The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 17, 1912, Image 1

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The Citizen Is Getting New Ad
vertlsers Every 'Week. Merchants
Know Tills is n Good Advertising
Why Wnit for Buyers? Tito
Wnnt Ad Department of Tito Citi
zen Gets Them Quick. Only a
Penny n Word.
70th YEAR. --NO. 57
WMIRSk cents
Affair to Tnke Place letter Part of
August Business Men mid Fire-
men Fathering Project it Will
15c n Wn.vne County Event.
One of the largest celebrations
Honesdale has enjoyed slnco Old
Home Week, three years ago, will
take place the latter part of August,
commencing the 27th of that month.
It will bo the reawakening of the
town aud the townspeople will glad
ly co-operate with the Business Men's
Association and Flromen of Hones
dale and vicinity to make it the event
of the season.
A Joint meeting of these repre
sentative bodies was held last FrI-j
uay evening in me town nan. w.
W Wood, president of Protection
Engine company No. 3, acted as
temporary chairman.
The matter of celebration was
discussed pro and con. It was final
ly agreed that a celebration, con
sisting of a llrenian's day, with
civic, automobile and lloral parades,
take place. Temporary Chairman
Wood appointed the following com-.
llliftnna whlnll Ivll! Yin rnctinti el 111 n '
for the success of the undertaking:
Adertlslng, tlnance, entertainment,
privileges, music and transportation.
The various chairmen and members
of the different committees will be
assigned In a few days.
The general committee, comprising
seven members of the Business
Men's Association, and the preldents
of the live lire companies in Hones
dale and vicinity, follows:
S. T. Ham, president of the Busi
ness Men's Association; X. B. Spen
cer, secretary of said asoclatlon; C.
L. Dunning, C. E. Bates, H. G. How
land. J. B. Nielsen, D. H. Maloney.
The lire companies are represented
on the committee by George Stenz
horn, prsldent of Seelyville company;
W. A. Stuiuan, Texas No. 4; Fred
Schort. Alert Hook and Ladder com
pany; E. E. Williams, Hose Company
No. 1, Honesdale, and W. W. Wood
of Protection Engine No. 3.
This committee will hold a con
ference with the Old Home Week
committee on Tuesday evening of
this week to consider the financial
end of the proposed project. There
is a balance in the treasury of about
5 4 00 left from the Old Home Week
celebration. In order to secure this
money, if the executive committee
of the Old Home Week affair deem
it advisable to use It, it is necessary
to call the members together and as
certain whether it is the commit
tee's desire that the balance In the
treasury should be used for this
purpose. J. D. Weston will preside
over Tuesday's meeting when this
matter will be presented and possibly
It has been suggested, If the prop
osition meet with the approval of the
Old Homo Week's committee, that
an eu.ual amount be raised by the
hotels, restaurants and wholesale liq
uor dealers of the town, and then
raise the balance by popular sub
scription. We have been informed
that the different hotel and restaur
ant keepers have their proportion
taken care of and are now awaiting
the verdict of the executive coinrnjt
tee of Old Home Week.
The Business Men's Association,
firemen interested and committees In
charge of the festivities will receive
the hearty co-operation of The Citi
zen In making the proposed cele
bration one of the greatest achieve
ments ever to have been given In
Wayne county. Its columns are open
to news articles and special con
tributions that may bo necessary to
make the affair a success.
Joseph A. Bodle, whose photo
graphs can be found 1n almost every
home in Wayne county, Is now locat
ed in his new studio on the third
floor of the Dodge building, corner of
Main and Seventh streets, Hones
dale. Mr. Bodle commenced moving
on Tuesday and by Thursday of this
weeK nopes to have things In apple
pie order for the trade.
Tho rooms have recently been re
fitted and placed In first-class shape
They are in fact, Mr. Bodle claims
as convenient a suite of rooms as
he has ever occupied. The first
room at tho head of the stairs of
the third floor is a reception hall.
Jt is nicely furnished in oak furnl
turo and cabinets. Four large front
windows give plenty of air and light.
The floor is also of oak. A dressing
room Is at the left which leads to tho
operating room. Tho latter Is spaci
ous ana nas an excellent north
light At tho rear of tho building,
mis poor, is a picture frame room
Next to that Is the printing room.
toilet and In another section the de
veloping or dark room. About 25
feet is partitioned off tho operating
room which will servo as a negative
ana store room.
The studio is one of the neatest
ana most convenient in this section
or tho country. It Is complete in
every detail and was nlancd hv Mr.
Bodle, who has 40 years' experience
in mo picture uusiness.
Mr Bodle entered tho employ of
E. I. Stearns In August, 1872, In tho
W W. Weston building, now owned
by Erk Bros. In 1875 he purchased
a half interest in tho business and
three years later became solo proprie
tor Mr. Bodlo conducted his Btudlo
in that building for 35 years or un
til ho was forced out by flro ilvo years
ago. Ho then occupied quarters in
the Keif building and last January
was again burned out. Having
made arrangements with U. G.
Hidgeway ho has slnco occupied his
studio on 'Main street.
Mr. Bodio's many patrons will find
him open for business bright and
early Thursday morning of this
week in ono of tho 'best-equipped
studios Jn Northeastern Pennsylva
nia. He la assisted by his son,
Joseph A. Bodle, Jr., who possesses
great artistic ability.
Mis. Bunnell Dies nt Age of Ninety
Si Years Was n Pensioner of
Civil War.
Mrs. Clarlnda 'Bunnell, who fqr
the past sixteen years had made her
home with her son-ln-lnw and daugh
ter, Mr. aud Mrs. Ulysses F. Beers,
on 'Fifteenth street, died at about
live minutes to eight o'clock on
Monday, of general debility. Mrs.
Bunnell was nlnoty-slx years of ago
and was as far as can be ascertained
the oldest pensioner of the Civil war.
Mrs. Bunnell was born in Mount
Pleasant township on March 7, 181 G,
and for many years lived there. She
was united In marriage to Zebulon
Pike Bunnell In 'Dyberry township.
Mr. Bunnell died about twelve years
before the outbreak of the Civil war.
'n a company of Infantry that left
Honesdale In 1SC2 for service In the
I'nlon army Ellory .1. Bunnell, a son
of Mrs. Clarlnda Bunnell, was a
member and during the war he
served faithfully the cause of his
country. For the last sixteen years
Mrs. Bunnell had made her home
with her daughter and for some time
past had been an invalid although
she had retained her faculties up
to the last. She is survived by one
son, Oscar Bunnell, of Honesdale;
two daughters, Mrs. Ulysses F. Beers
and Mrs. C E. Mills, both of Hones
dale. Four children preceded her in
The funeral services will be held
from the residence of her daughter,
Mrs. Beers on Fifteenth street on
Wednesday afternoon at four o'clock,
Rev. Will H. Hiller officiating. In
terment will be made In Glen Dy
berry cemetery.
Aftermath of ltecent Damage Done
by Lightning in Wayne and Ad
joining Counties.
On Tuesday afternoon last the
store owned by W. E. Bennet at She
hawken. Pa., was badly damaged by
lire. The fire was caused by light
ning during an electrical storm
which passed over that section
about 2:15 p. m.
A telephone polo near the store
was struck, and the electrical cur
rent followed the wire Into the
store, and before the flames could be
extinguished tho southwest corner
of tho building, which is a two-story
structure, was burned, together with
the stock of general merchandise In
that part of the building. The bal
ance of the stock was damaged liy
smoke and water, entailing a loss of
The loss Is covered by Insurance
In tho Wayne County Farmers' In
suranco Co. and tho German Ameri
can Insuvince Co.
In tne store at tho time tho fire
started were Mrs. Bennett, Miss Iva
Haubr and two traveling men. They,
with the assistance of those living in
tho neighborhood, after a hard fight,
succeeded In saving tho building. At
tho time Mr. Bennett had gone to
Autumn Leaves on business.
Horton McGarglo, of South Ca
naan, suffered the loss of five good
cows in a thunder storm that passed
over southern Wayno county ono day
last week. Mr. McGarglo greatly
feels the loss of his herd. He has
been unfortunate of late, sickness
having entered his home and af
flicted several of his children. He
has the sympathy of tho community
in his loss.
A barn belonging to Peter Yoko,
who lives on tho Long BIdge road,
between Hawley and White Mills,
was struck by lightning during Sat
urday afternoon's storm and dam
aged to the extent of $100. Tho
barn did not tako flro, but tho elec
tric fluid killed a calf that stood
therein. There were cows and horses
In tho barn, but thoy were uninjured
The barn was Insured in tho Wayne
t'ounty Farmers Mutual Flro Insur
anco company.
During the olectorlal storm Friday
lightning struck tho barn of S. W.
Burleigh, Burlolgh Hill, and burned
it to tho ground together with a
small quantity of hay and somo
farming implements. No insurance.
Tho Methodist churcn of Whites
Valley was struck by lightning dur
ing Saturday afternoon's sovore
storm. The steeplo was badly dam
Lightning struck and sot flro to a
dwelling in Dunmoro on Saturday, it
being tho socond structure that
caught flro by lightning -within a
A "barn owned by David Cooper.
Palmyra township, was slightly dam
aged by being struck by lightning
during Saturdays thunaer-storm.
Edward Welch, Who Claims He Was
Turned Out of House ami Home,
Walked to Honesdale Sumhiv
Ills Outfit Was Meager, Rut !
Nevertheless Patriotic.
Tf.l&ETPfl. Mrnrl nml rll.i. Pnllnn
J. J Canlvan picked up a lad 13 county than Major George H. Whit-:
years old Monday morning on tho.ney. Those who have enjoyel lis
Delaware and Hudson railroad friendship throughout life speak In
o gave his name as Edward words of highest praise and esteem
XoSSffiff ClalmCd h Cam """"i?.,.1"!? aa .nuob tboUBl.t: r
Young Wolch told a pitiful tale, I
years ago, and whose mother Is nt
the poorhouse. with no ono to com
fort or advise him, picked up tho'
itnv ciumesjmp naa. rne outlit con
sisted ot.jOaTBhirt and pair of over
alls aside?from what he had on his
person. His clothes were worn and
torn. Illi shoes had seen better
days and from their appearance
never saw a shoe brush or blacken
ing from the day the shoes wore
bought. Tho coat was In rngs and
the hlrt torn. His trousers con
sisted of an overall jumper with a
bib. In ono pocket he carried an
extra pair of overalls and In the
other a once clean shirt. In an In
ner pocket carefully tucked away
was a miniature American Hag. The
lad thought the world of the beautl
nil btars and Stripes and displayed
the Hag with much honor and pa
triotism. In the same pocket was
a colored comic section of a Sunday
newspaper. i
Young Welch, after being turned
out of 'home, started walking toward
Honesdale. The man with whom
the lad lived during the past five
years took him from the poor farm
and agreed, so Welch said, to give
him 5 cents per day to work for him.
This the lad said his employer fail
ed to do.
Trudging on with a heavy heart
through the thick dust the lad came
to the home of Mrs. O'Dell, Promp
ton. She took compassion upon him
and gave Ijlm something to eat. Af
ter telling his story he plodded on.
following tho telegraph poles,
which led him to Honesdale. He
reached the outskirts of the town
about dusk and fatigued with his
long and wearisome walk fell along
tho wayside near the railroad track,
where he remained all night.
It is stated that some persons heard
a man or boy crying at different
times In the night, but could not
tell from what direction the sound
Monday morning Chief Canlvan
went after young Welch. Children
In the neighborhood gave the lad
bread to eat, but Instead of eating
It, Welch throw the hand-outs upon
the ground, refusing to touch them.
The chief then brought the young
lad to the court house and turned
him over to Sheriff F. C. Kimble's
custody. Wayne's big-hearted of
ficer, who would never see any one
sulfer and who Is always ready and
willing to lend a helping hand, lis
tened attentively to young Welch's
pitiful story, examined the contents
of his pockets and then took him in
to his home. Here soap and water
wore used freely and tho young
tourist was made as clean as possi
ble. Tho sheriff gave him a good
big meal and turned the lad over to
District Attorney Simons. Mr. Si
mons asked young Welch if ho know
where his mother was and ho re
plied that ho did. After talking
with him the district attorney told
him ho had better go to his
mother. Young Welch then
left tho house of Justice enrouto to
urooKside Farm, which nlace he ex
pected to reach sometime during
Monday afternoon. In the meantime
District Attorney Simons telephoned
Steward Harry Bunnell that young
weicn was on nis way to his place.
Italph Wood, of Boyds Mills, Ho
covers From Drinking Fly Poison
Was In Shadow of Lock Jaw
From Cat Scratch Finally
Succumbs to Abdominal
Italph Ivan, 19-months-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Wood, of Boyds
Mills, died suddenly of abdominal
troublo at 11 o'clock Saturday morn
ing. The narcnts broucht their Ron
to Honesdale that morning when a'
consultation with four Honesdale
physicians was held. An operation
was deemed necessary to save tho
baby's life, but tho child was too
weak to withstand tho ordeal. Mr.
and Mrs. Wood returned homo with
their baby and an hour aftorwards It
passed away. TCalph was tho young'
est of nine children and his death
was tho first to occur In that happy
Although young in life Ralph had
an eventful one. Last September he
drank a quantity of poison lly paper
water and It was with hard work
on tho part of tho family physician
that ho rccovored. About four
weeks ago Italph was scratched by
tho family cat. Blood poisoning set
in and lockjaw was reared. Through
tho efforts of Dr. Parcell, of Nar
rowsburg, tho deadly poison was
worked out of the baby's system
Then Ralph was stricken with, bowol
trouble, which rosultod In death.
The family has tho sympathy of
tho community In their bereavement.
Tho funeral was held Monday af
ternoon, Rov. M, S. Spear cmclated.
wnicn ir true, was hard lines for ai vwmnoy win celebrate tno u Uh in-, u"", , , "" :.:",
grown person to go through. Tho' ni'ereary of his natal day. having Ifonlll them Ono of the .ran
lad; It appears, had been working been born In Honesdale July IS. "si to lo 'the PchaSffour of the
for a man In lAldeuvillc, who on J f 18. In remembrance of same, , alu?0nS0dbl j? L the name of Lewis
out" Ti.u wnJ P I, l and,set The men who committed the mur-
ThL' m.,T !LIa?.S"nd.a i,'.0.rn'"gJ ; . . .... der. It Is believed, took revenge up-
111 I ill 1 1 A V THl'RSDA Y.
" l ather of Company E," as He Is
tneciionaieiy i alien, .Never .miss
imI a Single Drill In Fifteen
Year! The CHIen I'.Uenils
Congratulations One of
Town's Best Known Resl
dents. Tilers Ih lint n liotfor ltnnivn nIM.
vnn M..t.ll..n I.. 1 1 .... --.I -t
On Thursday of this week Major
si rlbers, townspeople and Wayne
counteans extend heartiest congratu
lations to the "father of Company
E." It is the wish of The Citizen
and the Major's large assemblage of
friends that he enjoy his birthday
In the truest sense of the word and
that his life may be scared to enjoy
many like occasions. May it be as
Longfellow in tho " Second Pass
over " describes it:
"This my birthday, and a happier one
Was nevr mine."
Major Whitney, through an afflic
tion, being deprived of speech since
September, 1908, has led a retired
life. Although unable to converse
with his loved ones and friends he
has recovered sufficiently and gain
ed strength enough to allow him to
Atke" the members of his family out
riding, holding the reins over his
favorite horse, "Prince," himself.
Major Whitney was onco considered
the best horsemen in this section of
the state. He has been around
horses all his life and is a lover of
the equine beauty. His father, the
late Horace T. Whitney, established
a livery on Church streot in 1S49,
later conducted by Major Whitney
and his brother, H. T. Whitney. On
August 28, 1909, tho Major retired
from active business and rented the
barn to Fred G. Rickard, who Is now
conducting the livery.
iMajor Whitney, throughout his
life, always had the interest of oth
ers at heart and was willing to do
his utmost to make someone else
Tho major has been affectionately
regarded as the father of Company
E, having lieen keenly Interested in
tho progress of that favorite com
pany throughout its entire career
of more than three decades. In fact,
the career of Major Whitney and the
history of Company E have been
closely linked together. This dis
tinguished citizen of Honesdale en
listed In the service as a private on
August 23, 1878, and remained In
active duty for practically 29 years.
His record was as follows: Promoted
to corporal, August 14, 1879; ser
geant, July 29, 1882; second lieu
tenant, April 1, 1884; first llouten-
ant, iMarch 23, 1885; captain, April
12, 1880; re-elected captain, July
13, 1891; major and ordnance of-
ncer. Third Brigade, January
1902 to 1907. Ho refused re-elec
tion in 1907 and was succeeded by
Captain E. H. Conrad, of Scranton,
who is still holding that otllce.
During the period of tho major s
actlvo service ho attended all the
encampments, also five presidential
Inaugurations, and was present at
the Installation of five governors of
the state. Ho participated in three
parades In Now lork City and ns
many in Phlaldelphla. During his
first 15 years in tho service, Major
Whitney never missed a single drill,
and while under his captaincy, Com
pany E ranked within ono point of
being the highest rated unit in the
Stato guard.
Wayno County Man Charged With
Shipping "lloli" Yeal.
Charged with violating tho federal
pure food laws, TP. W. Schwolghafor,
of Glrdland, about twolvo miles from
Honesdale, was arrested Saturday
afternoon and held In $500 ball for
appearance at tho October term of
United States court by R. M. Sal
mon, United States commissioner, at
Schwelghafcr Is alleged to have
shipped "bob" veal to Now lork on
or nbout 'May 21. Deputy United
States (Marshal Fred C. Ehrhardt
made tho arrest.
Fifteen carcasses woro shipped by
tho defendant on tho date in ques
tion, and tho inspectors confiscated
ono alleged to havo been under tho
required ago. Scranton Times.
The members of tho Eagles lodge
will hold a clam bake and outing at
tho first glas3 factory pond on
Sunday, July 28.
Herman Rosenthal, Noted Gambler,
Shot ami Killed This Morning
One of Murderers Arrested
Supposed to he Chaulfeui'.
(Special to The CItlzon.)
Now York, July 10. This city was
l FT1 1, a mAl sensat.loual ga."s
i1I,urilor rl Ah,f mornlne, when
"Tr,"'; ? X BuZ
S. as 1 a ni" , hT"?ol"ta ndi25
S", ttl5ttSl-ott
mltted by four men who made their
o big
scandal which was recently exposed
by him. .
Supposed to he Nathan Swnrtz Who
is Wanted for Taking Life of
Beautiful Julia Connor In
New York.
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Now York, July 1C. The police to
day learned from the aged father of
Nathan Swartz, the missing murder
suspect In the Julia Connor murder
mystery that his son confessed to
him that he murdered beautiful
Julia Connor. Tho girl was brutally
wounded, assaulted and afterwards
thrown Into a vacant lot. There wore
41 wounds upon her person.
The police has been working on
a clue which led to the arrest
of a man In Wllkes-Barre last night,
who is believed to be the suspect.
He is being held until further de
tails develop.
Was Hunting Rhinoceros on Nile
Horrible Accident Occurred June
7th Gave Up Flying for Moth
er's Sake.
(Special to The Citizen.)
Paris, July 1C. Hubert Latham,
the famous aviator, was gored to
death by a rhinoceros June 7 while
hunting on the Nile in Africa.
Tho airman was well known In
Paris and America.
He gave up aviation two years ago
at the request of his mother, sub
sequently going to Africa whpre he
went to hunt the rhinoceros.
Ho Violated Injunction In Bucks
Stove Company Boycott Case.
(Special to The Citizen.
Washington. D. C. July 1G. John
Mitchell, once president of the Mine
Workers Union, will be sentenced
tomorrow for contempt of court. He
violated an Injunction in tho Bucks
Stove company boycott case.
Ato Freely of Peach Ico Cream on
Sunday at Ijako Huntington All
Sick Except Ono Who Didn't
Ent tho Desert.
(Special to The Citizen).
Lake Huntington, N. Y., July 10.
Fifty-two summer boarders be-
camo suddenly 111 after eating free
ly of peach Ice cream at tho Grand
House on Sunday. All of the board
ers except one man, who didn't eat
the lco cream, are suffering from
ptomaine poisoning. There are sev
eral who are still very 111 and are
confined to their beds. It is not
known whether the poisoning was
duo to canned peaches, that may
have been used, or that the trouble
was caused V a defective freezer.
The borough lockup, which has
been In tho town hall basement
slnco tho erection of that municipal
building, was abandoned last week.
In view of tho fact that part of the
town hall Is being converted in
apartments for the postofflco, the
lockup Is considered unsafe for pris
oners. They could walk out of the
coop, gain access to tho first floor
and walk out of tho building with
out being suspected by tho work
men. Hereafter all prisoners, drunks or
disorderly porsons found upon tho
streets and arrested by officers will
bo placed In tho county Jail. Tho
town may provide for a station
houso sometime In the future, but
for an lndoflnlto tlnio all prisoners
arrosted by local officers will bo
placed In tho county hastllo.
Mayor McCarty has given this or
der to tho town's police forco. Ar
rangements havo been mado with tho
sheriff whorby ho will recelvo 50
cents per day for caro and meals of
all vagrant3 cast In tho county jail.
Worry Over Labor Conditions Lends
To Investigation.
Tho court issued an order yester
day to inquire Into tho sanity of
Frank Schaffor, a former president
of tho local American Flint Glass
Workers' Union. Tho commission
Is composed of It. M. Stockor, Dr. E
W. Burns and James Baker.
Schaffer, It Is alleged, worried
considerable over labor conditions
during his term of offlco and it
prayed so strongly upon his mind
that It is claimed ho has become vio
lent at times and consequently needs
to be held in restraint.
nnnnnn I r, . ml. ..-II
Theodore Welsh, of Hancock, Is
spending his vacation In town.
Godfrled Breldhaupt, of Hawley,
was a pleasant caller In Honesdale
Samuel Katz returned to New
York city Monday after spending sev
eral days here.
Mrs. William Smith, of Whlto
Mills, spent Friday and Saturday in
town with relatives and friends.
Jacob Ohmer, a prosperous Jersey
City hardwaro merchant, is visiting
his mother and sister on Terraco
C. E. Barnes, of Hancock, X. Y.,
was the guest of his brother, W. J.
Barnes, on Friday and Saturday or
last week.
Charles McCann, of River street.
Is spending a few days in Lackawan
na Valley.
Charles 'Bussa has returned from
a business trip in (Now York and
Mrs. Pearl Miller returned on Fri
day from an extended visit with her
mother In Waymart.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Katz, of New
York City, attended the funeral of
the late Mrs. Joseph Straussner on
Richard Strongman returned to
his home In Chicago on Monday after
a visit at the home of his father at
Dr. 'E. B. Gavltt and wife of White
Mills, were callers in Honesdale on
Monday, having mado the trip in
tnelr auto.
Mrs. Asa Bryant and Miss Florence
Bryant left Tuesday morning for a
ten days' sojourn to be spent in At
bury Park, X. J.
Mrs. W. J. Barnes returned homo
on 'Friday evening from a visit of a
few days with her sister, Mrs. S. E.
Franklin, at Waverly.
Mrs. Eva Brune, who has 'been
spending some time here, departed
on Monday morning for Salem where
she will visit her father.
Mrs. E. Cl'une and children of
New York City, are the guests or
Mrs. Clune's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. P. Kelley, Church street.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Richards
and daughter Xatalle, returned Fri
day last from a visit with friends
and relatives In Wllkes-Barre.
Miss Mary L. Kelley and sister,
Mls3 iBessIe Kelley, of Baltimore,
Md., arrived Sunday for a three
weeks' visit at their home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Harley Vannan and
two children, of Schrlber, Canada,
spent Monday In town with Mrs.
Vannan's sister, Mrs. Raymond Al
bert. Wallace Olver, of Scranton, Is
visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Barnes this week. Mr.
Olver Is an Instructor in Greenville
Miss Marie Ward, who is em
ployed In the office of tho Gurney
Electric Elevator company, is en
Joying her vacation with relatives in
Wllkes-Barre and at Harvey's Lake.
Judson Curtis, of Philadelphia,
who has been spending his vacation
with his mother on Xorth Main
street, returned on Saturday. He
made the trip both ways via motor
Mrs. Ed. Bader and little son,
Harold, who recently went to Brook
lyn with Mr. Bader expecting to lo
cate there permanently, returned on
Saturday owing to the sickness of
Harold. Mr. Bader Is still In the
Mrs. Mary Knight and son, Ar
thur, and Harvey T. Jackson and
daughter, Mrs. Leon Bly, all of Car
bondale, attended the funeral of the
lato Joseph Benny, Saturday after
noon, at the latter's home on West
Park street.
Samuel Tillou, of South Orange.
X. J., and Miss Alice Tillou, of Eliza
beth, X. J., returned to their respec
tive homes Tuesday via Scranton, af
ter a pleasant visit with their cous
ins, Mrs. C. II. Rockwoll and Miss
Emma Tillou at this place.
Frank Eiselo, of Scranton, arriv
ed on Saturday evening to take up
his duties as superintendent of the
Honesdalo Consolidated Light, Heat
and Power company. Ho has been
connected with tho Electric Light
company of Scranton for four
Leslio Brader, who has been em
played by tho Gurney Electric Ele
vator Co. in Xew York since last
January, will return hero on August
1, being employed hero as an elec
trician with the same concern. Tho
climate In the metropolis did not
agree with 'Mrs. 'Brader's health,
which necessitated tho change. Wal
ter Schlessler, who Is now employ
ed hero with this concern, will suc
ceed Mr. Brader In Now York and
will leavo on Aug. 1.
Japanese Javn Social,
Tho young ladles of St. Mary Mag
dalen's Sodality will conduct a Jap
anese social on the Wasman lawn,
foot of Church and Fifth streets, on
Thursday evening. This is some
thing now In tho lino of a lawn so
cial and promises to bo quite an
ovent. Ico cream and cake, coffee,
sandwiches and candy will be sold
on tho lawn by Klniona clad girls.
Death or Mrs. Charles Utt.
Mrs. Charles Utt, of Uswlck, aged
59 years, 7 months, died Thursday
afternoon at 2:30 In Dr. Heed
Burn's hospital, Scranton. Sho was
taken to tho hospital on July G, suf
fering from a cancer. Sho Is surviv
ed by her husband and ono daughter,
Mrs. Mathow Harlow of Ledgodalo.
Pa. The funoral services wero held
on Sunday morning at 10 o'clock
from tho houso, Rev. Treat officiat
ing. Interment in Lakevllle cemetery.