I Sub- i Beautiful, Progressive, Joining tlio G esdnlo slanllal Honc.dn1c. All a Greater Hoiicsdulc. work for Hoard of Trndo Is Eslng AVil- lliigucss to Itoost c. 70th YEAR -NO. 49 HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1912. PRJW2 CENTS rcatmSMIon 3 NOMADIC FORTUNE TELLERS ROB PERSONS rtloney is iiMcr iiccovcrcd After Chase Near Steene Band Has Been Terrorizing Communities I in This Part of Slate for I Sometime. ' G. W. Marsh of this place was robbed In a very clover manner by n gypsy woman Saturday morning. , The wliole gypsy gang wero later I overtaken by County Detective N. U.I Spencer. E. W. Gammell and G. W. Marsh near Steene and the money which amounted to three dollars! was recovered, and after paying the! costs, were released. Mr. Marsh, with a companion, was walking aloug the road toward Honesdalo when near the gate of the fair grounds they came across the gypsy tribe. An old' woman approached him and wanted to tell his fortune. Ho said he told her she could. She desired to hae the hand brossed with silver before she could pronounce the mag ic words. 'Ho took out his pocket book and when she saw a roll of bills sho wanted to count it. He let her take the money thinking that ho was close enough to detect any crooked ness on her part. She handed the money back to him and ho did not miss the money until some distance f lorn them. He then discovered ho was short $3 in bills. He notified X U. Spencer and had a warrant sworn out for her arrest, and ac companied by Ex'1'. Gammell they overtook tho lioifh near Steene The gypsies made m '(position and handed out the money at once and also paid the costs promptly. They im mediately departed for a more proilt nble locality. They have been en gaged in horse trading with farmers and had about nineteen good looking horses In their train. The gypsies came bro'iah Honesdale from the Fouth Friday and camped near the fair gro inds. On Saturday morning they made a raid on the town, the women telling fortunes and relieving tho people of their money in many ways. Many persons were touched for tmiall sums by the usual method of crossing the palm with silver. The part- consisted of a few sleight of hand performers and one man told a Citizen representative that he never saw anything like it, that the money just disappeared before his very eyes. This band of nomadic tellers have been terrorizing this part of the state for some time and is undoubt edly the same gang that has been operating in Stroudsburg and Bangor and who relieved an employe of a meat store at tho Delaware Water Gap of $14. Tho tribe was over hauled here and the money returned with an additional line of six dol lars. If any other thefts were com mitted they have not been reported. In several of the stores they were thrown out in the street by tno pro prietors. "Every year these bands of wanderers come along and terrorize the community, but we hope that Honesdalo has seen the last of this gang. A gypsy maiden held a Strouds burg man's palm In one hand the other day and told his fortune while eho picked a roll of bills from his pocket with the other. The next Stroudsburger who learns his fate from the lips of the unwashed beauty of the gypsy caravan will doubtless insist that she use both hands in ex plaining the mysteries of the palm. CHILDREN'S day exercises. Order of Exercises for Children's Day in Uio First Presbyterian Church, Honesdalo, Pa., Juno 10. 1 Processional Hymn (Hennas) Con gregation standing. 2 Invocation by pastor and Lord's Prayer. 3 Singing, "Anniversary" Praise." 4 Responsive reading, page 3, led by Mr. Stocker. 5 J3aptlsm of 'Infants. C Singing, No. 7, "The Lovo that Crowns Our Days." 7 Exercises of Primary and Juniors. Primary. Song -"Earth is Singing." Recitation, "When Fields are Fresh." Ruth 'Bodie, Famlln Knapp, Bea trice Knapp. Recitation, "Our Heroes," George 'Bond, Horace Boyd. Song, "Christ's Garden," all. Recitation, 'Hosanna,' Ruth Dlllmuth Gertrude Frier, Horace Boyd, Frederick Bader. Recitation, "Flower Lessons," Ethel Dlllmuth, Frederick Bader, Ger trude Frier. Recitation, "Reward of Giving," Helen Jackson. Recitation, "Step by Step," Lois X,andmesser, Louise Tingley, Har riet Doney, Helen Lorenz, Flor ence Fowler, 'Margaret Morrison. Song, "Sing the Name of Jesus." Juniors Mrs. Seltz'8 Class. Recitation, "Tho Garden of the Heart," Helen Stocker, Margaret Kroitner, Jeanetto Burns, Kathryn Tryon. Recitation, "This World Shall bo a Garden," Evelyn Seitz, Virginia Brown, Ruth Transue, Leah Kim ble. Song, "Loving Service," by all the class. Miss Florence Brown's Class. Song, "Just a Little Gift," Cornelia Thomas, Ruth Spencer, Charlotto Peterson, Ida Tlnsman, Isabel iDoney, Graco Dunlap. 8 Singing, No. 0, "Children for tho Saviour." 0 Responsive Reading "Our Silver Anniversary," leu uy Air. baiinon. 10 Notices by pastor. 11 Notice of collection by Superln tendent. hi 12 Collection: $50 received. 13 Singing of Anthem by choir. 14 Address by pastor. 15 Closing: Singing No. 13, "To Jesus our King." 10 Uenedlctlon. SPECIAL, I SENATOR ROOT ELECTED: REPIIBIIPAM MATIflMAI nXrUDUOHN I1AMUNHL CONVENTION Every Sent Tnkcii Opened at 1U.02 To-ilny Penrose PreMMit Hun dreds of Police mill Detectives There to Protect. (Special to The Citlcn.) Chicago. Juno IS. Tho National Republican convention was called to order today at 10.02 by Chairman Victor Uosowater, of the national committee. The doors of the hall was swung open at 10: IB a. m. Immediately the delegates crowded Into the large coliseum and every seat was taken. Senator Penrose, of Pennsylvania, was hissed as he took his scat. The Roosevelt delegation from the Key stone state jeered him. Senator Flynn, also of Pennsyl vania, was given a mighty cheer when he entered. The city fire marshal and large corps of assistants were kept busy keeping tho aisles clear, when the delegates flocked in the hall. At 10 45 a second squad of 50 ELIHU ROOT Elected Chairman of National Com mittee. Chicago, June IS. United States Senator Elihu Root has been named by the Republican national commit tee as Che temporary chairman of the convention. Ho is also the choice of tho Taft delegates for per manent chairman. police arrived to keep order. Aside from these there are hundrds of de tectives present to restore order in case there should bo an outbreak of any kind. After the convention was called Chairman Rosewater announced that a flashlight of the coliseum would first be taken. Tho large as semblage then enthusiastically sang tho "Star Spangled Banner." Coliseum, Chicago, Tuesday Aftor noon, 3:15. Tho convention Is about to ballot for chairman. The names of Senator Root and Governor McGovern, of Wisconsin, havo been nominated and are before the con vention for a vote. Chicago, June 18. 4.30 p. m. Vote of delegates from 11 states, in cluding Illinois, gives Root 122 and McGovern 90. Chicago, June 18, '5:45 p, m. Seventy-seven Now York delegates voted for Senator-Root, while Gov. McGovern received only 13. Root now Oias 385 delegates against 284 for McGovern. Chicago, Juno 18. 7:25 p. m. The final count for temporary chairman of the Chicago convention has just been reported. Root received 558 delegates while McGovern received only 502. The Taft men went wild with joy and loud cheering rang through tho convention hall. The Now York delegates jumped up and danced around an'd thore was so raudh confusion that the clerks could not check up tho count for a long time. HORSE THIEF TAKEN TO NEW YORK STATE. Extradition Papers Signed and Man Wanted in Chemung County, New York, is TukeH Buck by Sheriff Day on Saturday Has Heen in County Jail Hero Sinco Juno 1. Horace Cole, who was arrested in Starrucca some weeks ago, an ac count of which was published In The Citizen at tho time, was taken to Chemung county, by Sheriff T. Stan ley Day, of that county, on Saturday noon, whore ho will be tried for grand larceny, second degree, bur glary, third degree, and perhaps a few more charges. That of horse stealing is numbered among his fall ings. Colo has boon lodged In tho coun ty Jail hero for a period of about niteon days, awaiting extradition pa pers so that ho could lawfully bo taken from tho state. Tho Sheriff and tho papers arrived on Saturday and after a brief hearing in tho Chambers at tho court houso Satur day morning, In which Colo waived his rights of habeas corpus, tho sher iff accompanied by his prisoner left on tho 12:25 D. & H. train. Colo has been arrested three limes previous to this, onco on the chargo of horso stoallng, onco for burglary and onco for being Impli cated with a counterfeiting gang. CITY BOARDER DROWNED IN RAIN BARREL AT EQUINUNK, WAYNE COUNTY miss Sophie Hermann Found Standing on Her Head in Barrel of Water, Sunday Eveninci Was from New York ' Petersen Called. (Special to The Citizen.) Eqiilnuiik, June IK. Miss Sophia Hermann, who was found standing on her head in n 1 1 1 1 cm 1 rain barrel at Kiuiiiiink, Sunday evening, accord ing to the coroner's jury came to her death by voluntary suicide. There were no marks iikii her person to indicate violence. Coroner Peter sen's jury was composed of Millard Sherwood, Honesdalo; William Sny der, John St.iuklcwity, Charles A. Cordon and Paul J,epullcn. .The witnesses were Mr. and Mrs. Milton Deliockner, Mrs. Snyder, Mr. THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION GIVE I BANQUET Graduates of Former Years From I oral High School Hold Annual Meeting Paul W. Gardner, of Scrantoii, Toastiunster, Wel comes Class of 11)12 Dance Follows, The second annual banquet of the Honesdale High School Alumni Asso ciation was held In tho High School Auditorium on Thursday evening, Juno 13, and about two hundred members and guests enjoyed the event immensely. The banquet was marked with success from start to finish. The auditorium was tastefully dec orated in the class colors and cut flowers. At the door of tho auditor ium tho reception committee com posed of Dr. George C. Butler, chairman, Miss Millie Schweiger and Clarence Calloway received the guests as they arrived. At one table the speakers of the evening were seated. The invocation was pro nounced by Everett Spettigue, '03, an Episcopal student, after which Chester A. Garratt, president of the association, made the opening ad dress. In a few well-chosen words he welcomed the alumni, who had taken this opportunity to renew old class acquaintances and brought to mind the benefits to be gained by coming together once a year. An appetizing menu was served by Mrs. 'W. Brlggs who was assisted by the girls of the Junior class of the High school, all of whom were attired in white and they presented a pretty picture as they (hurried about performing their duties. Fol lowing is tho menu: Fruit In Cups Roast Turkey Cranberry Jelly Mashed Potatoes Peas Glblet Gravy Dressing Olives Radishes Rolls Crab Salad Brick Ice Cream Fancy Cakes Coffee As the banquet went on and be tween tho courses old school songs and plantation melodies were sung and a delightful program was ren dered. Toastmaster Paul W. Gard ner, '91, gave a very hearty welcome to the class of ll and gavo them a few words of advice. R. -M. Salmon, Esq., next enter tained the company with a few remi niscences of his Jllgh school days and sprung a few jokes. 'His re marks were heartily applauded. "A Stranded Vessel," an essay on tho class of 1912, was given by (Miss Mary C. Lenlhan, and she referred the class to a ship which Is stranded on the shores of life. She gave n picturesque description of tho trials yet to bo encountered by tho class. Having been safely guided through four years of strife and turmoil they are now stranded until they begin to take their proper places In the world. 'Her remarks wero splendid and well received. "Tho Crop of 1G03," tho noxt on tho program, was not presented ow ing to the absenco of Daniel B. O'Neill, of Scranton, who, however, sent his regrets In a letter which was read. "Woman's Vote," by Miss Dorothy M. Menner, was a clever Bkotch or tho woman's suffrage movement, and In the beginning of her talk she kept to general lines which kept tho audi ence guessing which sldo she ad vocated. She spoko very nicely of the work of tho suffragetts of Hones dale and dilated on tho futuro prospects of tho woman's rights movement. Clarence R. Callaway discussed tho relation between tho "School and the Shop" and very distinctly de scribed with vivid language tho ad vantages of school training in the technical trades and went Into tho history of foreign countries in tho progress of practical education. He delighted and ploaaed his audience. "Students' Expectations," by Miss Florence Rloflor, was a literary es say In classic stylo dealing with somo of tho problems of present-day education, with of course roforenco to the roward of that education. Her words wero well chosen nnd eho was listened to by an appreciative audi enco. "Just Talk," by Alfred Swoyer. was a pleasing dlsspmblo from tho general lines of oratory. His -remarks wore varied and meant to pleaso and In that ho met with suc cess. Tho toastmastor, Paul Gardner, gavo a few reraarkB In closing to tho Class of 1912. Ho urged tho Tonow- al of class acquaintance every year and hy a few remarks inltlatod tho (Continued on Pago Four.) - County Coroner P. B. Myers, ami .Mrs. Charles Warren. .Miss Hermann had been ill and despondent- for some time which It Is thought accounted for her uctloH. The dKcovery was made hy a son of Milton l)eI,o('kiicr, with whom .Miss Hermann hoarded, being a guest from New York City. Justice of the Peace Chailcs Kuril limit. Kuiiiimk, acted as a coroner Sunday evening, hut County Coroner P. It. Petersen motored to Kquiiiimk Tuesday morning, being sent for by parties in Kqulntink. BOARD OF TRADE MEETING Greater Honesdale Being Agitated New .Members Elected Bills Amounting to SIM) Paid All Committees Active. A very interesting and enthusias tic meeting of the Greater Honesdale Board of Trade was hold in the town hall on Friday evening. In the absence of President P. W. Kreitner, Attorney F. P. Kimble was elected to the chair. The minutes of tho May session were read and approved, which was followed by reports of standing com mittees. Mail and Transportation, C. A. Mc Carty, chairman. Burgess McCarty reported that his committee had a session with Supt. C. A. Burr and C. E. Bates of the D. & II. R. R., a few weeks ago and that If the freight demanded It they wero willing and ready to make better freight facili ties, but they thought present sched ule was as good as could be, in that connections are made now. Chair man McCarty stated that the Erie's summer change of timetable, effec tive June 15, would give Honesdale better train service and that he would call a meeting of his commit tee the first of the week concerning mail facilities on same. There were no reports forthcom ing on their standing committees. Special committees were then ask ed for by the chair. C. A. McCarty, chairman on fiftwter- 'Honesdale, reported as -follows: The Committee of Greater Hones dale, desires to report: That the agitation for annexation by Texas township or that portion of Texas township most thickly inhab ited, has taken on new energy since the Gurney Electric Elevator Works have been permanently established and their large plant Within tho bor ough limits made a certainty. While ono year ago, citizens of Texas town ship were luke warm or Indifferent to the annexation Idea; there is a gen eral and wide spread tendency among tho citizens in Texas town ship to become annexed to Hones dale. They realize the greater ad vantages which tho borough has over the township in schools, lights and many other ways, and a compari son of the cost is small considering tho advantages recoived in the bor ough over the township. The committee Is aware that now is a good timo to put forth an extra efTort to bring in at least all of tho thickly-settled portion of Texas township adjacent to tho borough, and thus glvo tho borough itself a standing which It never can receive while confined within Its present limits. In addition to the above the ohalrman of this committee stated that thero Is a different feeling In Texas township in regard to annexa tion of that township to tho borough of Honesdale.. fit Is tho thought of the most progressive that annexation would bo better for everybody now living in Texas township, remarked Mr. McCarty. Instead taking In sec tions of Texas by piece-meal, if It wero admitted as a whole It would be more satisfactory, claimed tho chair man of tho committee. On motion the report was accepted and ordered to bo placed on tile. The expense bill of L. Rlumenthal and R. J. Murray, special committee on the Gurney Electric Elevator Company, amounting to $112.40, was presented and ordered paid. W. W. Wood's bill for expense to Allentown and .Philadelphia in the Interest of tho Globe Yarn Company, 125.85, was also ordered paid. Other bills amounting to $22.10 for advertising Erie timetable, etc., wero ordorcd paid. Two new names were presented for membership. 'A committee was appointed to wait upon Ilonesdale's old 'Board of Trade to ascertain whether or not tho present Board of Trado could not secure tho money of tho old Hoard that is lying idlo in the bank. Honesdale Vs. Carhondale. Tho ilrst game In tho Carbondalo series will bo playod hero on Satur day, Juno 22. Tho roturn gnmo will bo played In Carbondalo on Juno 30. Tho third game will bo playod hero, Saturday, July 14, while tho fourth will bo playod In Carbondalo on July 20. Tho fifth, or deciding gamo of tho series will bo playod In all probability on tho Loaguo Park grounds In Scranton. Tho dato has not yet been fixed. Bat torles for Honesdalo, Saturday, Juno 22: Hessllng and Sandorcock; Car bondalo, Doc. Whalen, Feo. Every body who conies to this gamo 1b as sured or their money s worth. WHO IS THE DOG POISONER? Has Honesdalo Such a .Man, or Woman, Who Can be Guilty of Such an Unlawful Practice? The dog poisoner Is again active and In the samo old location. Citizens with respect for law nnd order as well as the authorities have been outraged by tho frequent cases that have been reported lately. Tho last case reported was on Saturday when a dog owned by a resident of West street was poisoned by strychnine. Tho perpetrators of these unhuman deeds ought to bo hunted out and made to pay tho full penalty of tho law. Tho Prevention or Cruelty to Animals Society of Honesdale havo done great work along that line and we hope their work will be extended along tho lines of preventing this atrocious slnughter of dumb animals. It is undeniably true that In most cases the animal has been a nuisance and for that reason has been put out of the way, but that fact, however, docs not excuso any person taking upon himself the duties of the law. If the animal has been a nuisance or in any way offensive it is his duty to report the case to the proper au thorities. It is Inconceivable how a person in his right senses, who other wise apparently is a model citizen, can bring himself down so low, morally, as to deliberately plan and execute the murder of a dumb ani mal. Does the act bring him Joy? Does he gloat over tho victory as a savage would over the destruction of a human being? Tho act can only bring him a feeling of repugnance, unless ho has a cast-iron conscience and has no regard for the laws of nature or of the better promptings of his inner self. Suspicion points toward the guilty person. Are these conditions to continue? If so, It will not bo safe for any person to keep a high pedigreed dog, without being continually handicapped by the thought that it will be the next to meet its fate. This practice is ono of the most atrocious and cowardly conceivable to the mind, as well as being a pun ishable offense.. It is a wanton de struction of personal property with out regard to law and order and should not go unpunished. $8,000 FOR MAIN STREET State Has Tills Amount In Reserve for Honesdale Paving Will Prob ably Begin This Fall Board of Trade Instigators of Move ment. We have been authentically in formed that there Is $8,000 in re servo for Honesdale and will be used in assisting the town in paving Main street. Tho -money Is in tho State treasury and will bo expended by tho State Highway department as a por tion of its share In giving Honesdale a better road. Tho $8,000 Is avail able any time the town council de sire It. Tho paving of Main street with brick will, in all probability, be com menced this fall and tho balance fin ished next summer. Before tho work of paving can begin tho road bed necessarily must bo cut down twelve Inches to get tho proper foundation. Tho pave can bo no higher than the present grade. The pave will be a mile In length, extending from Homer Greene's residence to the Gurney Electric Elevator lino on South Main street. The paving question is only an other of the many things that the Greater 'Honesdalo 'Board of Trade has been the Instigators of. The matter of paving Main street with brick was fathered by tho Board of Trade. A petition recommending a pavo from the State bridge south to Fourth street was presented tho council, who In turn appointed a committee to go to Harrlsburg to as certain whether or not State aid could bo secured. Tho announce ment made by the council that pav ing will probably begin this fall, Is Indeed gratifying nows. . .Children's Day at M. E. Church. Tho Children's ay program was given In tho iMethodlst church Sun day morning, Juno 16, at 10:30 o'clock. The music was undor the direc tion of C. J. Dibble, assisted by Leon Katz, violinist. Recitations wore given by Kath erlno Partridge, Edna Penwarden, Edith Kimble, Josiah Tuttle, Rosa line Wolfram, Hazel Marsh, Mar garet Crossley, 'Clifton Robinson, Edna Lesher, Kenneth Partridge, Dora Martin, Wayno Spettigue. Tho primary class sung several pretty songs. Tho occasion was made memor able by tho graduation of a largo .number of children 'from tho cradle roll to the primary class. Follow ing aro tho names: Marjorlo Saund ers, James Moore Spencer, Mar guerite E. Taylor, Helen L. Toms, Morlyn T. Williams, Kenneth A. Wolfram. (Miss Alary Jones has chargo of this department of the Sunday school. Tho diplomas were presented by Rev. W. H. Hiller. Much credit Is duo tho Superin tendent, Buol Dodge, and his com mittees for tho successful arrange ment of the program, and tho lino docoratlons. Soveral children wero baptized at this service INDEPENDENTS ESTIMATE QUESTIONABLE. Notwithstanding tho fling In tho Independent of today Tho Cltizon's ostimato of tho now Gurney Electric Elovator plant Is a conservative ono according to information recoived from cortaln officials of the olovator works. Somo pooplo get so used to llv 4ng In tho past that they hato to got up In tho morning. ATTORNEY ILOFF IN COURT AGAINST HISNEIGHBOR All AImiiii a Wagon Standing on tho Walk Witnesses Story of tho Allah- Verdict, Not Guilty Plalnllir to Pay Three-fourths of Cost. Tho case that has been exciting borough-w Ide Interest, that of Attor ney Peter H. Iloff against Clarence E. Bond, both residents of Texas township, the chargo being assault and battery, was brought to trial early Monday afternoon, Judge A. T. Searlc, presiding. Both parties In the action arc neighbors on Fair Avenue and the caso is the outcome of a quarrel of several months' stand ing between the two families. Searle & Salmon represented the de fense whilo tho prosecution was vig orously pushed by District Attorney M. E. Simons. After a short delay the following Jurors wero chosen: Wesley Decker, Hawley; Daniel Gray, Canaan; Stanley II. Hines, Preston; Wallace Cramer, Waymart; John T. Bradley, Damascus; O. W. Treverton, Berlin; N. O. Walker, Clinton; Charles Keller, Lebanon; Clarence Gardner, Scott; J. C. Wittlg, South Canaan; 'Wm. Cole, Texas; H. L. Hartford, Sterling. The commonwealth opened tho prosecution with a short sketch to the jury of what was to bo proved by them In the case. Peter H. Iloff was tho first witness called. Ho stated that he was the prosocutor in the case and that he lived in Texas township and when asked about the occurrence on April 1C he stated that about twelvo o'clock ho drove home and began unhitching his horse, his father-in-law, John Hallet, assisting, when Bond came up to tho side of tho road where they were, with his shirt sleeves rolled up, mak ing considerable noise and using abusive language. Mr. Hallet pro ceeded to unhitch tho horse and took it to tho barn. While this was going on Bond began pushing the wagon into the road and Iloff states that he pushed Bond out of the shafts and pulled the wagon out of tho road. It is alleged that Bond then grabbed him and Iloff fell .backwards, strik ing his head and shoulders on the walk, while Bond proceeded to pound him. Accorlng to lloff's tes timony ho received a cut over tho left eye and one under the right eye lash, both cuts being about an inch long and very deep, causing the blood to flow profusely so he could hardly see. Ho was helped to tho house by his wife. He stated that his house was the second house on the road toward the river and he had to pass the house to get to his barn. On the other side of his barn was the school houso and on tho same side of tho road. On being cross-examined he said that It was customary for him to leave his wagon on tho side of tho road but dented that tho wagon was on the walk. Ho stated that the road was dry and In good condition on that day. Ho denlod having struck Bond first or of having been Intoxicated at the time but confessed to having taken a drink during tho day. When asked what his average dally drink amounted to he said ho couldn't say exactly. Mrs. P. H. Iloff was sworn. She corroborated most of her husband's testimony and stated that ho was perfectly sober on that day. Sho stated further that Dr. Powell was called to attend her husband and that he was confined to the house for about four weeks and to his bed three or four days. When asked to tell of tho conversation that took place the night before the fight, be tween her father and Mr. Bond, she testified that in torms not generally heard in polite society, Bond told her father not to touch tho wagon but to call out Iloff that he wanted to kill him, or to that effect. On be ing cross-examined sho stated that they never had any trouble or dis pute over the wagon being on tho sldo walk before. John Hallet sworn. His testi mony only corroborated that previ ously given as to tho fight, condi tion of tho road and tho conversa tion of tho previous night relative to Iloff. Ho stated that ho made his home with his daughter, who Is Mrs. P. H. Iloff. On being pressed in cross-examination ho said ho wouldn't say whothor Iloff was or wasn't under tho influence of liquor that day. David Stevens sworn: He stated that he was a pupil In the school next to lloff's barn and witnessed tho beginning of the fight. Dr. Powell was sworn: Ho stated his visit to Iloff April 16, about Ave o'clock to dress the wounds. He stated the nature of tho wounds over tho loft eye and on tho right oyelld, to be only skin wounds and not seri ous. Tho cross-examination brought out nothing deflnlto furthor than tho testimony already given. Ho said ho could not state whother Iloff had or had not been drinking. Ho stated that Iloff was delirious part of the tlmo but could not say whether tho effect of a blow on a man who has been drinking continually for five years would bo dlfforent than on a man of normal habits. Ho stated further that ho had ad vised Iloff not to drink liquor. Allen Bodlo sworn. Ho testified to having heard Bond discuss tho af fair in tho Hotel Wayno a few days after tho occurrence In which Bond stated that ho hrtd given Iloff a good trimming. Wlnnlo Klmblo tes tified to having heard Bond make somo remarks about tho fight. P. H. Iloff wa? agali. called and discussed tho location of tho walks of that neighborhood. With his testniony the commonwealth rested. After a brief addross to tho jury by Attorney R. M. Salmon In which (Continued on Pago Five.)