PAGE EIGHT THE CITIZEN. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1912. TAFT AND T D 'C I . If. d Sherman NAME IS GHOSElS; Willi S3 ELD President's Forces Firm A!! Through, CONVENTION RESUME. Colonel Personally Nominated by Own Delegates. PLATFORM IS CONSERVATIVE. Harding's Nomination Speech Lauds the President. REPUBLICAN TICKET. For President, WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT. For Vice President, AMES SCHOOLCRAFT SHER MAN. Chicago, June 23. The split has come. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt 1 withheld his name from the fifteenth Republican national convention. lie di rected his delegates to remalu In the convention, but not vote. lie was in dorsed by his followers to lead a third party. It was a bolt, yet not a bolt. Claim ing the convention roll had not been purged of alleged Illegally seated Taft delegates, the colonel would have noth ing to do with It President Taft was renominated, with Vice President Sherman. Roosevelt's action In tossing his hat Into the "ring" against his former friend, the president, made the pri mary campaign remarkable. Ills with drawal of his delegates from voting, when his last hope was gone, and his announcement of leading a third party of progressives was still more remark able In the annals of Republican con ventlons. Nothing Like It Defore, Nothing like this had ever happened since the time Fremont was chosen for president in the first convention of the Republican party, in 1S30. In Phlladel phla. After years of easy going suc cess, broken by the Cleveland terms, the G. O. P. now faces the critical pe riod In its history. What will Roose velt's progressive bolt amount to? What will the Democrats now do at Baltimore? These are now the ques tions of the hour. Tho Taft forces controlled the con vention from the start through favor able decisions by the national commit tee and later by tho credentials com mittee. At no time did the Roosevelt forces muster a majority of the 1,078 delegates. The Roosevcltlans shouted "Steam roller!" throughout The president's forces shouted little, but they elected their man. Their ma chine worked smoothly. Tho convention was not uninterest ing. Far from it Everybody looked for the bolt, the stampede, the strong arm work nt any moment. Roosevelt was in tho limelight until the last day. All the "hurrah" settled around him It was a fight to beat him more than to nominate Taft Taft Controlled All Through. Several test votes were taken during the five days the convention was In session, the first over tho temporary chairmanship and tho others over the contested delegates. In nil Taft main talned a small moiority. Tho first test stood: Taft, n."S; Roosevelt. 002. The necessary majority of the convention for choice was 5-1(1. The highest test vote for Taft was 005. Barring Roosevelt no Republican as plrant for the presidency since Lincoln has elicited such enthusiasm from his supporters as James U. Ulnlne. He secured tho nomination in 1BS1, only to be defeated nt the polls. Ho refused to be considered ns n candidate in 18S8. but in 1S0U tried for tho nomination. Rut tho crowds in the galleries could not vote, and the delegates on the floor when the storm of cheering had passed named Harrison for tho presidency. Since 1892 tho Republican conven tions have not been memorable for hard fought contests. McKinley at St. Louis in 1890 overcame all opposition on the first ballot. Ho was renominat ed without n contest at the Philadel phia convention in 1000, when Roose velt wns chosen to fill second placo on the ticket. The letter's nomination in 100-1 wns a foregone conclusion, and tho perfectly oiled machinery of the 190S convention accomplished the nom ination of Taft without a Jar. It will be 'recalled that Roosevelt, then the sponsor for Taft, had a bit to do with the machinery. Photo copyright by Muffett Studio FOR PRESIDENT. WILLIAM h. TAFT Mr. TYift Is tho twenty-seventh president of the United States He Is flfty-flve years old. He was elected In ffOS by a popular voU of 7.C7S.&0S. a popular plurality ot 1JG9.S01 over William J. Bryan. Born In Cincinnati, Mr Taft was graduated from Yale In 1S7S, the second In class of 121 Admitted to Ohio bar In 18S0 He was Unite States circuit court Judge, Sixth Judicial circuit, 1S92-1900; first civil governor of Phil ippine Islands, 1901-01; secretary ot war In President Roosevelt's cabinet, 1904-06. PRINCIPAL FACTS OF TUESDAY. United States Senator Elihu Root of New York (Taft man) elected temporary chairman of convention over Governor Francis C. McGovern of Wisconsin (Roosevelt man) by 558 to 502. WEDNESDAY. Argument took up entire day on motion of Governor Hadtoy of Mis souri (Roosevelt floor leader) that seventy-eight Roosevelt delegates be placed on temporary roll instead of Taft men seated by national com mfttee. Matter left to credentials committee after hour's demonstration for Rocmvelt THURSDAY. hto action by convention while credentials committee considered con tested cases. FRIDAY. Several test votes taken by convention on reports of credentials com mittee over contested cases, showing Taft gaining strength over the first test voto on ths opening day. SATURDAY. President Taft and Vice President Sherman renominated. HARDING'S SPEECH. Nominates President Taft In Address Riddling Opposition. Chicago, Juno 23. Warren G. Hard ing of Ohio in his speech nominating President Taft said: The first utterance ot the first Repub lican national convention ever assembled in resolution declared "that the mainte nance of the principles promulgated in the declaration of Independence and embod ied In the federal constitution Is essential to the preservation of our Republican In stitutions." Flfty-slx years have not al tered that truth. Much of tho contention between disput ing schools ot American politics has relat ed to means of development Until very recently there was never serious question about the wisdom of representative democ racy, becauso surpassing results In human advancement made It unassailable. You've heard much lately about the peo ple's rule. The people's rule Is no new discovery to a sovereign American people. 1 Nor Is demagogic employment of the term new to the world's hearing. Through such . demagogic employment centuries ago re- publics tottered and fell and republican liberties were lost in tho sway of empires In their stead. Human rights and their de fence are as old as civilization, but, mora Important to us, tho founders wrote tho right of tho people to rulo Into the consti tution. People Have Always Ruled, The American people literally began to rule In 1770 and there has not been and never will bo any suspension of that power. Tho same people, a plain people and an honost poople, ruled In tho awakening ot tho American conscience that marks a new era In our national life. They are ruling today shielded by tho law's su premacy and safeguarded by understand ing. And they are ruling with unwaver ing faith and Increased confidence In that fine embodiment of honesty, that fearless executor of tho law, that Inspiring per sonification of courage, that matchless exemplar of Justtco, that glorious apostle of peaca and amity, William Howard Taft Noting his stalwart greatness In the strass ot passing events I believe him the finest examplo of lofty patience since the Immortal Lincoln bore the scourge of vengeful tones without a murmur. Sirs, I have heard men arrogate to themselves the title ot "Progressive Re publicans," seemingly forgetting that progression Is the first essential to Re publican fellowship. Progression Is not .a proclamation of THE CONVENTION, salaver. It Is not pretence nor play on prejudice. It Is not Ctie perturbation of a people passion wrought nor a promise proposed progression Is everlasting lifting the standards that marked the end of the world's march yesterday and planting them on new advanced heights today. Tested by such a standard President Taft Is tho greatest progressive of the age. It Is needless to magnify and needless to belittle the crisis of this eventful year. Representative democracy has cone to the crucial test, and wo know that a pure democracy has never been sccuro. Whatever is uttered now through ambi tion, misunderstanding or falsehood, mat ters little except to warn and sober us. There Is a call for a sober and righteous leadership and a need of Justice unfailing Justice to the least of them, Justice to tho greatest men. If no other motive Impelled In the very name of Justice, tho Justice cf a party, a people and a nation; the Jus tice dona and Justice hoped for to sustain our faith, this Republican convention would enlist aipaln under the Just leader ship of President Tnft Opposition Without Reason. Opposition to Ills rcnomlnatton Is as nearly without precedent as It Is without reason or excuso. This opposition wns born of expediency, but a triumphant Re publican party Is not one of expediency. While we have gone on to successive vic tories, holding measures above men and principles above personality and alms above animosity, we have been so commit ted to abiding principles that every utter anco of fifty years Is In consonance with our declaration of today. The common enemy has been the party of expediency, catching up ephemeral whims, paramount Ing new troubles, bellying the sails of Its ship of Btate to tho winds of now griev ances or tho recrudesccnt old and rarely reaching port And, sirs, Ohio proudly reminds you now that one of her six Re publican sons who have borno the party's national banner never trailed It defeated. Tho record of tho present Republican administration Is not only proof of tho conscience and tho wisdom of our party declarations and an Impassable barrier to self repudiation, but the record la im pregnable to Democratic assault More over, except for the attack of disloyalty In our own ranks, tho record would rate In current criticism as It will In history, the marvel of the progressive accomplish ment In one administration. Eulogy For Taft. The sum total of things done Is far too extended for detailed enumeration now. I present to you today a leader who Is composite ot the virtues of all those de servedly enshrined In our party pantheon William Howard Taft as wide and pa- WHAT THEY SAY. TAFT. I tp"ct to bo re-elected, Just as I expected to bo renominated. From the leglnnlng I believed 1 hud law nmi order with me. 1 did not make a hysterical appeal to the people for support, I did not try to coerce my delegates Tho victory came to me, 1 believe, honestly. SHERMAN. I nm pleased to havo been renom inated, Tho honor Is tho moro doep ly appreciated becauso I did not seek It. 1 think tho level headed Republicans of the country will sup port tho regular ticket. ROOSEVELT. Tho nominations were secured by theft. Tbcro Is no question nbout thnt Tho decisions In tho contest ed cases wero given by a packed Jury. Neither tho national commit tee nor the ciedcntlals committee was unbiased. How could It decide any other way than It dld7 And Its decisions ruled tho convention. The contested cases formed tho balance of power. ttcnt as Abraham Lincoln, as modest and dauntless as U. S. Grant, as temperate and peace loving ns Rutherford B. Hayes, as patriotic and Intellectual ns Jemus A. Oarlleld, ns courtly mid generous as Ches ter A. Arthur, as learned In tho law ns Benjamin Hnrrlson, as sympathetic and brnvo as William McKinley, as progres sive as his predecessor with moral stnm lna, breadth of view and sturdy manhood all his own. Rejoicing In tho gratifying record of things done, confident of tho forward movement to tho things wo are pledged to do, mindful of tho spirit of thu time and the requirement of poise and pa tience, glad of tho now hopes nnd higher nsplrntlons of our people and their faith In national progress nnd the harmony ol his purpose, therewith reassuring his ca pacity by the exactions of experience, testing his patriotism by every demand of honesty, courage and Justice; knowing his devotion to his country and Its people on behalf of Ohio nnd for 100,000,000 of Americans, I name for rcnomlnntlon our great president William Howard Taft. THE PLATFORM. Conservative Planks Form Ground work, With Sop to Progressives. Chicago, June 23. The platform on which Taft and Sherman were nomi nated is In part as follows: The Republican party, assembled by Its representatives In the national conven tion, declares Its unchanging faith In gov ernment of the people, by tho poople, for the people. We renew our allegiance to tho principles of the Republican party and our devotion to the cause of Repub lican Institutions established by the fa thers. Tho Republican party looks back upon Its record with prjdo and satisfaction and forwnrd to Its new responsibilities with hope and confidence. Tho Republican party reaffirms Its In tention to uphold at all times the authori ty and Integrity of the courts, both state and federal, and It will ever Insist that their power to enforce their process nnd to protect life, liberty and property shall be preserved Inviolate. Upholds Authority of Courts. That tho courts, both federal and state, may bear the heavy burden laid upon them to the complete satisfaction of pub lic, opinion we favor legislation to prevent long delays and the tedious and costly appeals which have so often amounted to a denial ot Justice In civil cases and to a failure to protect the public at large In criminal cases. Since the responsibility of tho Judiciary Is so great the standards of Judicial ac tion must bo always and everywhere above suspicion and reproach. While we regard the recall of Judges as unneces sary and unwise, wo favor such action as may bo necessary to simplify this pro cess by which any Judge who may be found to bo derelict In his duty may be removed from office. Together with peaceful and orderly de velopment at home tho Republican party earnestly favors all measures for tho es tablishment and protection of the peace of the world and the development of closer relations between tho various na tions of the earth. . The Republican party Is opposed to spe cial prlvllego and to monopoly. It placed upon tho statute book the Interstate com merce act of 1SS7 and the Important amendments thereto and tho anti-trust act of ISM, and It has consistently and successfully enforced the provisions of theso laws. It will tako no backward step to permit the re-establishment In any degree ot conditions which wero In tolerable. For Stronger Anti-trust Law, Tho party favors the enactment of legislation supplementary to the existing anti-trust act which will define as crimi nal offenses thoso specific acts that uni formly mark attempts to restrain and monopolize to tho end that all who obey the law may havo a guide for their ac tion and that those who aim to violate the law may the moro surely bo punished. The same certainty should be given to the law prohibiting combinations and monopolies that characterize other pro visions of commercial law, In order that no part of the field of business may bo restricted by monopoly or combination; that business success honorably achiev ed may not be convorted Into crtmo and that tho right of every man to acquire commodities and particularly tho neces saries of lifo In an open market uninflu enced by the manipulation of trust or combination may be preserved. In tho enforcement and administration of federal laws governing Interstate com merce nnd enterprises Impressed with a public use engaged therein there Is much that mny bo committed to a federal trade commission, thus placing In tho hands of an administrative board mnny of tho functions now by necessity exerclsod by the courts. This will promoto promptness In tho administration of the law and avoid delays and technicalities Incident to court procedure The Tariff Problem. We reaffirm our belief In a protective tariff. Tho Republican tariff policy has been of tho greatest benefit to the coun try, developing our resources, diversify ing our Industries and protecting our workmen against competition with cheap tr labor abroad, thus establishing for our wago earners the American standard of living. Tho protective tariff Is so wovon Into the fabric of our agricultural lite that to have n tariff that would destroy many Industries would throw millions of our people out of employment The prod ucts of the farm and ot the mine should receive tho same measure of protection. We hold that the Import duties should be high enough, while yielding a sufficient revenue, to protect adequately American industries and wages. Some of tho existing import dutlos are too hlrh and should bo reduced. Read Justmott should be made from time to Photo copyright by Hutrls tt nv FOR VICE PRESIDENT, JAMES S. SHERMAN Mr. Sherman Is fifty-seven years old. being a natl- of Utica, N Y He was ad mitted to tho bar In 1SS0 He wns mayor of I'tlca s)-M. New York congressman 1SS7-91 and 1SD3-1903 LEADING FEATURES Roosevelt's previous administrations indorsed. Against recall of judges, but for simplification of process of removal in case of corruptness. For amendment to anti-trust law providing for criminal punishment For protective tariff, but with "proper'' reductions. Federal trade commission to have administrative power over inter state affairs. Law urged to aid farmers in loans. Extension of federal civil service law recommended, with creation of retirement list. The platform is silent on the Initiative and referendum and some of the other piogresslve demands. It was adopted by this vote: For, COO; against, 53, not uting. 313. J time to conform to changing conditions and to reduce excessive rates, but with out injury to any American Industry. To accomplish this correct Information Is In dispensable. This Information can best bo obtained by an" expert commission, as the large volumo of useful facts contained In tho recent reports of tho tariff board has demonstrated. We condemn tho Democratic tariff bills passed by tho house of representatives of the Sixty-second congress as sectional, as Injurious to the public credit and as de structive to business enterprise. The steady increase in the cost of living has become a matter not only of national but of worldwide concern. The fact that It Is not due to the protective tariff system Is evidenced by tho existence of similar con ditions In countries which have a tariff policy different from our own, as well as by the fact that the cost of living has Increased while rates of duty havo re mained stationary or been reduced. For Safe Banking Methods. The Republican party has always stood for a sound currency and for safe bank ing mothods. It la responsible for tho re sumption of specie payments and for tho establishment of the gold standard. It Is committed to tho progressive develop ment of our banking nnd currency sys tem. Our banking arrangements today need further revision to meet tho require ments of current conditions. Wo need measures which will prevent tho recur rence of money panics nnd financial dis turbances and which will promote the prosperity of this country by producing constant employment It is of great Importance to the social and economic welfaro of this country that its farmcra havo facilities for borrowing easily and using tho money. It Is Im portant that financial machinery bo pro vided to supply tho demand of farmers for credit Tlieroforo wo recommend and urgo an authoritative Investigation of agricultural crodlt societies and corpora tions In other countries and the passage of stnto and federal laws for tho estab lishment nnd capable supervision of or ganizations having for their purposo the loaning of funds to farmers. The party Btands committed to the main tenance, oxtenslon and enforcement of the civil service law, and It favors tho pas sago of legislation empowering the presi dent to extend tho competltlvo service as far as practicable. We favor legislation to make possible the equitable retirement of disabled and superannuated members of the civil service In order that a higher standard of efficiency may be maintained. We favor Uie amendment of the federal employees' liability law so ns to extend Us provisions to all government employees as well as to provide a more liberal scale of compensation for Injury and death. For Clean Campaigns. Wo favor such additional legislation as may bo needed moro effectually to pro hibit corporations from contributing funds, directly or Indirectly, to campaigns for tho nomination or election of tho pres ident, tho vice president, senators and representatives In congress. In the Interest of tho general public, and particularly of the agricultural or rural communities, we favor legislation looking to tho establishment, under proper regu lations, of a parcels post tho postal rates to bo graduated under a zone Bystem In proportion to the length of carriage. We approve the action taken by the president and congress to securo with Russia, as with other countries, a treaty that will recognize the absolute right of expatriation and that will prevent all dis crimination of whatever kind between Amorlcan cltlzons, whether native born or alien and regardless of race, religion or previous political alleglunce. The Mississippi river Is the nation's drainage ditch. Its flood waters, gather ed from thirty-one states and the Do minion of Canada, constitute an overpow crlng forco which breaks tho levees and pours Its torrents over many million OF THE PLATFORM. acres of the richest land In the Union, stopping malls. Impeding commerce and causing great loss of ltfo nnd property. Theso floods are national In scope, and the disasters they produce seriously affect tho general welfare. The states unaided cannot cope with this giant problem; hence we believe the federal government should assume a fair proportion of the burden of Its control so as to prevent dis asters from recurring floods. Republican Accomplishment. The approaching completion ot the Pa nama canal, tho establishment of a bureau of mines, tho Institution of postal savings banks, tho Increased provision mode In 1912 for the aged and infirm soldiers and sailors of tho rcpubllo and for their wid ows and tho vigorous administration ot tho laws relating to pure food and drugs, all mark the successful progress of Re publican administration and are addition al evidence of Its effectiveness. Wo challenge successful criticism of the sixteen years of Republican administra tion under Presidents McKinley, Roose velt and Taft. Wo heartily reaffirm tho Indorsement of President McKinley con tained In tho platform of 1900 and of 1901 and that of President Roosevelt contained In the platform of 1904 and 1908. VOTE F0RFIRST PLACE. 53 o s S? n c 3 3 3 o r o 2- S C a Alabama 13 Arizona 6 Arkansas 17 .. 1 California 2 21 Colorado 12 Connecticut ... 11 Delaware 6 Florida 12 Georgia ........ 2i Idaho ........... 1 ., Illinois 2 63 Indiana 20 S Iowa IS .. Kansas 2 .. Kentucky 21 2 Louisiana 20 .. Maine Maryland 1 1 Massachusetts. 20 Michigan 20 9 Minnesota Mississippi 17 .. Missouri 16 Montana 8 .. Nebraska 2 10 13 12 6 16 1 21 3 20 Nevada 0 New Hampshire 8 New Jersey 2 New Mexico.. .7 1 .. New York 7G 8 6 22 St li 2 C2 North Carolina 1 I North Dakota. .. Ohio 14 .. 10 Oklahoma 4 1.. Oregon 8 Pennsylvania... 9 2.. Rhode Island.. 10 South Carolina. IS South Dakota.. .. 5 5 Tennessee 23 1 .. Texas 31 .. Utah .... 8 Vermont ...... 8 .. .. Virginia 22 .. Washington.... It .. .. West Virginia Wisconsin 23 Wyoming S .. .. Alaska 2 .. .. Dlst of Col 2 .. Philippine Is... 2 .. .. Hawaii J .. .. Porto Rico 2 18 Total 661 W? U 11 JU Absent,- 0. Total number of delegates In tonventlon, 1.07S; necessary to choice, (40.