The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 08, 1912, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Women's Column
Fashion Isanti.
Tho prettiest of our spring and
arly summer frocks will linil from
tho bathroom. Wo aro to Xto garhod
In epongo and hath toweling. A fow
joara ago tho rago for novolty led ua
to make frocks out of dilators and
curtains; handkerchiefs were turned
into blouses, and two years ago wo
cut up Indian printed bodsproads
with which to adorn oursolves.
Chintz and cretonne havo long boon
In use for dress trimmings and hats.
Thero nro only two rooms in tho
houso which, so far, havo not fur
nished us with frocks the pantry
and tho bathroom. Wo havo yet to
array oursolves In cut glass Jugs or
porcelain dinner services though, to
bo sure, spun glass aigrettes havo
been worn, and In Paris tho most
novel frocks aro designed after
Wedgwood and Dresden china pat
terns and colorings. But tho bath
room Is now 'being pressed into ser
vice, and really the results aro qulto
Spongo cloth, which some pcoplo
teem to think is smarter if called
"epongo cloth," Is a very charming
fabric. With a coarsely cellular
ground, it is patterned In a brocade
liko manner with designs formod hy
llttlo loops and tuffs of a contrasting
tone. It washes well and would wear
forever did the well-dressed woman
allow it any opportunity of being so
It really has tho appearance of a
slightly woolen cotton Tjroodc, and
come of the shades used aro delicato
and poetical, such as duck egg ibluo.
with a brocaded deep lionler of
slightly darker blue; or saffron cov
ored with a brocading of tho samo
tint, thrown Into relief by the dif
ference of texture.
Tho toweling can bo had in various
qualities, the coarser and cheaper be
ing very suitable for morning frocks,
tennis dresses, etc., tho finer being
qulto good enough for more cero
monious wear. Patterns consisting
of deep borders of tiny colored lines
woven close together, or of colored
pin stripes, can bo had In great va
A coarse cream colored bath towel
lng with a stripe of red, made Into
a simple little frock, with a red
patent leather bolt and a few groups
of tiny red buttons, could hardly be
bettered for morning wear. This
is only one of many ways In which
tho material may bo used.
Rose color is very much in tho
van of fashion. Combined with pur
ple, with green, with brown, and
with blue, It is striking and at tho
samo timo quite harmonious. Bold
touches of It in headgear should add
greatly to the brightness and gaiety
or fashionable assemblages, which
'have been growing almost dull, so
bardly have women set themselves
against wearing bright hues.
Straw Outing Hnt.
The mannish hats promlso to bo
very popular this season. They aro
very English and the upright tuft of
feathers at the side is considered par
ticularly smart. Theso make splen
did outing hats. They aro just as
serviceable for general wear.
Selecting n Hat.
In the opinion of the milliner there
aro five golden rules to be observed
when choosing a spring hat.
First appearances aro tho safest.
Be judged by tho first rapid impres
sion which the looking glass affords.
Study the color of tho eye before
any other consideration.
Bo certain that tho headpiece fits
As every head is individual in shape
to fit bandeau suitably means a great
deal from the point of view of com
fort and becoraingness.
See yourself In a full length mir
ror before making a decision. A hat
often looks well in Its relation to
head and shoulders where it fails ig-
nomlniously as tho crowning piece of
the whole figure.
Fashion Xotes.
Black velvet ribbon, with Inter
woven designs in brilliants, forms tho
now headdress. This band is worn
tight around tho head.
'Sometimes tho rolling or turnup
or the brim of tho hats reveals
dainty bit of lace, used as a facing
and very often this lace extends over
tho brim and is fastened to tho top
or tho hat.
A new handle for an umbrella is
fashioned like the lowor end of
lady's riding crop, except that tho
leather part, which Is made of lizard
skin, has a loop sufficiently long to
hang over tho wrist.
Lace-covered bar pins hold tho
jabot In place now, and aro moro in
voguo than Jewels.
Collars and cuffs of black moiro
are seen on most of tho new whlto
serge suits.
irisn mco and shadow net are the
most fashionable material for tho
now jabots.
Pompadour chiffon medallions set
into shadow lace trim some of th
new lingerie hats In Paris.
Lace tunics or aprons, fastening
under tho arms and over tho hips
with straps or uiacK voivet, aro
pretty finish to a plain gown.
For .Motor Wear.
At this season of tho year, when
long motor trips are anticipated
women aro Interested in practical
motor clothes.
Considering the varying tempera
turo when traveling from place to
pmce, tho question of a suitable mo
tor outfit Is most Important.
A coat must bo provided which
will bo appropriate for cool days as
well as tho hot, rainy days of sum
Tho curate coat Is tho nowest mod
el for motor coats. It Is sovorely
plain, but possesses a distlnctlvo
stylo. Tho coat buttons closely
around tho throat, with a collar tho
replica of thoso worn by tho clortty
men. Tho sleoves fit snugly about
tho arm and aro finished with a cuff
which buttons tightly around tho
English tweeds, satlno and home-
epun materials aro tho popular fab
rics used ror uioso smart coats.
A very new material much favor
ed by motorists Is tho pliant, well
mcshod cloth, callod turklsh towel
ing. All tho llghtor shades may Ibo
worn in this fabric, as It washes tho
samo as linen, rotainlng its frosh-
Among tho latest fads la to wear a
coat matching tho upholstory of your
Tho offect produced by thin studv
in harmony Is very good.
A popular designer of Paris la re
sponsible for a coat Ideally flttod for
motor wear. moneath tho arms
thero Is an invorted pleat, oxtondlnc
to tho horn. Wlion walking, this la
oncealod by a sorles of tabs that
button across.
Blue serge, so popular a fow sea
sons ngo for wearing beneath motor
coats, has passed Into tho limbo of
things forgotton.
Thero nro endless ideas in motor
hoods. Tho "gloria," in silk and
ubber, fits any hat. Oilskin hoods
como In nil varieties and sizes.
Tho State Board of Education has
decided that hereafter It will ap
provo no plans for school houses un-
oss proper provision is mado for
playgrounds. This seems to ibo a
movo In tho right direction. Tho
physical activity of tho child must bo
provided for in order to securo an
all round education. If children arc
given an opportunity to express
themselves In play, they will not re
sort to practices which Interfere
with tho good order of tho commun
ity In which they live. No educa
tional movement In tho last ten
years has attracted as much atten
tion as tho movement for the wel
fare of tho child ns It can bo best
conserved In giving It opportunities
ror proper physical expression.
Tho State Board of Education has
received a very Interesting report
riom supt. Chas. Lose of Wllllams-
port, Pa., concerning tho establish
ment of an Open Air School In that
city. About twenty children aro pro
vided for In this school and t'ho re
sults Indicate that tho children aro
gaining in physical strength as woll
as making rapid strides in their
studies. Tho children greatly enjoy
the work and tho prejudice on tho
part of tho parents, which was con
siderable at tho outset, has been en
tlrely removed. Thero is no doubt
that schools of this character will
bo greatly multiplied and that chil
dren who have some physical afflic
tion, who aro anaemic or tubercular
can be well taken care of In this
Pennsylvania Is tho only state in
tno union that does not have a per
manent state school fund. If tho
wishes and hopes of tho Stato Board
of Education are realized, that de
ficiency in our educational system
will soon bo provided for. Under
the now Code provision is mado for
organizing such a fund. Tho state
of Kansas has a fund of 59,000,000,
the income of which cannot be used
for any other than public school
purposes. This amounts to $0,000.-
000 per year. In tho earlv history
oi tne state, Pennsylvania had a
fund of 1, 500, 000, but that disap
peared many years ago.
Ono of the very serious problems
confronting tho school communities
is what to do with tho defective
children. Pennsylvania has a num
ber of schools taking excellent caro
or many defectives but the accommo
dations for the whole number In the
stato aro entirely Inadequate. When
medical inspection is completely es
tabllshed throughout tho state, It
will no doubt bo found that there are
between 12,000 and 13,000 minlls
wno ought to bo specially cared for,
Tho Stato Board of Education has
been asked to consider the matter
of making adequate 'preparation for
tho care of these children.
Last year thero were in Pennsyl
vania 2i poor districts, represented
uy H'j scnoois, in which tho mini
mum school term of seven months
could not bo maintained by levying
tho maximum amount of tax under
the old law. Many of theso schools
aro in mountainous regions where
there aro few peoplo and where tho
value of property is very low. Tho
Stato Board of Education will ask
tho next Legislature to civo consid
oration to the question of providing
proper educational facilities for those
unrortunately situated children.
A Lucky Beggar.
Robert Newman telephoned
"I want you to find my trousers.'
no saiu.
Did you look under tho mat
tress?" asked tho telephone clerk In
tno cinei s orrice.
"No," said Newman.
"Give me the description," ho said
"All right. Tho number on tho
case is G, 574,501 and tho number on
the works is 5.133.475."
"What are you talking about, any
"My watch."
"I thought It was your trousers."
les, tho watch was In tho trous
ers pocKet. A beggar called here
and asked mo to glvo him a pair o
trousers. I did. After he was cono
I discovered I gavo him tho ones
with my watch in them. Kind that
beggar, will you?"
His Ailment.
Tommy's Aunt Won't you havo
another pieco or cake. Tommy?
Tommy (on a visit) No, I thank
Tommy's Aunt You seem to bo
suffering from loss of annetito.
Tommy That ain't loss of appo
tne. what I'm surrorln' from
politeness. Judge.
Ik-cognized Authority.
A llttlo lad was desperately 111
but refused to tako tho medlclno th
doctor prescribed, ails mother final
ly gavo up. "Oh, my boy will dlo
my uoy win uio!" sho sobbed.
'Presently a volco piped up from
tuo bed.
"Don't cry mother, fathor'll bo
homo soon and ho'll mako mo tako
it" From Norman E. Mack's Na
tional Monthly.
Couldn't Fool Mm.
Earllo Como in; sister's expectln'
Mr. Do Latestayor -How do you
Know suo is?
Earlle She's sleepln' all tho after
Putting It Up to Ben.
Don't you remember Inxt summer, lien
Last nnnxner, no hot and so dry,
When not a north wind would remain on
tho job
Aad not a cloud dotted tho sky?
Oh, think of thoso days In mid-August,
Urn uoit.
As the front nips your hands and your
Those days whea you sat on tho porch at
tho club.
Ascrlevcd by the blistering heatl
Chlcngo Itecord-IIerald.
Nature's Newest.
The lady descended from n hand-
some automobile and entered tho seed
"What have you In bulbs?" she de
manded. "I may wish to plant sotuo
onqulls and tulips."
"Hero U our floral catalogue, mad
"Ah! And can you nssilrc me thot
these blooms are nil 1012 models?"
I-oulsrlllc Courier-Journal.
Gee, Look at Thisl
At ten a. m. mamma Is ncut
Ly togRpd, caparisoned for street.
To sec her with her lofty mien
You'd say, "Oh, Isn't sho n queon,
Envoloped In such dignity?"
At ten p. in. mamma Is rend
Y, cap-a-ple, to Jump In bed.
To seo her at that tlm of night
You'd cry, "Oh, Isn't sho a sight
Enveloped In that Hid nightie?"
Chicago Tribune.
Something Reliable.
"Our new servant girl," complained
the mere man, "has hnd breakfast lato
every day this week. Can't you do
something to get her up on tlmu7"
Well, you might buy her an alarm
clock," suggested the woman.
'An ularm clock is uncertain. It
sometimes falls to go off at 5 In the
morning. Why don't you lend her tho
baby?" Cleveland Plain Dealer.
As You and I.
A fool there was, and he went nway
(Even as you and I).
Ho took an outing and avroro he'd stay
(Even as you and I).
But the beds wero hard, and tho grub
was tough,
Tho climate rotten, tho boarders rough.
And In ono week he had had enough
(Even as you and I).
Los Angoles Express,
How, Indeed?
The Beggar Pity a poor blind man
vfir a large fam'ly, Hdy.
The Sympathetic Soul And how
many children havo you, my poor
The Beggar (nonpulsed) Lor, ma'am,
how should I know when I can't see
em? Sketch.
Persian Echoes.
By an ex-member of the Omar Khayyam
There onco was a party callod Shuster,
Who crowed at tho Iiuss like a rooster.
When they said. "Wo aro sick
Of this doodle-doo trick,"
He replied, "I shall stop when I chooso
No Difference.
Greener How do theso new auto
matic telephones work?
Slicker Well, suppose you call Main
4043. You will get Main 2179.
Greener Why, that's just the same
as tho present system.
Slicker Exactly. Cincinnati Enquir
Saints and Satan.
'And Satan trembles when he sees
Tho -weakest saint upon his knees."
"But what's that weak one. If you please,
A-dolng thero on Satan's knees?"
Yonkers Statesman.
A Hit at Last.
"And so this is tho end," said tho
hero as he bent over tho form of the
dying heroine, while the orchestra
playod soft, sad music.
"Thank heaven for that!" exclaimed
a pathetic voice rrom tuo ganery.
London Tit-Bita.
Tho girls who llro today aro queer,
wonderful, I swear,
To find three blonds and four brunettes
who wear each other's halrl
Dallas News,
No Failure About It.
"It is too bad that your son's mar-
rlugo was a failure."
"Thafs Just the trouble. It wasn'
a failure. Thero doesn't seem to be
any way in which he can get a divorce
from that chorus girl." Chicago Roc
Old Friends.
I read a comic paper onca
And Btralghtway was surprised
To seo how many of Its Jokes
I promptly recognized.
Buffalo Express.
Catty Consolation.
Grace N-no; Dick hasn't proposed
to mo yet.
Maude Don't worry. Your turn will
come. St. Paul Dispatch.
Sure Thing.
When lovely woman stoops to folly
And gets the man sho tries to kill
Tho Jury soothes her melancholy
And sends her Into vaudeville.
Cincinnati Enquirer.
Tho Truth.
"Bangs declares that his family has
a distinguished pedigree."
"So it has. Ills show dog's." BalU
more Amcricun.
I questioned poor Henpeck today
And thought that his answer was fine
"My wife doesn't talk In her sleep:
She oftentimes talks, though, in mine!
upplncott Magazine.
All In Good Timo.
Patlent-Say, that isn't tho tooth
want pulled!
Dentist Never mind; I'm coming to
It. Boston TronKcrlnt
A Spring Idyl.
Com out in the garden, Mau4:
Cf ne out aad get the air.
ret chance the sun is shining,
Perchance the sky Is fair,
Or else ths rain Is pouring
Or snowflakes dropping thero.
Come out In tho garden, Maud,
And look for tender shoots.
Perchance the birds are trllllnc
Like animated flutes.
But you'd better bring your skates;
Also your rubber boots.
Come out In the gardon, Maud,
And wear your thinnest tulle.
But brinjc alone your earlapn
And keep your mittens full.
You'll want your fan and sunshada
And thickest coat of wool.
Come out In tho gardon, Maud,
And try your Christmas skt.
Tou'd better bring your rubbers
And creepers, lest It frcezo;
Also bring tho garden hoo
To plant tho early pcnB.
Come out In tho gardon, Maud,
And feel the cold blasts blow,
And breathe the balmy breezes,
Aad watch tho tulips grow,
And see the hall nnd sunshine
And rain and mud and snow.
In Our Siberia.
The congressional committee appoint
ed to lnvestlgote tho baseball trust was
in session. The great room was crowd
ed to the walls. The baseball mncnuten
were huddled together In n cage, fear
ful of impending doom, ns they heard
Representative Ynphonk denounce
them as ogres and traffickers In flesh
and blood.
At a most dramatic moment Exhibit
A was led into tho room. Ills gaunt
figure brought tears to the eye of tho
spectators, nis back resembled that
of the mnn with the hoc, nnd hla hand
dangled below his knees.
Exhibit A was held cnptlvo by a
branch of the trust known as tho
bloody pirates," announced Represent
ative Yaphank. "He has been a slave
for ten years. He is compelled to play
short for three long hours each day,
and nil for the paltry wage of $10,000
per year. Ho labors four whola months
In each year.
"Think of It, my fellow msnl This
man must slave in silence for four
months of each year at 52,500 a month.
He must slave for about $700 per week,
and bis dally pittance Is but fflOO per
playing day. Thus we can boo that
this man Is compelled to starve on tbe
$33 per hour forced upon him."
And as Exhibit A left th stand the
janitor mopped up seven buckets of
tears, Cincinnati Enquirer.
The Wily Husborxl.
Wife Which bat shall I take, the one
at $10 or the one at $20?
nusband The one at $20, of course!
The cheaper one is a fright!
Wife Oh, you're a dear!
After haTlug left the store a friend
who witnessed tbe purchase said to tho
husband, "If I'd been in your placo I'd
havo been crafty and praised the
cheaper hat!"
nusband Oh, you don't understand.
In tho first place, my wife would havo
taken tho more expensive hat anyway,
and then If I said I liked the other she
would have insisted on buying that ono
tool I'llogendo Blattor.
On Both Instruments.
"What's the mntter with tho horn
part?" asked Strauss at a rehearsal.
"I'm sorry, Dr. Strauss," replied tne
horn player, "but I cannot play this
passage on tho horn. It may be all
right on the piano, but"
"Don't worry yourself," answered
tho composer-conductor; "It is equally
impossible on the piano." Musical Cou
Setting Him Rinht.
French Chauffeur (to deaf farmer on
a Maine road) Can you toll me, sare,
vero I get some of zo gaizollne?
Farmer (with his hand to hla ear)
French Chauffeur Non, non, non!
Not zo hay ze Baszollne. Zls ccz n mo
torcar, not a horse. narper's Weekly.
Cruel and Unusual.
Mrs. Knagga' mother Does Henry
beat you?
Mrs. Knaggs Worse than that I had
a cold nnd couldn't speak for three
weeks, nnd when I learned tlw sign
longuago he'd turn off the lights as
soon ns he came in the house. Chlca go
Tho Man's Point of View.
Mr. Smith You women don't
any judgment In making n dress.
Mrs. Smith-Why not?
Mr. Smith If you hadn't used so
much material in making tho train you
might havo had enough material to lln
Ish tho waist. Philadelphia Telegraph.
The Supply Cleaned Up.
"Goln' flshln' next summer?" nsked
the man who tells tall stories.
"No," replied Mr. Growcher. "If you
caught all tho fish you said you caught
lust summer thero won't bo any use of
going fishing next summer." Washing
ton Star.
He Wished to Know.
"Uncle Bill," nsked llttlo Lester Liv
ermore, who possessed an Inquiring
mind, "when were you born?"
"In 1800."
"That wasn't what tho war was
about, was it, Undo Bill?" Judge.
Ta Embrace me, Thora. Reginald
has asked your band in marriage.
Thora But I don't want to lenve
mother, pa.
Fa Oh! Never mind that. Take
her along with you. Stray Stories.
or TUB
At tho close of business, Amu. 18, 1912
Loans and Discounts I
( )vcrd raUs.sccurcd and unsecured
11. H. Hnnds to scruro circulation.
Ronds to secure Postal Savlncs
Premiums 011 U. S. Ilonds
Bonds, securities, etc
llnnkine-housc, furniture and fix
369,218 CO
i;i 41
150,000 00
6,198 82
2,112 CO
1,135.125 67
10.000 00
2.G28 48
IK 88
129.181 41
3.1x1 is
430 00
635 S3
Duo from National Hanks (not
Kcscrva Accuts)
Puu from State ami Private Hanks
and Hankers. Trust Companies,
and Savings Banks
Duo from approved reserve
Checks and other cash Items....
Notes of other National Hanks..
1-ractlonal paper currency, nick
els and cents
Lawful .Money itescrve In Hank.
Viz: Specie JH1.7M 60
. I-etrul tender notes 6,1105 00-
llpdcmptloti fund with U. S.
87.CG9 60
treasurer, 10 per cent. 01 circtl-
. latlon) 7,600 00
Due from U. S. Trcusurcr , 500 00
Total $1,931,897 10
Capital Stock paid In $ 150.000 00
(Surplus fund 150,000 00
undivided proilts, less expenses
.and taxes paid 41.473 44
National Hank notes outstanding 119.300 00
Due to other National Hanks 608 83
Dividends unpaid 7 50
Individual deposits subject to
check $1,381,012 04
Demand rcrtlllr.-ili-snf
deposit 24.-.05 00
Certified checks 63 U0
Cashier's checks out
standing 1,101 G7-J 1,110,573
Postals Savings Deposits.
27 62
iioims norrnwen
Notes and hills rrdlsrouutod....
Hills payable. Including certlfl-
caics 01 deposit lor money bor
rowed '(n nnn ftn
Liabilities other than those above
staicu None
Total tl.9lll.997 10
State of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss.
Lewis A. HowEi.i.. Cnsliler. nf tlm nhm-o
named Dank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement Is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
lewis a. HOWELL, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before mn this
25th day of April, 1912.
It. A. SMITH, m. i.
Correct Attest:
I!. Z. Russell. 1
J. ItmnaALL, -Directors
P. K Murray, J
The Only Permanent Resident Rupture
Specialist InScranton.
20 ears' Success In this City.
Curing Ruture,Varicocele
Piles, and Fistula.
Diseases of Men-Cured
! forever without opera
tion or detention from
Dr. K. K. Scanlon says : "Trusses will not
cure rupture."
Come to mo and I will euro you so
you will not need to wear a truss.
Thomas L. Smith
Orson, Wayne Co Pa.
Peter I,. Allen. 22 Seventh Ave,
Pa. Hvdrorele.
venth Ave,, Carbondale.
Aldenvllle, Wayne Co..
Gilbert II. Knapp,
j'a. itupture.
J. ii. McConnon. 531 North Lincoln Avenue
Scranton, Pa. Rupture.
Davis A. Gaylord. Pleasant Mount. Wayne
uo., ra. itupture.
Ofllce Hours : to 6 p. m.. and 7 to 9 v.
111.. .Sundays. 12 to 1 D. m.
Satisfactory arranrcments may be made for
Consultation and Examination Free.
Asthma! Asthma!
gives instant relief and an absolute cure
in all coses of Asthma, Bronchitis, and
Hay Fever. 5old by druggists ; mail on
receipt of price $1.00.
Trial Packoce by mall 10 cents.
WILLIAMS MFC. CO.. Prop... Cleveland. Ohio
All of the crops of 1911 experimentally
tested and hand picked from the yield of the
justly celebrated gardens of Vick.
at the drug store of
C. C. Jadwin
Honcsdalc, Pa.
D. & H. CO. TlflE TABLE
A.M. 1M A.M. A.M. P.M. stations P.M. P.M. A.M P.M. A.M.
sun sun -7- tttt; SUN SUN
H 30 10 00 4 30 Albany 2 00 10 50 10 60 ....
10 00 10 00 B 05 . . ningtiaiiitoil .... la 40 8 15 1) 00
10 00 2 15 12 30 2 15 'Via Philadelphia.... 1 09 7 H 73S 7 U 38
3 15 7 10 4 40 "l2 30 7 10 ...Wllkes-Ilarre.... 9 35 2 55 725".'.';' 12 55 1005
4 05 8 00 5 30 IIS 7 55 ScratitOll 8 45 a 13 6 30 12 05 9 12
P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. Lv Ar A.M. P.M. V.M. V M. Pm!
5 40 8 45 6 20 2 03 8 45 Carliotldale 8 05 1 35 860 "'I" 11 25 8 27
8 60 8 65 30 2 15 8 55 ...Lincoln Avenue... 7 51 1 25 5 40 11 14 8 17
8 61 8 5U 6 31 2 19 8 59 Whites 7 60 1 21 5 34 11 10 8 13
6 11 9 18 li 62 2 37 9 18 Farvlew 7 33 1 03 5 18 10 53 1 54
ti 17 9 21 6 6b 2 43 9 24 Canaan 7 25 12 60 5 11 11 43 7 47
.... Lake Lodore ....
6 26 9 32 7 07 2 52 9 32 W'nvniart 7 17 12 49 5 56 10 37 7 39
6 32 9 37 7 13 2 57 9 37 Keene 7 12 12 43 4 6h 10 32 7 32
8 35 9 39 !..". 7 lti 2 59 9 39 SteeilO 7 09 12 40 4 55 10 29 7 30
B 39 9 43 7 20 3 03 9 43 Proimiton 7 05 12 36 4 61 10 25 7 2d
B 43 9 47 7 21 3 07 9 47 Forteilla 7 01 12 X' 4 47 10 21 7 22
H4fl 9 50 !.. 7 27 3 10 9 60 Seelyvllle 6 58 12 29 4 4t 10 18 7 19
6 60 9 65 7 31 3 15 9 65 Ilonesdale 6 65 12 23 4 40 10 15 7 15
P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. Ar Lv A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M.
ortlce adjacent to Post Office In Dlmmltk
ofllce. Ilonesdale, Pa.
Ofllcoovcr post ofllce. All local business
promptly attended to. Ilonesdale, Pa.
ol!,?&7I'lb,e.rty H.nlJ bulltllmr. opposite the
Post Ofllce. Ilonesdale. Pa.
Ofllce, Court House. Ilonesdale Pa.
uiarles a. Mccarty,
Snectal and uroraut attention clven tnih,.
collection 01 claims.
OUlce, City Hull.
Ilonesdale, Pa,
Oflice in the Court llouee, Ilonesdale
Ofllce-Second floor old Savings Urn
building. Hnnesdnle. Pa,
Ofllccs latelv occupied by Judge Scarle
Ofllce adjacent to Post Olllce. Honesdale.Pfi.
Ofllce First lloor. old Savings Bank build
lng, ilonesdale. Pa.
1011 MAIN ST.
Citizens' Phone.
X . llL'O
Eye and Kara specialty. The fitting of glass-
es given careful atteutf
F. G. K1CKARD Prop,
Especial Attention Given to
Transit Business.
Trade Marks
Copyrights &c.
Anyone sending a tketrh una dMCTlptlon mar
nnlcklr ascertain our opinion free whether an
ItiTeutloa 1$ probably puentaMfl. Communlca
llunaitrtctlyconadauttal. HANDBOOK onl'atenu
tent tree. Oldest auency for securing patents.
l'atenta taken through Munn & Co. receive
tttcM notice, without charge, in the
scientific jifttericam
A handsomely llluntrated weeilr.
Largest clr
Terms, 13 a
pnlnflnn nf anr nrlentldo lournal.
par: fnnr months. fL Sold bvall newsdealers.
MUNN &Co.36IBroadNewYork
Uraocb O0ca. 25 V SU Washington. I). C.
d We wisTi to secure a good
correspondent in every town
in Wayne county. Don't be
afraid to write this office for
paper and stamped envelops.
1 WHHil
. : ' J ,