THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 191 2. PAGE THREE REASONS WHY PRESENT PRICES ARE SO HIGH Baltimore Committee Finds Man) Causei For Increasing Costs. "The hlsth cost of living Is n compti problem miulo up of many element-i some natural, some artificial. Tor Hi solution n congress should bo held Oi all tho states anil territories and rep rcsentntlves of the federal Rovcrumcnt and some united action should he tnk on looking to n remedy or remedies foi tbo artlflclnl causes of high prices Which can and should bo remedied." With this preamble the tviwrt of tin Baltimore commltteo appointed by tin city wide congress to Investigate tin high cost of living was presented t( the congress. The report covers fourteen typewrit ten pages and goes thoroughly Into tin cause for tlw soaring prices and sug gests a number of remedies. Summarizod. tho report says thn prices have lcen raised for tlw follow lng reasons: Increased supply of gold. Trice control of exchanges and agree mcnts. Tariff on foodstuffs and other prod ucts. Abuse of cold storage to help cornet markets. Decreased amount of labor on farm' and consequent Increase In wages. Decrease of truck farms and farmlnt around the city. Excessive profits by middlemen, due to too many small shops and too muelt handling between producer and con sumer. Too much purchase on credit at ad vanced prices. Inadequate transportation to proxl mate farming districts, especially In winter. Bad roads and Inadequate repair 01 same. Short weights and Inadequate con trol of scales and measures. Abuse of patent laws. Architects making no provision In modern houses for storage of goods. Telephones, resulting In ordering on credit without bargaining for price. Inadequacy of facilities. Too high charges and improper con dltlons of our city markets. Growing lusurlousness of the people. which eliminates careful, businesslike housekeeping and shopping. WIFE ENTITLED TO SALARY. Not Obliged to Hold Out Hand Like a Monkey, Judge Says. A wife is a regular employee of her husband and as such is entitled to a regular salary, nccordlng to Judge Goodnow of the court of domestic re lations, Chicago. No longer Is it necessary that she go through his pockets in order to get change. When Mr. Husband's pay day comes Mrs. Wife may demand her share and be backed by tho municipal courts In her demands. Mrs. Thomas Martin told Judge Goodnow hor husband never had given her any money since they had been married. "She never asked me for any," pro tested the husband. "She does not havo to," answered the judge. "A wife is not obliged to fol low her husband about like a monkey with her hand out nsking for money. She is entitled to a fair proportion of his wages. I will see that she gets it, too, In all cases that come before me." AROUND THE WORLD ON $3,300 Two Professors Start Soon on Kahn Foundation Trip. William Ersklne Kellicott, Ph. D., professor of biology in Goucher college of Baltimore, and Ivan Mortimer Lin forth, A. M., professor of Greek in the University of California, have been ap pointed to tho $3,000 fellowships of tho Kahn foundation, which sends them on a trip around the world with no requirements other than that they seo as many places and people as pos sible. An additional ?300 is allowed each to buy souvenirs. Tho foundation was established by M. Albert Kahn of Paris, the first ap pointments for this country having been mado last year. The adminis trators are Nicholas Murray Butler, Henry Fairfield Osborn and Edward D. Adams of New York city, Charlei W. Eliot of Cambridge and Charles U. Walcott of Washington. The found er's object was to make tho viewpoint of teachers broader and more interna tional. DENIES U. S. MEAT TO CATS. Dr. Andrew of the Treasury Upholds Administration's Economy Policy. The propriety and legality of board ing two cats at tho expenso of the United States government, despite the high cost of living, was the bailllng question submitted to A. Piatt An drew, assistant secretary of tho treas ury. Tho urgent appeal came from tho subtreasury in New York, which, it Is alleged, Is infested with rats and mice. Kind hearted clerks have been sup porting the cats. Dr. Andrew decided that the high cost of beef and tho administration's effort to mako a record for economy, made It necessary that tho can; should contlnuo to be subjects of chaj Visitors at 8hakespeare'e Bi 'fiplaee. During tho year ended 40,300 persons paid for ad rch 31 slon to Shakespeare's blrthplaco nt Stratford on-Avon. Of tho 20,000 who signed their names In the visitors' album 0,200 were from tho United States. WILL EXPLORE THt AMAZON VALLEY Algot Lange Expects to (Mali Some Rare Specimens, FOR UNIVERSITY MUSEUMS, Aboriginal Languages Will Be Pre served on Phonographic Records Trio Will Occupy More Than Twf Years Expe'dition Plans. Algot I.ange of New York, who cntnt out of tho farthest Jungloa of the Aiua zon valley. In Itrnzll, a year ago wltt a wonderful story of the country unc Us atmrlglual peoples, Is to lead a thrv year exploring party ou an.expeditiut Into the headwater country. The expedition will be pent out bj tho University of Pennsylvania prl tnarlly to make collections for the an thropologlcnl exhibit at the university museum. in telling of his plans Mr. Langi brought out the fact that the most lui port ant appliances to 1k carried by the exploring party will bo a movlnp pieturo taking apparatus and n phono graph. He also Intends to take a doc tor, a navigator, an engineer, a cook and one other man. The physlciaL will havo opportunities to Investigate hitherto unstudied diseases peculiar tc the Amazon valley. Mr. Lange hopct to get an American for his navigator preferably a naval officer. Tho cook must bo scientist enough to make pal ntnblo dishes out of such game as red howling monkey, ant eater, tapir, par rot, forest turkey and wild boar. To Investigate Savages. "Our object will bo to Investigate tht savages inhabiting tho headwaters ot tho tributaries of tho Amazon river,'' Mr. Lange said. "Prom present in formation there are about 373 tribes speaking a variety of languages." When Mr. Lange finds his savages he will endeavor to gain their friend ship and confidence, learn their lan guago and finally get moving pictures photographs and phonograph records of their life, customs, language and music. Thus he will bring back pic tures of tho devil dances and wat dances of these aborigines, along with his collection of pottery, baskets, cloth lng and war and hunting Implements Indications of a mode of life as old as the time of Caesar. It Is expected that the first stage will take a year and a half, and at the end of that time tbo steamer will return to Para for provisions and to send what collections havo already been made. The Second Stage. On the second stage the party will explore the HIo Negro and its contlnu atlon, tho Uaupes river, 2,000 miles from tho sea. At tho mouth of the Rio Negro, where It empties Into the Amazon, Is tho town of Manaos. which Mr. Lango described as tho "wonder city of tho valley." There, ho said. Is a $3,000,000 opera house, in the midst of other beautiful buildings, which rivals tho opera houses of London and Paris in sizo and splendor. Seven hundred miles up the river the party will enter the Uaupes, beyond the cataracts of which live wild tribes. This trip is expected to last six months, a return then being made to Manaos to send newly gathered por tions of the collection to the United States and receive now supplies and mail. Tho last stage of the exploration will take In n number of tributaries of the middle Amazon, known as tho Soli- moos river. This will last about a year, and the same method of explora tion will be followed. The party will visit tho Javury river country, close to the Peruvian frontier, where Mr. Lange went through experiences that brought him near to death on a pre vious journey. DELAYED BY BORUP'S DEATH. Expedition to Crocker Land Put Off Until Summer of 1913. It wns announced at tho American Museum of Natural History that tho Crocker Land expedition which wns to havo gone northward this summer under the leadership of George llorup and D. B. MncMlllan has been post poned to the summer of 1913 on ac count of the death of Borup and the impracticability of finding a satisfac tory substitute for him in the short tlmo remaining before tho expedition was to start Tho honorary committee, consisting of President Ilqnry Fairfield Osborn, Chandler Bobbins, General Thomas II. Hubbard and Dr. Wnlter B. James, and tho working committee, consisting of Dr. E. O. Ilovey and n. L. Brldg man, havo begun preparations for tho reorganization of tho expedition along such lines as circumstances may ne cessitate without changing tho main objects of tho enterprise, as set forth in tho prospectus issued in January, 1012. It has been decided to mako tho expedition a memorial to Borup. Mr. MacMUlan's connection with tho enterprise continues as heretofore, and ho is utilizing tho intervening tlmo for tho purpose of making additional prep arations for tho scientific work of tho expedition. Scotland's Birth Rate. Tho birth rate in Scotland fell last year to 25.05 per thousand, tho low est recorded rate. DAMES AND DAUGHTERS. Miss Mary Woods of tho Brooklyn navy yard cuts tho patterns for all the flags undo there. She has been tnnklng flaga for tho government for more than Uilrty years. MIob Cornelia Bentlcy Sago, appoint ed director pro torn, of tho famous Al bright nrt gallery In Buffalo on tiie death of tho director of tho museum, has been remarkably successful, and her iosltlou is now permanent. Senorn do Cncva, wlfo of tho first secretary of tho Moxlcan embassy at Washington, sings old Spanish and Moxlcan ballads with much feeling. Sho not only hns n volco of unusual range, but is n composer of note. Miss Julia O. Lathrop of Chicago, an associate of Jane Addams in tho work nt Hull House, a member of the Illi nois board of charity and n graduate and trustee of Vnssar college, has been appointed by President Tnft ns chlof of the new children's bureau in the de partment of commerce nnd labor. Mrs. Idgar P. Luckcubach. one of tho so-ontcen graduates at tho recent exerclsea of tho Woman's Law college of New York university. Is the wife of a millionaire steamship man. She hns gained quite a reputation ns a yachts woman and has won several trophies by her prowess at tho wheel of a rac ing yacht. Fly Catches. The Pittsburgh club last fall Insured Pitcher Marty O'Toole for its own ben efit for $25,000. Becently O'Toole took n $10,000 policy for himself and nt his own expense. Iu the Natlonnl league Infielders pre dominate as "load off" men namely, Evcrs. Chicago; Hugglns, St. Louis: Sweeney, Boston, and Knabe. Phila delphia, are second basemen, while Byrne of Pittsburgh plays third. De vorc, Moran and Beschcr are tho out fielders who lead off. Of the eight "lead off" men In the American league seven nre outfielders Butcher or Grnney, Cleveland; Vltt, Detroit, and Lord or Strunk, Philadel phia, left field; Milan, Washington, nnd Shot ten. St. Louis, center field; Hooper. Boston, and Wolter, New York, right field. Rath of Chicago is tho only ln- fielder so honored. Timely Topics. A decrease of 70 per ccut In Fourth of July casualties In New York city In two' years Is a convincing vindication of the "safe and sane" celebration policy. Now York Tribune. The postal savings banks havo not yet drawn the predicted $400,000,000 from hiding-only about $10,200,000. But even so they are proving their worth. New York World. It is not too early to havo in this country a suitable memorial of Fried rich Froebel. Tho proposal to erect In Washington n shaft In memory of tho world's great educator should win country wide support. Boston Tran script. Foreign Affairs. The now republic of China wants to borrow $300,000,000. Why can't these young peoplo start in modestly and buy one pleco of furniture at a tlmo? Detroit News. Tho dlfferenco between Italy and Russia is that tho one can grab any amount of Turkish territory without exciting England, .whilo tho other can't New York World. When wo learn that they have five meals a day in England wo nro re luctantly forced to concede that Eng land's form of government la in some respects superior to our own. Ohio State Journal. Pert Personals. J. Bruce Ismay's salary Is said to be $175,000 a year. But ho has earned It the past few weeks if ho reads the newspapers. Dallas News. According to tho latest estimates, John D. Rockefeller's interest In tho Standard Oil company is worth $220, 000,000. Wo bellevo he has other means of support too. Chicago Record Herald. Andrew Carncglo says Ellhu Root is tho wisest man on earth. Ellhu prob ably warned him of the consequences of calling a certain young woman tho prettiest girl in tho country. Phlladel phla Record. High Prices. If you do not go up to tho price of meat tho prlco of meat will come down to yen. Philadelphia Record. Uncle Sara has discovered the solu tion of tho cost of high living problem. "Eat tho English sparrowl" says an agricultural department bulletin. Chi cago Inter Ocean. Beef prices havo broken nil twenty year records. About time for consum era to get together and adopt a set of resolutions in favor of parsnips as the paramount Issue. Toledo Blade. Coinage Comment. Tho only objection to a three cent pleco Is that somo factory Is suro to mako a cigar bad enough to fit it In prlco. Washington Star. In this ago of high living it is n little difficult to see just what tho merchants will soli us for theso now half cent pieces. Washington Post. As a byproduct tho cotnago of threo cont pieces may lncrenso church at tendanco, whilo tho half cent piece hay mako tipping a flno art New Vork World. V T--.l WHEN THERE IS ILLNESS in your family you of course call a reliable physician. Don't stop at that ; nave his prescriptions put up at a reliable pharmacy, even it it is a little farther from your home than some other store. You can find no more reliable store than ours. It would be im possible for more care to be taken in the selection of drugs, etc., or in tho compounding. Preacrip tions brought here, either night or day, will be promptly and accurately compounded by a competent registered pharmacist and the prices will be most rea sonable. O. T. CHAMBERS, PHARMACIST, Opp. D. A II. Station. Honesdaie. Pa. ttuattJ: taanmrnrnnmrmnri SPENCER The Jeweler Kwould like to see you if X you are In the market! for JEWELRY, SILVER W A "D V -JJ A TPTJ DC 4- t VV.IJLVJJ,, vvi-iiiu:,o,$ CLOCKS, DIAMONDS, AND NOVELTIES ii "Guaranteed articles only sold." '. '. HHMMUMmMHHt If you know of any novrs let us know about it. Call us on either 'phone. m m m j WtmMjf ft mi h WB 4- m GIRLS Everything rS plan for you net a few women tf - v. orders for a dollar's worth or more FREE stores. 1 hen send the combined order to us. In a few hours you can have orders for S10.00 worth or more of the many hundreds of Walker Products which we make or produce and sell. Hun dreds of boys and girls arc doing this you can do as well as they. Purchases totaling only $2.00 worth will get you the base ball mask, boxing gloves, air rifle, i thinks Any Parents free with Will you or one of the children please send to day for our big catalogue so you can rcc the Illustra tions In colors nnd descrip tions of over 5C daily house hold necessities which we make in Immense quantities nnd sell di rect by mail to consumers, consist ing of food products, baked beans, pickles, soups, preserves, tea, coffee, bakins iwwder, spices, toilet nnd laundry- soaps, toilet articles, household remedies, paints, polishes, nnd the like; and describ ing nnd illustrating over 3.000 articles of furniture, chairs, tables, beds, carpets, rugs, curtains, stoves, washing machines, china ware, clocks, etc., nnd ladies' and misses' suits, skirts, dresses, waists, corsets, under war, house dresses, shoes, hosiery, furs, etc., and men's and boys' suits, trousers, shoes, hosiery, etc., which nre sien absolutely free with orders for our products, J2.60 in value for each dollar we receive. Satisfaction guar anteed. Take advantage of this wonderful op portunity and learn how to furnish your homo and clothe yourselves and family without cost. & H.Walker 968 hc Stop L order! Never 1 Do You want Electric Lights in your home, boarding house or hotel? If so we will put them in. Let me know how many and I will tell you what it will cost. Electricity beats them all. It's the Dean Home Electric Lighting Plant Our store hi tho Grainbs Ilullillni;, is lighted by It. Let us show It to you. Reo the Fifth, Ford and Brush AUTOMOBILES John Deere Sulky Plows, Success Manure Spreader, Hoosler Grain Drills, Dain Vertical Lift Mower, Ireland Wood Saw, Kant Klog Hand Sprayers, The Famous "New Way" Air Cooled Engine. E. W. GAMMELL Honesdale, Pa. You Want You can Ret one or all of these de lightful playthings without having to pay a cent of your own money. You can get them without your parents buy ing them for you. The way is easy. You know that everyone uses soap and tea and coffee and baking powder and cimli tbinrre mmrv A'wr Mn.t, linrn !e nur in vour neighborhood to t?ive vou of such necessities instead of to catcher's glove, cowboy's suit, engine, exerciser, Indian dress, music roll, either ring, watch, or yacht. Just five already named free with a 10.00 have you had such a chancel Racquet purchases of only $4.00 worth. Doll's go-cart or skates, free with only $6.00 worth. Tricycle, free with only $10.00 worth. Tent, free with only $12.00 worth. Bicycle, free with only $32.00 worth. When sending your order, tell us which premium or premiums you want. Spacinl. It you woald rather have cash. instead or a premium, send us f 10.00 lor every fiu.uu u-orm ordered and keep the other $ 10.00 lor yourself. Youcan make many dollars cash every week in this n ay. in no otner manner can you mane so much money so easily. Start in Business tor yourself ana tuna up a steady trade. You can do it. END TODAY FOR BIG CATALOGUE which shows many more things you would like to have and can get free. Just say: "Send me your Premium Book" and mention this paper. Write now. Pittsburgh, Pa. j Read
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers