PAGE FOUR THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1912. THE CITIZEN SomMVeckly Founded 1008; Weekly Founded 1811. Published Wednesdays and Fridays by Entered as second-class matter, at tho postofflco. Honesdalo, Pa. B. 13. HARDENBBRGH PRESIDENT H. C. VAN ALSTYNE and E.B. CALLAWAY MANAGING EDITORS directors: ii, wilson, H. DOBFLIKQER. M. B. ALLEN, Our friends who favor us with coyitributions, and desire to have the same re mcd, should in every case enclose stamps for that urosc. TERMS: ONE YEAR 11.50 THREE MONTHS 38c IX MONTHS 76 ONE MONTH 13c Remit by Express Money Order, Draft. Post Office Order or Registered tsttar. Address all communications to The Citizen, No. 803 Main street, Honesdalo, Pa. All notices of shows, or other entertainments held for the purposo of Baking money or any Items that contain advertising matter, will only be admitted to this paper on payment of regular advertising rates. Notice of entertainments for the benefit of churches or for charitable purpose where a fee Is charged, will be published at half rates. Cards of thanks, SO tints, memorial poetry and resolutions of respect will be charged for at th rate of a cent b word. Advertising rates on application. WEDNESDAY, REPUBLICAN TICKET. For President, WILLIAM H. TAFT. Vice-President, JAMES S. SHERMAN. State Treasurer, ROBERT K. YOUNG. Auditor General, A. W. POWELL. Congrcssmen-at-Large, FRED E. LEWIS, JOHN M. MORIN, ARTHUR R. RUPLEY. ANDERSON H. WALTERS. District Congressman, W. D. B. AINEY. Representative, H. C. JACKSON. THOUGHT FOR TODAY. Who Follows. Who follows where the feet of June, With fragrant roses sandaled, lead Through dawning and delightsome noon Into the glimmering gloom, may read Emblazoned on night's canopy, By constellating spheres besprent, "Naught more enravishlng could be To Eden-haunted mortals lent." Amelia 'Robbins. OUR TAFT SPECIAL. The Citizen, in keeping with its other lines of progress, Issued a special Taft edition Saturday night, Informing the public of tho renom inatlon of the President of the United States, which occurred in tho Nation al Republican convention In Chicago. Tho news of President Taft's nomi nation flashed over tho wire from tho seat of the convention at 11:15 p. m., and in a few moments after wards our enthusiastic office craft was engaged in printing and folding the extra edition. Faithful carriers were soon upon the streets spreading broadcast the timely news to the anxiously awaiting public. That the special was highly appreciated is evident, if complimentary remarks count. The Citizen, above all things, considers the people's Interests and wants first. This, then, is undoubt edly the reason why so many nice things were said concerning our special. They said The Citizen re flected a Metropolitan air, that it was up-to-date, showed enterprise, et cetera. Those who were not ap praised of Taft's nomination before they retired Saturday night were enlightened concerning it bright and early the next morning, as papers were left at almost every home in Honesdale. In addition to the story concern ing Taft being nominated for Presi dent and J. S. Sherman for Vice President, The Citizen contained an article that interests every taxpayer In the borough of Honesdale the renting of the City Ha'll by tho Fed eral Government for a postolllce, In that it will bring In a revenue of ? 1,200 rent per year as against nothing received from it since it has been built. Information relative to It was received by Postmaster M. B. Allen Saturday morning and in its special edition Tho Citizen told the reading public about it. Wo do not write this editorial with the intention of "blowing our horn," but to better bring to the at tention of the public what modern Journalism is. In subscribing for a paper the subscriber wants the NEWS and he wants it just as soon after it happens as he can get it. That is also Tho Citizen's conception of news, and In order to got the news one necessarily must subscribe for a NEWS-paper. If you aro not a subscriber to Tho Citizen send us your name to-day. If you 11 vo in the borough this paper will be de livered to your homo twlco a week for only ?1.50 per year. The Citizen stands for progres slveness. If you want a better Honesdalo and want to enjoy tho privileges that will follow, help sup port this paper and stand by it. Wo have been told by our friends that Tho Citizen is getting better. If you havo not already done so are you going to help make it better? You can do so by help supporting this paper. In this manner you will express your appreciation to tho managing editors, -who nro assidu ously working to mako it an Ideal NEWS-paper, and encourago them to continue writing and publishing their articles along tho lino of town the Citizen Publishing Company. K D. HAUDENEKRnil W. W. WOOD JUNE '2(1, 1012. Improvement, development of our natural resources, tho promotion of local enterprises, and making this a better place and county to live In. Are you with us? THE NATIONAL CONVENTION. Tho Republican National Conven tion at Chicago has concluded Its labors, has adopted a platform of principles, and has nominated tho Republican candidate for president and vice-president of tho United States. From now until the day of the November election It should bo the duty and the pleasure of every sincere Republican to do all In his power to promote the fortune of the candidates and the success of the party. The Citizen declared months ago, when the rivalry between the contending factions in this stato was at its height, that It would loyally support the candidates who should be nominated at the Chicago conven tion. It stands by that declaration to-day. We nail tho banner of Taft and Sherman to the masthead. We give equal support to the national candidates nominated by the conser vative convention at Chicago, and to the state candidates nominated by the progressive convention at (Harris burg. We recognize all of them as candidates of the Republican party, fully entitled to whatever assistance in their campaign this journal can give them. We recognize the differences of opinion that have existed in this stato as well as In other states of the Union. But we hold that tho time has now come when those differences should not bo permitted to Interfere with party success. The conserva tlves have won their battle. They are entitled to the fruits of their vie tory. They havo placed in the field as their candidate for president man whose record and whoso person ality need no apology, whose conduct of the great office to which he again aspires, gives abundant promise of a wise and skillful and honorable ad ministration of that office In tho fu ture. They have adopted a platform which calls for all of the really de sirable and commendable innova tions demanded by tho progressive element of the party, and which at tho same time upholds all of tho primary principles of law and order and representative government on which this nation has been built. As to the bolting element of tho party, which has undertaken, In de fiance of party rules and of orderly procedure, and of good faith, to set up a political house of its own, we believe that sober second thought will bring tho better part of this ele ment back into tho ranks of the reg ulars before the campaign Is fairly under way. Tho grievances aro not serious enough, tho principles Involv ed are not of sufficient importance to bring any considerable number of Republican voters to tho support of the movement. A now party cannot be born and live under such aus pices as marked tho bolt at Chicago. Political history has demonstrated this fact over and over again. In the meantime It is for tho great body of Republican voters who havo abiding faith in their party and its principles, and who deslro to see tho processes of government carried on in an orderly, wise and humane man ner, to set themselves seriously to tho task of healing wounds inad vertently made, of rallying voters to tho standard of tho greatest party the country has over known, and of Insuring success to tho candidates of that party in tho coming election. The primary campaigns aro over, the convention, with Its heat, its excite ment and Its bitterness, is a thing of tho past tho nomination has been mado now for tho future! "Tho tunlult and tho shouting dies, Tho captains and tho kings depart; Still stands thlno ancient sacrifice, An humble and a contrlto heart. Lord God of Hosts, bo with us yet, Lest we forgot, lest wo forget!" GOULDSBORO. (Special to The Citizen.) Mr. and Mrs. Kclley havo Issued Invitations to tho marriage of their dauchter. Katherlne. to Thomas N, Scales, of BInghamton, to tako placo at St. Cathrlnos church, Moscow, at threo o'clock Wednesday aftornaon, Juno 2C. Following tho ceremony 'lmrn will hn n rnnrmMnll nt Mm Immn of the bride's parents. They loavo Wednesday for a bridal trip and on their return will commences house keeping In Blngknmton In tho home that tho groom has ready. Tho brldo has spent all her llfo here. She has a largo circle of friends who extend most hearty congratulations and good wishes. iMrs. "Calvin Gross underwent a very critical operation at her homo at Sunnysldc Wednesday morning. Her friends will bo glad to learn that she rallied and Is gaining as rapid ly as could bo expected. Dr. Kerllng performed tho operation. Tho woman's Relief Corps of Mos cow held a lawn social at the resi dence of BcnJ. Miller, Moscow, last Wednesday. Mrs. Joseph Mathews and children have returned from a visit to Thorn hurst. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ugustus Schlnncrltng, accompanied them home. Miss May Larne of Thornhurst, who has been spending some time in Philadelphia, Is now the guest of Mrs. Calvin Gress. Miss Helen Smith Is spending a week with relatives at 'Newfound land. STERLING. Sterling, June 25. (Special to Tho Citizen.) The weather has been so dry and cold that crops are not doing first rate. Albert iBortree has not been very well for some time and last week he had an attack of rheumatism or something of the kind that totally disabled him. His sister, (Mrs. O. W. Noble, from Honesdale, is now with him. Perhaps tho oldest barn in town is the one formerly owned by W. E. Hamlin, and Harry iMagargle Is now giving It a complete overhauling. Harley Ferguson and Samuel Fltz aro doing the work. L. G. Butler got kicked by a horse that laid him up for a few days. Last week tho 'Ladies 'Aid met for dinner with Mrs. T. E. Stevens and there was a good turn out and the meeting was a very pleasant one. Rev. Webster Is giving the parson age a few touches of paint that Is much needed and there doesn't seem to be any good stopping place. S. N. Cross spent from Saturday until Tuesday with his daughter, Mrs. W. B. Lesher, in Honesdalo last week. Rev. 'Webster attended Children's Day at LaAnna last Sunday and so preached here In the evening. Flossie Bortree has returned from the East Stroudsburg State Normal School. HAMLIN. (Special to The Citizen.) Hamlin, June 25. iBldwell Lake, about two miles east of Hamlin, is the site chosen for the camp of the Scranton Y. M C. A. for this summer. They expect to go Into camp July 5 and to break camp about September 15th. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Fuerst, New York City, aro visiting Mrs. Fuerst's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Ed wards. H. D. Spangenberg has gone to Spring Brook for the summer. Miss Orpha lAmmerman Is again with Mrs. Lorlng. A. M. Clark visited Scranton last week. Mrs. C. M. Loring was a Scranton visitor on Tuesday. The T. L. B.'s met at the home of Mrs. D. W. Edwards on Friday of last week. About thirty wero in at tendance. A short program was rendered and refreshments were served. Sunday school will be held at St. John's church, Hamlin, June 30, at u:4o a. m.; Morning Prayer and Sermon at 10:45; Evening Prayer and Sermon at 7:15. Service will also be held on Friday, July 5, at 7:45 p. m. Leon Edwards, Forest City, Is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. 'W. Edwards. Children's Day was observed by tho M. E. church on tho evening of Sunday, Juno 23. Miss D. P. Hamlin Is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Clearwater at Hackettstown, N. J. Arthur Hughes, Wllkes-Barre, visited at his home hero over Sun day last. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Peet aro moving into the rooms over the Grango store. 'Alva Harding is quito seriously 111. Mrs. W. H. Alt has returned from a visit to Miss 'Mahala Jones and Miss Addio Samson, Jormyn. She also visited her son, Lawrence, at Forest City. Mrs. Sallnda Jones Is, visiting friends In Clarks Summit. Mrs. Maine Franc is entertaining her sister, Mrs. George Dunn, of Hawley. The ladles of St. John's church conducted a festival in tho Parish house on tho evening of Thursday. Juno 20. Tho affair was a success both socially and financially. Reuben Conklln, Scranton, is visit ing his parents on tho East Side. iMiss Electa Moore entertained tho Independent Book club on Saturday afternoon. A largo number wero present and all report a very enjoy ablo time. CARLEY BROOK. (Special to The Citizen.) Carloy 'Hrook, Juno 25. Tho Children's Day exercises were well attended and tho pro gram was beautifully rendered. Much praise is duo tho teachers' and scholars for their earnest en deavor to please thoso wlio attend. Tho following program was render ed: Voluntary, Organist; song, "Juno is Golden," choir; Invocation and Lord's Prayer, pastor; song, "Children's Day," choir; responsivo reading, E. I). Ponwarden's class, officers and teachers; duet, "Tho Children's Friend," Hannah and Myrtlo Hessberger; recitation, "Welcome," Mildred Brunlg; recita tion, '"My Wish and I," Wilber Rlef ler; recitation, "A Sermon In Tho Flowers," Hazol Rlefler; recitation, "Adam," Elmer Danlols; recitation, "June," Margaret Mungor; reclta tlon. "(What Must tho Llttlo Boy Do," Galen Grossman; solo, "Clov er Blossoms," Elmer Daniels; reci tation, "If Wo Know," Wanda Grossman; recitation, "If You Would Bo Happy," Laurotta Camp bell; exercise, "Llttlo Out-Door People," primaries; song, "Llttlo Sunbeams," Juniors; recitation, "The Man Behind Tho Plow," Wil liam 'Hessberger; recitation, "Llko tho Birdies," Elizabeth Pen warden; recitation, "What's tho Uso of Frowning," Walter Daniels; solo, "Golden Sunbeams," Elizabeth Pen warden; recitation, "A Receipt For Children's Day," John Rlefler; reci tation, "Tommy's Prayer," Corrine Grossman; song, "Just To Jlo True," congregation standing; recitation, "Just Ono Day In tho Year," An netta Dennis; recitation, "Gift of God," Lurllno Grossman; recitation, "Tho Children Up In Heaven," Katherlno Rlefler; exercise, 'Rose Drill, Juniors; recitation, "A Flow er's Mission," Uosella HUler; recita tion, "Tho Legend of Bregenz," Mar garet Rlefler; song, "Softly O'er the Dreaming Earth," (Banner Class; recitation, "Tho New God dess of Liberty," Myrtle Hcsshergcr; duet, "Tho Heart's Summer Time," Florence and iMarlon Boyce; re marks by pastor; dialogue, Owen Gommoe and Hazel Rlefler; song, "Tell the World of Jesus," choir; doxology, congregation; benediction, pastor. Mrs. L. T. Leech, of Atlantic City Is visiting her brother, J. L. -Cole. Callers at the homo of Henry Tamblyn were the following: Wm Tamblyn and family of Tanners Falls; Miss Lydia Relflcr. Mrs Emma Taylor and Mrs. Alvln Tran- suo and daughter, Charlotte of Honesdale; Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Penwarden and daughters Katherlne and Elizabeth. Mrs. Harriet Bonham of Shlck- shlnny, Is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Frank vannatta. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hicks and daughter were callers at the homes of Floyd Tell and Thos. M. Bellamy recently. BETHANY. (Special to Tho Citizen.) Bethany, Juno 24. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Pentecost and son of Iowa are visiting the former s sister, Mrs. James Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Johnson and baby of Honesdale spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John iBallou. Mrs. James Johns and Miss Gil christ were entertained several days last week by Mrs. Thomas Fortnam of Tyler Hill. They made tho trip In Clarence Fortnam s car. The grass In the Square was sold Saturday night to the highest bidder, John Henderson, for $5.00. Frank iBeere died at the old home' stead, two miles north of this vil lage, Thursday night, after a long Ill ness of complications of diseases. He leaves to mourn his loss a widow one daughter, Mrs. Commono, and ono son, George, and some grand children. The funeral services took place at 1:30 from the house on Sun day, Rev. Blerly officiating, and were largely attended. Mrs. E. W. Gammell and Mrs. Asa Kimble, o'f Dyberry, are spending few days with Mrs. T. L. Fortnam of Tyler Hill. 'Bessie Kimble, of Pleasant Val ley, spent Sunday with her cousin Ella Gammell. Miss Mattie Strongman, of Hones dale, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Strongman. The Ladles' Aid of the Methodist church will serve lunch at the par sonage Tuesday afternoon, June ! They meet to talk over plans for the Fourth. The Presbyterians will have their Children's Day exercises Sunday evening, June 30. All aro invited. Mrs. Horace Noyes of Honesdalo, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Starnes. Emmet Groner took a vacation last week and Mr. Partridge sub stituted on R. D. No. 1. Death of Theodore Correll. Theodore Correll, a former resi dent of Newfoundland, Wayno coun ty, died on Friday, June 21, at tho homo of his daughter In Canadensis, Monroo county. iDeceased was a brother of Alexander Correll, of this place. Mr. Correll was at his side when his only brother passed away. Tho deceased was 74 years of age. Ho leaves a large family, all of whom aro grown up. Tho funeral was held on Sunday and interment was made In Newfoundland. Walter A. and feeders. Murray Co., Wood mowers, rakes All sizes and styles at Honesdale. D0t2 ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VAL UABLE REAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order of tho Or phans' Court of Wayno County, dat ed tho 17th day of Juno, 1912, the undersigned Executors of tho estate of John Kuhbach, lato of tho Borough of Honesdale, il'a., deceased, will ex pose at public sale at tho Court Houso In tho said Borough of Hones dale, Pa., on Friday the 19th day of July, 1912, at 2 o'clock lu tho af ternoon, tho following described real estate of which tho said decedent dies seized: (All tho following two pieces or parcels of land, situate In tho Bor ough of Honesdale, County of Wayne, and Stato of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, viz.: Ono of tho same, being dis tinguished as lot No. Nineteen and half of lot No. Twenty upon Third HOW'S THIS? Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Reward for auy case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, havo known F. J. Cheney for tho laBt 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and fi nancially able to carry out any ob ligations made by his firm. Walalng, Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. Testimonial? sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggsts. Tako Hall's Family Pills for con stlpatlon. street (now Court street) and de scribed and designated In tho Vll- lago plot of tho property of tho Delaware & Hudson Canal Comrmnv In said Borough, being In front scv-enty-flvo feet and In rear soventy flvo feet nnd of an Irregular depth and being bounded westerly by Third street (now Court street) northerly by tho northerly half of aforesaid lot No. Twenty upon Third street, now Court street; easterly by tho top of the bank of the Lacka- waxen River and southerly by Ninth street. Tho other of tho said two pieces or parcels of land, being a piece of land adjoining tho afore said parcel or pleco of land and be ing bounded westward twelve and one-half feet by the eastern lino of Third street, now Court street, in saiu uorougn, northward by a line parallel to and distant twelve and one-half feet southward from the northern line of Lot No. Twenty on the aforesaid Villago plot of tho southward from the northern lino of Lot. No. Twenty on the aforesaid Village plot of the Delaware & Hud son Canal Company, In said Bor ough, eastward twelve and one-half feet by tho top of the bank of tho Lackawaxen River and southward by the soutnern naif of said lot No. Twenty on Third street, now Court street, being the southern half of the northern half of said lot No. Twenty upon Third streot, now Court street, and being the same land that Har riet Martin and Katherlno N. Bar bour by their deed dated tho Twenty-second day of April, 1908, grant ed and conveyed to John Kuhbach, said deed being recorded In Wayne County Deed Book No. Ninety-eight at page Two Hundred and ninety- six. Upon the premises is a large three-story brick dwelling house, frame barn, and other out buildings. Also, all that certain lot or par cel of land situate lying and being in the township of Texas, County of Wayne, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a stones corner at foot of ledge being the southwest corner of the land hereby conveyed and also a corner of land of the Torrey estate; thence north thirteen and one-fourth degrees east along line of John H. Weaver, nine and eight-tenths rods to a birch tree for a corner; thence north nineteen de grees west four rods along land of said Weaver to stako and stones corner; thence along lands of Wil liam Henry Bell et al. north sixty- BOARD OF TRADE BULLETIN No. 2. HONESDALE, PA Published in tho interest of Hones dale and 'vicinity. F. W. Kreltner, President. R. J. Murray, 1st Vlce-'PresIdent. S. T. Ham, 2nd Vice-President. Edward Deltzer, Treasurer. E. B. Callaway, Secretary. E. tB. Callaway, Editor. Tho Chicago News gives this sage advice: "If you can't do anything to benefit your town, move away." "Make a town attractive to the eye, remove old ramshackle build ings, clean up the debris, and culti vate smooth lawns and decorative flower beds and clumps of greenery, and you will do much to mako the young of the town civilized and or der-loving, and fill them witn a proper civic pride." Why Merchants Should Advertise. One of the most effective ways for local merchants to oppose encroach ments of mall-order houses is to ad vertise liberally In tho homo paper. Too many merchants sleep on their oars -while tho catalog houso comes In and takes a largo portion of their trade. They demur at undertaking anything llko a thorough system of advertising, contending tnat tno drift to the mailorder houses Is bound to come; and yet they mako freo complaint over tho inroads or the mailorder houses Into their par ticular trade. Tho fact of the mat ter is the trado belongs rightfully to them and would come to them If they were progressive enough to in vite it with good, live advertising. Scranton evidently thinks if Honesdalo can obtain a quarter of a million dollar establishment with a small membership she ought to get an equally largo ono with a member ship of nearly ono thousand. Tho Scranton Board of Trado Is going to send a commlttco out to got estab ERIE RAILROAD TIMETABLE Effectlvo Juno 15, 1912. To Patrons Along tho Scranton Brunch of tlio Hrlo Railroad. Tho morning trains leaving Scran ton at 6.00 o'clock and 1.30 p. m., as per schedule following runs daily HONESDALE BRANCH. West Bound. Sun. Only. C.42C.28 .... 1.12 G.50 C.35 3.27 1.20 7.45 G.58 C.43 3.38 1.28 7.5C 7.07 C.52 3.47 1.37 S.05 7.10 C.55 3:50 1.40 S.OS 9.12 G.30 . . .. M. I-. M.J I'.M. P. M. I A.M J .Lv. Hawley Ar. . . . .West Hawley , .Whlto Mills .East Honesdale . . . .Ar. Honesdalo Lv.. SCRANTON West Bound. Sun. Only. 6.45 G.50 7.0G 7.11 7.21 7.34 7.50 7 57 8.01 7.13 8.20 8.32 8.41 6.31 6.37 6.53 6.59 7.09 7.20 7.34 7.40 7.43 7.54 8.01 1.16 1.20 1.36 1.40 1.50 1.57 10.10 10. 2G 10.30 10.40 10.47 11.01 11.07 11.09 11.20 11.27 9.15 9.31 9.37 9.48 9.57 10.11 10.17 10.20 10.31 10.38 10.51 11.00 7.00 7,16 7 22 l.Zl 7.39 7.52 7.5S 8.00 S.ll S.1S 8.28 8.37 2.11 2.17 2.20 2.31 2.38 11.38 11.47 8.12 8.21 2.49 2.58 p. m. I a. m. I p. m. I p. m. I a. m. I a. m. I Arrive Published by tho Greater Honesdalo Board of Trade, Honesdale, Pa. seven degrees east twenty-nlno rods to line of Adam Kraft; thenco along lino of said Kraft land south four teen degrees east twelve rods to corner In anglo of stono fence; thenco along land of tho Torroy es tate south Blxty-sovcn degrees west thirty rods to the place of begin ning. Containing two acres and seventy perches of land, bo tho samo more or less, and being tho samo land that Louis Sheutz et ux. by their deed dated tho Twenty-third day of August, 1910, granted and conveyed to John Kuhbach; said deed being recorded In tho office for the recording of deeds In and for Wayne County, In Deed" Book No. Ono Hundred and three, page Four Hundred and Slxty-slx. Terms of Sale, cash. CHARLES A. EMERY, AUGUSTA K. KUHBACH, Executors. Chas. A. McCarty, Attorney. 51w3 SOME NEWS TO U.S. The EllenvUle Journal enlightens us on the following news (?) Items: "Thursday morning last week tho Allen House. In Honesdalo was de stroyed by fire Just after midnight. Theodore Allen, owner, aged GO, dropped dead when told of it. Rev. Father Stephen Connelly of Hones dale has gone to Kingston, to en ter upon his new duties at St. Mary's church there." Hay carriers, track, pulleys, ropo and everything to mako haying easy at Murray Co., Honesdale, Pa. 50t2 BLAME YOUR STOMACH Get Rid of tho Poisonous Gases and Fermenting Food. If you suffer from headaches, diz ziness, biliousness, constipation, in active liver, nervousness, sleepless ness, bad dreams, foul breath, heart burn, shortness of breath, sour stomach or despondency, be sure and try MI-O-NA stomach tablets. If you want Immediate relief from an upset or rebellious stomach try MI-O-NA Stomach Tablets. You might just as well get a 50 cent box today and start to put your stomach in tip-top shape and mako your body feel line and energetic You take no risk, not a particle, for If Ml-O-iNA Stomach Tablets do not do all that is claimed for them G. W. Pell, the druggist, will return your money. JUNE 26, 1912. Vol. 2. lishments to locate in that city. Hope they aro successful. Honesdale has been well advertised since the an nouncement was made concerning tho Gurney Electric Elevator company building a new plant here. In fact it has awakened many towns and cities and aroused dormant board of trades to activity. Honesdale is on the map. For a town its size, Honesdale has more Industries than Scranton. If you live out of Honesdalo and Intend making a change of residence Inquire about the industrial advant ages here before going elsewhere. 1 All work for Greater Honesdale. Every man ought to join tho Greater Honesdalo Board of Trade. Enclose a Board of Trade pamph let In every letter you send out of Honesdale. Same will be furnished you by the secretary. The membership committee of the Board of Trade Is planning a cam paign to secure new members. Now that Honesdale has secured an in dustry, that other Boards of Trade would like to havo landed, It ought to serve as an incentive for every young, middle-aged and elderly man to join tho local board and help boost their home town. A number of new houses will be built in Honesdale and vicinity this summer and fall. It Is expected that the heads of nearly 200 families will move Into Honesdale within the next year. Options ou properties ad jacent to and in Honesdalo borough havo been secured and work on tho erection of some houses will begin at once. It is Just as easy to talk In favor of your town as It is against It. Advertisers, attention! Tho Board of Trade is endeavoring to educate tho residents of southern Wayne county to come to Honesdalo to do their trading by advertising tho Erie's new sohedule, which went in to effect Juno 15th last. You can holp by Inserting a nothe in your ads telling your patrons of tho change. , except Sunday, directly to Hone3dalo, I i..t nil Inv If natnaanrv ir. transact their business at tno county seat and return home tho samo even ing. East Bound. Sun. Only 7.45 3.2C 7.43 9.00 3.24 7.29 8.52 3.09 7.20 S.iA 3.00 7.17 S.40 2.57 ..110.07 6.20 10.05 6.12 9.52 6.03' 9 43 G.OOl 9 40 Scranton (D&H) t. Leave I a.m. I a.m. I .u. I p.m. a.m. IIHAXOH. East Bound Sun. Only Ar. West Lv. 7.43 3.24 . . .. 10.05 Lv. Hawley Ar. 7.38 10.54 3.1G G.54 9 40 Hoadloys. . . 7.22 10.38 3.00 6.3G 9 23 Clemo 7.17 10.33 2. 56 6.31 9.18 Gravity 7.07 10.23 2.46 6.21 9.08 Lake Ariel. 7.00 10.16 2.39 6.14 9.01 . . . .Maplewood 6.46 10.02 2.21 6.01 S.47 Saco ..G.39 9.55 2.15 5.54 8.40 Wlmmers.. 6.36 9.52 2.12 5 51 8.37 Elmhurst. . .16.241 9.4012.00 5.39 8.25 Nay Aug. . . 6.15 9.31 1.51 5.30 8.16 . ...Dunmoro... 6.061 9.2211.42 5,211 8.07 Scranton 16.00 9.1511.355.15 8.00 Leave I a.m. I A. M.I p. m. I p. m. I a. m.