The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 17, 1912, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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The Perry fruit farm at ManlltiB
lias over G.500 bearing trees.
At the special election held on
Saturday of last week at Towanda
for the purpose of voting on a bond
Issue to assist the state In the work
of paving the streets of the borough,
the proposition was carried by a
vote of 522 to 22S, more than a
2 to 1 voto.
Georgo Scudder, of Lestorshlrc,
fell from a wagon loaded with bricks
Monday and his head was crushed
under one of the wheels, killing hi 111
There has been quite a shaking
up at the Deposit postolllce. It has
been reduced to a third class office
with the cutting down of the pay of
the clerks, doing away with the as
sistant postmaster and It is quito
certain that free delivery will be
dispensed with in the near future.
The lowering of the grade is caus
ed by the lemoval of the Outing
plant from the village.
Harold Free, who is blind in one
eye and wears a smoked glass over
the other, won the rllle champion
ship In the Hope Hose Company con
test In Tarrytown by 22 points.
There are many crack shots In the
organization. Free was entirely
blinded, temporarily, at a recent fire.
Bowman's Creek, between Xoxen
and Dean Run, was stocked with 20,
000 young brook trout fry Satur
day The fish were shipped in
twenty milk cans from the State
hatchery at Pleasant Mount, Wayne
county. Tunkhannock Republican
and Xew Age.
In these days, when two of the
worst train wrecks In the country's
history have within one week shock
ed all who read the sickening details
of the sacrifice of human life, resi
dents along the line of the Brio may
take comfort in the knowledge that
not a passenger has been killed on
an Erie train in ten years. Luck, of
course. Is an element, but the real
cause of the Erie's success In avoid
ing fatal train wrecks Is found in
the fact that it has not succumbed to
the "speed madness" of many other
lines where safety Is daily sacrificed
to fast time. Goshen Independent
Little fish, and some larger ones
are dying by the hundred In the east
branch of the Delaware river. This
state of affairs does not exist in the
west branch and it Is suspected that
the creameries above East Branch
are again dumping their refuse into
the river. Time to start our cam
paign of investigation again, Broth
er Hanklns 'Hancock Herald.
The AValton Co-operative Creamery
company has dissolved. Judge A. H.
Sewell granting the order in Bing
haniton Tuesday. There is $1,500
to distribute among 75 stockholders.
Washington. The design of the
five cent piece, which has been
jingling in the pockets of American
citizens for many years, does not
coincide with tho Treasury Depart
ment s conception of art, and will
be changed entirely. Secretary Mc
Veagh has decided to replaco tho
Goddess of Liberty on tho face of
tho nickel with a buffalo. The re
verse side of the new coin will con
tain the head of an 'Indian.
J W. Fraser, of Xew York, is
making the design In collaboration
with oflUials of the Treasury De
partment The details will bo de
cided at a conference between Sec
retary McVeagh and Mr. Fraser
next week.
Chicago. Speaking on tho sub
ject of " School Architecture," before
the Xatlonal Educational Association,
William B. Ittner, architect for tho
St. Louis Board of Education, In tho
recent educational convention, laid
emphasis on the desirable features
of school buildings. He said:
Investigations of the conditions
of school buildings have brought
substantial results. Legislation,
however, has been more in the di
rection of means of escapo from fire,
rather than in safe buildings and
permanent Improvements looking to
llro prevention. While buildings
should be erected fireproof whenever
funds will permit, tho safety of our
buildings depends quite as much
upon the location of its stairways,
corridors, the exits, the disposition
of the rooms, their height, and the
site upon which it is located.
While conditions vary In differ
ent communities, authorities agree
that tho minimum allowable area
for a site, after deducting tho area of
building, plant and other restrict
ed areas, should bo olghty or forty
square feet per pupil. One hun
drd and fifty square feet per pupil
may be taken as a working standard
In cities, while ten and twolvo acre
sites may be considered Ideal In sub
urban districts.
"Tho building should be low.
This, of course, Is not possible In
largo cities, but we will addross our
remarks to general practice and not
to special problems. Special pre
caution should be taken against llro.
This Includes tho isolation of tho
basement, tho proper construction
and location of stairways, which
should be enclosed In incombustible
material, tho avoidance of hollow
spaces In walls and ceilings, and a
due consideration of size and loca
tion of corridors, and grouping or
rooms. Due care must bo given to
lighting, ventilation, and provision
made for tho rapid circulation of
pupils from lloor to floor.
"In planning High schools, tho
size of tho class rooms cannot bo
standardized as they must vary to
meet tne requirements. Sneclal con
sideration should be given to special
rooms, as laboratories, commercial
rooms, manual training, domestic
science, gymnasium, library, rest
rooms, offices, lockers, and lunch
" In conclusion, wo find our school
buildings, then, becoming 111 oro and
more a factor In tho affairs of tho
community, nnd it Is Important that
they should be planned with sticu
care as will render them not oH'
safe and sanitary, but that they
should also be given an exterior
treatment which will reflect tho re
finement nnd good taste their Im
portance demands."
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Mllnnvllle, July 13.
Dr. C. D. Skinner nnd daughter,
Martha, of Coznovla, X. Y., and Mr.
and Mrs. Theodore Waford, of Phila
delphia, are visiting 'Mrs. Cora Skin
ner. Mrs. Porter, of 'Michigan, and Mrs.
B. Z. Boss, of Tyler Hill, called on
friends hero Wednesday Inst.
Mrs. Hector, of Port Jervls, re
cently visited Mrs. M. L. Skinner.
Mrs. Florence Brown and son,
Frank, of Xew York, are spending
their vacation here.
Mrs. Adclia Xichols spent Monday
In Port Jervls.
Mr. and Mrs. Orrln Xoble and
son, of Blnghamton, are visiting at
W. B. Yerkes.
'Earl Barnes and family spent the
Fourth at Beachlake.
The chemical factory will not
close this summer as was anticipat
ed. Mrs. Alex Wood, who has been
dangerously 111, is much better and
has gone to stny with her mother
at Lookout, Pa.
Judge A. T. 'Searle, H. F. Menner
and J. X. Welch, of Honesdale, Mr.
Snyder and Dr. W. W. Appley, of
Cochecton, M. L. Skinner, of Mllan
vllle, and Dr. C. D. Skinner, of Coz
novla, were guests at "The Law
rence" on Saturday last, the occasion
being the eighty-first birthday of
Volney Skinner.
Miss Josephine Lasslcy, one of the
Hallstead teachers, is visiting her
brother, G. B. Lassley, at Falrvlew
Mrs. Wm. Wrenn, of Xarrowsburg,
visited Mrs. A. Balrd last week.
The fifth annual announcement of
the Montrose Bible Conference has
recently been issued by its secretary,
Wm. C. Gamble. The program will
be strong, as some of tho most able
speakers In the country have been
secured. The Director, Dr. R. A.
Torrey. who last year accepted the
Deanshlp of the Los Angeles, Cal.,
Bible Institute, Is now at his home
in Montrose and is giving consider
able time to the movement. It Is
thought that this will bo the best
year in its history.
Among the speakers are Dr. Jas.
M. Gray of Moody Bible Institute,
Chicago; Dr. W. J, Erdman of Phila
delphia; Rev. Geo. G. Mahy, Secre
tary of the Evangelistic Committee
of the Presbyterian church; Rev. R.
p. .ucKim, iRector of St. Luke's
church, St. John, Xew Brunswick;
Rev. R. V. Miller of Henderson,
Xorth Carolina; Rev. John Mclnnls,
of Halifax, Xova Scotia; Rov. Chas.
E. Hurlburt, of Kljabe, Africa, the
General Director of the African In
land Mission; Rev. W. S. Jacoby, for
many years assistant pastor of the
Moody church In Chicago and also
a co-laborer with 'Dr. Torrey; Mel
vln E. Trotter of Grand Rapids,
Mich., and others. Mr. William Mc
Ewan of Blnghamton, X. Y will di
rect the music.
The young people's work will be
an especial feature this year. For
this department of tho work speakers
from the four states near by will be
on the program. Those announced
are, (Rev. dlerman L. Brockway,
Sprlngvllle, X. Y., President Ep
worth League 'Federation in western
Xow York; Rev. J. A. Larcombe,
Xew Brighton, X. Y., Secretary of
the Baptist Young People's societies
in 'Xew York; John R. Clements,
Blnghamton, X. Y., State Christian
Endeavor Union; John T. Sproull,
Arlington, X. J., President X. J.
Christian Endeavor Union; Clarence
H. Chain, D. 'D. S., Philadelphia,
Secretary Pennsylvania State Chris
tian Endeavor Union.
Missionary Day this year will be
one of great Interest as there will be
several returned missionaries In at
tendance. Rev. X. W. Keyes of An
drew Murray's work In Zululand,
Africa; Miss Mary Hitchcock, Miss
Alice Ringland, Rev. Alberto Clot of
the Waldesian Mission In Italy and
others will speak.
A camp and dining room Is main
tained on the grounds. The attend
ance Is expected to be large this
This Is a good tlmo to wear looso
clothing and not much of It.
To eat oparlngly and slowly.
To refrain from violent exercise
and fits of rage.
To keen away from tho ttinrmnm.
To cultivate patlenco when out
To go to bed early and arise at
To avoid tho fellows who argue
heatedly over politics.
To drink plenty of pure water
To look with compassion upon
those who aro obliged to toll In tho
blazing sunlight, whether they aro
men or horses.
To let the other fellow do tho
Washington. A special crop re
port Issued by the department of
agriculture makes tho following es
timates: Condition of crops, July 1:
Winter wheat, 88.3 per cent, of
normal; spring wheat, 94.2 per
cent.; all wheat, 00.7 per cont.;
corn, 102.2 per cent.; oats, 100.2
per cont. (Last year tho figures
were: Wlntor wheat, 7C.8; aprlng
wheat, 73.8; fall wheat, 75.C; corn,
Tho amount of wheat remaining
on farms July l is estimated at 13.8
f last J'ar'B crop, or about 23,87G,
000 bushols, as compared with 34,
071,000 on July 1, 1911.
On tho basis of condition reports,
the department estimates tho follow
ing yield per acre and total produc
tion: Winter wheat, per acre, 13.9; to
tal, 358,000,000; spring wheat, 14.1
and 271,000,000; all wheat, 14.0,
and C29, 000,000; corn, 2C.0, and 2,
811,000. Last year tho figures were: Win
ter wheat, por acre, 14.8; total pro
duction, 430,000,000 bushels; Bprlng
wheat, 9.4, ami 191,000,000; all
wheat, 12.5, and 021,000,000; corn
23.0, and 2,531,000.
Killed by llntinnn Peel.
Tho carelessness of a pedestrian nt
the curbstone market In Wllllanis
port several weeks ago In throwing
a banana skin on tho sidewalk, caus
ed tho death of an aged woman of
that city last week, when Mrs. Ap
pollonla Otluner, widow of Henry
Othmor, died at her homo.
Three weeks ago Mrs. Othmer
while walking on Market tsreet, slip
ped on a banana peel and fell with
great force, striking her head against
the stone pavement. She wns taken
to her homo and a physician found
that several ribs had been crushed In
and sho had a blood clot on her
Washington, U. C. Senator Till
man, of South Carolina, Is Impatient
over tho race for naval supremacy
and wants the United States to say
the last word In naval construction
by building the biggest ship tho
world has over seen or over will seo,
to cost $25,000,000 If necessary, and
to foe named The Terror. This ship
is to be the world's peacemaker and
to frighten all the other nations in
to submission. If that does not
work he would have the United
States Join with two other leading
nations and agree not to arm furth
er; and then force other nations to
do likewise or drive them out of
good society."
In a resolution Introduced In the
senate Mr. Tillman directed the com
mittee on naval affairs of the sen
ate, of which ho has been a mem
ber for eighteen years, to investi
gate and report to the senate what
is the biggest ship that can be built
with tho maximum speed and the
maximum desirable radius of action,
and the heaviest armor and guns
that can navigate the sea and en
ter the first-class harbors of the
world and existing drydocks as well
as pass through the Panama canal.
This Baby Chick Unci Tho Heads.
A baby chick with two heads Is
an unusual freak.
A chick of this nature, a black
minorca, was hatched by a hen set
ting from a setting of eggs that Mrs.
Amelia Kaiser, Atco, Wayne county,
put under her. The chick was hatch
ed a week ago and when Mss. Kaiser
reached under the mother hen to
take out the chicks she was astonish
ed at the freakish little bundle of
fluff that wiggled two heads on one
body and peeped as lustily as the rest
of the hatch. Except for the extra
head there wasn't a flaw In the
chick. Tho eyes, bill and rest of the
head was perfectly formed. The
second head shot off from the left
wing near tho neck and was, if
anything a little smaller than the
other head. The chick hopped
around and even started to peck with
both heads. Mrs. Kaiser kept It for
several days and It grow In strength,
but she didn't like the canny sight
that It presented so she had It
strangled. The chick, after being
killed, was placed In a bottle of al
cohol to preserve it. The freak will
probably be given to the Everhart
museum at Scranton.
Freak Calf Ri'OUKlit $l,ftOO.
A freak calf, having six legs and
two heads and which was exhibited
in Hawley a few weeks ago, has
been sold to a Philadelphia party
for $1,500, by the owner, Jules Mar
tin, who lives near Hawley, just be
low the town. The name of the
purchaser Is not know but It Is
known that he Intends to put the calf
on exhibition at Coney Island. Mr.
Martin has received majny offers
for the calf and his first offer was
$1,200 but he refused.
(Special to The Citizen.)
Orson, July 13.
John W. Ultrlcht, of Bayonne, X.
J., Is spending a few days with his
relatives, Mr. and .'Mrs. T. Chamber
lain. Many of Clyde Chamberlain's
friends In this place 'were glad to seo
him return from the navy on a
week's vacation. His brother, De
vere, is expected this week.
Mrs. George Lewis, and children,
of Wapplnger Falls, N. Y aro spend
ing a week with relatives In Orson.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Katz, daughter
Irene and son Harold, spent tho past
week with tho latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. 'D. J. HIno, returning to
their home in Scranton Sunday
Mrs. Will Sanford and Jesslo San
ford wero called to 'Blnghamton, X.
Y.. Sunday, to see Mrs. C. Smith,
who Is ill at her home In that
Lila Hlne Is spending two weeks in
Frank Smith Is building a new
dwelling near his parents, Thomas
Smith, of Orson.
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Carley Brook, July 10.
Miss Mary Rogers, of White Lake,
Is visiting her sister, Mrs. George
Mr. and Mrs Alvln B. Transue and
daughter, Ruth of Honesdale spent
a few days at tho home of 'E. D.
Ponwardon recently.
Miss Katherlno Penwarden has re
turned home aftor a week's camping
with friends at Elk Lake.
Mrs. Almus Oliver and daughter,
Christine, of Syracuse, N. Y., aro
spending a few weeks at tho parson
age. Tho Chemical Works of E. D. Pen-
warden aro closed down for repairs
Mr. Ponwardon expects to resumo
operations In a week o so.
This is good weather for flies
They aro around waiting to glvo your
little ono typuoia lever. Kin him
and don't delay. Duy a awattor at
tho hardware store and get buBy at
By Win. C. Krccinnn.
Rev. Dr. Relsner of Graco Motho
dlst Episcopal church, Xow York, re
cently sent n letter to a number of
business men asking them sorao
questions, based 011 tho alleged state
ment of Rev. R. J. Compbcll of Lou
don, that a business man cannot bo
absolutely honest and succeed.
A great many honorable men, so
Dr. 'Relsner says, claim that an ab
solutely upright Standard of hon
esty is impossible for tho man who
is determined to succeed in busi
ness. The following are the questions
that ho asked of the merchants:
1. Is It possible to succeed In
business and bo absolutely honest?
2. Why do dishonest men fall to
reach fullest success?
3. Why do so many salesmen re
sort to sharp practices to make
4. Is It over excusablo to mlsrep
orsent or exaggerate goods either In
quality or popularity of demand?
Here are four very good answers
to thoso questions sent to Dr. Rels
ner by Mr. Murphy, president of the
Mark Cross company:
1. Yes and If done any other
way the man does not get the full
measure of success.
2. Because the most difficult
thing In the world Is to lie dishon
estly for any length of time.
3. Sharp practice Is their trag
edy that Is why there aro so many
bad salesmen.
4. There is no excuse for such a
blunder. Retribution follows hard
on the heels of misrepresentation.
Advertising may be fraudulent or it
may be profitable, but It cannot be
both. There is no fool so great as
the fool who thinks ho Is fooling
everybody. First he labors hard to
gain a dishonest reputation, and af
terward ho labors to undo It. Like
Frankenstein, who released the genii
from tho bottle only to find he could
not control him.
Another paper was read at the
Sunday night service, December 3,
which made the point that tho man
who practices dishonestly in his
business has to be a great deal
smarter man than the man who
practices honesty that he has great
er difficulty in attaining partial suc
cess than tho man who Is Inherently
honest has In attaining a great suc
cess. Is it not true that the businesses
that prosper most in our communi
ties are those whose owners are men
of character who stand for some
thing in the world?
There Is no doubt that honesty In
business pays best In the long run,
and the honest advertiser has a bet
ter chance to succeed than the dis
honest advertiser.
Jonathan H. Cole, of South Plain
field, X. J., celebrated his eighty
ninth birthday with unusual glee,
because, he informed his friends, he
is cutting new teeth. Twenty years
ago he procured a set of raise teeth
and had no trouble until three weeks
ago, when he suffered severe pains.
A dentist removed tho false teeth
three days ago and discovered that
the pain was due to tho cutting of
full sets of lower and upper teeth.
H Designer and Man
I ufacturer of
Office and Works',
1036 MAIN ST.
The OLDEST Fire Insurance
Agency in Wayne County.
Office: Second floor Masonic Build
ing, over (J. C. Jadwin'e drug store
Libel in Divorce.
Xo. 19. March Term, 1912.
LILLIAN C. BUBLL, Libollant,
LEWITT E. BUELL, Respondent.
hereby required to appear In tho
said Court on the second Monday In
August, to answer tho complaint
exhibited to tho ludgo ol said court
by Lillian C. Buoll, your wlfo, in tho
causo abovo statod, or in default
thereof a decreo of dlvorco as nray-
ed for In said complaint may bo
mado against you in your absence.
F. C. KIMBLE, Sheriff.
Mumford, Attorney.
Honesdalo, July 2, 1912. 54w4
If you know of any news lot us
know about It. Call us on either
Do You want Electric Lights
in your home, boarding house or hotel? if so we
will put them in. Let me know how many and I
wiMtell you what it will
them all
It's the
Dean Home Electric Lighting Plant
Our store in the Grnmbs Building,
Reo the Fifth, Ford and Brush
John Deere Sulky Plows,
Hoosier Grain Drills, Dain Vertical Lift Mower,
Ireland Wood Saw, Kant Klog Hand Sprayers,
The Famous "New Way" Air Cooled Engine.
Honesdale, Pa.
Bentley Bros
for all
Office opposite Post Office, Honesdale,
In Effect Juno 15, 1912.
8 30
10 00
10 00
10 00
4 30
6 03
.... Albany ....
2 15
10 00
2 13
S 15
7 10
4 40
12 30
7 10
b 00
4 03
0 00
3 30
1 19
S 40
a 50
ti 43
8 63
8 59
9 l:'
6 20
6 30
6 31
2 03
2 15
2 19
8 50
u 00
..Lincoln Avenue..
1 1-arvlew
, Canaan
... Lake Lodore ...
, Fortenla
, Seelyvllle
.... Honesdale ....
0 St
9 01
ti 03
0 4
2 31
2 37
2 43
9 17
9 23
9 29
ti 11
6 5 .'
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7 01
7 07
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2 49
9 31
6 26
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2 57
ti 37
ti 42
6 32
8 33
2 59
3 03
9 41
9 41
9 52,
9 63
10 00
3 07
6 SO
3 10
3 15
Notice Is boroby given that appli
cation -will be mado to Alonzo T.
Searle, Prosldent of tho Court of
Common Pleas of "Wayno County on
July 20, 1912, at 10 a. m under tho
provisions of tho Incorporation act of
1874 and Its supplements for a char
ter for intended corporation to be
cost. Electricity beats
Is lighted by it. Let us show it to
Success Manure Spreader,
kinds of
Consolidated phone 1-9-L
1. M.
2 00
12 40
10 50 .
8 45 ,
10 SO
8 00
4 09
7 43j
2 55
S 13
8 12,
7 23
7 45 8 U
12 53 10 05
12 03 9 12
9 33
8 45
6 30
8 27
8 17
8 13
8 00
7 64
7 47
7 41
7 39
7 32
7 30
7 26
7 22
7 19
7 15
8 03
1 35
1 25
1 21
5 50
5 40
11 23
7 61
11 14
7 50
7 39
7 33
7 23
7 19
7 17
7 12
7 09
7 05
5 31
5 21
11 10
10 59!
10 53
10 45
10 39
10 371
10 32
10 29;
1 09
1 03
12 86
12 SI
12 49
12 43
5 IB
S 11
5 06
5 01
4 68
4 55
12 40
12 36
4 51
4 47
10 25
7 01
12 32
10 21
6 58;
6 65
12 29
12 23
4 44
4 40,
10 18
10 15
A. M.I P.M.
called Tho Whlto Mills Heptasoph
Association, the character and object
of which aro for lodge purposes, and
for social enjoyment, and for these
purposes to have, possess and enjoy
all the rights, benefits and privileges
conferred by the said Act and supple
ments thereto.
52w3 solicitors.