PAGE TWO THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 191 2. WOULD YOU LIKE THIS TO HAPPEN TO YOUR SON? Courtesy of Ldfe. Hero is tlic KomiH of One Y cur's Operation of Such a Imw in Washington, I). O. A STIMKIXC COXTHAST. Number of persons treated at Washington, D. C, local hospitals for injuries from explosives: , , ."'liV 1, loos. juiA' 1, jnni), Hospital. CWhen fireworks were allowed.) (AVhen fireworks wcro prohibited) Emergency 2.1 00 Georgetown jo 00 Casualty 0 00 1 recmen' n 00 Garfield . 00 Homeopathic 5i! 00 Children's 1! 00 Totals 101 00 nmcwouiis oumxaxck. Suggotwl ly Xatioiial Firo IVoU-c-tion Association. Prohibiting tho discharge or Drlng of fireworks and other pyrotechnic display and to limit their storage. Be it ordained by of the city of as follows: Section No. 1. Tho discharge, fir ing or uso of all firecrackers, rock ets, torpedoes, Roman candles, or other fireworks or substances de signed and intended for pyrotechnic display, and of all pistols, canes, cannons, or other appliances, using blank cartridges or caps containing chlorato of potash mixture, is here by prohibited. Provided that the may order the pub lic display of fireworks by properly nnnliflrvl inill vtdnn lc uniTa). tn At- ni fltlPh .1 Phnrnnlnp nm en nrn. ted, discharged or fired as. in the opinion of tho Chief of the Fire De partment, shall not be hazardous to surrounding property or endanger any person or persons. Section o. z. The sale of fire works at retail Is prohibited. Section No. 3. Tho storage or sale of fireworks at wholesale is pro hibited, except by permit from tho issued for a period of one year. Application for permit must be filed with tho Chief of the 'Fire Dopartment at least 30 days previous to the issuing of tho permit and must give detailed description of the proposed care and storage of said materials and of the structural con ditions and occupancies of the build ing. Section No. 4. Permits may bo is sued only after an inspection of tho premises by tho Chief of the Firo De partment or his authorlzod agent, 'who shall file with the Mayor and ire department a certificate of ap proval or his disapproval and rea sons therefor. Section No. 5. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of tho pro visions of this ordinance as regards tho storage and sale of fireworks shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor and be fined not less than Ton ($10.00) Dollars nor more than Twenty-five (J25.00) Dollars for each day's neglect of compliance. Provided also that violation of other sections of this ordlnanco shall bo considered a misdemeanor pun lshablo by a fine not exceeding Ten ($10.00) Dollars. Tho Chief of the Firo Department may, at his discretion, romovo or have removed, at tho owner's ex pense, all stocks of fireworks or other combustibles exposed for sale, or held in stock In violation of this ordinance. Section No. C. Tho Chief of tho Fire Department shall direct such fire appliances as in his Judgment may bo necessary for the promises, and ho shall see that two or moro persons are instructed in their use, and as to tho host means of getting firo alarniB to the Firo Dopartment. Section No. 7. All ordinances and parts of ordinances Inconsistent herowlth are hereby repealed. Section No. S. This ordinance shall take effect and bo In forco from and after its passage and legal publication. tuberculosis are as unnecessary as those following tho Fourth of July. Let parents keep their children from unhealthful places. See that the boys and girls have wholesome amusement, plenty of sleep, good food and a proper proportion of ex ercise and rest. Do this and tuber culosis will cease to figure in mor tality statistics. A sane Fourth is not enough to prevent consumption. We must have a sane Fifth, Sixth, Seventh in fact a whole years of sane days. Karl do Schweinltz, Executlvo Sec retary, Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Tuberculosis. A SAXU KOUKTH HVHltY DAY. Physicians, nurses and hospitals throughout tho country aro prepar ing for a groat battle. Handages and splints aro being made ready. They will bo used In dressing the wounded, Most of theBe will bo children, for the battle Is tho Fourth of July. Why not avoid all this suffering find frntlhln hv fitnnntnf Mm lint. lo? Why allow tho children to l V H 1 1 1 1 11 I 11 1 KI'TH Jill II II Kill H .' lift I fewer than ever bofore. This In a low years thorov-will e no casualties whatsoever. The deaths and suffering f .M YKUS CliAKIC XUPTIAIi. Hoyds Mills was honored by ono of tho prettiest weddings In its his tory on Wednesday, Juno 26, when Miss Caroline Elizabeth Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Clark and Garry Cleveland Myers of Sylvan, Pa., were united in mar riage in tho Union church, which had been fairly deluged with ferns and daisies, tho work of the young people of the Sunday school. The service was read by tho ttov. M. S. Spear of tho Christian church, at Dunmore, Pa. The bride was giv en away ly her father and was at tended by her sister, Miss Anita Clark, who was maid of honor, and Miss Sylvia Ashenfelter of Norris town, Pa., as 'bridesmaid. T. Y. Uoyd Clark was tho groom's best man. Tho flower girl was iMlss Elizabeth Iiryant, and Master Myron Boyd carried tho wedding ring to the altar. Tho bridal party entered the church at ono o'clock to the strains of Wagners wedding march from Lohengrin which was played by Miss Aima usoDio ot Calkins. The ushers were Messrs. Wallace Sheard, hponcer Noble, icussoll Clark and Robert Boyd. Tho hrldo was attired in a whlto messallne, veiled with marnuisette and trimmed with Irish point-lace. She wore a large veil caught up with a wreath of syringas, and car ried a shower bouquet of bride roses and lilies of tho valley. Tho maid of honor wore yollow messallne with a whlto marquisette over dress, and tho bridesmaid woro a bluo marqulsotto over tho yellow messallne. Tho bride's attendants carried bouquets of daisies. After tho ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Myers received their friends at tho bride's home from which they left at six o'clock for their wedding tour to New York, Atlantic City and the groom's homo in Franklin coun ty. Mrs. Myers Is ono of Wayne county's fairest daughters, deeply beloved by all who know her, and takes with hor the best wishes of a host of friends. Hor husband Is a young man of exemplary character and splendid attainments, being a graduate of Shippensburg (Normal school, of Urslnus College, and hav ing recently finished a courso for tho degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Columbia University. Tho young couple are tho recipi ents of many valuable and useful gifts which show tho high esteem In which they aro held by all their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Myers will bo at homo after October 1 In Huntington, Pa., where 'Mr. 'Myers has recently been elected to the Chair of History In Juniata College. yet it is usually friends who perpet rate the "Joke." What may bo a joko in a small company loses its character when everybody knows it. A story of this sort Is not a bit funny when put Into cold, hard type. The newspapers mean well. They are busy, rushed people Who conduct them and with all their de sire for accuracy they are sometimes misled. The outcome of all this ibusiness of sending false information to the newspapers is that someone is going to be made to suffer dearly. Some one is going to be made an example of. It is going to bo harsh but it will be just and the example set will he one that will act as a de terrent to those who have been hav ing fun out of seeing the papers print false stories. peu- f.'IVIXG PAUSE XUWS OF MAUItlACJKS TO XJJWSl'AI'EltS. There aro qulto a few young peo ple, and some who aro oldor in years but vory young in sonse, who think It great fun to soml newspapers falso news. Weddings of young folks who bavo been associating with each othor seem their specialty. They tako advantago of tho fact that newspapers aro rapidly mado up and so they preparo tho most plau sible stories carefully written, but avoiding elaboration which would J" to suspicion. Several of tho .pors of this stato just tho othor day were deceived Into publishing such a wedding announcement. It Is not tho part of friends to em barrass their frlonds by Items such as aunbuncaments of their wedding and PKITTIOX IX UAXKHUITOY AOAIXST SCRAXTOX Scranton. An Involuntary tion in bankruptcy has been filed in United States court, by some of tho creditors against J. D. Williams Bro. & Co., of this city. It is under stood that owing to a too-rapid ex tension of the business, this corpor ation has become over-extended, and it has been necessary to ask for tho appointment of a receiver to con serve the resources of the company for tho best interests of tho credi tors. It is stated that the receivers will conduct tho business and that as soon as tho auditors wno aro now examining the hooks of tho company have made a report, a compromise or settlement will be mado with tho creditors. The petitioners aro IBenjamin jOvans, Clearview Coal Co., Hugh Dawson and 'L. 'H. Williams, the lat ter of Dalton and tho others of this city. The petition sets forth that the firm Is in debt in excess of $1,000. Attoney A. V. Bower represented tho creditors. best advertising mediums for the coal or any other business. C. Frank Williamson, of Media, gave an interesting talk on " News paper Advertising." Ho said: Advertising depends on tho different localities. I havo tried various ways of advertis ing to bring business before the public, but In tho end I always went back to tho newspapers. I tried circulars, personal solici tation, and post card methods of bringing my name before the public, but nono was so successful as the newspaper. Change your advertisement from tlmo to time and make it attractive and people will read it. A great deal depends upon the advertisement Itself. I be lieve that by advertising in newspapers a man receives five times as much for tho value of tho money expended than In any other way. Advertise and you will be successful. LIGHTXIXG'S I'RAXKS. AVOMAX KILLED BY FALL. Mrs. Phllllplno Henry, aged 90 years, who lived with her son George at Lake Huntingdon, fell out of the window of hor bedroom in the second floor of tho Henry homo, Laurel Cottage, at about 3 o'clock Wednesday morning, and was killed by the fall. Apparently sho had raised tho window of her room a little way to put her head out for air, and In drawing her head In again struck, tho back of It against tho win dow and was so dazed that sho fell forward out of the window to the ground. Other members of tho fam ily hearing tho nolso, wont at onco to fnvestlgato and found Mrs. Henry llfoless on tho ground, where sho had struck on hor loft side, break ing her loft arm at tho olbow and fracturing several ribs. "Walton Reporter. Holt Robs Woman of Speech, and Another Bolt Returns it Year Later. Says the Willlamsport Gazette and Bulletin: "To lose her power of .speech by being struck by lightning and then to havo her speech restored a year later by being struck tho sec ond time was the astounding exper ience of Mrs. id. 'Walter Spence, formerly of this city, now of Spring field. Ohio. " (Mrs. Spenco's maiden namo was Blanche Fegley. iHer husband Is Dr. D. Walter Spence, a former William sport physician. A Httlo more than a year ago Mrs. Spence was in the act of closing a window during a sovero storm when sho was struck by lightning. So great was the shock that she was thrown to tho floor and was unablo to move a muscle for weeks. In ad dition was completely lost tho power of speech. After a few months, however, sho was ablo to move hor limbs, but she could not talk, and was under tho care of a physician practically all tho time. "Mr. Fegley received a telegram tho other morning from his son-in- law which read as follows: 'During tho storm Blancho was struck and speech entirely restored.' It Is not necessary to stato that Mr. Fogley was greatly surprised and overjoyed to receive glad news. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VAL UABLE REAL ESTATE. By virtue of an ordor of tho Or phans' Court of Wayno County, dat od tho 17th day ot Juno, 1912, tho undersigned Executors of tho estate of John Kuhbach.lato ot tho Borough of HoiK'-ulnle, Pa., deceased, will ex pose at public sale nt tho Court House In tho said Borough of Hones dale, Pa., on Friday tho 19th day of July, 1912, at 2 o'clock In tho af ternoon, tho following described real estate of which tho said decedent dies seized : All tho following two pieces or parcels of land, sltuato In the Bor ough of Honesdalo, County of Wayno, and Stato of Pennsylvania, bounded nnd described as follows, viz.: Ono ot tho same, being dis tinguished as lot No. Nlnotcen and hnlf of lot No. Twenty upon Third street (now Court street) and de scribed and designated In tho Vll lago plot of tho property of tho Delawaro & Hudson Canal Company In said Borough, being in front seventy-five feet and in roar sovonty flvo feet and of an Irregular depth and being bounded westerly by Third street (now Court street) northerly by tho northerly half of aforesaid lot No. Twenty upon Tlird street, now Court street; easterly by tho top of the bank of tho Lacka waxen River and southerly by Ninth street. Tho other of tho said two pieces or parcels of land, being a piece of land adjoining tho afore said parcel or pieco of land and be ing bounded westward twelve and one-half root by the eastern line of Third street, now Court street, in said Borough, northward by a lino parallel to and distant twelve and one-half feet southward from the northern line of Lot No. Twenty on the aforesaid Vlllago plot of tho southward from the northern line of Lot. No. Twenty on tho aforesaid Village plot of the Delawaro & Hud son Canal Company, In said Bor ough, eastward twelve and one-half feet by the top of the bank of tho Lackawaxen River and southward by the southern half of said lot No. Twenty on Third ' street, now Court street, being tho southern half of the northern half of said lot No. Twenty upon Third street, now Court street, and being tho same land that Har riet Martin and Kathorino N. Bar bour by their deed dated tho Twenty-second day of April, 1908. grant ed and conveyed to John Kuhbach, said deed being recorded in Wayne County Deed Book No. Ninety-eight at page Two Hundred and ninety six. Upon the premises is a large three-story brick dwelling house, frame barn, and other out buildings. Also, all that certain lot or par cel of land situate lying and being In tho township of Texas, County of Wayno, and Stato of Pennsylvania, boundod and described as follows, to wit: Beginning nt a stones corner at foot of lodge being tho southwost corner of tho land hereby convoyed and also a corner ot land of tho Torrey estate; thence north thlrteon and one-fourth degrees cast along lino of John II. Weaver, nlno and eight-tenths rods to a birch treo for a cornor; thenco north nineteen do groes west four rods along land of said Weaver to stako and stonos corner; thonco nlong lands ot Wil liam Hlonry Bell et al. north slxty soven degrees east twenty-nlno rods to lino ot Adam Kraft; thenco along lino of said Kraft land south four teen degrees east twolvo rods to corner in angle of stone fenco; thenco along land of tho Torrey es tate south sixty-seven degrees wost thirty rods to tho place of begin ning. Containing two acres and seventy perches of land, be tho samo moro or loss, and being tho samo land that Louis Sheutz ot ux. by their deed dated tho Twenty-third day of August, 1910, granted and convoyed to John Kuhbach; said deed being recorded in tho office for tho recording of deeds In and for Wayno County, In Deed Book No Ono Hundred and three, page Four Hundred and Sixty-six. Terms of Sale, cash. CHARLES A. EMERY, AUGUSTA K. KUHBACH. Executors. Chas. A. McCarty, Attorney. 51w3 JOSEPH N. WELCH Fire The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Office: Second floor Masonic Build ing, over (J. C. Jadwin'a drug store HonBdale. During this hot weather there will bo a good many flies about your home. Get to work and kill all theso pests. B SEE entley Bros. for all kinds of jBrlng In tho files and win prize. FLIES OVER XOUTU SEA XIXE COXSEOUTIVE HOURS. Zeppelin' Dirifrlhlu Victoria Makes lAmg Trip, Hamburg, Germany. Tho Zop pelin dirigible airship, Victoria Luise started Friday morning on a ten-hour over-sea trip with twolvo passongers on board. Tho monster airship flew directly out from this city over tho North Sea. Sho re turned to her station nlno hours la tor. It Is stated In somo quarters that tho purposo of tho trip Is to demon strate that an airship raid on Eng land Is possible, as tho vessel's speod of forty-five miles an hour and Its fuel carrying capacity glvos a radius as wldo as London from Ham burg and as far as Bristol from Emden Coal Men IjuikI Xcwspnpcr Advertis ing. At tho convention of tho Ponusyl vanla Retail Coal Morchants' As sociation hold In (Reading last week thero was a 29-mlnuto discussion on tho "iBest Methods of Advertising for Retail Coal Men." This subject was suggestod by President Whlto, and at the conclusion it was unanimously agreed that tho nowepapors rwero tho UKPOKT OK THE CONDITION OK THE HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK HONKSDALK. WAYNK COUNTY. PA At the close of business, June H. 1812 ItKSOURCKS. Loans nnd Discounts $ 3S8.772 10 Ovordrafts.secured and unsecured f5 SI IT. 8. Honds to secure circulation. 150,000 OU llouds to secure Postal Havlnt's li.UW R Premiums on U. S. Honds 2,112 ft) Honds. securities, etc 1.135,125 07 Hunkinu-liouse, lurulturenmi iu- tlires 40.000 00 Due from National Hanks (not ltescrvo Acents) 2,751 OS Due from State and Private, Hanks -Tm and Hankers. Trust Companies, and KaviiiL's Hanks 'ill 27 Duo from approved reserve audits 125.4LJ S5 Checks und othercash Items.... 2.7IM 19 Notes ot other National Hanks.. 8.100 00 fractional paper currency, nick els and cents 570 US Lawful .Money Reserve in Hank. Viz: Specie fHI.S2U 00 U-sal tender notes ti.HS 00- 01.571 00 Redemption fund with U. H. Treasurer, (5 per cent, of circu lation) 7.500 00 Duo from U. S, Treasurer 1.7U0 oo Total $1,!0.H0 5S 150,000 00 150.UU0 U0 49.5G8 63 H3.7O0 00 2,IU.0ti 2.853 11 20.305 oo h510 301 a 70 02 None None . J.IAIIII.tTlKS. Capital Stock paid In I Surplus fund Undivided profits, less expenses und taxes paid National Hank notes outstanding Duo to other National Hanks Duo to Stato and l'rlvute Hanks and Hankers Individual deposits subject to check $1.U1W,1U3 01 i leiuanu cumucutcs ot deposit Certified checks Cashier's checks out standing Postals SuvliiL'S Denoslts Honds borrowed Notes und hills redlscouuted.... Hills payable. Including certifi cates of deposit for money bor rowed Liabilities other than those above stated Total Jl.WM,n0 5S Stato of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss. I. I.kwih A. Uowem,, Cashier, ot the above named Hunk, do hereby solemnly swear that tho above statement Is true to tho best ot my knowledge und belief. Lewis A. IIowkll, Cashier. Subscribed nnd sworn to before mo this 21st day of June, M2. It. A. SMITH, N. P. Correct Attest: H SC. llUHSELI,, ) Andrew TnoMi'SO.t Directors Homes CJueknk J 30,000 00 None INSURANCE Office opposite Post Office, Honesdale. Consolidated phone 1-9-L -fo-fo-foto-fototo-fo-fo-fo-foo-fo-fo -fo-fo-fo-foo-foo-fo-fo-fo-fo-fo-fo'O-fo-fo-fo o Collars ironed with smooth edges and plenty of room for the tie to slip easily, That's Our Way THOS. F. BRACY, Honesdale Agent LACKAWANNA "THE" LAUNDRY Scranton, Pa. o o o - o -f o o - o - o o - o o o - o o-foo-fo0'fc4o4o-fo-fo0'fo-fo-fo-f0'foo -fo-f o-fo-f oo-f oo-f oo-fo-f o o-fo-fo-fo I rfie smithsnianI FOR SALE BY O. G- crA-iD-wi3sr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers