The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 07, 1912, Image 1

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    Beautiful, Progressive, SuS-' (k I I MJ'Vc'V'ffBM Vm.-' ill tT 111 Joining tlio Grcat-Mloncedalo
stantlul Honesdnle. All work fori yIkM- I W tiSfKJ JItC K V '"Mfe' JM. I Iloaril of Trnlo Is EfflBUlng Wll-
Greater Honcsdalo. T ltngneM t0 lto09t UM'
Theodore Day Kept Weather Record
For Uncle Sum Flfty-siv Years
Without Compensation Xw
Old and Has So Income
Congressman Aim'- So
tilled. There Is probably no man better
known In Wayne and adjoining
counties than Theodore Day, of Dy
berry. Mr. Day. for ninny years, has
reported tlie weather for Uncle Sam
and the smallest and most pathetic
thing about the whole affair Is that
the Federal government never gnve
Mr Day one cent since 1S54, when
he commenced keeping tho weathor
Tcrord Since 1SG5. or until a few
years ago, Mr. Day furnished a
monthly repori to tho Smithsonian
Institute, ashington, D. C. In
connection with this Mr. Day fur
nished monthly reports of the
weather to the Department of 'Agri
culture, Washington; signnl service
of the United .States Army and the
State Weather bureau ever sinco it
was established. (Mr. Day said he
helped organize the State Weather
'Bureau and that his report was the
first to have been flled on record.
In addition to these reports Mr. 'Day
kept statistical and fruit reporta. He
told a Citizen representative that he
tested upwards of 100 different
kinds of apples, many of the grafts
coming from distant places. He
states that the world's celebrated
kinds of apples are worthless here.
In connection with tho weather re-1
ports which he kept for the govern
ment, Mr. Day said he was com
pelled to furnish a report of the
temperature of wells and springs.
For all this work, all these years Mr.
Day claims that he never received a
cent from the Government. Ho told
us that this helped keep him poor.
That he only receives a pension of
$15 per month for service done in
the army, which allows only two
meals and a light lunch overy day.
air. Day has now reached that age
in life, being In his 75th year,
where he cannot work and Is almost
dependent upon his pension for a
livelihood. Ho owns a small farm
in Dyberry township and says that
the total crops last year just barely
paid the taxes and that the best crop
he ever raised was a crop of stones
and rocks being the only crop which
he is sure of every year.
It seems a pity that Uncle Sam,
with his millions of dollars in the
United States Treasury, would ex
pect a man to furnish valuable re
ports of the weather over half a
century without compensation. Wo
understand that the matter has
ueen presented before Congressman
William D. B. Ainey of this district
with a view of receiving some re
muneration for Mr. Day's services,
either In the form of a pension or
money. Tho Citizen will help Mr.
Day in presenting tho matter before
the proper authorities and will aid
him In overy possible way.
Mr. Day has spent a number of
the years of his life studying nature.
He Is tho iirst one to find the early
spring (lower and spy the robin and
bluoblrd. Ho Is the discoverer of
the disease for exterminating the
tent caterpillar, which works havoc
to trees. Ho has successfully dem
onstrated the discovery to State Zoo
logist Surface to the extent that
tho latter has promised to do some
thing in a financial way toward de
stroying the tent caterpillar.
The subject of our sketch de
votes a good share of his time, or
has within the last year, In graft
ing and pruning trees.
He was one of the flrst to dis
cover the San Joso scalo upon tho
apple and other trees In Wayno
county, possesses good knowledge of
fruits and contributes largely to
farm journals.
air. Day was born In Elizabeth
town, N. J., August 10, 1838, and
with his parents moved to Dyberry
whero Theodore has sinco resided
Mr. Day attended tho old unlvor
sity at Dothany, afterwards teach'
Ing school at Clinton and Oregon
townships, Wayno county. When
this country called for volunteers at
tho beginning of the war, Mr. Day
was oiio of tho first to enlist, join
ing Company C, Sixth Pennsylvania
Iteserves, under Captain John S
Wright. Owing to poor water and
exposure Mr. Day was compelled to
leave the ranks. After serving as
commissary for half a year ho was
honorably discharged May 10, 1862
Mr. 'Day Is well versed on all
topics and Is a very Interesting con
versationist, is a constant reader
and a man of rare Intelligonco.
Class play this (Thursday)
evening at tho High school.
State Will Install System Will
Protect Wayniart.
State Commissioner of Health
Samuel G. Dixon has approved plans
for a sewage disposal plant for the
Somerset county almshouse. Tho
plant was recommended by tho com
missioner and will bo Installed with
in a short time. Tho State (Hospital
for the Criminal Insane Is also to
have a sewage disposal plant, plans
having been approved for one for
tho new Institution In Wayne coun
ty. This will prevent any sewage
from tho hlghperched prison from
polluting the supply of tho town of
Arms and Bullets Will bo l'ut Into
Actual I'se Today at Instruction
Camp. ,
Camp of Instruction, Mount
Gretna, Pa., June 5. instruction of
tho National Guard olllcers, which
has up to this time been entirely i
along the original lines, today ap
proached tho practical elements of
warfare. Thursday It will develop
Into actual use of arms and bullets,
when the student olllcers will go to
tho state rifle range and bo shown
Just how their instruction applies In
actual military operations.
Then the olllcers of each brigade
will be marshaled as companies, most
of them taking place in the ranks as
privates, and the rest chosen as non
commissioned ofllcors. Colonels
will be reduced to tho rank of cap
tains for the exercise, and eacli of
the four companies will be made up
of the regulation quota of seventy
live men and three olllcers.
Each company will bo equipped
with rifles and will go to the range
one company at a time. Here and
there silhouette targets will sudden
ly spring into sight, representing an
enemy, and then all branches of the
service will have an opportunity for
demonstration of the lessons they
have received, Including that of
There is every prospect of an In
teresting skirmish and particularly
a surprise fire, a new innovation In
the rille practice of the guard will
be employed.
Tactical talks wero again the rule
today, tho colonels and other Held
olllcers being quizzed on defensive
Tho second lieutenants, adjutants
and olllcers of llko rank had another
drill fn tho mountains with their
sketching tables and received an ad
vanced course of .Instruction on mat
ters topographical, whilo the cap
tains of each command wero taken
through an imaginary engagement
between the Reds and the Blues, in
which a company of 150 men was
dispatched to capture a post defend
ed by fifty men in the enemy's lino;
tho inspectors of small armB prac
tice meanwhile studying problems of
the transportation of ammunition,
loading of shells, handling of explo
sives, etc., under 'Lieutenant Thos.
Whelon, of the Twenty-ninth United
States Infantry, one of the crack
shots of the United State Army, and
an expert on ordnance.
Surgeons and members of tho hos
pital corps went over an Interesting
lesson In the operation of Held hos
pitals, hospital trains and care of the
Thinks Government Should Help
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Washington, Juno 0. Captain
Robert Dollar, president of a great
shipping lino on the Pacific Coast,
came to Washington to plead before
tho Senate Committee on Inter
oceanic Canals for free canal tolls
and for protection against railroad
owned ships, which have hurt tho in
dependent shipping Interests of the
coast by reason of their keen com
petition. Captain Dollar also made
a visit to tho State Department to
plead for recognition of the Chinese
" Tho progress of China under Its
now government," said Captain Dol
lar. " is certain to be marvolously
rapid. There Is a wonderful amount
of work to bo dono in tho construc
tion of railways, opening mines,
building of docks and harbor works,
and in other great public work's.
Very much of tho business incident to
this development must come to the
United States. I think our govern
ment should extend a helping hand
to China. Dr. Sun, who voluntarily
relinquished tho presidency of China,
proved himself, in my opinion, to bo
a really great man. Ho Is honest,
patriotic and unselfish, and he will
be ready to help, If ho is needed, In
the upbuilding of the Republic."
Tho new United States League
which started this season is finding
pretty hard sledding. Two teams
havo dropped ouf, und all the rest
seemed to bo glad of tho excuse of
'rearranging tho schedule" for a
layoff. This has been n hard spring
for even tho older organizations.
Watch those Athletics! With
Render, Coombs and 'Plank all back
in form they will soon overcomo tho
lead of tho Whlto Sox.
It creates quite soino excitement
now when tho Giants loso a gamo, nl
most as much as It does when
Brooklyn or Scranton wins.
"Ty" Cobb Is again loading tho
American leaguo In batting and will
probably not bo displaced this year,
And Honcsdalo has a series on
with Carbondale! Supposo It will
end in tho usual way but hopo they
will win ono gamo to make it a llttlo
.Hawley won tholr first gamo of
tho season on Memorial Day. and
Aldenvlllo took a double-header from
a Honcsdalo team.
Kill the Fly and
Save the
" ' ' "tVvv "'"$:
Fly photo copyright by National Geographic society.
Summer complaint, which causes the death of many
young children every season, is nearly always the result
of germs in food. THESE ARE OFTEN CARRIED TO
Perhaps some of The Citizen's
readers havo a dear llttlo balby in
their home like thero is represented
In this picture. You think tho world
of htm or her as tho case may bo
and would protect your darling baby
brother or sister from harm or
shield her from danger. You think
there Is none llko tho pet of tho
house and take overy precaution
that she does not got in a draft or
get sick. But havo you a screen or
netting over her crib so tho house
fly cannot 'bring dlsoaso germs to
her? Flies spread tuberculosis,
diphtheria, typhoid fovor, scarlot
fover, nnd fovors of babies by carry
ing disease from one to another.
You love your baby, so does tho
flies. They llko to kiss your darling
pot, walk all ovor his faco and per
chanco get In his mouth. Tho flies
feet carry germs of all diseases and
thoy aro now passing over your
baby's faco, leaving death germs.
Oh! mother, why did you allow tho
Hie3 to stay In tho houso? Why did
you allow them to como In? Don't
let tho flies crawl over tho haby's
mouth and swarm upon tho nipple
of his nursing bottle.
Le Crushed by Piece of Timber.
John HI. Gromllch, aged 53 years,
a resident of SMaplowood, Wayno
county, had his loft log brokon in two
places Tuesday morning when a largo
pleco of timber fell on him. Ho was
at work at tho Consumor Ico com
pany houso at Waplowood when tho
accident happened. Ho Is now at
tho Stato hospital, Scranton.
Swat the Fly!
It Is (he Most Danger
ous Animal on Earth !
When baotoriologista inform us that
tho avorago fly carrloa on its body
1,250,000 gonna, aaye Farm Dairy
ing, miroly wo should fool ajustcauso
for pravo alarm.
Flies spread tuberculosis, diph
theria, typhoid fever, scarlet fe
ver, summer complaint and fe
vers of babies by csrrylno disease
from one to another.
Keep everything clean and
there will be no flies.
Don't let files have a place to
lay their eggs.
Keep covered all plaoea where
young flies may be hatched.
Put screens at windows and
Where is dirt there are flies.
Royal Brooks Gravity
Hilda Stlunard Gravity
Percy Minor Waymart
Frances Richardson Prompton
Striken Kiibinergeil Kocky HldKo on
.Maine Coast anil In Saved Only
by Her Double Bottom.
Washington, D. C, Juno G. In
formation that tho new dreadnaught
Arkansas has met with an accident
on her trial trip off tho 'Maine coast
has reached tho Navy Department.
The details aro not yet availablo but
it is thought that tho ship Is not In
Although tho naval Board of In
spection headed by Captain Fechtc
lor Is aboard the Arkansas tho ves
sel is still in tho hands of the New
York Shipbuilding Company, of Cam
den, N. J. Tho ship is being navi
gated ovor tho trial courso by em
ployes of the builders and any dam
age sustained in tho accident will
havo to be borne by the contractor.
Tho Arkansas scraped along tho
rock rid go for forty-llvo feet. Tho
ship is leaking but not beyond tho
control of her pumps. Probably the
doublo bottom alono saved the big
dreadnaught from sinking.
hater reports to tho Navy Depart
ment say that while entering Penob
scot Bay and when she was suppos
ed to bo in tho channel, tho Arkan
sas touched the reef. The accident
occurred this morning. Captain
Fetchelor reports tho damage prob
ably small and tho leaks light. The
Inspection board Is considering
whether tho trial shall bo resumed.
The 'Arkansas had two mishaps.
She is reported to have gone
aground in tho Two Bush channel
Sunday, but apparently got off and
was proceeding early today when
she ran on tho ledge of rock.
Children's Story Writer, Mrs. Sang
stcr. is Dead.
Newark, N. J., Juno C. Mrs. Mar
garet Elizabeth Sangster, poet and
author, died yesterday in Maple
wood, a suburb. Sho was 74 years
old, and pursued an active literary
career for moro than half a century.
Death was due to an attack of Indi
gestion. She had wltten numerous books of
poems, works of Action and stories
for children that have met with wide
Planned to Uun Titanic Full Speed.
(Special to The Citizen.)
London, Juno G. J. Bruco Ismay
told the British court of inquiry to
day that it had been planned to
drive the Titanic at full speed dur
ing a few favorable hours of her
maiden trip and that ho considered
Captain Smith fully Justified in go
ing at full speed through tho ico
region so long a.'i weather condi
tions made it possible to sco Ico
Series of Flvo Games With Honcs
dalo Team.
iManagor 'Murtha received a letter
yesterday from Manager Van Als
tyne, of tho Honcsdalo team, regarding-
a series of games between the two
teams. A series of flvo games has
been decided upon, tho flrst to bo
played at iHonesdale on Saturday,
Juno 29, and It Is probablo that tho
third game will ho played in Hones
dale July 'Fourth. iNo arrangements
have been made as yet for tho play
ing of the fourth or fifth gamo of
tho series, but it has been decldod
that If tho fifth game Is necessary to
decide tho supremacy between tho
two teams the gamo will bo played
on neutral ground, probably Lake Lo
dore. There has always been keen rival
ry between Honesdalo and Carbon
adlo regarding base ball and tho com
ing series is suro to cause great en
thusiasm among tho fans of tho two
towns. Dating back to tho days of
"Our Pets," and continuing through
the days of tho old association team.
Mike O'Neill's team hero after the
fall of tho association, and up to the
present tho series between tho two
teams havo been successful and this
year should prove no exception.
Carbondale correspondent in Tribune-Republican.
To Open Cottage at Lake.
Miss Helena Clark, of tho Scran
ton Young Woman's Christian asso
ciation, spent Tuesday at Lako
Ariel looking over tho summer cot
tago of tho association. The cottage
will open next week.
IIOI OAltltlKltS OX STltlKM.
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Scranton, Juno G. Throo hundred
hod carriers and laborers went on
a striko In tills city this morning.
Thoy aro receiving 25 cents per hour
and demand 30 and 35 cents. A
numUor of non-union laborers aro
fllllng tho strikers' positions.
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Harrlsburg, Juno G. Thomas C.
Lea, of Pittsburg, was appointed as
sistant Stato Flro Chief to-day by
'Firo Chief Josoph F. Baldwin. l,ea
will recelvo a salary of ?4,000 per
Killed I-argo Haulers.
Whllo hunting snakes on Pino
iRidgo, Milton Deckor. Georgo Whit
taker, Fred and William Schoonovor,
all of l.ohman township, killed six
rattlesnakes, threo of which measur
ed four feet In length and "sportod"
nlno rattles and a button apiece.
Thoy also dispatched two largo milk
snakes and two garter snakes. Quito
a class to those young mon as roptllo
huntors. Olllford Dispatch.
Ttev. Thomas M. McHugh, who has
been studying at tho University In
Washington for tho past year, has
been sent to St. Phllomena's church,
Hawloy, to tako tho nlaco of Rov.
Thomas M. Jordan, who has been
transferred to St. Vincent's church,
(Special to Tho Citizen.
Scranton, Juno C. 'William Peter
'Blsche, tho boy murderer of Irvan.
'Borger, tho Dclnwaro, Lackawanna
and Western Bnllroad express mcs
sngor, was granted a resplto today
at 1:30 p. m. Consequently ho will
not hang Juno 20. Tho execution
will be suspended until July 25. This
will give Blsche's lawyors a chanco
to present tho case before tho Board
of Pardons.
(Special to The Citizen.
Colbat, Ontario, Can., Juno G.
A Are starting in Lyric theatre, this
city, destroyed a number of build
ings in tho business section to-day,
tho loss amounting to 1150,000. Tho
flro was caused by the explosion or
a kerosene stove. The audience got
out without causing a panic. No
ono was Injured.
Electrocuted for Murder Committed
In 1IMO.
(Special to Tho Citizen.
Boston, Juno G. In tho same elec
tric chair that Rev. RIcheson was
electrocuted, Harry Marshall, to-day,
paid the penalty In tho Charlestown
jail for murdering Frank Cussum
mano in 1010. The dead man's wlfo
was also his accomplice. Sho has
been sentenced to life imprisonment.
Cotton Crop Condition Slightly Be
low Normal.
Washington, D. C, June G. A
special cotton crop report was Issued
by tho Department of Agriculture to
day and estimated that on May 25,
tho cotton crop's condition was 78.9
per cent, normal, as compared with
S7.8 per cent, on May 25, of last
year, and 81.5 per cent, on a ten
year average.
Philadelphia, Juno 6.
About two months ago the Penn
sylvania 'Railroad let a contract for
$200,000 for tho erection, at its coal
shipping terminal, Greenwich Point,
In the Philadelphia Harbor, of im
proved apparatus for the economic
transfer of coal from its own cars to
tho vessels that carry tho product to
other coastwise and foreign ports.
Briefly described, this improvement
consists of a high trestle work, run
ning out to tho end of the piers, and
a giant mechanism by which the coal
cars are lifted into the air and their
contents dumped In bulk into the
hold, of the shn. Tho empty cat is
then set down on, another irack and
carried by gravity to a siding.
No statement was made by tho
company at the time as to its pur
pose in making this expenditure. But
work has been begun and within a
short time this coal terminal will bo
equipped as aro tho great coal snip
ing stations on tho lakes. Here
tofore tho Pennsylvania 'Railroad has
diverted most of its coal shipments
to Perth Am boy, and tho general
tendency of shippers and carriers has
been In favor of New York, not only
In coal but In most other commodi
ties, whether export or import. Tho
inevitable result has been a con
centration of business at New York
harbor that has severely taxed its ca
pacity. Somo other port must there
fore be looked to for further com
mercial expansion and this move by
tho Pennsylvania Itailroad to equip
its terminal In the Philadelphia har
bor to handle largely Increased ship
ments Is ono of the many recent de
velopments Indicating a growing ten
dency of water-borne commerce to
ward 'Philadelphia.
One of the reasons that New York
has been the chief beneficiary of this
country's rapid commercial develop
ment In the last two decades has
beon that the great corporate inter
ests centered there .have spent with
a lavish hand, sharing the burdens
of the city and Stato in making it the
great port it Is today. And New
York is preparing to spend moro mil
lions to retain that increased com
merce now tending toward Philadel
phia and Boston, the use of either of
which ports depends largely upon tho
source or destination of shipments.
Tho peoplo of this Commonwealth
are beginning to realize, however,
that within tho last few years Penn
sylvania has permitted millions of
dollars to go out of this Stato as a
permanent and non-interest-bearlng
investment in tho Port of New York,
and that Pennsylvania has beon ono
of tho heaviest contributors to tho
success of her most formidable com
mercial competitors.
This State, with Its 70,000.000
tons annual production of anthracite
coal; with Its moro than a hundred
million tons production of bitumin
ous coal; with its other great miner
al and agricultural wealth, Its lead
ing steel Industries and diversified
manufactures, Is well equipped to
supply world markets with Pennsyl
vania products. At Philadelphia this
Stato possesses n seaport of Its own.
Many steamship lines, suffering
from tho congestion of Now York
harbor, aro unablo now to find dock
ing accommodations along any part
of Manhattan Island, and aro oponly
volcing their dissatisfaction. Somo
of thorn havo already diverted many
of their vessels to Philadelphia.
iMoro aro ready to follow tho exam
ple At this tlmo ono of tho most
Important porlods In tho history of
this country's commercial growth,
and with overy condition and clrcum
stanco turning in favor of Philadel
phia It would bo a dangerous and a
short-sighted policy to overlook any
opportunity, now or In tho futuro, to
dovolop that port and regain for
Pennsylvania that commercial pros
tlgo which has heretoforo gone as a
voluntary and a costly contrlbutton.
to tho Port of Now York.