The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 31, 1912, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    THE CITIZEN. FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1912.
9100 KEWAItn, 100.
The readers or tills paper will bo
pleased to learn that thero Is at
least ono dreaded dlscaso that
Bcloncu has been able to euro In all
Its stages, and that 1b Catarrh.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only posi
tive euro now known to the medl"
cal fraternity. Catarrh bolng a
constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon tho blood and
mucous surfaces of tho system,
thereby destroying tho foundation
of the disease, and giving tho patlont
strength by building up tho consti
tution and assisting nature In doing
Us work. Tho proprietors have so
much faith In Us curattvo powers
that they offer One Hundred Dollars
for nny caso that It falls to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
Addrera P. J. CHENEY & CO.,
Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 76c. -
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
tit tliu close of business. May. 3. 1912.
nr.souncEs "
Kcscrvc fund
Cash, specie niul notes. fj'J.RU 43
Due from approved re
serve nirents 131.2M !
Legftl seeurltlesnt par... 40.UW 00-SSB.fiSI 41
Nlckclsand cents 1S 23
Checks nnd cash Items 1.SSU 41
Due fromltanksnnd Trust Co's.not
reserve i.m 4G
Securities pledged for Special
riimnslts 5.000 00
Hills discounted :
Upon one name t M.S31 So
Upon two or more names 287,313 32-31U79 fiS
Tinioloans with collateral 5.t,'iS 73
Loansoncall with collateral VOSKI 00
Ijanson call upon one name 3,150 00
Loans on call upon two or more
names 42.101 00
Loans secured by bonds and
morteaces 21.700 00
llonds. Stocks. etc.. Schedule 1).... 1,805.531 44
Mortgages and Judgments of rec-
ortl 311,012 61
Olllce llulldlng and Lot 27.000 00
Other ileal Estate 8,000 00
Kurnltureand Fixtures 2,000 00
Overdrafts 1KI 12
Miscellaneous Assets 4U0 30
$3,007,533 11
Capital Stock, paid in $ 100.000 00
.Surplus Fund 400.000 00
Undivided Protlts, less expenses
and taxes paid 57,975 33
Individual deposits sub
ject to check $li2.2i)7 77
Indivldal DeposltJ'ime.2.222,3?.' 97
rime teriuicaies oi de
posit Deposits, Common
wealth of Peimsrlvn'a
Deposits U. S. Postal....
Certified Checks
Cashier's check outst'g
23S 73
25,000 00
As 80
50 00
Ml 31-2,411,009 69
Due to bank and Trust Cos. not re
serve 8.493 04
$3,007,533 11
State of Pennsylvania. Countv of Wayne, ss:
I. H. Scott Salmon, Cashier of tiie above
named Company, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true, to tue oestoi my
knowledge and belief.
(Sicned) II. S. SALMON. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before nie this
Utb day oi Jiay. imu;.
(Signed) liOBEUT A. SMITH. N. P.
Noturial Seal!
Correct Attest:
II. J. Conoek. Directors.
E. V". Gammell. j
r.nTTTfT TII If 11. A t Tin' U'honu.
the JudRe of the several Courts of
the Countv of Wayne has Issued his nrecent
for holding a Court of Quarter Sessions. Oyer
and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery In
and for said County, at the Court House, to
negiu on
MONDAY. JUNE 17. 1912.
and to continue one weeks:
And directing that u Grand Jury for the
Courts of Quarter Sessions and oyer and
Terminer be summoned to meet on Monday,
.Time 10. 1912. at 2i. ni.
Notice is therefore hereby given to the
Coroner and Justices of the Peace, and Con
stables of the County of Wayne, that they be
then and there In their proper persons, at
said Court House, at 2 o clock In the after
noon of said 10th day of June. 1912. with their
records, inqutsitions.examinaiions anuoiner
remembrances, to do those things which to
their otllces appertain to be done, and those
who are bound by recognizance or otherwise
to prosecute the prisoners who are or shall
be In the Jail of Wayne County, be then and
there to prosecute against them as shall bo
Given under my hand, at nonesdale, this
15th day of Stay. mi, and In the 135th year
of Ui'i Independence of the United States
Sheriff's Olllce I
Honesdale. .Muy 15,1912. 40w4
VAXIA. John J. Bauman vs. Honesdaio Shoe
Company. Xo. 109 February
Term, 1911.
By vlrtuo of an order of the Cir
cuit Court of tho United States for
tho Mlddlo District of Pennsylvania,
bearing date May 29, 1912. in tho
above entitled cause on the 29 day
of June, 1912, at eleven a. m. at tho
premises, corner of East and Thir
teenth streets in tho Borough of
Honesdale, County of Wayne and
State of Pennsylvania, the Receiver
of the Honesdale Shoo Company will I
soil at public sale to the highest bid
der, subject to confirmation of the
Court, all of tho property of tho
Honesdale Shoo Company, both real
and personal. Including tho fran
chises of said Company and uncol
lected accounts. Tho following Is
a description of the property to be
1. All of the estate, real, person
al and mixed,' lands, tenements and
hereditaments, rights and privileges,
easements and appurtenances grant
ed and conveyed by William H.
Krantz ot al. to the said Hones
daio Shoe Company by deed of con
veyance dated tho 17th day of Feb
ruary, 1899, and recorded In tho
Recorder's office In and for tho
County of Wayne and Stato of
Pennsylvania on tho 18th day of
February A. D, 1899, in Deed Book
84, p. 388, etc., designated and de
scribed In said deed and bolng as
follows, to wit:
All that certain lot of land situate
in tho Borough of Honesdale,
Wayne county, Pa., bounded on the
East fifty feot toy East street; on the
(Xorth ono hundred and fifty feot by
Thirteenth street; on tho West fifty
reet by a lot now or latoiy owned oy
Mrs. Apploy. and on the South ono
hundred and fifty feet by a lot now
or lato of Honry Ames; tho forego
ing real estato being usod for tho
business of tho defendant as a shoo
factory and bolng Improved with ono
three-story and basemont brick
building, with. a boiler houso nt
tncheil, barn and shed and with fix
tures therein consisting of boiler,
elevator, and engine, shnftlng and
hangers used in manufacturing busi
ness, 2. And tho licenses, franchlso and
corporate rights of said company.
3. Bills rccelvnblo and accounts
duo tho IHoncsdalo Shoo Company
are as follows:
II. A. Wise. Luxora, Ark. $12G.OO
Morris Wolfson, 52C Forest
Court, Scrnnton, Pa. 9.72
Armlnlus Coal Co., Scottford,
W. Va. 112.20
Tho McKinney Co., Coving
ton, W. Va. 271.80
Hamilton Coal & Coke Com
pany, Howard Adams &
Frederick A. Hustod,. Re
ceivers, Marino Dank Bldg.,
Baltimore, Md
L. F. Krantz,
Footwear Co.,
V. H. Krantz,
Footwear Co.,
Massey Bros.,
. v. Va.
Louis llloin, Barncsboro, Pa.
T. F. Kelly, Montrose, Pa.
Louis Morris, Athens, Ga,
Abe Klnstein, Kimball,
D. Wlseberg, Donora, Pa
Z. F. Fisher Estate, C.
Grimm, Administrator,
Cynthiana, Ky.
Saom Golob, WllkestBarre,
Knapp Sanders Co., Itich
wood, W. Va.
Monarch Coal Co., Penning
ton. Va.
J. .1. Jewell & Co., Statesvllle,
Aaronson & Koplnn, Patton,
Miss Lulu Adklns, Elllots-
ville, Ky.
Wilder Bros., J. X. Saunders,
'Referee in Bankruptcy,
Stanford, Ky.
iltldgovlew Coal Co.
Beckley & Campbell, Elms
burg, Ky.
Ike Joseph, Forest City, Pa.
3. SO
Ft. J. Stanfield, Lockerby &
Bowen, Attys., Qulncy,
Mich. 129. CO
All of said property will bo sold
freo and clear of all Interest, liens,
encumbrances, wages, taxes, and
charges in the nature thereof.
Terms of sale twenty-five per cent,
at the time of sale and balance at
time of confirmation.
In pursuance of the order of
Court, the Receiver reserves the
right to require full paymont in
cash for all personal property sold.
Full information may be obtained
51 G Spruce St., Scranton, Pa.
Warren, Knapp & O'Maliey,
Connell Bldg., Scranton, Pa.
O'Brien & Kelly,
Mears Bldg., Scranton, Pa.
Solicitors for Receiver. 44w4
ix In Re Estate ofSAiun A. Wilson,
Late of the Borouph of Honesdale,
xno undersigned, an auditor ap
pointed by the Orphans' Court of
Wayne county to restate tho ac
count of the executor of the said es
tate If necessary and to make
iijuuuuu ui me iiuuib reiuuimiis in
his hands belonging to the decedent,
among the parties entitled thereto
will attend to the duties of his ap
pointment at his office in the bor
ough of Honesdale, on
FRIDAY, JUXE 7, 1912,
at 10 o'clock In the forenoon. All
persons interested are requested to
be present and persent their claims,
duly attested before tho auditor or
bo debarred from coming In upon the
funds of tho said estato.
chas. Mccarty,
39w3 Auditor.
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Orson, May 30.
Rev. E. V. Young preached a
vory Interesting and appropriate
"Memorial sermon at tho Orson M.
E. church on Sunday morning. A
good attendance greeted him.
E. P. Harlow and 'family return
ed on Monday from Washington, ID.
C, whore they have Tieen visiting.
Chester Hine, of Syracuse, N. Y.,
has returned to his homo to run
tho farm for tho coming season.
Ira Hine and wife 'have moved to
Lestershiro, N.. Y., where Mr. 'Hine1
will engage in farming. I
Raymond Lowls has taken posses-
slon of his new home here and will i
have it remodeled.
Harney Keeney, of Scranton,
formerly of Orson, was recently re-
Innonil f tr trt itiiacnnllnn tifivtno cttf-
fered tho dreaded malady for eight
weeks. He has vory llttlo uso of
his hands as a result.
Thoso who attended the funeral
of tho lato Mrs. E. W. Hine, hero on
May 7, from out of town wero tho
following: Mrs. Laura Moulcs, Hor
ace Moules, Mrs. Lottie Mantle, Miss
Gladys Mantle, Honesdaio; Amos
Ward and wlfo, iBothany; Waltor
Moules, Seolyvlllo; Mrs. Frank Den
nis, Seelyvillo; Delovan Hurd, wife
nd daughter, Antoinette, Carbon
dale; Mrs. Joo Faatz, Carbondalo;
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ludwlg and two
children, Wallace and'Jullot, Giles
and Edward iLudwlg, Carbondalo;
Mrs. Harry Evans, Edwardsvllle;
Mrs. Fred (Hawkey and daughtor,
Hazel, WIlkesJBarro; Mrs. Jack
illlne, Scranton; Mrs. Frank Hine,
Scranton; Eugeno M, Hine, Pock
vlllo; Mrs. Nellie Keeney, Scranton;
Mrs. Josephine Salisbury, Thomp
son; William (Boll, Mr. and Mrs.
iWalllo Boll, Greenllold; Clayton
Decker, Lake Como; Hartley San
ford, Shehawken: Guy Bennett,
Lakowood; Glenn Simpson, Lako-
wood; Arthur 'Weed, Lakowood; Mr.
and Mrs. Otis Ward, Miss IHattlo
Marvin, Norwich.
Tho Citizen invites from Us friends
accounts of social events with lists of
guests, also porsonnl notes. Write
only on ono eldo and giro tho ad
dress of the host or hostess. Supply
your own name nnd address as ovi
dence of good faith.
Dcalli Visits Four Homes OH An
plied on Street School Tux 1
.Mills llinvley linn Stroiii
Basclmll Tonni.
(Special to The Citizen.)
Thero wero four deaths during
the past week that causod much sor-l
rowing among tho pcoplo of our
town. On Tuesday, May 21, thero
passed away ono of our oldest nnd
most highly rovorod citizens, Lowls
Phillips, who for tho past 53 years
has successfully conducted a Jeweler
business In tho Tcotcr building on
tho corner of Church street and
Main avenue. His death was duo to
apoplexy, ago 7G years. Tho fun
eral services wore held from his late
homo Friday at 2 p. m., Rev. D. S.
MacKollar officiating. Burial In
'Walnut Grovo cemetery.
Gladys, tho 1'3-month-old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Teeter,
died of bronchial pneumonia on
Wednesday. Funeral Friday morn
ing. Tho llttlo one's presence In
the home was like a ray of sun
shine. She was fondly cherished by
each member of tho family who
feel her loss so keenly.
Georgo L. Pelton, tho well known
and obliging cartman, died sudden
ly at his homo at tho Eddy Tuesday
evening of nnglno pectoris, aged 49
years. He had been ailing
for about a week but his condition
was not thought to be . sorlous,
thereforo his death was a bitter
blow to the family especially his
Invalid wife for whom he so tender
ly and faithfully cared. She with
one daughter, Mrs. Earl Uban, sur
vive him. Tho funeral was held
from tho family residence Saturday
at 3 p. m., 'Rev. C. O. Fuller of tho
Baptist church, officiating. The de
ceased was a member of the Wan
gum I. O. O. F. Lodge and 'Hepta
sophs of White Mills. Eighty-six of
the latter wero present. Inter
ment In Walnut Grove cemetery.
Posten It. Cross, superintendent
of tho Sliohola Glen Lumber com
pany, and a director of the Hawley
Bank, died at his home at Shohola
Thursday, May 23, of peritonitis,
having been stricken with appendi
citis on Sunday. Mr. Cross and
family has lived in Hawley previous
to their removal to Shohola, a lit
tie more than a year ago, and he
was well and favorably known here,
A special train conveyed the funeral
party to this place Sunday morning
where at 11 a. m. his funeral ser
vices wero held in the M. E. church,
Rev. D. S. MacKellar officiating. He
chose for his text "Blessed are the
dead who dlo in the Lord" which
was most appropriate as the de
ceased exemplified the true Chris
tian character In the discharge of
his life duties. The minister of the
cnurcn ne attended at snonoia was
present and very touchingly sang
that beautiful hymn, "The Home of
the Soul." Ho was fraternally as
sociated with several orders who in
large numbers came to pay their
final tribute to their departed
brother. The Masons had charge
of the funeral. Burial was made
in the family plot In Walnut Grove
cemetery. A widow, three sons
and one daughter survive him. He
was aged. 49 years, 10 months and 3
a ays.
Following this service Rev. D. S.
MacKellar preached the union Me-
morial sermon. Rev. C. O. Fuller
read the Scripture lesson and Rev.
W. T. Buchanan lead In prayer.
good sized and
dls-jtion assembled
attentive congrega
Thero wero ten of
the G. A. R. men present which
snows now rapidly tno ranics are
thinning out. The Daughters of
America served dinner In the I. O.
O. F. hall yesterday.
James F. Drake, the hustling
Church street grocer, has put his
dwelling houso on corner of Church
street and Bishop avenue, In tho
hands of carpenters and masons and
tho result will bo a fine building
with modern Improvements Into
which he and family will move as
soon as completed. Heretofore they
nave lived In the rooms on the sec
ond floor over their store.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Bause arrived
from Buffalo, X. Y., on the Monday
afternoon train and are stopping
with Mrs. Rause's mother, Mrs. Eck
beck. It is rumored that Mr. Rauso
who is a glass cutter by trade, will
enter tho partnership of Shields &
Knapp, who conduct a glass Indus
try on River street.
The Rev. W. T. Buchanan and
wife announce that Thursday at-
ternoons from 2 until 5 o'clock will
be visiting days at tho Presbyterian
Mrs. Joseph Mohr, of Kane, Pa
and Mrs. Kelley, her daughter, and
the latter's husband, of Susque
hanna, attended tho funeral of tho
late George L. Pelton Saturday af
Miss Gerry, of Scranton, is visiting
her relatives, tho Frisblo and Cham
berlain families, at Wilsonvllle.
Mrs. Mary Pelton will dispose of
! ho,r household goods at an auction
sale In tho near future and will
make her home with her daughter,
Mrs. Earl Uban. '
Mrs. M. Liassloy, Miss Grimes and
Mrs. Tracy James of Bohemia, Pa.,
wero recent visitors In Hawley.
Mrs. Smith and daughtor, who
lived In the Drake houso on Bishop
avenue, aro now boarding with
Mrs. Smith's daughter, Mrs. S.
C S. Houck, cashlor of tho Haw
ley Bank, is having cxtenslvo im
provements and repairs made to lus
resldenco on Maple Ave.
Mrs. Hannah Layton was homo
for a few days' visit last week. She
will spend tho sum in or with her
brother, T. A. Slmonson and wlfo
near White Lako In Sullivan coun
ty, N. Y.
The residents of the lower ond
of Church street will soon bo relieved
of tho dust nuisance as tho first
sprinkling ot oil was applied last
Mrs. Curtis Wilds and Mrs. 'Seoley
docorated tho graves of loved ones
burled In tho Canaan cemetery on
Mrs. Goorgo Kohlman, Mrs. Geo.
Miller and Mrs. R. F. Warg attend
ed tho Luthoran festival In Hones
daio on Tuesday afternoon.
Manager McDonald says that
everything is looking vory favorable
for tho best ball team that Hawley
has over had. Thoy aro well organ
ized and working In complete har
mony. They 'opened tho season on
Momorlal Day with two games with
tho Taylor Reds. The lineup was as
follows: Glfford, catcher; Jo's. Mc
Cluskcy, pitcher; Brown, third baso;
Cornell, short stop; Murphy, first
Uaso; Gilpin, center field; Rose, left
field; Bca, right field.
Tho school board have lovled a
thirteen mill school tax, tho 'same as
last year. Twelve for school pur
poses and ono will be to creato a
sinking fund. .
Mrs. Eckbeck visited friends at
Adella on Sunday.
Elizabeth A. Daniels, ono of tho
local teachers, was elected vice-presi
dent of tho Wayne County Teachers'
Harold A. Wulff, who is repre
senting tho Tippecanoe Security Co.
of Scrnnton, was doing business in
town on Friday.
William Bca Is spending a few
days with his paronts here.
George Glass has been visiting his
parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. John Glass, on
Penn Avenue.
Goo, Murphy, who has Just com
pleted a business course at Wyo
ming Somlnary, is now assisting his
father In tho offlco at the Keystone
Cutting shop.
D. J. Branning now holds the rib
bons over a lino pair of horses, hav
ing lately purchased one of Honry
Wlckham, Scranton, to mate tho one
ho already had.
Miss Anna White started on Wed
nesday for a four months' stay in
Hon. C. A. McCarty and .sisters,
the Misses 'Mary and Margaret, and
Hiss Tessle Gerrity, of (Honesdale,
spent Sunday with friends In this
Mrs. Jno. B. Golden, of Scranton,
spent a day recently with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Moylan, of
this vicinity.
'Many young people from Canaan
attended tho social on Friday even
ing of last week given In Plerson's
IHall at Waymart.
Miss Marcella White of Simpson
returned to her home 'Sunday after
spending several days as tho guest
of her aunt, Miss Katie Leary.
Miss Anna Gannon of Inkerman,
is tho guest of her sister, Mrs. John
Miss Elizabeth (Burke returned
home from Scranton after spending
some time with friends In Scranton.
Miss Anna Lynott of Honesdale,
spent Sunday with her uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. "Wm. Sheehey.
(Special to The Citizen.)
White Mills, May 30.
'E. B. Gavitte has laid a cross
from tho drug store leading
to Thomas Gill's hotel. Quite an
improvement to the town as this is
the first cross walk that was ever
laid in tho town of White Mills.
Several property owners are going
to take up the same idea in front of
their homes. Some of tho drivers
of automobiles say that It would
have been a more complete Job had
there been crushed stone on the
sides of this walk instead of ashes
to relieve the shock of their ma
chines. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sonner, of
iHoncsdale, are guests of relatives
here. ,
Mrs. Richard Jay, of Unlondale,
has arrived to spend the summer
with her daughter, Mrs. Jennie Mal
lett. Stlckley-Brandt" Furniture is
the kind that serves you
longest and best.
Only $7.85
For this handsome Library Table In the
Golden Quartered Oak, Polish finish, 33
Inches lone, 21 Inches wide, beveled top
French style lees, shaped undersbelf
wide and deep drawer. Every detail of
construction strictly high-grade. Hand
Eomer lndesttn, better In material, work
manshlp and finish than similar tables
that retail from 10.50 to $12.00
Carefully packed and shipped
freight charges prepaid$7.85.
For 500 other styles oi dependable
Furniture at factory prices see our
new catalogue. Send for one.
T7 u'"0 Common Pleas: Trial List
I June Menu,
Week of Juno 17.
Wallontywlcz vs. Allen ot. al.
Klaussner vs. Do Broun.
Sollick vs. Do IBreun.
Theobald vs. Ramble.
Holbert vs. Hadaway.
Conley vs. McKenna.
Olszofskl vs. Kimble.
"Wayne Concreto Supply Co. vs,
Cortrlght & Son.
Noblo vs. Braman.
Lovelass vs. Twp. of Damascus.
Carey vs. Twp. of Buckingham
Cortrlght & Son vs. Kreltnor Bros,
ot. al.
Kreltnor Bros, vs. Cortrlght &
Naglo vs. Lako Lodoro Improve
ment Co.
Hancock Crushed Building Stono
Co. vs. Now York, Ontario & West
em R. R. Co.
A. O. Blako vs. Horace Doxtor.
I. L. Thomas vs. W. M. iNorton,
John Sllnko ot. al. vs. Frank Kel-
eoy, ot. al.
W, J. BAHNES, Clerk,
Honesdale, Pa., May 22, 1912.
Mrs, Lena Lockwood, who had
been visiting at tho home of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Stephens, went to Car
loy Brook to visit her nleco, Mrs,
Thomas Ballmey for a few days and
from thore she will return to her
homo in Unlondalo,
Josophlno Gregory, of Honesdale,
called on Hazel Wood on Sunday,
Charles Austin went to Hawley
on a business trip on Saturday,
M. J. Decker is feeding sifted
glass for grit to his White Leghorns
and by 1913 ho expects to establish
a strain of chickens that will lay
glass eggs.
C. Dorfilnger & Son presented
tho baso ball team with a largo cut
glass vase. It Is to bo given away
to help the boys with their team.
There Is going to bo a fast team this
A. H. Howell motored to Way
mart last week to size up his new
Several of tho members of tho I.
O. H. attended the funeral of Broth
er Georgo Pelton at Hawley on Sat
urday. Morris Evans and Samuel Polk
started for the coal regions on Mon
day to mine coal.
Tlio Kind You Havo Always Bought, and -which lias occn
in uso for over 30 years, lias homo tho signature of
- and has been mado under his pcr-
jC&'ffl'Z'Af Eonal supervision since its infancy.
vzcyr. t-ect&WK Allow no ono to deccivo you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" aro bufc
Experiments that trlllo with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Expericneo against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a Harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops nnd Soothing' Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opiiun, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fevcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
. Colic. It relieves Teething' Troubles, cures Constipation,
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving- healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You to Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Established 1906
Cash and Duo from
Hanks 9 00,014.20
Ijoniis and Investments 010,170.01
Ileal Estate, Furniture
nnd Fixtures 34,00.00
Over Draft 7.08
of Honesdale Invites Attention to the State
ment of its condition as rendered to the de
partment of Banking on May 3, 1912.
From which the STRENGTH and MAGNITUDE
of the Institution will be apparent,
Having unexcelled facilities for the handling of all
branches of legitimate banking, this bank solicits
the accounts of corporations, firms and Individuals,
Holding the Interests of Its depositors as Identical
with Its own, THE HONESDALE DIME BANK grants
as generous terms as are consistent with sound bank
ing principles.
The W. C. T. U. received Ilvo dol
lars and elglity-flvo cents on Tag
Day. Josephine Stephens, Vorna
Williams wero tho tng girls, and
Leo Talk and Xlel Talk wero tho
tag boys. They all met at L. A.
Williams In the evening and hold
Ian lco cream social for tho benefit of
tho W. C. T. U.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yego have a
young daughter.
APPRAISEMENT8. Notlco is giv
en that appraisement of 1300
to tho widows of tho following nam
ed decedents have been filed In tho
Orphans' Court of Wayno county, and
will be prcsonted for approval on
Monday, Juno 17, 1912 viz:
John Loerchcr, Honesdale: Real.
John Kuhbach, Honesdale: Per
sonal. Henry Soltzman, Texa3 township:
Appraisement to Hattio M,
Barnes as guardian of Willis, Gerald
and Lewis Barnes, Mt. Pleasant:
Personal. .
W. J. BARXES, Clerk.
Honesdale, May 21, 1912.
Signature of
t,t nnr.TTTP.s.
Capital Stock 75,000.00
Surplus nnd Undivided
I'ronts tiiarncuj . uii,
T 1 . "11(1 1 1 .11