The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 03, 1912, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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houses at lower end of town. Will
sell cheap to obtain quick removal.
Apply Gurncy Electric Elevator
Company. 53t2.
'Pcthlck estate, located In Bethany.
Terms reasonable. H. W. Pethlck,
administrator, Hawley, Pa. 53mos2
It. A book of gummed fruit Jar
labels, containing eighteen varieties,
324 labels, perforntqd. Easy to
read, 10 cents. Varcoo Printing
House, Honcsdale, Pa. eol 2t.
MORE 1911 foredoor five-passenger
touring car fully equipped and in
good condition. Price ?700. Call
or address: Lackawanna Automobile
Company, 314 Adams Avenue, Scran
ton, Pa. It
can have It by using Brady's
choice vanllln. Get It at Brady's
Drug store. 50mo2
machine shop and garage located
on Industrial Point, Honesdalo.
Business established 20 years. Best
known glass cutters' supply con
cern In the United States. Edward
0. Jenkins, Honcsdale, Pa. 42tf.
and harvest at $1.75 a day In
cluding board, lodging and washing.
Long Jobs. 'Farm work will last
until December 1. Miller's Reliable
Agency, Penn Yan, iX. Y. 53eol3t
all modern improvements. Inquire
Jacob Demer, South Church street.
chickens, hens, ducks, gceso and
eggs. 'Phone or write A. E. Slsson,
Milanvlllc, Pa., or write to me. M.
Fagin, Liberty, N. Y. 4Sei8
learn glass cutting. Krantz,
Smith Co., Honesdale, Pa. 23eitf
for housewoTk. Apply iXKrs.
Chas. R. Brady. 52tf
Communion services will be
held in the Presbyterian church on
Sunday morning.
'A social was held on Dr. W. T.
Butler's lawn on Thursday evening
and a very good time is reported by
all who attended.
The contract for erecting the
porch on the parochial residence of
St. Mary Magdalen's church has
been let to Edward Pierce, of Car
bondale. The employees of the Durland
Weston Shoe factory are enjoying
their annual summer vacation. The
factory will start operations on Mon
day next.
The St. John's Catholic Total
Abstenenc-o Society held a Temper
ance Rally at the church on Sunday
evening. A special sermon on "Tem
perance" was delivered (by the pas
tor. Father John O'Toole and a largo
attendance was present.
Think of the thousands of un
fortunate children in crowded Now
York City who do not know what
It Is to enjoy the liberties of
country and town life! Surely
your heart is not so hard that you
'will not entertain one or more of
these little ones sometime during
the coming few weeks.
Honesdale met defeat at the
hands of the Jermyn team at that
place on Saturday last by a score of
5 to 2. It was a good game
throughout and the locals got three
scratch hits off Watklns. The bat
teries for Honcsdale were Gregor
and Jacobs; Watklns and Miller for
Jermyn. The latter got only four
hits off Gregor.
The ladles of the Prosbyterlan
church of Prompton -will observe
July 4 by giving a supper at the
home of Henry Mohr. Chicken pie
and short cake will be served at 12
o'clock. I co cream and cake will bo
served throughout the day. Many
fancy articles, such as quilts, aprons,
etc, will bo on sale. Everybody is
incited. Dinner, 35 cents.
- Vn item in Friday's issue of
The Citizen found under the Tyler
Hill notes, read as follows: "Ken
nedy Johnston has been painting his
noute with a buttermilk formula."
Mr Johnston objects to the state
ment as given and wishes it to
read. "Kennedy Johnston has been
painting his house with white lead
and linseed oil." As Mr. Johnston
says- "Thero is a vast difference
between buttermilk and llnsoed
oil " and all our readers will agree
with him.
Honesdale people are maintain
ing their well-known reputation for
generous hospitality by entering
heartily into a proposal to entertain
a party of Now York children, who
will bo sent to the town by the Now
York Tribune, which continues its
splendid work of humanity, tho
Fresh Air society. In tho course of
20 years many thousands of poor
children from tho metropolis havo
been given a new leaso on lifo
through tho opporutnlty to spend a
few weeks in tho country in the hot
season -Pittston Gazette.
- Two men of Dyherry wero arrest
ed Thursday evening by Officer Canl
van 'for being drunk and disorderly
and he took them before Justlco of
tho Peaco W. 11. Ham who conduct
ed a preliminary hearing. Ono of
tho men had over ono hundrod dol
lars on his person. Ho told tho Jus
tice that ho had had moro but that
tho rest went for fooozo. Tho two
men wero lodged in tho county Jail
over night and on Friday morning
they wero released after paying a
email flno and costs. Mr. Ham eald
ho had lot them off easy for tho of
fense had taken place outside the
Don't forget to swat tho flics.
Tho T. B. Clark cut glass fac
tory closed down Snturday for a
week's suspension. Tho Bhop will
reopen July 8.
On July 4th the Delaware and
Hudson will run spoclal trains from
Honesdalo to Lake Lodore, leaving
at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m.
Compnny E havo added flvo
moro recruits to tliolr already largo
company. Election of officers will
lie held this (Tuesday) ovonlng.
The danco glvon by tho Scoly
vllle Fire company In their hnll on
Saturday evening was n big success
both llnanclally and socially and
everybody had a good time.
Miss Florence w-arrrn will open
a choral class for the study of vocal
music Friday night, July 5, nt the
Damascus Baptist church. All are
Tho Wayne County Savings
Bank declared a quarterly dividend
of 4 per cent, on Monday nnd all
stockholders received tho bank's
check for the Interest on their stock.
Paul Frederic's store In the
Brady building has been treated to
a coat of green paint, which sets It
off distinctly from the stores on
cither side.
J. J. Canlvan moved his house
hold goods trom the rooms in the
city hall recently occupied by him to
his new qunrters in the Mrs. Tllleu
house on Eleventh street on Mon
day. Fred Schuerholz, of this place,
who has been playing hall with Al
lentown in the Trl-State League,
has been transfered by Manager
Bill Coughlin to Youngstown, Ohio.
He Is now In the O. & P. league.
The following comprlso a party
who are camping this week at Low
er Woods pond: George Colo, John
and Charles iBosso, John Artman,
Fred and John Theobald, Joe
Schiossler, William Krup, Fred
Hoellein and George Neimeyer.
iDr. Reed Burns mado a pro
fessional call In 'Honesdale on Sat
urday last. He and his son, Dr. E.
W. Burns journeyed to Beachlake
from (Honesdalo the same day where
the distinguished surgeon perform
ed an operation upon Prower Budd.
If you want to have a good
time go to Pleasant Mount to spend
your Fourth of July vacation. There
will be a ball game In the morning
at 10 o'clock. Dinner will be served
by the ladles at noon and again at
night. The Vandling Gleo club of
twelve male voices will furnish the
music during the day and evening.
Mrs. Augusta Friedewald will en
tertain in the evening at 7:30 o'clock
after which a social time will follow.
A farmer gives this simple
method of ridding farms of rats:
"On a large number of pieces of
old shingles I put about half a tea-
spoonful of molasses, and on that
sprinkled a small amount of con
centrated lye, then placed the
shingles around under tho cribs.
The next morning 1 found forty
dead rats, and the rest left tho
place. I have tried several farms
and have never failed to rid them
of these pests."
One thousand three hundred and
fifty-three school children of Wil
liamsport deposited more than ?C,
000 in pennies, nickles and dimes In
the school savings bank during the
term just closed. The total now on
deposit is ?31,27G.08. AVellsboro
Gazette. A good suggestion for any
school to take up, as thero never was
a time when it was harder for the
youth of America to save than at
present, some attraction being pres
ent on every hand to get the pennies
and nickels.
The Herald Press Association
stockholders met on Friday last and
elected the following directors: N.
A. Hulburt, Scranton; J. G. Hill,
P. A. Clark, C. A. McCarty, Fred
Saunders, C. E. Sandercock and
Bernard Rellley. Tho latter and
former were elected in placo of F.
P. Kimble and R. M. Stocker. The
directors elected tho following oin
cers: President, P. A. Clark; N. A.
Hulbert, treasurer, and C. A. Mc
Carty, secretary. C. E. Sandercock
was retained as editor and mana
ger. Tho use of chloroform, ether
and cocaine, as anaesthetics.. Ik
strongly discouraged by a report of
prominent surgeons to tho Ameri
can Medical association, which met
in Atlantic City recently. These
surgeons have carefully analyzed
and prepared clinical data on tho
subject of anaesthesia and they
havo come to tho conclusion that
chloroform, ether and cocaine are
no longer safe, and they have asked
tho association to go on record as
opposed to their use. Tho associa
tion is asked to place Itself on record
in favor of nitrous oxide. This,
they say, is not only absolutely safe,
but there Is no shock or bad after
effects. Dr. E. L. Kemp has been re
elected principal of tho East Strouds
burg State Normal School. As was
to bo expected Dr. 13. L. Kemp, the
principal for so many years and un
der whoso guidance and direction tho
school has grown to such wonderful
proportions, was re-elected unani
mously. Thero is no harder worker
in tho country than Is this well
known educator, says tho Monroe
Record, and ho has raised the stand
ard of the school to such nn extent
that there Is none better in the state.
And tho discipline of tho school Is
also something to oonjur ahout. All
this is duo to tho work of Dr. Kemp.
Miss Laverno Goodnough has bean
elected teacher of kindergarten work.
-Lackawanna county conclave of
Heptnsophs will conduct an excursion
to Lako Lodoro on July 17, and al
ready members of tho order aro look
ing forward to tho occasion as a Jolly
ovoilt for themselves, wives and
sweethearts. Tho arrangement com
mittee Is preparing a program of
sports and havo secured a 'beautiful
cut glas3 water sot for a prize.
Tho HeptasophB aro strong in num
bers in Lackawanna county and a big
turnout is expected at tho excursion.
Wayne county order of Heptasophs
will bo represented there on that day
wnon a largo number from Hones
dalo and Hawoly will ho thero to
tako their part In tho festivities of
tho day. A ball gamo between two
local teams will bo part of tho after
noon program,
(Honesdalo will play two games
tho 4th with Jermyn.
Tho Merry Hearts leave to
morrow for a ten days' camping at
Elk Lake.
Tho Flvo Hundred club will
meet at tho home of Miss Lctltla
Green on Thursday night.
The Cadets of St. John's R. C.
church will hold n picnic at Belle
vuo Park on Saturday, July 13.
Tho borough council nro orect
Ing guards at tho foot of streets fac
ing tho Lnckawaxen river, down
Before laying down Tho Citizen
inspect tho inside pages. There is
considerable valuable Information to
bo found on them.
The county coiMnlsslonors of
Wnyno county nro holding a busi
ness meeting In their offlco nt tho
court house to-day.
J. A. Bodle expects to bo lo
cated in his new studio, corner of
Seventh nnd Mnln streets, by tho
middle of the month.
At a special meeting of the
borough council held Monday morn
ing the ordinance closing lower
Main street was passed.
Owing to the exceedingly hea"Vy
traffic on tho lErlc railroad the trains
have been delayed in arriving in
Honesdale during the past few days.
Tho following letters are adver
tised at the postofflce for week end
ing July 1: Mrs. Andrews, L. A.
Cole. Say advertised. M. B. Allen,
The Free Methodists of Beach
lake will hold a picnic July 4 in the
Vine Hill grove. Prothonotary W.
J. Barnes will deliver an address
during the day.
Miss Agnes Olszefski and Gus
tave Klttel, both prominent young
people of Honesdale, will be mar
ried on Wednesday of this week by
Rev. Dr. J. W. Balta.
An Innovation on the Black Dia
mond Express trains of tho Lehigh
Valley Railroad, is the serving of a
four o'clock tea each day free to all
passengers who care for It.
General orders have been issued
toy (Major General C. B. Dougherty,
commanding the National Guard, to
name the coming camp at Gettysburg
in honor of ex-Governor Edwin S.
Stuart. '
Owing to the Fourth falling on
press day, Friday's Issue of The
Citizen will be printed one day later.
We hope all our friends, subscribers
and readers will enjoy a safe and
sane day.
Corn Is backward throughout
the county owing to so much rain
in the spring. The average height
is not over eight inches. Rev.
Charles White, of Dyherry, has tho
finest corn we have seen.
The Blnghamton Evening Her
ald has suspended publication. The
last issue was printed Saturday af
ternoon. Tho paper has been com
bined with tho Blnghamton Repub
lican, a morning publication.
President Underwood of the
Erie railroad has been telling his
friends that he expects great business
activity In the Fall, if the crops ful
fill their present promise. What Mr.
Underwood predicts is very interest
ing because of tho uniform accuracy
of his forecasts in tho past.
Tuesday tho county commlis
sioners met in regular monthly ses
sion. In the afternoon tho commis
sioners went to Hawley and Inspect
ed the bridge that spans the Middle
Creek near the West Hawley sta
tion. It will be repaired and prob
ably placed on a level with tho
Amasa W. Rude, of Pleasant
Mount township, died at her homo
on Saturday morning, aged seventy
eight years, three months and
twelve days. The funeral services
were held on Monday, Rev. J. H.
Pope, officiating. Deceased Is sur
vived by ono brother, Myron E., of
Whites Valley. Interment was made
in Pleasant Mount.
OIlss Jane D. Hagaman attend
ed the Senior recital of the Allen
Freeman Studios Friday evening,
and greatly pleased a large audi
ence by her rendition of the follow
ing numhers: "Oh That Wo Two
Were Maying," Gounod; "Impati
ence," Schubert; "Obstination," do
Fontanasilles; "Sweet Good-Night,"
Massenet; "The Little Red Lark,"
Old Irish Air.
Tho automobile ordinanco of
Honesdalo Is being strictly enforc
ed. Burgess McCarty has the names
of three local ownors of machines
who havo been sprinting It. Tho re
ports are filed with the burgess for
further action. Tho police havo
been authorized to arrest anyone
violating tho borough nutomobllo or
dinance of traveling faster than 12
miles per hour.
Two young couples came to the
Prothonotary's office on Tuesday
morning and wanted to got marriage
licenses. The two young ladles wero
under age, and had failed to get
mamma's consent before they left
homo and the llconso was for that
reason refused. All four went away
not in the least discouraged but
probably realizing that their
troubles wero Just beginning.
A corps of surveyors, composed
of H. L. Williams, Scranton, chief,
Clinton I'rlco, Archibald Phillips,
Elbert Price, Georgo Newcomb, Eu
geno MeNlehols, all of Scranton,
and W. L. Giles, of Carbondale, In
tho Interest of tho Stato Highway
department, aro spending a few
days In Honesdalo. Tho party Is
securing what Is known as tho
" present location " for tho Stato.
They measure 200 feet olther sldo
of tho center of tho road to get an
Inventory of all barns, factories,
houses or stores from that point.
Tho Stato Highway department
of Good Roads having acquired con
trol of certain sections of road in
tho state now has men taking caro
of such roads. On Tuesday, opera
tion on six miles of highway extend
ing from G. W. Tisdel's corner to
Salem, was commenced. All tho
"thank-you-marms" will bo romovod
on tho hills and lovel stretches, tho
ends of tho sluiceways aro bolng
white-washed and tho brush along
tho roadsldo cut away. Superinten
dent Rounds, of Unlondale, has part
or Susquehanna county, Wayno ana
Pike counties as his territory. Tho
work of repair is done by tho day.
- Tho excavation for tho baso
ment of Borden'e new plant at East
Honcsdale is completed. Tho con
crete walls aro now being built.
Tho following young ladles
spent Tuesdny at Wayinart: Misses
Loretta Murray, SubIo McGraw, aor
tic Duff, Alice Turnberger nnd Allco
Attorney Homer Grccno moved
from temporary quarters In tho
court house to his now offlco In tho
Rcif building on Monday. Attornoy
C. A. .McCarty expects to bo domi
ciled In his suite of rooms in a few
(Architect H. F. Weaver has
completed plans for a new school
house In Berlin township. They
have been forwarded by Superin
tendent J. J. Koehlor to 'Harrlsburg
for approval of tho Stato Board of
'In the Sullivan county court
house tho following real estate
transfer was recorded last week:
Violet Sommer to .Mena Sommer,
Newfoundland, 2G acres of land In
Green township, consideration not
given, dated January 17, 1911.
A slight wreck occurred on the
Wyoming division of the Erie at
Hawley on Sunday night when an
engine sidcswlped a coal train, de
railing several cars, doing llttlo dam
age, however. The 'Port Jervls
wreckers wero called and placed
things in good condition.
Charles Dunning spent Sunday in
! Scranton.
Miss Louise Bishop spent Thurs
day in Scranton.
Edward Katz returned Monday
from Baltimore, Md.
Philip Demer, of Hallstead, Is
the guest of friends here.
Henry Menner attended to busi
ness in Scranton on Thursday.
Frank O'Neill of Scranton was a
business caller in town Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Barnes were
Beach Lake visitors on Saturday.
Harry Richards was a business
caller in Scranton on Saturday last.
Stanley Wilson, of Wllkes-Barre,
Is tho guest of friends In Seelyvllle.
Mrs. Geo. S. Purdy leaves today
for a few days' visit In the metropo
lis. l 'Mrs. C. P. Eldred spent Thursday
visuing relatives ana menus in
Mrs. -Wallace Ham left on Thurs
day last for an extended stay in As
bury Park.
Mrs. HI. R. Shirley and daughters
will spend the month of July at As
bury Park.
Floyd Burnard Is now employed
with his uncle, Caterer Burnard, of
Edward Armbuster and wife are
passing a few days with relatives
In Scranton.
M. J. Hanlan went to Philadelphia
on Monday to take tho state bar
Miss Ruth Barnes went to Beach
Lake on Monday to spend the week
with friends.
Mr. and 'Mrs. W. F. Suydam, of
Paterson, N. J., were recent visitors
In Honesdale.
Mrs. George Johns of New York,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
O. T. Chambers.
Deputy Factory Inspector Nape
spent the week's-end in Honesdale
on official business.
Miss Theresa O'Donnell of Scran
ton was the guest of Honesdale rel
atives over Sunday.
Miss Margaret Wells has return
ed home from the orphans' school
at Scotland, this state.
Wm. Gibbs and family of Strouds
burg, spent Sunday with C. E.
Gibbs on Main street.
(Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ross and fam
ily aro making a fortnight's visit
with relatives In Clinton.
air. and Mrs. (Martin Heft of
Stroudsburg, aro spending a few
days with Honesdale friends.
Miss Ella Doherty and niece, Miss
Dortha Lynch, of Canton, Ohio, ai;e
spending a few weeks In town.
Miss Elsie Jacobs Is taking a
live weeks' course In music at the
Vergil school in New York city.
H. F. Gurney, who has been In
Honesdale on business tho past few
days, has returned to New York city.
Mrs. Malcorab Richardson, former
ly Miss Alta Spruks, of Now York
city, Is spending a few days In
Mrs. Henry Denier of Hallstead,
Is tho guest of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Georgo Ulckort, on Court
Daniel Maloney, Erie agent at this
placo, attended a meeting of the
Erie ngents at Port Jervls on Fri
day last.
Eugene Barnes, of Philadelphia,
Is spondlng a few days with his
mother, Mrs. Poter Barnes, on
Court street.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Peter E. Farnum
havo returned homo from a visit
with friends In Honcxidakv IPa. -Port
Jervls Union.
Mrs. Thomas Gibbons and daugh
ter, of Scranton, havo returned
homo after visiting relatives In Cold
Spring and Honesdalo.
'Misses Merle Eldred and Minnie
Sehooll aro tho guests of Mrs. M.
Fritz at 'Highland Lake, Sullivan
county, N. Y., this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox re
turned to (Brooklyn Monday after
a pleasant visit with tho latter's
sister, Mrs. Charles S. Seward.
Miss Dorothy Lessor, of Now
York City, loft on Sunday for her
homo after spending somo tlmo nt
tho homo of iMr. and Mrs. A. M.
Mrs. Archabald T. Brown and
two children, of Jorsoy Shoro, Pa.,
arrived on Monday to bo guests of
hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. Graham
Thomas Ham, n former resident
of this plnco. Is lying seriously 111 of
brain fever In Santa Rosa, Cal. Ho
Is under tho care of two profession
al nurses.
Joseph Frederic, of Newark, N. J.,
arrived on Sunday ovonlng to spond
a few days with his brother and
sister, Paul (Frederic and ulster,
Miss Frederic.
I George Hall spent Sunday In Car
bondale. Miss -Mao McGraw spent Sunday
I In Hawley.
I Leo Multcn, of Scranton, spent
Sunday here,
j Leo Stnhl, of Clemo, spent Sunday
1 In Honesdale.
Joseph Mack, of Hawley, spent
Snturday In town.
Miss Mnrcella Duff is the guest of
friends In Brooklyn.
Harry Parson, of Carbondnle,
spent Sunday at his home on Court
Frnnk Donnelly, of New Haven, Is
tho guest of his parents on Erie
Edward Moran of Scranton, is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Moll on
Grove street.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Volkhardt,
of West Park street, aro entertain
ing Mrs. Paul Hltchborn and son,
William, of Bayridge, Brooklyn, N.
Miss Antoinette Brown, ono of the
operators at the Consolidated Tele
phone exchange, is suffering from
nn attack of appendicitis at her
homo on High street.
Miss Amy E. Clark, who has been
teaching at Piazza, N. Y., returned
home Monday. Since tho closing of
her school she has been a guest of
friends In Avoca, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. IM. A. Olver, of
Scranton, nnd Miss May Brundage,
of Peckvllle, spent Thursday and
Friday of last week with air. and
Mrs. W. J. Barnes and family.
iFrank Ralneyi well-known in
Wayne county, was overcome by the
heat Saturday afternoon in Scranton.
Ho was taken to the State hospital
where he was soon discharged.
Mrs. T. E. Leach, who for tho
past three weeks has been a guest
of Mrs. Charlotte Mantle on High
street, returns to her home In At
lantic City Wednesday via Carbon
dale. Etherlne, eighteen months' old
dughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Brooks, Is quite 111 of pleura pneu
monia. Etherlne had just recovered
form the measles when she became
ill with pneumonia.
tMIss Grace Erk, of Seelyville, de
parted for Providence, R. I., on Sat
urday to spend a few days with her
sister, Mrs. F. C. Hahn. In about
two weeks Mrs. Hahn will accom
pany her to her home in Seelyville.
Mrs. Leslie Floyd, of Bayonne,
N. J., Mrs. Chas. Dlckman and
daughter. Miss Grace, of Scranton,
and Miss Jean Floyd, of Scranton,
are being entertained at the home
of their aunt, Mrs. J. L. Arnold, this
I C. H. 'Dorfllnger, L. J. Dorflinger,
hi. u. iiariienbergh and Thomas
Fuller comprised an automobile
party that left Saturday for Cape
Cod, Mass., going to Goshen via
Erie, from whence the trip was com
pleted in the former's auto.
John W. Rldd, of Dyherry, has
purchased a Ford car through E. W.
Gammell's agency. Last Sunday
three automobiles were seen stand
ing outsido tho Slko school house,
being used toy owners of the ma
chines to convey their families to
Sunday school.
H. M. Bone and daughter, Eliza
beth of Dunmore, were recent
guests of the former's sister, Mrs.
E. B. Callaway. Miss Elizabeth
with her brother, Arthur, are en
joying a vacation at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Jackson, at
Laurel Lake, near Tyler Hill.
Removal Sale
Reifs Shoe Store
All shoes must be sold and will bo sold regardless of cost. Our new storo
will soon be ready for business and we will not move a pair.
All Queen Quality All Walk-Over
In fact Every Shoe in the store will bo a bargain.
Sale Began Wednesday, June 26iii
Rettcw Building
Everything for the
Haying Season
Our line of Haying Tools is most com
plete and of the highest quality. We are
sure that you will agree with us when you
look them over. It is our aim to furnish the
highest grade goods at prices that are but
slightly higher than the prices of low grade
Swivel Hay Carriers $4.50
Double Harpoon Forks 1.00
Hay Itopo Pulleys 25
Hand Hay Rakes 15 to .25
Warranteed Scythes f,1-00
liny Itopo, four strand with heart guaranteed strictly puro
Manila 12 lb.
Hay Forks, straight or bent 4 ft. linndles CO to .05
Mattlo Flnnn, of Hawley, Is tho
guest of Honesdalo friends.
Thomas Sheridan, of Olyphant, Is
the new telegraph operator at tho
Erie depot.
Eugene Babbitt is In Scranton,
where on Wednesday ho will under
go an operation for appendicitis.
Thomas Hawken and James Sears,
of Hampton, N. J., who havo been
guests of Mrs. Elch and daughters,
for somo time, departed for their
homo on Saturday accompanied by
Mrs. 'Elch and daughter, Mlsa
Edith, who expect to visit In Phil
adelphia and New York city boforo
their return.
Mrs. Maggie Williams, of Port
Jervls accompanied by her niece, MIsa
Geneva Sullivan, of Hawley, wero
calling on friends' In Matamoras on
Saturday afternoon. MIbs Sullivan
had been spending several weeks In
New York city, Paterson, Jersey City
and Passaic, N. J., and Is the guest
of hor aunt, Mrs. 'Williams, thero
for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. -W. A. Gaylord, Mrs.
A. T. Searle, M. M. Fowler, Mrs. B.
H. Dlttrlch. threo children, of
Honesdalo; Mr. and Mrs. IE. D.
Penwaredn, two daughters, of Car
ley Brook, and E. W. Lee, of New
York City, spent Sunday as guests of
the party camping at tho B. H. Dlt
trlch cottage 6n beautiful Laurel
Lake, near Tyler Hill.
Thomas Gibbons, manager of
Lyceum theatre, Scranton, nnd also
In charge of Luna Park, was a busi
ness caller In Hlonesdale on Satur
day. Mr. Gilbbons, during his threo
years management of these amuse
ment places has made a financial
success of both. He is tho right
man to conduct this line of work,
having the faculty of making friends
and keeping them. He was a pleas
ant caller here.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of xiSjffi&c&4
if Husband Dies First Heirs of Wifo
Entitled to Policy.
Where a husband takes out a life
insurance policy for the benefit of hl3
wife and she dies before him, tho
heirs of his wife are entitled to tho
proceeds of the policy as against tho
executors of the husband, according
to the decision of the -New York
court of appeals in the case of Brad
shaw et al., executors, vs. Mutual
Life Insurance Company of New
York. In this case it appeared that
the Insured paid premiums on tho
policy after the death of his wife on
tho mistaken statement by an of
ficer of the insurance company that
tho policy would too payable to tho.
husband's estate, If ho continued to
pay premiums.
. i xuira i ask your umi
i.m.cueii.ler'a Ulstnoau
i'ui la jtea ana
botes, sealed wlta
Take Do other. I
i:rl!,t- AtkfofOin.cnkrv.TEB'B
Ttan known as Dest. Safest. Always Rellabl.
Next to Red Stone Front
Uold metalllcW
Blue RIbboa.V
lor nf wan V
is n