The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 19, 1912, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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I, Edwin P. Torrcy, ot the bor
ough of Honosdnlc, county ot "Wayne,
State of Pennsylvania, being of
sound and disposing mind and mem
ory, do mako and publish this my
last -will and testament, and revoke
all wills heretofore nindo by me.
1. I direct that my Just debu and
funeral expenses bo paid out of my
personal estate, as soon after my
decease ns may conveniently bo
2. 1 give to my beloved wife,
Julia Miller Torrey, all my house
hold goods and effects, useful and
ornamentnl, with my books, pictures,
wearing apparel and ornaments, In
cluding jewelry, and my gold watch
and chain. 1 also give to 111 y said
wife two policies of Insurance on my
life, one for two thousand dollars
and the other for three thousand dol
lars, issued by the New England Life
Insurance Company, and direct that
the amounts payable thereon be re
ceived and retained by her for hor
sole use. 1 also give to my said wife
for her life, all my land situated in
the said Borough of Honesdale with
the structures thereon, ono of which
is the house In which 1 now live;
the said land being a lot of irregular
form at the northwest corner of
Main and Thirteenth streets with n.
frontage of one hundred feet on
Main street; a frontage of two hun
dred and twenty-flvo feet on Thir
teenth street, and a length on the
westerly sido of one hundred and
fifty feet. I also give to my said
wife for her life, the lot of land sit
uated in the township of Texas,
county aforesaid, containing the
spring from which water Is conduct
ed to my house; the said land hav
ing been conveyed to me by John
Torrey by deed dated December 1,
1S91, recorded In the office for re
cording deeds in said county in
Deed Book No. S3, page 215. I
further give to my said wife full
power to sell the said lands or any
part thereof at her discretion and to
execute .all contracts and convey
ances necessary therefor. In the
event of such sale all disbursements
made by my said wife for taxes, in
surance and repairs on said property
shall bo deducted from the proceeds
and refunded to her. And I give to
my said wife, absolutely the one
third part of the remainder or net
proceeds. And all receipt for such
disbursements produced by my said
wife shall be deemed sufficient evi
dence of such disbursements. The
remaining two thirds of said net
nroceeds I give to my children and
grandchildren as hereinafter provid
ed. So much of said land as shall
remain unsold at the decease of my
said wife in like manner to my chil
dren and grandchildren.
3. I give to my children and
grandchildren as hereinafter provid
ed, all interest in two policies of in
surance on my life, for five thousand
dollars each, one Issued by the Penn
Mutual Life Insurance Company and
tho other issued by the Mutual Bene
fit Life Insurance Company which
shall upon my decease become part
of my estate.
4. The ono third part of the resi
due of my estate I give absolutely
to my said wife: and such residue
Bhall Include any devise ot bequest
herein contained which shall lapse or
revert. To each of my children,
Katherlne Rebecca, John Henry and
Edwin Fuller, Jr., I give tho one
fourth part of the remaining two
thirds of said residue.
I also give to each of any children
the one-fourth part of the interest in
the two policies of Insurance on my
life last mentioned, tho one-lourtn
part of two-thirds of the net pro
ceeds of any of my real estate sold
by my said wife, and tho one-fourth
part of my real estate remaining un
sold at the time of her decease. The
remaining one-fourth part of two
thirds of said residue, the remaining
one-fourth part of tho Interest in
said policies of Insurance, tho re
maining one-fourth part of two-
thirds of tho not proceeds of any of
my real estate sold by my said wife
and tho remaining one-fourth part
of any of my real estate remaining
unsold at tho time of her decease 1
give to my cousin, James II. Torrey
of the City of Scranton, State of
Pennsylvania, to 'hold in trust for
Richard Hamilton Torrey and Jen-
nette Stone Torrey, children of my
deceased son, William Stone Torrey,
in manner following, viz: To invest
and reinvest the same in such secur
ities as in his judgment shall be de
sirable, without accountability for
losses except by reason of supine
negligence or willful default, and
from time to tlrao during tho minor
ity of said children to expend for
their use, or pay to their mother to
bo so expended, such portion thereof
ns he shall deem proper, the sanio
to be not less then tho net Income
of the trust property. In making
such expenditure, regard shall be
had to the needs and interests or
nald thildren, rather than to equality
between them as to amount. When
the said Richard Hamilton Torrey
shall reach the ago of twenty-one
years, to transfer to him the one
half part of the trust property re
maining; and when tho sard Jeanneto
Stone Torrey shall reach the ago or
twenty-one years to transfer to her
the residue of tho trust property.
Should either of said children die
before reaching tho ago of twenty-
one years, without Issuo tho trust
property shall ho neid ror mo use 01
the survivor, but if leaving issuo the
sharo theretofore held for tho use of
tho deceased parent shall bo held for
tho use of such issue or may ho paid
to tho legal guardian of such Issue.
Should both of said children dlo ho
foro reaching tho age of twenty-ono
years without issuo tho trust prop
erty remaining shall revert to my
estnte and uo uistnuuieu us pari 01
tho residue.
5. Unon tho lapse or any devise
or legacy whether specific, general,
or residuary tho same shall bo dis
tributed among tho surviving resi
duary devises and legatees. Includ
ing my said wife, In proportions cor
esponding to tho distributions herein
made. . ..
C. I annolnt my said wife, Julia
.Miller Torrev. the sole' executrix of
this my last will and testament, and
direct that she shall hold and exer
cise tho said office without being ro-
quired under any circumstances, to
glvo bond or other security. And I
glvo to her full power to execute all
conveyances or other assurances of
title necessary or expedient for tho
settlement of my estnte, and for
carrying Into effect tho provisions
hereof, and for the proformnnco of
any contracts made by mo and not
fully preformed at the time of my
Typewritten on four pages of pa
per, and signed by me at tho end
hereof and on tho margin of tho llrst
three pages as my last will and
testament at Honesdnlo aforesaid,
this 21st day of January, eighteen
hundred and ninety nine.
Tho foregoing Instrument, type
written on four pages of paper, Js
signed by the above named Edwin F.
Torrey, at tho end thereof and on
the mnrgln of tho first three pnges,
as his last will and testament in our
presence, this 21st dny of Janunry,
eighteen hundred and nlnety-nlno,
and we have thereupon In his pres
ence and In the presence of each
other subscribed our nnmes In at
testation thereof.
II. WILSON, llonesdnle, la.
H. Z. RUSSELL, Honesdale. Pa.
To Last Will and Testament of Ed
win F. Torrey.
I, Edwin F. Torrey, of the Bor
ough of Honesdale, county of Wnyno
State of Pennsylvania, having on tho
twenty-first day of January, eighteen
hundred and ninety nine, made and
published my last will and testa
ment do hereby make and publish
this codicil thereto.
First. I amend clause 4 of said
will In manner following: (1) In
view of advances made by mo to my
children, William Stone and Kath
erlne 'Rebecca, In excess of the
amounts given to my sons, John
Henry and Edwin Fuller, Jr., I give
to each of my said sons, John Henry
and Edwin Fuller, Jr., the sum of
two thousand dollars ($2000) to be
first paid out of the portion of my
estate which, by said clause 4 Is dis
tributed among my children and
grandchildren therein named; and
the residue of said portion of my
estate, after deducting the bequests
herein made to my said sons, shall
be distributed as provided in said
clause 4. (2) My daughter, Kather
lne Rebecca, being now deceased,
the portion of my estate given to
her by said clause 4, as herein modi
fied, I give to my cousin, Jnmes H.
Torrey, of the City of Scranton,
county of Lackawanna, State of
Pennsylvania, to hold in trust for
Jeanuette Torrey Ross, daughter of
my said deceased daughter, Kather
lne Rebecca; tho same to be invested
as directed In said clause 4 with re
spect to the trust therein created;
and the Income or so much as may
be necessary in the judgment of the
said Trustee, to be expended by him
for the use of the said Jeannette Tor
rey Ross, or paid to my said son,
Edwin Fuller, Jr., for such use.
When the said Jennette Torrey 'Ross
shall reach the age of twenty-one
years the trust property remaining
shall be conveyed to her; and should
she die without Issue before reach
ing said age, the said property shall
revert to my estate and bo distribut
ed as part of tho residue. Should
she dlo before reaching that age
leaving Issue the trust property shall
be held for the use of such issue,
or may be paid to the legal guardian
of such issue.
Second: I bequeath to my sister,
Fanny It. Thompson, wife of Andrew
Thompson, of the said borough, all
maps and papers bequeathed to me1
by my father, John Torrey, now re
maining in tho building formerly
used by him as an office.
Type-written on two sheets of pa
per and signed by mo at tho end
hereof and on tho margin of the
first page as a codicil to tho last
will and testament made and pub
lished "by me as aforesaid, on this
twenty-seventh day of January A. D.
one thousand nine hundred.
The foregoing Instrument, type
written on two sheets of paper is
signed by the above named Edwin 'F.
Torrey, at the end thereof, and on
tho margin of the first page, as a
codicil to the last will and testament
made and published by him as
therein mentioned In our presence,
this twenty-seventh day of January
ono thousand nine hundred and we
have thereupon In his presence and
in the presence of each other here
unto subscribed our names in attes
tation thereof.
II. WILSON. Honesdale, Pa.
H. Z. RUSSELL, Honesdale, Pa.
I, Edwin F. Torrey, of the bor
ough of Honesdale, County of
Wayne, State of Pennsylvania, hav
ing made and published my last will
and testament bearing dato tho
twenty-llrst day of January, ono
thousand eight hundred and ninety
nine, and a codicil thereto bearing
date tho twenty-seventh day of .Jan
uary ono thousand nine hundred, wo
hereby make and publish this fur
ther codicil thereto, viz:
1. 1 revoke so much of my said
will as gives to James 11. Torrey
of the City of Scranton, Stato of
Pennsylvania, a portion of my es
tate to bo held In trust for tho chil
dren of my deceased son, 'William
Stono Torrey, and so much of tho
said codicil as gives to tho said
James H. Torrey a portion of my
estate to bo held In trust for tho
child of my deceased daughter,
Kathrelno Rebecca; and tho portion
of my estate given by said will and
codicil to the said James H. Torrey
In trust as aforesaid, I glvo to my
sons, John H. Torrey of tho City of
New York, and Edwin F. Torrey,
Jr., of Clinton, In tho stato of New
York, by them to bo held for tho es
tate by the said will and codicil
respectively given to tho said James
H. Torrey and In trust for tho uses
and purposes therein appointed and
upon such terms and conditions
therein sot forth, with liko offect,
and as fully to all Intents and pur
poses as if in tho said will and
codicil, thoy had been named as
trustees Instead of tho said James H.
Torrey. And I further direct that
they shall not bo required to glvo
security as trustees.
2. I glvo to my son, John H.
Torrey, an old French clock that
helonged to my father, John Tor
rey, in his lifetime.
3. I glvo to my said son, Edwin
F. Torrey, Jr., a cervod mahogany
sofa that belonged to my fathor,
John Torrey, In his lifetime.
Typewritten on two efceotB ot
Coffman in Now York Evening Journal.
paper on one side of each sheet and t
signed b'y me at the end hereof and
on the margin of the first page, as
a second codicil to my last will and
testament, made and published ns
aforesaid on this ninth day of De
cember one thousand nine hundred
and two.
The foregoing Instrument, type
written on two sheets of paper on
ono side of each sheet, Is signed by
the above named Edwin F. Torrey
In our presence, at the end thereof
and on the margin of the first page,
on this ninth day of December one
thousand nine hundred and two, as
a second codicil to the last will and
testament made and published by
him as therein mentioned; and we
have thereupon on tho same day
and year In his presence and In the
presence of each other, hereunto
subscribed our names in attestation
H. WILSON, Honesdale, Pa.
H. Z. RUSSELL, Honesdale, Pa.
I, Edwin F. Torrey, of the bor
ough of Honesdale, county of
Wayne, State of Pennsylvania, hav
ing on the twenty-first day of Jan
uary, 1S99, made and published my
last will and testament, and having
since made and published two
codicils to the same, do hereby make
and publish this further codicil
thereto, and revoke so much of the
will and codicils made and publish
ed as aforesaid as may be inconsist
ent with the provisions of this
codicil viz:
First: I give to my wife, Julia
Miller Torrey, all divdends declared
after my decease and during lior
lifetime on any and all of the capi
tal stock of the Honesdale National
iBank standing in my name at the
time of my decease; and I direct
that such stock shall be kept intact
for this purpose, and that such
dividends bo paid to her as legatee,
Instead of going into her hands as
executrix of my said will.
Second: Upon the decease of my
said wlfo tho said stock shall bocorae
and be distributed as part of the
residuary estate, pursuant to tho di
rections contained in tho will and
codicils made and published as
aforesaid. Made and published as a
third codicil to my last will and
testament aforesaid, this tenth day
of September, 1903.
Tho foregoing instrument is sign
ed, by the above named Edwin F.
Torrey in our presence, this tenth
dny of September, nineteen hundred
and three as a third codicil to tho
last will and testament made and
published by him as therein men
tioned; and we have thereupon on
tho same day and year In his pres
ence and in the presence of each
other hereunto subscribed our names
in attestation thereof.
H. WILSON. Honesdale. Pa.
H. Z. RUSSELL, Honesdale, Pa.
An unusually pretty homo wed
ding took place Wednesday evening,
June 5, at 8:30, at the rcsldenco of
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Rutledge, Look
out, Pa., when their only daughter,
Helen Blanche, was united in mar
riage to Lale II. Stalker, son of Mr.
and (Mrs. D. M. Stalker, by tho
hrldo's pastor, Rev. Franklin Bowen.
Miss Laura Itoss, of Philadelphia,
was maid of honor, wlillo Roy Lass
loy of Washington, D. C, was best
man, and little Helen Kingsbury of
Deposit, N. Y., cousin of tho brldo
was flower girl. Tho bride mado a
very Bweet picture In a gown of
white Duchess satin trimmed with
lllpearl garnlturo and rose buds. Hor
veil ot bridal illusion was prettily
caught with a wreath of orango
blossoms. Sho carried a shower
bouquet of bridal roses. Her only
Jowel was a beautiful La Valllere sot
with sovoral amethyst and imitation
diamonds, tho groom's gift to tho
brldo. Hor unaid woro cream satin
messalino and carried yellow roses.
Sho also woro a La Valllcro set with
a ruby, tho bride's birth stono and
Imitation diamonds, tho brido's gift
to her. Tho groom and best man
woro formal evening dress suits of
blnck. Tho brido's mother was at
tired in lavendnr colored satin mes
salino. Tho groom's gift to tho best
man was gold cuff links. Whlto and
yellow wero tho colors used in dec
orating and they combined beauti
fully with tho dress of bridal
party. Tho bridal party marched to
tho strains of Lohongrln sweetly
rendered by Miss Gertrudo Horn
beck, an intimato -friend ot tho
bride nnd daughter of ex-commls-sloner
J. K. Hornbeck of Equlnunk.
The first to enter the parlors was the
maid of honor followed by tho flow
er girl and lastly the bride leaning
on the arm of her father. They
marched through the back parlor to
the front between an aisle mado of
yellow and white ribbons, held by
six little relatives of the brldo and
groom, where tho groom, best man
and minister wero awaiting them.
The ceremony was solemnized be
fore an arch daintily trimmed with
white festooning Interspersed with
yellow roses. 'Back of the arch was
banked potted plants, giving a pleas
ing effect. The beautiful ring cere
mony was used. After congratula
tions the bride, leaning on the arm
of the groom, followed by maid of
honor and best man, marched to the
dining room while "Mendelsohn"
was being rendered, where the
bride's table had been prepared In
the center of which was the wedding
cake prettily ornamented. White
festooning was caught at the chan
delier and held in place at the four
corners of the table by a yellow rose.
Eda, Bessie and Roxle Kingsbury,
Gladys Hawley and Agnes Belknap,
cousins of tho bride, looked very
sweet as they served lunch to the
guests, which consisted of sand'
wlches, salads, olives, pickles, cof
fee fruit, cakes and Ice cream, serv
ed in four collations. "O Promise
Mo" was very sweetly sung before
the ceremony by 'Mrs. W. Earl Lord
of Equlnunk. Tho many beautiful
and costly presents received gave
evidence of tho high esteem with
which tho brldo was held; among
them was a check from the bride's
parents of $300. Those present
were: Roy Lassley of Washington,
D. C; Miss Laura Ross of Philadel
phla; J. K. Hornbeck and daughter,
w. E. Lord and wlfo and C. E
Woodmansee, all of Equlnunk; Mrs
G. E. Kingsbury and daughters of
Deposit; Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Whitak-
er and family, Hancock; Mr. and
Mrs. Ward Bdlknap and daughter,
of Autumn Leaves; Mr. and Mrs
Corwin Valentine, Damascus; Por
ter Rose, Tyler Hill; (A. A. Gallo
way and family, Jllddletown; O. H.
uraman and wife, Carthage, In. Y.;
Mr. and Mr3. D. M. Stalker and fam
ily, 'Miss Emma Stalker, Mrs. Har
rlet Stalker and Mrs. J. Schnaken-
berg, all of Stalker; Mrs. Franklin
Bowen, of Patorson; Mr. and Mrs,
Lewis Schwelghofor and son, Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Rutlodge and son of
west Damascus; Mrs. II. A. Taylor
and daughter, and Mrs. M. Leo Bra
man, all of Honesdale; Mr. and
Mrs. Tllden Rutledge and Mr. and
Mrs. Arnold .Rutledge of Rutledgo
dale; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ttutledgo
and family, Mr. and (Mrs. Frank Oau
lleld, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rutledgo
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Orlo D
Wllsey and son, Mrs. Lottie Keesler,
all of Galileo; Mr. and Mrs. 'William"
Rose and daughter of Calkins; Mr,
and Mrs. S. Hawley, Mr. and Mrs,
Grant 'Hawley and 'family, Mr. and
Mrs. J. G. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Hill and family, J. N. Cole, Mr. and
Mrs. E. Teoplo and son, Jesse Hath
away and son, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Tyler and son, all of Lookout, Mr
and Mrs. J. F. 'Blake and daughtor
and Miss Emma Woolheater, all of
Union. They loft that night on tho
2:30 train for Now York City, tho
brldo being dressed in hor traveling
costumo which was a tan colored
serge suit with gloves and slippers
to match and a black picturo hat
with willow plumes. After visiting
somo places of interest thero they
expect to go by boat to .Norfolk, Va.,
then back up tho Potomac to Wash
lngton, D. C, from thero they will
go to their homo at Canton, Pa., via
Philadelphia and Harrlsburg. Tho
groom Is a grnduato of Scranton
Business Collego and Is at present
extensively engaged In a manufac
turing business in Canton, Pa. Tho
bride Is a graduate of Damascus
High Bchool, class '10, and has been
church organist at Lookout ror sov
oral years.
Cemlro D. Gleason Sutton of Tex
as, to T. B. Clark, of 'Honesdale, 94
acres of land in Texas and Dyberry
townships, consideration $5500.
Heirs of Morris and Amanda
Porrv. lato ot Salem, to John AV,
Perry, of Salem, 28 acres of land In
Salom township; consideration
W. A. Van Sickle, guardian of
Joseph and llazol Batzol, of Salem,
to John W. Perry, Salem, 40 acres
ot land in Salom; consideration
Designer and Man
ufacturer of
Office and Works
1036 MAIN ST.
If you know of any news let us
know nbout It. Call us on either
In your family you of couree call
a reliable physician. Don't stop
nt that; liavo his prescriptions
put up nt a relirblo pharmacy,
even if it is a little farther from
your home than some other store.
You can find no more reliable
Btore than ours. It would be im
possible for more care to be taken
in the selection of drugs, etc., or
in the compounding. I'rescrip
tions brought here, either night
or day, will be promptly and
accurately compounded by a
competent registered pharmacist
and the prices will be moet rea
sonable, O. T. CHAMBERS,
Opp.D. A n. Station. Honesdale. Pk.
- Head The Citizen.
f o-foo-foto-t-fo-foofo-fo-fo-foo-foooo-fo-fo-fo-foo-fo-fo-fo-fo-fo
Collars ironed with
smooth edges and plenty
of room for the tie to slip
That's Our Way
THOS. F. BRACY, Honesdale Agent
Scranton, Pa.
-fo-foo-fo-fo-fo-fo-fo-fo-fo-foo-fo-fo-fo-fo-fo -fo-fo-fo-fo-fo-fo-foo-fo-fo-fo-fo-fo-fo
Honesdale National Bank
Honesdale, Pa.
There are times in every business career when a man
can see some advantage in changing banks.
If you are thinking of changing your bank account, wo
would like to have you call on us and talk the matter over
freely before deciding what you will do.
Our facilities are equal to the BEST ; wo try to more
than please our patrons and endeavor atall times to keep on
the safe side of overy loaning proposition.
BANKING with us will not depend on your
Politics or Religion
With the reputation established by
this bank is entitled to consideration if you
think of making a change.
Commercial accounts solicited and satisfaction guaran
teed. Three per cent, interest paid on all Savings Accounts
Organized 1836
Open Saturday evenings from 7:30 to 8:30
H, Z. RUSSELL, President, L. A. HOWELL, Cashier,
ANDREW THOMPSON, Vice-President, A, C, LINDSAY, Asst. Cashier.
Henry Z. Russell Andrew Thompson
Edwin F. Torrey Homer Greene
Horace T. Menncr James C. Birdsall
Louis J. Dorfllngcr E. B. Hardcnbergh
Philip R. Murray