The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 28, 1912, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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ScmMVcokly Pounded 1008; "Weekly Founded 1814.
Published Wednesdays and Fridays by
Entered as socond-class matter, at tho poatofflco. Honesdale, Pa.
ii. wilson.
M. B. AM.KH,
Our friends who favor us icith contributions, and desire to have the same re
amed, should in every case cnclo(c stamps for that purpose.
Remit by Express Money Order, Draft, Post Offlco Order or Registered
litter. Address all communications to Tho Cltlzon, No. 803 Main street,
Honesdalo, Pa.
All notices of shows, or other entortalnmenta held for the purpose of
Baking money or any Items that contain advertising matter, will only on
Mmltted to this naner on nayment of regular advertising rates. Notice
of entertainments for the benefit of
whero a fee is charged, will bo puonsueu at nan rates. t;arus oi manKs,
SO cents, memorial poetry and resolutions of respect will be charged for at
tt rato of a cent a word. Advertising rates on application.
FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1012.
For President,
State Treasurer,
Auditor General,
District Congressman,
Silence is Golden.
To speak wisely may not always be
easy, but not to speak ill requires
only silence.
The platform adopted by the
Chicago Convention is one upon
which every American citizen who
professes and supports the principles
of the Republican party can consist
ently and contentedly stand. It is
conservation In those respects where
conservation Is essential to the
safety and welfare of the Nation and
to the preservation of the fundamen
tal bases upon which our govern
mental institutions were originally
established and upon which they
have ever since been unswervingly
maintained. At the same time It
responds at every point to the exi
gencies of the new conditions which
have been created 'by the social and
industrial development of the age in
which we live. It recognizes tho
just and reasonable demand that the
affairs of the country should be ad
ministered in such a manner as to
promote the greatest happiness of
the greatest number and to insure
to the humblest citizen that equality
of opportunity to which before the
law he Is entitled.
CHANT. From the tone of a recent editor
ial In tho Fulton (Ind.) Leader, tho
editor has had the experience of
many others of the craft in trying
to convince some of tho merchants
of his town of the value of newspa
per advertising, and his views will
no doubt be generally seconded. Ho
"If a man is 111 he consults a phy
sician sooner or later, takes the
medlcino left for him and follows
tho advice given. If a man has an
animal ailing he sends for a veter
inary and follows directions implic
itly. It tho eye, ear, throat or lungs
give warning that all Is not working
mechanically a specialist Is at onco
consulted and every effort used to
have the delicate mechanism read
justed. "So on all through tho list tho
man that has made tho study of
what each individual wants is con
sulted, what ho says goes, tho price
paid and that is tho end of it with
one exception, and that Is the busi
ness man, when his business flags,
Is tottering or showing signs of be
ing unhealthy, docs he consult tho
editor, tell his troubles and ask ad'
vice, pay the prlco and follow Instruo
tlons? No! 'He rushes to tho news
paper with yard-long advertisements,
dry statistics, without ono bright,
catchy Idea In It anywhere to hold
the reader, Jews the editor to tho
lowest cent possible to have It pub
Hshed, has another one just like It
put Into the next paper, then talks
llko a 'pirate' because tho country
people and town folks did not break
the windows and doors of his estab
lishment to get tho Identical goods at
tho very samo prices that they know
by heart an,d havo seen for a year or
more on his counters.
''In tho first, last and all times
and places tho public wants to bo
amused, to bo entertained, wants to
bo 'shown.' Tho newspaper people
havo mado this a study and It you
glvo them tho ideas, tell them tho
truth (which they know by Intuition
anyway) glvo them license to uso
this Information their way and paid
them, making It 'worth their while
to uso their brains, merchants would
soon sco what advertising really
tho Citizen Publishing Company.
churches or for charitable purpose!
"Tho average business man steps
Into the newspaper offlco and with
a curt goou morning nanus nn au-
and says 'What is tho least you will
insert this twice or three times
for?' So much! Why tho other papor
will let It go four times for that. It
Is always haggle about the price.
Never I You go ahead. Here aro tho
facts and don't mind tho price. My
business is sick and It needs a spec
ialist and you aro my choice. If
suggestions aro offered the first thing
is how much will it cost. Oh, that's
more than I care to pay. You hear
men 'supposed' to bo good business
men say, oh, I don't believe in adver
tising. They know where I am.
But sooner or later they rush to the
newspaper people with tho beginning
of their obituary and later with the
notice of the sale of their store.
"Advertise every week bright,
snappy items at -the right price. Give
tho people a bargain each Saturday.
Don't enter the newspaper office with
constant cries if you are too high In
your prices. I didn't get any results
from those two-week ads. Keep
your goods with right prices written
in a spicy, enthusiastic way before
the public and they'll bring results.
When you advertise six times a year
tho people are not expecting you and
are so surprised they Just forget and
go to the ones tnat advertise con
"Blame yourselves, Mr. Small
Town Business Man, for the parcels
post and mall order houses. You
aro tho one to blame. Give your
editor a chance to show you results
from right advertising. Why Is It
you hate to give him his price,
which Is standard, when It benefits
yourself and your town, and yet you
are willing to pay any other firm
what they ask?"
The renominatlon of President
Taft was tho great achievement of
the Chicago convention. Tho rest -is
little more than routine. If a can
didate for Vice-President could have
been found whoso nomination would
have conciliated any disappointed
faction and added strength to the
ticket, it would havo been good poll
tics to have nominated him, but
none such appearing there was no (
sound reason why the ticket of four
years ago should not bo renominat
ed In Its entirety.
James S. Sherman Is as strong 'De-
fore the country now as ho was then.
In the expeditious disposition of
business In the Senate and in decid
ing promptly and authoritatively the
parliamentary questions that come
before it, tho Senate has never had
a better presiding olllcer than tno
present Vice-President. It Is unusu
al to renominate a Vice-President,
and therefore, it is much in air.
Sherman's favor that he has gained
esteem and appreciation In a posi
tion where public men In tho four
years uneventful service usually
lose both.
Tho platform adopted at Chicago
Is a thoroughly Republican declara
tion of principles, but It shows in
nearly every paragraph some in
fluenco of tho agitation, recrimina
tions and professions that charac
terized tho stormy prelude and the
early sessions of this year's Conven
tion. Abraham Lincoln, who has
been so frequently cited In tho last
two months, Is held up to admira
tion and Imitation In tho declaration
for his "broad statesmanship and
tolerant spirit towards men."
Philadelphia Press.
Scranton and I.ako Ariel Road Pro
moters Willing to Pay for
Tho promoters of the Scranton
nnd Lake Ariel iRallway company,
through their attorney, A. G. Ruther
ford, havo offered to tho Scranton
council an amendment to tho frnn
chlne they seek for tho right to lay
their tracks In Scranton, by which
they agree to pay a graded yearly
tax on their gross receipts In return
for tho franchise. Tho offer of pay
for a franchlso Is ono of tho first
that has been mado to tho council.
Tho amendment tacked on tho
franchlso ordlnanco which is now In
tho hands of tho public works com
mltteo of council follows:
"At tho end of- each and every
year during tho operation of Its road
under this franchise, tho Scranton &
Lako Ariel Railway company shall
pay into tho city treasury of tho
city of Scranton, a tax upon Its gross
receipts, carried upon that portion of
Us road as specified in this ordin
ance, for the preceding year In the
manner following
During tho first
five years tno company shall Day Into
the city treasury one-half of ono per
centum of tho gross receipts of the
I company; during tho succeeding five
years, the company shall pay into tno
city treasury threo-fourths of ono
per centum of Its gross receipts and
at tho end of each and every suc
ceeding year the company shall pay
Into tho city treasury an annual tax
of ono per centum of Its gross re
ceipts." PEOPLE'S FORUM.
Complains About Acid in Water.
Mr. Editor:
I think It Is about tlmo something
wns done concerning the emptying of
or allowing tho acid from factories
upon tho Dyborry to get Into that
stream. My cows have refused to
drink tho water and when they did,
before It became so bad, It gave thorn
rheumatism and tainted the milk and
butter, making it Impossible for mo
to sell tho same.
'Aside from this the banks along
the Dyborry of late have been strewn
with dead fish, largo ones at that.
They He there and the stench arising
from them is anything but pleasant.
Is there no ono to whom tho peo
ple living along this river enn apply
for aid or protection?
Yours truly,
Dyberry, Pa., June 20, 1912.
Politically Dcd, London View
Third Term Man.
Tho London newspapers send
Roosevelt to tho political graveyard
with scant words of eulogy.
Tho Dally News says: "The ma
chine did no more than It always
does, or than Roosevelt taught It to
do when he forced Taft s nomination
four years ago."
The Standard says: "Ills hat has
been kicked Ignomlnlously out of tho
ring. His passionate urglngs to -his
followers to seize tho convention by
force frightened his calmer lieuten
ants, for a dim vision of 'the man on
horseback' began to be seen In his
mad plan."
The .Dally Express says: "If at his
last nomination Mr. Bryan had stood
on the Roosevelt platform, even he
would havo been howled down as a
wild man. Roosevelt seems to havo
achieved the ruin of the Republican
The Morning Post says: "Failure
Is failure, and Roosevelt has failed.
Taft has done good work, and it is
absurd to protend he is tho tool of
moneyed Interests."
The Graphic says: "That Roose
velt can gain anything by his bolt
except the ruin of his party is ex
tremely doubtful. He cannot hope
to carry more than an Ineffective
minority with him."
The Daily Chronicle says: "Taft
Is an able statesman, but not a poli
tician. In a straight fight no Demo
crat is Roosevelt's match at captur
ing tho radical vote, but as the can
didate of a new party his chances
are impossible to forecast."
The Times says: 'Roosevelt's fail
ure In the convention has been
complete, not only with the stal
warts of the regular party, but with
tho moderate progressives, who,
accepting his principles, deprecate
his action in splitting the convention
and have refused to join him."
No Longer Doubts- Veracity of
I have been disposed to doubt
some of tho animal and reptile
stories that come from the Monroe
county correspondents. It has al
ways seemed to mo that the trappers
of the Stroudsburg newspapers were
laying It on rather thick at times
In tho efforts to outdistance Ed.
Mott and the other Sun bear story
writers. However, when Prof. So
gulne, one of the owners of tho Wil
low Dell Hotel at Water Gap, came
in and exhibited to his astonished
guests a live red squirrel which he
had caught with his bare hands and
was holding by tho ears to avoid en
countering Its teeth, I was obliged
to confess that tho Monroe county
young men must bo quicker than
greased lightning when after small
game. Any one who has ever seen
a red squirrel in motion can imagine
the agility that must have been dis
played In picking up tho little ani
mal. This is a true one, and I am
not going to question the hunting
stories that appear In the StroudS'
burg papers hereafter. Scranton
(Special to The Citizen.)
Indian Orchard, Juno 27.
Tho ai. E. Aid Society was very
pleasantly entertained at tho homo of
Mrs. Minor Crosby on 'Wednesday
last. A number of guests wore pres
ent and a nice sum realized. The
ladles are planning for a bazaar and
supper to bo held sometime In
The social for tho benefit of tho
Bethel Sunday school held at the
same place In tho evening was well
patronized. A number came over
from Heachlake. The evening pass
ed only two quickly with vocal and
Instrumental music and refreshments
of sandwiches and coffee, Ico cream
and cake. Every ono seemed to havo
a Jolly good tlmo.
Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Dills recently
drove to tho southern part of tho
county visiting with old acquaint
ances along tho way, finally arriving
after a thlrty-six-mllo drive at tho
homo of Mrs. Dills' brother, Ilruco
Adams, and daughter Ida In South
Sterling. After spending a few days
with them thoy returned homo, pro
nouncing It a most enjoyable trip.
Miss Clare Dills, Honesdale, spent
a fow days wlh her brother's and
sisters during tho absence of their
.Mrs. Charles Smith loft on Prldny
for Philadelphia. Sho will bo accom
panied homo by her son, 'Horton, who
has been a student of the ait. Airy
school. Ho expects to spond tho
summer with his mother and sister
a( this place.
Mrs. William Hlllor and llttlo
daughtor Gorldlno, roturned Monday
to their homo in Susquehanna.
IE. C. Ham and wife spent tho
week-end visiting Mrs. Isabollo Ham
and other relatives in Scranton.
dames aiyers and wlfo, of Whlto
Mills, aro guests at G. S. Myers' for
a few days.
Miss Ella Dills, teacher in tho
Duryea High school, Is expected this
week at tho homo of her brother
Samuel, where she
will spend the
Mrs. E. F. Rice and daughter,
Helen, Whlto Mills, rocently spent a
few days with her parents at this
Attorney C. A. Garratt, of Hones
dalo, was a recent guest of his par
ents, L. R. Garratt and wife.
Tho Grangers arc planning for a
picnic on July 4th.
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Paupack, Juno 27.
Mrs. S. Parcoll and daughter, of
Newton, N. J., aro visiting Mrs. Ben
nett. Miss Hilda Vettorloln went to
'Bloomsburg Saturday to attend tho
commencement exercises. Her sis
ter, Louise, will graduate. They ex
pect to return home Thursday.
Miss May Gumble 1b working for
Conrad Gumble, Jr.
IRoso Gumble, Honesdale, spent
Sunday in tins place.
Misses Mario and Annlo Gumble
aro homo for the summer.
Mr. Uhl Is boarding with William
Mrs, F. Gilpin and children spent
Sunday with her parentB, Charles
'Williams and wlfo.
Mrs. E. Greene, son and daughter,
of Scranton, Bpcnt a short tlmo with
her parents at this place.
M. Edgar, wife and daughter, of
Scranton, visited Miss E. B. Kellam
over Sunday.
Mrs. Isaac Ludwlg and daughter,
iRuth, of Equtnunk, aro staying with
U2N Triveipieco and wife.
Misses Mae Kellam and Frances
iRoblnson, of Hawley, visited Anna
Stelnman on Sunday.
Children's Day will be Sunday
evening, Juno 30. Everyone Is cor
dlally Invited to attend.
'waiter vetteriein nas had a now
metal roof put on his houso.
Mrs. A. Simons and daughter spent
a few days at this place last week
A large crowd attended tho danco
at H. Gumble s on Saturday night.
Miss Frances Kellam Is home from
Wyoming Seminary.
(Special to The Citizen.)
'Beach Lake, Juno 27.
It Is work. work, work for both the
tiller of the soil and the busy house'
wife for the season is so late that
every thing seem to bo behind time,
the work as well as vegetation.
Most of tho boarding houses have
a lew boarders but they also seem
to be later than usual.
Children's Day exercises were held
In the M. E. church last Sunday. Tho
children were nicely trained by the
pastor s wife.
Messrs. Ives and Dunn attended
tho Odd Fellows .banquet at Mllford
Monday evening. They report a good
tlmo but caught severe colds.
IW. J. Barnes, accompanied by his
daughter, Ruth, spent Tuesday at his
old home at this place.
Mrs. Joseph Olyer Is entertaining
her daughter, Mrs. Walker, and her
children from St. Louis.
All are anxious to know the out
como of tho new graded school that
is now hoped will materialize in the
near future.
Mrs. Lizzie Richards entertained
the ladles of tho W. C. T. U. yester
day in a royal manner.
Mrs. Seymour will entertain the
Ladies' Aid Thursday afternoon o
this week.
.Mr. isrooKs is getting weary o
farming so will dispose of his live
stock and lock his doors and hie to
the city again.
Mr. Algiers is not in good health.
Floyd IHIller Is numbered with the
R. B. JJavey and son aro remodel
ing and building more rooms to the
houso for Mr. Frey.
J. B. 'Budd and Leland Avery are
working at Dyberry.
(Special to The Citizen.)
'Whites Valley, June 2G.
Mrs. L. E. Perkins and sons have
returned to Scranton after a two
weeks' visit with the former's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Hacker.
Frank D. Stark, of Seelyvllle, is
spending several days with his moth
er, Jirs. Martha Stark.
iMlss Schaffer, of Waymart, who
has been a guest of Miss Edith Hull,
has roturned home.
aiiss Olive Allen Is' spending the
week with her grandmother, Mrs.
William Turner.
Misses Lois Tiffany and Mary Peck
of Pleasant Mount, wero entertained
Sunday by Mildred Miller.
(Special ts The Citizen.)
Treslarsvlllo, Uuno 27.
Children's Day passed off very
pleasantly Sunday evening. Tho
church was filled to its utmost ca
pacity. Pastor Koons of tho Evan
gollcar church treated us to a happy
surprise Sunday afternoon w'hen ho
Introduced Elder H. G. Harncd, sup
erintendent of the Biblo Society of
Scranton. 'Elder Harned is a good
worker In a good cause aud If every
one docs not havo a Uiblo it surely
is not his fault.
air. Qulntln, who has been sick for
some time, Is Improving.
Mr. Maloy, of Sparrowbush, N. V.,
Is again with us In tho trco business.
'William Chapman, a former resi
dent of this place, now of East Lake,
had tho mlsfortuno to lose one hun-
Wo offer One Hundred Dollars
Roward for any caso of Catarrh that
cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh
Toledo, O.
We, tho undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for tho last IB years,
and bellovo him perfectly honorable
In all business transactions and fi
nancially able to carry out any ob
ligations mado by his Arm.
Walalng, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In
ternally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials sent free.
Price 76 cents per bottlo. Sold by
all Druggsts.
Tako Hall's Family Pills for con
drcd and sovcnty-llvo chicks Friday
night. His brooder caught fire
through a defective chimney and In
the morning both brooder and chicks
wero a thing of tho past.
Farmers aro gottlng ready to com-
menco haying.
Mra. A. R. Swingle and daughter.
Dealla, mado a trip to Scrnnton re
Dentil of Daniel Bryant.
Daniel Bryant, n well known
former resident of Honesdale, died
last Friday at his homo In Perry.
Oklahoma, aged about 75 years. Tho
deceased was a twin brother of Chas.
Bryant, father of Bird iBryant, of
Cherry Ridgo and a brother of the
lato Mrs. S. W. Powell, Mrs. M. B.
Bennett and Mrs. A. B. Gammell.
Mr. Bryant wns burled In Perry.
What Ails You ?
MI-O-NA Stomach Tablets are
guaranteed by G. W. Pell, tho drtg
glst, to end Indigestion or any stom
ach distress, or money back. They
relievo upset stomach in flvo min
utes. MI-04NA for belching of gas.
MI-O-NA for distress after eating.
MI-O-NA for foul breath.
MI-O-NA for biliousness.
MI-O-NA to wako up tho liver.
MI-O-NA for heartburn.
MI-O-NIA for sick headache.
MI-O-NA for nervous dyspepsia.
IMI-O-NIA for night sweats.
MT-O-NA for sleeplessness.
MI-O-NA for bad dreams.
MI-0-CslA for sea sickness.
MI-O-NA after a banquet.
MI-O-NA for vomiting of preg
nancy. Makes rich, pure blood puts gin
ger, vigor, vim, vitality (into tho
whole body.
iFlfty cents a largo box at G. W.
'Poll's, tho druggist, and druggists
Knives and guards for all mowers.
All kinds of rake teeth. Big lino of
haying tools at Murray Co. s, Hones
dale, Pa. 50t2
A Safe and Sane
Get Your Holiday Wants at Our Store
and we'll save you sufficient
money to Celebrate a
Sane Fourth.
Grocery Department
Monday, July 1
Best Granulated Sugar, 25-pound bag
Extra Fancy Lemons, 30c value
Pure White Rose Lard, 10-pound pail
Pure White Rose Lard, 5-pound pall
Pure Whito Rose Lard, 3-pound pall
Fine Shredded Cocoanut, 20c value
Olives, plain or stuffed, 25c value
Campbell's Baked Beans, special
Dold's Niagara Ham, 22c value
Other Departments
Haiti Floor
Famous Kekko Silk, all colors, 35c value 25c yd.
Silk striped Voiles and Figured Dimities, 25c value 21c yd.
Yard wide English Percales, all colors, 13c value 11c yd.
Best Quality Aaron Ginghams 7c yd.
India Lawn, our best 10c value 8 He. yd.
Ladles' Fine Trimmed Hats $80 each
Children's Trimmed Hats 08c each
Gent's White Pleated Dress Shirts, 50c value 43c each
Men's Overalls and Jackets, extra heavy, COc value 42c each
Men's Work Shirts, all sizes, best 50c value 43c each!
Ladles' Dutch Collars, 50c valuo 43c each
Parasols and Umbrellas, $2 value $1.50 each
Ladles' Linene Handkerchiefs, exceptional value 4c each'
Now Stylo Ladles' Corsets, 79c value 05c each
Fancy Fans, new and neat designs, 75c valuo 03c each
Second Floor Specials
Children's Colored Wash Dresses, C5c valuo 40c each
Clean-up Lot Ladies' Tailor Mado Suits, $1G valuo $10 oach
Ladles' Houso Dresses, $1.50 valuo $1.20 each.'
Ladles' Tailored Waists and Negllgeo Shirts. $1.25 value 80c each
9x12 Seamless Tapestry Rugs, $16 valuo $13.31 each
Hodges' Wool and Fiber Carpot, 45c value !5o yd.
Opaque Window Shades, 40c valuo !Wc each
Mill End Salo Pino Wall Paper 12c d roll
NOTICE : Monday Specials are sold for Cash only.
Can You Remember This Name ?
It's the name of the best CORN CURE ever made.
It is really worth much more but it sells at 25 cents,
- - Sold only at - -
LEINE'S, The Retail Drugstore,
Both Phones Honesdale.
Having decided to stay
in business, we have re
stocked our store with a
full line of New and Up-to-date
We are satisfied with small
profitsbeats high prices
and no customers, This
truth we know and practice
in our business,
530 Main St.
Honesdale, Pa.
VIA ERIE R. R. $10.85
July 5 July 26-Aug. 27
Thirty-One Day Return Limit
Ask Local Agent Honesdale
for complete information.
Do you need a new mower? It
so buy a Walter A. Wood and end
your mower troubles. It Is just a
little bit the best mower ever built.
Murray Co., Honesdale. S0t2
25c doz.
$1.40 each
73c each
45c each
10c ib.
21c bottlo
Oc can
10c lb.