PAGE EIGHT THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1912. Main JSt.? Uonesdale, SALE DP Continues II II 15 DAYS BREGSTEIN BROS., 15 DAYS I 1 We win continue our big REMODELING SALE for 15 days more, the large stock of goods we have on hand at this season of the year, he reduced regardless of cost. We are going to remodel our store. This is on account of The entire stock must Spring and Summer For Men and Boys Hats 5 Underwears Shirts, Collars., Trunks,, DressSuit Cases, Hand Bags, in fact everything imaginable No reservation. YOU CAN RELY ON WE Because we count on you to come back and buy from us again. "Once a customer, always a customer," applies particularly to the repu tation we have gained for ourselves during 20 years in business here. If you are not a customer come in and get acquainted with our low prices. HERE ARE SOME OF OUR LOW PRICES: REMODELING PRICES Men's Suits and Raincoats 9 8.00 Suits at 55.00 0.00 Suits at 0-00 10.00 Suits at 7.00 J 2.00 Suits at 8-00 14.00 Suits at 15.00 Suits at 10.00 10.00 Suits at 12.00 18.00 Suits at 13.00 20.00 Suits at 14.00 22.00 Suits at 10.00 25.00 Suits at 18.00 REMODELING PRICES Young Men's Suits $ 7.00 Suits at $1-00 8.00 Suits at 5.00 10.00 Suits at 0.50 12.00 Suits at 7.50 14.00 Suits at 8.50 15.00 Suits at 10.00 REMODELING PRICES Rain Coats 5.00 Rain Coats at $2.08 7.00 Rain Coats at 4.50 10.00 Rain Coats at 7.50 15.00 Rain Coats at 10.00 18.00 Rain Coats at 13.50 REMODELING PRICES Children's Knickerbocker Suits 8 2.00 Suits at S1.25 2.50 Suits at 1.75 3.00 Suits at 2.00 3.50 Suits at 2.50 1.00 Suits at 3.00 5.00 Suits at 3.50 0.00 Suits at 4.00 200 Children's Suits, Straight Bottom Pants, Worth lYoin S3 to SO, your choice for 2.00. REMODELING PRICES Men's Pants Tun Khnkl Pants worth $1.25 at 70 Tan Khaki Pants worth $1.50 at 1.00 $1.00 Pants at 7 Do 1.50 Pants at 1.00 2.00 Pants at 1.50 2.50 Pants at 2.00 3.00 Pants at 2.50 4.00 Pants at 3.00 5.00 Pants at 3.50 0.00 Pants at 4.00 REMODELING PRICES Boy's Knickerbocker Pants 50c Pants at 30 Cts. 75c Pants at 40 Cls. SI. 00 Pants at 75 Cts. $1.00 Corduroy Pants 70 Cts. 50c Pants at 30 Cts. 50c Kahki Pants 30 Cts. 25c Kahki Pants 10 Cts. REMODELING PRICES Soft and Stiff Hats in Ail the Latest Styles Knov Hats Worth $3.00, for $2.50 $2.50 Rats at - 1.00 $2.00 Hats at ,. . . 1.50 $1.50 Hats at , .....1.00 $1.00 Hats at .75 50c Hats at 30 Men's and Roys' 50 cent Caps at 30 Men's and Roys' 25 cent Caps at 10 REMODELING PRICES Dress Shirts Such as Princely Secial Dress Shirts, Coat Styles: 50 Cents at 20 Cts. $1.00 Columbia Shirts at 70 Cts. $1.25 Columbia Shirts at $1.00 $1.50 Maxim Shirts at $1.25 REMODELING PRICES Work Shirts Tho best lino of 50c. shirts in Princely Jack Kabhit and Famous Colors, RIack Sateen, Bine, Tans, Grey and Kliakl will go at. :. ...... .30 Cts $1.00 Cuuo's Royal Rlue Shirts at. ... . .,.40 Cts. REMODELING PRICES Men's Underwear 25 Cent Balbriggnn Shirt and Drawers 10c 50 Cent Rnlhrlggaii Shirt and Drawers nt. . 30c 75 Cent Balhriggan Shirt and Drawers 50c REMODELING PRICES Men's Half Hose 25c Half Hose, all the latest styles will go at 10 Cts. 20c Half Hose at 10 Cts. Men's 5 Pair Heavy Socks for 25c Men's Silk 50c Hose at 35c Men's Canvas Gloves, worth 2 pair for 25c, will go at 5 Cents per pair REMODELING PRICES Trunks, Suitcases, and Bags $8.00. Trunks at $5.00 7.00. Trunks at , 5.00 (t.OO. Trunks at 4.00 5.00. Trunks at 3.50 7.00. Suit Cases at 5.00 0.00 Suit Cases nt 4.00 5.00 Suit Cases at 3.00 4.00 Suit Cases at 2.50 3.O0 Suit Cases at 2.00 2.50 Suit Cases at 1.50 2.00 Suit Cases nt 1.25 1.50 Suit Cases nt 08 1.25 Suit Cases at 70 REMODELING PRICES Neck Wear 50 Cent Ties at 30 25 Cent Ties at 10 Men's Linen Collars Worth 2 for 25 Cents at 10c REMODELING PRICES Men's Linen Dusters Worth $1.25 at 08 Worth $1.25 at $1.00 Worth $2.00 at 1.50 Worth $3.00 ut 2.00 REMODELING PRICES Men's Blue Serge and Gray Summer Coats Worth $3.50 at $2.50 Worth $2.50 at 2.00 Worth $2.00 at 1.50 REMODELING PRICES Boy's and Children's Straw Hats $2.50 Hat at $1.08 2.00 Hat at 1.50 1.50 Hat at 1.00 1.00 Hat at 70 75c Hat at .50 50c Hat at 30 Men's and Boys' Harvest Straws at 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, worth double the price; Children's Straw Hats 50c at 30c REMODELING PRICES Handkerchiefs and Suspenders 50c President Suspenders go at 30c 25c and 35c Suspenders at 10c 10c Handkerchiefs will go at 5c 10 Cent Bluo and Red Handkerclilefs at 2c REMODELING PRICES Overalls 50 cent Overalls and Jackets at 30c 00 cent OveraUs at 75c 35c Boys' Heavy Overalls for 25o REMODELING PRICES Boy's Work Shirts 50 cents for 30c 25 cents for ioc REMODELING PRICES Men's Belts 50 cents for 30c 25 cents for 19c S1.00 for 70c REMODELING PRICES Men's Pajamas Night Shirts Worth $1.00.... Night Shirts Worth 50c, at . . . uc m ...30c REMEMBER TIME AND PLACE OF SALE We will refund your money for any pur chase that you are not satisfied with BREGSTEIN BROTHERS Main St., Honesdale, Pa. NO GOODS CHARGED DURING THIS SALE i
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