PAGE FOUR THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY,' MAY 3, 1912, THE) CITIZEN Sciiil-Weekly Founded U08; Weekly Founded 1814. Published Wednesdays and Fridays by Entered as second-class matter, at tho postofflco. Honesdalo, Pn. K. D. HARDENBBRGH PRESIDENT H. C. VAN ALSTYNE and H. 11. CALLAWAY MANAGING EDITORS directors: ii. wilson. H. DOim.INOKK, Mi B. At.LEN, Our friends who favor us with contributions, and desire to have the same re umed, should in every case enclose stamps for that iurosc. TERMS: ONE YEAR $1. 50 THREE MONTHS 38c SIX MONTHS 76 ONE MONTH 13c Remit by Express Money Order, Draft, Post Ofllce Ordor or Registered letter. Addrtss all communications to Tho Citizen, No. 803 Main Btreot, Honesdalo, Pa. All notices of shows, or other entertainments hold for tho purposo of making money or any Items that contain ndvortlslng matter, will only bo admitted to this paper on payment of regular advertising rates. Notice of entertainments for the bencllt of churches or for charitable purpose- where a fee Is charged, will be published at half rates. Curds of thanks, SO cents, memorial poetry and resolutions of respect will be charged for at the rato of a cent o word. Advertising rates on application. FRIDAY, MAY THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY. Finish every day and be done with it. You havo done could. Some blunders and absurdities booh as you can. lEmerson. Everybody welcomes tho glorious sunlight after so many days of rain and cloudy weather. It is said that the Egyptians knew about appendicitis 7,000 years ngo. Which may afford a clew to how they got the (money with which to 'build tho pyramids. How many persons over one hundred years of age in the United States? Hot you miss It by a mile. There are 4,000 and 2,500 of 'em are women who admit it. There may bo others who don't. THE WAR OX THE TYPHOID FLY. In any campaign for sanitation and healthful conditions In the city or the country, getting rid of tho lly is absolutely necessary. At best the fly is a nasty insect, carrying filth from tho filthiest sources and depositing It on our food a habit that alone warrants its extermination and at its worst it is a carrier of germs of disease. To the activities of flies whole epidemics of typhoid fever have been traced and many cases of other dis eases. The World's Work. Honesdale is still without coal and tho prospects for that much-needed fuel are dublus. Tho suspension order has not been lifted and the men aro not yet back to work. During tho 'past month nearly all the coal supply in Honesdale has been consumed and many families havo been reduced to the necessity of burning wood when that article can be had. Tho lack of warmth during the cold and damp weather has caused not a little sickness In and around Honesdale. Many of the other places in the countv have been able to cot coal without difficulty. When will the sus pension be lifted is a question that is What's the matter with the Penrose leadership which nominated such excellent men as Governor Edwin S. Stuart, Governor John K. Tener, Auditor General (Robert K. Young, Auditor General A. E. Sisson, State Treasurer John O. Sheatz, State Treasurer C. F. Wright, Secretary of In ternal Affairs Henry Houck, Lieutenant Governor Reynolds and many oth ers who have had and now have the confidence of the voters? Pennsyl vania out of debt, a leader of the States in the matter of conservation of Its natural resources, the advance guard in the country-wide movement for good roads, tho torchlight of popular education all under conserva tive Republican management. Harrlsburg Telegraph. Railway peace Is now assured. The much threatened strike of the engineers on fifty roads east of Chicago has been averted by the signing or an arbitration agreement between committees representing the rail roads and the engineers. The settlement was brought about by the ef forts of Charles P. Neil, United States Commissioner of Lalior and Judge Martin A. Knapp, of the United States Commercial Court. The arbitra tion council will consist of seven members, one from tho railroads and ono from the engineers and the other live to be agreed upon by both. The probability of a settlement now is assured and tho agreement saves the country from a bad situation and it will undoubtedly save the public from great annoyance that would follow a strike of this kind. The executive committee of the three anthracite districts of tho United Mine Workers of America 'met in New York yesterday to consider tho agreement on the demands of the Miners' union. It is expected that much opposition to tho ratification of the agreement will bo reached for some of the members believe that tho miners should receive moro con cessions embodied in the agreement. It Is thought that a demand may be made to have tho sliding scalo included in the ten per cent, increase In tho agreement. The ten per cent, advance that the miners received was literally no more than six per cent, and a sliding scale of wages are wanted. The agreement recently signed by operators and miners embodied a form of union recognition in that the operators agree to deal with union com mittees at the collieries in the discussion and settlement of grievances. THE CITIZEN INTERESTED IX DEVEIAPMENT OF WAYXE COUNTY. More than half of the readers of The Citizen are on tho farms and In the villages of Wayne county. All of these people aro interested in things agricultural. They aro interested in the production of food, "but tliey want to produce It at a profit. They want to reduce 'drudgery on tho farm. They want to enjoy more comforts. That Is why this paper Is Interested in them and publishes agricultural articles that will bo of a benefit to the rural subscriber. We do not know of any news that Is really going to of greater benefit to all tho people of this community and 'Wayno county than information that is disseminated to make food better and moro plen tiful and tho peoplo producing it and those consuming it moro happy and contented. The Citizen is tho farmer's friend. It will In every way possl blo hold up the hands and lighten tho load on tho man and his family who till the fields and prepare tho orchards that men may have 'bread. In no other way can a newspaper benefit society than by aiding In tho improvement of the groundwork of socioty, the farming population of tho country. This paper would like to see every farm in Wnyno county richer In soli fertility, equipped with tho best machinery and stock and occupied by the happiest and most lntolllgent people. It would like to seo every farm connected with Honesdale by fine, well-built roads, affording access in tho quickest, safest and most convenient time. In no other way can these things bo accomplished than through Information, knowledge in telligence, co-operation. In just so far as it Is alilo The Citizen has taken up tho work and it proposes to continue It. It must constantly havo tho support of tho readers, which has always been so loyally given, and It .hopes constantly to deserve It. FOR CLEAXILNESS AXD II HA LT1 I SLOGAN FOR XEXT WEEK. Rain or sliino next week wo should not only make It a real clean-up week but tho first of a succession of clean-up weeks and days to which there shall bo no end. By killing flies and destroying their breeding places, which consists of every accumulation of offal and filth, wo can prevent tho 'hatching of qulntllllons of other files between now and tho mlddlo of Soptom'bor, when tho breeding season Is practically over. Tho paving of Main street would reduco moro than fifty per cont. of our quota of flies, now recognized 'by tho medical profession as tho most dangerous enemy of tho human race. A systematic war on tho extermina tion of tho lly as advocated by Tho Citizen would Teduco that pest hero. As the result of this war tho successful boy or girl bringing tho greatest nuuVbor of dead flies to this ofllco between May 1 and Soptembor 1 will receive $10 as tho first prlzo and J 5 as tho second premium. Clean-up week Is ono of tho Incidents of this continual effort Is necessary to complete success. - - .,., tho Citizen Publishing Company. K. b. HAHDKNI1KM1H w. w. woon , llMli. what you no doubt crept in Forget them as asked by many. war, and a very Important one, but Mosquitoes aro still moro annoying and almost as dangerous as flics, but they aro moro easily exterminated. Indcod tho prevention of mos quitoes Is so s I in pi o a matter that tho health authorities of soma cities hold accountable nil property owners who pormltmosqulto breeding places, on their premises. v . , ' Thcso aro some- of tho precautions against mosquitdes that somo wide-awake cities admonish their pcoplo that they must take: Pick up all empty cans nnd bottles; turn up-sldo down every pall, tub or other vessel that may hold water, drain or fill every depression; clean up tho edges of ponds and brooks; keep tho roof gutters open and see that they havo n propor fall; kill all weeds and keep tho grass cut and If your nolghbor violates tho anti-mosquito laws and ordlnnnces, report him. If ovory citizen will do his and her part we needn't havo any mos quitoes or flics in Honesdalo to sting us and Inoculate us with tho germs of deadly diseases. Commencement In Wnyno County Schools. Tho commencement exorcises of tho Ariel High school were held at that place on Wednesday evening of this week. .Judge A. T. Soarlo de livered tho commencement address and County Superintendent J. .1. Koehler presented diplomas to twelvo graduates. Tho Sterling IHigh school will graduate its class on Tuesday even ing, iMay 7. Superintendent Koehler will bo In attendance and present tho diplomas. Drcher Township High sohool will closo this term of school on Wednesday evening next, May S, by graduating 16 pupils. The county superintendent will bo present and take part in tho exercises. Tho Clinton Township High school commencement exercises will be held on Thursday evening, May 30, Memorial 'Day. Tho address will be made by Superintendent Koehler who will also present the diplomas to the class members. iWaymnrt High sohool will observe the graduation exercises of Its 1912 class, Friday evening, May 31, at which time County Superintendent Koehler will also deliver tho com mencement address and present the diplomas. On the same evening, May 31, the Damascus High school will fin ish its school work for the term by holding appropriate exercises. Tho pupils and visitors will 'be privileged to listen to Homer Grecnc'of Hones dale, who' will give the commence ment address. ASTOK'S WILL. Relieved Ills Share Will be About $(10,000,000, Whilo Muriel Astor May Get .57,."00,000 How Women Aro Provided For. T i iS & & 0 & & & jt HOW ASTOR'S FORTUNE j MAY RE DIVIDED Vincent Astor ... SCO, 000, 000 Muriel Astor (if there is no pos thumous child) Muriel Astor (If thero Is a pos thumous child) 15,000,000 v 7,500,000 7,500,000 Nothing Nothing J i" The expected child of Mrs. John Ja cob Astor .... Mrs John Jacob 'Astor Mrs. 'Ava Willing 'Astor $ t v. & New York, May 2. Ono of the great dramas of present day social llfo Is fast drawing to a climax In that austere Fifth avenue mansion, and its various personages are prim ing themselves for a final struggle that involves many millions, says 'Richard Barry in the New York American. In spite of many rumors, two facts In my possession through a reliable source, stand out supreme: First, Colonel Astor made no will which is known of in this country since Ills second marriage; second, whatever will be did leavo and the terms of that are known to only ono person, Lewis Cass Ledyard, will not make any apreciable dlfferenco in the financial standing of any of tho per sons concerned. Tho outstanding fact that in the question of tho Astor Inheritance is this: Eighty per cent, of tho Astor estate Is left as it was left to John Jacob Astor by his father, William Astor, goes to Vincent Astor. Tho remaining 20 per cent, goes to the other children. At present there is but one other child, Muriel, ten years old. Should there be issue from tho second wife, this child will share the 20 per cent, with Muriel. If the issue Is a girl each will havo 10 per cent.; If tho Issue is a boy, Muriel will receive less and tho boy more. William Astor's Will. With tho terms of this boqueathal John Jacob Astor had nothing to do. They were mado by his father, William, and havo 'been on lllo in tho surrogate's ofllce for over forty years but havo never before been publish ed. The terms of this will of William Astor aro such that tho only property John Jacob, his son, could bequeath, would bo such as ho might havo ac quired by purchase and help separ ate ifrom the entailed Astor estate, which had como down from father to son in lineal succession from the first John Jacob Astor. This may be a relatively small amount; possi bly it Is larger than any ono sus pects. When William Astor died tho cs tato amounted to approximately $30, 000,000. At tho present timo It amounts to not moro than $80,000, 000, and Is probably about $75,000, 000. These figures I havo secured from a representative of tho family who will not permit tho uso of his name, but who is In a position to know tho facts. Vincent Gets $(10,000,000. Of tills sovonty-livo or olghty mil lions all but a fow millions Is in tho entniled estate Thus, Vincent As tor's Inheritance will bo approxi mately $00,000,000. If thero is no issuo from tho escond marriage, Muriel Astor will recolvo approxi mately $15,000,000. If thero is is suo from tho second marrlago, sho will bo ofbllgod to sharo lior fifth equally if tho child Is a girl and unequally If a hoy. Thero, tho unborn Astor child Is worth, if wo reduco tho startling sit uation to cold figures, at least sovon and a half millions. Vincent Astor Is not of age. In fivo months ho will bo twenty-one years old. And ho Is tho first man In tho lineal descent of the family who will hold his fortune In fco simple, to do with as ho pleases. There will be trustees to watch over him, as there were to watch over his father, and If ho chooses to make a will or to mako any disposition of his property in his own llfo ho will bo In a position to do with it as he pleases. It Is believed that tho only Import ant business which Induced his fath er to sail on tho Tltnnlc was to ar range papers which ho should sign on tho attainment of his majority, which would maintain the estate in trust through his llfetimo and for his heirs, as It had ueen nelu through four generations of Astors. The tragic, tinforseen death of tho father thus thrust upon tho son a burden that no Astor since the first has borne. The only personal homo of his own which Colonel Astor was in a position to will Is Ferncliffe, the country estate up the Hudson. Its disposition and of such floating mon eys as ho might havo possessed was tho only volitional resource ho had. Tho revelation of his testament in this regard is all that remains for tho contemplation of tho two fami lies united to him by marriage, the WiHings and tho Astors. He possessed none of the celebrat ed Astor family jewels. They were willed by Mrs. William Astor to her daughters and their children, and in part to her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ava Willing Astor. First Mrs. Astor. At the timo of 'Ava Willing Astor's marriage, (tho first wife), in ac cordance with the custom of the As tor family, Inaugurated by the origi nal John Jacob Astor, sho signed over her dower rights in the estate for a settlement. This settlement was the Income on $2,000,000, which she was to have only after the death of Colonel Astor, and then only for her own 'lifetime. Thus, during her married life with Colonel Astor, sho received nothing whatever except what he chose to give her. His allowance to her was $1,500 a year, and this was all tho money sho had for her own uso until sho received a legacy through the de-J cease or certain memuers oi ner own family. 'At the time of her divorce Mrs. Ava Willing Astor relinquished her rights to this settlement and receiv ed In place of It, for life, tho income on tho property known as the Knickerbocker Hotel. Tho Knicker bocker Hotel Is worth about $2, 400,000. This Income sho will con tinue to receive as long as sho lives, but upon her death It will rovert to tho Astor estate, which will then be possessed by her son, Vincent. This Is all she ever has or will receive from tho Astor estate. At the same time It must be re membered that her daughter, now only ten years old, will havo from four millions to seven millions, and her son approximately sixty mil lions. Second Mrs. Astor. Another remarkable fact concern ing tho Astor fortune must bo re vealed at this time, in contradiction of many rumors and published state ments which havo 'been prevalont for tho past six months. This is the true terms of tho settlement on the second 'Mrs. Astor, whichjhavo been variously stated as being at least two millions and probably live millions. When Miss Madeline Force mar ried Colonel Astor sho signed away all claims to any dower rights In the estato for a cash settlement of $200, 000. Therefore, herself or his family or her friends will have no opportunity to contest the will, and sho lias but one chanco to increase her fortune. Tliat will be In tho presentation of a postnumous neir. rue arrival oi this heir lias been confidently pre dicted as duo at any time after the first of June. Of the celebrated Astor Jowels, Mrs. Madelino Force Astor received none. At tho time of her engage ment Colonel 'Astor presented her with a ring containing a solitaire for which ho paid a leading Jeweler $25,000. She received from him as a wodding present a sapphire and ruby pendant, and during their trip In Europe ho made somo additional presents. These will probably be the extent of tho mementos, of her husband. However, in value, they appralso at approximately $250,000. Also, it must bo remembered, that should a child bo born to her within tho com ing few months and should that heir live but fivo minutes Mrs. Astor (tho second) would Inherit tho dead child's share of the Astor estato. BEACH LAKE. (Special to Tr-e Citizen.) Beaehlake, May 1. The Good Book tolls us that seed timo and harvest shall never full, but If seed timo does not fall it can't help being lato. It looks dubious to our boarding houso peoplo who aro so anxious to havo early vegetables and all hands aro interested in po tato planting and aro hoping to havo a plentiful and early crop. A vory largo concourso of peoplo mot at tno M. ts. cnurcn Sunday at ternoon to pay tho last trlbuto of ro spect to Virgil Caso of Wolcomo Lake. Our pastor preached a vory appropriate anu sympathetic sor- mon, taking for his text, "If a man dlo, will ho Hvo again?" Mrs, L. Barnes and daughter, Min nie, returned homo Saturday after snondtng tno winter at white Mills. Mrs. Newton Bunting visited her cousin, Mrs. Bradley, last week. Mrs. Shepherd Garrett Is visiting at tho homo of Lyman Onrrott. Carlton Brooks Is spondtng somo timo with his father In Now York city. Philip Knoll Is a great sufferer with rhoumatlsm. Miss ulzzlo HHlor returned from Scranton after an absence of several months. Miss Ella Crosliy returned from visiting her cousin, Ora, on Smith Hill. It Is rumored the wedding bells will ring next month. Miss Mabol Olvcr, who Is studying for a trained nurso in Scranton, spent a fow days recently with her parents at this place. Tho W. C. T. U. ladles spent a very pleasant afternoon with their president last Tuesday. Wo aro thankful to say wo havo no licensed liquor houses In our quiet hamlet, but ono theory wo hnvn int that wo wlsii wo didn't have and that Is men who aro obliging enough to their neighbors to bring from Hones dalo for them tho stuff that will ruin their body and soul. Wo wish that all that are guilty could realize tho enormity of their dreadful sin. C. A. Build has a gang of men digging and 'laying pipes to bring water to his house and barn. "Who's Who and Why?" A complete short story appearing in the Friday (May 10th) issue of Tho Citizen. Don't miss it. 3Gcl3 liAUXDRY. W ny not havo tho best work done? Tho Lackawanna Laundry Company does It. Thos. F. Bracey, Agent. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Thomas P. Keleher of Port Jcrvis, to Frank P. Bea et ux, of Hawley, lands In Hawley borough, for a con sideration of $1200. T. J. MeCarty, of Coal Port, Ky., transfers to Margaret MeCarty of South Canaan, 35 acres in South Canaan. Consideration $1. Heirs of James 'MeCarty, late of Canaan township, deceased, trans fers to Margaret MeCarty of South Canaan, 62 acres in Canaan town ship. Consideration $1. Heirs of Theresa MeCarty, deceas ed, transfers to 'Margaret MeCarty, South Canaan, 35 acres of land in South Canaan. Consideration $1. Sarah B. Peck, of Clinton, releas ed her rights to a certain tract of land in Clinton township to Jos. E. Peck of Scranton; consideration $1. Joseph E. Peck et ux. of Scran ton, transfers to G. Edward Sher wood, of Clinton, 22 acres of land In Clinton township; consideration $1. Executor of Georgo Abraham, de ceased, of Damascus, transfers to Henry Whltmore, Damascus, 309 acres of land in Damascus township for a consideration of $4000. Tracy III. Smith et ux., of Damas cus, transfers to Claud Martin, same place, 103 acres of land In Damascus township for a consideration of $1900. Jacob F. Katz et ux. of Honesdale transfers to Lilllo 'Freeman, also of Honesdale, property in 'Honesdale for $1 and other consideration. The property mentioned in tho deed is that now occupied by Freeman Bros., clothiers. Anna Marie Lawrenson, widow of Jas. Lawrenson, deceased, lato of Canaan, transfers to Thomas Cole, of Waymart. 2.12 acres of land In bor ough of Waymart for a consideration of $2000. George Shearer et ux. of Palmyra, transters to Ueorgo Botler, Mooslc, 30 acres of land along the Paupack river. Consideration $824. Charley Van Sickle et ux., of So. , Canaan, transfers to William Piatt of So. Canaan, lands in So. Canaan township. Consideration $187 50 HERE IS A REMEDY THAT WHJj CURE SKIN AND SCALP AFFECTIONS. And Wo Can Prove It. Tho Lelno's Drug Storo says to every porson be it man, woman or child who has an Irritated, tender, Inflamed, Itching SKIN or SCALP, you need not suffer another day. "Wo havo a refined skin preparation that acts Instantly and will bring you swift and suro results." Ono warm bath with ZEMO SOAP and ono application of ZEMO and you will not suffer another moment and you will soon seo a cure in sight. ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP aro prov en cures for every form of skin or scalp affection. They aro sold by ono leading druggist in overy city or town In America and in Hones dalo by A. M. Leino's drug store. Send six cents to Tho Citizen, ' Honesdale, Pa., and receive tho first1 thirty lessons of tho spelling con test words. Tho booklet contains twelvo pages. It recolves the hearty endorsement of Superintend ent J. J. Koehler. BUSINESS IS GOOD c3 El d THERE'S A REASON CERTAINLY Thero must bo a reason. Wo beg a few minutes of your timo to read this explanation In as few words as possible this Is why wo cau truthfully mako tho assertion, "Business is Good." It's because Wo strlvo to servo tho public just as fair as possibility can mako it and wo fully realizo that a customer must place a great deal of conlldenco In their Joweler. To gain tho confidence of tho peoplo wo aro obliged to 'havo you know that wo stand Pat with tho "SQUARE DEAL" from tho winding of a watch to tho salo of tho most exponsivo articlo in our storo. To ontortaln your patronago wo must and will bo "Prompt," "Courteous," and "Reasonable In prlco." Every artlcio wo sell Is marked In plain figures and those plain figures mean that only a legitimate profit Is added to tho cost and should any articlo purchased hero glvo tho customer tho least dissatisfaction wo want you to bring It right back horo just as soon ns possible and wo will "Mako It Right." Kindly consider thoso facts then if you want thorn proven wo'll thank you for a sharo of your Jowelry trade. Rowland Jeweler and Optician illlHIHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIimilHIIIimilllMIIIIIII.I t::tjjntnj WOHDS FOR THE SPELLING CONTEST Wayne County Schools. LESSON XXXIV. Islo Iowa January Jerk Kentuck knack linear lively length liberty lyric mercy myrrh menagerie memory Niagara nomination overwhelm onyx ornngo oculis. Palestlno promissory pyramid popular -f -r t -f-t t HOXESDAIjE MARKET Corrected Every Thursday By J. II. Stegncr & Sons. Cucumbers, two for IS Wayno County potatoes 50 Scotch potatoes 40 Asparagus 30 Tomatoes 20 Strawberries, qt. 18 Celery, California, stalk IE New Cabbage, head 1-10 Lettuce, head 15 Lettuco, curly 1 Parsley, bunch 19 Radishes, bunch S Sweet Potatoes, 2 qts. 2i Bermuda Onions, lb. 10 Now Potatoes, pk. $1.0 Onions, qt. 13 Onlojis, green bunch 05 Parsnips, qt. 08 Hickory Nuts, pk. ( Oranges, Navels, per doz. 35-4S Bananas, per doz. 20-2S Lemons, doz. 30 FISH Roe Shad 65 Buck Shad 40 Cut Shad 50 St. Cod 20 Haddock J2 Herring 10 Clams, doz. 30 No. 1 Norway Mackerel 40 No. 2 Norway Mackerel 15 Salmon, salt 114 Weakflsh, lb. 18 Butterfish, lb. 16 Halibut 24 Sp. Macherel 20 Bluetlsh 18 Best Stomachs in the World Peoplo who depend upon MI-O-NA to keep them freo from stomach misery always have clean stomachs freo 'from 'fermentation. MI-O-NA stomach tablets will drive out gas, sourness and stomach dis tress in fivo minutes. Pell, the drug gist, guarantees them. They will absolutely put an end to Indigestion and mako tho stom ach sturdy and strong If used as di rected. For all stomach ailments and for nervousness, loss of appetite, night mare, dizziness, overeating, drink ing, and for all diseases caused by upset stomach, MI-O-NA is guaran teed. A large box 50 cents at G. W. Pell's, the druggist, and druggists 0f ! everywhere. ENTLEY ROS . . . Accident9 Boiler, Automobile., CONSOLIDATED PHONE 1-O-L. OPP. POST OFFICE, Honesdale, Pa. y ! I I Fire. Life. INSURANCE