tmeti. Beautiful, Progressive, Sub Joining tlio OrcatcrJ-TBosdalo llonrd of Trade Is Kxi. J&g Wil lingness to Iloost Hon , 1c. stantial lloticsdnlc. All work for n Greater Honesdale. J & -J 70th TEAR. --NO. 51 HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1912. PRICE CENTS 03 . CORTRIGHT CASE TAKES SUDDEN TURN A AVayne Concrete Supply and Con struction Co., and Pierre and linker Granted Motion for Non Suit liy Court Kreltner Urns. Case Continued to Xe.xt Term. Tho case of C. A. Cortrlght & Son, trespass, in which they claimed $3, 000 damages from Kreltner Dros., The Wayne Concrete Supply and Construction Co., and Pierce & Bak er and which was started in tho lo cal courts hero on Thursday last, eamo to a sudden end on Friday afternoon, when all the evidence of the plaintiff being in, tho attorneys for The Wayne Concrete Supply and Constriu tion Co. and Pierce and linker made motions for compulsory non-suit on the reason that no eudeme hr-d been given showing the liability of tho two de fendants in the alleged Joint action. Tho plaintiff was allowed to amend statement omitting two defendants and to proceed against Kreltner Bros, alone. The jury, who were out taking a lecess while this was being argued, were called In and the situation explained to them. Judge S'arlo told them that the case had oeen withdrawn. He said in part: ' This is an action brought against three defendants alleging joint neg ligence on the part of all three whi. h resulted In the Injury to this property. The Wayne Concrete Sup ply and Construction Co. had no connection with Kreltner Bros., also Pierre & Baker had no conncetl)n with them. They were under sep arate contract. There was no evi dence to connect them with the oth er parties in the action. There was not a joint negligence. It was ruled to strike out the two defendants and proceed against Kreltner Bros, alone. This ae iijw stands stricken from the record and the case against Kreltner Bros, will be taken up at some otrer term of court." Nearly every one is familiar with the facts of the case but a brief sum mary Is given for tho benefit of those who do not. On the evening of October 2uth of last year tho building on the Cortrlght property located on Main street between the Lyric theatre on the north and Mar tin Caufleld's property on the south, suddenly collapsed. The building had just been finished and therefore it had not yet been used. This ac tion was brought to recover damages for the loss of the building, alleging that the construction was faulty, the concrete blocks to havo been of In ferior quality and that the work of tho masons was not proper. (Many witnesses, among them several ex perts on building and construction work, testified to tho faulty construc tion and many to tho fact that the front wall had bulged previous to the collapse. The testimony was too lengthy to reproduce but it will all be threashed out again at the next term of court. STROUDSBURG OPERA HOUSE SETTLED. II. P. Weaver, of Tills Place, Fur nishes Plans for Play House. It will be a matter of general satisfaction among the people of this community, says the Monroe Rec ord, to know that the matter of erection of a theatre in Stroudsburg is practically settled. A meeting of tho directors of the Stroudsburg Theatre Company was held at the parlors of the Stroudsburg Industrial Club on Monday evening when they went over the entire proposition with Harry Weaver, the architect, of Honesdale. and with the brightest prospects for the building of the same. Ever since the plans of Mr. Weav er arrived here showing to tho peo ple of the town the handsome build ing that he had planned there has been the widest Interest In the movement and everyone hns been eagerly waiting for tho announce ment of the fact that the structure could be erected here. STALKER AND BRAMAN. Stalker and Braman, June 22. The M. E. church at Stalker was dedicated Juno 10, 1912. Although tho day was somewhat rainy, the debt of ?500 was raised. Mr. Ben nett helped the ladles ring the bell of ' eer. The L. A. S. had lots of da.o'.es prepared which was served a' D M Stalker's. Tho church was mobt beautifully decorated with potted plants, cut flowers and ferns. Tho district superintendent was there- and preached two excellent ser mons Rev. Bowen, pastor of the chunh, preached In the evening. Tho text was "What doth it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul." STALKER AND KELLAM. Stalker and Braman. There wero twenty-two present at the L. A. S. last Thursday at tho homo of Mrs. John Schuackenburg and was a success, socially and fi nancially. Tho visitors wero Mrs. Frederick Bondlstle and son and Mrs. Weir of Hanklns; Mrs. Hurll coper and daughter Esther of Bra man. Word has reached us of tho death of Mrs. Jessio Hathaway of Lookout after a long Illness. Tho funeral will bo Friday at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Orvlllo Keys, Mrs. Harper Keys and two sons, Ralph and Lu cien, of Mllanvillo, and Mrs. Frances Kent, of Port Jorvls, who were spending a few days with relatives hero, attended tho dedication of the church last Sunday. Willlo Kelly and wlfo visited his father, Nicholas Kelly, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lawson and daughter, Maud, visited his parents, Mr. and Olrs. A. F. Lauson recently. FRESH AIR CHILDREN GDMING Ki'prcbcnlHtlvo of New York Tribune Swloty Here Clergy and Press Will Assist in Finding Homes for Children for Fortnight's Vacation. Miss Juliette Arden, a ropresenta-' tive of tho Trlbuno Fresh Air So-' clety, of New York City, was in Honesdale on Friday In tho Interest , of the fresh air children of the Mc-i tropolls. While hero Miss Arden1 visited the clergy and newspapers of I the town. She was assured of their j hearty co-operation In the matter, i the papers volunteering to extensive ly and freely advertise what tho so ciety is doing for tho unfortunate shut-in children of New York city. Miss Arden was in Scranton last week, and was advised to come to Honesdale, friends claiming that Honesdale was an Ideal place and that the people wero willing here to do and help In charitable lines of work. Upon the recommendation given, .Miss Arden came here. To a representative, of The Citizen Miss Arden stated that she was not sorry that she came to Honesdale, that she was greeted alike by all denomina tions and that everybody seemed to be Interested In the work she repre sented. Miss Arden emphasized es pecially the brotherly feeling exist ing here and Catholic, Protestant and Hebrew seemed to bo united. Miss Arden claims there are 3C, 000 rooms in the city of New York containing no windows and that the ordinary living apartment is 14x20 feet. As many as a family of 12 oc cupy these quarters. The room in many tenements is divided, the only light being what will penetrate through half a window. The children are half fed, the fathers not earning enough to support his family. Miss Arden said sho has spent ten years in the slums of New York In the In terest of neglected children. She claims that the people of Honesdale have a most beautiful town, in fact. Miss Arden stated, "It is one of the prettiest places I have ever visited. It is an ideal place for our fresh air children." Miss Arden's headquarters during the summer months will be in tho Y. M. C. A. building, Scran ton. Leslie M. Conly Is general man ager, Trlbuno building, New York City. The trustees of the fund are: Whitolaw Reid, president; Cleve land H. Dodge, Francis j. Stetson, Dr. Walter B. James, Odgen 'Mills; Edward L. Kosslter, secretary and treasurer; Col. Henry 'Woodward Sackott, counsel. Rev. John Ban croft Devins, ID. D., manager. Tho Tribune Fresh Air Fund Aid Society of New York City, was or iginated June 3, 1877, nnd became incorporated In December, 188S. The object of the society Is to send the tenement children to the coun try for a fortnight, where they can enjoy fresh air, wholesome food and kind friends. Before sending the children out into the country they are thoroughly examined by physi cians so that they will bo free from any disease. The children come from churches, missions, kinder gartens, settlements, hospitals and dispensaries. The Society's twelve homes In 1910 entertained C,085 children; the fund sent 4,959 to farmers' families, making a total of 11,044 In all. The expenditures wore $52,229.07 and the average cost per capita, $4.73. The society pays car faro to destination and re turn to the city. It is the Society's purpose to send moro children to tho country. A fund of $25,000 Is needed as a me morial to 'Wlllaril Parsons, founder of tho Fresh Air movement. To ward that special fund the society now has $2,000. Following is a form of bequest: I give and bequeath to The Trib une Fresh Air Fund Aid Society in the City of Now York tho sum of $ 1 give and bequeath to Tho Trib une Fresh Air Fund Society In the City of New York tho following de scribed property, (Hero insert de scription). All monies received go to benefit the children. Tho salaries of tho officers are paid by friends. An an nual budget of $50,000 Is received for tho fresh air fund and every dol lar contributed by the public helps send a child to the country. Longfellow beautifully writes: Come to me, O ye children! And whisper In my ear, What the birds and the winds aro singing In your sunny atmosphere. For what aro all our contrlvlngs, And tho wisdom of our books. When compared with your caresses, And the gladness of your looks? Ye aro better than all tho ballads That were ever sung or said; For ye aro living poems. And all tho rest aro dead. WAYNE COUNTEANS GRADUATE FROM STATU .NORMAL. The Westchester Stato Normal school graduated 25C pupils at Its exercises hold on Wedensday last. An excellent account of tho ex ercises was given In tho Dally Local News of West Chester. The following positions havo been secured hy the Normal graduates from Wayne county for this year: Frederlka C. Hockor, Mllanvillo, Wayno county, will teach In Mllan vllle, salary $50 per month, term seven months. 'Robert E. Mitchell, W. Damascus, Yayno county, has heen olected Principal of tho Grammar School at Lakowood, N. J., salary $9C0. Ida A. Leo, Waymart. Wayno county, will teach In Hawloy, Wayno county, salary $50 por month, term nine months. Vora E. Bates, Slko, Wayno coun ty, -will teach In Haverford town ship, Delaware county, salary $50 per month, term ten months. OVERNMENT ACCEPTS CITY HALL FOR NEW POSTOFF Postmaster Allen Received Information to That Effect SaturDay Work To Begin At Once City Hall No Longer a White Elephant. THE PROJECT ADVOCATED BY THE CITIZEN The City Hull 1ms been accepted by the Government as a Postoffice for Honesdale, the lease dating August 1, 1012, and continuing for a period of ten years from that date with a privilege of renewing tho same. This glad news was received by Postmaster Martin B Allen Saturday morning, the information being sent by First Assistant Postmaster General C. P. Granfiold, of "Washing ton, D. C. Tho Postmaster immediately turned the letter over to Martin Caufield, president of the Town Council, which body made the proposition to the Government, after it had been advocated by The Citizen. Tho letter stated that tho Govern ment would accept the Council's proposition of Si, 200 rent per year for a period of ten years, tho building to be equipped with rural delivery furniture and also for a postal savings bank when necessary. Tho letter further stated that a represen tative of the Federal Government would arrive in a few days to complete arrangements for the installation of the postoffice in the City Hall. The Citizen, amid protests from a number of merchants and individuals, advocated the location of the postoffice in the City Hall. It kept pounding at it, telling the public and tax payers the benefits that would be derived if it were located there; how then the town would bo receiving money from the building, which as it now stands is a "white elephant" on the town. "Wo brought this to the attention of the public and as tho articles continued to appear they won converts. The majority of tho people finally came on our side, which, together with the postmaster, office employees, clerks, carriers and the Citizen, rejoice in the new location of the postoffice. Work on remodeling the City Hall will begin at once as the contract with the Government calls for occupancy August 1st. The Town Council committee on making the change is composed of Couucilmen W. H. Kreitner, Thomas J. Canivan and H. C. Rettew. The part to be occupied by the Government for a Post office is now used by J. J. Canivan as a home, Burgess Mc Carty and the council. The latter will meet on the second floor after the building is occupied by the government. President Martin Caufield called a special meeting of the town council for monday afternoon at 5 o'clock at which time action was taken ou the proposition? The council officially ac cepted tho contract of tho government, allowing Si, 200 rental per annum. The board authorized the architect, H. F. Weaver, to start at once in making the necessary changes. Chief of Police J. J. Canivan has been notified to vacate, also Burgess McCarty, who has had his law office in tho council chambers, since the Roif fire last January. CONCERNING TAFTS NOMINA TION. The Itesult at Chicago. (New York Tribune.) The President has been renomi nated, after such long, bitter and de moralizing strife as the whole coun try hopes never to see repeated. Mr. Taft deserved a renominatlon hy reason of tho unselfish patriotism and general excellence of his admin istration. He deserved It especially at this time, because he has stood unflinchingly for tho fundamental principles of government which aro essential to the preservation of or dered liberty and tho security of those least able to protect thorn selves. There was no one elso to whom, at the close of a passionate contest In defense of those princi ples,, tho party could more hopefully turn for leadership In the difficult campaign which is before It. Had there been available a man on whom tho majority of tho convention could havo heartily united in tho confident belief that ho would be stronger at tho polls next November, the Presi dent would havo urged that lie should bo chosen. Tho Triiinipii oi night. (New York Times.) In tho nomination of Mr. Taft the Constitution triumphs, our form of Government Is vindicated against dangerous assaults, the courts, repre sentative institutions, the guaran tees of liberty and property and tho orderly administration of law aro safeguarded. President Taft's per sonal victory Is notaolo and groat, but ho would bo the Hrst to protest that It should bo held secondary to tho triumph of constitutional princi ples and a government of laws, for that Is supreme. Give Hint Fair Play. (Now York Herald.) Mr. William H. Taft, tho most distinguished member of his party, one of tho safest and sanest Prcsl dents wo havo ever had, a Judge with a record second to none, a President with a record glowing with common sense and goldon achieve ment, was renominated at Chicago last night. 'His victory has been dearly bought, and yet It Is ono of the most notablo and decisive In political an nals. Mr. Taft'B greatness In tho latter days of this contest, cmblt tored, envenomed and onsllmed by his opponents, has stood out with Himalayan grandeur. This man Is never so great as when ho Is facing trials and perplexities. IIIo has mado somo mistakes, but ho has dono a great many lofty and magnificent things for tho people. Through his administration ho has held tho groat business fabric steady. Ho deserves well at tho hands of bis country. Above all things, he de serves fair play. Tlio President. (Now York Sun.) It Is tn Mr. TVlft'u ovorlnoHni credit that he based his campaign for renominatlon squarely and solidly upon tho cause of constitutional gov ernment. No temptation of momen tary advantage has lured him toward tho border line beyond which lie po litical madness and national destruc tion. Tho President's adequate con ception of the great principles upon which rest the permanency of our institutions and tho future of the United States of America was mani fested at tho very beginning of this extraordinary crisis. He has never wavered in faith or wabbled In bear ing. President Taft tho Standard-Bonier. (Scranton Truth.) President Taft's nomination, as the Republican standard-bearer in this year's national campaign, was the lighting cllmnx of the remarkable convention which terminated an ex citing week's work at Chicago last Saturday night. This gratifying re sult is moro than a personal victory for the distinguished candidate. It is tho triumph of fair play and po litical sanity over tho sinister and unworthy methods that wero resort ed to for tho purposo of discrediting a high-minded, courageous and pa triotic President, and depriving him of tho recognition he had justly earned at tho hands of the American people. No fair-minded man could deny that President Taft was entitled to a re-nomination. His omlnent services to tho nutlon, as the earnest and un flinching upholder of progress at home and honorable peace with all countries, deserved tho cordial In dorsement of tho Republican party. and an unanimous renowal of Its con- lldence for another term. 'President Taft and what ho stands for are not only representative of tho highest aspirations of tho Repuh lican party, but they aro also In ac cord with tho orderly and progressive spirit or tlio nation, along rational ana constitutional lines. Although grlovousiy hindered by thoso who should havo been fore most to help It, tho Republican Na tional Convention succeeded In do ing a groat week's work for tho country. It relogatod to tho rear tho advance agonts of chaos, and It nominated a candidato and adopted a platform that dosorve, and will receive, cordial popular support In tins year s important campaign. J. T. Tlarlow, proprietor of tho Wayno 'Hotel, returned Mojaday ovoning from a business trip to New vork city. ASSAULT AND BATTERY CASE May Bring Out Whether or Not n .Man Will be Allowed to Carry Weapons of Defense. On Thursday afernoon while com ing homo from work from the Irving Cut Glass factory Henry Cook alleges that ho was attack ed by ono Allen Bodio near the Texas brldgo and assaulted. He tiiereupon had a warrant issued for the arrest of Bodio charging assault and battery and the hearing took place on that evening before a Jus tice of tho peace In which Bodle was hold In $100 to appear In court, although about twenty witnesses testified that Bodio did not strike the man, and tho fact that they were all union men was significant. Bodio then had a warrant issued for the arrest of Cook charging him with carrying concealed weapons. Cook also was held to court in $ 200 bond. Tho affair although insignificant on the face of It, presents an Issue of vital Importance to overy liberty loving man, whether union or non union, and that Is whether or not a man Is to be allowed to earn an hon est living when he has many de pendent upon his earnings for their dally bread. The union Is all right In its place and is tho working man's armor of defense against capital, but it is going far beyond those bounds when It persists in depriving a man of working, who has no other means of support. When a man joins the union he swears never to give testimony against a fellow member, therefore when his testimony is in direct opposition to the truth, he purgors himself in that cause. Tho matter will be threashed out in court and it will undoubtedly bo shown that a man is justified In carrying a weapon of defense under the circumstances. POMONA MEETJNG AT DYBERRY. Pleasant Valley Grange entertain ed Pomona on June 7. A splendid session was enjoyed by those present and a good attendance at tho meet ing for this busy season of the year. It Is noticed that Ledgedale grange mado a nice showing in tho last three months, having gained 13 new members. Samuel Saunders read a paper on "Co-operation" as set forth by the stato grange and ho brought out the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed plan. He said he could understand how It might help farmers situated f.-r from good markets but rather doubted If It would benefit farmers In a vicinity like ours with markets all around .our border, such as Carbondale, Scranton, Hawloy, 'Honesdale and even New York and other nearby towns and cities. The matter of co operation is receiving quite a little attenton In the state grange. A. E. Sheard gave a talk about the Dairyman's League, giving tho pur poses of the organization; also tho requirements. Ho wishes to have local branches added to the league In Wayno county. He is a director of tho league and anyono desiring any Information along this line can write iu mm at .uiianviiie, Pa. Several good recitations were enjoyed that Were Riven bv Miss Almn Xnhlo or. as "The Old Swimin' Hole," "Water melon Time" and "Pap's Old Say in'"; L. S. Partridge gave a reading, entitled "Doing Your Duty"; a reci tation by Mr. Lesher brought forth much applause. He said it was tak en from Goodrich's History of Wayne County and called "Bethany." Miss Mlllio Karslake gavo a selection on tho piano. The evenlnir session wna iwv live ly as well as Instructive. The lively nart Was Clven hv Mr InnVIno nil the boys. They certainly cavo us somo line music which was enjoyed by everyone. Tho lads deserve much credit for their wllllne-nosa tn nn. tice and go out together and render aucu goou music. A few well chosen rpmrirka worn Clven llV V. W Tnaa na Jin .,.nln,,l tho grangers to Pleasant Valley and w. v. uaKer was equal to tho occa sion In giving tho response. Supt. J. J. Koehler gavo a fine talk along tho lino of "Physical Education of tho Child." Ho says that the child should receive physical training as well as mental training and thus put him or herself In a position for right living anu to do nttod for dlfforent OCClinatlons. II In hrWIInvna thnt If some attention wero paid to the phy sical training many children could retain uetter teeth, see better, hear better and enjoy health better than thoy do now. Miss Noblo favored us with moro recitations and readings which wero very good; L. S. Tar trldgo read a paper on "Buttermak ing" and If his instructions wero fol lowed no doubt that your butter would bring 40 cents per pound; Commissioner Rockwell gavo a talk on "Tho Land of Which George Washington Was President." tAftor bolng well entertained with music meeting closed without form. Edw. E. Kinsman, Sec'y. COMING EVENTS. Tho German Catholic club will givo a picnic at Bellovuo Park on July 4. Tho Wayne County Poultry As sociation will meot at tho club houso on Wednesday afternoon, Juno 20. Tho Indian Orchard Grango will hold a picnic nt their grounds on July 4 th, whon M. E. Simons and Rov. Dr. Balta will speak In tho af ternoon. Inner will bo served. Dancing afternoon and evening. (Don't forgot tho lea cream social at tho Tyler Hill parsonage on .Wed nesday evening, Juno 2G. Miss Anna McKeon Is enjoying a vacation with Now York relatives. COUNTY DEMOCRATS MET MONDAY Elect L. Fuerth Chairman, Also Other Olllcers .Much Enthusiasm Resolutions Adopted. Tho Wayne County Democratic Committee held their annual mooting In the court house on Monday af ternoon at which tlmo It unani mously elected Hon. Leopold Fuerth county chairman, Fred J. Tolley, secretary and J. W. Andrews, treas urer. About twonty-four townships In Wayno county wero represented by committeemen or by proxy and much enthusiasm prevailed through out the meeting. Resolutions were adopted en dorsing the candidacy of Hon. J. G. Hill for congress and also endorsed the candidacy of N. J. Spencer for representative In tho stato legisla ture. The following complimentary resolutions concerning tho election of Hon. Leopold Fuerth a3 chairman and 'Hon. C. A. McCarty as retiring chairman of the Democratic county committee were unanimously adopt ed: The people of Wayne county rec ognize the valuable services render ed by Hon. Leopold Fuerth while In the State Legislature. They recog nize that tho Interests of the taxpay ers were his only solicitude and that tho services ho rendered will not bo forgotten by tho people of Wayno county for many years to come. We, the members of tho Demo cratic County Committee, appreciate tho past services of our Chairman, the Hon. Chas. A. McCarty during tho time he has served us as chair man and wo most cordially endorso his nomination as elector of this congressional district, and we as sure him our united and cordial support. DEMOCRATS IN SESSION AT BALTIMORE Cardinal Gibbons Offered Invocation Bryan Lenders Want Kern for Chairman Parker Also Desired. Baltimore, June 24. Chairman Norman E. 'Mack called the Demo cratic National convention to order at 12:10 to-day. On the platform beside the chairman was seated Cardinal Gibbons, who offered In vocation. Routine business then fol lowed. Bryan leaders havo decided upon Senator John Kern, of Indiana, for temporary chairman, representing the progressives. It looks now as It William Jennings Bryan would loom up as a dark horse. It Is said that the progressives will nominate him. At 12:45 the name of Alton B. Parker was read before the conven tion as National committee chairman. When his name was presented great cheering prevailed and the band struck up a patriotic air. Bryan then jumped upon the plat form and opposed Parker's name. Another wild cheer rang through tho hall. Bryan then made a speech In tho behalf of Senator Kern as tem porary chairman, telling of the lat ter's good qualifications, etc. At 1:30 he had finished his address. Ben White in Serious Condition Benjamin White, of Fortenla, Is lying on a cot In the Wayne county jail with his jaw broken in two places, face badly swollen, speech gone, and moro or less bruised about his body. Ben. was going home last night and according to George Mackle, who has a warrant Issued for his arrest, charging him with assault and battery, threatening to kill and burn his property, was using profane and obscene language as he passed his placo. A scuffle. It Is al leged, followed. Mackle afterwards telephoned for Sheriff F. C. Kimble who went to Fortenla and found White lying on tho bed of his home. White was In a precarious condition and the sheriff asked him If ho didn't want to como homo with him, which Ben did. Sheriff Kimble bathed his wounds with camphor and cared for him best ho could through tho night. Early Tuesday morning Dr. H. B. Ely was called and ho examined Ben. Dr. Ely told the sheriff had White 'been loft alone all night without care he prob ably would havo died before morn ing. LOIS IUTTXER INJURED. Lakevillo Man Sustains Broken Ag and Wrist Ami Oilier Injuries by Being Throw u Out of Buggy Near That Place. Last Friday Lois Blttner of Lake villo was seriously injured so that he had to bo taken to tho hospital at Scranton for treatment as a result of being thrown from his buggy near that placo. Blttner was driving along the road whon an automobile eamo up and attempted to pass. Tho horso he was driving bocamo frlght oued and reared, throwing tho man out of tho buggy. His Injuries were a broken leg and wrist and a frac tured shoulder blade. Dr. White of Lako Ariel, was called to attend tho man. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. Samuel G. Noll, district sec retary of tho Amorlcan Baptist Pub lication Society, of Philadelphia, will dollvor a very Interesting address, to bo Illustrated by ovor 100 magnifi cent vlows, In tho Honesdalo Bap tist church, 'Sunday ovenlng, Juno 30. Tho tltlo of tho address Is "America, tho World's Greatest Mission Flold." telllnp about homo mission and Sunday school work In tho home land. Don't fall to attend.