The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 03, 1912, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Department ot Agriculture to
Demonstrate In North.
Plans UncJor Way For Similar Work In
All Sections Co-operation of the ,
States Local Governments to Do !
Most of Experimenting. I
Demonstration work on the northern
farms will Ik- started by tin? depart
ment of agriculture this summer. This
is Hie outgrowth of the work started
In the south by the late Dr. S. A.
Ktmpp. The demonstration work now
embraces about 00.000 southern farms.
There has been a persistent call for
similar work In the uorth. and the de
partment of agriculture has derided to
work out a comprehensive plan for the.
wh 'it- country.
In a jreneral w:i the country vill be
divided Into live sections. T.ies will
lo the north Atlantic, the south At
lantic, the north central, tin- south
central and the western. The-v so?
tlons will be under a section superin
tendent and an assistant, both of
whom will be ns high prade sclent Hie
farmers as the department can pro
cure. These live main sections of the
country will bo divided Into districts,
each covering more than one st.ite.
The district work will be under ono
federal officer. Under him will come
the state and county superintendents
and apents. who will be state olllclals.
States to Do the Work.
Many of the states have already ar
ranged to co-operate with the federal
government in the demonstration work
nnd have made appropriations and ar
ranged for the counties to raise funds.
Congress has been so much Impressed
by the outlook that It appropriated
$50,000 in the house to aid this work,
and when the bill went to the senate more was added. With the
original money this will make about
?2ro.000 available tills year.
The federal government Is going to
aim at having as much of the actual
work as possible done by the states
and counties. The department of agri
culture 1ms solved many problems gen
em lly affect tun wide regions and will
work on more of the same sort, but
when it comes down to dealing with
stM'e :;nd local conditions the work
v!'l be left to the state and county
The problem of demonstration farm,
lug will be harder and more complicat
ed in the north than It was in the
south. There it wns largely a case of
introducing diversified fanning to make
up for the ravages of the cotton boll
weevil. But In the north there Is al
ready diversified farming, nnd theio
will be the quest Ions of labor, both hu
man and animal; crop rotation, inten
sive cultivation and n lot of scientific
details such as the department has
been Working out for a long time, but
lias seldom had a chance to try on an
extensive scale under real field condi
tions. May Eliminate Alkali.
One of the important features for ex
periment In the western neetlon Is the
elimination of alkali from irrigated
land. Ever since irrigation began to
be practiced In the west there has been
trouble with alkali. In some sections
it is worse than others, but the gener
al experience of farming communities
is that there Is nlwuys more or less
trouble with alkali after a long term
of Irrigation farming.
An Important piece of information
was found by Professor Swingle of
the department in n recent visit to
Spuln. There he found ono section of
the country where irrigation had been
practiced ever since settlement and
where there was no alkali trouble. The
explanation seemed to be in the fact
that there was a very small supply of
water available for the land to be
worked and the farmers had to stretch
each spoonful of water to the utmost
duty. This gave a clew to the most
of the trouble In the west, which seems
to bo simply too much water. The
liabli in this country is to be wasteful
and to go to extremes with everything,
ami It appears that the use of water In
irrigation Is no exception. It is thought
that by following the line of the Span
lards In the more economical use of
water not only can the same amount
of water be made to serve a great deal
more bind, but much of the alkali trou.
ble can be obviated.
Miss Lathrop of Chicago to Head New
Children's Bureau,
Miss Julia C. Lathrop of Chicago, an
associate of Juue Addams in the work
at Hull House, a member of the Illi
nois board of charity nnd a graduate
and trustee of Vassar college, has been
appointed by President Tuft ns chief
of tho new children's bureau in the de
partment of commerce und labor.
MIsn Lathrop is tho first woman to
be made a bureau chief in the govern
ment service.
Demand For the Yucatan Chicle.
There Is a great and opening demand
for tho Yucutan chicle, a kind of wood
which resists decay to a wonderful de
gree. It is particularly In demand for
railway ties, dm it lasts an irideflnlto
time la tho ground. Tho gum of tho
tree Is made into chewing gum.
I hints foh thi: amatkuh
, To try the. general effect of a
certain color or modo of trimming,
thcro is no plan to equal trimming
with tissue pnnor. This Is n plan fol
lowed oven by professional milliners
abroad. Once tlio lint lias been lifted
by Its bandeau and lined, tho mock
trimming is made of colored tlssuo
paper, which tho homo milliner
crushes nnd pinches roughly into tho
form of hows and rosettes, garlands
of ilowers or single blossoms, and
pins these In position on tho hat.
Instead of crushing ribbon hope
lessly by trying the effect of a largo
Hat bow, a chou, a rosette, or a
"wing" of ribbon, tho colored tlssuo
paper Is folded into tho requislto
shape, nnd is shifted and regulated
on the hat until it is made to as
sume the most 'becoming angle. Only
then is tho real bow or "wing" made
of ribbon, or tho Ilowers tied Into
bunches, and arranged on the exact
spot previously occupied by the pa
per. This plan cnnbles tho wearer to
discover the spring tone of her com
plexion. She will find that if her eyes are
hazel, she will probably look well
with a green or a greenish-blue.
Possibly, too, her hazel eyes will bo
set off to good advantage by a soft
Japanese blue. Blue eyes look tholr
best In combination with an exact
match in the Ilowers or ribbon of
tho hnt, while Hie hidden tone in a
"lack-luster" brown eye can often too
brought out by a touch of orange in
tho trimming or by a deep burst
orange straw.
Mack eyes, on the contrary, can
stand any vivid shade close to tho
face. Unless tho complexion Is very
brilliant, the all-black hat is not,
however, nearly so successful as it
would he if tho eyes are light.
Some faces need the softness of
outline moro than others. A frill
of lace a cap Inside the brim of
ten makes a face more youthful,
while it lias the opposite effect on
some. To most people, a narrow
edging of velvet around the brim
has a becoming effect. With black
velvet too hard a line may he drawn
in some Instances, and In the case
of a straw-colored hat. a tiny fold of
velvet In the same tone may provide
all that Is necessary.
The woman who makes a point of
trimming her own hats, winter and
summer, does well if she provides
herself with a "matching ball" like
the dressmakers of the day, who
make a special study of color and
tone alliance.
For her ball, she sets aside a little
piece of every bit of ribbon or silk
which she uses in millinery, dress
making, fancy work.
Dedication of Monument at Harri
nian, X. Y.
On the morning of May 2 next,
a monument indicating the spot
where tho first telegraphic train or
der was sent in the Morse Code over
a commercial wire will bo dedicated.
The monument is located a short
distance west of the new station at
Harriman, X. Y., on the south side
of the eastbound track.
The train order was transmitted
in 1851, when Charles Mlnot, Gen
eral Superintendent of the Xew
York & Erie 'Railroad, sent the fol
lowing message: "To Agent and
Operator at Goshen. Hold the train
for further orders. Conductor and
Engineer, Day Express. Run to
Goshen regardless of opposing
The bronze tablet, which is six
feet high by three feet three inches
wide, was designed by Mr. Chas.
Keck, of Xew York, tho well-known
sculptor. On its face is inscribed
"From this station, Charles Mlnot,
General Superintendent, Xew York
& Erie Railroad, 1851, issued the
first train order transmitted by
telegraph"; the order given above
follows. At the top of tho tablet,
encircled toy a wreath, is a vignette
of Mr. Mlnot. At the bottom ap
pears the following; "This taJblet
was erected in Xovember 1911 un
der the auspices of tho Association
of Railway Telegraph Superintend
ents, and tho Old Time Telegraphers
and Historical Association." Tho
stone from which the monument is
cut was quarried from tho moun
tains of tho Harriman estate at Ar
den, near Harriman, and is tho gift
of "Mrs. E. iH. Harriman, widow of
tho late E. H. Harriman, who also
paid for tho cost of cutting.
The project of erecting this monu
ment has been under way for tho
past two years, during which time
the committee, of which Mr. E. P.
Griffith, superintendent of Tele
graph, Erie Railroad, Is chairman,
has been receiving contributions
from prominent railroad and tele
graph officials all over the land to
defray the cost other than that of
tho monument itself; in fact, the
call for voluntary contributions has
been responded to by persons in all
departments of tho railroad and tel
egraph industries.
i.V special train will be run to
Harriman leaving Jersey City at
10:30 a. m. Luncheon will bo serv
ed on train returning at conclusion
of the dedication.
During tho mouths of January,
February and 'March, liSIi persons,
including 135 employes, 3 passeng
ers, 110 trespassers and 31 othors,
woro killed on tho steam railroads of
tho state, according to data com
piled by the State Railroad Commis
sion. These tlgures show an Increaso of
17 killed as compared with tho
siirao tlireo months of 1011.
Tho number Injured was 2577, or
an increaso over tho same months a
year ago of 710, whllo of tho total
number injured U174 were employes,
2'2'J passengers, 107 trespassers and
C7 others.
A Thorn in tho Flesh.
Mistress So you've decided to re
main with mo, (Mary?
Maid Yes'm. A lady friond said
I'd bettor stay. She said I was to
look upon you as my thorn and near
There aro a lot of horoes In tho
world, hut no woman over seems to
rcallzo that sho is married to ono ot
Complete Course ot Study Will
Cover Four Years, ' ,
Tuition Fees Will Be $180 a Year Ad
vanced Students Are to Spend Part
of Their Vacation at Work In Newn
paper Offices.
The preliminary announcement of
the plan nnd scope of the school of
Journalism at Columbia university,
Xew York, established by the bequest
of Joseph Pulitzer, was made public
by tho advisory and administrative
boards. On Sept. 25 Instruction will
be begun with a complete program of
study In all four years of the under
graduate work.
Degrees of bachelor of literature In
the course of journalism will be grant
ed to graduates of the new school, but
provision lias also been made for "non
mntrlculnted" students who may spe
cialize In some of the courses, getting
credits that can later be applied to
ward a degree. Four years of stand
ard high school work comprise the re
quirements for matriculated admis
sion. Of the course itself the an
nouncement says;
To Add Specialized Courses.
"The curriculum for the 15. Lit. de
gree has two main objects In view
to give the students a sound general
education, and to give specialized tech
nical training which will fit them for
beginning the practice of their profe
eion. For reasons of weight a student
will be nllowed to draw up his own
"In a few years it is hoped that
many specialized courses will be added,
but it has been decided to make a be
ginning with the following typical cur
rlculum, in which equivalent substitu
tions may be made from tho course
now offered at Columbia University or
to be established in the School of Jour
nalism after the opeulng of the new
Introductory courso in English 3
Newspaper French or German H
Natural science, general courso 2
Epochs ot history 3
American politics and Government :
Introduction to philosophy; a lanituage
or a sclnece 3
Journalism (A), a practice courso In
writing 3
Economics, Introductory course !
General survey ot English literature .1
General survey ot American literature.. .
Laboratory course In modern European
history, based on current European '
newspapers 4
American history, general survey "
Journalism (D), a continuation of Jour
nalism (A) 3
Newspaper technic, newsgathcring and
preparation of copy 3
Modern European literature 3
Statistics, government reports, etc. (first
half year), social and Industrial his
tory (second half year) 3
American political parties and platforms 3
Special lectures 1
History of Journalism 3
Newspaper technic and laboratory work 7
Elements of law, with Bpeclal reference
to the law of libel 3
Labor and trust problems 3
Must Master French and German.
"It is Intended In future years," the
announcement continues, "to provide
for other udvnuced and specialized
courses in municipal government,
finance and banking, music, fine arts,
literature, magazine -work, religious,
technical and scientific journalism, and
similar subjects.
"Students who have time are strong
ly recommended to take the combiued
A, B. or B. Sc. and B. Lit Such stu
dents will receive tho degree of A. IS.
or B. Sc., after completing four years'
academic work two In the college and
two In the school of journalism and
the degree of B. Lit. after live years"
work two In the college nnd three In
the school. Students who have already
taken a bachelor's degree at Columbia
or another university, und have passed
with credit through courses which will
fit them for the final year's work, will
be allowed to take the B. Lit. In one
year, on the completion of such studies
as may be necessary In the opinion of
the director, subject to the approval
of the administrative board."
Perhaps the most interesting part of
tho announcement comes in this con
cluding paragraph:
Tuition $180 a Year.
"All students will bo expected to do
their exercises In tho professional
courses on tho typewriter, nnd In the
new building facilities for this pur
pose will be afforded. In the courses
on politics, economies nnd modem his
tory, extensive use will bo made of
newspapers ns courses of information,
and newspaper reading -will form an
Important part of the training in the
French nnd German courses of the first
year. Every student will be required
to show that ho can read a French or
German newspaper before receiving
his degree, and in general this condi
tion must bo satisfied beforo he enters
on tho professional studies of the sec
ond year."
It has been found necessary to
close tho rolls of the school ns quickly
os possible, as not more than seventy
flvo students can bo taken care of.
Tho tuition fees of tho school will be
(180 a year.
The ten weeks' vacation between the
third und fourth years must bo spent,
If possible, In actual newspaper work.
Why Dirty Dishes Aro Dangerous.
Tho edgo of a razor appears to tho
oyo to bo a perfectly straight, smooth
line. But look at It undor n mlcro
scopo nnd you will sco that It Is
rcnlly rough and Jagged llko a flno
tooth saw.
In tho suno way a dish scorns to
prcsont a perfectly smooth, unbrok
en surfneo. But look at It under a
mlcroscopo and you will see a multi
tude of tiny cracks, llttlo hollows In
tho surface and mlnuto Haws whore
a 'bit of the porcolaln hns boon
chipped. Tho moro a dish has been
used tho moro surface Haws there
Theso flaws" aro tho homo and In
cubator of tho dlsoaso germs. It has
been demonstrated that a chipped
placo only one-hundredth of nn Inch
squaro will harbor many hundreds of
typhoid bncllll. Cracks In dishes or
glasses that aro so largo as to bo vis
ible to tho unassisted oyo harbor
thousands of all kinds of germs.
Tho Xbw York Board of Health re
cently collected cracked crockery
from various restaurants nnd found
ln tho cracks numbers of malignant
bacilli. Any ornamentation upon
tho handles of cutlery provide tho
samo breeding grounds, and tills Is
why it Is best to have only perfectly
plain knives, forks and spoons.
Disease germs live through any
thing except poisons or a long im
mersion In boiling water, and tltey
are not much disturbed 'by freezing.
If any member of tho family has
tuberculosis, or Is suffering from
grippe, pneumonia, sore throat or
any of tho contagious diseases, tho
only safeguard Is to boll the dishes,
knives and forks that the person has
"Whigs" in History.
The party In the colonies which
promoted am' backed tho revolution
took the name Whigs. Their prin
ciples were the samo as thoso of the
Whigs of England, only they wore
made applicable to this country. In
1834 tho name was revived, tho Fed
eral party having come to an end In
1S17. From that time all American
politicians were simply Republicans,
nut soon different views were held
by tho various members of tho party
with the results that factions were
formed under their own leaders.
Adams, Clay and their followers be
lieved in a policy of protection and
federal internal Improvements and a
broad or loose construction of the
constitution. Othors, who construed
the constitution strictly, opposed
these things and found a leader In
Jackson. Tho former took tho name
of Xatlonal Republicans. After his
defeat their chief leader was Clay,
whom they nominated for president
in 1831. Their opposition to Jack
son drew to them various elements
and as opponents of executive usurp
ation, in 1834 the coalition took the
old name of Whigs. Tho Whig body
always formed a coalition rather
than a party, there being two divis
ions, tho northern and southern
Looks Like Business.
A United States recruiting sta
tion will bo opened at Carbondale,
at Xo. 14 Xorth Main street, April
29. The branch will remain open
until May 7.
Applicants for the rating of Boil
ermaker, Coppersmith, machinist,
fireman, coal-passer, apprentice sea
man, and men for the hospital and
clerical branches, will bo enlisted in
tho naval service.
A sixty dollar outfit of clothing
is given to all recruits on first en
listment, and all transportation ex
penses after enlistment aro paid by
the government.
Xo one under seventeen can be en
listed in the U. S. Xavy, and those
under eighteen must havo their
parents' or guardian's consent, In
writing, in order to get tho benofits
a navy life offers.
Divers Cannot Work on tho Titanic.
Several people believe that divers
could descend to tho wreck of the
Titanic, but the following data will
explain why this would bo impos
sible. Tho greatest depth a divor has yet
gone is a llttlo over 200 feet, at 204
feot tho water pressuro Is 88 1.
pounds per squaro Inch. If the
wreck or tho Titanic is two miles be
low tho surface, tho diver would
havo to sustain a pressure of 4, COO
pounds per squaro Inch. As the area
exposed of tho average diver Is about
720 square Inches, tho total pressuro
ho would have to sutsaln would bo
3.312,000 pounds, or 1.C5G tons.
Richard J. Beamish, a former
Scranton journalist, has paid this
trlbuto to tho heroes or the Titanic
in the Philadelphia Press:
"And most who drowned were men."
TIs good to read
These strong lair words. They toll
of manhood tried.
Of thoso who saw tho weak ones
safe, then died.
Rake muck, sneer slurs. You can't
paint black the breed
That smiled at Death in that heroic
Poor men forgot their lot; tho rich,
their pride.
Like gods, they struggled o'er tho
rising tide
For others' lives; their own, thoy
scorned to heed.
Then kindly Night shut out their
God send tho word to flamo their
message through
Tho grieving world: "For Inasmuch
as yo
Help thus My helpless ones, yo help
They sleep whore Love and Death
both found them truo,
Their namos as deathless as their
shrine, tho sea.
Parcels Post Favored by nouso.
Washington. Tho Houso wont on
record Thursday as favoring tho par
cols post system and a commission
to gather Information rolatlvo to Its
creation and tho condemnation of tho
oxpress companios. There will ho
fifteen hours of dobato, hoglnnlng to
morrow, boforo a deciding voto Is
taken on tho proposals for a parcols
post and postal express.
Tho good may dlo young, but
judging from tho average small hoy
it must bo when they nro very, vory
Srnuta Are Brothers,
Tho good qualities of scoutcraft
aro Lieutenant General Sir Robert
S. S. Hadon-Powell In tho following
statoment: "Thon there is tho fellow
shlp you get into by becoming a
Scout. Scouts aro 'brothors wher
ever they meet nil over the world.
Thoy have tholr signs by which they
rocognlzo ono another and they aro
helpful and hospitable to all. A
scout would give you tho best of Tils
food and accommodation, but ho
would not expect you to pay him any
moro than ho would expect you to
spit in his face for it. A scout will
sacrifice ills life to save his 'pal,' or
oven to sav a stranger, for the mat
ter of that especially If tho stranger
Is a woman or a child. But tho Joy
of the life or a scout Is the living
In tho woods under the animals that
Inhabit them. Ho gets to know tho
wnys ot tho beasts and tholr where
abouts iby reading their tracks. Ho
can find his way by the map In a
strango country. With his keen sight
ho sees everything, both far and
near, boforo tho slow-eyed towns
man has noticed anything. Ho has
enilurahco that enables him to run
down his game or to escapo from
fnst-running enemies; and ho can
stalk, or creep or hide where tho or
dinary lout would be seen at once.
Ho can build his hut, or boat or
bridge, which means the use of the
axe and a knowledge of knots and of
course he can light his fire and cook
his 'grub' and make himself gener
ally handy and comfortable."
A Statement of Facts Backed by
Strong Guarantee.
Wo guarantco Immediate and posi
tive relief to all sufferers from consti
pation. In every case where our rem
edy falls to do this we will return the
money paid us for It. That's a frank
statement of facts, and we want you to
substantiate them at our risk.
Rexall Orderlies are eaten Just Hko
candy, are particularly prompt and
agreeable In action, may bo taken at
any time, day or night; do not cause
diarrhoea, nausea, griping, excessive
looseness, or other undesirable effects.
They havo a very mild but positive
action upon tho organs with which
they come in contact, apparently act
ing as a regulative tonic upon the re
laxed muscular coat of the bowel, thus
overcoming weakness; and aiding to
restore the bowels to more vigorous
end healthy activity.
Rexall Orderlies arc unsurpassable
and ideal for the use of children, old
folks and delicate persons. Wo cannot
too highly recommend them to all
sufferers from any form of constipa
tion and its attendant evils. That's
why we back our faith In them with
our promise of money back if they do
not give entire satisfaction. Three
sizes: 12 tablets 10 cents, 30 tablets 25
cents and 80 tablets 50 cents. Remem
ber, you can obtain Rexall Remedies
only nt our store The Rosall Store.
To Patrons Along the Scranton
Branch of the Erie Railroad,
The afternoon train leaving Scran
ton as per schedule following, runs
dally directly to Honesdalo, giving,
people time to transact their business
at the county seat and return homo
tho same evening. I
8:20 Scranton 1:30 ,
8:13 Dunmore 1:37
8:02 Xay Aug 1:4G'
7:51 Elmhurst 1:55
7:43 Wlmmers 2:07
7:40 Saco 2:10
7:34 Maplowood 2:1C,
7:20 Lake Ariel 2:34!
7:09 Gravity 2:41 !
G:59 Clerao 2:51
C:53 Hoadleys 2:56
C:37 West Hawley.. ..3:27
0:12 White Mills 3:38
C:03 East Honesdalo .3:47
G:00 Honesdalo 3:50
Published by tho Greater Honesdalo
Board of Trade, Honesdalo, Pa.
Havo mo nnd save money. Wl
attend sales anywhere in State.
Address WAYMART. PA-CR. D. 3
Agency at Honesdale, Wayne Co., Pa
Total admitted assets S 273.813.063 K
Total Insurance In force 1.080.239,703.00
Total number policy-holders 425,481.00
New Insurance Reported and paid for In 1910 118,789,033.00
Inciease In Iusurunce' lu force over ISO!) 67,210,613.00
Total Income for 1910 61.979,892.23
Total payment to policy-holders 32.869,899.00
Hatlo of expense and tuxeH to Income 12.78 per cent
II. A. TINQLEY. Agent.
The Ideal
wWT?5?iii ii r ii ih. in
pal and accrued ncome.-The Scranton Trust Co.
010 Spruco Street.
The OLDEST Fire Insurance
Agency in Wayne County.
Office: Second floor Maeonlc Build
ing, over O. C. Jadwln's drug store,
in your family you of course call
a reliable physician. Don't stop
at that ; nave bis prescriptions
put up at a reliable pharmacy,
even if it is a little farther from
your home than some other store.
You enn find no more reliable
store than ours. It would be im
possible for more care to be taken
in the selection of drugs, etc., or
in the compounding. Prescrip
tiona brought here, either night
r or day, will bo promptly and
H accurately compounded by a
competent registered pharmacist
j and the prices will be moat rea-
g eonable.
8 Uiu. U. A II. Station Honesd kix. Pa.
Why pay the retail price for furni
ture? Our catalogue will save
you fromliO to30$
. Only $14.85
For this handsome Buffet In Golden
Quartered Oak of a handsome ficure. The
base Is 45 inches long, 21 inches wide.
Three drawers (one lined for silver) and
two large and roomy cabinets. Top has
3a x 12 bevel plate mirror, also convenient
shelf, supported by tasty standards. This
Buffet is well made, beautifully finished
and 9 Inches hich. This particular Buf
fet cannot be matched in any retail store
for less than $18.50 to 2.00.
Carefully packed and shipped,
freight charges prepaid, for S14.85.
Send today for our "Satis
faction Furniture at Factory
Figures" catalogue. Free.
. F. Weaver
Architect and Bailder
Plans & Estimates
Residence, 1302 EastSt.
Tho groat fly killing contest
starts on Wednesday, May 1. Be
euro and Join tho 11 y killers
of the estates of your minor chil
dren. It has the very best facilities
L u..Ci.LI. I . :
h h hum w sh. iiivhsi-