The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 26, 1912, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Firtl of the Ttrfts to Coma to Thii
Country Signed With a Cross.
That tho first of the Tafts to como
to America was n blacksmith who In
the latter years of his life hnil to mnlce
"his mark" when signing n paper was
developed during n visit of the four
Republican congressmen from the Cum
berland mountain region of Kentucky,
Tennessee nnd Virginia to the While
House with an appeal for n pardon for
a I'lke county Kentucklan recently
sentenced to servo flvo years lu the
penitentiary for alleged obstruction of
process In federal courts.
The story was told by tho president
himself wlien Representatives John W.
Lnuglcy nnd Caleb Powers of tho
mountain region of Kentucky, G. Has
cum Slomp of tllg Stone Oap. Va., and
Ulchard Waustln of Kentucky called
with their appeal for executive clem
enry for K II. Sallyer of rielllor, Pike
county Snllyer Is ono of the promi
nent citizens of the Cumberland moun
tain country and a man of means.
Recently one Compton and his wife
were summoned to nppear before
Judge McDowell at Hlg Stone Gap as
witnesses In n nioonshining case. The
Comptons had a dying child whom
they did not want to leave. When they
received the summons they consulted
gallyer. lie thought of the doing
child, nil vised them to stick by it, and
they did, whereupon tho grand Jury at
Big Stono Gap Indicted Sallyer, who
lived in Kentucky, for obstructing tho
process of the court As soon ns Sall
yer hoard of the Indictment ho bridled
his mare and rode through the moun
tains to Virginia. To tho court ho
strode and demnnded an immedlnte
trial. He got it and was sentenced to
five years, no then appealed to the
Sallyer's petition for clemency wus
signed with his mark. 'When Presi
dent Taft saw this he told the Cum
berland mountain congressmen the
only Republicans from these three
states about his own ancestor, nenry
Taft, about seven generations back,
the first of the family to come to
The president said this ancestor
knew how to read and write, but had
been a blacksmith all his life, nnd
when up in the eighties tho tendons of
his wrists were so stiff that he always
made his mark in signing papers, one
of which is now a valued heirloom of
the Taft family.
Fostering, the Child's Natural
Instinct For Play,
A Rrmarkable Development In Regard
to School Grounds and Buildings Hac
Taken Place In the Last Few Years.
Economical Equipment
The public schools aro of necessity
the gathering pohit of much of a
town's activity. There are several rea
sons why this Is so. Among them nre
Pie following:
In the first place, even from a
very early age. the schools for three
fourths of the year have tho majority
of the children up to the thirteenth or
fourteenth year, nnd with the develop
went of modern city life a feeling is
growing that the schools should keep
control for twelve months of the year
and perhaps for n grenter number of
hours each day.
Second. Again, tho schools have
grounds, buildings, equipment nnd, the
most important of nil, teachers and
leaders. It is significant that in lay
ing out a playground system in any
city tho school grounds furnish n roudy
mndc basis. Inasmuch ns they aro In
effective radius of every child in tho
Third. There is n growing sentiment
that the material expenditure repre
sented in school grounds, buildings
nnd equipment ought to be returning
to the community a grenter dividend
upon the investment than it is now do
ing; henco we hnvo tho movement for
tho wider use of school buildings and
NEW $700,000 FIELD.
Hygienic Congress Seeks Cure For
Dreaded Disease.
Infantile paralysis may come more
nearly within the control of medical
science as a result of the fifteenth in
ternatlonal congress on hygiene and
domography, which meets In Wash
ington in September. The disease will
be considered from all angles.
Infantile paralysis lias spread ter
ror in different communities in the
United States and in Europe. About
nil that is known now of infantile par- .
nlysVs Is that it is due to somo micro
organism too small to be detected with '
the most powerful microscope. Be-1
cause the microbe or parasite which i
carries tho infection has never been
Isolated physicians and health ofllcers
have been almost powerless to pre
vent tho spread of tho disease.
Tho disease will be considered by
scientists in the section of tho program
of the forthcoming congress which will
bo devoted to study of "hygienic mi
crobiology nnd parasitology." Profes
sor Theobald Smith, M. D., of Harvard
University Medical school, will be
president of the section, nnd tho vice
presidents will bo Professor William
n. Park, M. D., of the research labora
tory, department of health, New York,
nnd Professor Charles Stiles, Ph. D.,
of tho United States public health and
marine hospital service.
Papers will bo read by Dr. Netfcr of
Paris, Dr. Francis nnrbltz of Chris
tianla, SI. Levadlti of Paris, Dr. Karl
Landstclner of Vienna, Dr. Simon
Flcxncr of New York, Dr. Paul Romer
of Marburg, Professor Alfred Petter
sou of Stockholm and Dr. Philip A. E.
Sheppard of Cambridge, Mass.
Experimenters In England Trying to
Develop a New Kind of Hen.
The Cambridge School of Agriculture
Is trying to make hens lay red eggs.
There is nlwuys the best market for
eggs which are of the richest red
brown in color, and tho problem is to
develop the right kind of hen.
Tho Cambrldgo experimenters hope
to produce n red egg laying hen of pro
lific habit Just as they hnvo produced
a strong rust resisting wheat of high
yield by working on tho curious law of
Mendel. Hens hnvo so far proved ad
mirable examples of tho working of
this law In respect of slnglo nnd dou
ble combs and In respect of color they
are perfectly obedient to tho proper
scientific principle. They "behave" as
they ought, to use the technical verb.
"Why should not tho eggs bchavo as
well as tho feathers and comb?
Thero is also tho subsidiary question
of food. It may bo possible to alter
tho egg color by food ns well as by
hert-dltnry influences. It has been
done in tho cneo of canaries.
If Cambrldgo achieves the poultry
man's ider.1 of n hen that lays yearly
2C0 two ounce red eggs, no ono will
then say that tho universities are not
practical or even commercial!
Plans Are Announced For Coliseum to
Seat 60,000 Persons.
Tho Yalo Alumni Weekly In a spe
cial "coliseum number" gives the first
deflnlto plans of Ynlo's now $700,000
athletic field nnd tho plan recommend
ed for flnnnclng tho project.
Tho graduate committee favors a
coliseum or bowl-llku structure, but
not entirely of concrete, ns built else
where. This Is In the form of an em
bankment of earth, faced upon con
".etc, upon which will be placed wood
en seats. It Is planned to seat be
tween fiO.OOO and 00,000 persons, with
the opportunity to seat more If neces
sity requires. The totnl cost, $700,000,
Is apportioned as follows:
Laud, $150,000; coliseum, $300,000;
clubhouse, $100,000; now baseball stand
on the present Yale Held, $.'jO,000, and
the rest to Ihj employed In improving
the grounds from time to time.
Tho committee Is unanimous ns to
the plan of flnnnclng. Certificates will
bo Issued to carry no other privilege
or dividend except the right for fifteen
years to obtain tickets for tho impor
tant games of each year nt tho regular
price. A subscription for $1,000 or
more cnrrles with it tho right to buy
ten tickets to be located together. Two
tickets can 1 procured for $100, the
lowest certificate that will be Issued.
Tho Yalo athletic authorities already
have options on all the land for the
now coliseum except :i golf course,
and an option for It Is expected in the
near future.
Two Princes to Tour World.
It Is stated in Berlin that tho Prince
of Wales nnd Princo Albert will start
on a world tour In tho spring of 1013.
grounds. Tills movement aims to make
the school tho center not only of the
educational life of tho community, but
tho recreational, social, health and civic
life as well.
Fourth. Tlie educational value of
play is a matter of very old knowledge,
but its significance and power have
been largely lot under our iresent
system of Bchool courses of study. If
it is true that play is tho law of the
development of tho child, If it is true
that his early years aro concerned
with motor development primarily and
not with intellectual development, we
grievously err in not making the great
est possible uso of this natural Instinct
of tho child known as play.
First Space to play upon Is the first
consideration. It was the common
custom of school boards in former
days to securo Just enough ground for
the site of Uie building nnd a very
small area of unoccupied ground
around It Tho development of the
play Idea has given rise to a new sen
timent regarding grounds, so that
there Is being set In many states a
definite standard as to tho number of
square feet of play space ier child
that ought to Iaj provided around tho
school building. This varies from
thirty squaro foot per child In the
large eastern and mlddlo western cities
to a maximum of 100 squaro feet In
tho northwest coast region.
Second. Tho building should not be
located in the center of tho plot of
ground, but hi ono corner or well to
ward tho edgo of ono on the other
Bide, thus leaving ns much available
Fpaco for play uud games as possible.
Third. Tho school playground
should Ikj fenced for tho purposo of
management or protection of property
nnd to guard against tho grounds be
coming tho resort of undesirable ior
sons. As to equipment, reduco It to a min
imum. A sand court, n slide, some
llttlo swings nnd building blocks for
tho little children; swings, teeter
board, Bllde, volley 111 and basketball
court, tennis perhaps for tho girls,
nnd swings, teeter boards, traveling
tings, slides, horizontal bar, Jumping
pit nnd ball outfits for tho boya make
n iulrly good equipment. Lcrbert n
Weir la American City.
Brings Lost Colorado Doctor, Thought
Dead, Homo Again.
A fall resulting In concussion of the
brnln Is resiwnsiblo for the return of
Dr. W. J. Fairfield, formerly of Delta,
Colo., to his family in Denver nfter
an absence of two years. It was
thought that Dr. Fairfield was dead,
and all hopo of discovering him had
been abandoned.
The greater portion of his absence
has tieen spent in Alaska, where ho
wandered alwut aimlessly, unable to
throw any light upon his Identity or
tho locntlon of his home. Recently he
suffered a fall which rendered him un
conscious for days.
As soon as Dr. Fairfield began to re
vive his mind beenrne clear. He re
membered his name and whore he
lived and made arrangements to re
turn to Colorado.
Ills son, Golding Fairfield, an nttor
ney, was In his office when his father
entered. The father explained tho rea
son of his two years' absence. About
two years ago while suffering from 111
health the doctor went to tho Gunni
son river to bathe. Ho remembers the
extreme shock of the cold water, but
knew nothing further until ho was
aboard n steamer bound for Alaska.
Ills relatives and friends believed that
tho doctor was drowned and searched
for his body for weeks.
Arizona Convict Succeeded at Wash
ington and Will Complete Term.
Roy J. Meyers, tho convict paroled
from Florence penitentiary by Gover
nor Hunt of Arizona to enable him to
go to Washington to obtain patents on
n machine for collecting electricity
from tho atmosphere, returned to pris
on to finish his term, which will expire
In ten mouths. Ho said:
"Tho patent ofllco experts laughed
at mo when I reached Washington
and laid my drawings before them.
They told mo I would have to build a
model and demonstrate my claims.
There was llttlo tlino to spare, as I
had only twenty days left of my leave,
but in a fow days I was able to tako
a crude model around to tho patent of
fice to make a demonstration.
"Tho absorber was hoisted on two
short poles and made to work. There
was no trouble after tliat. Tho offi
cials, had seen the thing work and were
forced to admit that I had something
now. I might file my application with
out delay.
"I hopo to construct my first largo
machino in Phoenix. I feel gratoful to
Governor nunt and others for what
they hnvo done for me.','
Meyers filed application for four pat
ents, two for original devices and two
for improvements on existing mechanisms.
Takes Phi Beta Kappa Golden Key at
Goucher College.
To have been told by every profes
sor snvo ono that she could not win a
degree; to tako tho regulur college
course, Including gymnasium work; to
have stood always amoug tho first In
her class and dually to havo captured
a golden Phi Beta Kuppa key, tho sym
bol of scholarly work, is tho record of
Miss Mary Melvln, who has Just re
ceived her degree from Goucher col
lege, Maryland.
Miss Melvln has boon blind slnco she
was six years old.
Miss Melvln has plans. "Ono whole
year I shall have to myself," sho said,
"Just rending nnd doing what I please.
Then I shall do graduate work in eco
nomics and sociology, probably at
Johns Hopkins. Then," sho ndm.ttcd
shyly, "I am golug to try to write."
Miss Mclvlu is an advocnto of votes
for women. Sho has been engaged by
two leagues, tho Just Government
louguo and tho Equnl Suffrago league,
to inako open air addresses during tho
Sale Continues
15 Days
Spring and Summer
There will be
15 More
Days of Salo
Bregstein Bros. Great Remodeling Sale
of everything on hand at ridiculously low prices.
Hats, Underwear., Shirts, Collars-, Trunks, Dress
Suit Cases, Hand Bags, in fact everything
imaginable"No reservation.
Sale Is not yet over
Take advantage ot the low prices that prevail on our entire stock tor twenty days
more, see our large display posters tor prices. Bargains too numerous to mention. Don't
miSS thiS BIG SALE. Going to remodel store
Yon could not get these iinhcar d of bargains if wo were not going to remodel our store. Owing to our
increasing business more room is needed. The lnrgo stock of goods wo always carry nt this time of year
must lie sold out. Do you realize what an opportunity this is to get stylish, seasonable clothing nt nftcrscn
son prices?
"Once a Customer, Always a Customer," applies particularly to the
reputation we have established --- we have been in business in Honesdale
20 Years. Begin now and you will always come here.
3E3Ccxxos do,l.
LJ TTnr 1 Of) you can set now not only the Farm
1 UI p.UU JOURNAL for FOUR full years, but also
g Secrets Jg
Journal JKg
Is this cock properly heldt
Poultry Secrets" tells how to
carry toutts, and many other
your choice of any one of the famous booklets, Money-making
Secrets," which other people have bought by the hundred thousand.
Just note what the information given in one of these booklets, "The
Million Egg-Farm," did for Robert Liddle, a clerk of Scranton, Pa.
In May, 1910, Robert bought 2300 day-old chicks. He spent just one "s tar more important.
week studying the methods now given in this book, his only preparation for the business.
Result this ' greenhorn" raised 95 per cent, of all his chicks, and 1350 of them were pullets.
("Poultry Secrets" tells you this secret.) In less than seven months he was getting 425
eggs daily, and selling them at 58 cents a dozen. His feed cost averaged $-1.00 a day, leaving
him OVER $17.00 A DAY PROFIT, and this before all his pullets had begun laying.
Isn't "Money-making Secrets" a good name for such booklets?
Read what people say of the other booklets, and of the Farm Journal itself:
"I find your Egg-Book worth untold dollars," says
Roy Ciianey, Illinois. "What it tells would take a becinner years
to learn'
"I am much pleased with the Butter Book," writes
F. J. Dickson, Illinois, "and would like to know how I could
secure 300 copies, one for each patron of our creamery."
"Duck Dollars is the best book I ever had on
duck-raisin:," says F. M. Waknock. l'enna.
"If your other booklets contain as much valuabla
information as the Eee-Hook, I would consider them cheap at
double the price," saysl'. W. Mansfield, New York.
T. F. McCkea, a missionary in China, writes, "I
found Garden Gold a Ereat help in my earden this summer. I
lost my health in the ereat famine, trying to save the starving
Chinese, and I am tryine to eet it back by setting near to the
soil. After a lone tussle with the Chinese language and mission
problems, it is n great rest to get out with the vegetables,
trees, chickens, etc. I am savine money and regaining my
health. My wife and I both find Faru Journal indispensable.
"The Farm Journal beats them all," writes T. H.
Potter, Fenna. "Every issue has reminders and ideas worth a
year's subscription."
"One year I took another agricultural paper,"
says N. M. Gladwin, Washington, "and it took a whole column
to tell what Faru Journal tells in one paragraph."
"I was very greatly helped by your garden page,"
writes Mrs. Joe Lawrence, Saskatchewan. "I was never
successful in growing cabbage until last summer, when I tried
the Faru JoURNALjivay. Now 1 have more than I need to use."
"Farm Journal was a regular visitor at my boy
hood home." writes Dr. William Davis, New Jersey. When
the first copy came, it carried me back ten years, and I felt a boy
again, I shall never be without it again 1 want home to seem
like home. When it arrives, I feel the gladness jump right into
me. 1 besin on the first page and read to my wife until half-past
ten, and all through the month I drink of its cream. You must
work bard to keep it so rich."
"Farm Journal is good for the man behind the
counter, as well as the man in the field," says J. I. Sloat, a
Vireinla bank clerk.
"If I could get as good interest on every dollar as
I get from the Faru Journal, I would soon be a millionaire."
says A. W. Weitzel, l'enna.
Farm Journal FOUR full 1 if P frJ Afc
Kileh.r one o,bom tor 1 .Oil
FARM JOURNAL, 333 N. Clifton St., Philadelphia
Write tor tree sample copy, with premiums toelub asents
These booklets are 6 by 9 inches, all profusely illustrated.
POULTRY SECRETS is a great collection of
discoveries and methods of successful poultrymen.lone jealously
guarded. It gives Felch's famous mating chart, the Curtiss
method of getting one-half more pullets than cockerels, Boyer's
method of insuring fertility, with priceless secrets of mating,
breeding, feed and feeding, how to produce winter eggs, etc.
HORSE SECRETS exposes all the methods ot
"bishoping," "plugging," cocaine and gasoline doping, and
other tricks of 'gyps" and swindlers, and enables any one to
tell an uiiamiuil borne. It also gives many valuable train
ing, feeding, breeding and veterinary secrets.
The MILLION EGG-FARM gives the methods
by which J. M. Foster makes over $18,000 n yrnr, mainly
from eggs. All back. yard chicken-raisers should learn about
the "Kancocas Unit," and how Foster FEEDS his hens to make
them produce such quantities of eggs, especially in winter.
STRAWRERRY SECRETS tells how you can
have the finest fall-bearinc strawberries almost until snow flies.
It gives you the fruits of ten years' work and study of experts in
this new industry. It reveals the secrets of fertilizing and blossom-removing
to produce berries in the fall, tells inside facts
about varieties, how to get three crops in two years, how one
grower gets 10,000 quarts an acre and nets 25 cents a quart, etc
L. J. Farmer, the famous berry man, says, "Any one who can
grow ordinary strawberries can, if they read this book, grow fall
berries almost anywhere."
CORN SECRETS, the great NEW hand-book of
l'rof. Ilolden, the "Corn King," tells how to get ten totiity
IiuhIh'Ik ilium iit nrro of corn rich in rrotein and the best
stock-feeding elements. Pictures make every process plain.
THE "BUTTER BOOIC" tells of seven cows
that produced linlf n tnu of butter each per year (140 pounds
is the average). An eye-opener for dairymen. Get it. weed out
your poor cows, and turn good ones into record-breakers.
GARDEN GOLD shows how to make your back
yard supply fresh vegetables and fruit, how to cut down your
grocery bills, keep a better table, and get cash for your surplus.
It tells how to plant, cultivate, harvest and market.
DUCK DOLLARS tells how the great Weber
duck-farm near lloston makes every year 50 cents each on
40,000 ducklings. Tells why ducks pay them better than chick
ens, and just HOW they do everything.
TURKEY SECRETS, the latest authority on
turkey-raising, discloses fully the methods of Horace Vose, the
famous Khodc Island "turkev-man," who supplies the wonderful
Thanksgiving turkeys for the White House. It tells how to
mate, to set eegs, to hatch, to feed and care for the young, to
prevent sickness, to fatten, and how to make a turkey ranch 1'AY
In tho District Court of tho United
States for tho (Mlddlo District of
Pennsylvania. JJurton Lewis Holbort,
Honesdale, of Wayno county, Pa., a
bankrupt under tuo Act of Congress
of July 1, 1S98, having applied for a
full dlschargo from all debts provable
against his ostato undor said Act.
notice Is horoby glvon to all known
creditors nnd other person? In Inter
est, to appear boforo tho said court
at Scranton in said District,
on tho 25th day of Juno, 1312,
at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon, to
show causo, If any they havo, -why
tho prayer of tho said petitioner
should not bo granted.
GEOilUE a soiiEiran,
H. F. Weaver
and finider
Plans & Estimates
Residence, 1302 EastSt.
(Now Is the tlmo to subscrlbo to
Tho Citizen. It's getting hotter.
. MlAj OV
TnADE Marks
CopmiOHTS Ac.
AnTone aendlnff a sketch and description mar
quiciir ttjcwnuiu our opinion tree wu
iiiTemion u uroonuir Piuei inn e. t on
lions inciiTconaaeiiiiw. HAnUoUUK ouratenu
ether iu
ont free. Oldest aseucr for ecurTnir patents.
l'stout taken turouuh Aluim A Co, receire
tpeeiat node, without churno, lu tho
scientific jiiiiciicnn.
A handsomelr lllnitrsted weetlr.
rulatlon of tnv rlBiitina Inum&l
reart four months,!!, tkudball newsdealers.
T.argeit elr-
Terms, 13 a
U Pil 3BlBraadwif. Nou; Yflrt
lJrsuca Offlc. CM If 8U Wasblogtoa, U. C.