The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 17, 1912, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Stupendous Work, Second Only to
tho l'nnmnn Cunnl.
The Brio canal, reaching across
Now York stnto and connecting tho
Great Lakes at Buffalo with tho Hud
son In 1S25 and for many years
opened In 1S25 and for many years
It was tho most Important waterway
In tho country. It was originally
proposed by Gov. DoWltt Clinton,
who wnnted tho federal government
to carry on tho work and own tho
canal. Undo Sam would not agreo,
however, to undertake a purely state
canal, even though It was to be of
such value to the whole nation, and
finally New York state shouldered
the Job. The Introduction of rail
roads and other changes however
eventually put tho Erie canal practi
cally out of business. It was too
small to meet the demands of mod
ern traffic and often In dry seasons
the feed-water would glvo out and
tho canal-boats would be stuck In
the mud along tho route. For years
It was a much-debated question In
Now York what the state should do
with its long ditch. Finally it was
proposed to reconstruct It on an up-to-date
basis and mako It into a
bargo canal, big enough to accom
modate boats of 3,000 tons. This
called for an expenditure of $110,
000.000, but the people by a referen
dum vote agreed to stand it.
An article In the Wllliamsport
Grit gives interesting details about
the stupendous undertaking. While
tho new barge canal does not pos
sess all tho spectacular interest that
the Panama canal does, It Is a work
which at any other time would
command nation-wide and even
world-wide interest and admiration
because of its magnitude and bold-1
ness. The excavations will total up
wards of 110,000,000 cubic yards
and 3,000,000 cubic yards of con
crete will be required which is
more than half as much as the Pan
ama canal calls for in each case.
But the canal will cost the state only
a little over a fourth as much as
the Panama ditch will cost the na
tion Nearly 2 .1.000 men, mostly
foreigners, are now at work on the
line, which covers altogether a
stretch of nearly 500 miles. The
route of the main canal, from the
Hudson to Waterford, near Troy, to
the Niagara rler at Lockport, near
Buffalo, is about 320 miles, but
there aro also three branches being
built. One of these side-steps is to
Lake Champlaln, another to Lake
Ontario and tho third to Lakes
Cayuga and Seneca. The net rise
from the Hudson to Niagara is 505
feet. Altogether 57 big locks, over
200 bridges and 30 dams must be
built. The rise from Waterford to
Lake Champlaln is 112 feet, the fall
to Lake Ontario 10S and the rise to
Cayuga and Seneca 71. The locks
are like so many steps in a flight of
stairs, though the comparative as
cent of course is much smaller.
For getting over tho ridge between
the Hudson and the Mohawk a flight
of five locks with a total lift of 170
feet In a distance of only a mile and
a half is necessitated making the
greatest flight of locks in the world.
For quite a stretch the bed of the
Mohawk is canalized. At Little
Falls there Is a lock with a lift of
over 40 feet, which will be the high
est single lock ever constructed. The
canal makes use of Oneida, Onon
daga and 'Cross lakes, but when it
reaches Lyons it follows the lino of
tho old canal to Lockport. 'When
done it will have a minimum depth
of 12 feet of water and a width at
bottom of 75 feet. Several huge
reservoirs are being built to store
water to feed the canal. The great
Delta reservoir near Rome will
bring tho waters of tho Black river
into the ditch. The dam hero will
be S5 feet high and 1,100 feet long
and Itself calls for 85,000 cubic
yards of masonry. Tho plans pro
vide for tho completion of the canal
in 1915 the same year that the
Panama canal will be formally fin
ished. It is believed that tho now
waterway when in operation will give
lower freight rates not only to the
people of New York state "but to
those of a largo part of the coun
HarriSburg. Pa., July 15. Sus
tematic maintenance of the S.000
miles of road embraced In the 290
main highway routes of Pennsyl
vania's comprehensive plan for im
provement of highways has been in
augurated by the State Highway De
partment, and the work is expected
to show decided results before the
end of summer. Maintenance of tho
roads taken over by the common
wealth is imposed upon the State by
the Sproul main highway act of
1911. and supervision of repair and
upkeep is vested in superintendents
having charge of ono or more coun
ties each
This repair work is probably ono
of the largest tasks undertaken by
any state In road improvement, and
while the amount accomplished this
year will be limited, owing to the
comparatively small portion of
funds at hand for tho purpose, the
organization of operations will bo a
long step in tho line of progress.
The State has been divided into
districts comprising from four to
eight counties, and those districts
have been sub-divided, the smaller
divisions being in charge of tho road
superintendents who are responsible
to the engineers In charge of tho
larger areas. Tho superintendents
aro organizing their forces for re
pairs, and roads which havo been
neglected or damaged will bo put
into shape for good travelling, es
pecially those in tho vicinity of mar
ket towns, so that farmers may bo
given tho odvantago of better roads
and town residents obtain farm
produce more easily. Gradually the
work is to Ijo extended as funds aro
mado available by tho legislature for
repair of all Stato roads, which will
naturally result In a stimulus to lo
cal improvement on township high
ways, many of which connect with
main highways.
Itepairs will consist of removal of
humps, dragging, patching, under
draining and ditching, roads which
havo been built by tho Stato since
tho organization of the Highway de
partment In 1903 will bo put Into
good condition wherever thoy havo
been allowed to run down, special
caro will lie taken to improve tho
It Is believed to be posslblo to put
many roads Into shape to last un
der proper malntcnanco for years to
come, at least until they can bo re
constructed out of tho S50.000.000
bond issuo for permanent road build
ing which will como before tho leg
islature of 1013 for final action and
then bo submitted to tho people for
ratification In tho form of nn amend
ment to the constitution. Tho vot
ing of this money to be spent
throughout a term of years and ac
cording to a well thought out, defi
nite plan will bo of lasting benefit
to rural communities and put Penn
sylvania In tho front rnnk of pro
gressive states.
Freddy West brook, Aged T, Hi-ought
Him in With Great Unconcern.
Freddy Westbrook, the seven-year-old
son of Engineer and Mrs.
A. V. Westbrook, of Port Jcrvls, had
a snake experlenco recently over
which his immcdlnto relatives are
still gasping. Freddy has been at
Westcolang Lake, Plko county, Pa.,
with his mother. With two young
sters about his own ago he went Into
the woods nearby and tho three
presently returned with a perfectly
good rattlesnake, measuring five feci
nine inches in length and carrying
nine rnttles and a button. The
snake was completely dead and
Freddy explained unconcernedly that
a stick and some stones had done
tho work.
'His mother had the snako skinned
and will have a belt made therefrom
while Freddy would just as soon dis
patch enough of tho Pike county rep
tiles to have an entire suit of
clothes mado for himself if oppor
tunity offers. Union.
Antharcite shipments last month,
tho first full month of mining since
the suspension of work In tho spring,
amounted to G, 199,428 tons. This is
about 1G.000 tons less than the ship
ments In June, 1911, but Is greater
than tho tonnage shipped in June
of any other year.
The total shipments for the half
year ending June 30 amounted to
20,104,701 tons, as compared with
shipments In the same period of
1911 of 35.309,583. This falling off
is explained entirely by the suspen
sion that began on April 1 and lasted
until the end of May.
The Lehigh Valley was tho larg
est shipper last month with 1,175,
GSS. The Philadelphia and Reading
railway was second with 1,174,452
tons. The shipments of the other
railroads were: Central Railroad of
New Jersey, 850, 7SS; Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western, 830,305;
Erie, 708,900; Delaware and Hud
son, 070,331; Pennsylvania, 555,
074; Ontario and Western. 227,224
(Spi'Clal to The Citizen.)
Lookout, July 13.
A terrific thunder storm passed
over this place the 4th. Tho picnic
was quite well attended. Quito a
sum was realized to apply on the
pastor's salary.
Mrs. Bowen and son, Wesley, re
turned last week from Paterson, iN.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Mooro and son,
of iDamascus, spent the Fourth at
this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hawley and
sons and Mr. Kingsbury, also Roy
Hawley and wife were entertained
at Lowis G. Hill's on Sunday.
Mrs. George Blum and two chil
dren, of Hawley, are visiting friends
at this place.
Lydia Flynn, who has spent the
winter at Allegheny, Pa., attending
school, Is home for the summer va
cation. John Blum of Erie, Pa., is spend
ing his vacation at his homo near
Mrs. Norman Tyler is very sick of
George Knapp, Jr., of (Norwich, N.
Y., spent last week with friends at
this place.
Mrs. J. G. Hill attended tho fun
eral of Miss Cuddle at Jlancock on
Tuesday of last week.
Mrs. John A. 51111 recently enter
tained her brother and his daughter
of Sidney, N. Y.
Ezra Maudsley, of Damascus, and
Ellis Maudsley, of Rileyville, spent
the Fourth at this place.
Mildred Teeple, who has been
visiting her grandparents, E. Teeple
and wife, returned to her home at
Pond Eddy on Tuesday.
L. L. Teeple and F. M. Lester en
Joyed an auto trip to Callicoon and
North Branch recently.
Bom, to Hubert Lake and wife, a
son, on the Fourth of July.
Ten simple rules for tho caro of
milk during the extremely hot
weather have been compiled by Fred
Widmayer, Seranton's food inspec
tor, and every housewife should cut
them out and paste thorn on her pan
try wall. Inasmuch as tho lacteal
fluid is consumed In quantities by
every family, particularly tho ones
which include small children, Its
purity is a strong factor In the health
of tho community.
Inspector Wldmayer's ten hot
weather rules aro as follows:
No. 1 lHavo tho milk left In a
protected place, not in tho sun.
No. 2 Put tho bottio In ice water,
or next to tho lco in tho refrigerator
as soon as delivered and keep It
No. 3 Always keep tho milk In
tho bottio until ready to use It.
No. 4 Wipe mouth of bottio with
a clean cloth, boforo pouring milk
out of it.
No. 5 Never pour milk back Into
tho bottio.
No. 0 Do not add now milk to
old milk; neither add warm milk to
cold milk.
No. 7 Keep a cap or cover on tho
bottio all tho time.
No. 8 Do not uso tho milk bottio
for anything except milk.
No. 9 Always return bottles ab
solutely clean, even If thoy aro wash
ed by tho milkman boforo refilling.
No. 10 Romombor that tho low
est priced milk 1b usually tho poorest
and dirtiest.
Subscribe for Tho Citizen,
Tho mall order houso Is constant
ly hammering away on low prices,
saving money for Its patrons, etc.
But arc tho merchants of this town
doing likewise? The campaign of
the mall order houses has convinc
ed thousands of county people that
they can buy more cheaply by mall
than at homo and they get millions
of dollars In orders in return.
To get these orners tho mail order
houses havo overcome tremendous
obstacles obstacles that aro not In
tho way of tho homo dealer at all.
Yet they have persisted In advertis
ing, advertising, advertising low
prices nnd money snvlng, while tho
local dealer has with more or less,
perhaps less, calonness permitted
trade that by all the laws of com
merco is his, slip from his grasp.
Ono phase, of this situation, If it
wero not pathetic, would be lu
dicrous; tho mall order houso Is
using to get this trade a medium
tho local newspaper that is a
thousand times more effective for the
local dealer If he would but uso it.
The mall order houso must advertise
a catalog; the local dealer can ad
vertise articles. Tho buyer by mall
can not seo tho thing he would buy
for weeks after ho has paid his
money; tho homo buyer sees the Item
before ho buys It and gets It as soon
as he pays for It. Moreover and
this Is the most Important fact of all
he has an opportunity to compare
different grades of the article he
proposes to buy; all grades look
alike In a picture In a catalog.
East Stroudsburg Press.
He Is tit Republican Nomi
nee For Governor of Ohio.
Judge E. B. Dillon of Columbus, O., who
Is the Republican nominee for governor,
Is forty-three years of ago and Is now
serving his third term on the common
pleas bench. He was bom at Ironton, O.,
graduated from the Ohio Wesleyan uni
versity, studied law at London, O., and
was admitted to tho bar In 1601. For sev
eral years before ho was elevated to the
bench Judge Dillon was attorney for the
dairy and food department of tho state of
Requests That Legislation Be Held Up
Pending Note.
Washington, July 11. Great Britain
has taken the step of asking that the
pending bill for tho operation of the
Panama canal be held up until the
British ambassador may present to
this government a note on tho question.
It Is rarely that any foreign govern
ment undertakes to forward any mat
ter of International business by a re
quest that may be regarded ns Inter
fering with the internal affairs of the
United States. The gravity of the sit
uation uh viewed by Great Britain may
bo imagined from the manner and
method taken to bring her attitude on
the operation of the ennui to tho atten
tion of this government.
It is not known Just what the com
munication may be that Is to bo pre
sented by tho British ambassador. It
Is not supposed Unit there Is nny In
tention or desire on tho part of Great
Britain to delay action by congress on
tho canal, but yet tho proposal for
diplomatic consideration of the ques
tions Involved Implies that there may
be such a protracted discussion of tho
uso of tho canal as to postpone all
legislation on the enna! to another ses
sion. Taft Names Dodge Judge.
Washington, July 11. President Taft
sent to tho senate tho nomination of
Judge Frederick Dodgo of Boston to be
circuit Judge for tho first circuit. This
is a victory for Senators Crano and
Lodge. Tho president some days ago
had determined to appoint Judgo Par
sons of New Hampshire.
Yonkers Postoffice Has Heat Victim.
Youkers, N. Y., July 11. Robert L.
Beer, assistant postmaster of Yonkers,
was this city's first hent victim, no was
probtruted whllo riding in n trolley car
and was taken to St. John's hospital.
Later ho wus removed to his home.
Will Kill Potato Hug.
To kill Urtl3ky potato bugs uso
tho following rormuln, which Is on
dorsod by tho U. S. Agricultural de
partment. Spray with a mlxturo of
half pound Paris green, thrco
pounds unslacked lime, llfty gallons
of water. Tho lima should bo Black
ed in a llttlo water forming a thin
paste. Mix the lime and Paris
green and add enough wiftor to
make fifty gallons of solution,
A blast upon tho Modern Wood
men's buglo horn Is worth 1,200,000
A slto has boon selected for Pitts
burgh's $250,000 Municipal Tuber
culosis hospital.
Too many assessments Into In life
spoil tho Insurance for tho aged
member. Answer: Pay more while
Tho death rate from tuberculosis
In Paris Is over thrice that of Lon
don and twice that of Now York or
All that Is cheap and glitters Is
not sound life Insurance. Tho poor
man should, above all others, bear
this In mind.
Necessity Is the mother of the
level premium. It compounds Inter
est for the poor man and gives him
safo Insurance as cheap as it can be
The lire losses of tho United
States and Canada for the first five
months of the year 1911, January
May, Inclusive, footed $108, 90S, 800,
and for the same months of 1912,
the losses aggregated 1118,314,300.
A proposition to organize a Coun
ty Mutual Benefit Insurance Society
in Polk county, Missouri, has been
stilled 'by the discovery that such in
surance ultimately costs $10 per $1,
000 per year and leaves a few old
members to hold tho bag.
Tho 190th Battalion of the Bronx
Modern Woodmen of America at Its
recent reception at Ebllng's Casino
was reviewed by Major Ferdinand
Schussler of the 151st Battalion.
The Bronx Woodmen are confident of
hauling down some of the prizes at
the next Head Camp.
The annual Athenean contest was
held at the Davenport (Iowa) high
school May 24. The subject for de
bate was: " Resolved, That the Ini
tiative and referendum should he
adopted in the state of Iawa, con
stitutionality granted." The nega
tive won the unanimous verdict of
the judges.
"Stand-pat" members of :he Mod
ern Brotherhood of Amerca, in state
convention at Cedar Rapids, Iowa,
adopted resolutions declaring on-
position to the progressive and sane
legislation of the iDenver convention
of 1911, bringing rates up to a safe
standard, and pledging support to
the repeal of these rates. Some
members of the Modern Woodmen
arc agitating for the same reason.
but that Society is writing all busi
ness on the new rates and plans.
Wealthiest Order In Americu.
According to the annual report of
Grand Secretary Frederick W. Rob
inson, presented at the convention
in Portland, Ore., the total value of
property owned by the subordinate
lodges of tho Benevolent and Pro
tective Order of Elks, at the close
of tho fiscal year, March 31, was
J20.391.S32.45, which makes the or
der the wealthiest in America.
Portland Lodge, 192, is the rich
est, surpassing by a goodly margin
all other subordinate bodies In the
order. Its assets being $345,GS4.01.
New York comes second with ?335,
700.49. Tho total membership in the or
der as shown by Secretary Robin
son's report is 384,724, a net In
crease or 25.0C5 in the last year.
Thomas B. Mills, of Superior,
Wis., chairman of the board of grand
trustees, was elected grand exalted
ruler recently to succeed John H.
Sullivan of Now ATleans.
Rochester, N. Y., was selected by
acclamation for the 1913 convention.
Other elections by acclamation
were Dr. Charles II. Ward of Pasa
dena as grand esteemed loyal knight,
and Edward Leach of New York, re
elected grand treasurer for tho sixth
successive time.
The other officers elected wero:
Grand esteemed leading knight, Jas.
L. King, Topeka, Kans.; grand es
teemed lecturing knight, Floyd R.
Maxwell, Marchalltown, la.; grand
secretary, Fred C. Robinson, Dubu
knerque, la.; grand trustee, J. J.
Faulkner, East St. Louis, 111.; grand
Inner guard, John Leo Clark, Al
buquerque, N. M.; grand tilter, Pat
rick H. Shields, Clarksburg, W. Va.
Company Now Bendy to Receive
Bids Work on Plant nt Engineer's
Oflico in Philadelphia.
All of the dotails in connection
with tho new plant of tho Gurney
Electric Elevator Company, to be
erected at Honesdale, Pa., havo been
arranged, and the company Is now
ready for bids upon tho several por
tions of tho work. The plans and
specifications will bo on exhibition at
tho office of tho company at Hones
dale, and at tho olllco of tho en
gineers, Messrs. Day & Zimmerman,
COS Chestnut street, Philadelphia,
on Monday, July 22, and following
days, and tho bids aro to close at
twelve o'clock noon on Mpnday, July
29. Bids will bo received on Ex
cavating and Grading, Concrete
Work and Cement Floors, Structural
Steel, Cut Stone, Brick Work, Stool
Sash, Saw Tooth and Monitor Sash,
Carpenter Work, Mlllwork, Lumber,
"Tar-Rok" Floor, Painting and
Glazing, Roofing and Sheet Metal
Work, Plumbing and Drainage,
Heating System, Stool Vault Doors,
Klnnear 'Doors, Plastering and
Hardware. It Is tho intention of tho
company to push tho work through
to a quick completion, nnd profer
enco will bo given in ovory instance
to local contractors and thoso In tho
lmmedlato surrounding section.
Mennor & Co. will sell out their
remaining stock of waist suiting at
remarkably low prices. G5el 8
It Authorizes Two Battleships nnd
Carries Moro Tliim fjUIIO, ()),())().
Washington. The Senate has
passed the naval appropriation bill
carrying appropriations for the now
fiscal year aggregating more than
This was several millions In ex
cess of tho estimate submitted to
Congress and about $15,000,000
more than tho aggregate as tho hill
passed tho House. Tho Senate adopt
ed tho provision authorizing two
battleships of the llrst class.
lAn amendment was offered (by
Senator Johnston of Alabama cut
ting down the number of battleships
to bo built next year from two to
one, but this was defeated by ti vote
of 43 to 12. The senate then adopt
ed tho amendment authorizing the
two dreadnaughts.
On a point of order mado by Sen
ator Brlstow of Kansas tho amend
ments creating tho grade of Admir
al and providing for two Vice-Admirals
in the navy were struck out.
Another Consignment of
from South Dakota
.VII horses will bo
Allen House Stable. Church "'t.
I Collars ironed with I
! smooth edges and plenty f
t of room for the tie to slip I
easily, f
4 o
I That's Our Way
THOS. F. BRACY, Honesdale Agent
Scranton, Pa.
- foo - fo - fo - fo - fo - fo - fo - fo - to - to - fo - fo - fo - fo -
444444444444444444444 44444444
444444444444444444444444444 4 4
Keystone Stores
People who demand a maximum of
beauty i and value will find here at
very low prices a rare opportunity
To Secure Real Bargains in
Ladies' Wash Ratine and Linen Suits
One Piece Dresses In White, Figured
Lawns, Pique and Linen.
Kimonas, House Dresses, Wrappers,
Stylish and Cool for Hot Days.
Dust and Traveling Coats of Silk,
Fine Wool and Linen.
Children's Summer Dresses
wear. Very cheap 1 n prlco
4 4-
44444444444444 44
or THE
At the cloc of buliie, vnr. It, 1912
Loans nnd Discounts SW.7T2 iO
ovrrdrnfu.secured nnd unsecured 15 Ml
IJ. S. Ilonds to secure circulation, 150.000 00
llonds to secure Postal Savings ti.lM tfl
Premiums on U. S. Kernels 2.1 2 50
I totals, securities, etc 1,135,125 07
lhinkltic-hoii&c. furniture nnd fix
tures 40.000 00
Due from Nntlonul Hanks (not
Heserve Agents) 2.751103
Due from State nnd 1'rlvnte linnks
nnd Hankers. Trust Companies,
nnd Savings linnks 222 27
Due from approved reserve
agents 121 429 K5
Checks nnd otherensh Items.... 2.7WI 19
Notes of other Nntlonul Hanks.. 5.100 00
Fractional pnper currency, nick
els nnd cents... 670 116
Lawful .Money Iteserve In l!nnk.
viz: Specie fS1.82U 10
Legal tender notes 0.745 no- 91,574 00
Redemption fund with U. S.
Treasurer, (5 per cent, of circu
lation) 7.500 00
Due from U. ti. Treasurer 1.700 t'U
Total J1.000.U0 58
Capital Stock paid In $ 150,000 00
fundus fund loo.uuo uu
Undivided profits, less expenses
nnd taxes paid 4U.K8 53
National Hunk notes outstanding 14S..0O 00
Due to other Natlonnl Hanks iMll Oti
Due to State nnd l'rlvnte linnks . ..
nnd Hankers 2.j8 41
Individual deposits subject to
check i;a,ita oi
Demand certificates of
deposit 26.305 00
Certified checks toll20
Cashier's checks out- .
atnndlng 301 2a-l.120.G29 53
I'ostnls Snvlngs Deposits 70 02
Ilonds borrowed None
Notes and bills redlsrounted None
Hills payable. Including certifi
cates of deposit for money bor
rowed 30,000 00
Liabilities other than those above
stated None
Total 1100.140 53
State of Pennsylvania County of Wayne, ss.
I. Lewis A. Howell, Cashier, of tho above
named Hank, do hereby solemnly swear that
the above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge nnd belief.
Lewis A. Howell, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
2.stdayotJune. i, a. SMITH. N. P.
Correct Attest :
Andrew Thompson Directors
Homer Greene J
If you have anything to adver
tise send your ad to The Citizen.
fo - fo -fo-f-o-fo-f o-fo-foo-fo-fro-fo-fo-fo-fo-fo
& CO.
for Dross, Traveling and play
and stylish In cut.
44 4444444444 44
4 4