The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 05, 1912, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8
1 PAGE EIGHT THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 19 12. Sale Starts Sal. June 8. Lasts 30 Days, IIE HnBnaBaR i TO f flOTTW TO flTOTO fl' main It IJAlJjUU 1 JUll AAU 1 UJUly s IV H TREET - Thss as to announce tnat we are compeiiea io run tms saee. uur oncreasi compels us to RESV3GDEL our entire store with the latest fixtures. Owing stock we always carry at this time of theyear3 the entire stock is placed on sale business the large Brand new Spring andT fTTILi I iyjrFor Men. Bovs Summer1 V 1 illiand Children Hats, Underwear, Shirts, Collars, Trunks, Dress Suit Cases, Handbags! Everything is on sale ! No reservations ! Do you realize what an opportunity this is to get stylish, season able clothing at after season prices ! SELL YOU CAN RELY ON THE GOODS W leeause we Count on You to Come Back and Buy From Us Again. You could not get these unheard off bargains if we were not to remod el our store ! "Once a Customer, Always a Customer" applies particularly to the reputation of Bregstein Brothers. We have been 20 years in busi Honesdale. Iff you are not already one of our customers we want you on our list and this is a good time to start. - ness at LOOK AT THESE WONDERFULLY LOW PRICES ! ! REMODELING PRICES Men's Suits and Raincoats $ 8.00 Suits at 0.00 Suits at' 10.00 Suits at 13.00 Suits at 14 00 Suits at 15.00 Suits at 10.00 Suits at 18.00 Suits at 20.00 Suits at 22.00 Suits at 25.00 Suits at REMODELING PRICES Young Men's Suits $5.00 0.00 7.00 8.00 0.00 10.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 10.00 18.00 5 7.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 15.00 Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits at $1.00 at 5-00 at u at 7.50 at 8.50 at . 10.00 REMODELING PRICES Rain Coats : Coats at 92.08 Coats at 4.E0 Coats at 7.50 Coats at 10.00 Coats at 13.50 REMODELING PRICES Children's Knickerbocker Suits : at $lij ! 5.00 7.00 10.00 15.00 18.00 Rain Rain Rain Rain Itain Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits ;00 Children's Worth From $2.00 2.50 il.00 3.50 1.00 5.00 0.00 at at at at at at 1. 2.00 2.50 ' ' ' 3.00 " " ' 3.50 . . '. 4.00 Suits, Straight Rottom Pants, 53 to SO, your choice for $2.00. REMODELING PRICES Men's Pants Tan Khaki Pants worth $1.25 at. Tun Khaki Pants worth $1.50 at $1.00 Pants at 1.50 Pants at 2.00 Pants at 2.50 Pants at 3.00 Pants at 4.00 Pants at 5.00 Pants at 0.00 Pants ut . .70 . .1.00 . .70d . .1.00 . .1.50 , .2.00 . .2.50 ..3.00 . .3.50 . .1.00 REMODELING PRICES Boys' Knickerbocker Pants : 50c Pants at 30 Cts. 75c Pants at '10 Cts. $1.00 Pants at 75 Cts. $1.00 Corduroy Pants 70 Cts. 50c Pants at 30 Cts. 50c Kalikl Pants 30c 25c Kalikl Pants 10c REMODELING PRICES Soft and Stiff Hats in All the Latest Styles : Knox Hats Worth $3.00, for $2.50 $2.50 Hats at 1.00 $2.00 Hats at 1.50 $1.50 Hats at 1.00 $1.00 Hats at 75 50c lints at 30 Men's and Roys' 50 cent Caps at 30 Men's and Roys' 25 cent Caps at 10 REMODELING PRICES Dress Shirts : Such as Princely Special Dross Shirts, Coat Styles: 50 Cents at 20 Cts. $1.00 Columbia Shirts at 70 Cts. $1.25 Columbia Shirt nt $1.00 $1.50 Maxim Shirts at $1.25 REMODELING PRICES Work Shirts ; The best lino of 50c. shirts in Princely Jack Rabbit and Famous Colors, Illuck Sateen, Rliif, Tuns ,Grcy nnd Khaki will i?o at . . .30 Cts. $1.00 Cane's Royal Hlue Shirts at 40 Cts. REMODELING PRICES Men's Underwear : 25 Cent RalhriKKan Shirt and Drawers .... 10c 50 Cent RalbrlKKan Shirt and Drawers at. . .30c 75 Cent HalbricKan Shirt nnd Drawers 50c 50 Cent R. V. D. nt 30c 75 Cent Men's Union Suits 50c $1.00 Men's Union Suits nt 70c REMODELING PRICES Men's Half Hose : 25c. Half Hose, all the latest styles will ro . .at 10 Cents 20c Half Hoso at 10 cts. Men's 5 Pair Heavy Socks for 25c Men's Silk 50c Hoso at 35c Men's Canvas Gloves, worth 2 pair for 25c, will go at 5 Cents per pair REMODELING PRICES Trunks, Suitcases and Bags : $8.00 7.00 0.00 5.00 7.00 0.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.25 Trunks at $5.00 Trunks at i 5.00 Trunks at 4.00 Trunks at 3.50 Suit Coses at Suit Cases at Suit Cases at 5.00 4.00 3.00 Suit Cases at 2.50 Suit Cases at 2.00 Suit Coses at 1.50 Suit Coses at 1.25 Suit Cases at .08 Suit Cases at 70 REMODELING PRICES Neck Wear : 50 Cent Tics nt 30 25 Cent Ties at 10 .Men's Linen Collars Worth 2 for 25 cents at 10c. REMODELING PRICES Men's Linen Dusters Worth $1.25 nt " $1.25 at " $2.00 at " 3.00 at .08 1.00 1.50 2.00 REMODELING PRICES Men's Blue Serge and Gray Summer Coats Worth $3.50 at $2.50 ut $2.00 at . $2.50 . 2.00 1.50 REMODELING PRICES Boys' and Children's Straw Hats : $2.50 Hut at $1.08 2.00 Hat at 1.50 1.50 Hat at 1.00 1.00 Hat at 70 75c Hat at , .50 50c Hat at 30 Men's and Roys' Honest Straws at 5 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, worth double the price; Children's Straw Hats 50c at 30c REMODELING PRICES Handkerchiefs and Suspenders 50c President Suspenders go nt 30c 25c and 35c Suspenders at 10c 10c Handkerchiefs will go at 5c 10 Cent Rluo nnd Red Handkerchiefs at 2c REMODELING PRICES Overalls 50 cent Overnlls nnd Jackets at 30c 00 cent Overalls at 75 35c Roys' Heavy Overnlls for 25c REMODELING PRICES Boys' Work Shirts 50 cents for , 25 cents for 30c 10c REMODELING PRICES Men's Belts 50 cents for 30c 25 Wilts for 10c $1.00 for 70c REMODELING PRICES Men's Pajamas Night Shirts Worth $1.00 70c Night Shirts Worth 50c. at 30c The above are just a few of money-saving opportunity again. the many bargains too numerous to mention. Don't miss this BIG SALE. You will never have such a It is a chance of a lifetime. You will regret it iff you do not attend the Big Sale. REMEMBER SAL We will reffund your money ffor any pur chase that you are not satisfied with ! DAY AND DATE OF BREGSTEIN BROS. Main St., HONESDALE. Saturday, June 8th Eight a. m and CONTINUING FOR THIRTY DAYS. NO GOODS CHARGED DURING THIS SALE I