The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 17, 1912, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Nikola Testa Says Solnr Kntllntlou
Onuses tlio Air to Loc Moisture.
Nikola Tcsla ibollovcs he has dls
covered tho reasons for tho phouo'
mena long noticed by wireless folks
that tho wireless receiver Is appro'
clnbly weaker In tho day than It Is
nt night.
In the Electrical Review and
Western Electrician of Chicago, pub
lished recently, nppears an article
bv the electrical inventor on "'llio
Disturbing Intluonce of Solar Radl-
nt on on the Wireless Transmission
of Energy." In this article Tesla
accounts for this condition on the
theory that as moisture In tho air
Is dissipated by the sun s rays, ami
as particles of water In evaporating
carry with them charges of elec
tricity, tho carta Is thus deprived
of some of the electrification which
resides upon Its surface at night
This, he claims, causes a dissipation
of energy which necessarily Inter
feres with the transmission or tno
electrical signals and prevents them
from being observed at so great a
distance as In tne nigiu time.
Tesla has long maintained that
tho earth plays as important a part
in wireless transmission as the air
and has contended as the results of
demonstrations, he says, that the
results accomplished are not due
merely to Hertzian waves, whose
existence was discovered by Heln-
rlch Hertz, the German physicist.
Tesla writes:
"Bearing, then, In mind that the
receiver is operated simply by cur
rents conducted along the earth as
through a wire, energy radiated
playing no part, It will be once
evident tnat tne weaitening 01 me
impulses could not bo duo to any
changes In tho air, making It turbid
or conductive, but should be trac
ed to an effect interfering with the
transmission of the current through
the superficial layers of the globe.
"Tho solar radiations are tho pri
mary cause, that Is true, not those
of light, but of heat. The loss of
energy, I havo found, is due to the
evaporation of the water on that
side of the earth which is turned to
ward the sun, the conducting par
ticles carrying off more or less of
the electrical charges imparted to
the ground.
"At present it may be sufficient for
the guidance of experts to state that
the waste of energy is proportional
to the product of the square of the
electric density induced by the
transmitter at the earth's surface
and the frequency of the currents.
Expressed In this manuer it may not
appear of very practical signifi
cance. But remem'bering that the
surface density Increases with the
frequency it may also be stated that
the loss Is proportional to the cur
rent of the frequency."
Promoters of New Concern Favor
Dams in Pennsylvania Streams.
Harrlsburg. Water company en
gineers and lawyers from various
parts of the state met in Harrlsburg
recently to take steps toward or
ganizing a state association. The
main purpose seems to be to intro
duce in tho next legislature a bill
" to enlarge tho powers of those de
siring to use the waters of the
Several members of the Pittsburg
flood commission attended the con
ference, and W. M. Jacoby, a mem
ber of that body, acted as spokes
man for the meeting, in giving out
a "canned interview" at the close.
Except for tho flood commission, no
one attended the meeting who is as
sociated with movements for tho
conservation of natural resources.
After referring to the disappear
ance of the state's forests, the Ja
coby statement says:
"In former days the control of
these streams was better than at
present. Before tho passing of the
timber these streams in many places
were provided with dams, which
tended to hold water and In a meas
ure control It. These dams have
largely disappeared, with the result
that In tho absence of any control,
tho waters are allowed to flow unre
strained." As water-power companies invari
ably build a dam as a first step in
their enterprise the significance of
this plea Is seen.
The conference authorized tho ap
pointment of a committee of five,
with power to select two more, to
map out a plan of organization.
It was officially stated that the
new organization will co-operate ful
ly with all Interested bodies. Includ
ing tho Pennsylvania Conservation
(Special to The Citizen.)
Ariel, July 13.
At a lively business meeting of
the Sunday school board, M. J.
Emery was elected superintendent
to fill the office made vacant by the
resignation of Leslie Simons. Mr.
Simons deemed it necessary to give
up the Sunday school work here be
cause his professional duties will
shortly prevent his being with us at
Tho second quarterly conference
was held In the Methodist Episcopal
p'arsonage Saturday evening, July
Mrs. Harkness Is entertaining at
the parsonage her mother and sister
from Wilmington, Del.
Whether or Xot Writers Aro Kreo to
Tell tho Truth Will 1)0 Dis
cussed lit Unusual Gather
Iiijj. Newspaper men from all over tho
country aro expected to attend tho
conference to bo hold In Madison,
Wis., July 29, 30, 31 and Aug. 1.
The convention Is under tho aus
pices of tho university extension di
vision of tho University ot Wiscon
sin and is tho first of its kind orer
hold in tho United 6tates. It will
meet at tho instance ot leading
newspaper writers, who will speak
on the question: 'Are newspaper and
magazine writers freo to toll the
truth? If not, why not, and what
can oe douo about it7"
A number ot tho ablest writers in
tho country havo been Invited to talk
on topics pertlnont to tho subject of
newspaper exaggeration or limited
truth In magazine and newspaper ar
tides. Among these are Will Irwin
of Tolller's Weekly, Samuel Strauss
of the- New York Times, Charles
Zeublin of tho Twentieth Century
Mtigazlno, HI. H. Tammcn of the
Denver Post, Louis Post of tho Chi
cago Public and Charles Orasty of
the Baltimore Sun. Invitations havo
been sent to practically every news
paper and magazine publisher and
writer of any consequence to attend
the conference.
Thcro will bo discussions open to
every one In tho convention hall. It
Is expected that the convention will
witness one of tho greatest gather
ings of editors and magazine writers
that has ever been held in tho coun
try. HAWLEY.
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Tho St. Als. Cadets of this place
defeated the 'Rivals on Sunday, July
7, in an interesting and well-played
game. Tho game was a pitcher's
battle up to tho seventh inning, each
team having acquired two runs, but
was broke up In tho lucky session
when the Cadets made six runs.
Mack of the Cadets had eighteen
strikeouts while his opponent, Do
herty, had fifteen to his credit. The
score and lineup follows:
R. H. O. A. E.
Sonsen, 2b 0 0 1 2 0
McXamara, c 1 3 19 1 0
Flynn, ss 1 1 0 2 2
Monaghan, If 1 1 0 0 1
Curran, cf 3 1 0 0 0
McCloskey, lb 1 1 2 0 0
Bower, 3b 0 0 3 1 0
Hlttlngcr, rf 1 1 1 0 0
Mack, p 1 0 0 1 0
Totals S S 27 7 3
R. H. O. A. E.
L. Doherty, cf 0 3 0 1 0
Perry, lb 0 2 5 0 1
Hagerty, 2b 0 1 2 1 1
Dexter, 3b 1 0 3 2 1
Watterson, ss 0 2 2 0 4
Hendry, If 0 0 0 0 0
J. Doherty, p 0 0 1 1 0
Lovalase, c 0 0 2 2 1
Burns, rf 1 0 0 1 1
Brenuer, rf 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 2 8 24 S S
P. IH. Kearney made a business
trip to Scrauton on Tuesday.
John A. Brown has returned after
a week's visit with friends at El
ni ira and Buffalo.
Mrs. L. Cohen, of Uswlck, Pa., was
a pleasant caller in town Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moor and
children, of Xew York City, have
returned after a week's visit at the
home of John R. Brown, of Erie
Mrs. Katherlno Kearney, of Main
avenue, has returned from a visit
with friends in Jerrnyn.
Mrs. Xorvlll and children, of New
York city, are visiting the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walllnger, of
Main avenue.
Mrs. D. S. Pinkelsteln, of Main
avenue, has returned after spending
a few days with friends in Scran-
Mr. and 'Mrs. Thomas A. Brown
and son. of Honesdale, spent a few
days with the former's parents, ot
this place.
Mrs. Bessie Cegal and children, of
New York, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Kravitz, of Spring street.
Thomas Burke was a caller In
town Wednesday.
Miss Dorothy Dunning, of Elm-
hurst, is visiting her grandmnther,
Mrs. Sutter, of this place.
Charles Flresteln was a caller In
this town the fore part of the week.
July 13. Several of the ladies of
this place attended a meeting of the
Ladies' Aid society at Oquaga Lake
Katie Horst, of Brooklyn, X. Y.,
who has been visiting at W. 'H.
Payne's for the past two weeks, re
turned home Saturday.
M. R. Kennedy and wife, of Sus
quehanna, spent tho Fourth and
week-end at W. IH. Payne's.
O. r . Bowen was in Carbondale
last week.
Mrs. F. W. Allen and daughter.
Mildred, of Preston Park, spent Sat
urday and Sunday with her parents,
S. W. Burleigh and wife.
Henry Simmons, of Blnghamton,
Is visiting his grandparents.
Last Monday night the vacant
house on tho Buck farm burned to
the ground and the following after
noon the barn was consumed by fire.
Tho origin of tho fire is of an in
cendiary nature as tho house has
been unoccupied for several months.
Gilbert Simmons nnd wife havo
been spending a few days at S. W.
lJurieign s.
L. A. Curtis, of Deposit, was in
this place on 'business recently.
beverai trom this place wero at
Oquaga Lake the Fourth.
Orlo Wood and family, of Star-
rucca, spent Sunday at Charles Blan-
ford s.
V (Special to The Citizen.)
It. SI. Spencer Is sponding a week
In the hay field with his 'brother.
H. M. Spencer.
Most of the farmers 'n Preston
havo started haying. Hay is rather
ugnt this year owing to tno dry
Tho Methodist Sunday school ren
dered a very good selection of songs
and speaking at the M. E. church
of this place Sunday evening. Sov
eral from Oison and Pleasant Mount
The dance hold in the Grango
hall two weeks ago was a grand
Mrs. Alma S. Bortreo started on
Saturday for Plalnlleld, N. J to
tane up a special summer course.
Miss Ellen Bishop, of Hawley. re
cently spent a iveek at W. 31.
Doyle's. Miss Bishop taught our
school two years ago.
v. j. uavau recently lost one ot
bis valuable horses.
Mr. and airs. Southwlck. of Now
York City, are spending 'wo weokB
with tholr cousins, Mr. and 'Mrs. H.
H. IHowell of this place.
Veteran of Two Wars Asks Tor nti
Mlcajah Wise, of Beaver Brook,
Sullivan county, has just been ex
amined by a Port Jorvls physician
on the application for an Increase of
pension. 'He is a voteran of tho
Mexlcnn and tho Civil war and has
reached the age of 115 years. Tho
physician will report favorably on
the case.
Mr. Wise, who now receives n pen
sion of $30 a month, was born In
Northampton county, Pa., In June,
1797, nnd probnbly Is the oldest pen
sioner on tho government rolls. He
served In Company 0, 141st Regi
ment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, nnd
was never wounded or taken prison
er. Taking Into consideration his ad
vanced age, Mr. WIso Is well pro-
served, his mind and voice are
clear, and last year he was strong
enough to go on several fishing trips.
This season, although more feeble,
ho says ho Intends to Indulge in his
favorite pastime, because ho wants
to "catch Just one more fish before
ho dies."
Fishermen nt Uike Henry First
Thought They Had Hooked llig
Lake Erie Cattish.
Lyle Keen, of Maplewood, fishing
off the pier of T. A. Ruddy's cot
tage at Lake 'Henry, Wednesdav
evening, hooked what at first was
thought to be one of the largo Lake
Erie cattish. He played the fish for
some minutes and then turned the
pole over to 'Mr. Ruddy. For fif
teen minutes the fish struggled and
successfully eluded the landing net.
Finally, however, Mr. Ruddy hoist
ed the struggling fish to the pier.
The surprise came when it was
found to be, not a large eatfiesh, but
a mammoth eel. It was forty-two
and one-half inches in length and
weighed five and a quarter pounds.
Eels aro very rare in the lakes of
this section and not more than three
have ever been taken from Lake
Henry. Those have been small and
did not bocln to onmn.irn with Mm
one caught last Wednesday. Mr.
nuaay iook tne eel to Scranton on
the morning train and while the
Lake Ariel commuters all admitted
it was a big one they all had seen
Gossipers who havo a weakness
for circulating stories affecting the
character of women or other per
sons should take warning from the
decision just rendered 'by the Su
preme Court in the case of Hulbert
against Arnold. It appears from the
opinion, which was written by Jus
tice iierger, that the defendant had
circulated a story that tho plaintiff
who is a teacher in Morristown,
X. J., was In the habit of receiving
male visitors at the school, and dis
missing the pupils so she could be
left alone with her male friends.
Arnold denied that he had made
the statements attributed to him,
but the court found that the evi
dence against him was overwhelm
ing, and Justice Berger said that tho.
charges made by Arnold were of
the most vile and criminal charac
ter, assailing tho most valued and
cherished characteristics of woman
hood, an element so sensitive that
once darkened by the tongue of
slander, however untruthfully, legal
exoneration cau only partly restore
The Supreme Court refused to set
aside the verdict for $10,000 dam
ages given against Arnold, because
"punitive damages In a slander suit
are not awarded upon the theory of
compensation to tho sufferer, but as
a punishment of the offender and a
warning to others." Arnold had
not oven tho excuse that the slander
ous statements were carelessly utter
ed, for he had been advised by his
friends that he should bo careful of
the charges he was making; but he
refused to heed the warning.
Xew Use For Base Ball.
Wilkes-Barre. Thirty hoboes
were rounded up by the police of
Plymouth borough and taken before
Burgess W. D. Morris recently for
sentence. He decreed that all bo
held in the lockup until he could
lead a parade to the best baso ball
diamond in the borough. Two
teams will be selected from the
Weary Willies, and the burgess de
clares the game must bo hotly con
tested from start to finish. After
nine Innings havo boen played, the
losing team will be taken back to
tho lockup and held prisoners for
two days, putting in tholr tltno
pounding stone on tho streets.
The victors are also to bo taken
back to tho lockup, but onjy long
enough to bo well fed, when they
will bo ordered to shake tho dust of
the town from their feet in a hurry.
Burgess Morris is a great baso ball
fan. Ho believes that out of thirty
hoboes thero aro several good play
ers, and says he Is particularly anxi
ous to see Just how well men can
play tho great national gamo when
their liberty depends on the out
come. Scranton Truth.
Had Xeedle in Foot Over Thirty-Two
Years Wus Drawn Out Ijiist
Week Badly Rusted.
Mrs. Hornbock, wlfo of Daniel II.
Hornbeck, of (Mllford, passed
through a romarkable exporlenco
on 'Sunday when she oxtracted a
piece of a needle from her foot that
had 'been lodged thero when she was
a girl of ten playing around near
her homo at Oingman's Ferry, about
thirty-two years ago. A small piece
of the needlo 'was removed at the
time and tho pain subsided. From
time to time 'Mrs. Hornbeck was
troubled with pains in her foot
around the big toe and a doctor told
her It was caused by a bunion.
Last week tho foot began to fester
and on using a remedy and later
opening the swelling, out popped the
greater part of an ordinary sowing
needlo, much rusted. Tho part was
ovor an Inch In length and must
havo lodged In the fibrous growth on
the big toe and in the bone and In
that way was prevented from travel
ing through the body.
Mr. Susan Witsler Presides (
Over Destlnlei of Dayton, Wyo.
Mrs. Wlfslcr Is making boo1 as mnyor
of a Wyoming city. She Is a widow with
two chlldron. Her first public ofTlco was
treasurer of tho city. She has been a
successful business woman for tho past
fifteen years.
By virtue of an order of tho Or
phans' Court of Wayne County, dat
ed the 17th day ot June, 1912, the
undersigned Executors of tho estate
of John Kuhbach.late of the Borough
of Honesdale, Pa., deceased, will ex
pose at public sale at the Court
House In the said Borough of Hones
dale, Pa., on Friday the 19th day of
July, 1912, at 2 o'clock in tho af
ternoon, the following described real
estate of which the said decedent dies
All the following two pieces or
parcels of land, situate in the Bor
ough of Honesdale, County of
Wayne, and State of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows,
viz.: One of the same, being dis
tinguished as lot Xo. Xlneteen and
half of lot Xo. Twenty upon Third
street (now Court street) and de
scribed and designated in the Vil
lage plot of the property of the
Delaware & Hudson Canal Company
in said Borough, being in front seventy-five
feet and in rear soventy
flve feet and of an Irregular depth
and being bounded westerly by
Third street (now Court street)
gardens, streets, etc.,
is hereby prohibited
EXCEPT between the
hours of 6 & 8 a. m.
and 6 & 8 p. m.
northerly by the northerly half ot
aforesaid lot Xo. Twenty upon Third
street, now Court street; easterly by
the top of tho bank of tho Lacka
waxon River and southerly by Ninth
street. The other of tho said two
pieces or parcels of land, being a
piece of land ndjolnlng tho afore
said parcel or piece of land and be
ing bounded westward twelve and
one-haif feet by the eastern line of
Third street, now Court street, In
said Borough, northward by a line
parallel to and distant twelve and
ono-hnlf feet southward from the
northern lino of Lot Xo. Twenty on
tho aforesaid Vlllago plot of tho
southward from tho northern lino of
Lot. No. Twenty on the aforesaid
Village plot of the Delawaro & Hud
son Canal Company, in said Bor
ough, eastward twelve and one-half
feet by tho top of tho bank of the
Lackawaxen River and southward by
tho southern half of said lot Xo.
Twenty on Third street, now Court
street, being tho southern half of tho
northern half of said lot Xo. Twenty
upon Third street, now Court street,
and being tho same land that Har
riet Martin and Katherlno N. Bar
bour by their deed dated tho Twenty-second
day of April, 1908, grant
ed and conveyed to John Kuhbach,
said deed being recorded In Wayne
County Deed Book Xo. Ninety-eight
at page Two Hundred and ninety
six. Upon tho premises is a large
three-story brick dwelling house,
frame barn, and other out buildings.
Also, all that certain lot or par
cel of land situate lying and being
in the township of Texas, County of
Wayne, and State of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to
Beginning at a stones corner at
foot of ledge being "the southwest
corner of the land hereby conveyed
and also a corner of land of the
Torrey estate; thence north thirteen
and one-fourth degrees east along
line of John II. Weaver, nine and
eight-tenths rods to a birch tree for
a corner; thence north nineteen de
grees west four rods along land of
said Weaver to stake and stones
comer; thence along lands of Wil
liam iHenry Boll et al. north sixty
seven degrees east twenty-nine rods
to line of Adam Kraft; thence along
line of said Kraft land south four
teen degrees east twelve rods to
corner In angle of stone fence;
thence along land of the Torrey es
tate south sixty-seven degrees west
thirty rods to the place of begin
ning. Containing two acres and
seventy perches of land, be the same
more or less, and being the same
land that Louis Sheutz et ux. by
their deed dated tho Twenty-third
day of August, 1910, granted and
conveyed to John Kuhbach; said
deed being recorded in tho office for
the recording of deeds in and for
Wayne County, In Deed Book Xo.
One Hundred and three, page Four
Hundred and Sixty-six.
Terms of Sale, cash.
Chas. A. McCarty, Attorney. 51w3
The use of
The Jeweler
flwouId like to see you If
I you are in the marked
i ware, watches!
t t
Roll of
Attention is called to tne STRENGTH
of the
Wayne County
The FINANCIER of New York
City has published a ROLL Or
HONOR of the 11,470 State Banks
and Trust Companies of United
States. In this list the WAYNE
Stands 38th in the United States
Stands 10th in Pennsylvania.
Stands FIRST in Wavne County.
Capital, Surplus, $550,000.00
Total ASSETS, $3,000,000.00
Honesdale. Pa., March 25, 1911.
Water Co.