The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 08, 1912, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Kiist Htnto tmir Providing For Their
Cnre, Mnlntcnnnco and Education.
During the sessions of thti Inst
Legislature no bill created ruoro In
terest or enthusiasm than that
known ns the Blind Baby 13111. In
troduced In the Assembly by Assom
'blyman Speaker, of St. Lawrence
county, anil In the Scnato by Sena
tor Coats of Franklin county.
Not long ngo, this paper publish
ed a short Item stating that tho only
Institution In the United States giv
ing proper caro to blind babies from
tho day they aro blinded, was estab
lished and Is maintained by tho In
ternational Sunshine Society, a phil
anthropic nowspapor association, of
which .Mrs. Cynthia Westovcr Alden,
writer and publisher, Is president
general. 'Now the Catholic Institute
will caro for tho Catholic hllnd.
Several years ago, Mrs. Alden, In
tho rounds of her nowspapor work,
discovered that there was no pro
vision for blind babies in the State
of Now York under tho ngo of eight
years; that is, tho Commissioner of
Education could not appoint a blind
child under eight to any educational
institution for caro.
On further investigation sho
learned that children blinded In In
fancy could not live to the ago of
eight without special caro and not
becomo hopelessly idiotic or feeble
minded; that children of tho poor
blinded In early infancy were rele
gated to the Idiot departments or
public Institutions, or to the poor
house in county districts, where
they picked their eyes with their
lingers, bumped their heads against
the wrll, pounded themselves with
their little lists, until some injury
would result In the baby dying. Or,
if the child lived, It met a worse
fate mental blindness. The queer
actions of the child led tho general
public to jump at tho conclusion that
It was an idiot, when it was simply a
little soul trying to find Itself, and
no friendly hand extended In help.
Little Hacnel was taken from
Randall's Island when a tiny little
thing, where sho had ibeen sent 'be
cause of having had spinal menin
gitis, also measles, which left her
blind. From tho hospital thero sho
was taken by tho International Sun
shine Society and put with other do
pendent blind children that could
be collected, all thrown away by the
public as not worth saving.
Eighty-two of these little folks
were given the best possible nursing
under graduate nurses, the best
training under graduate kindergart
ners. with tho result that only two
failed to respond mentally one was
a little boy who had bumped his
head against the wall until he got
it out of shape.
The next thing was to get the
world to understand that it should
at least give its blind babies tho
care that it was giving dumb ani
mals. The Society got a bill
through the Legislature in 1908
which provided for the dependent
New York City children. That was
four years ago. Hut the blind bab
ies outside of the city had no pro
tection, so the Seaker-Coats bill just
signed by Governor Disc gives tho
State Commissioner of Education
power to see that blind children aro
educated and cared for from the
day they are blinded, appointed, not
committed, to an institution for
Little Rachel is only one of eigh
ty or more children who have 'been
educated in the Blind Rabies' Homo,
demonstrating the fact that they
needed only care to prove them
selves bright, normal, healthy
Tho story of Rachel Askenas, ten
years old and blind, and how she
lobbied for the Blind Babies' Bill
probably has no parallel In Interest
and sentiment in the annals of tho
State Legislature.
It appealed with additional force
to the people of Troy for the reason
that a Trojan, Seymur Van Sant
voord, the Governor's legal adviser,
figured consplcuusly in the stops
that marked tho progress of the
measure. In fact, tho little blind
girl selected Mr. Van Santvoord as
her special champion, and a Btrong
attachment sprang up between them,
lie has In his possession letters and
photographs sent to him by Rachel
from time to time that he values
highly and will over cherish as me
mentos of one of tho happiest and
most impressive incidents of his
Every country newspaper publish
er has more or less experience with
the tramp printer who comes from
no one knows where and leaves Just
as suddenly when the roving spirit
again .seizes him.
Marguorito Miller, associate editor
ot the Rochester (Ind.) Daily Re
publican, philosophizes on this mys
terious clas.- of wandering mortals
in a recent issue as follows:
"There Is no greater mystery than
that of ifc. and nnnn more inconi-,
prehenslble than man. Why one is1
born to wealth, another to poverty
and another to mental greatness, no
system of theology has yot explain
ed or philosophy disclosed to the
satisfaction of the devotees thereof.
Why do some rlso to great heights
of mental, financial and perhaps
spiritual progress without apparent
effort, another go down In dofeat
lighting their destiny overy Inch of
the way. whllo another drifts up and
down as clrcumstanres forco or fancy
dictates. Can all men bo good men
in splto of birth or environment?
Aro men bad becauso thoy must, or
drift becauso it Is their lot to drift?
From time to tlmo ono of this latter
class visits this print shop, asking
for a job, nnd thoy of all men make
ono ponder on tho mystery of llfo.
Usually tho hobo printer arrives
dirty, unkempt, ragged and palo but
never discouraged or sullen. Ho
works quietly and every move counts
Ho can explain any part of tho work
if asked; ho is a living dictionary
and encyclopedia combined, and af
ter working hours, if ho can bo In
duced to talk, you find ho Is versod
not only In tho events of tho day,
but is also a student ot history and
In close touch with tho world's groat
poets, great authors and talks with
equal grace of tho drama, music or
art. And thero ho Bits In his filthy
rags, a genius in mind, a master In
Intellect, a purveyor of knowledgo
far superior to thoso who employ
him. Nameless ho cornea and name
less ho goes, making no apology for
his appoarnnco, asking no favors, un
obtrusive, yot affaiblo and kind. No
douibt but he has a besetting etn,
but why has ho? Tho Christian
would say ho needs conversion, tho
mental scientist would say ho must
strengthen his will whllo theosophy
declares ho is following tho star of
his destiny, and can rlso only
through rebirth. Who Is right?
Religion has not solved tho problem
or lessened crlmo. Tho greatest
crimes, carefully plannod, cold
blooded murders, aro committed
among tho clorgy and highly educat
ed, thoroforo education will not re
move penal institutions or poverty,
so the only thing that remains is for
tho man to study himself and learn
tho why of his own naturo and
learning, his future will tako caro of
Religious Toleration In Japan.
Very significant, as an indication
of tho increasing friendliness with
which tho ancient East now views
Christianity, was tho rccont confer
ence of religions held in Tokio, Ja
pan, Kays tho Christian Herald. It
was tho first occasion on which
Christianity was formally and ofll
clally recognized In that country as
entitled to equal rights and privi
leges with Buddhism and Shlntolsm.
At tho conference were fifty-six
Buddhists, thirteen Shlntolsts and
seven Christians (tho latter repre
senting .Methodist, Presbyterian,
Baptist. Congregational, Episcopal,
Catholic and Greek churches), and
the Imperial government was repre
sented by four members of the cabi
net and several chiefs of bureaus.
It was a very dignified and exclusive
assemblage and no outsiders were
admitted. All the delegates united
In a joint resolution favoring co-operation
in politics, education and re
ligion for the Improvement of social
and moral conditions and tho de
velopment of civili7ation, " each re
ligion, however, strictly observing
its own provinrp of operations."
Harmonious relations wero declared
to be the nation's prosperity." It
would bo dllllcult to over-estimate
tho Importance of this recognition of
the Christian faith in .1 country
where it has been under a ban. It
will greatly assist In removing tho
prejudice which has existed even
among the more intelligent Japanese,
for government approval goes a long
way in Japan. What the emperor
and his ministers sanction or permit,
no loyal son of Nippon will call in
question. Hence great results may
flow from tho conference, which
should mark tho beginning of a
new forward movement in Christian
work in that country.
Report Fm-nislied
Theodore Day.
Weather record for April, 1912,
compared with other Aprils for near
tifty years. Highest temperaturo
ranged from 28 degrees third, to 77
degrees sixth and lGth; average
53.7 degrees: last year 28 degrees
second to 82 degrees 20th; an aver
age !)J.4 degrees. Highest on my
April records for 49 years, varied
from Gl degrees in 1S74, to S8 de
grees April 18, 189G. Lowest tem
perature ranged from 55 degrees
27, down to 19 degrees fourth; aver
ago 33. S degrees; and lowest last
year was 14 degrees second and
third. My lowest record In April is
seven degrees, 13th, 1871. Greatest
daily range was 44 degrees fifth;
at least two degrees 10th, ISth and
19th; average range 19.9 degrees;
last year It was 17.3 degrees.
Mean for the month, 43.7 degrees,
which Is .8 of a degreo above April
average of 4 2.9 degrees for 47
years; from 35 degrees in 1874, to
50.5 degrees in 1878. Last year it
was 41.1 degrees.
Thero was rain to measure on 14
days, with traces seven other days,
and traces of snow and hail six
days, twenty days more or less
stormy, 39 inches of snow for the
whole winter to 87 inches a year
ago. Total precipitation for April
4.75 inches is 2.02 inches more than
April average of 2.78 inches for 43
years; from .07 inch in 189, to 5.07
inches in 1874, and flvo inches in
1909. Four days wero clear, ten fair
and sixteen cloudy; average 29 per
rem. 01 sunsnine, to 05 last year,
Prevailing winds northwest.
Morning May first, 27 degrees and
very wnito frost; parts of fields
green, with fruit and forest buds
swelling, and nearly all brown on
high lands and north slopes; season
neany a month late.
'Dyberry, Pa., May 1. 1912.
" Tho question Is often asked as
to why our natlvo birds aro becom
lug rare, and it is often answered
by the absurd statement that it is
because women aro uslnc them for
millinery purposes," said Prof. H
ouriace, state zoologist. In an
interview In his ofllco at Harrlsburg
recently, lie continued
The chief reasons why birds arn
becoming rare aro that their natlvo
haunts and places of concealment
are gradually being destroyed, and
ineir natural roou is disappearing,
mis is particularly truo or many
species 01 oirus that teed upon wild
iruus 01 various Kinds. It Is really
unbelievable by many persons ns to
what a largo number of wild seeds
and fruits aro taken as food bv
birds. For example the seeds of
tho poison Ivy would never bo
thought odlblo 'by mankind, yet sev
eral species of hlrds aro known to
eat them.
" In tho efforts to clean tin thick.
ots and fonco rows tho various kinds
of shrubs, hushes, vines and trees
tnat rurnlsh food for birds at differ
ent times of tho year havo been de
stroyed, and It Is but natural that
theso feathered creatures will not
continue to llvo In abundanco In re
gions whoro their food Is scarce.
About all that Is necessary to ro
storo tho blrdB, especially of many
interesting kinds, Is to bo suro that
thoy aro provided with natural food
and adequate protection.
"To provide tho hirds with rood
it Is best to arrango that this bo
dono by natural moans, and wo in
turn must plant for them thoso
plants which will furnish thorn tholr
most deslrod fruits. Among theso
aro such as tho following: June
borry, shad berry or aorvlco borry,
scientifically known as nmalanchlor,
tho mulberries (both English and
Jtusslan), early sweet varieties of
strawborrlcs, sweot early cherries
(like tho Governor wood), haw
thornc, viburnum, first grape, fox
grape, grcenhrler, Juniper or cedar
apple, holly,, barberry, mountain
ash, English Ivy, Vlrglnln creeper or
Ilvc-leafed Ivy nnd hackborry.
" Theso aro among tho plnntB that
furnish natural food for the birds
during the cntlro year, oven while
tho snows lay deep on tho ground
'birds of Bovoral kinds will feast up
on tho grapes which thoy seek on tho
wild grapo vines, and In tho spring
time ns tho robins nnd other birds
end tholr wearying flight from tho
South, thoy will quickly bo able to
find tho berries of tho Ivy on somo
old wall, or tho hardened berries of
tho hackborry treo still clinging to
the trees where thoy grew nnd ripen
ed last summer.
" Such a list of food plants as giv
en nbove Is Naturo's menu served In
courses, giving food that will lie
taken hy tho birds of various Tdnils
during tho entire year. Among the
birds that have been known to feed
upon the fruits of tho plants men
tioned aro such as tho follwing:
Cuckoos, bluebirds, flycatchers, 'blue
jays, bobolink, brown thrasher, cat
bird, cedarbird, gracklo or black
bird, kingbird, downy woodpecker,
hairy woodpecker, and wood thrush."
How to Destroy .Mosquitoes
Prevent tho mosquito and tho fly
from breeding and you will put an
end to both. Flies breed principally
In decayed flesh and manure. They
like tho dirty alleys where garbage
and refuse are scattered about.
Keep your streets and your back
yards clean and you will deprive tho
lly of Its breeding places and it
will cease to multiply.
Tho mosquito breeds in stagnant
water. The rusty old cans that, half
filled with water, lie on dump heaps
and in back alleys are what the mos
quito likes. Tho barrels of rain wa
ter that stand under the eaves 01
some houses, tho stagnant pools in
meadows, swamps all of theso aro
excellent breeding places for the
The varieties of this Insect that
infest this part of tho country will
not, as a rule, breed In running wa
ter. Thoroforo drain your swamps
and stagnant pools. If you can't
drain them pour crude oil over them.
This will kill the young of tho mos
quito. Clean up your towns. Don't
allow cans and barrels to Ho about
where they can collect rain water.
A clean town will 'bo Hyless and
mosquitoless. Don't give either of
these pests a chance to "breed and
you will not bo troubled by them.
Karl de Schwelnitz, Executive Sec
retary, Pennsylvania Society for the
Prevention of Tuberculosis.
Locomotive engineers evidently
believe that to him that hath tho
highest wages should bo given the
greatest increase. But few peoplo
realize how well these men are paid
in comparison with other workers
possessing similar skill and training.
Tho Interstate Commerce Commis
sion reports show that In 1910 tho
average daily pay of the enginemen
was 4.55, as compared with ?3.83 in
1902; and the Bureau of 'Railway
Economics shows that their compen
sation made a further advance of
5.2 In 1911. thus raising it to
$4.78. Just how many days per
year the men work it Is Impossible
to say, but wo have hero shown
their yearly compensation figured at
300 days In comparison with the av
erage annual pay of other male
laborers in the United States.
This average of other laborers Is
based upon the wage payments of
tho Steel Corporation, together with
statistics published iby the Labor
Department and the Census Bureau:
Enginemen Other Englno
300 Days Laborers men's
1911 $1,434
1910 1,305
1909 1,332
1908 1,332
1907 1,290
1904 1,230
NOTE Tho enginemen's pay has
Increased 24.5 , while that of oth
er workmen has Increased 20.9.
Chief Stone has been quoted as
saying that it is tlmo to teach tho
public tho lesson that freight rates
should bo advanced In order to per
mit tho payment of higher wages.
Tho public, however, by which is
meant tho great mass of our work
ing population, is very poorly paid
ns compared with engineers, and Is
In no position to mako further con
tributions to tho latter through tho
payment of higher freight rates.
Moreover, tho enginemen are em
ployes nnd not partners, and what
thoy should bo paid has nothing to
do with either freight rates or net
earnings, and Is purely a question of
what they aro worth. Indeed, were
thoy to base tholr argument upon not
earnings, thoy would apply for a re
duction of pay, since tho railroads
are now earning only about 4.58
on their capitalization, as compared
with 5.54 In 1907 and 5.38 in
Unless both railroads and tho pub
lic wish to bo exploited by him that
hath, they should now present a
united front of opposition to tho de
mands of tho onglnomon. Wall
Street Journal of April 25, 1912.
Wllkes-Uarro. (Mrs. Mary Auvlc
Is tho champion absent minded wom
an of tho state. Sho was enrouto
from Now York to Mauch Chunk last
Thursday with her two babies, ono
two and a half years old and tho
other olght months. When tho train
reached Mauch Chunk Mrs. Auvlc
calmly gathorod her bundles togeth
er and alighted, leaving tho babies
Boforo sho romemhored about tho
children thoy wero on tholr way to
this city, and when tho flyer reached
hero Conductor W. S. Campbell re
ceived a message asking that tho
youngsters be shipped back. So
frantic was tho forgetful mother that
a snoclal train was mado up and tho
kiddles taken back to Mauch Chunk
In stylo.
Lovo may drive a man craay, Imt
It seldom drives him to work.
How to euro a cold Is a ploco of
fiction that rivals any of tho six host
Tho man who gets In with tho
automobllo crowd frequently gets
out with his landlord.
Graft frequently leads to a bank
account and thenco to tho room of
the Investigating committee.
Many peoplo who aro nblo to work
oren't wllUng, nnd thoso who aro
willing often turn out to bo unable.
Mon may pass a law permitting
women to vote, but Just let tho ego-
I tlstlcnl creatures try compelling wo
men to vote!
Thero aro people who nay taxes
cheerfully and others who think they
would bo willing to do so If they had
any property to ho taxed.
Spring marrlago ties dissolve eas
ily and noiselessly, while others ex
plode and re-echo from ono end of
the country to tho other.
Ono who trios to make you dis
contented is not your friend.
Envy makes It easy to bollovo
that wealth must be acquired dis
honestly. After looking tho men over care
fully, tho surprising thing to us Is
that women aro over jealous.
Is there a man with nose so red
who has never to himself said, "guess
I'll cut it out?"
Abo Martin truthfully remarks
that "tho moro a man loves his wife
tho moro It costs him."
Only a very pretty girl can afford
to look cross, and then she does not
want to work at It steadily.
When a fellow gets so ho can eat
with a fork he thinks he ought to
have orchestra music at feeding
This old world will begin to get
better about the tlmo the reformers
begin work on themselves.
Every girl thinks that she is bet
tor to look upon than her photo, not
withstanding tho fact that every
photo Is supposed to flatter.
Along the narrow way, like around
the baseball diamond, you must
touch all the bases.
The hardest thing for a girl to do
Is to fall In love with a fellow who
no other girl wants.
Taking into consideration the fact
that most women aro greatly humor
ed. It stands to reason that they
should all have a senso of humor.
Time waits for no man, although
It has been known to loaf around
a year or two for a woman.
Even a man with a wart on his
cheek can be tickled to death with
it for not being on his nose.
Always believe in your friends. It
will help them to help themselves
to your possessions moro easily.
Remember that, though each Is
the architect of his own llfo, yet he
has not the ordering of the mater
ial. ARIEL.
(Special to The Citizen.)
Ariel, May 4.
Mrs. Margaret McGlanghan, of
Avoca, spent a few days of last
week visiting 'Mrs. M. Lane.
Mr. and Mrs. James Collins, of
Scranton, spent Saturday and Sun
day with the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Marshall.
There was a Measuring social
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Becker on Tuesday evening of
last week. Tho proceeds were used
for the benefit of the church.
James Surplus, of Scranton, Is
visiting his sister, Mrs. Robert Mar
shall. Milton Marshall, who had his leg
amputated in tho Hahnemann hospi
tal in scranton, is home. Ho is get
ting along nicely.
Send six cents to Tho Citizen.
Honesdale, Pa., and receive the first
thirty lessons of tho spelling con
test words. The booklet contains
twelve pages. It receives tho
hearty endorsement of Superintend
ent J. J. Koohler.
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Newfoundland, May 7.
Dr. Frend Gilpin and sister, Mrs.
none narvey, Westlleld, were called
home by the serious Illness of their
mother, Mrs. Gilpin.
Mrs. Frank Nickolson. Salem.
Mrs. Amanda Gilpin, LaAuna, visited
their sister, iMrs. Gilpin.
J. B. Crooks was a Newfoundland
caller Tuesday.
Evan Hauso nnd William Heber
ling are Improving J. R. Hause's
place by putting up a new wood
Julia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
('. A. Sieg, was taken to the Presby
terian hospital, Philadelphia, to bo
treated for an abscess.
Send six cents to Tho Citizen for
one of those Httlo booklets contain
ing the first thirty lessons of tho
spelling contest.
Mrs. Owen WIster, chairman of
tho state civics committee, urges all
tho clubs to have their annual muni
cipal cleanlng-up during the first
week In May.
Mrs. Blankenburg. wife of tho
Mayor of Philadelphia, Is ono of the
foremost advocates of tho Municipal
House-Cleaning plan. It Is expected
that Philadelphia will recelvo such
a cleaning as It has not had in years.
In a pamphlet on this subject, pub
lished by Mrs. Blankenburg, for dis
tribution to club workers, It is sug
gested that public Interest bo aroused
by educational methods through tho
press and pulpit, nnd that tho women
dovoto somo tlmo to tho study of
municipal expenses bo that they may
know whother tho appropriations for
cleanliness and sanitation nro ade
quate, and what rights thoy havo
under tho local laws to call upon tho
authorities to assist In tho work.
Ho Might.
"Dinklo wouldn't tako a dollar
that didn't belong to him, no mattor
how hard up ho was,"
"Supposo ho had a chanco to tako
a million dollars?"
"Ahom! "Well. Dinklo Is a man of
nocking Up.
"Tho rain was coming down In
"I noticed it was bad In tho bed of
tho street."
Vincent Carroll, although not a
Scout, assisted tho members of tho
local troup at tho licit lire last Jan
uary. A report of tho Uro was Bent
to Scout headquarters and It was
published In tho weekly 'bulletin, Is
sued by Boy Scouts of America, Now
York. In the write-up, among tho
nnmes of other boys, uppoared Vin
cent Carroll's. Theso bulletins are
sent out all over tho country to
Scout Masters to bo used by editors
of different papers for publication.
The account, ' Boy Scouts ns Fire
Fighters," appeared in an Oklahoma
paper and reached tho eye of Vincent
H. Carroll, of Hunter, Okla. Ho
wroto to Vincent Carroll here. Re
ferring to tho clipping In his homo
paper, tho western Mr. Carroll said
that Vincent's name attracted his at- 1
tentlon, as It happened to bo his
name nlso. He wanted to know who
Vincent's parents are and where they
Sn.'rc.r"W4SS WS: l
cent Carroll.
The manner In which boys of tho
TTnltorl Rrntoa nrn tnlrincr 11 r onnnHnirl
is shown by the fact that in tho last
nine weeks, 22,500 boys havo re
ceived badges from the headquarters
of tho Boy Scouts of America. Jas.
E. West, Chief Scout Executive of
tho Boy Scouts of America, who
mado this announcement points out
that in other words tho average has
been about 2,500 badges a week. Of
tho total number 1 7,000 boys won
Tenderfoot badges, 4,500 won Sec
ond Class Scout badges and 1,000,
First Class badges.
Tho number of Tenderfoot badges
awarded to the boys shows that In
tho last nine weeks tho boys through
out the country havo been qualifying
as Tenderfeet, which Is the first
state of scouting, at tho rate of about
2,000 a week. Of course, tho boys
who got Second Class and First
Class scout badges have been engag
ing in scouting activities for several
months, and already havo obtained
their Tenderfoot badges. In tho last
nine weeks scoutmasters or tho men
who have charge of the troops of
boy scouts have been Joining tho
scout movement at the rate of about
90 a week. There aro about 24 boys
in a patrol so that It is clear that the
applications for commissions as
scoutmasters and the orders of the
boys for badges are in about tho
same ratio.
Reports coming into National
Headquarters confirm in other ways
the continued growth of tho scout
movement. In Philadelphia, Leo T.
Tierney, Executive Secretary, and J.
W. Patton, Field Secretary, are
working on a basis of organizing one
troop of boy scouts every day.
South Sterling, May 7.
Mrs. D. J. Menton, of Tliehmond
Hill, Long Island, has been visiting
her daughter, Mrs. E. Field.
Mrs. Edward 'Field. and sons, ot
South Sterling, are spending a few
weeks with her mother, Mrs. D. J.
Menton of Richmond Hill.
Send six cents to Tho Citizen for
one of those Httlo booklets contain
ing the first thirty lessons of the
spelling contest.
In AH Forms.
"Money's been her ono object
ever slnco sho was a girl."
"Yes, pin money, matrimony and
alimony." 'Boston Evening Trans
cript. To Patrons Along the Scranton
Branch ot the Erie Railroad,
The afternoon train leaving Scran
ton as per schedulo following, runs
dally directly to Honesdale, giving
people tlmo to transact tholr business
at the county seat and return homo
tho samo evening.
S:20 Scranton 1:30
S:13 Dunmoro 1:37
8:02 Nay Ang 1:4G
7:54 Elmhurst 1:55
:43 Wlmmers
.Saco 2:10
7:34 Maplowood 2:10
7:20 Lake Ariel 2:34
7:09 Gravity 2:41
G:59 Clemo 2:51
G:53 Hoadleys 2:56
G:37 West Hawloy.. ..3:27
G:12 Whlto Mills 3:3S
6:03 East Honesdalo .3:47
C:00 Honesdalo 3:50
Published by tho Greater Honesdalo
Board of Trade, Honesdale, Pa.
in your family you of course call
a reliable physician. Don't top
at that; have his prescriptions
put un nt n reliable pharmacy,
even it it is a little farther from
your home than some other store.
You enn find no more reiiablo
ntoro than ours. It would bo im
possible for moro care to bo taken
in the eclection of drugs, etc., or
in tho compounding. 1'rescrin
tions brought here, either night
or day, will bo promptly and
accurately compounded by a
competent registered pharmacist
and the prices will be most rea
sonable. O. T. CHAMBERS,
Opp. D. it II. Station, Honesdalx. Pa.
Roll of
Attertfon la called totno STRENGTH
of the
Wayne County
The FINANCIER of New York
City has published a ROLL Ot
HONOR of the 11,470 State Hanks
nnd Trust Companies of United
States. In this list the WAYNE
Stands 38th in the United States
10th in Pennsylvania.
1 . .
Capital, Surplus, $550,000.00
Total ASSETS, $3,000,000.00
Honesdale, Pa., March 25, 1911.
The Most
now-a-days Is how to dress
stylishly and becomingly wlth-
n tho amount that wo can at
ford to spend on this Import
ant subject.
wo say if you havo not as yot
worn a suit or overcoat of tho
Clothes Beautiful
designed and mado by
Strouse Bros. & Co.
tho celebrated Master Tailors of
Baltimore, Now York and Boston
Do So Now
It will undoubtedly ho the
smartest thing you can do you
will Instantly recognizo tho
wisdom of this suggestion
as the results will bo Immedi
ately apparent.
The "Strouse" clothis uppml to
Men and Young Men who desire to
1 be smartly dressed; uho to those of
hmittd menus who nirsiiriltj must
get the greatest results from the
(liii(iii)it expendid.
Novelties In Shirts, Hosiery.
Ties, Underwear and all tho flx
.ngs essential for stylo and com
fort. Call To See Us
Wo will nppreciato a visit
whether you purchaso or not
Full lino of Chlldron'a Suits.
Knox Hats, Trunks and Bags.
Bregstein Bros.
Honesdale, Pa.
Not Worth It.
when a girl runs away with a. I
man it's proof that It ho was worth
It ho wouldn't lot her.