PAGE TWO THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1912. EATS E Quash Indictment Against State Roosevelt Leader. DROWN BROUGHT ACTION. Declared by Sending Out Post Cards In Which "Fake Roosevelt" Candidate Was Mentioned Fllnn Libeled Him and Caused His Defeat. Unlontown, Pa., June 4. William Fllnn of Pittsburgh, Btnte leader of the Roosevelt campaign In Pennsylvania. whs indicted by the Brand Jury of Fayette county on charges of criminal libol brought by Edward D. Brown, a Unlontown attorney. Brown was n candidate for delcgnlu to the Chicago coiiTentlou, favoring Mr. HooeTclt for president. Ho as serted that by the needing out of post cards to the voters of Fayette county signed by Fllnn In which n "fake ltoosevelt candidate" was mentioned Flluu catiwed hit deficit. When the case was called In court Fllnn's counsel moved that the indict ment be Quashed, arguing that the pub llcation was not libelous. Despite ar guments to the contrary by counsel for the prosecution Judge Umbei granted the motion and quashed tin Indictment. GRATEFUL TO CAPT. ROSTRON, Hero Entertained at Mrs. Thayer and Mrs. Widener Homes. Philadelphia, Jun-j 4. Captain Ar thur Henry Rostrou, commander of the CimiK-d liner Carpathla, which sated the survivors of the Titanic disaster, returned to New York after a two day visit to this city, during which time he was the guest success lvely of Mrs. John B. Tliayer and Mrs. George D. Widener. The Oirpathla Bails for England, and her skipper had to be back on her bridge in time to Bnpervlse the llual details of departure. Captain Hostron wan taken to the Hndeuer country place, Lynnewood Ilnll, Ogontz, in Mrs. Wlucner's motor car. The trip gave tho captain an opportunity of viewing many of the beautiful suburbs of Philadelphia. Only members of the Widener family vrerr present nt the luncheon which followed the coptaln's arrival at the Widener home. INVADES TEMPLE OF TRUTH. Postoffico Inspectors Break Up Fash ionable Women Worship, Pittsburgh, Juno 4. Postofllcc In spectors and city detectives descended on the Rev. Jacob D. Burr.ard's "Tern plo of Truth," a frame building on the north, side, and interrupted the wor ship of Uie pastor and twenty-eight or thirty women members of his flock. The federal authorities wanted Buz zard on a charge of using the mails to defraud; the city authorities on Uie charge of fraudulent practices. The .women, tho majority of whom are married, were allowed to go on prov ing their Identity to the police. Buzzard gave fl.OOO ball in the fed eral court and a similar bond in the municipal court for hearings on Thurs day. United States Inspector Craig head couliscated a bushel of mall. LAD DIES OF LOCKJAW. Boy Suffered Because Mother Believed In Christian Science. Philadelphia, June 4. After suffering more than a week with tetanus with out a doctor because his mother hud faith in Christian Science treatment Henry Spoakman, eleven, died in the Children's hospital, where ho was tak en by friends. The bov was helping hang up tlfo family wash ten days ago when a clothes prop broke and u splinter of wood entered his hand. The mother tried to extract the piece of wood, but could not do so, and lockjaw resulted. NEEDLE IN HER HEART. Woman Kills Herself, but Not stantly, With Darning Needlo, In- Philadelphia. Juno 4. With u foui inch darning needle piercing her heart, Angelina Lconelll. a patient at the Pennsylvania Ilosirttal for the Insane, lived sis days. The cose is said to be without parallel In medical records. The woman pushed the needle through her heart with suicidal intent. It was not until Coroner Knight's physician performed an autopsy that it wus d!s covered. $90,000 to Charitable Institutions. Philadelphia, June 4. The will of Samuel Kohn, admitted to probato by the register in city hall places $00,000 in trust for churltable Institutions. The estate is valued at ?221,000. The exec utor of the estate, Simon I. Kohn, a brother, is directed to create a trust of $70,000, the income to be given to such Hebrew charities as tho executor may select, uiid another trust of $15,000 for the benefit of non-Hebrew charities. Tristate League At Lancaster York, 5; Lancaster, 4. At Trenton Trenton, 7; Altoona, 0. At Wilmington Wilmington, 5; Johnstown, 4. At Alientown Alleutowu, 8; Harris burs, 7. FLINN CAS HAPPY DAYS -FOR THE SOLVED SOOTH SEA MYSTERY Late Dr. Wocdworth Made Study, of the Palolo Worm a PUZZLE TO THE ZOOLOGISTS. Why the Creature Appeared at 3!45 a. m. on a Certain Day In Early No vember or Late In Octobsr of Each Year According to th Moon. Dr. William McMlchael Woodworth of the Museum of Comparative Zoolo gy at Harvard, who died recently, was Uie discoverer of tho solution of a mystery which had puzzled zoologists for half a century. This was the iden Utlcatlon of that mysterious worm of the Pacific ocean which makes Its ap pearance on 11 clockwork schedule once a .eor. exactly at 3:43 In the morning of a certain day In early November or late In October, according to the quar tcrinur of the moon. This remarkable animal is found on a certain few reefs of a few of tho south sea Islands. It occurs in parts of Samoa, in Tonga, in Fiji nd In some of the Now Hebrides and bears the name palolo In the several island tongues. Its recurrence each year is a matter of no little interest to the islanders, for it is esteemed as a deli cacy, being used raw, Just as it comes dripping from the salt water or cooked by steaming In the pit ovens. Either way It has the flavor of highly salted Bplnach and Is quite saUsfactory to the European palate. Differs From Other Animals. It differs from all known animals by reason of its strict observance of a calendar nil Its own, yet one which the islanders have learned to compute for themselves. The hour of its appear ance is the moment of slack water ebb nt tho third quarter of tho moon which comes nearest tho first of November. Five minutes before tho appointed time tho roof pools are empty, tho sweep of the lino nets used In the fish ery yield nothing but a water haul. All at once tho water becomes allvo with a writhing mass of worms, each of tho diameter of a pack thread and five or 6lx Inches long. Tho fishers ralso one shout of wild gleo when tho palolo appear, but that Is tho only shout, for afterward all mouths are crammed with the dainty morsels as fast as tho nets can scoop them up. In the earliest days of tho London mission In Samoa tho Itev. John B. Stair secured specimens of palolo and sent them preserved in alcohol to John Edward Gray of the British museum. By him their position In tho scale of the lower life was determined, crrone. ously it has slnco been proved. Ho gave tho specimens tho scientific name of Palolo virldls. For fifty years tho strange periodicity of tho palolo was n perpetual challengo to students, it was the despair of zoology. He Solved the Mystery. In 1808 Dr. Woodworth determined to solve the mystery, went to Samoa for tho purpose and established himself In a Samoan community nearest tho roof where the palolo crop was great est, at Falelatal, on tho south shore of tho Island of Upolu. In the earlier experience which ho had had In Fiji tho previous year, in tho consent of tho oxperlenco of all other students who had essayed tho problem, ho recognized that tho mero observation of tho rising of tho worms in the reef pools at the gray of dawn offered no soluUon. no prepared for tho event by establishing a rude laboratory In which ho could subject the reef itself to close examina tion. This consisted of a scries of ranks on tho shoro in which ho deposit ed lumps of coral cut from tho outer reef und kept them under a steady flow of water drawn from tho lagoon. Ho established tho necessary control by crumbling other coral blocks to pieces VOTER ARE AT HAND. -Gpwicer in Denver Republican. and identifying all tho worms discover ed In the crannies. On tho appointed morning, as soon as the first shouts coming out of tho dark ness across tho lagoon proved that tho palolo had appeared, Dr. Woodworth was delighted to discover by lantern light that the worms were rising from the coral In his tanks and that the laboratory was giving him tho oppor tunity for study which the reefs had for so many years refused to two gen erations of zoologists. In eager haste he picked tho coral blocks to pieces and was able to Qnd tho source of the edible worms. Gray In Error. !ray had been in error when he named the worms. His detcrmlnaUon was based on more fragments. Wood worth was able to boo the whole proc ess. The worms wcro not really worms, but only specific spawning or gans of a much larger -worm which never was Keen otslde U10 coral. This worm he identified as a member of a well known genus and established for it n new species under tho nnme of Eunice virldis. The history of the recurrence of the palolo became somewhat plain. Under the seasonal instinct to spawn the worms in the coral, each as large as a man's linger, shed the palolo to writhe for an hour in the still water of tho reef pools and by this means to insure tho continuity of life. It Is not yet known why this Instinct Is so true to the calendar of Its race, but Dr. Woodworth was able to solve the great er mystery. Streets of Paris. It is a misdemeanor to throw a piece of waste paper upou a Paris street. If a policeman sees you drop a pleco of paper ho walks up to you, pats you on the shoulder, begs your pardon for ad dressing you and tells you you have violated tho law and asks you to pick np what you hnvo thrown down. Old Time Natural History. Nash, a writer of tho sixteenth ceu tury, says, "If a hogge loseth an eye he dyeth presently;" also, "Goats take breath not at tho mouth and nose only. but nt ye earse (oars) also." Brazilian Ambassador Who Crit ioizes United States In Coffee Suit. ( mm. 'Ml Photo by American 1'ress Association. Washington, Juno 4. Tho Norrls bill to aid tho government's light against the so called coffee trust was favor ably reported today to the house. Authority to confiscate tho coffee seized at New York Is given in the bill. Senor Da Ganin, tho Brazilian am bassador to tho United States, has se verely criticised the government for its action in bringing suit against tho so called coffee trust l SEN0R DA GAMA. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOH THE MIDDLE DISTRICT OF PENNSYL VANIA. John J. Battman vs. Honesdalo Shoo Company. No. 100 February Term, 1911. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtuo of nn order of tho Cir cuit Court of tho United States for tho Mlddlo District of Pennsylvania, bearing date May 29, 1912, In the nbovo entitled causo on tho 29 day of Juno, 1912, nt oloven a. m. at tho promises, cornor of East and Thir teenth strcots in tho Borough of Honesdalo, County of Wayno nnd Stato of Pennsylvania, the Receiver of tho Honesdalo Shoo Company will sell at public sale to tho highest bid der, subject to conilrmntlon of tho Court, all of tho property of tho Honesdalo Shoo Company, both real and personal, Including the fran chises of said Company and uncol lected nccounts. The following Is a description of the property to bp soiu: 1. All of tho estate, real, nnrson al and mixed, lands, tenomonts and hereditaments, rights and privileges, easements anu appurtenances grant ed and convoyod by William H Krantz ot al. to tho said Hones dalo Shoe Company by deed of con veyance dated tho 17th day of Feb ruary, 1899, and recorded in tho Recorder's office in and for tho County of Wayno and State of l'onnsyivania on tho 18th day of February A. D. 1899, In Deed Book 84, p. 388, etc., designated and dc- scriood in -said deed and being as follows, to wit: All that certain lot of land situate in tho Borough of Honesdale, Wayno county, Pa., bounded on tho East fifty feet by East street; on tho North one hundrod and fifty feet by Thirteenth street; on tho West fifty feet by a lot now or lately owned by Mrs. Appley, and on tho South ono hundrod and fifty feet by a lot now or late of Henry Ames; tho forego ing real estate beinc used for tho business of the defondant as a shoe factory and being Improved with ono three-story and basement brick building, with a boiler house at tached, barn and shed and with tlx tures therein consisting of boiler. elevator, and engine, shaftine and hangers used In manufacturing busi ness. 2. 'And the licenses, franchise and corporate rights of said company. -uius receivanio and accounts due the (Honesdalo Shoe Comnanv are as follows: H. A. WIso, Luxora, Ark. 5125.00 Morris Wolfson, 52 G Forest Court, Scranton. Pa. 9.72 Armlnius Coal Co., Scottford. W. Va. 112.20 Tho McKinney Co.. Covinc- ton, W. Va. 271. SO Hamilton Coal & Coke Com pany, Howard Adams & Frederick 'A. Husted, Re ceivers, Marine Bank Bldg., uaiumore, Md. 391.40 L. F. Krantz, Honesdalo Footwear Co., Pa. Honesdale, 2.90 W. H. Krantz. Honesdalo Footwear Co.. Honesdale. Pa. 22.00 313.95 103.20 2.85 184.80 Massey Bros., Masseyvillo, w. Va. Louis Bloni, Barnesboro, Pa. 'P T.l T -.. 11 r x j.' . lYuuy, luuiuruso. ra. Louis Morris, Athens. Ga. Abo Kinsteln. Kimball. W. Va. f.9.00 D. Wiseberg, Donora, Pa. 108.42 Z. F. Fisher Estate. C. W. Grimm, Administrator, Cynthiana, Ky. 32.10 Saom Golob, Wilkes-Barre. Pa. if,. 17 Knapp Sanders Co., Rich- wood, W. Va. 1G3.91 Monarch Coal Co., Penning ton, va. 271. 3fi J. J. Jewell & Co.. Statesvillo. Tenn. 217.20 Aaronson & KopIaa, Fatten, Pa- 81.00 Miss Lulu Adkins, EIHots- vllle, Ky. 3,85 Wilder Bros., J. N. Saunders, Itefereo in Bankruptcy, Stanford, Ky. 31.19 (Ridgoview Coal Co. 157.78 Beckley & Campbell, Elms burg, Ky. 170 20 Iko Joseph, Forest City, Pa. 3.S0 R. J. Stanfleld, Lockerby & Bowen, Attys., Quincy, Mich. 129.G0 All of said property will bo sold free and clear of all Interest, Hens, encumbrances, wages, taxes, and charges in tho nature thereof. Terms of sale twenty-flvo per cont. at the time of sale and balance at time of confirmation. In pursuance of tho order of Court, the (Receiver reserves the right to require full paymont in cash for all personal property sold. Full information may be obtained from SCRANTON TRUST CO., 'Receiver, 51 C Spruce St., Scranton, Pa. Warren, Knapp & O'Malloy, Connell Bldg.. Scranton. Pa. O'Brien & Kelly, Clears Bldg., Scranton, Pa. Solicitors for Receiver. 44w4 TXT nyno Common Plena: Trial List T T Juno Term, 1912. Week of Juno 17. Wallentywlcz vs. Allen et. al. Klaussner vs. Do Broun. Solllck vs. Do Hroun. Theobald vs. 'Ramble. Holbort vs. Madaway. Conley vs. McKenna. Olszofskl vs. Kimble. Wayno Concroto Sunnly Co. vs. Cortrlght & Son. Noblo vs. Braman. Lovolass vs. Twp. of Damascus. Caroy vs. Twp. of Buckingham. Cortrlght & Son vs. Kroitnor Bros. et. al. Kroitnor Bros. vs. Cortricht & Son. Naglo vs. Lako Lodoro Improve ment Co. Hancock Crushed Bulldlntr Stonn Co. vs. Now York, Ontario & West ern R. It. Co. A. O. Blako vs. Horaco Dexter. I. L. Thomas vs. AV. M. Norton. Exr. John Sllnko ot. al. vs. Frank Kol- sey, ot. al. W. J. BARNES, Clork. Honesdalo, Pa., May 22, 1912. JOSEPH N. WELCH Fire Insurance The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Office: Second floor Masonic Build ing, over (J. C. Jadwin'a drug store Uonsdale. OF DAMAGED HARDWARE ! We have added to our list a number of attractive bargains winch we invito you to read over. The goods are not damaged to a great extent, therefore it behooves you to take advantage of our great fire sale. REVISED LIST Nails 50 cents to $1.50 per kog. Hinges 6 cts. per pound, now 3c lb, Locks 30 cts. each, now 15c each. Axes $1.25, now 75 cts. each. Sweeping compound 25 ct. pkg. now its cents. Nickle Tea nnd Coffee pots $1.25, now 65 cents oach. Hatchets 60 cts., now 35 cents each. Belting at greatly reduced prices. Heating Stoves $20.00, now $10.00 each. Moat Choppers $2.00, now $1.35. Wood measures 35c, nowlO c each. Metal Polish 50 c, now 30c can. Files 15c, now 7c each. Woodscrews 1-4 original price. Pocket Knives 00c, now 25c each. Razors $2.50, now $1.00 each. Padlocks 40 cents, now 16c each. Bath Room fixtures at greatly reduc ed pricos. Ropo 12 cts. lb, now 8 cts. lb. Poultry supplies at greatly reduced pricos. Varnish Stains, groatly reduced pricos. Shot guns, greatly reducod prices. Hunting Coate $2.25, now $1.25 ea. Shot Gun ehells, (smokeless) CO cts., now 40 cts. box. Carving Sets $3.50, now $1.50 set. Saw Clamps, $1.00, now 60 cts. each. Saw sots 75c, now 50 cts. each. Mrs. Pott's Sad Irons $1.15, now 85 cents per eot. Asbestos Sad Irons $1.75, now $1.25 sot. The FARMER MECHANI HONESDALE, PA. M. E. SIMONS, President. C. A. EMERY, Cashier. CAPITAL STOCK - - $75,000.00 Cornerof ANK WITH THE PEOPLE Main & 10th street Reasons Why I It represents more stockholders than any other bank in Wayne county. ITS DEPOSITS HAVE REACHED OVER THE $300,000.00 mark ami is steadily growing with the people's confidence and tho bank's progressive yet conservative methods. Its oxponso of management is limited to amount of business; together with it's trust funds invested in bonds and first mortgages on improved real ostato assures its de positors absoluto security. It treats its hundreds of small depositors with tho same courtesy as though their funds were deposited by ono or more persons. This bank comes under tho strict requirements of tho btate banking laws as all savings banks and is frequently visited by tho Pennsvlvanin Mt.-ifn lmnt nvnn;,n,. W;,i..c Having a board of directors consisting of sixteen of Wayno county s reliable business men and farmers. niKKCTOHS: M. B. Allen. H. Fowler. Georgo C. Abraham, W B. Guinnlp, J. Sam Brown, it. J. Hanlan. Oscar E. Bunnell, John E. Krantz, Win. H. Dunn, Fred W. Kroitnor, J. E. Tiffany. HORSES Wait for another consignment to nrrlvo in Honesdalo from Iowa tho early part of June. It will consist of DRAUGHT HORSES and MARES and FARM MARES All horses will como directly from tho farm and I will soo all horses working in harness before purchas ing. Horses will be sold as represented Watch this spaco for arrival of consignment. M. LEE B RAMAN Allen Houso Stable Church ""t. Axes and all kinds of handlos at greatly reduced prices. Barn Door Hangers 75 cents, now 40 cents per pair. Stovo Clay, 35 cents, now 25 cents package. Stovo Clay 25 cents, now 15 oonta package Stove Clay 15c, now Sc pkg. Fishing Tackle, greatly reduced prices. Steel Tapes 35c, now 20c each. Bread Mixora $2.00, now $1.25 oach. Stewart Clipper $7.50, now $5.50. 3 H. P. Gasoline Engine $135.00, now $75.00. Cultivators, $S,00, now $4.00. Steel Barn Brushes S5c, now 50c. Cupboard catches, 10c, now 5c. Brass Surface Butts 25c, now 15c. Bronzo Surface Butts, 15c, now Sc. Drawer Pulls 15c, now Sc. Drawer Pulls 10c, now 5c. Agrlculturo wrenches 15c, now 5c. mammock hooks 10c, now 5c. Spool wire 10c, now lc. Stew pans 25c, now 12c. Plo tins, 8c, now 3c. Sink baskots 30, now 15c. Garment hanger, 3 for 5c. Coat and (Hat Hooks, 10c do:. Cc. doz. Mouse Traps 5c, now 3c. Mouso Traps 10c, now 5c. Bolts por 100, 50c. Wash Boards 40c, now 25c. Butter 'Bowls 75c, now 50c. Grass Scythes 90c, now 15c. Scythe Stones 15c, now Cc. BAUMANN BLOCK, MAIN STREET. Watch US Grow John Weaver. G. Wm. Soli, M. E. Simons, Fred Stephens, Georgo W. Tisdell, Sand CS RANK
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers