PAGE EIGHT THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1912. SKCHAMSHES Wife of Slain Man Leaves 4 With Daughter. POLICE GUARD WAS REMOVED. She Had Promised to Stay In City. Husband's Body Was Found In Ohio River With a Deep Wound, Apparently Inflicted With Razor. Freedom, Pa., May 2S. Mrs. Charlen II. Royal, from wlioe home a police guard was removed 011 lier promise not to leave, cannot be found. She depart ed with her daughter. She was being kept under surveillance following the discovery In the Ohio river of her hus band's body bearing evidence of foul play. Another man Is said to be in volved, who was seen at the Itoynl house. Itoynl, n locomotive engineer, disap peared Wednesday morning. A post mortem examination revealed he was dead before his body ww cast Into the river. There was a deep wound, apparently Indicted with a razor. Mrs. Itoynl, aged thirty-two and stiikluglj handsome, Is said to have attempted to leave Freedom, with the result that the police guard was stationed at her home. ATTEND WOMEN'S FEDERATION Many Philadelphians to Attend Meet ing In San Francisco. Philadelphia. May 2S. Many promi. nent riillndclphinns will attend the bi ennial meeting of the General Federa tion of Women's Clubs, which will be held In San Francisco, .lune 25. Mrs. Iludolph Rlankenljurg, who Is a vice president of the national body, will go ns an olllcer. Mrs. II. C. Boden, president of the rhiloniuslan club, will head the list of representatives from that organization, and tiie following delegates have been chosen to represent the New Century club: Miss Elizabeth Lowry, presi dent; Mrs. It. T. Brown, Miss Laura Bell. Miss Anna Johnson. Mrs. J. I'. Balderson. Mrs. II. V. Jayne. with al ternates, Mrs. J. L. Adams. Miss I.Ida Stokes Adain, Miss Emma Klahr, MNs Lydta Lowry, Dr. Eleanor Jones and Mrs. Louis ('. Madeira. SLASH PRISONER AT HEARING. Cut With Razor by Man He Was Ac cused of Having Attacked. Philadelphia, May 2S. VInonzo Par letto, a contractor, is In the Pennsyl vania hospital with a deep razor blade wound In his neck as the result of an attack made upon him by Leo Marano In a police station, when the former was receiving a hearing before Magis trate MaeFatiand on an assault and battery charge preferred by his as sailant. Parletto lost considerable blood. The physicians believe he will recover. Ma rano, who Is suffering with a similar wound said to have been Inflicted by Parletto, was held by Magistrate Mae Farland without ball to await the re sult of the contractor's Injuries. The latter Is tinder arrest at the hospital. HONEST BOY REWARDED. Returns Wallet With $500 and Gets $50 as a Gtft. Philadelphia, May 28. Joe Marshall, n sixteen-year-old messenger boy of the Western Union office, who was as signed to the International Navigation congress, Is $50 richer today because he found a wallet containing $400 ami belonging to J. F. Ilulsnlt, a delegate from Holland, In the corridor of the ho tel where the congress wns In session. The owner counted out $40 nud gave It to Joe. Bystanders, pleased with the boy's honesty, "chipped In" nnd raised the sum to $50, and the happy youth took all of it home to his mother. MAN THROWN FROM HOUSE. Former Fiance Vlay Die as Result of Fight. Philadelphia. May 2S.-After being thrown bodily, it Is said, from the home of his former sweetheart when he called to get back some presents John Manus, twenty-six years old, is In a critical condition at the Pennsylvania hospital from a fractured skull. William Tlero, twenty-seven years old, brother of Manus' sweetheart, who was accused of the attack in an ante mortem statement, was held without ball by Magistrate MacFarland to await the result of the Injuries. Pennsy Refuses Men's Demands. Philadelphia, May 28.-S. C. Long, general mnnager of the Pennsylvania railroad, sent a letter to officers of th6 Order of Itallrond Conductors and the Brotherhood of Itallrond Trainmen on the Pennsylvania lines, cast of Pitts burgh and Erie, refusing the demand that steam conductors and trainmen be plnced on the electric lines of the Pennsylvania running out of New York city. Oldest Railroad Man Dead, Spokane, Wash., May 28. Moses Brinkerhoff, eighty-seven years old, Bald to be the oldest railroad man In the United States In iwlut of service and who purchased tho first ticket on the Northern Pacific out of St. Paul westward, Is dead of old age at his home here, no had been sixty-three year In railroad service. LOCKE CRAIG. He Is Democratic Candidate f ) For Governor of Norih Cirolina. ( l'lioto by American 1'ituss Association. BEEF IS AGAIN SOARING. Wholesalers Make Raise and House wives Will Have to Bear Burden. New York, May 28. Beef prices con tinued to go up In the whllesale mar ket, and housewives contemplated a corresponding advance In the prices they will have to pay at the retail stores. Iu general the retailers charge from 1 to 2 cents n pound move for prime meats than they pay. The wholesalers were getting from 12 to 13 cents a pound for beef. Wholesale prices for prime cuts of beef were from 2 to 3 cents a pound higher than they were a year ago. and common cuts which brought from 7 to S cents a pound Inst year were bringing 10 and 11 cents. Calves and lambs show the same Increase in prices. Tho best lamb brought 12 V4 cents last year; It! cents was demand ed for tho poorest kinds. It Is said that retail dealers are carrying them only to accommodate regular custom ers. Dealers describe the rise iu prices to a shortage In shipments from the west The production of native steers Is said to be 25 per cent less than It wns a year ago. Corn Is bringing a high price In the west, and farmers are not feeding cattle ns they do under ordinary circumstances. The consumer Is bearing the brunt of these condi tions. DR. WILEY SERIOUSLY ILL. Washington Report Says Pure Food Expert's Temperature Is 102. Washington, May 23. Dr. Harvey W. Wiley is seriously 111 at his home in this city. He was to have spoken be fore the New York Pharmaceutical so clety, but the address was cancelled. Mr. Pierce, secretary to tho chemist. Issued this statement: "Dr. Wiley is seriously 111. nis tem perature tonight is 102." Weather Probabilities. Showers today or tonight and prob ably tomorrow; moderate to brisk south and southwest winds. Market Reports. New York, May 28. BUTTER Steady to Arm; receipts. 7.4S3 packages; creamery, extras, lb., 27a27Vie. ; firsts, 2Ca2CHc: seconds, 25a25Hc; thirds, 24a24Kc; state dairy, tubs, finest, 2Ca26Ho-; good to prime, 24a2Sc; common to fair, 2za23c; process, extras, 2Cc.; firsts, 24a2Cc; neconds, 23c; factory, current make, firsts, 22a22Uc.; seoonds, 22o22Hc; thirds. SOaHc.; packing Btock. current make. No 2, 20a21c.: No. 3. 19a20c. CHEK8B Irreftular; receipts, 155 boxes; state, whole milk, new, specials, white, lb., HVial4c; colored, UUalltto.; average fancy, white, 14c; colored, 14c; undcr grades, 12al3Hc; stato skims, new, spe cials, white, llaUVic; colored, llalHic; fair to choice. SHalOVic; undercrades, nominal, 3a7Hc EC1GB Steady; receipts, 3,804 cases, fresh gathered, extras, doz., 21 ail He. , storage packed, extra firsts. 20a2OV4c. ; firsts. 19al9V4c; regular packed, extra firsts, 15a20c; firsts, 17V4al8Hc; seconds. lCal7c; dirties, 15alCc; checks, lOalic.; state, Pennsylvania and nearby, hennery whites, fancy, large, 23c ; fair to good, 21a 22c; hennery browns. 20Ha21c; gathored brown and mixed colors, Wazoc. POTATOES New, steady; old, weak; Bermuda, new. No. 1, bbl., 7a7.50; No 2. !5a6; southern, now, white, No. 1, bbl.. tt.50aS.50; red, JlaO; seconds, !3a4.50; culls, S2a3; domestic, old, In bulk, ICO lbs., SISa 3.75; bag, J3a3.75; European. per ICS lb bag, Jl.Wa2.75; sweets, Jersey, basket. Jl.Wa2.25. HAV AND STItAW-Qulct; timothy. 100 lbs., Jl.25al.50; shipping, SI.15al.20; clover, mixed, Jl.20al.45; long rya straw, Jlal.05; oat, 75c; small bales Ec less. Live Stock Markets. Pittsburgh, May 28. CATTLE Supply, 75 carloads; market active and higher; choice, $8.C5aS; prime, t8.15aS.G5; good, 7.90a8.15; tidy, 7.EOa7.SO, fair, JC.75a7.40; common to good fat hulls, Jl.50a7.25; do. cows, J3.50aG.D0; heifers, $5.50a 7; fresh cows and springers, J25aG0. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Supply 27 double decks; market 15 cents lower on sheep and Bteady on lambs; prima wethers, $5.G0a 5.75; good mixed, JG.10aS.50; fair mixed, tl.25o5; lambs, J3.50a8.50; spring lambs, J'la Xi; veal calves, J3a9.25; heavy and thin calves, J6a7. HOdS Receipts, 30 double decks; mar ket steady; prime heavy, heavy mixed mediums and heavy Yorkers, J3.C6a8.10; light Yorkers, J7.40a7.C5; plg as to weight. !l.75a7.2S; roughs, t&75&7.20; stags, $0a8.26. ' ' ' ' OIUDIiANI). .Methodist Church Htruck by Light-! nlng Wllllnin .Stephenson III. Glrdlnnd, Mny 28. , The Methodist episcopal church i at this placo wns struck by lightning! during the heavy olectrlcal storm oni Friday Inst. A bolt struck tho steeplo nnd descended Into tho church, doing considerable damage. The siding wns ripped off nnd tho plnstcr on Uio Interior of tho odl flco forced from the celling. Tho dnmngo Is about $200. There was a heavy fnll of hnll, but vegetation wns not high enough to do It serious dnmngo. William Stephenson, a well-known farmer of this place, Is lying 111 of pneumonia at his homo here. iMrs. Edward Goodnough recently visited her daughter, Merlo, In Illoomsburg. sioo iiEWAni), $100. The readers or this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded dlscaso that science has been ablo to euro In all Its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tho only posi tive cure now known to tho medi cal fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dlscaso, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon tho blood nnd mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying tho foundation of the disease, and giving tho patient strength by building up tho consti tution nnd assisting nature in doing its work. Tho proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE Farmers and Me chanics Bank, OF HO.VESDALE. WAYNK COUNTY. PA, at the close of business. Mas. 3. 1912. HESOCKCES. Iteserve fund t Cash, specie ami notes. $16.11$ 00 Due from nrttiroved re- servo ncents f 13.511 4 29.711 47 rsicKcis, cents and iractionui currency Checks and other cash items Due from bunks and trust com 120 3fi 147 53 panies not reserve llllls discounted : Upon one name upon two or... more names 119.-C2 72 27.979 HS 29.113 13 13.9.53 00 1 1.45S 51 67. ,W "5 1H.KK) 00 2,001 00 0 ' 7.323 05 Time loans with collateral Loans on call with collateral Loans on call upon two or more names Loans secured by bonds and mort- Kaces Bonds, Stocks, etc.. Schedule 1) oilice maiding and Lot Furniture and fixtures Overdrafts Miscellaneous assets $ 402,533 49 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in $ 75.000 00 Surplus Fund 20.000 00 Undivided Profits, less expenses and taxes paid 2,617 62 Deposits, subject to check 159.591 19 Cashier's checks outstand'g Individual deposits. Time 215,321 7&-301.913 97 t $102,533 49 State ol Pennsrl vunla. County of Wayne ss . I. C. A. Emery. Cashier of tho above named conipanj do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and bellel. C. A. EMKKY. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of May. 1912. My commission expires Jan. 19, 1911 Kena S. Kpqett. N. 1'. Correct attest: SI. K. Simons. ) m.j. ii ANLAN. fuireciors. K. W. Kreitxkr, 1 aswc BIDS WANTED. Bids for repairing tho county jail at Honesdale, Pa., will be received hy the county commissioners at their ofllco until 10 a. m. June 4, 1912. Specifications can bo seen at the Commissioners' ofllce. Tho party to whom contract Is awarded must fur nish a sufficient bond to guarantee satisfactory performance. The Com missioners reserve the right to re ject any or all 'bids. John iMale, Earl Rockwell, Neville Holgate, Attest: Commissioners T. Y. Boyd, Clerk. 2t. SHERIFF'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE By virtue of process issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Wayno county, and State of Pennsylvania, and to me di rected and dellvorod, I have levied on and will expose to public sale, at the Court Houfo In Honesdale, on FRIDAY, JUXI3 11, 2 1 51. All the defendant's right, title, and interest in the following de scribed property viz: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate. In the township of Lako county of AVayno, and State of Penn sylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a corner on tho east ern shore of Lako Ariel, at High wart mark, on tho southwestern corner of lot No. 7 from the Doud lot; thence north C2 and CO minu tes east 240 feet to a corner in tho middle of public road; thence along tho imiddlo of the public road, north 54 degrees west 142 foet to a corner in said road; thence south 57 degs. and 40 minutes west along the south ern sldo of alloyway 2C4 feet to a cornor on shore of said lako, high wator mark; thence along tho shore of said lake at high water mark in a southerly direction nhout 162 feet to tho placo of beginning, containing moro or less. (Excepting and reserving out of and therefrom said described lot CO loet in 'Width along the shore of said lako measuring tho same CO feet back from high water mark and tho length of said reserve to tho width of said aftovo doscrlbed lot, and subject to the following restrictions, which will more fully at largo appoar on tho record, and hclng tho same land that Rouhen J. Jones et ux. by his deed tinted tho 22nd day of August, 1899, recorded In tho office for the record ing of deeds In and for Wayno county In Deed Book No. 85, pago 350 granted and conveyed to Sarah II, Hazlott; and Sarah II. rtlazlott having died on or about November, 1904, having first made her last will and testament, she devised and bequeathed the land abovo described to her husband William H. Hazlctt. Said will being recorded In tho offlco of tho Register of Wills In nnd for Wayno county In Will nook No. 8, pago 27.1, by roferenco thereto, the same will fully and nt largo appear. Upon tho premises Is n good frame dwelling house and out buildings, and all the land Is Improved. Seized and taken In execution at tho suit of tno American Fraternal Association, assigned to tho Honcs dalo Dime Hank, against William II. Hazlott. Juno Tomu, 1912. Judg ment, $2,000. Attorney, McCarty. TAKE NOTICE. All bids and costs must be paid on day of salo or deeds will not bo acknowledged. FRANK C. KIMBLE, Sheriff. Honesdale, May 20, 1912. ri IIERIFF'S SALE OF VALUABLE D REAL ESTATE. By virtue of process Issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Wayne county, and Stato of Pennsylvania, and to mo di rected and delivered, I havo levied on and will expose to public sale, at tho Court House In Honesdale, on FRIDAY, jrXH 11, 1012, ii P. SI. , All the defendant's right, tltlo and interest in the following de scribed property viz: By virtue of the annexed writ of Fi. Fa. I have this day levied upon and taken In execution all that cer tain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being In the township of Manchester, county of Wayne, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Northeasterlv bv the Delaware river; westerly by land late of Alexan-I der Calder; and southerly by land! late of Jacob Kellam, containing one hundred and ten acres, be the same more or less. Upon said premises is a frame house, barns, and other out buildings, apple orchard and other fruit trees nearly one-half Im proved land and balance In timber. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Anna Cole at the suit of Casper Engert. No. 62 June Term, 1907. Judgment, $275. Lee, Attorney. 1 Also C. E. Engert against Anna Cole, terre tenant, GC Slarch 1912.1 Judgment $794.70. ! TAKE NOTICE All bids and costs must be paid on day of sale or deeds will not be acknowledged. FRANK C. KIMBLE, Sheriff. Honesdale, Pa., May 23, 1912. Notwithstanding the loss incurred by water and chemicals in the Leine fire, which was in the same building, our store is open and we are ready to wait upon our patrons offering more attractive bargains added to the following list. Saw Clamps Saw Sots ERK BROS. Baumann Building Next to Leine's Catches Trout Eighteen Inches Long. Burgess iR. W. .Murphy, who went trout fishing last Friday, returned homo with tho finest catch of large trout reported hero In many seasons. The smallQst of the fish weighed over a pbund, while the largest was eighteen Inches long, and wolghcd 2 34 pounds.- -Hawloy Times. CASTOR I A Tot Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature The Last Word in Comfort. Most men want summer comfort. Weara Loose-Fitting B. V. D. (.Trade Mark Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. and Foreign Countries) Union Suit (flu. V. S. A., Atr. 30. '07) and you are certain to (ain it. This tc risible tuit was planned to meet the needs of par ticular men men who dress carefully and who prefer their shoulders and not their waist to support their underwear. Made from light, cool, wear-resitting fabrics. No binding nr pulling. 1W 1 WlflMVl atSmKAmiiimi All Prices First column original, second sale price : Nails 50c to $1.50 per keg Paint $2.10 at $1.25 per gal. Hinges Cc per lb. at 3c per lb. Locks 30 15 etc. each Wash Basins 10 05 cts. each Milk Pans 15 0G eta. each Galvanized Palls 25 07 cts. each Axes $1.25 75 cts. each Sweoplng Compound 25c. pkg. 15c. Nickel Tea and Coffee Pots $1.25 65c each Hammers and Hatchets ' 60 35 each Leather half soles 20 10 per pr. Belting at greatly reduced prices. Doors fc2.10 50c each Heating Stoves $20.00 $10.00 each Meat Choppers $2.00 1.35 each Wood Measures 35c 10c each Metal Polish '. 50c 30c can Files 15c 07 each Screws U original price Pocket Knives 00c 25c each Razors $2.50 $1.00 each Padlocks 40c 15c each Bathroom Fixtures at greatly reduced nriees. Rope Poultry Supplies at greatly reduced prices. Bolts, at greatly reduced prices. Furniture Polish Varnish Stains nt greatly reduced prices. Shot Guns at greatly reduced prices. Hunting Coats Shot Gun Shells Carving Sets $1.00 75c 50 Mrs. Pott's Sad Irons $1.15 85c Asbestos Irons $1.75 $1.25 Kalsomlno Brushes $1.00 40c Ax and All Kinds Hdls. at greatly roducod prices. Barn Door Hangers 75c 40c. Stovo Clay 35c to 25c per pkg. Stovo Clay 25c to 15c. per pkg. Stovo Clay 15c to OSc per pkg. Fishing Tacklo at greatly roducod prices. Steel Traps 35c 20c Bread ailxors $2.00 $1.25 Stewart Clipping aiachines, original price $7.50; salo price $5.50 South Main Street. CLERK'S NOTICE NO. 2173 IN BANKRUPTCY. In the District Court of tho United States for tho Middle District of Pennsylvania, Burton Lowls Holbort, Honesdale, of Wayne county, Pa a bankrupt undor tho .Act of Congress of July 1, 1898, having applied for a full discharge from all debts provable against his estate under said Act, notice Is hereby given to all known creditors and other persons In Inter est, to appear before tho said court at Scranton In jald District, on tho 2rbh day of Juno, 1912, at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon, to show cause, if any they havo, why the prayer of tho said petitioner Hhould not be granted. OEOROE C. SOHEUHR, Clerk. ave your hands During house cleaning by wearing Rubber Gloves. - - - Two grades - - -50 Gents and $1.00 Your furs, s. etc, Are safe if packed with CEDAR FLAKES Sold only at And they cost ten cents per box 12 25c $2.25 - 60c $3.50 - 1-2 Sc lb. 15c bottle 1.25 each - 40c box $1.50 sot 60c each blanket i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers