The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 03, 1912, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Result of Recent Visit of the Countess
to the United States.
The Poll Mall Gazette states that
one outcome of the Countess of War
wick's recent visit to the United States
Interesting Statistics In Census Bu
reau's Statement.
A statement containing the thirteenth
census statistics for the llfty cities In
the United States which In 100!) stood
highest In value of manufactured lirotl
ucts, arranged In order of rank, with
respect to value of products anil uUo
Riving their rank as to average num
ber of wage earners and total value
added by manufacture, has been Issued
lv nirnr-fnr Tllirnnrl nt i)n lntrontl llf
census, department of commerce and
The rank of the cities of the country
with respect to manufactures Is in
many cases decidedly different from
their rank in population. Thus Hoston
ranks fifth In population, but eighth
In value of manufactured products;
Haltlmore. seventh In population, but
thirteenth in value of manufactured
products, and I.os Angeles, sixteenth
In population, but thirty-second in val
uc of produ. ts. Kansas City. Kan.,
on the other hand, by reason or the
large slaughtering establishments
there, rank tlftcimth in value of man
ufactured produrt. but Is not among
the fiftj pruiiii:il cities from (lie
standpoint of population.
In the case of some of the citle's the
.auk with respect to the number of
wage earners and the value added by
manufacture Is very different from
that with respect to the gross value
of products, these differences being de
pendent upon the character of the pre
dominating Industries. It Is note
worthy, however, (hat the thirteen
cities, New York, Chicago, PliH.uVI
phla, St. Louis. Cleveland, Ietro!t.
Pittsburgh, Hoston. Huffnlo. Milwau
kee, Newark, Cincinnati and Haltlmore.
which rank highest In gross value of
products, are also the thirteen which
occupy the highest rank with rc-pect
to wage earners and value added by
Conspicuous Instances of cities hav
ing higher rank In gross value of prod
ucts than In number of wage earners
or value ndded by manufacture arc
Kansas City. Kan.; South Omaha,
Youngstown, Hayonne and Perth Am
boy. On the other hand, cities which
lead In the manufacture of textiles,
such as Lawrence. Fall River, Lowell.
New Bedford and Paterson, have a
decidedly higher rank with respect to
number of wage earners than with
respect to either value of products o
value added by manufacture.
The thirteen cities-showing percent
ages of Increase In the value of prod
nets, ranging over 100 per cent, be
tween 1800 and 1000 are Perth Amboy.
Los Angeles, Yonkers, Akron, Seattle,
Detroit, Camden, Youngstown, Kansas
City. Mo.; New Bedford, Indianapolis.
Buffalo and Kansas City, Kan.
In percentage of Increase In average
number of wage earners the cities
which showed more than CO per cent
between 1S00 and 1000 are Los An
geles, Perth Amlxy, Seattle, Camden,
Detroit, Akron. New Bedford, Yonkers.
Lynn, Bayonne. Syracuse, Cleveland.
AVaterbury, Omaha, Indianapolis, Kan
sas City, Mo.; Bridgeport and Buffalo.
Knute Ntlson Says Clark's Ozark Tune
Is an Old Swedish Melody.
Senator Knuto Nelson, who Is n
Norseman, declares that Champ Clark's
campaign nnthem, "The noun' Dawg
of the Ozarks," Is not a Democratic
tune at all, but a base imitation of an
old Swedish viking song, nis fathers
he says, often went to victory with
that tuno in their cars. The senator's
version follows:
Naer Jag kom till staden's grin
Pojkar sparkar hunden mlnsy
Det goer de" samma om han ner blott hun,
De moste iluta att sparka honom runclt.
A literal translation, which save for
the meter Is almost word for word the
song they sing In the Ozarks, goe like
I camo to the city's pate.
The boys chased my doff.
This they did, though he's only a hound
They must stop kicking my doe around.
The song can be traced as far back
as the year 1200 and was probably old
then. The senator refers all request?
for the singing of the song to rcpro
sentatlvo Lobecli of Nebraska. Mr
Loberk Is a Swede, and the senatoi
says he can sing.
Lea of Tennessee Goes on Military and
Postal Committees.
Seujtur 1,0a of Tennessee has been
assigned 10 the places on the senate
committees on military and postolili-e
and post roads, formerly held by the
iaie Senator Taylor. IIo has retired
from the committee on naval affairs,
and Senator Watson of West Virginia
has been assigned to membership 011
that committee.
Senator Ashurst of Arizona has been
given places on the committees on pub
lic buildings and grounds, pensions,
Indian affairs, Industrial expositions,
conservation of natlouul resources and
protection of game. Senator Smith of
Arizona goes on the committees on
public lands, District of Columbia, Irrl
gtttlon, geological survey and railroads
To Tunn Up Army Bands.
A board has been appointed to con
sider methods for increasing the ef
ficiency of army bands and to report
upon establishing a training school for
bandmasters. It consists of Colonel
Stephen C. Mills, inspector general,
and Captain John F. Madden and
Charles n. Paino of tho Twenty-ninth
Infantry. Tho board will consult with
Frank Damroscn and other prominent
Christian Leden, Norwegian Ex
plorer, Back From the Arctic,
How They Killed a "Dovll" Who Fell
From the Skios Companion Left-to
Starve Land Trip Along Northwest
Passage to Siberia Planned.
After daring the perils of the arctic
for six months Christian Leden, a
Norwegian explorer, returned to Now
York recently en route to Chrlstlauia
with what he believes to bo the first
authentic tidings of tho fate of Salo
mon August Audree's balloon ipiest
for tho north pole.
Mr. Leden Is a well known ethnolo
gist and, with Fritz Ilarald Thaulnw.
was ii)i)iiulsloncd by the Ibiyal mu
seum of Berlin, the University nf I;t
lln and the University of Chrlstlauia
to explore the unknown regions of
northwest Canada and obtain data
about the tribes of Indians in that
region, mauy of which had never be
fore been visited by white men. The
trip was made by way of the Cana
dian Pacific railroad to Kdmonton. Al
berta; up the Athabasca river to Lake
Athabasca, where the explorers were
met by agents of tho Hudson Bay
company, who provided them with
dogs, sledges and Eskimo guides.
Killed by Eskimos.
Mr. Leden said that at a point 200
miles north by west of the point at
which it bus been generally believed
that Andree perished ho encountered
a tribe of Eskimos who related a story
to tho effect that fifteen years ago a
large bubble fell from the heavens con
taining two creatures supposed to be
devils and that these creatures were
able to hurl forth smoke and thunder
from strange instruments that thev
carried. Members of the tribe attack
ed the two creatures and succeeded in
slaying one of them with arrows,
whereupon the other "devil" made mo
tions to them signifying tha.t he and
his companion were shooting at bird'J
for food and had come In peace.
When the Eskimos realized that they
had attacked human beings who had
no unfriendly motives they fled In dis
may, leaving the surviving white mnn
nlone. They relate that no other trace
of him was ever discovered.
Threo Years' Trip Planned.
Mr. Leden has conducted several ex
peditions to Greenland for ethnologi
cal research and is now on his way
back to Christian!:! to arrange for an
extended trip In the course of which
he will attempt to make a land pas
sage to the Bering strait, paralleling
the Northwest passage, and cross tho
Ice to East cape, Siberia. The Journey
will be made In the opposite direction
to that taken by Amundsen in bis ex
ploration of the Northwest territory
and Is expected to cover 3,000 miles,
the longest sledge Journey ever at
tempted by white men. There will be
six members of the party, representing
the University of Berlin and the Uni
versity of Christlanla, and each will
be provided with a sledge and dogs.
Nine Eskimos will nccompany tho ex
pedition, which is planned to start In
the spring of 1013. It is expected that
the trip will cover a period of three
years, as exhaustive ethnological and
mineraloglcal Investigations will bo
On his return from the extreme
northwest Mr. Leden came by way of
nudson bay and thence south past
Greenland. lie declares that the spring
season was much earlier this year and
that he witnessed tho breaking up of
the glaciers on tho const of Greenland
and the beginning of tho great Ice
drift of which the berg which destroy
ed the Titanic in nil probability was a
part. 'Within two months lie expects
to visit Greenland to complete investi
gations which he has already Institut
ed in previous trips.
Princeton University Has 150 Acres
Available For Agriculture.
Farming is to he taken up at Prince
ton university, not as n regular course,
but as a means of helping undergradu
ates to earn all or part of their way
through college. The farm Is to be
right on the campus, and the market
will bo found in town.
AVork will bo started at once and
will continue until next winter forces
u temporary abandonment of the farm.
Hazy as may sound the proposition to
come, yet It will without doubt bo a
reality. Tho trustees hnvo appointed a
committee to look Into tho plan.
The undergraduates are to do all
tho work in connection with tho farm.
One hundred and fifty acres aro avail
able for tho farm, and part of this will
bo turned and harrowed immediately.
The ground lies to the east of tho col
lego buildings, but is on tho campus.
Fresh vegetables will bo supplied to
tho university commons, where upward
of 700 students eat threo times a day.
The upper class clubs will also bo pro
vided, and trade will bo carried on
with the townspeople. Tho faculties
of tho university and tho seminary aro
also expected to be customers.
In tho summer those students who
wish to work on tho farm will be put
up at a dormitory free nnd will bo
boardod nt $ 4 n week.
Is the report that Warwick castle will
be let on a long lease to a wealthy
Warwick castle stands high above
the river Avon a little under 100 miles
to tho northwest of London. Exten- (
slvo lawns and gardens are Inclosed
within tho walls. Tho walls arc flank
ed by towers dating back to the four-J
teenth century. The highest of the
towers Is 147 feet In height. The view ,
from the castle along the Avon, with ,
its wooded banks. Is regarded as one '
of the most attractive In England. )
The castle was the scene of a fire In .
1S71. but the great hall and the otlmr
apartments which suffered were re
For many years the castle was In
volved In the wars of early England.
It was strengthened after the Norman
Invasion, Mini tnueli of the castle as It
sta mis at present bears a date more
recent th.-iu the battle of Hastings.
Tradition, however, dates the first
castle at Warwick back to the time of
Ethelfieda. daughter of King Alfred.
Henry III. made the castle his head
quarters In the wars against the bar
ons, and Edward IV. was Imprisoned
there. Other sovereigns have been en
tertained there. (Juecn Elizabeth was
one of these.
Radcliffe Has Two Girls Who Are Twin
Madeline college this year faces the
unique situation of having not one
athletic champion, but two students
whom a competent committee declares
to be equally entitled to a mark of 100
per cent after exhaustive trials.
Edith Honuett and Gertrude Nichols,
senior and junior respectively, have tri
umphed over all competition, and last
week each was awarded sixty points
for proficiency out of a possible score
of sixty in dltllcult skill and muscle
trying tests. Each was therefore de
clared perfect.
The rivalry that such n division of
first place honors might be expected to
engender Is not apparent, however, and
the only two for many years In the his
tory of Hadcllffe to receive perfect
scores In their tests of athletic ability
.are chums.
The college finds that its star ath
letes are brilliant scholars as well.
Miss Hennctt is president of the Had
cllffe Athletic association. Both are
small in stature, both aro essentially
feminine, and both rely on skill rather
than mere muscle for success In their
athletic work.
1,042,686 IN URUGUAY.
Density of the Population Is About
Twelve to the Square Mile.
The population of Uruguay has been
fixed, by official count, nt 801,40-1 na
tives and 181,'J22 foreigners, according
to ndvlces from Consul Godlng.
Tho foreigners include 182 citizens of
tho United States, 02,354 Italians, fU,
S85 Spaniards, 27,789 Brazilians, 18,000
Argentinians, S.311 French, 1,-144
Turks, 1,400 Swiss, 1,324 British, 1,112
Germans and 1,109 Austrians.
The capital, Montevideo, had 29,405
inhabitants; Paysandu, 20,9.ri2; Salto,
19.78S; Mercedes, 15,007; Mlnas, 13,345;
Molo, 12,355; San Jose, 12,197; Hochn,
12,200; Florida, 10,000, and Purnzno,
Tho average density of population In
Uruguay Is about 12 per square mile.
Famous Observatory Left to the Col
lego In Mr. Rotch's Will.
The Blue hill meteorological observ
atory has come Into the possession of
Harvard college through the will of
Abbot Lawrenco Itotch of Milton,
Mass. Tho will provides that the ob
servatory so long maintained by Mr.
Hotch on the summit of Blue hill and
Its equipments are to be given to Har
vard college. In addition, Mr. Hotch
leaves 550,000 to be held In trust for
the maintenance of the observatory.
William H. Pickering, director of the
Harvard college observatory, said he
could not tell how the acquisition
would be utilized. Whether the Blue
hill Instruments and houses will re
main as they are must be determined
by the Harvard corporation.
Agricultural Department Names Deal
ers Who 'Adulterate Seeds.
Tho department of agriculture has
Just published Its "black list," author
ized by congress, giving the names and
addresses of 148 persons nnd firms
which during last year adulterated
seeds of grasses, clover or alfalfa.
Only 55.9 per cent of the hairy vetch
seed purchased lu bulk was capable of
During tho eight years since this
work was authorized tho names of 370
dealers who have sold or offered for
sale adulterated or mlsbraudcd seeds
have been published. Of theso one has
been published five different years, four
havo been published four years, twenty-three
threo years and eighty-four
two yea re.
Czar to Meet Kaiser.
The St. Petersburg newspapers an
nounce that Emperor Nicholas will
meet the German emperor In Finnish
Dr. Gerhard A. Bailing, Now
Mayor of Milwaukee.
Fhoto by American Press Association.
Dr. Gerhard A. Hading, the newly
elected mayor of Milwaukee, won a
decisive "victory over Emil Seidcl, So
cialist, who has been chief executive
of the city for the past two years. Dr.
Hading, who Is a Hepublican, ran on
a fusion ticket, on which his associates
were J. P. Carney and L. M. Kotecki,
for treasurer and comptroller, respec
tively, both Democrats.
As a result of the election It Is prob
able that every national political party
will bo eliminated from participation
In future municipal elections In the
state of Wisconsin, because the state
legislature at a special session soon to
bo convened Is expected to pnss a dis
tinctly nonpartisan city election stat
ute. The Socialists defeated such a
measure at the last session of the
The new mayor was health com
missioner under the two administra
tions that preceded that of Mr. Seldel.
At the recent primary election Dr.
Hading defeated Congressman William
J. Casey for tho nonpartisan nomina
Legless Foreigner, Abandoned by a
Ship, Known Only as Gerome.
Death bus finally claimed Gerome,
a legless and silent foreigner of mys
tery, who was found marooned on the
beach at Mink cove, near DIgby, N. S.,
in 1SG3. For nearly a half century he
had steadfustly refused to divulge his
Identity, his nationality or the reason
of his abandonment by a strange ves
sel. Declining to talk, work, read or
even look nt pictures, Gerome spent
his last days a ward of the govern
ment. He died a few days ago at a
farmhouse threo miles west of Meteg-
han, on St. Mary's bay, near the spot
where he was cast ashore.
One afternoon in August, 1803, two
fishermen on a hill overlooking tho bay
saw an unknown schooner tack into
tho harbor. A boat was lowered over
tho vessel's side. The next day a man
was found In a dory on the shelving:
beach. A bottlo of water and a pack
age of sea biscuit wore within his
reach in the boat. The man's logs had
been very recently severed, and tho
wounds were still fresh, the work hav
Ing been done apparently by a skillful
surgeon. When spoken to ho moaned
nlmost unintelligibly "Gerome." Noth
ing moro could bo drawn from him,
and lie never broke his silence.
Ex-Government Official Favors Bill to
Print the Weight on Packages.
Dr. narvey W. Wiley gave to tho
house committee on interstate com
merce his views about living and house
Advocating a bill to require the net
weight to bo stnmncd unon food naek
ages, be declared that all food should
be bought by weight or measure.
He said u grocer recently tried to sell
him a ham which ho said weighed a
certain amount.
"I asked him if he had weighed it
and ho said it was weighed when It
came In last November," said Dr. Wl
ley. "I made him weigh it again, and
It had lost three pounds. That saved
me 90 cents."
Dr. Wiley In his capacity us "fanner
engaged In practical agriculture and as
one who has been Interested during his
whole life In the sugar Industry" tiled
with the senate finance committee a
protest against "freo sugar," which ho
characterized as n "threat of the ex
tinction of tho industry."
Autos Valued at $."0,000,000.
Harrisburg. Stato olllclals flguro
that tho valuo of automobiles owned
In Pennsylvania is not far from ?50,
000.000. Thus far moro than 30,
000 licenses, including owners' and
dealers' licenses, havo been issued for
1912, and allowing $1,000 as tho
average valuo for each car, tho total
runs high. Although tho season is
well advanced, as high as 200 autos
a day aro sometimes llcoused.
4 m ,
No one can keop a socrot that
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, nnd which lias been
in uso for over 30 years, has borno tho signature- of
nnd has hecninado under Ills pcr-Cj&ffy-,,
Bonal Kttpcrvlslon since Its Infancy.
S6tcU4 Allow no ono to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd " Jusl-as-pood" aro but
Experiments tliat trillo with nnd endanger tho health oC
Infants nnd 'Children Experience naiust Experiment,
Castorin, is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrnps. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Xarcotio
substance. Its npo is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and nllays Fovcrlshncss. It cures DIarrhoja and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Wayne County
Savings Bank
1871 41 YEARS
BECAUSE we have been transacting a SUCCESSFUL
banking business CONTINUOUSLY since 1S71
and are prepared and qualified to renderVALU
ABLE SERVICE to our customers.
ONE years.
BECAUSE of SECURITY guaranteed by our LARGE
CAPITAL and SURPLUS of $550,000 00.
BECAUSE of our TOTAL ASSETS of $3,(00,000.00.
Way no county.
BECAUSE of these reasons wo confidently ask you to
become a depositor.
COURTEOUS treatment to all CUSTOMERS
whether their account is LARGE or SMALL.
INTEREST allowed from the FIRST of ANY
MONTH on Deposits made on or before the
TENTH of tho month.
HON. A. T. SEARLE, Vtcc-l'reslueiit. W. J. WAIU), Asst. Cashier
T. n. CLARK,
Advertise in THE CITIZEN
Signature of
V. V. K1.MHLE.
Represent Reliable
Cnmoanies ONLY
iiy u iiiiii