PAGE EIGHT THE CITIZEN. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1912. GAYNOB IS I 0010: IN FAVOR STRIKE PREPARE NOW, SAYS DIRECTOR' GENERAL, OF PANAMA CANAL Cantor Hits Baltimore Urg ing Mayor's Candidacy. SAID BRYAN MAY HELP HIM Permanent Headquarters Opined and Gaynor Campaign Song Cnmpod to Tune of "Maryland, My Maryland" Clark, WiNon Et Al Flabbergasted. ISnltlmoro, .hum IS --The (Jnytinr houin lilt town. iiikI lwfori' lone It Intel U'jiphcd tlm ciimiKilcn sohii stage Over In tin KiiiiTsoti bold, where the Wilson. Clurl; iiuil Iliiriiimi boomers n I ready have estiilili-died lntulcn:trti;ttJ. Ufty Itnltlmnn business men c-HIhti-.I lo celebrate tin formnl liiunelilng of 11 Giijnor orgiiiiliitlon hi this ''Ity Before tlu eelehnitloti broke up nn iiuuiicoinoiit vn mnili' poriiiaiicnt he.'ubiuurter.s for O iviinr will lin onmi'(l in ltiiltlinorc iiml Hint 2DU business men of tin1 ronvi'iitlnn eitj IuhI en rolled during Hip day In the ni-sinil.i Hon Hint 1ms sprung into bclnt: fni Hi. iioinliiattoii of Now York's criiHt h Itefore tin- wn er tin- diiieij. were slnglni: n Unynnr ciiintm'pii t to tilt" tllni' of "Mai) liind .Mj M.uv lit ml." The Gnyiior boom was t lie most Itn 1ui t:t nt development In the Demo''tati' situation. Many were Inclined to In; Hove Hint Urynn himself might throw his strength to (Jaynor Tin; Clnynor boom arrived in the keeping of ex-State Senator .laeoli A. Cantor of New York Mr Cantor had not been In town long before lie nnnounced that lie had ob tallied the home of Frederick 15eacham for sheltering the Gaynor boomers. Other Candidates Surprised. All of the boomers of the other can didates read with Interest the an nouncement of the Gaynor movement In New York city, but they were flab bergasted when they heard that these eleventh hour boom promoters wore about to hold n banquet in their verv "midst." The Clark men, the Hnrtnsn mana gers and the disciples of New Jersey's go ernor stood around with their hands In their pockets listening Intent ly to the strains of the tiowly born campaign (little and buttonliollu guests from the banquet room to In quire what "Hie t bins -itnst:' Irs" really looked like. 13d win A. Brownly, a Haltliuoro law yer, who lias been chosen president of the Gaynor league of this city, presided nt the dinner, IlPsohitlous were adopt ed laudatory of Gaynor and pledging the business men of Baltimore to aid In every possible way in securing his nomination for president. WOMAN AVIATOR KIUED. Biplane, After Hitting Tree, In Dashed to Ground. Sprliigfleld. 111., June 18. Miss Julia Clarke, one of three licensed female aviator pilots, was killed at ti.o 1 Hi nols state fair grounds when the tip of one of the wings of a Curtiss bl plane In which she was making a flight struck the limb of a tree and the machine was dashed to the ground, crushing her skull. Grimly suspicious of the machine, which was alleged to have had an 1111 lucky record. Miss Clarke left a note requesting that If she were killed that her body bo taken to Denver for cremation nt the Itiverside cemetery and that she be buried in Denver in a black dress. The flight was in practice preliminary to an exhibition to be given here next Friday and Saturday. Because some question bad been raised to the safety of the machine which was finally wrecked today, Lansing Callun made the first flight in It. circling about for about five minutes. He descended and pro nonnced the machine In good shape. 22,000 "Ponnsy" Employ, eos Cast Voto. NONE WERE OPPOSED TO IT Ballot Taken at Altoo .a Among Con ductors, Firemen, Engineers and Other Trainmen and Result of First Poll Was 1,200 in Favor. Road Appeals to Mon. Pittsburgh, June IS In an appeal sent to the 125,000 employees of the lines east of Pittsburgh, who are voting this week on whether there will lie n strike, the Pennsylvania railroad urges the men to carefully consider the Issues befoie casting their ballots. "It would be most unfortunate for the public, for you and the company," the letter reads, "should you decide to sever your relations witli an employer who has always endeavored and will continue zealously to guard nil your interests." Attention Is called to the fact that twenty-nine of the thirty-live requests made by the men have either been settled satisfactorily by the company or withdrawn by representatives of the employees. The decision to hold a strike voto was made following the failure of the railroad company to ad just tlie remaining differences after numerous conferences .-t Philadelphia. One of the impov r-:it points of dif ference Is that the men charge the company with subletting the electric oiwration of lines in the east to a hold ing company that hires men other than railroaders. The company denies nuy breach of contract in this. A vote wns taken nmong the con ductors, llremen, enginemen and other trainmen in Aitoona, where the Penn sylvania has UL'.OOO employees. The esult of the first poll was 1,200 in favor of striking and none opposed. Othenvlso South American Tradu Will Go To Other StaN-s. Philadelphia, Juno 18. "Unless Philadelphia nnd Pennsyl vania nro up nnd doing they will bo outdistanced by Now York, Doston, Baltimore nnd Now OrleanB, in tho raco for South American trade that will come with the opening ot the Panama Cnnal." This significant statement was a part of n vigorous speech delivered heforo tho Poor Richard Club by John Barrett, Director-General of tho Panama Canal, urging Pennsylvania to make all haste in her preparations to receive and hold new pan-American trado that will como with tho opening of the new waterway across tho continent. " It will not do to sit Idly by, sat isfied with your present foreign trade, or with the business you are now doing with Southern countries, and expect to gain your share of the future commerce developing In our sister republics," ho continued. "I say, without exaggeration and without prejudice, that there is no more vital question affecting the fu ture progress and standing of Phila delphia and Pennsylvania than that of appreciation and development of its relationship with tho markets and countries which will be reached by means of the Panama Canal.. Too mpch emphasis cannot be placed on this warning, and you may mark my I It ASK llAMi Bltli:i 1 1 Tho regular Carbondalo baso ball team did not play yesterdny owing ' to Inclement weather, nnd conso i tiuently tho attention of the locnl fans wns conteroil in the gnmo on Duffy's Held between Frank Henley's team, which Is making u tlespornto effort to equal Murtha's aggregation in popular favor, nnd the lloncsdalo team. This was tho first gamo play ed at Carbondalo by Ilealoy's team and was witnessed by a crowd of about live hundred fans. They lost to Honosdale by a score of !) to S. Tho game was called In the seventh Inning in order to allow tho Honcs dalo team an opportunity to catch tho train home, and a dispute nrosc in that Inning as to tho Bcorc. Ilcaley's team claimed that It was a tie, S to S, and there was no ofllclal scorer to decide tho question. lloncs dalo claimed the game by a score of 9 to 8 and a tally of runs per inning bore out their contention, nnd they left for homo claiming the victory. Ilcaley's team still claims that It was a tlo game. SIT. PliHASANT SIAN KIIjIiKI) IN AUTO. Word was received last Wednes day to tho effect that Maymond Schroedor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schroodor, of Lincoln avenue, Cnr-i bondalc, was Injured In nn automo- bllo accident near Llinghaniton Tuesday night In which ono man, Lewis II. Morgan, wns killed and several otliors, Including Hnrry Lum ley, deposed mannger of tho Illng liamton team of tho Now York State league. Schroedor had been spending tho past Bovoral days in Ulnghamton as it... . . 1. f m r uiu kuuml uj ufurKo .uuraii, sun 01 Knrm Notes Mr. and Mrs. W. T.Morgan, formerly! clovor Ia tho grcatest pasture-for "JJtlt "inA 'ini th, a"tombl, 1 hogs provided It Is not allowed to was owned and driven by tho latter. mnturc. me ii.ii ly consisted oi i.corgo .lor-i Tll BllrP(H,qf,il fennMrnr nf r,nnUrv wound that had to bo sowed up, Schroedor had his right ankle sprain ed and Goorgo Morgan escaped with a few slight bruises, although ho suffered considerable from tho shock Mr. Schroedor Is employed as a clerk by tho Consolidated Water company, Carbondalo. Lewis Mor gan wns formerly n resident of Car bondalo nnd ur to n fow years ago was oniployod ns teller in a Forest City bank. Heforo that tlmo ho liv ed In Pleasant Mount whero ho was horn and raised, and has many frlendB In this locality who will mourn his loss. The manager of the Honesdalo base ball club has arranged for two games with Jermyn to bo played here on July 4. The Jermyn team is at present tied for first place In the Valley League and as Honosdale has only lost one game this season, a good gnmo is expected and assured. Tho first of the series of live games with Carbondale will be play ed here on Saturday, Juno 22. Nick Murtha, manager of the Carbondale words that, unless you do exert your- I team assures us that he will bring a selves, you -will awaken somo years after the canal Is opened, regretting gan nnd his cousin, 'Lewis Schroedor, Lumley and II. Plerco 'Wellor, a member of tho staff of the Illnehnm-1 ton Press. The five had attended the Troy-Blnghamton game Tuesday af,i tornoon, and were returning through Harpursville, a suburb of JJIngham- ton, when something went wrong and tho car, skidding, crashed into an iron bridge. Lewis Morgan was thrown from tho front seat and crushea between tho body of the car and tho bridge. He suffered a frac tured skull and died about fifteen minutes after tho accident. Weller plunged forward at the Im pact and was doubled up In such a manner In the tonneau that his lefti leg was broken Lnniley sti Is among the most dlfllcult of feeding problems. Most farmers havo larned before this .that It Is expensive to haul green corn fodder. ilapo seed is cheap, It gorminatos strongly and furnishes plenty ot palatable forage. If a hog seems to bo ailing, sep arate It from the herd at once and give watchful care. One advantage in feeding steers on tho farm Is tho maintenance of tho soil fertility. Deal gently with tho cow of nerv ous temperament. She usually is ono of the best In your hord. If you get an Incubator, assign tho jrokert in several places. I running of It to ono person, and lot ffored a sevcro scalp I ,, navo fiole charge. OLD POLITICIAN DIES. Hugh McDowell, Ninety-seven, Hoped to See Taft Nominated. Pittsburgh, June 18. Hugh McDow ell, aged ninety-seven, one of the founders of the Republican party, died at his home in Peters township, Wash ington county. Death wns due to gen- erul debility and to the venerable man's excitement over the bitter light ut Chicago. Iess thnn a week ago Mr. McDowell gave the newspapers his picture, which was printed with the photographs of two other survivors of the first Itepub llcan national convention, held in Pitts burgh In 1850, nt which John C. Fre mont wns nominated for president. Mr, McDowell was a delegate. Although feeble Mr. McDowell evinc ed keen Interest In the present fight nt Chicago and insisted upon having the papers read each day that he might be familiar with developments. Ho ex pressed the hope that President Taft would bo renominated. Mr. McDowell was born within n short distance of where he died. DIES NAMELESS IN HOSPITAL of Coroner Trying to Fix Identity Woman Who Died In Institution Philadelphia, June 18. The coroner's ofllce is investigating tho identity of a woman who was brought to St, Mary's hospital in this city by au other woman, and who died ten mln utes after she was admitted. The wo man was about fifty-eight years old five feet eight inches tall and had gray hair. She was ioorly dressed lu black, The hospital physicians say death was due to a complication of stomach trouble nnd asthma, and there is no hint of foul play. DIES DUBLNG CHUHCH SEEVICE John VOLCANOES ARE QUIET. There Is No Confirmation of Reported Loss of Life. Seward, Alaska, June 18. The reve nuo cutter McCulloch is here direct from Kodinl; with tho news that con dltlons iu the district covered by ashes from Katmal volcano are much Im proved, and that there is no conflrma (Ion of reports of heavy loss of life on the mniuland. All Inhabitant of Kntinal, n main land village nenr the volcano, lire nafe having been taken to Afoguuk. McMurtrle Had Just Addressed Class of Young Men. Philadelphia, Juno 18. John Mac Murtrie, eighty-two years old, of this city, died suddenly of heart failure while attending a meeting of the Brotherhood class of the Fronkford Avenue Baptist church. Tho aged man had addressed the class a few minutes previously, and by a singular coincidence had ended with the prophetic words, "There nothing between me und my heavenly home." STRANGLED BY WINDOW SASH, HVIyers3 New-Way that you did not heed my advice. "The twenty countries reaching from Mexico and Cuba, south to Ar gentina and Chile, aro Just now en tering upon a period of great mate rial prosperity. There may be a few revolutions and local troubles at the moment, but these will soon pass way, to be followed by an era of onderful advancement. These countries havo the resources, tho products and the position to tako a front place in international trade. Tho governments and the business interests of Europe and even of Asia are aware of this fact, and they re leaving no effort neglected to get their share of pan-American ommerce. If Pennsylvania, and If the United States, will make a corres- ondlng effort, or will work as hard to build up their exchange of pro- ucts with Central and South Amer ica as they have with different sec tions of the United States, and with Europe, they will get splendid re turns. ..i "That I may oe talking the truth and not indulging in fantasies, let me call to your attention some sali ent figures. Commerce Exceeds Two Billions. "Tho foreign commerce, last year, of the twenty countries of Latin America exceeded a total of ?2,300,- 000,000. This surprising sum Is all the more astounding when we real ize that It represents a growth or $1,000,000,000 In tho last ten years. "The share, however, which the United States has in this foreign trade is larger than Is generally sup posed. It will amount, this year, to fully 1700,000,000. This repre sents an Increase of nearly 100 per cent. In the last decade. "Therefore, I ask you, If all Latin American can do a commerce of ?2,- 300.000.000, and if the share of the United States Is $70u, 000,000. with out the Panama Canal and without our full appreciation of these coun tries, will not those totals advance enormously when the canal Is com pleted and when our whole coun try is aroused to the possibilities of pan-American trade? "There is not one or tnese twenty Latin American countries that does not need, In increasing quantities, the products of the principal manu facturers of Philadelphia and i'enn sylvanla. As they grow they must buy of you in increasing amounts, if you will only give them tho oppor tunity, and If you will, in turn, 'my from them their raw products, which are needed for our material and Industrial Interests. "Pennsylvania's great manufac' turlng, exporting and importing firms should now be sending their best men all over Latin America to find out what they want to buy down there and what they want to sell Hrstclass team Much Interest was man Ifeste.l in former years on account i of the Honesdale-Cnrhondale games i AHiiiRpnhlf Tnnrlom Ram Dnnr Hnnrfprs for Tiihnlnr and the locals hope by putting up a good game next Saturday to revive those good old times. Como and see. Tho gamo played between Forest City and White Mills at White Mills on Sunday was very Interesting, It being the first gamo that Forest City has lost out of 12 games. When Sanderrock camo to the bat he said every ball looked like a balloon and he could not miss It. It was a very Interesting game, and here is the score: FOHEST CITY. R. 'H. Carpenter, 2b 2 2 Cavanaugh, lb .... 1 2 W. Wiskoll. c 0 2 Woodisheck, If 0 2 Wolfert, rf 1 Strasford, cf ".0 Kutalna, ss 1 Miskell, 3b 1 Miskell, p 1 Totals 7 12 W.HITE MILLS. R. II Smith, cf Gill, ss Sandercock, c 3 Wenders. 3b . . . .1 arson, 2b H. Lily, If 1 II. Crist, lb 1 Werner, rf 2 V. Loll, p 2 Totals 1C 23 27 11 Two-base hits, J. Smith, Gill 2, Sandercock, Larson. 'Hit by pitcher, by Loll 3. Stolen bases, Forest City White Mills 3. Struck out by Loll 7; by Miskell 4. Washington, the lowly, is cleaning up everytining in tno American league, having won 1G straight games up to Saturday night. It's up to tho Athletics to do the trick. They aro n6v playing a four-game series with them. Girder Track. The latest and the best In Barn Hanger ever sold. Door Hangers. The most complete Live Stock Markets. Pittsburgh, June 18. CATTtiE Supply, HO loads; market steady and lower; choice, t8.7Sa3.1S; prime. 38.2Sa8.6S: sood, CT.TCa3.lC; tidy, 17-SaT.CS fair, t&G0a7.10; common to good fat butts liaj; do. cows, wao.j; Deiiers, RaT.W fresh oowa and springers, J25a50. SHEEP AND LAMBS Supply, 30 double decks; market slow and prices steady on best wethers and spring lambs; all others lower: prime wethers, Ii.80aS; good mixed ti.2Sa4.7S: fair mixed, U.7Sa4.S; lambs, yearlings. J3r'-T5; spring lambs, 3a9; veal culves, Ji.Wa! neavy ana mm. pj.wja5.50. HOOS Receipts, SO double decks; mar ket lower; prime heavy Iioks and heavy mixed. CT.S0a7.So; mraluma nivl lieuvy York' ers, J7.Ua7.50; light Yurkers, CTa7.l5; pigs. KUMiCW; rougns, J5. WJuii. .s ; stags, .was. Weather Probabilities. Fair In northern; cloudy and some whut cooler In southern nrtlon toda. Tomorrow fair; moderate uorthwesl WllK.S 3 TALE OF THE WEATHER. Observations of tho United Stntes weather bureau taken at 8 p. m. yesterday follow: Temp. Weather. Albany CS Cloudy Atlantic City... CS Cloudy Boston 74 Cloudy BufTalo C2 Cloudy Chicago 08 Clear New Orleans... 81 Clear New York 14 Rain St LouIh Ci Rain Washington ... 70 Cloudy Child Meets Death When It Falls on His Neck. Philadelphia, Juno 18. While leaning out of a window nt hla homo in this city, George Itnth, three years old, was strangled to deuth when tho sash fell on his neck and held him fust. The child wns unable to cry and his mother, who hud left him usleep in the room, found him dead. Dr. Theodora Sprlssler, wns called in nnd expressed the opinion that death must have been almost instantaneous. Lai). Tristate League. At York York, 4; Luncnstcr, !t. caster, 2; York, 0. At Reading Trenton, 0; Reading, 1. Rending, 2; Trenton, 1. At Wllinliigtou Wilmington, 3; Johnstown, 2. Johnstown, 4; Wil mington, U. Alletitowu at Harrlsburg Halu. Never salt the horse's feed in the box. Placo a big lump where ho can reach It, and he will tako it when ho needs It. HOW'S T111B7 Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years nnd believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and U nancially able to carry out any ob ligations made by his firm. Walalng, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Id ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonial! sent free, Price 75 cents por bottle. Sold by all Druggsts. Tako Hall's Family Pills for can O. A. E j I JjS 0 o o o i mfo 1 o o o I s$&3? s 2 3 i I i!Sr 0 2 2 2 e wsJifr;" 0 12 1 """"" 24 io s mjm o. a. e. ai 2 3 1 0 0 ""iJb 2 2 2 2 2 fSw.:m 4 11 2 0 Lv 12 11 M 33 3i 8 4 s m CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature The New-Way Hanger is adjusta ble te and from building and to raise and lower door. Not only adjustable but flexible as well. The flexible feature permits tlie door passing over uneven surfaces on building. The New-Way Hanger has hard steel rollers, machine turned, which revolve on hard steel roller bearings. The frame is of steel and is unbreakable. The New-Way Hanger Track is the strongest Tubular track made, We guarantee this track to carry a greater weight door than any other Tubular track made. Track is made in 4 and 3ft. lengths We aro using the New-Way Hangers on doors in our Etoro that no oth er hanger would hold. Let us show you how they work. O. M. SPETTIGUE Sale Continues for 20 Days Spring and Summer CLOTHING at SACRIFICE PRICES. There will be 20 More Days of Sale Bregstein Bros. Great Remodeling Sale of everything on hand at ridiculously low prices. Hats, Underwear, Shirts, Collars, Trunks, Dress Suit Cases, Hand Bags, in fact everything imaginable- Mo reservation. Sale is not yet over Take advantage ot the low prices that prevail on our entire stock tor twenty days ii i r ( i 1 1! n.ll more, see our large display posters ior prices, bargains too numerous io iiiuiwuii. uun i miSS thiS BIG SALE. Going to remodel store You could not g-'t tlieso unheard of bargains If wo were not going to remodel our store. Owiiiff to our iiicreuslng business moro room Is needed. The- largo stock of goods wo always carry ut this time of year must bo sold out. Do you reali.o what an opimrtimity this Is to get stylish, seiusonuble clothing nt after-sea-sou prices? YOU CAN RELY ON THE GOODS WE SELL "Once a Customer, Always a Customer," applies particularly to the reputation we have established we have been in business in Honesdale 20 Years. Begin now and you will always como here. BREGSTEIN "JSslxi. St., BROS., Honesdale. stlpatlon.