The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 12, 1912, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3
THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1912. PAGE THREE NECK BROKEN, HE STOOD UNAIDED Waldorf Miller's Case Has Sur prised the Doctors. ASTONISHED HIS FRIENDS, Rose Twice to His Feet and Remained Erect For Seconds Predicted Ho' Would Live and Seems'to Be Fulfill ing the Prophecy. Faith never -worked greater wonders1 thnu in the case of Waldorf Miller, a Now York man who lives with a bro ken neck and continues to show mark ed Improvement when, by all the tenets of medical science, he should be a hopeless paralytic, with the only puz zle that he lives at nil. Recently for the first time since he was injured, a year ago, he stood un assisted upon his feet Ho was erect only nbout five seconds. Then ho fell back in his chair, but to prove to any possible doubters that it had not been merely .1 trick display of strength he rose again and tills time stood up right for the full space of half a minute and resumed his seat only at the urg ing of others. This exhibition of strength and the use of his legs by young Miller proved more astonishing to physicians and sur geons than to laymen. At the time Mil ler wns lying unconscious in the hos pital directly after he wns injured they could 6eo nothing ahead of him but speedy death. When he Improved there arose doubt about the diagnosis and the X ray was brought into play. The photograph showed a broken cer vical vertebra. Then the surgeons said be might linger on in n hopeless con dition of paralysis and that certainly he never would regain the use of his legs or even le able to move them at will. A Curious Phase of the Case. There was a curious phase of the case that did not enter into the progno sis of the physicians, as It was not then written into its history. Miller, who was twenty-one years old, went to Hudson park, New Ho chelle, N. Y., on July 3, 1011, with other members of the Iroquois Social club. About a dozen of the most dar ing of the young men slipped nway from the others for a swim. Miller dived off a high rock and did not come to the surface. Ho was rescued from twenty feet of water. Three years before Frederick, ' his Elder brother and the only other child ttf their widowed mother, dived at al most Identically the same sjwt and broke his neck. He lived ten days. When Waldorf surprised the physi cians by regaining consciousness sev eral days after he had been hurried to the hospital he seemed to know the nature of his injury. lie a6ked how long he had been in tho hospital and Enid: "If I can live longer than Fred did I shall recover." The ten days passed and Waldorf was still living. Ho became more cheerful and whistled and talked all day. Ills faith grew Btronger and Etronger as the days passed, and death was still In the future and finally de clared: "I'll fool them yet I am going to get better, and some day I shall be able to walk on crutches." Miller first showed that his body wns recovering from complete paraly sis by moving his Angers. Then he could move his nrms. When he hail made this much progress he was re moved from tho hospital to the homo of his mother. lie has steadily leen gaining strength and not many days ago found that ho could move his legs. How He Came to Stand Up. One day recently a numlcr of his friends were visiting Miller and were grouped about his chair out on the lawn. "Wa.Lv,. eaji't you stand on your feet "Surely I can," ho replied. "Just watch mo!" Then, to tho amazement of nil, young Miller rose to n standing posture. It was only for n flash of time that ho was In a standing position. Mrs. Mil ler wns called out of tho house by Uie delighted friends of her son, and the cheerful patient stood up for his moth er and sat down ncaln only at her command. She wns tho most surpris ed of all who witnessed the feat "Did you know yon could do It?" flaked one of tho Iwys. "I wns sure I could. 1 had never tried It, but I wns sure I could when I did try. I told you that I would bo walking around In n year, nnd It looks as If I would make good tlve prediction. Of courw? I'll have to use crutches, but It will satisfy mo Just so I am able to move nlwut unassisted. I nm going to get a wholo lot better." MULE BETTER THAN AUTO. Test Shows Animal Is More Satisfac tory For Troops. The army mule apparently has won his fight for existence. The test of the auto truck ns n substitute for the mule has loen extensive enough .to justify tho following statement from Carunln M. E. Fnvlll: "The automobile demonstration has been such as to warrant the conclu sion that it is unwise and unsafe to su persede army mules and wagons with ttio troops by any other form of loco-notion." WAR ON LOAN SHARKS. Eight Prisoners, Three of Them Wom en, Caught In Raid. New York, July 0. The first of what promises to be a series of raids on the "loan sharks" of New York was made under tho direction of Assistant Dis trict Attorney Franklin Brooks. Eight prisoners were taken, three of them young women, who were arraigned in the Tombs court later before Magis trate Corrlgan and held In ball for ex amination on the charge of usury. Mr. Brooks has had men gathering evidence against the money lenders for some time nnd found that tho rate of interest ran all the way from 100 to 500 per cent In addition to the eight prisoners a hand truck, loaded with account books, a safe, loan receipts for many thou sands of dollars and diamonds taken as security valued at $40,000 were seized. ICE PATROL IS OFF. Wireless From Sea Lane Say3 Scout Cruisers Have Quit. Washington, July 0. A radiogram received from the scout cruiser Bir mingham stated that that ship had censed her ice patrol nnd was now bound for Philadelphia, where she was to return to the reserve fleet. Since late in May the scout cruisers Birmingham nnd Chester have been taking turns in pntrolllng the naviga tion routes of the North Atlantic on the lookout for Icebergs and ice fields. Ice encountered wns reported to the hydrographlc office dally nnd thence distributed to all ships on the north erly routes, while tho cruisers also re layed tho wireless reports of other ;Mps to tho shore. The Ice patrol wns instituted by or der of Secretary Meyer following the Titanic disaster. Heat Death In Buffalo, Buffalo, N. Y., July 0. Gustavo Law son, sixty-three, father of tho one time world's champion bicycle rVler, Iver Lnwson, who was overcome by the heat while standing In front of his home, is dead. Four Artillerymen Killed. Berlin, July 0. During artillery prac tice at Cerkeny a gun exploded, kill ing four of the gun crew and fatally Injuring several others. Tho cause of the explosion Is not determined. Sixteen Drownings In Northwest. St. Paul, Minn., July 9. Sixteen per sons were drowned In the northwest All the victims were at neighboring lakes and rivers enjoying a day's out ing to escape the extreme heat. I pouroicre to COWS I J? Atlantic Refining Company j J KILLSTWO CHILDREN Mother Also Ends Her Life by Gas. ILL HEALTH CAUSED CRIME. Westchester Woman Commits Suicide With Her Little Ones Believed She Made Unsuccessful Effort Year Ago Great Shock to the Community. Westchester, Pa.. July !). At her home In this city Mrs. Florence Hoble Boyd, aged forty years, destroyed her self and daughter of seven and son of four years by turning on a How of gas in her sleeping room. Fumes of the gas aroused the suspi cion of neighbors, nnd the house wns entered and the three dead bodies found. The husband, Edmund Boyd, had gone to his work. Everything showed that the net had been carefully considered. Ill health of Mrs. Boyd Is assigned for the triple tragedy. Mrs. Boyd was of good family con nection, but was wearj" of life. A year or two ago. It Is believed, she made an effort to take her life by the same method she employed, but her act wis discovered In time to save her life. Her two little children were favorites In the section where fhey lived, and the com munity Is deeply shocked at their terri ble death. . The husband Is In n frantic Btate o mind over his loss. Ills sorrow is something too deep to be described, and ninny friends nro doing their best to relieve him of the great shock so suddenly visited upon him. Death from asphyxlntlon was the verdict of a cor oner's jury. LIBERTY DEPENDS ON GAME. To Pick Teams From Hoboes and Loser Will Be Punished. Wilkesbarre, Pa., July 0. Thirty ho boes who were rounded up by tho po lice of PlyuioutL borough were taken before Burgess Morris for sentence, and he decreed that all be held In the lockup until tomorrow, when he will lead a parade to tlve best baseball diamond in the borougli. Two teams will be selected, and tho burgess de clares the game must bo hotly con tested from etart to finish. The losers are to be rather severely punished. After tlio full nine Innings have been played the losing team will be taken to the lockup and held prisoners 'for two days, putting in their time pound lug stones on tho streets of tho bor ough. The victors are also to be tak en back to the lockup, but held only long enough to le well fed, when they will bo ordered to shake tho dust from their feet in a hurry and get out of the town. Burgess Morris is a great baseball fan. He believes that out of thirty hoboes there are several good ball players, and he says he Is particularly anxious to see Just how well men can play the great national game when their liberty depends on the outcome of the contest WILSON HAS A DOUBLE. Pittsburgh Manufacturer Is Mistaken For the Governor. Pittsburgh, July 0. Woodrow Wil son has a double In John R Gill, president of the Manufacturers' Light and Heat company of this city. Mr. Gill hoa repeatedly been mistaken for bis distinguished double, and some of his experiences have been both trying and nmuslug. Recently when ho nnd Wilson met hero in a hoted lobby they were Intro duced, and Wilson Jokingly asked Gill to help him out with some of his speeches. Gill only Inst week was be sieged by a flock of suffragettes nt his hotel, who pleaded their cause and de manded a declaration from him until they were persuaded to seo their mis take. BURY WRECK VICTIMS. Mills, Shops, Stores and Mines at Li gonier Valley Will Close. Llgonler, Pa., July D.-SFhreo of the twenty-six victims of Friday's wreck on tho Wllpen branch of the Loonier Valley railroad were burled with prac tically tho entire iopulatioii of Llgonler valley ntteuding. Otlier funerals will bo held when stores, mills, shops and mines will lie closed out of respect Tho death list remains nt Saturday's figure, although n number of tho thirty injured are in a critical condition. ARM CRUSHED IN MACHINE. Girl Hurt In Laundry and Amputation May Be Necessary. Philadelphia, July 0. Her hand caught hi a machino nt n laundry In this city, Margaret Daly had her right arm so crushed that It may have to bo nmptutnted. Sho Is In the Pennsyl vania hospital. Her screams brought several other employees, and one of them, Otto Cook, quickly pulled tho belting from its place. Tristate League. At noadln-Atlantlc City, C; Head ing, 7. At nnrrisburg Trenton, 0; Harris burs, 13, At York-Wilmington, 0; York, Q, HARRY M. DAUGHERTY. Ohio Man Said to Be Tnft's Choice For National Chairman. 1 There was uncertainty ns to the out como when tho men who aro to pick the new Republican national chairman met at tho White, House for luncheon with Presi dent Toft Harry M. Daugherty of Ohio Is said to be strongly favored for the place by Mr. Taft. Dreamed His Stories. Justin McCarthy. It Is said, used to Cream his stories. "When 1 awoke and recalled tho wholo," he Is quoted ns saying, "I wrote it word for word as If I were copying without taxing my brain to provide Ideas or word dressing." The Caucasus. No fewer than thirty languages are spoken in tho Caucasus. The inhab itants nro Russians, Armenians, Tar tars, Georgians and divers Moham medan tribes. Rochefort Cheese. Bochefort cheese gains Its distinc tion and Its flavor by ripening six ionths in a cave in tho mountains near tho little village of Bochefor;, In southern France. Part of tho process which it undergoes is the pricking full of little holes. Into which the air of tho cavo penetrates. This air remain" of the same temperature the yea' round. Only sheep's milk Is use ' I Tlio Kind Ton navo Alwnys Bought, nnd which has been in use- for over 30 yenrs, has homo tho slgnaturo of - nnd has heen mado under his per LFL jC(J?71s Bonal supervision since its Infancy. wzT7r, UCU4i. Allow no 0110 to deceive yoa In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd " Just-as-good"nro hut Experiments that trlilo with nnd endanger tho health of Infants nnd uhlldrcn Expcrlcneo against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castoria, Is n harmless suhstltuto for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms nnd nllays Fovcrlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea nnd "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flntulcncy. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THR eCMTtUH COMPANY, TT MURRAY STRttT. NEW YORK CrTY. The Ideal Guardian of the estates of your minor chil dren. It has the very best facilities for the profitable and wise invest ment and reinvestment of the princi pal and accrued ncome.-The Scranton Trust Co. CnrtiPO Cffwtfr The Delaware & Hudson Company Do You Want a Real Vacation ? THEN PACK YOUR GRIP AND COME ALONG. aratoea Sims and Lake Game EXCURSION SATURDAY, JULY 13 Itcnutiful Saratoga Springs, with Its world-renowned mineral waters, is always nttractlvo to the tourist and health seeker. Tlio Charming Boat Trip through lMcturexiue Luke George is unstirpassalile, while tho beau ties of tho lake aro indescribable. EXCELLENT HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS AT MODERATE COST Fare ENTIRETRIP $5-75 CHILDREN $3.00 Tickets good for ten days. Good going on all trains Saturday, July lilth, and returning on any train to nnd Including July lEInd. Good for stop-oil' at Albany and north thereof, in cluding landings ou Lnko George. Special train will leavo AVllkcs-Uarro at 7 A. 31.; Scranton at 7:15 A. M.; Carbondalo nt H:!I0 A. M., stopping nt Intermediate stations. Apply to Dclnwnro & Hudson Ticket Ageuts for speclllc Information. If this dato docs not suit your vacation time, then reserve July 20th or August 10th.