The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 08, 1912, Image 1

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"Wo Print All Uip News That's
Fit to Print All tlio Time."
It is Quality nml ' Qunntlty That
Go u n tH in . vertislng.
3 :
70th YEAR. --NO. 37
KlTorl Being Made by State to Check
Diseaso Now lostroyiiin Millions
of Dollars' Worth of Timber in
The chestnut tree blight, which i3
fast deforesting this section of the
country of its best and most promis
ing timber, has readied Wayne coun
ty. Reallzlnc what a loss it will be
come and what already it is to the
State, I'ennsylvaniii has appropriated
S275.000 to fight wliat uow appears i " """J"' ' "'u -to
be an incurable disease. The il011 "rt the glory of Jerusalom;
Blight . onimission, whoso .head- T.1,0,J art the joy of Israel; Thou art
uuarters are in Philadelphia, has a
corps of instructors on the road go
ing from plate to place telling of the
devastation of the 'blight and giving
advice how to check it from spread
ing over a greater territory, Hones
dale was isited on Friday and Sat
urday last by K E. 'Hockey, of Phil
adelphia Mr. Hockey gave an in
structive illustrated lecture on tho
extermination of the blight last Fri
day evening at tho High school au
ditorium The speaker said in part:
This disease was tlrst discovered
In New York state in 1904. It was
never seen before and was unknown
to scientists and at lirst it was
thought a foreign production. It is,
however, a parasite rather than a
saprophyte It spread from the
Bronx, up tho Hudson in New York
state, to Pennsylvania, showing it
self In Susquehanna, Wayne, Pike
and Luzerne counties; through Wil
liamsport to lledford. It has also
done great damage In Delaware and
Maryland The disease is working
westward and the infection Is found
in nearly all parts of this county, the
percenetage. however, is not very
large here The last legislature of
Pennsv v , a appropriated $275,000
to be asetl in the light of the dis
ease The value of chestnut timber
in tins stute is $50,000,000. It is
hoped that the efforts of the com
mission to prevent the spread of the
blight beyond the aera now affected
may materialize in stamping it out.
Property owners are urged to be
come familar with tho symptoms and
work of the chestnut blight and keep
themselves posted on the subject.
They are asked to cut down infected
trees for .two reasons. First, It is
thoir duty; and secondly to prevent
the spread of the disease. The In
fected trees, if the diseased 1 i'bs aro
not cut out, die and lumber rapidly
deteriorates. This way one can utili
Jzo the Infected trees and limit the
spread of the disease to surround
ing healthy chestnut. Every tree
that is Infected should be cut down
and the Infected portions 'burned.
The method of determining and the
treatment of the disease is described
in the several publications issued by
the Chestnut Blight Commission,
1112 Morris building. Philadelphia.
It is hoped by the co-operation of
the land owners and Boy Scouts In
Wayne county that the flight can be
eradicated The Blight commission
has 100 srout masters and several
troops In the state endeavoring to
stamp out tho disease.
Scout Master Edward G. Jenkins
of Honesdale troop of Boy Scouts,
has been appointed as an unsalaried
Held agent of the Blight Commission.
He was tho first agent of the kind
to be appointed in the State of Penn
sylvania. Scout Master Jenkins will
be glad to give any advice on tho
subject. The scouts have become
familiar with the disease and will do
what Ihey can to aid in the success
ful campaign.
The disease is carried by birds,
insects, leaves and dust.
On Saturday Mr. Hockey accom
panied Scout Master Jenkins and the
local troop of boy scouts to Irving
Cliff where a Held inspection was
made. After examing several trees
Mr. Rockey found that more trees
were fire-killed than wore suffering
from the blight. He Is confident that
the work of exterminating the blight
will be successful In 'Wayne county,
owing to tho chestnut trees being
more scattered than they are in most
After the troop arrived on Irving's
brow two flags were erected on the
crown of tho cliff, which floated until
ttie camp broke in the afternoon.
The scouts thoroughly enjoyed them
selves Dinner was prepared in reg
ular siout fashion. Potatoes were
roasted in a fire which also broiled
line cuts of steak. It was the writ
er s privilege to dine with tho boys
and to say that we had an excellent
time is putting It In a mild way.
If you want to have a good time,
take a trip with tho scouts. You will
not only have 4,'ood social time, but
the ouilng will be of an educational
value to you.
Instructor Rockey speaks in words
of highest praise concerning Scout
Master Jenkins. He said ho never
met a more energetic scout master
and that tho boys aro to 'be con
gratulated in having a leader of the
calibre of Mr. Jenkins.
Mr Rockey left Honesdale Satur
day afternoon for New York City.
From thence ho went to Mllford,
Plko county, where for a week ho
will Instruct foresters on tho Glfford
Pinchot tract how to exterminate tho
blight and care for tho trees. Mr.
Hockey jnade a number of friends
during hla visit in Honesdale who
hope to see him again.
A few of tho baso ball team got
together last Thursday night and
talked over the possibilities of a team
ifor this summer. Several names were
mentioned as possible candidates for
manager but no definite step was
taken. Tho meeting was adjourned
until Tuesday night (to-night) when
deflnito stops would bo taken. Tho
prospects of a good team are bright.
(Julius Polt Is recovering from a
week's attack of tho grip.
Father O'Toolo Speaks on the ltecent
Pulling Down of the .Nation's Km-
iiiem iy imiustriai Workers
All lu-spccl DUO uur I'lUg1.
in an eloquent and patriotic ser
mon on Sunday Father John O'Toolc,
of St. John's II. C. church spoke on
the recent mass meeting of tho In
dustrial Workers of tho World, held I
In Union 'Square, New York, whore
tho ilag of the nation was pulled
down and trampled in the dust In
the Presence of thousands of people
thc honor of our people." Book of
In part wo take tho following ex
tracts from the sermon:
"These words can be fittingly ap
plied to Mary, Mother of God, whom
wo are honoring this month, for May
is the month of Mary. We honor
Mary because she Is the mother of
God. God could not, with all his
omnipotence, create a purer, holler
person than Mary. God himself
honored 'Mary. Why should wo not
honor her? The 'Blessed Virgin
Mary Is Justlly called the chosen
daughter of tho heavenly Father, tho
true mother of tho iDlvlne Son, and
the Emaculate Spouse of tho Holy
Some people who do not correctly
understand our religion, call us
Idolators. An idolator, the diction
ary tells us, Is one who gives divine
honor to Images or statues. Wo do
not give divine honor to Statues.
When we adorn the statue of the
Blessed Virgin Mary or when we
pray before that statue, we only
honor her, whom the statue repre
sents. We ask Mary to pray for
us and to intercede for us with her
Divine Son. We offer sacrifices to
God alone. Wlien one looks at Mary's
statue one is more forcibly reminded
of her, whom the statue represents.
When one admires a great bronzed
statue of a soldier erected in a park
ono is forcibly reminded of the
soldier, whom the statue represents.
If ono stood looking admiringly at
that soldier's statue or if one adorn
it with wreaths of flowers wo could
not be called idolators, but only
honoring the soldiers, who are rep
resented by that statue. Wo all ad
mire the soldiers who fought, bled
and died for the proudest flag that
ever waived over land or sea. The
Hag represents the nation, a republi
can form of government, "a govern
ment of the people, by the people and
for tho people,"
We Catholics both admire the
soldier, and lovo the flag of our na
tion, and now as ever we should
be ready and willing to protect that
flag and to prevent desecrating hands
from stretching out and dragging It
into the dust.
Wo regret very much that some
American citizens on the first day of
May in Union Square, New York city,
permitted the desecrating hands of
the Industrial Workers of the
World, to pull down the flag and
trample upon It in tho presence of
thousands, who were thero attending
tho mass meeting of Socialists, as
sembled there.
We admire tho patriotic citizens
of San Diego, California, who pro
tected a flag on the fourth of last
April and forced one hundred Indus
trial Workers of the World, all of
whom admitted they were anar
chists, to kneel on the ground and
kiss the folds of an American flag,
in the early dawn of that day near
San Onfre, a small settlement, a short
distance this side of the Orange
county line. Tho ceremony, which
was most unwillingly performed,
was witnessed by forty-fivo deputy
constables and a largo body of armed
citizens of San Diego. The men,
who were forced to show respect to
the National emblem, composed a
party that left Santa Ana on a freight
train the night before and whoso
coming was waited by tho deputies
and armed citizens, who had gone
out In automobiles to meet them
and drive them back. Tho Indus
trial Workers were stopped at San
Onfre and detained there until
they had finished tho flag kissing,
then they were divided into squads
of five and placed in command of a
detail of denuties. The march to
the county lino was started and the
procession moved to the tune of the
"Star Spangled Banner" in which
they were compelled at least to
make a show of joining. At the
Orange county line tho men were
given a parting caution to keep out
of Orange county. They gladly
set out towards tho north on the
railroad tracks. All honor and glory
to tho patriotic citizens of San
Diego, who forced those undesirable
citizens to respect the Hag that rep
resents our nation.
The press of tho country that fur
nished us with this San Diego inci
dent Informs us of a remarkable In
cident at the encampment of tho
13th regiment at Bit. Gretna in 1900.
Wo read then that a civilian refused
to salute the flag as ho was passing.
A serttlndl called his attention to it.
Tho newspaper account further says:
Tho civilian haughtily asked tho sen
tinel, "Must I salute that flag?" Tho
sentinol replied, "Yes, If you want to
pass Here.
"Whoro Is tho Colonol?" indig
nantly asked tho civilian
At this point Colonol Watres, of
Scranton eamo upon tho scene and
told him if ho wished to pass that
way 'ho was obliged to salute tho
flag, but if ho refused ho could walk
out of camp another way by which
ho would not bo forced to pass by
this Hag
The civilian turned, stopped over
ropes and headed for tho exit gato .by
a vvav not nasslnc tho nag
Somo of tho Boldlors iheard of
tho Incident and got tho band to
gether. Others got a blanket Intend
ing to toss him before tho band
drummed him out of camp. But Col.
),.,.,. ....
Will Remodel Building
and Improvements Will Not Exceed $3,000
Tho town council will remodel tho tho town. In other words, thero Is
city hall 'for a postofflco providing, 1 no revenuo coming In and unless
when equipped, It will not exceed ( this proposition Is taken up by the
$3,000. This statement was made at i council, In all probability, will ro
thelr last Thursday night's regnlarj main a white elephant,
monthly meeting after tho mnttor Tho council discussed converting
had been discussed. The entire conn-'the part mentioned into private olll-
cil favors converting that part of the
building now used as living apart
ments for J. J. Canivan and tho
Council Chambers, located In the
front part of the south side of the
The committee appointed to as
certain what It would cost to inako
the needed changes stated that they
could bo made for about $1,500. The
partitions from front to the rear of
the building would necessarily have
to be removed and the brick wall be
tween the hall and the council room
would also have to be taken out. A
partition would have to be placed
near the entrnnce at the foot of the
stairs and steel girders bo Installed to
uphold tho second floor.
Postoillce authorities claim it
would make an Ideal place for their
office, and in regard to room there
would be more there than where tho
office is now located. t
Since the first time The Citizen
suggested tho City Hall as a place
for the postoflice, we have heard
many express themselves In the af
firmative. Of course, like every
thing else, when a change Is made
in the location of any public office or
building, some oppose and they have
a perfect right to express their op
position. On the other hand the
majority Is to be considered and
what they think is 'best to do will in
all probability be done.
The City Hall, as was formerly
stated In an article In Tho Citizen
on the removal of tho postolflce, Is a
" White Elephant " on the hands of
The Xever-Fallins Sinilo of President
McAiidrew Itcnuiiiicd L'nchniiucd
Xo Teachers Hired or Vacan
cies Filled Mnny Citizens
lit Meeting.
Contrary to general expectancy and
much to the chagrin of sensational
ists, the Havviey school board con
vened Monday night at S:40, trans
b wines and aJi"4-2fiOG.C3. The ordinary bills
iv at 9-30- theNore nalcl- e request of the grad-
acted Its routine
journed in harmo
being not tho slightest thing done or
said to oven mar that everlasting
and never falling smile of President
McAndrew. And Mike's smile, 'by the
way, was above tho most commonest
and loudest thing there. All mem
bers were present, except Dr. Voigt,
who was unavoidably detained. Dr.
Catterall also retired at 9:15, In an
swer to a hasty professional call.
There were quite a number of citi
zens present, who were doomed to
disappointment if they came to see
a good scrap, as none was pulled off.
Somo awfully knowing one, however,
seemed to think that the board put
one over on them and this tranquility
was sham, but tho writer believes
It was sincere. Let us hope so at
least. Secretary Pennell volunteered
tho information to tho scrlbo that
he had nothing personally against
Prof. Creasy, but that ho was per
suaded a change In principle was
really necessary at this time; that
Mr. Creasy dethroned 'himself when
he insisted upon paying teachers full
pay when they were absent a whole
week at a time of their own volition,
and also broke his school law. He
seemed to deplore tho whole squab
ble, and trusted it was at an end.
To this Michael said a very fervent
"'Amen." Thero wero no teachers
hired and no vacancies filled, al
though quite a number of applica
tions wero In evidence. Tho only
two remaining old 'teachers aro Miss
Lawier and Miss Daniels. Tho ma-
jorlty of tho grades' teachers seemed
to have gono on a sympathetic strike
owing to Mr. Creasy's dismissal. It
is hoped that ere the board assembles
again. Its members will all have di
gested the venom of thoir spleen and
lmn , Hint. Diinpilu ilntn n.nnlni,
JiLlf. IIIUII llll Dllld IlliU Jf, 11 14111
on.i !,.. ,,,, , !,-, r
iiuuna, mill tlltlL nuilli? ill luiioi ui luu
did corps of most efficient teachers
will do likowiso and all be satis
fied to eat a little crow for the gener
al good and maintenance and contin
uation of that most cstimablo High
Wire Cutters Celling Active.
Wlro cutters have beon very active
In Wayne county tho past fovv days
to the sorrow of tho Paupack Tele
phono company. Several miles of
wlro have been cut In the vicinity of
Lake Arlol and Pink, effectually
crippling tho service.
Watres Intercepted them and allow
ed tho man to go In peace.
And endless honor and glory to
tho 'bravo boys of tho 13th Regiment
in camp at Mt. Gretna on that oc
casion. Another Incident where tho flag
of our country played an Important
part In tho Civil war Is given hero.
When the United States flag was
fired upon at Fort Sumpter at tho
beginning of tho Civil war, Father
Malone, of Williamsburg, raised a
flag with his own hands to tho top
of tho steeplo of his church and later
that Hag was taken down and car
ried to tho front by tho volunteer
soldiers of that town. When tho
nows of Leo's surrender to Grant
had reachod 'Williamsburg, Father
Malono -raised another Hag on tho
Bteeplo of his church. All during that
war this patriotic clergyman preach
Cd constantly to his people that they
should respect tho cross as woll as
to rovero tho flag."
i. .. .
Providing the Fixtures
ces but It was suggested that per
hops after tho offices were fitted up
they might not be rented and at tho
most only about $750 could bo se
cured from them, while If the gov
ernment nccepted tho room that tho
rent would be severnl hundred dol
lars moro a year nnd besides a ten
year contract would be signed, which
would probably pay them for making
the Investment. Whatever Is done
the borough fathers want to do what
they deem best for the town, as was
expressed by the president of the
There aro some people who would
like to see the postofflco down town,
naarer their respective places of
business, ibut should the change bo
made It would bo less than a block
farther uptown than where it is now.
If there is a serious objection to lo
cating the postofflco In the City Hall
the columns of The Citizen are open
for expressing views for or against.
Wo would like to hear from the
business men and merchants upon
tho matter.
One merchant expressed his opin
ion in a very candid and frank way
to the writer, saying that It was
"boy play suggesting the City Hall
for a postoflice. Why don't you ad
vocate building down by tho Wayne
County Savings Bank?" We want
to hear from the people. If It Is ex
pressed through tho columns of The
Citizen moro persons will see it.
Send in your views and they will be
printed, no matter which side of the
fence you stand.
Present Teachers Will Probably He
lCctniiied for Another Year Treas
urer Reported .$'.!:;:. 75 General
Fund in Treasury.
On Thursday evening, May 2, the
Honesdale borough school board met
and discussed many things pertain
ing to the school work for the next
I term. A 'full board was present.
The treasurer reported a general
fund of $2235.75 and a sinking
erclses in the Lyric, was granted.
All the other school exercises will
be hold at the school. The present
class Is so large, however, that tho
final day exercises will 'be held in
tho opera house.
Martin Caufleld made a sketch of
a tablet to be placed In the school
building with the names of the school
directors, tho principal and archi
tect to be engraved thereon at the
time of building the school. The
sketch was accepted and a marble
tablet will be made.
Many applications for teachers
have 'been received by tho board but
no action has as yet been taken.
At tho Scranton State hospital dur
ing April 313 in-patients were treat
ed, making 3,511 hospital days, or an
average of 117 patients treated each
day. The dispensary treated 4 93
new patients, who made a total of
524 visits. Tho ambulance respond
ed to S4 calls. The births at the
hospital numbered six.
The annual commencement exer
cises of tho Ariel High school were
held last Wednesday evening In the
Methodist Episcopal church at that
place. Principal John 'D. Storm pre
pared an excellent program which
was well rendered. Tho class con
sisted of nine graduates. The motto
was "Aim at a Cortaln End" and the
class flower, blue violet. Judge A.
T. Searle, of Honesdale, delivered a
lino address, which did credit to him
self and the town ho represents.
Tho following InterestAig pro
gram was carried out:
: .tiarcn
Invocation, llev. 'W. E. Harkess.
Address of Welcome, Georgo Millard
Musical Selection, Anthracite Quar
tette. Oration "Aim in Life," Myrtle L.
Class Prophecy, Cora Alice Bldwoll.
Musical Selection, Anthraclto Selec
tion. Salutatory, "True Success and How
to Gain It," Abblo Zoo Brink.
Valedictory, "Our Country Tomor
row," Frances Mabel Ramble.
Piano Solo, Miss Mildred White.
Musical Selection, Anthraclto Quar
tette. Presentation of Diplomas, Supt. J. J.
Address, Hon. A. T. Searle.
Praise- For Alney.
Tho Eastern Bradford Times has
this to say about Congressman Alney
and tho farmer:
" Ono of tho best speeches cvor
made In Congress In favor of coun
try life and country people was pub
lished In full In tho Daily Review of
Monday. Everybody should read It.
Ho Is working for our intorests."
To Build State ltoad This Spring.
Supervisor Ray Drown, of Texas
township, recelvod a long distance
tolophono message from E. A. Jones,
second doputy commissioner of tho
State Highway Department, that
bids will bo advertised soon for tho
construction of a stato xoad from
Carbondalo to Honesdale. Work
will bo commenced Juno 1.
sgranton man murdered
Found onr Wllkes-lhirro With Head
llattered .Money Was fioiio Well
Known in Scranton.
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Scranton, May 7. Tho body of
Constant Gryso, aged 31 years, a
former miner of this place, was
found this morning on a culm pile,
Gryso loft Scranton ten years ago
to go to Denver and returned a short
tlmo ago. He then went to Wllkes-
Barro. It is stated that ho had be-
como well-to-do and on ono occasion
recently displayed a largo roll of
bills and somo diamonds.
When found Gryso's head was
badly battered, his pockets were
lnsldc-out and only GS cents was
found on his person. Tho police
have no clue to the murderer.
ltooscvclt Wins Out In Maryland.
Baltimore May 7. Returns from
all parts of the state give tho victory
In the presidential preference pri
mary to 'Roosevelt and Clark.
While Clark s victory apparently
assures him the Maryland delegation
In tho national convention, the vote
between Taft and his predecessor is
close. Tho signs point to sixty-six
delegates for "Roosevelt and sixty
three for Taft on the preferential
vote. Sixty-five are necessary to
nominate. In one of the districts In
Baltimore city, while Hoosevelt got
the prefortial vote, four Taft dele
gates were elected to the state con
vetnlon. Tills Is Clean Up Week!
Wo ask all citizens who own or
occupy property adjacent to tho rail
road tracks to remove rubbish and
ashes and make It neat and clean
that strangers coming in on trains
may gain a good Impression of the
town at first sight.
Honesdale Improvement Ass'n.
The following pupils passed the
common school examination given
April 13:
BERLIN Frances Downing, Hen
rietta Budd, Hazel Lozo, Harriet
Barnes, Leon Toms, Clarence Gevert,
Lola Richards, Mildred Olver, Anna
Reining, Horace Olver, Merrltt Ol
ver, Alice Warwick, Ella Crosby,
Gould Orchard, John Rlckert.
Edward Finnigan, Iva Menhennett,
Eva Menhennett.
r BETHANY Myer Blerly, Irene
Kerb6r Kathryn, Veronica Burko,
Reglna Crockenberg, Fred Richard,
Regina Bauman, William Buckley,
Austin Bauman.
CLINTON' Florence Carpenter,
Helen Cole, Verna Curtis.
DAMASCUS David Boyd, Samuel
Noble, Addle Ross, Paul Grlfflth,
Leslie Pethlck, Luella Lovelass,
Florence Price, Verna Hill, Anna
Kahrs, Harold Gager, Floyd Sch
welghofer, Augusta Drumm, George
DREHER Graco Welnreben. Lura
Beehn, Leona Fowler, Edith Roback-
er, Georgie Brown, Ruth Kerr,
Grace Smith, Kenneth Seig, Elgin
Kerr, Russell Hause, Fred Brown,
John Whittaker, Vernon Hause,
Myron Qlegler, Oscar Carlton, Car
roll Krautter, Stanley Ehrhardt.
DYBERRY Carrie F. Benney.
LEBANON Mary Burke, Hazel
Knapp, Merton Gager, Lloyd Doug
MANCHESTER Meyer Weitzer,
Mary Ryan, Leslie Hauner, Elizabeth
MT. PLEASANT Linda Stand
ford, Leo O'Neill, Mary O'Neill,
Velma Wilcox, Anna Onofrey, Vane
Wilcox, Iva Deniing, Llewellyn Dom
ing, Loretta O'Neill.
OREGON Ethol Brill, Russell J
Mills, Lester J. Colwill.
PALMYRA Alico Doherty, Loreto
Flynn, Hermann Hauf, James O'Con
nor, Anna Richardson, Harry Rose,
Maudo Swingle.
PAUPACK Mary Chamberlain,
Vincent E. Kelly, Dorothy Rohrhub
er. PRESTON Howard Westgate.
Orson Moshqr, Lillian Marold, Marie
Tulley, Deucie Simpson, Edith Nlles,
Mary Monaghan, Ueatrlco Caffery,
Elizabeth McLean, Vivian Watson.
PROMPTON Blanche Kuaz,
Laura Robinson, Cathryn Wood.
I'iorenco Wood.
SALIOM Clara Chapman, Ralph
Rozell, Arthur Curtis, Martha Hene
forth, Lloyd Lawrence, Nettle Ne
ville, Melon Walker, Russell Burrus,
Butler Hamlin.
SCOTT Anna Ramoy, Myrtle
Evans, Wayne Fox, Hazel Warner,
Laura Parsons.
STERLING Carl Ammerman,
Myrtle Ammerman, Russell Butler,
Milton Cross, Leola Hartford, Clyde
Luchs, Alico Zelglor.
ant, Loland Megargol, Henry Swin
gle, Frank Bauman, Leroy Bortreo,
Adam Wagner.
STARRUCCA Chas. Caden, Win
field Haynes, Julllan Callanter, Al
bert Glover, Tracey Brown, Alta
Penn, Clementine- Woodmansee,
Marlon Barnes, Gladys Stearns,
Graco Stearns.
TEXAS Irono LaTourette.
A star () Indicates that tho pupil
has been conditioned in a branch.
If the pupil makes up tho condition
befort Sept. 1st a common school
diploma or high school permit will
bo granted to him. If a pupil wishes
to have his full namo on the di
ploma, ho Is requested to send tho
same on a post card at once. Tho
diplomas will bo sent to tho examin
er and must be obtained from him
or her. Pupils aro to apply to tho
examiners in person for their diplo
mas tho last week of May. I wish
to thank tho examiners for their
faithful and efficient work.
Co. Supt. of Schools.
Three Hundred Men and Women At
tack Three .Men This Morning In
Scranton Women Walt on
Mayor in Body.
(Special to The Citizen.)
Scranton, May 7. A serious strike
riot started this morning at the Dick
son colliery, East End Market street.
Three hundred men and women, led
by an unknown woman, attacked
threo employees of the Delaware and
Hudson construction gang. They
wore stoned and beaten with clubs.
The men got refuge In tho colliery
and then turned the lire hose upon
their assailants. A tiro alarm was
turned In which brought firemen and
two patrols of men. Tho three work
men nre In bad shape, but they will
During the morning a demonstra
tion never before witnessed in Scran
ton, In which 2." women participated,
marched through the principal streets
of the city and then made a bee line
for tho city hall. They asked for
Mayor Van Bergan, but owing to his
absence the mayor's secretary dlrec-
ed them to Director O'Malley. They
toiu mm tnat they wanted work for
their husbands and that thev wero
without 'food and money.
Austin. Tex.. May 7. It Is shown
by the returns of the precinct Repub
lican conventions held last Saturday
that Roosevelt has a majority of fif
teen votes. There aro a number of
counties In which no precinct primar
ies wero hold and these will select
delegates by Massachusetts conven
tions. It is claimed by Colonel Cecil
Lyons, the Roosevelt leader, that
Roosevelt will receive a majority of
the Instructed votes at these conven
tions and that there is no doubt
about a solid Roosevelt delegation
ueing sent to the national conven
tion from Texas.
Of the 028 delegates in the state
elected to the Democratic convention
Wilson will have 421, according to
the latest returns. The remainder
are divided between Harmon and
The May meeting of tho boroagh
officials was held last Tlu-rsday
evening in the council rooms, T. J.
Canivan being tho only absentee.
The session was a lengthy cna, time
of adjournment be'mr ll:Cr. s. A.
McMullen and William Kuz. repre
senting the Street and Highway com
mittee of the Greater Honesdale
Board of Trade, were present and
presented a petition recommending
the paving of Main street with
brick from the south side of the
Stato bridge to Fifth street. The
matter was discussed at length, the
committee going Into details upon
the subject. Tho committee's peti
tion was accepted by tho board and
the council told the committee that
It would have a special meeting a
week from Thursday evening, May
2, for the purpose of discussing the
subject at length.
Under the report of standing
committees the street committee rec
ommended that tho secretary be In
structed to notify the property own
ers on Seventeenth street to lay
Street Commissioner L. Weidner
was notified to fill in tho rut at the
south approach to the Stato bridge;
also to remove the stone from tho
street near the Strongman property
on Park street. The street com
mittee further reported that it had
made a contract with Seaman &
Brenneman to get 1,000 tons of
crushed stono to be used on -Main
and other streets. The steam roller
will bo furnished tho town at $10
per nine-hour day, tho town to fur
nish coal and take care of all break
ages that might occur. The street
committee was Instructed to pur
chase as many square feet of cross
walk stono as needed at IS cents per
square foot from Walter iRandall,
Hancock, X. Y. Tho stone that Is
desired cannot bo secured In Hones
dale. On motion of S. T. Ham, second
ed by W. II. Kreltner, the street
gang will hereafter be paid twice a
moii... instead of monthly as here
tofore. The time of the laborers
should be filed with the secretary no
later than Thursday.
Tho burgess was instructed to
notify billboard owners to care for
their boards and not allow them to
fall upon tho sidewalks and block
tne way for pedestrians.
The following bills, amounting to
$77S.72, were ordered paid:
Levi Degroat, patrol $30.00
Philip Jiang, assisting In ar
rest Bell Telephone Co., service. .
Clark & Bullock, dynamite.. .
John Canivan, meals and pa
trol Kraft & Conger, coal
It. 'Erk, Menner case 17.50
R. Erk, Menner case 17.50
Electric Light Co -200.00
Forber Bros C.72
Win. Donnolly, street labor.. 2G.C2
John Fisher labor 24. GS
Fred Mauop' 17.14
M. Stapleton 25. 60
Samuel Wedgo 37. 7G
Lawrence Woldner 49.11
Lawrence Weldnor, team work 2G.44
Fred Rlckard 4S.44
H. Knohr 28.2S
Leo Braman 52.44
John Symons 25. GC
M. Knohr 3.00
Mr. Bono, loworlng walk.... 12.20
L. iRognor 25
Hall and Fleming are tho names
of two machinists from Carbondalo
Tocontly employed by tho Gurnoy
Elevator Co.
Win. Norton and daughter of
Clinton, wero business callers in town
on Saturday.