THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1912. PAGE FIVE FOR SALE. GOOD CABBAGE PWANTS AT H. V. KEDN'S, Wnymart, Wayne county, I'a. 100 for 20c; 1000 for ? S. C. DUFF ORPINGTON EGGS. Blooded stock. ?1.00 Betting of 15. F. B. Lord, Honcsdalo, Pa. 24cit CABBAGE, CAULIFLOWER AND tomato plants for salo at Andrew Lloblg's, 307 High street. -JCt3 FOR SALE WELL EQUIPPED machine shop and garngo located on Industrial Point. Honesdale. Business established 20 years. Best known glass cuttors' supply con cern In tho United States. Edward G. Jenkins, Honesdale, Pa. 42tf. MISCELLANEOUS. TWO OR THREE GIRLS WANTED at box factory at once. 37tf. CO MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO learn glass cutting. Krantz, Smith Co., Honesdale, Pa. 23oltf DOA1VD WANTED BY MAN OF nilddlo ago and of clean habits, in private family. No extras desired. Suburbs preferred. Address "X," Citizen olllce. Honesdale Pa. 45t2 LOCAL NEWS Born, a son, to Mr. and Mrs. Friend Blsblng, Terrace street, Tuesday. Children's Day exercises will be observed at tho Presbyterian church punday morning, Juno 10. The woman who "sends out of town for everything" may soon have to send her husband out of town for n job. ttev. A. L. Whlttaker will jireach tho baccalaureate sermon at the Graco Episcopal church on iSun Hay evening. Owing to the falling of some bricks around tho boiler of the Dur-land-Weston Shoe company, work ;was suspended Tuesday. Prof H. A. Oday nas been given the h nor of marshalling the third division of th Firemen's parade in Ininniore on Thursday, Juno 13. It is reported that ten glass cutting shops in Brooklyn are on a strike. Tho manufacturers, it is claimed, are holding out for an open shop. John Crosby has provided a liome for Charles O'Connor, an or phan, late of Pleasant Mount. Tho young man is employed In Mr. Cros by's store. Frank J. Varcoe purchased a new black horse Tuesday. He has about completed the concrete foun dation for W. B. Holmes' new gar age on East street. Tho Scranton, Trust company has posted notices of sale of all the property formerly owned by the Honesdale Shoe Co., including their accounts receivable. The sale Is to take place June 29. Decatur Holbert received word from Langhorn, Arizona, of the death of Catherine Barnes, daughter of Newton (Barnes and wife, of the late Mr. Langhorn. The deceas ed Is a relative of Mrs. Peter Barnes at this place. Mrs. Frank Shumway entertain ed a few friends and neighbors at a lawn party, at her home on corner of East and Thirteenth streets Tues day afternoon. Progressive 500 was played, Mrs. Harry Richards win ning first prize. Eleventh street Is being dug up preparatory to making a solid stone road from tho Gurney Elevator fac tory to Main street. Seaman & Brenneman are employed by the coun ell to make the change. After the road will have been dup up stone will be placed thereon and rolled. A town the sizo of Honesdale ought to have its own sprinkling wagon, team for lire purposes, street work and man stationed In the city hall to caro for same. In the winter the team could be given daily exer cise by drawing coal for tho public. This also would bring In some reve nue to tho town. State Fish Commissioner N. R. Buller says that he looks for some fino bass fishing this summer In spite of tho weather conditions of tho early spring. Reports have been received which show bass In many sections of tho state and especially in tho Susquehanna and eastern rivers. Tho bass season will open on June 15. -On Sunday evening at 7:30 in St. John's Roman Catholic church, the Angels Sodality will be organ ized It will Include girls between the ages of seven and sixteen. This will bo tho first time that an Angels Sodality was ever organized In this church. Rev. Thomas Jordan, of Hawley, who Is well known In Honesdale, having been an assistant of Uhat church at one time, will deliver the sermon on that occasion. -The opening chapters of a serial entitled " Both Sides of tho Shield," a romance of love and war, written by Major Archibald W. Butt, tho hero of tho fated Titanic, appears In this issue of Tho Citizen. Tho story has set America and Europe to talking You will ho captivated by the soldier's description of llfo and events below Mason and Dixon's line. If you aro not a subscriber send us your namo and wo will for ward The Citizen to your address while It Is running for 25c. Becauso somo peoplo rcfuso to pay $1 per month for having tho road in front of thoir respective business houses sprinkled, tho ma jority have to swallow tho other man's dirt. This Is not right. A firm or Individual ought not bo- grudgo $1 per month to havo tho dust kent down In front 01 nis store on Main street. Tho sprinkling cart was missed Thursday morning until Nature came to tho rescue and laid tho dust. Somo. however, rather than havo tho dust como into their stores and Injure their stock, sprinkled in front of their places 00 foro tho rain. Tho town ought to own tho equipment or be responsible lor the sprinkling or Main street Tent caterpillars aro numreous this year. Try a eent-a-word ad In Tho Citizen. It means quick results. 'Born, a daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Whitney, of West boro, Mass., on Tuesday. F. F. Schuller hns installed a beautiful and modern soda fountain In hla confectionery store. Mr. and Mrs. Lostor Mclntyre, of Bcachlakc, aro tho parents of a daughter born Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fltzo, of Whites Valley, aro tho proud par ents of n son born Wednesday, Juno 5th. -Read " Both Sides of tho Shield," by Major Archibald Butt, tho hero of the Titanic, In to-day's Citizen. Tho Hawley High School Alum ni Association hold their nnnual ban quet on Thursday evening. M. J. Hanlan, former prothonotary, was toastmaster. "iBoth Sides of tho Shield," by Major Archibald W. Butt, tho TI tanlc's hero, Is a new serial that starts In to-day's Citizen. It will bo found on pngo three. On Thursday morning at 11:30 at tho Methodist parsonago IRev. Will II. Hlller united in marriage Percy Minor, of Wnymart, and Miss Francis Richardson, of Prompton. (Heavy rains In tho very near future aro alleged to bo a necessity to save tho Winter wheat country from a calamity. The drouth and hot winds are said to be playing havoc. Tho citizens of Towanda will vote Saturday to see whether they will authorize council to Issue ?50, 000 In bonds for street paving. There is also a move on foot there to Install a fire alarm system. Ttoyal Brooks of Gravity and Miss Hila Stinnanl also of Gravity, were married at the Methodist par sonage by Rev. Will II. Hlller on IWedncsday afternoon. They de parted Immediately for their home in Gravity. Theodore Roosevelt ' says of " Both Sides of the Shield." by Ma jor Archibald W. Butt: " This story Is the best description of Southern life I havo ever read." You can also read It. Found on page throe of to day's Citizen. Tho Ladles' Aid society of the t'Oiheiton Presbyterian church gave a Poverty soiial at the church on Tuesday evening. A largo attend ance was present and a neat sum realized. Mush and milk, corn bread and coffee was served. Despite all tho rain that has fallen of late the Lackawaxen and Dyberry rivers have dropped several Inches. Notwithstanding this, farm ers in several parts of Wayne coun ty have been unablo to plant their respective farms owing to wet ground. The county commissioners, aside from awarding the contract for repairing tho jail, mention of which was made In our last issue, paid bills and did other routine work. Two brdges In Dyberry town ship were inspected and will be re planked. The marriage of Ralph Tegeler and Miss Lillian Canfleld, of near Galilee, has been announced to take place at the home of the bride s par ents on Tuesday, June 11, at high noon. Both tho young people aro well known through that section of the county. There Is a borough ordinance against the firing of explosives of any kind within tho borough limits ex cepting on Independence Day or July 4th, and on that day not earlier than C a. m. 'Burgess C. A. McCarty has given orders that this ordinance bo strictly enforced. Eminett Tennent has purchased a homo on Ridge street and has moved his household goods from the Hudson house on Park street, where he has lived slnco April 1st, to his new home. Carl Lymbach and grandmother will occupy the rooms vacated by Mr. Tennant. Protection Engine Company No. 3 held a meeting on Wednesday evening at which time arrange ments wero made regarding the company's attendance at tho Six- County Firemen's Convention in Dunmoro next Thursday, June 13. A special train will convey the mem bers of Protection Engine and Alert llro companies to Dunmoro that day via line. The train Is scheduled to leavo 'Honesdale station at 8:30 a. m., and returning it will leave Dun moro at 10 o'clock. Faro, adults, $1.50, children under 12 years, 75c. Five thousand men aro expected to bo In lino. 'Sixty bands and drum corps will also participate In tho parade. Chief II. A. Oday of this placo will marshal tho third division, which will be composed of 20 com panies. President Taft Favors Better Fac tory Conditions. Washington, Juno C. Indorsing legislation contemplating betterment of factory conditions and taking a covert slap at Colonel (Roosevelt, President Taft opened tho twenty sixth annual meeting of the Inter national Association of Factory In spectors. "There Is so much pretenso of re form," tho president said, "to gain public support," he added after a pause, "that It Is a real pleasuro to bo among tho real workers." Taft endorsed tho workmen's com pensation act and tho antl-phosphor-ous match bills, pending In congress, and said ho hoped congress would provldo for a commission to investi gate occupational diseases. Tho workmen's compensation act, ho said would eliminate two-fifths or half of tho present litigation In damage cases. Tho president Involghod against the law's delays and said that from a pecuniary standpoint it was somo times notter for a man with a damago suit to bo beaten in tho first Instance rather than to win aftor soveral years of expensive and tedious litigation. OAltl) OF THANKS. Patrick Weir, and family deslro to express their appreciation forall tho sympathetic kindness extended to them by residents or 'Honesdale and .elsowhoro In their lato bereave ment, at John Krantz Is In Now York city on buslnoss. Paul Dean Is tho guest of Carbon dalo friends. Frank Dupplus Is tho guest of relatives here. Edward Deltzer Is on a business trip to New York. iDanlcl Osborn is spending a few days In tho Metropolis. Miss Corn SIlby Is spending the week In Newark Valley. Gcorgo Fleming has returned to Ilia lionio In Cnrbondnlc. Mrs. Eugono 'Matthews ,1s visit ing relatives In Scranton. Miss Kathryn Buss of Hawloy Is the guest of Honcsdalo friends. Harold Schocll returned to his home In New York City on Saturday. Ed. Bader Is working nt his trade, glass cutting, In the Aldcnvllle shop. Leopold Fuorth and Harry Deck were Sholiola business callers on Tuesday. Emll Wolchel, of Scranton, was a business caller In town the first of tho week. Or. J. W. Balta ' and Nicholas Hessllng were In Parkers Glen Wednesday. Fred I. Cook, circulation manager of the Scranton Truth, was a caller In town today. Misses Gusta Crockenburg and Gertie Bea of Hawley are the guests of friends here. Ralph Brown, of Lafayi-tte Col lege, recently spent a tew days with his mother here. .Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Whalen were recent guests of Plttston and Wllkes-Barre relatives. Miss .leanette Ross, of Clinton, N. Y.. is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Torrey. .Miss Sadie Spettlguc has returned from a two weeks' vacation with friends in Carbondale and Scranton. Miss Florence Lllllo, of Clinton, Is spending tho week-end with her aunt, Mrs. Geo. P. Ross, on Dyberry Place. Miss Anna Ward returned to Scranton 'Wednesday after spending somo time with her parents on Park' street. Mrs. Horace Smith and little son, of Easton, are making a visit with Mr. ana Mrs. E. T. Smith of Thir teenth street. Miss Elizabeth Resso will leave for her home In Scranton today af ter spending tho month with Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith. Rev. C. C. Miller has returned from South Bethlehem, where he has been In attendance at the Luther synod in that city. Mrs. Nellie Dursheimer, who was being cared for at the home of W. ID. Rowo, Adella, was taken to tho Emergency hospital, Carbondale, Sunday afternoon. William Connelly, who for two years has been employed In Crosby's grocery store, has accepted" a position with the Gurney Electric Elevator company. 'He is succeeded by Chas. Klees. Mrs. Ulysses Beers Is visiting her husband and son, Attorney Fred Beers, in Dalton. Mr. Beers has been at his son's farm all winter, where ho has had charge of a large flock of chickens. STALKER AND B RAMAN. (Special to Tho Citizen.) Stalker and Braman, June C. Tho dedication of tho church has been changed from Juno 23 to the 1C. Farmers havo their oats sowed and their planting pretty nearly done. Grant Teeple, who has been in a hospital in New York City, sick with pneumonia, is reported better and expected homo this week. The next meeting of the L. A. S. will be with Mrs. John Schnacken burg June 13. Esther Hurlicoper and Edith Stalker attended a picnic at Han kins last Saturday. Russel Stalker and son Arthur visited relatives hero last Sunday. Mrs. Louis Rauner and daughtor, Alice, visited her soil Frank In Sus quehanna recently. Simon Kelly of Tioga county, is spending some time with his fathor and other relatives here. Nicholas Kelly, Simon and Emma, spent last Sunday at Hanklns going over with Henry Many in his new auto. Miss Alllo Allen made a trip to Liberty last week and her brother, Walter, returned with her. It Is reported tho river Is full of shad. CENTERVILLE. (Special to Tho Citizen.) Centorvllle, Juno C. Mrs. Richard Simons died at her homo hero on Tuesday evening. Tho funeral was held at her homo on Sunday, Rev. Ireat officiating. In terment was mado In tho Salom cemetery. Mrs. Robert Marshall Is spending a few weeks with relatives In Scran ton. Wlllio Garrlty spent a fow days with relatives in Scranton. Frank Marshall spent Memorial Day In Scranton. Mrs. Jack Sooby, of 'Scranton, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kimble and wifo. Elizabeth Garrlty of Philadelphia returned to her homo horo on Mon day. Mrs. John McGlnloy of Philadel phia Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Garrlty. Professor John Leo, who was tho organist of St. John's R. C. church last year, staged tho drama "Tho Dream," which was given in 6t. Paul's church, Green Ridge, this week. It was a great success. Something to Make the Fly' Llfo' Miserable. A cheap and rellablo fly poison, which Is not tlangoroua to human life, Is blchromnto of potash In solu tion. Dissolve ono drnm, which may bo bought at nny drug store, In two ounces of wntor; add a llttlo sugar, and placo about tho hotiBO In shallow dishes. To clear rooms of files use car bolic acid, heating a shovel and pouring on It 20 drops of tho poison. Tho vapor will kill tho flics. Anoth er method: iBurn pyrethrum powder In tho room. Tho files will fall to tho floor stupefied and may bo swept up and burned. The powder should bo moistened and molded Into cones, and, after drying, each cono should be placed upon a dish and lighted at tho top. It will hum slowly, and the odor Is not disagreeable. Flies pass tho winter hidden In cracks and holes In attics and cel lars. Mnny of theso may bo killed In the spring by tho two methods just described. Be sure that all drugs and chemi cals used are fresh and pure, other wise results may not be satisfactory. TO FIGHT FOREST KIKES. Poslmnster-Geiicrnl Adds Almost 55,- OOO Men to tho Fighting Force. Washington. By an order Issued Postmaster-General 'Hitchcock has strengthened tho forest fire preven tive forces by almost 55,000 men. These men are tho rural and star route earners of tho postal service who are directed to co-operate with the forest rangers and State fire war dens whenover and wherever possi ble. Forost fires last year destroyed approximately $50,000,000 worth of property. The Department of Agri culture has been anxious to Increase in eveiy way the efficiency of Us pre ventive sfivlce. Postmaster-General Iitchcock has found tho way to of fer assistance and as soon as his plan was found feasible tho order re ferred to was Issued. There are about 42,000 rural and 13,000 star route carriers. Their routes for tho most part He through tho wilder and moro sparsely Inhab ited parts of the country. Every day these carriers pass over moro than a million miles of road. Over their regular paths thoroforo they have every opportunity to observe closely what is going on. The carriers' duty on observing fire or Indications of possible lire will bo to notify tho nearest forest official or fire warden. If It 19 im possible for him to do this in person he must secure tho services of some citizen, who will transmit tho mes sago by telephone If possible. Post masters In or near national forests are also Instructed to report any fires they observe to the nearest for est official. St. Mary Magdalen's German Catholic. Rev. Dr. J. W. Balta, pastor. Sunday masses 8:30 and 10:30 a. m.; benediction 7:30 p. m. St. John's Roman Catholic. Rev. John O'Toole, pastor; Rev. Edward Burke, assistant. Masses Sunday morning 8:30 and 10:30. 'Benediction 7:30 p. m. Vespers 3 p. m., first Sunday of each month. Presbyterian. Rev. W. H. Swift, ID. D., will preach next Sunday morning upon "Lead Us Not Into Temptation." Thero will be no 5 o'clock service owing to tho baccalaureato sermon In Graco Episcopal church. Kpiscopnl Church. Graco Episcopal church, Sunday, June 9, 1912: Morning Prayer and Sermon, 10:30; Sunday school at 12 IM.; and at 7:30 p. m., will bo held the annual commencement service of the Honesdale High school. The Rector will preach tho sermon. The ministers of tho various churches will take part In tho service. In addition to tho above services thero will he a brief servlco of Evening Prayer at C:30. Tho first servlco held in Christ church, Indian Orchard, after Its consecration will bo next Sunday, June 9, at 10:30, followed by Sun day school at 11:30. A cordial In vitation Is extended to all to worship In Christ church and to co-operate In its work. Episcopal service will bo held in tho White Mills church Sunday, June 9, at 3:15 p. m. All aro in vited. Christ Church Aftcriiinrtli. Christ Episcopal church, Indian Orchard, has a Sunday school of 40 pupils enrolled. Rev. Dexter Fay, tho new rec tor, will preach every alternato Sun day and Thursday evenings at In dian Orchard, Hamlin being tho oth er charge. The church services will commenco at 10:30 a. m.. and Sunday school at 11:30. Tho church has a lino choir com posed of a number of young people of musical talent. Miss Jane Hagao man, Honcsdalo, and Joseph Falk, Indian Orchard, aro leaders; Miss Laura Ham, organist. Other mem bers of tho choir: Misses Maude Smith, Ethel Bunnell. Mary Major, Cora Wicks, Mabel Wagner, Bessie Gregory, Jcsslo Ham and Georgo Neimoyer. Chester Smith Is also a vestryman. Small bills amounting to $102 will bo taken caro of by tho Ladles' Guild of tho church. Tho total cost of Christ church was $3,245, whllo thero has boen $2,907 paid in cash. Labor to tho amount of $278 was contributed. Tho nccounts of tho finance com mltteo havo been audited by W. II. Ham, W. K. Hlttlngor and Thomas cm. Methodist. 'Services at 10:30 a. m. Sormon, "Tho Quest for God." Sunday school at noon. Epworth League at 0:45 p. ra. There will bo no ser vices In tho evening. Union services will bo held at tho Graco Episcopal church on Sunday evening. Peaches Aro Not Wiped Out. Ponnsylvnnla's peach trees wero not wiped out by tho sevoro cold of last winter by a long shot, and thoro are prospects that peaches will bo raised In many counties of tho state, although tho crop will likely bo tho smallest known In years. This Is the way Dr. 01. A. Surfaco sizes up the situation after a careful study of his own observations and tho re ports made to him by Inspectors from various parts of Pennsylvania. "Of courso, tho damago done to trees wns very great," said ho, "but It is absurd to say that but ono or two localities escaped. 1 havo hoard from all over the Stato to tho ef fect that trees survived, and I am coming to tho belief that, except In orchards which wero In exposed lo calities, many trees will bo found alive." WHAT .MIGHT HAVE HEEX. It Is appalling to think what might have been, If the fire, which burned out tho Interior of the Cunard liner Carmnnla whllo lying at her dock at Liverpool during Sunday night and Tuesday morning had broken out when she was at sea, fully ladon with cargo and passengers. The Carmanla was a comparatively now ship, having been launched only seven years ago, and was tho first steamship of great size to uso tur bine engines. She was 078 feet long, 21,000 tons reglstor, and was built to carry more thnn 2. GOO passengers and a crew of 450 persons. Although tho fire was discovered at Ave oclock Sunday afternoon It was burning Tuesday morning, al though It had been fought all night by every available fireman and fire engine In the great city of Liverpool and tho lire extinguishing appliances of many tugs and salvage boats. If the ship had been at sea and had had to light unaided the fire In her vitals, with a thousand barrels of oil on board, the Titanic horror might have been eclipsed. Tho reports say that thero seemed to be a separate fire In half a dozen different centres and as fast as one was subdued an other broke out, although the Car mania was divided into thirteen water-tight compartments. Here Is another problem for ma rine architects: Tho great liners must be mado not only unslnkable but un burnnblo, beforo tho dangers of ocean travel will be overcome. Har rlsburg iPatrlot. TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE. A. L. Whlttaker, trustee, to wardens of Christ Church, lot at Indian Orchard, $1.00. Levi A. Patterson, Carbondale, to Frank (Hollenbeck, of samo place, parcel of land In Preston township, $25. James O. Mumford, Honesdale, to Edgar Mills, Preston, land in said township, $1 and other valu ablo consideration. Charles H. Schardt to Roy White of Gravity, lot In borough of Haw ley, $05. Heirs of Clarcella Minckler to Sandfor Minckler, Manchester town ship, land In said township, $100. Harriet B. Many and H. C. Many of Damascus, to Jacob Theobald, of Cochecton, N. Y., land in Damas cus township, $1. Virginia Shaffer and Clarence Shaffer to Georgo Heller, both of Damascus, 1'25 acres In said town ship, $1.00. Heirs of Charles G. Stern to C. N. Fuller, Scott, seven acres In Scott township, $71. Abram Hafler and wife, of Lake township, to Jacob Schnell, of Buf falo, N. Y 95 acres In said town ship, $1,000. A. J. Schlager and wife and Ida Belle Kent and others of Bingham ton, to F. E. Putnam, of Harmony, land In Scott township, $500. UONESDAIiE MAHKET . Corrected Every Thursday By J. II. Stegiier & Sons. - Asparagus, Wayno county, 35 Rhubarb, bunch 05 Potatoes, Wayno county, pk. 50 Potatoes, Scotch, pk. 35 Potatoes, now, pk CO Potatoes, sweet, 2 qts 25 Wax beans, qt. 10 Lima beans 10 Tomatoes, qt. 20-25 Cucumbers, each 3-5 Onions, Bermuda, qt. 10 Onions, green, bunch 05 Radishes, bunch 05 Parsley, bunch 10 Greon peas qt. 10 Lettuco, head, each 10-15 Lettuco, curly, each 8-10 Cabbage, head 5-10 Strawberries, qt 12-15 Bananas, doz. 10-25 Oranges, doz. 20-25 Lemons, doz. 25-30 Tomato Plants, Plttston, doz. 15 FISH Halibut, steaked 22 Codilesh, steaked 20 Bluollesh, lb. IS Weakflsh, lb. 15 Mackerel, fresh, each 50-CO Buck Shad, each 40-50 Clams, opened, doz. 20 Mackerel, salt. No. 1, each 40 Mackerel, salt, No. 2, each 15 Codfish, salt, x lb. jikgs. 12V.-1G CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature Problem A window and storo of good Jew elry minus tho articles sold there from every day. Answer: A pleased customer and a happy graduate. Of courso wo'ro talking of ROWLAND JEWELRY BOY SCOUTS EDITED BY ONE OF THEM Tho American boys in Japan wish to orgnnlzo a troop of boy scouts. Thero are Just about enough Ameri can boys betweon twclvo and eigh teen In Kyoto, Japan, to form a pa trol of boy scouts. They havo read of tho 'Boy Scouts of America and through .Marvin IB. Davis, they have written to James 'E. West, Chief Scout Executive of tho Boy Scouts of America, explaining their desire. The plan Is now on foot to havo Davis mado a scout master and to take active charge of tho boys. Ac cordingly, the boy scouts will soon bo taking hikes in Japan. A ship ment of badges and manuals will soon bo mado to them. A troop of tho Boy Scouts of America has been organized In tho Colorado School for the Deaf and tho Blind In Colorado Springs, Colo rado. Fred Bates, Boys' Supervisor in tho school has received a commis sion as Scout Master and has taken active charge of tho work. Ho haa organized ono patrol of deaf boys and In tho other two patrols has boys who aro blind. 'Bates who was edu cated In tho school for tho deaf and the blind is much Interested not only In the Scout Movement, but In tho training of tho boys In tho Insti tution. He writes that ho thinks the 'Scout movement will help tho boys in tho school to bo better known and bettor understood among boys who are not so afflicted. The School Citizens Committee of Now York of which Lyman Beecher jStowe Is secretary looks upon tho Boy Scout principles as tending to develop boys Into upright citizens. The committee has prepared this par agraph concerning iBoy Scouts: "Every man counts In this govern ment business and If you fall to do your share or I fall to do mine the business falls behind to just that ex tent. Your interest is going to count much if you live up to the Boy Scouts' Ideals and apply them as a citizen, through attendance at all elections be they two or twenty a year through a close application to the city's, state's and nation's busi ness, through membership In good government, clubs, through willing ness to serve your fellow citizens In a small or large capacity and with out or with compensation, through a desire to be helpful in any direction you can in a word to become a Man Scout in the army of the com mon good. ( We wish to secure a good correspondent in every town in Wayne county. Don't be afraid to write this office for paper and stamped envelops. A Thrilling Three Act Comedy. At HIGH SCHOOL, Thursday JuneB Admission 1 0-20-25C EAITLEY ROS Accident, Boiler., Automobifie, INSURANCE ICONSOLID.VTKD PIIOXK 1-O-L. OPP. POST OFFICE, Honesdale, Pa, mm FSre3 Life.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers