnrkei f n- president In 1001, has npreed t- nfl'iMf brfro the special com mittee of the s nate, of v. hlch Senator Clapi Ib clmlr :n. nnd testify to tils part in the campaign. "iun rnniDBnuicp " cavc t d UU CiVilll HUIIIIGL, OHIO I. II. Against Fusion Between His Forces and "Successful Dishcnesty." Oyster Bay, N. 1., July Hi. In ex pressing his emphatic disapproval again of the plan by which In some states Republican and progressive pres idential electors identical upon both tickets shall be pledged to support the candidate of the ticket upon which he receives tho most votes Colonel Roose velt made clearer than ever before his determination that the progressive movement should bo bound by no ties to tho Republican party. "I will acquiesce," he said, "in no compromise whatever." Colonel Roosevelt's position Is that his strength is to be exerted for the progressives and for them only. He Is unwilling that there should be any thing resembling compromise between his forces and those which he claims represent "successful dishonesty." As a secondary consideration, he declares, ho is averse to tho scheme, because in lining up with the Republican party he would alienate the independent and Democratic progressive vote for which he bids. ROCKEFELLER PUPIL KILLED. Ran Over by Stone Boat on Estate Near Summer School. Tarry town. N. Y., July 10. Clara Hanley, six years old, was crushed to death by a big stoneboat on tho John D. Rockefeller estate. She was one of about twenty pupils who attended tho Rockefeller Summer school, and her sister, who was the teacher, had Just dismissed the morning session when the children ran down the road for a ride on a loaded stoneboat The driv er, Wheeler Turner, did not seo them, but Mrs. Rutlodgo, who was waiting for her own children, saw little Clara fall and tho heavy wheel pass over her body. Mrs. Uutledge ran out to pick up the little girl. She carried her Into tho schoolhouse and placed her on a bench nnd covered her with an American flag. Death had been instantaneous. TAFT CABLES SULLIVAN. Congratulates American Athletes on Splendid Olympic Showing. Washington, July 10. President Taft sent tho following cablegram to James E. Sullivan, United States commission er, Stockholm: "Greatly pleased at flue showing mado by American athletes In fifth Olympiad. Heartiest congratulations to commissioners and athletes." Mr. Sullivan in his reply reviewed tho achievements of tho American team and Bald, "In this great world's exhibition America again leads the world." Market Reports. New York, July 1C BUTTER Easy; receipts. 7,033 pack ages; creamery, extras, lb., 27a27Vic.; firsts, 2Ga2&c; seconds, 25a2V4c.j thirds, I3a24V4c: Btate dairy, tubs, finest, 2Ga; Rood to prima, 24n2Cc; common to fair, 22a22c; process, extras, 25c; firsts, 23Ha 24c.; seconds, 2a22a; factory, current moke, firsts, 23c; seconds, QHa!c.; thirds, 20a20c.; packing stock, current make. No. 2. 20Ha21c; No. 3. IDaSOc. CHEESE Irregular? receipts, SCO boxes; state, wholo milk, new, specials, white, lb., 15ttc; colored, liVialiHc; average fancy white, H&alSa; colored, lie.; un dergrades, 13al41ic; daisies. 15c;atato skims, new, specials, white, 12al2?4c?r col ored, toll He ; fair to choice, SHaSKc EGOS Irregular; receipts, 14.GS0; fresh gathered, extras, dozen, 22a21o. ; extra firsts, SOaSc.; firsts, 13a20c.; seconds, ISa lSKc.; dirties, 12al7c; checks, SolSc; state, Pennsylvania and near by hennery whites, fancy large, 3Ga27c.; fair to good, 23a2Sc; hennery browns, HaZc; gathered brown and mixed colors, S0a24a. Live Stock Markets. Pittsburgh, July 10. CATTLE Supply, 110 cars; mnrket, 15 cents lower; choice, $3.75a8; prime. tS.Oa 108; good. n.T5a&15; tidy, J7.25n7.C5; fair, lGa7; common to good fat bulls, Mn&75; do. tows, J3aflJ0; heifers, fSal.iS; fresh cows and sprlngvrs, JZjaK. SHEEP AND LAMDS-Rooelpts, 30 dou bto decks; markot lower; prime wethers. Jl.TSatSO: good mixed, JtSatCO; fair mixed, KL&Oai; yearlings, $3a5.C0; spring Jambs, Jl.Wa7.2S; veal calves, JOaS.W; heavy and thin. JCaT. IIOOB Receipts, 45 double docks; mar ket steady; prime heavy, J7.S0a7.S3;; heavy mixed and medium. J7.bia7.uu; heavy and light, J7.90a7.65; pigs, J7.C0a7.7t; roughs, JG.50 aT.10; stags, wis, STEENE. (Special to The Citizen.) We will havo a good fish story In tho near future as" Warren Buck land, John Smith nnd J,' B. Keenej havo boon working tho Inst two weeks securing fishing tackle and bate for a ten-day outing. Mr. and Mrs. .lonn snort spent Sunday with friends at Carbondale. Mrs. Frank Chapman Is much im proved from her recent Illness. There will bo an Ice cream social at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Wood Friday evening, July 19, for the benefit of the pastor, Rev. Biirch. All are Invited. Farmers Cole and Shanley are breaking in tho recently hired young man to ride tho mowing machine. Thomas Colo Is handling the farm tools on the late 'Norman Jenkins es tate. Mrs. Oscar Clark returned to her home at Deposit, N. Y., last week af ter visiting a week hero nt Steone. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hambley or Honesdale, visited tho lattor's par ents here at Steenc over Sunday. Mrs. Frank Chapman nnd daugh ter, Mrs. Foster, returned to their home here last week after visiting a week with friends at Carbondale. William Clark, of Deposit, N. Y., is spending his vacation with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Haley hero. Mrs. Flora Kagler, of Scranton, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Short, here. Miss Helen Saunders, of Ply mouth, Is spending her vacation with CUrs. William Spry, here. MAUIti.Uil'j LICENSES. Joseph A. Lyons Mawley Myrtle E. Skinner Hawloy Russell Rogers Honesdale Anna Glbbs Honesdale OSCAR W. UNDERWOOD. He Is In Conference With Gov ( ernor Wilson at Sea Girt Today. ( Governor Wilson announced that be had Invited Congressman Oscar W. Under wood, chairman ot tho house ways and Means committee, to confer with him at Trenton today. Tho governor stated that he would go to the capital by motor In the morning and that ho and Underwood "would lunch together at tho Trenton Country club. REMODELING Iff Continued for 15 Days Wo will continue our big REMODELING SALIC for 1." days more. This is on account of tho largo stock of goods wo havo on linnd at this senson of the year. The entire stock must lie reduced regardless of cost. We nro going to remodel our store. Spring and Summer Clothing for Men and Boys Huts, Underwear, Shirts, Collntf,, Trunks, Dress Suit Cases, Hand Bags, in fact everything imaginable. No reservation. You can be sure we will treat you right Because wo count on you to come back anil buy from us again. "Onco u customer, always u customer," applies particularly to the reputation wo have gained for ourselves during 110 years in business here. If you are not a customer conic in and get acquainted witli our low prices. BREGSTEIN BROTHERS Main St., Honesdale, Pa. SOUTH CANAAN. (Special to Tho Citizen.) South Canaan, July 10. Although some rain has been ap preciated .it this place tho crops are badly in need of more. "Tho niOHt damago that was known for some time was done by the light ning htorm one day last week burn ing George Collins' barn which con tained fifteen tons of hay, killing a horse belonging to JJyron Vanslckle, shocking Scott Vanslckle, killing live cows that lay under a tree belonging to Horton Mcgargol, nnd tho follow ing residences were slightly damag ed: iRIcuard Congdon, J. 1'. Drown, and Seth Reed, occupied 'by Mrs. Su san Smith. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Gemlndcr, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Oakley and chil dren of Dickson City, -Mrs. James Mawson of Scranton, and 'Mrs. Jos. Davis spent a few days at Hotel Dcnthani last week. John Whelen and daughter Anna of Carbondale were visiting friends last week. Hanford Swingle, of Unlontown, who Is In very poor health, Is visit ing his sister, Mrs. G. W. Dershl mer. On account of the season getting late Ueatrico Curtis is at her mil linery shop two day3 a week, Tues day and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Gallsple and daughter, Charlotte, spent a few days here with 'Mr. and Mrs. Loren Fielding. Mrs. James Wagner spent the 4th at i'eckvillo with her mother, Mrs. Thomas Spangenberg. Lewis Neal, of Erie, Pa., called on fiends and relatives one day last v eek. Mr. and 'Mrs. Halman and Miss Halnian of Philadelphia, are spend ing a few adys with Mrs. Halman's sister, Mrs. Eugene Swingle. Dr. Cook has purchased a Stoddard-Dayton car, and while tak ing his family and some friends out for a ride they had a narrow escape while crossing the railroad crossing at Gravity. Within ten feet of them the driver noticed a train. Backing the auto up the en gine caught the front of the auto and pushed it down the track about fifteen or twenty feet. The result was that the auto was quite badly brok en. No one was hurt. Eugene Cook is at Dr. Thompson's hospital, Scranton, receiving treat ment for a badly sprained arm. Beatrice Spangenberg entertained a number of her friends Monday af ternoon, July 15, in honor of her ninth birthday. Ethel Congdon has returned to""her home after spending some time at Carbondale with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brennan, of Carbondale, spent one day last week with tho latter's aunt, Mrs. Schenck. iMr. and Mrs. Fred Lang motored from Carbondale Sunday spending the day with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Kennedy. Mrs. Schrumpff, of Scranton, Is spending a few days with her daugh ter, Mrs. Frank Rice. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reed, of Carbondale, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. iMor rls Reed, Mr. Reed being in very poor health. Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Stevens, of Dunmore, spent one day last week with Dr. Bang. Wagons and Harness, biggest var iety and quality to be found at prices you can afford to pay. Mur ray Co., Honesdale, Pa. 57t2. Auto and Traveling coats at Men nor & Co.'s stores, in linen and rain proof. 55el8 Remember the Place HKAIj estate THAXSFHItS. George It. Thomas ot ux., of Star rucca, to Sylvester Thomas, same, lands In Starrucca borough; con sideration $1. Howard A. Swlnglo ct Ux., of Lake, to Thonias Gillette, lands in Lake township; consideration, 1546. Salem Cemetery company to Thos. Gillette, burial lot In Salom ceme tery; consideration, 11800. Executor of lleubcn W. Redmond, of Buckingham, to Calvin E. Wood mansee, same, lands in Buckingham township; consideration, $1300. Nora Ryan and John Ryan, Kel lam, to Orrin R. Judd, Brooklyn, X Y lands In Manchester township; consideration 1. Lewis S. Collins, Honesdale, to Fannie J. Bennett, Honesdale, lauds In Honesdalo borough; consideration $1. Mary C. Schlmmei and Andrew Schlmmel, Texas, to Osmer Xeild, same, lands In Texas township; consideration private. WHITES VALLEY. (Special to The Citizen.) Whites Valley, July 10 Miss Lois Tiffany was entertained over the week-end by Miss Anna Fltze. Miss, Sadie Miller, ot Scranton. re cently visited friends here. Kev. and Mrs. Hunter were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Miller. Mrs. Truman Bryant and children are visiting at S. P. Crossmen's. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Allen were callers In Forest City Saturday. Mrs. Julia Mills spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. H. P. Mead. Dr. L. E. Perkins, of Scranton, spent Sunday at D. E. Hacker's. Mrs. May Slocuiu and granddaugh ter, Ruth, recently spent several days with Mrs. II . W. White. Mr. and Mrs. William Fltze, daughter Madeline and son William, of Newark, X. J., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fltze, Sr. Mrs. L. E. Perkins, of Scranton, will spend a few weeks at D. E. Hacker's. t - . . r . .. l . t 1 T. .. ... f tir. auu .irs. tu. iiusit;i uubci. sons Curtis and Malcolm, and daugh ter, Frances, returned to Scranton Friday after spending a week here with relatives and friends. T. Bryant visited over Sunday at S. P. Crossman's. William Cllft of Waymart, return ed home after spending several days with relatives. 8100 KEWAKD, 5100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only posi tive cure now known to the medi cal fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up tho consti tution and assisting nature In doing its work. The proprietors have bo much faith In its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. week.