The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 12, 1912, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5
THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1912. PAGE FIVE FOR SALE. FOP. SAUE OR RENT THE W. A. 'Pcthlck estate, located in Bethany. Terms reasonable. H. W. Pethlck, administrator, Hawley, Pa. D3mos2 DELICIOUS ICE CREAM YOU can hnvo It by using Brady's choice vanilla. Oct It at Brady's Drug store. 50nio2 FOR SALE WELL EQUIPPED machlno shop nnd garago located on Industrial Point. Honesdalo. Business established 20 years. Best known glass cutters' supply con cern In the United States. Edward O. Jenkins, Honesdalo, Pa. 42tf. MANUFACTURER'S SALE OVER C.000 pairs of Men's and Boys' Trousers at prices less than whole sale. Direct from the factory. No middlemen's profits. From 50c to $2.00 saved on each pair. Look for tho sign, Foster Building, opposite D. & II. Depot, Honesdale, Pa. it MISCELLANEOUS. YOUR NAME PRINTED ON TAPE for laundry purposes at this olllce. 5Gtf WIAOTED GIRL IN WASHROOM to -wash glass. Apply to Krantz & Smith. 55tf. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. In jure at A. L. Patterson's, Waymart, Pa. 55ei2t. WANTED TWO GENTLEMEN boarders at 310 Eleventh street, Honesdale. WANTED 400 MEN FOR 'HAYING and harvest at 51.75 a day in cluding board, lodging and washing. Long jobs. Farm work will last until December 1. Miller's Reliable Agency, Penn Yan, N. Y. 53eol3t EVERY HOUSEKEEPER WANTS it A book of gummed fruit Jar labels, containing eighteen varieties, 324 labels, perforated. Easy to read, 10 cents. Varcoe Printing House. Honesdale. Pa. 55eoi2t FOR RENT: NINE-ROOM HOUSE; all modern improvements. Inquire Jacob Denier, South Church street. 52eltf. WANTED AT ONOE 20 SMOOTH ers, 5 roughers and 5 polishers by the Wayne Cut Glass Company at Towanda, Pa. Steady work and highest wages paid. , 5oei4 WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR chickens, hens, ducks, geeso and eggs. 'Phone or write A. E. Sisson, Milanvllle, Pa., or write to me. M. Fagin, Liberty, N. Y. 4SeiS BEFORE SENDING OUT YOUR laundry have your name printed on tape, which can easily be sewed to any garment. Citizen office, where all kinds of printing is neat ly and promptly executed. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL for bousewoTk. Apply ftErs. Chas. It. Brady. 52tf MAIL CLOSING HOURS. A.M. . 7.00 . C.30 P.M. 2.30 12.M. P. M. 2.50. P.M. 5.30 4.15 C.45 Erie D. & H D & H. R D. . Stage Sun. 9.50 LOCAL NEWS - -During July and August the regular mon'.hly meeting of the Greater Honesdalel Board of Trade will be omitted. The next meeting will be held tho second Friday in September. -J. J. Canivan has been taxing dogs the past few weeks. He re ports having tagged 75 dogs and claims there are about 25 dogs to be taxed. To date no canines have been killed. Elk Lake is claiming a large majority of Jlonesdalo's heat vic tims who have escaped from the city to the rest and coolness of the lakes. Several parties went there the first of the week and people were going and coming all during this week. West Scranton's oldest resi dent, Richard Walsh, aged ninety eight years, died at 11 o'clock Tuesday night at the home of his nephew in Scranton. He is surviv ed by four nephews. Patrolman Walsh, Richard It. Walsh and Edward Murphy, of Scranton. Mr. aish was born in Ireland and came to America C5 years ago. A state and federal bank ex aminers' association was organized at Brighton Beach, N. Y., on Tues day of this week at a conference of nearly 100 bank examiners repre senting the Now York state depart ment of banks, federal examiners In New York. Now Jersey, Pennsylva nia, Maryland, Virginia and tho District of Columbia. George L. Norris was chosen chairman. B. Spencer is circulating a petition among tho automobilo owners of Honesdalo getting signa tures of men who are willing to join tho ano County Automobilo As sociation Tho society hopes to get every owner of a machlno to Join. Thero are about 200 In Wayne county 70 of whom reside' in Honesdalo, 40 in Ulawloy and tho balanco throughout tho county. Tho object of tho association is to obtain better country roads and have tho thank you-ma'ams removed. Decorator Morris, of Scranton, met with tho committees of the trustees and Whatsoever Circle of tho Methodist church on Wednesday relative to decorating tho Interior of that edifice. Tho sido Walls wIU probably remain as they are, Mr. Morris claiming that they could not bo Improved upon. Tho colling, however, will bo refrescocd. Tho committee In charge is composed of Miss Irene Long, Mrs. E. II. Clark, nnd Mrs. M. E. Simons of tho What soever Clrclo and 'II. J. Ponwarden, W. P. Schenck and B. F. Haines of the board of trustees. If you have anything to adver tise send your ad to The Citizen. Both 'phones. Have you glanced over The Cit izen's pages of late and noticed the number of new advertisements wo are printing? 'A. B. Transue, tho obliging Union stntion ticket agent, Is enjoy ing twelve days' vacation. Ray mond Dibble is lookiing after Mr. Transuo's Interest at tho depot. Jenkins' Boy band, of twenty two pieces, will play at Harrisburg on August 14, at a celebration of the IHarrisburg Fire Department. There will be a danco and picnic. Sonic people who are known to own dogs, disown them now be cause they are compelled to pay tho tax. If a dog Is not worth tho price of the tnx, he is not worth much to the owner. Ben White was released from Jail on Tuesday, on ball furnished by W. J. Barens, W. B. Lesher and At torney C P. Searle. Tho bail 'bond amounted to $200. Ben will ap pear before tho October term of COlll't. In a wreck at Hawley on the Wyoming Division of tho Erie sev eral coal cars were derailed Tues day night. The Port Jervls wreck ers were called and replaced the cars on the tracks. The damage was slight. The (inarterly meeting of tho olllcinl board of the Methodist Epis copal church was held on Tuesday evening In the church parlors. Dis trict Superintendent L. C. Murdock of the Scranton district of the Wyo ming conference, was present. Gilbert White, ono of Hones dale's most highly respected citi zens and early manufacturers, was receiving congratulations from his many friends on Wednesday, the oc casion being in commemoration of his SOth birthday. May he live to enjoy many more like events. The annual outing of the Lack awanna Chemical society will be held in Carbondale this week and also at Farview on Saturday. At the latter place the party will in spect the State Hospital for the criminal insane there which will be followed by a program of athletic events in the Farview picnic grounds. The town council has authoriz ed Commissioner L. Weidner to narrow Main street at the lntersec tln of High and Main streets. A culvert has been built over the gut ter, thereby doing away with another badand dangerous place in the road. The Improvement will bo extended from Clark & Bullock's store to Park street. At a meeting of the creditors of the B. L. Holbert bankruptcy sale, Tuesday, an order was made directing the sale of 'Mr. Holbert's automobile, which Is claimed to be the property of Mrs. Eliza Holbert, his wife. Evidence was also taken regarding the opposition of B. L. Holbert as a bankrupt. Tho meet ing adjourned until July 23. The ladles of the German Lu theran church gave an Ice cream and cake social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Carmichael on West street on Wednesday evening. The social took place on tho lawn, which was beautifully decorated with lan terns. A large number attended and the ladles are more than pleased with the result. The money will be used to help pay for the new church organ. Lake Hutington, Sullivan coun ty, N. Y., a popular summer resort, was formally opened to the public Tuesday evening of this week. 'Mr. and Mrs. C. (L. Dunning, daughter Laverne, and Mr. and Mrs. Hergott and Frank McKanna and party mo tored from Honesdale. In addition to several hundred summer board ers, many people from points In Wayne county were also In attend ance. An excellent time was enjoy ed by all present. It was a brilliant affair. There were fifty-four appli cants in the Honesdale teachers' ex amination for provisional certifi cates on Tuesday and of that num ber only three were young men. It seems that the young men are be coming fewer and fewer every year in the teachers' profession. Tho ap plicants represented nearly every school district in the county. The next teachers' examination will be held on July 29 for provisional cer tificates only. Tho examination will be held in tho Honesdale High school building. The Standard Oil Company of Now Jersey, announced Tuesday that It had found It necessary to advance the price of gasoline from fourteen and ono half to fifteen and one-half cents, wholesale, tho highest figure this commodity has brought in this country since it was placed on tho market. Tho advanco In prlco is having its effect on the automobile owners of the country who are forc ed to bear tho brunt of tho ad vance. The price is higher since the dissolution of the Standard Oil Company by order of tho Supremo Court than It was before. A. M. Stevens, who has been away from Honesdale sinco 1S78, is renewing acquaintances here. Mr. Stevens is president of tho Wind fall Placer Mining and Development company, located at Missoula, Mon tana. Mr. Stevens' company owns COO acres of gold land and thero is over $5,000,000 tested having been recently staked out and ready to de velop. Tho gold Is 9.88 lino with a value of $19. 70 per ounce. Geo. Seaman of this placo whllo west a few months ago, visited Mr. Stevens and persuaded him to como to Wayne county and present his propo sition to former friends hero. Mr. Stevens was born in Berlin town ship and was a son of William and Olive Stevens. Ho olft Honesdalo 24 yeans ago, going to western Pennsylvania and after living thero some tlmo ho went to Montana, where ho has been located tho past quarter century. Ho Is presenting a clean proposition to Wayno coun ty peoplo and for parties who deslro to mako a good investment, Mr. Stovens claims that ho has got It. G. It. Clark, florist, Scranton, Is a director of tho company. Mr. Stev onB is presenting some very favor able reports as to what tho com pany is doing. iWork nt the Crlmlnnl Insane Hospital, Farview, Is progressing rapidly. Laborers aro In grent do ni and nnd good wages aro paid. Owing to our cnrrlers going to tho Union picnic nt Lake Lodore, our subscribers received their pa pers a few hours Inter than usual. The attaches of tho Lyric thea tre returned to Honesdale on Wed nesday evening after camping with Manager Dlttrlch at Laurel Lake for a week. Heavy rain fell at Fnlrvlow Lake on Wednesday and Thursday. The storm was severe but no serious damages have been reported from tho lightning. Among additional Improvements to bo made on Main street will be the replacing of the wooden stoop and steps in front of the Dlttrich building, corner Main and Seventh streets, with concrete. Tho Union basket picnic took out of Honesdale about 2C0 men, women nnd children to Lake Lo dore, Thursday morning nt 9 o'clock. The special was in charge of Con ductor Chapmnn. Tho train con sisted of nine cars. It stopped at Scelyvillo and Prompton and took on many people. Several persons took advantage of the 12:25 train. Be fore the excursion train departed Jenkins' Boy Band, which organiza tion accompanied the picnickers, serenaded tho different pastors, rep resenting the various denominations who went. Secretary Mark K. Edgar, of the Scranton Board of Trade, to gether with Robert D. Towne, E. J. Lynett, William E. Napier, George E. Bates and W. Worthlngton Scranton, Is preparing to give the members of tho Pennsylvania State Editorial association a good chance to see the many advantages of Scranton and its environs when they como there on July 25. It Is expect ed that between 200 nnd 300 of them will stop off at Scranton, on their way to Lake Champlain for their annual outing and the hoard will make their stay in Scranton of a day or so as pleasant as possible. In an interview published In the Wednesday's Issue of The Citi zen In w.hich the views of Mr. Koeh Ier as to the duties of the electors was pointed out, it was not the in tention of The Citizen to cast any reflections whatever upon Mr. Koehler. His attitude In thq, mat ter is honorable. If the state con vention reconvenes at Harrisburg as it probably will before November he will do the honorable thing If that convention gives Instructions which he cannot conscientiously fol low. Mr. Koehler wishes to mod ify hs statement as to hs attitude toward the action of the Chicago conventon when he says: "There Is no law to my knowledge that makes an elector submit to the will of the national convetnion, but it is cus tomary to do so." James O. Mumford has returned from Scranton. C. W. Dein was a business caller in Scranton Wednesday. Miss Lizzie Tlllou, of Scranton, is spending" a few weeks here. Miss Madeline McGarry, of Scran ton, is visiting relatives in town. dsadore Roos, of Scranton, spent tho forepart of the week in town. Dr. F. W. Powell was a profes sional caller In Scranton on Thurs day. Mrs. Kathryn Fitch returned on Thursday from a few days' visit In Scranton. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Relf and son, William, are spending the week at Elk 'Lake. Arthur Griffin of New York was attending to business here tho first of tho week. H. F. Ourney and tho corps of en gineers aro in Honesdalo this week on business. Miss Marie P. Ward left Thurs day morning for a visit with Wilkes Barre relatives. Richard Strongman, of Chicago, is visiting his father, John Strong man, at Bethany. Ernest Tolley has secured em ployment with the Gurney Electric Elevator company. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Lambrecht and son have returned to their home in 'New Jersey after a pleasant visit with Honesdale friends. John Kroll has returned from Brooklyn, where ho has been em ployed at his trade, that of a print er, tho past four months. Miss Ella Best, of Irving, Pa., who has been teaching school at that place," Is visiting relatives and friends In Wnyno county. Sho is at present at Beachlake. John Boyd Is painting a large sign on the Dodge building for Bodie, tho photographer. Mr. Bo dlo expects to occupy his now studio as soon as his cabinet arrives. Georgo Hcttlch, of Towanda, who has been the guests of his ' sister, Mrs. Bertha Gllngler, Westsido avo nuo, and nieces, Mrs. Lena Berg man and Miss Mary lAnnner, return ed to his homo on Thursday. Lorlng R. Gale and famllly, of Rivordalo-on-the-Hudson, who have been staying hero for some tlmo, will leave on Friday for Galeton, and after a week there they expect to return hero for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Charle3 Horgott, who havo been tho guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. L. Dunning started tholr return trip Wednesday, expecting to visit friends In Morldan, Conn., be fore going to their homo In Jean notte. Attorney F. n. Crossloy nnd broth er Jnmos C, of Chicago, who havo been visiting relatives hero and at Falrviow Lako for tho past two weeks, started for their western homo Thursday morning going via Now York City. They wero accom panied by their brothor, Thomas A. of this place. From tho metropolis they will go by water to Norfolk, Va. Auto and Traveling coatB at Man ner & Coa stores, in linen and rain proof. CGel8 LAKE COMO. (Speclul to Tho Citizen.) Lako Como, July 10. The Fourth of July was celebrat ed In a most worthy way in our community. 'Largo crowds wero In nttendanco and tho entire program of the day was carried out to per fection. Tho decorations wero of the most appropriate kind. No ac cidents marred tho pleasure of tho day, and the behavior was excellent. All enjoyed tho occasion, and pro nounced It tho best Fourth spent In this section. The following program was carried out: Selection by the Hancock Concert Band. Invocation, by Rev. William S. Ger man. Solo, entitled "Tommy," by Miss Muriel Germnn. Song, by tho Lake Como choir. Selection by the band. Reading of the Declaration of In dependence by Miss Edna Bortree. Selection by the band. Oration by Rev. Wlllinm S. German, pastor M. E. church. Recitation by Mrs. Mills of The Lodge. Song, "America," by tho congrega tion. Selection by the band. Benediction. The Ladles' Aid served a fine din ner in the hall. The trustees had the other stands In charge, and Mr. H. II. Williams arranged for the fireworks In the evening. Tho en tire celebration was a great success. Mrs. John II. Butler of Balti more, Md., Is visiting her cousin, Rev. William S. German. There was born to Rev. and Mrs. William S. Gorman on Sunday at 4 o'clock, a son. Both mother and son are doing well. An Ice cream social will be held in the hall on Saturday, July 13, In the evening. A sermon of rare quality was preached in the Lakewood church last Sunday evening by the pastor. It was unusually interesting and of uplifting power. Miss Esther Labar of Lakewood, is stopping at the parsonage for a couple of weeks. DAMASCUS. (Spccfal to The Citizen I Damascus, July 10. July 4 the Bible school united with the Ashland school in their annual picnic. All feasted at one long table. The Ashland folks excel in sociability and hospitality and much help was given through the mutual conferences among the offi cers and teachers of tho two schools. Next year, July 4, 1913, the picnic will be held at Damascus and a com mittee is already appointed to plan the program on a more extensive plan than even this year. The music class was organized last week and meets every Friday night In the church at 8:15. Miss Florence Rose Warren Is the manager. Mrs. Lassley entertained her class of twelve young ladies Tuesday even ing, and olffcers wero elected and a happy band are they. The annual August fair has been uppermost in the minds of the ladles the past months and it promises to be a unique affair. Tho Wayne Association will bo held at Honesdale, August 27-28. Miss Frances Tyler led the Ep worth League on Sunday evening. Rev. F. E. Moyer preached an in spiring sermon. Imogene Bush, of Callicoon, Is spending some time with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Bush. Ruth Coleman, of Windsor, N. V., Is visiting Mildred Pethlck. Itev. and Mrs. F. E. Moyer are en tertaining relatives. Bert Berry, wife and daughter, Lillian, and Nellie Sullivan of Scran ton, recently visited D. W. Berry. A. G. Gregg's bungalows aro com pleted and ready to let. Tho Loyal Daughters of the M. E. Sunday school will give a Kwan Koba on tho high school lawn Thursday evening, July 25. There will be all sorts of attractions, among which will bo a sugar plum tree and a snake charmer. Refreshments will bo served. C. M. Pethlck, the Tyler Hill mer chant, lost a large dairy barn, 40x50 feet, by fire on tho 4th. The building was ablaze shortly after tho bolt of lightning struck, con sequently nothing could be saved. However a tool and Ice house near by was kept Intact. Insurance, barn $C00; contents $300. Volney Skinner, of Milanvllle, celebrated his Slst birthday on Saturday last. STALKER AND B RAMAN. (Special to The Citizen.) Stalker and Braman, July 10. Rain is needed hero very much. iMr. and Mrs. Harry Layton, of BInghamton, spent tho week of the Fourth with her father, Nicholas Kelly and other relatives. Mrs. Frances Mair and Florence Newport aro visiting the former's father, Wm. Newport, and other rel atives for a few weeks. Thero was a largo rattlesnake killed opposlto Long Eddy, having fourteen rattles. Tho Fourth was celebrated hero with a church picnic. Tho young peoplo enjoyed games In tho grvo until after noon. Frank Lauson spent last week with O. H. Braman nt Carthage, N. Y. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You HarVe Always Bought Bears the Signature DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate James Van Valkonborg, lato of Scott. All persons Indebted to said estato aro notified to mako immedlato pay ment to tho undersigned, and thoso having claims against tho said es tato aro notified to present them duly attested for settlement. R. W. RAYMOND, Adm'r. Sherman, Pa., July 1, 1912. BOARD OF TRADE BULLETIN No, 4, HONESDALE, PA., Published In tho Interest of Hones dnle and vicinity. F. W. Krcltner, President. R. J. Murray, 1st Vice-President. S. T. Ham, 2nd Vice-President. Edward Dcltzer, Treasurer. E. B. Callaway, Secretary. E. B. Callaway, Editor. Trade with your home merchant. A dollar spent In Honesdale goes farther than one sent out of town. If you don't (believe it try and get credit from the mall order houses. Do you wear Honesdale Bhoes? If you don't you ought to. Make It a point that the next time you need shoes that you buy a pair of Hones dale made shoes. "Insist upon It." The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trade will be suspend ed during tho months of July and August. The next meeting will be held the second Friday In Septem ber. Did It ever occur to you that If 000 voters purchased shoes bearing Honesdale labels that In a year an average of 1,200 pairs of shoes ERIE RAILROAD TIMETABLE Effective Juno 15, 1912. To Patrons Along tho Scranton Branch of tho Erie Rnllroad. The morning trains leaving Scran ton at 6.00 o'clock and 1.30 p. m., as per schedule following" runs dally IIOXESDAJjE West Bound. Sun. Only. 6.42 6.50 6.58 7.07 7.10 6.28 6.35 6.43 6.52 6.55 1.12 1.20 1.28 1.37 1.40 . . . Lv. Hawley Ar. . . . . West Hawley. . . . . . .White Mills . . . East Honesdale . ..Ar. Honesdalo Lv. 3.27 3.38 3.47 3.50 7.45 7.56 8.05 8.08 9.1: P. M. 6.30 Scranton P.M. I P.M. I P.M. A.M. Arrive SCRANTON West Bound. East Bound Sun. Only. Sun. Only 0.45 0.31 1.15 Ar. West Lv! 7.43 3.24 10.05 6.50 10.10 6.37 1.20 9.15 7.00 Lv. Hawley Ar. 7.38 10.54 3.16 6.54 9.40 7.06 10. 2G 6.53 1.36 9.31 7,16 Hoadleys ... 7.22 10.38 3.00 0.36 9.23 7.11 10.30 6.59 1.40 9.37 7.22 Clemo 7.17 10.33 2.56 6.31 9.18 7.2110.407.09 1.50 9.4S 7.31 Gravity 7.07 10.23 2.46 6.21 9.08 7.34 10.47 7.20 1.57 9.57 7.39 Lako Ariel. 7.00 10.16 2.39 6.14 9.01 7.50 11.01 7.34 2.11 10.11 7.52 Maplewood 6.46 10.02 2.21 0.01 8.47 7 57 11.07 7.40 2.17 10.17 7.58 Saco ..6.39 9.55 2.15 5.54 S.40 8.01 11.09 7.43 2.20 10.20 8.00 Wlmmers. . 6.3G 9.52 2.12 5.51 8.37 7.13 11.20 7.54 2.31 10.31 8.11 Elmhurst. . . 6.24 9.4012.00 5.39 8.25 8.20 11.27 S. 01 2.38 10.38 8.18 Nay Aug. .. 6.15 9.3111.51 5.30 8.16 8.32 11.38 8.12 2.49 10.51 8.28 Dunraore . . . 6.06 9.2211. 4215.211 8.07 S.41 11.47 8.21 2.58 11.00 8.37 Scranton 6.00! 9.15'1.35'5.15 8.00 P. m. I A. m. I p. M. fp. mT I A. mTu. m. I Arrive Leave IT. m.Ta. "m. p.m. I p. M. I a. m Published by the Greater Honesdale Board of Trade, Honesdale, Pa. HONESDALE Just Received We are now prepared to supply our customers, every style, size or pen point in the World's Standard Fountain Pen. Complete Stock These pens aro absolutely guar anteed by us to be perfect in manu facture and to give complete satis faction. Pens filled for trial. Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen See Window Display ROWLAND Jeweler of Quality Read Tho Citizen. DOMINION FLY SPRAY DOMINION ttJ Ir R AT Ho initio R5sjEi'll - FOR O. M. SPETTIGUE. Honesdale, Pa. Vol, 1 would have been sold. This In turn would amount to $5,000. Who would bo tho gainer? Surely not the out-of-town manufacturer. If you are skeptical about adver tising, ask any member of the Board of Trade or the merchants of tho town and they will soon convlnco you that It pays and pays big divid ends. As an evidence of the result of advertising tho Board of Trado wishes to announce that money thus expended is spent wisely. Tho Board can talk from experience. A few weeks ago tho Erie summer timetable was inserted in Hones dale's three newspapers so that pa trons living along the Scranton branch would be benefited by trad ing In Honesdale. They can also leave their home on the first train, como to Honesdale, do their shop ping and return homo the same day. It is now flnee weeks since the tlme tablo went Into effect. On Monday morning's 8:08 Erie train 30 pas sengers alighted from the cars. Be sides this, mail Is received from New York, Scranton and other points, together with the morning papers. Does it pay to advertise? Menner & Co. will sell out their remaining stock of waist suiting at remarkably low prices. 55el 8 except Sunday, directly to Honesdale, giving people all day if necessary tC transact their business at the coun seat and return home the same even ing. BRANCH. East Bound. Su .261. . .24 'G. .09 6. .00 6. ,57;6. n. only. 7.45 7.43 7.29 7.20 7.17 ...3 .00j3 ,B23 43i3 .4012 10.07 10.05 9.52 9.43 9.40 (D&H) Leave I a. m. I a.m. I .m. p.m. : a. m. BRANCH. Accurately Compounded Prescriptions Our Specialty The creditors of the KEYSTONE Pharmacy have secured tho services of Buel Dodge, who Is backed with 37 years of experlenco as a pharmacist, to conduct their drug store recently purchased of P. L. Cole. Bring your Prescriptions to this store. You'll receive pure, fresh drugs accurately compounded. That's the way wo help tho doctor to help you. KEYSTONE PHARMACY 1123 Alain St. CHAUTAUQUA and Return VIA ERIE R. R. $10.85 July 5 July 26Aug. 27 Thirty-One Day Return Limit Ask Local Agent Honesdale for complete Information. in (Kill-Germ B1P SALE BY JULY 12, 1912. Aft i i iuTi! Hi Tm com .-.