THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 19 12. PAGE THREE GOV. TEXKIt TAMCS ABOUT GOOD KOABS. Governor Tencr, whoso advocacy of pood roada la well established, pro pounded a question and supplied Its answer in I'lttsburg rocontly on the ccaslon of tho banquet held In con junction with tho annunl meeting of tho Pennsylvania Motor Federation, which for tho sixth tiino elected to Ha presidency Robert I. Hooper, who is also head of the American Auto jnoullo Association. "Tho question that now confronts us," said the governor, "Is, shall we ho content to apply from year to year such amount of tho ordinary revenues of tho stato as can bo spar ed for the purpose and build and maintain a few -miles at best an nually, with only a futuro generation to enjoy them, or shall wo provide, as has been proposed, such nn amount as will enable tho state high ways department to prosecute the work to tho best advantace. and to tho end that you of to-day, as well as thoso who como after, may en joy improved roads, reaching into every county and Into the remotest corners of our state? "When tho proposition to provide sufficient money to carry on this great work comes before the people and our legislature, this organization can and 1 nm certain will prove a most potent force In its consumma tion. When It 1s understood by all our people that such a debt when created will not add a single penny of tax other than Is now levied for Btate purposes, there will be no dls fenting voices or votes." I'ennsyhania this fall will vote upon the ilfty-milllon-dollnr good roads referendum providing for a bond issuo of this amount to give tho Keystone state a comprehensive system of highways and Inter-related roads. In State Highway Commis sioner Hlgelow Pennsylvania has an Indefatigable worker, who predicts that the day is not far distant when it will bo possible for one to break fast In Pittsburg and dine in Phila delphia on the same day, such a journey being comfortably made pos sible by tho essential Improvement of the cross-stato road connecting Pennsylvania's largest cities. The contention In Pennsylvania is simi lar to what was put forward pre viously In Now York, which Is that real Improvement of tho highways benefits tho future as well as the present generation, and in conse quence tho cost may be distributed over a period of years. PKESBYTKItlAX GKOWTH HAS 1JEKX VEKY GUATIFVIXG. Statistics of the Lackawanna Pres bytery tabulated by the stated clerk, Rev P H. Brooks, D. D., will bo for warded to the stated clerk of the general assembly for incorporation in the minutes of that body. There are ninety-five churches in the Presbytery, which covers seven coun ties, and 392 elders and 79 deacons. Over 1,200 persons were added to the church membership last year, which is a gain over the previous year. The total number of communicants Is 17,949, with 16,448 Sunday school scholars, teachers and officers: Tno contribution to tho various 'benevolent and other funds of tho church during tho year show a large gain over the pervious year, and are as follows: Homo missions, $19,308; Foreign missions, ?28,51S; education, $1, 083; Sunday school work, $2,0C1; church erection, ?1,0SS; ministerial relief, ?2.S1S; Freedmen, $1,705; Colleges, $1,2C"; Temperance, $1,- 448; General Assembly, $2,850; Bible society, $568; total, $02,774. tor congregational expenses tho churches in tho Presbytery last year spent $192,529 and for miscellaneous expenses $7,824, making a total, in cluding the benevolences, of $363, 127 contributed. Jtegulatlon of Wireless Telegraphy. Had it not been for wireless tele graphy, jt is moro than likely that not a perbon would have lived to tell the talo of the fate of the Titanic and those on board. The men and women who escaped In tho open life boats could not have survived long had not the Camathla or some other ship received tho call for holp and come to the rescue. Yet It is clearly apparent that wireless telegraphy, es pecially on tho ocean, Imperatively inrtlt ri r. i n . n n 1M. n f . ...1.1., had only one operator. Had the ines fiago Hashed into tho air by tho Ti tanic been sent half an hour later ho would not have known anything about it, as he was on tho point of retiring for tho night when tho sig nal reached him. And when wireless communication was established be tween tho C'nrpathia and the shore, through other ships, a score or more of amateur wireless operators, with prlvato apparatus, made themselves busy. They prduced a babel of wire- If,.-,. . I .... ii 1.. . 1 1 1 , 4 1, 1 1 . i . !.... 1. .. ivaa Difeuuia unit cut Uliv IUU UUU" fused and Important messages being sent from tho scene of the wreck, it was as though twenty operators had tHAiri.l . tnl.K,i"ini linn n ,1 on... tt. v fcJUb1!'1 KIIU (Will RUlll iil- qmra:, over jt while tho news of an equa -i great catastrophe was being vurul rrm a far part of tho world. Just mat thing happened often uurii.g oo Civil war, when tele graphy was in its infancy. Tapping the Hires was common then, owing to tho momentous events taking Place and often false messages wore sent m this manner through a spirit of mischief It was a source of much annoyance and anxiety for tho government in Washington. Now, the tapping of a wire is a criminal offense Telegraph operators aro on duty on etery railroad and every important Western Union and Postal lino every minute of tho year. No telegrapher ran retain his position or get another ono if he reveals tho nature of a message. Restrictions producing similar rsults In wireless producing similar results in wireless as a result of tho Titanic disaster. SURGERY BY WIRELESS. Now Orleans. How a laborer on Swan Island, a lonely wireless sta tion in tho gulf, sustained a crushed foot, how tho wireless operator on tho Island communicated with a ship 420 miles away, raised tho surgeon and got him to explain tho proper way to amputate; then how the op erator's assistant performed tho op eration, was a story told uy tho man ager of a big shipping firm Monday. Now Orleans physicians doscrlbo it as "surgery by wireless." 4-4- -f The Escape OUT OF THE JAWS OF DEATH By FRANK A. 1IUBBELL, I-nto I'lvnto 1st I'enn. Vol. nuU Oupt. Co. I) fl"Ui I'enn. Portage, Wash. f f 4- I (Copyrlghtod 1912 by Frank A. Hub ble, Yakima, Wash.) CHAPTER X. An old mill long ago stripped of its machinery then Inhabited 'by owls, bats and creeping things af forded a good shelter for tho night, as It was our plan to travol through tho mountains mostly by day. From our sleep wo were awakened by tho order to surrender. Tho muzzlo of six guns pointed through tho wln dowless windows and door, was suf ficient force to mako us throw up our hands. Our long cherished hopo and faith was killed. Our very hearts wcro crushed with pain at this sudden ending after such sovoro hardship on this desperate trip. Punishing our Impoverished bodies in this grand struggle, now so close to our lines, was heart-rending in deed. Despair and dejection possessed our whole being. Visions of that dear homo wo believed we would soon see after three long years of strife now faded. The outstretched arms of tho loved ones beckoning to us from tho farther goal, awaiting to encircle and fold to her bosom tho long absent form, vanished In the twinkle of the eye. The cold, slimy walls and Iron liars. Instead, before us. Poverty-stricken, naked, almost soulless, wo cried out In our last effort. "Oh God have mercy!" " Who aro you?" Our answer, " Escaped prisoners of war." ' Which side?" " Union." "You aro safe, fear not. We are Union men protecting our families in the mountain. Come out and shake, we will care for you a few miles." I cannot write of this transition without emotion. To recall that mo ment thrills my soul. Think, reader, of the sudden change from utter de spair to extreme joy. Never beforo or since, as checkered and diversified as my life has been, have I exper ienced such sorrow and pleasure of mind within tho time of one short breath. Forward, march. Tho path is narrow. Tho great mountain, crags look down upon a striving, earnest set of men wending their way up through its narrow de files and different passes. Blalock, their guide and leader, with one eye shot out and three fingers from his left hand gone, seemed delighted to have tho opportunity of helping our party on their way so far as they dared and In consideration of tho necessity of their remaining within close proximity to their families. Our path would the second day bo beyond their jurisdiction. On nearlng tho top of the moun tain there was a tall plno tree hun dred feet high. A song bird in melo dious strain. "Blalock, show tho boys what Union bushwhackers can do." An Instant level of the eyo along the barrel of tho gun, he shoots, and the song "bird falls to our feet. After reaching tho outpost of their barricade, wo were happily introduc ed to ono of their number's daugh ter, Miss Bertha Hamlet, who was to wield the soptro of guidance along the secret path of tho basin of tho mountain for seven miles. A come ly looking lassie. A sweet, girlish, wholesomo young lady, apparently void of vanity, hautiness, self-consciousness and free from any of tho artifices of precocious young lady hood. Her simplicity of dress, un doubtedly governed by tho supply in On Swan Island Is a wireless sta tion, ono of the links In tho united fruit chain to tho tropics. When a laborer hurt his foot In a tram car accident tho wireless operator con cluded an operation was imperative. There wero no medical books at hand; and no one at tho station ovor had hacked at a fellow being. Then tho operator had an " in spiration." Ho called a fellow crafts man on a ship passing 420 miles bo low Into tho Caribbean sea. Tho situation was explained to tho ship's surgeon and detail by detail, ho ex plained just how the amputation snould be handled. After tho ar teries had been tied and tho wound dressed the patient recovered Ills senses and insisted on pressing at tho wireless key to express his thinks. At last accounts ho was get ting well. GOYERXOR SETTLES FOR FAST AUTO TRIP. Harrisburg. Governor John K. Toner paid $13.25 line, costs impos ed by tho authorities of Reading, Thursday, for alleged violation of tho speed limit by tho governor's auto mobllo last Monday. In sending his check to Reading, tho governor wroto that ho has no knowlodgo of having rlddon through tho city last Monday any faster than on numerous previous occasions, and also that as tho car 1b owned by tho state there could ho no collection of tho lino if ho choso to resist It. Rather than dlsputo the matter ho paid tho amount out of his own pocket. LOCOMOTIVE SIIORX OF ITS DECORATIONS. Tho Hornell Trlbuno says: Al though no official notice has been issued by tho Erio olllclals it Is nev ertheless roportod from rollablu quartors that engineers will not In tho futuro bo allowed to decorato their engines with company and fra ternal emblems. A fow months ago tho company adopted tho policy of rewarding Its oldest onglneers by as signing Individual engines and plac ing the namo of tho cnglneor on each englno. A friendly rivalry, develop ed among tho engineers, each striv ing to have tho best looking locomotive. 4- 4- -f -f -f I that devastated region, as I noticed on ono shoulder It said "Corn" in very prominent lottors and then the color reminded mo greatly of Back sometimes used by Uncle. Her free dom from affectation Impressed me; In act, she encompassed my whole mind. A natural consequence, I Imagined my comrndes would say, for a young man of 22 years when brought In contact with so lovely a being on bucIi a sudden nnd Inoppor tune time. She seemed to lie taken up with our unfortunato condition so much so sho loaned me a shawl to cover my bare bosom while in her presence. Having refreshed ourselves from their meager stores, the command un der our rosy-cheeked guide moved on Into tho wilderness of tho moun tain. At every tree, bearing a cer tain mark, cut into the bark, our Httlo lady would Sound her rustic whistle and from behind some rock up the mountain sldo a signal in sim ilar whistles would bo -cturncd, sig nifying all was clear to proceed. At ono signal tree wo recolved out one whistle, where wo remained some twonty minutes before the proper number of whistles were returned. 'When at last we reached the end of our heroine's beat, she led to a prominent point away from the path and from this elevation pointed away in the distanco on tho course wo wero to pursue to Bald Mountain, saying: " When you will havo pass ed that point you are then In the most dangerous part of your jour ney. A wild, desolate, uninhabited part of these mountains often held by men of either side In their fierce contests for supremacy. Also by lawless gangs of men who havo no country or naught else at stake but plunder, but from my observation (pardon me) they would pass you by." We were then reconducted to the blazed tree on our path and with lov ing words for our success that dear form vanished behind the rocks to climb up tho mountain side and ap prise her father of our presence, who would come and arrange for our continued journey. A short, stout man with a pinched face, as most of them had who lived in the hills, made his appearance in duo time. After some moments of conversation he opened a sack, tak ing therefrom four Remingtons and 20 rounds of cartridges for each gun. For the first time In nearly two years four of our party held In their hands a weapon of defense. A sunbeam crossed each face, signifi cant of a self-reliant, important feeling of which we had been so long robbed, creating a reliance that swelled our Importance as actors In that great drama. Not only armed with a simple repeater that would bo destructive to any ono daring to obstruct our way, but with an ex perience and an object in view that meant a power behind the gun more formidable than had our numbers 'been doubled, yea, trebled, under ordinary circumstances. How we fondled thoso dear shoot ing Irons. How wo eyed each other as pride cropped out in tho knowl edge wo held In our hands, a pass port to tho outposts of tho Union army. A ticket of leave from tho unfriendly sections of tho South, and a compass that would navigate our wrecked and frail craft towards tho shore of home and plenty. Oh, glorious, could but half express our joy at this simple yet powerful agency In our oehalf at this critical time. (To be Continued.) A few days ago when William R. Martin's engine came from tho local shops it was decorated with tho Erie emblem on each running board step and attracted considerable attention. Likewise it is said, that It caught the eyo of General Superintendent Stone and later was taken back to tho shops for toning down process. From now on it is expected that locomo tives with the engineer's names In scribed under tho cab windows will be standardized and that each will havo tho same decorations. Tho pride taken by the engineers has been highly commended by the company but it is asserted that tho lino must bo drawn somewhere and that the Erlo will not bo advertised by monograms and emblems on tho locomotives. Carload of Bibles. A shipment of ono solid carload of Bibles containing 10,000 volumes has been consigned by Thomas Nel son & Son of Now York City to Los Angeles, Cal. The shipment was routed via tho Lackawanna and tho A. T. & S. F. Railroad. This is ono of tho largest shipments of a slnglo book over mado at ono tlmo. It literally speaks volumes for Chris tianity that tho Blblo still main tains Its position far in tho van of the v orlds' "Best Sellers." Doubly Blessed. Tho mother of llttlo Helen was ono of twins. As tho twin slstors lived quite a way apart, Helen did not seo her aunt until sho was about two years old. On first seeing her she was greatly puzzled over tho re semblance of her mother and aunt, and aftor looking bowllderedly from ono to tho other finally exclaimed, "Moro mamma." A Speechless End. A gentleman hearing that a very dear friend of his liad died wont tho next day to offer condolenco to tho family. Tho only poraon that ho found at homo was tho son and after tho usual formalities lio asked: "Well, my boy, did your father havo any last words?" "Woll, no," answered the "boy, "you see, mother was with him to tho end." PHILADELPHIA AS A PORT Philadelphia, May 7. " Wo aro awaro of tho advan tages of your port, and you may rest assured that wo aro prepared to de rlvo as much benefit as wo can." This response by Fundi, Edyo & Company, agent for twonty steam ship lines, was one of tho several replies that have been received in answer to a general letter by Mayor Blankonburg to fifty-five foreign steamship companies, calling their attention to tho benefits to accruo from making 1'hllndelphia a termin al port for some of their steamers, and suggesting to thoso that already have established connections hero tho advantages of sending moro ves sels to this port. The letter marks the opening of a vigorous campaign by Mayor Blank onburg and Director George W. Nor rls, of tho Department of Wharves and Docks, to mako Philadelphia, and through it Pennsylvania, a dis tributing point for a larger foreign trade, and at the samo time to create for this state's manufactures and products a broader and more profitable market. Both tho Mayor and the Director regard tho replies as extremely en couraging, for they' Indicate a deep er appreciation of tho Port of Phila delphia by foreign steamship lines, and reflect tho Increasing tendency of foreign trade toward Philadel phia as tho logical north Atlantic port for future expansion in Inter national commerce. F. O. Drake, vice-president of the Panama Railroad Company, which maintains a steamship service on both oceans, wrote: " 1 havo already recommended to tho directors of the company that thoy continue the service to this port inaugurated by tho California Atlantic Steamship Company, which wo wcro obliged to discontinue, ow ing to conditions which in no wise reflect on tho port of Philadelphia." Mayor Blankentiurg's letter read: "Permit me to call your attention to tho advantages of tho city of Philadelphia as a seaport. Kindly give this letter your earnest consid eration. "Philadelphia is distant from the Miles ocean 103 New York Is distant from tho Ocean 21 Antwerp Is distant from the ocean 52 Hamburg is distant from tho ocean 85 " Freight by water, from foreign ports, costs no more to Philadelphia than to New York. On the other hand, Philadelphia is SO miles nearer by land to the great West, South west and South than is tho city of New York, while the rato of freight from Philadelphia Is from 60 cents to $1.20 per ton less than It Is from New York. "Passenger rates aro as follows: Immi passenger. grant New York to Chicago $20.00 $15.00 Philadel'a to Chicago 18.75 13.75 "And to other points in propor tion. "Another decided advantage in favor of Philadelphia is that steam ers discharge their Inward cargoes of merchandise and also load their outward cargoes at wharves on which the cars of the trunk line rail roads aro run direct. This avoids lightorago and furnishes tho most direct expeditions and economic transfer and interchange of import and export traffic possible to obtain between ocean carriers and inland carriers. Water carriage is cheaper than that by rail, therefore Philadel phia, being 100 miles farther in land than New York, delivers traf fic intended by the ocean carrier, say, for Chicago, that much nearer its final destination, and the througn rato is therefore lower, whllo delivery of shipments takes less time. "Tho channel of tho Delaware River is now heing deepened by the national Government until It shall be 35 feet deep. Tho Delaware is 2500 feet wldo and Its fresh water is of tho highest excellence for boil er purposes; it clears tho bottoms of steamers from barnacles, thus re ducing tho number of dockings nec essary to clear their bottoms. "Tho city of Philadelphia is now building now wharves and docks. These wharves and docks will be for rent, when completed, at figures only a fraction of what would bo charged for tho samo facilities In Now York. "It would pleaso mo and the au thorities of our city If you would decido to mako Philadelphia a ter minal port for at least somo of your steamers or to increaso their num ber if you already use this city as a terminal. I have no doubt you would soon ascertain that this ex periment would prove to bo a paying proposition for your line. It will givo mo pleasure to hear from you and to enter Into further details and to give you further Information If desired." The Boosters. The booster boosts, You hot your life! His town comes first. And then his wife; Ho boosts and boosts, With words of cheer And words of praise Ho starts things hero. Tho booster boosts, Ho makes things grow! Tho workingman Now has a show, The hammer sings And business hums, Tho booster boosts And success comos. Tho booster boosts, List to his song As on lifo's way Ho sprints along! His open hand, His faith and smile Add much to mako This world worth while. Losllo's. Benefits Bunched. "So you wore trying to sell tho tur key I sont you?" "Captain, I didn't mean no harm." "This is your gratitude, hoy?" "Boss, lommo orplnln. I always got six or seven turkeys on Christ mas, and nuth' during tho rest of tho year." Stop Look Do You want Electric Lights in your home, boarding house or hotel? If so we will put them in. Let me know how many and I will tell you what it will cost. Electricity beats them all. It's the Dean Home Electric Lighting Plant Our store in tlio Gratnbs Building, is lighted by it. Let us show It to you. Reo the Fifth, Ford ant! Brush AUTOMOBILES John Deere Sulky Plows, Success Manure Spreader, Hoosier Grain Drills, Dain Vertical Lift Mower, Ireland Wood Saw, Kant Klog Hand Sprayers, The Famous "New Way" Air Cooled Engine, H onesdaie, Pa. 1 HONESDALE'S SUPERVISED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT IS THE NATIONAL Cor. Eighth and Main Sts. If is Rich in Experiences Modern in Methods, Appreciative of Patronage. DIRECTORS: HENRY Z. RUSSELL, EDWIN F. TORREY, HORACE T. MENNER, LOUIS J. DORFLINGER, ANDREW THOMPSON, HOMER GREENE, JAMES C. BIRDSALL, E. B. HARDENBERGH, PHILIP R. MURRAY, A Business Connection With us Cannot Fail to be of Mutual Advantage and Satisfaction. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS ACCEPTED, AND THREE PER CENT. INTEREST PAID THERE ON, WHETHER LARGE OR SMALL. ORGANIZED 1836. Open Saturday Evenings from 7s30 to 8:30. Advertise in Read ONLY BANK Capitalist. Capitalist. General Stores. C. Dorflinger & Sons. Capitalist. Lawyer & Author. Woolen Manufacturer. Capitalist. Ironmonger. - THE CITIZEN