The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 03, 1912, Image 1

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It Is Quality mid NHiantlty That
"Wo Print All Uc News That's,.
Fit to Print All tho Time."
Counts 'in vKwtlalBg.
70th YEAR. --NO. 36
Wnyno County Primaries Bring Out
Only Small IVr Cent. )f Total
Voting Strength of County, Cans
lug One to Ask if the People
Arc as Yet Educated up to
the Primary Imw:
SInco the recent primary election
thero has been some talk concerning
the small vote polled by the voters
of Wayne county. It has been stat
ed that tho primary election does
not bring out as lnrgo a number of
the voters of the county as It should,
and that tho people are not educated
up to the real value of tho primary
law There is, to be sure, some
grounds for this accusation. Tho
primary election is almost as im
portant as the general election and
should bring out as strong a vote,
but when one compars the recent
primary election to tno one four
years ago It can readily be seen that
the voters are being educated up to
the importance of tho primary elec
tion. In 1S80 Wayne county Dem
ocrats cast 2138 votes for tho dele
gate to the National convention,
while the Republicans cast 3924
votes and the Prohibitionists cast
2 In comparing this with the re
cent vote cast where Democrats cast
UC3 votes, Republicans 404S votes
and Prohibitionists 4 votes, it can
bo seen that while the Democratic
element of the county took little in
terest in tho primaries and consider
ably less than four years ago yet the
Republicans polled a much larger
vote, notwithstanding the fact that
a largo number of Democrats voted
the Republican ticket and helped to
swell its returns. In tho recent
election there is a decrease in the
Democratic vote and an increase in
tho Republican vote, probably for
the same reason. The Democratic
delegate to the state convention four
years ago brought out 2431 votes
while the Republican received 3C91
votes and 5 were polled for Prohibi
tion. The spring primaries this year
tho Democratic delegate to the State
convention received 562, the Repub
lican delegate, 4135 and the Pro
hibition delegate 11.
Methodists in Minneapolis.
Minneapolis, Minn., May 1. 'With
numerous delegates present and
scores arriving on every tra.n, pre
parations practically are complete
for the opening of the general con
ference of the Methodist Episcopal
church here to-morro-w to last for
one month.
Probably. theprinclpal thing to
come before the session during the
month is the election, of bishops, the
exact number of which Is yet to he
determined. Another question which
will be discussed, say church men, Is
the so-called amusement question and
the alteration of the church disci
pline which now forbids dancing,
card playing, theatre going and elm
liar forms of amusement.
Wayne County Savings Bank
Doubles Capital Stock.
The shareholders of tho Wayne
County Savings Bank have increased
its capital stock from $100,000 to
$200,000. It was the unanimous de
sire of the representatives of 970
shares out of 1,000 that tho stock
ibe doubled. The stockholders met
in special session In the parlors of
that institution Tuesday afternoon
between the hours of 3 and 4 o'clock
to discuss and vote upon the matter.
There was not a dissenting vote.
By the action of the stockholders
it gives the Wayne County Savings
Bank the largest capital of any
hanking institution in this section
of tho country, outside of Scranton,
Wilkes-Barre and Pittston.
Tho total capitalization and sur
plus of the Wayne County Savings
Bank now amount to $550,000; Its
deposits, $2,448,000, and total as
sets, $3,014,000.
Criticises Isinay.
iRcar Admiral Manan, retired, cele
brated naval authority, severely i
ritlciscs J. Bruce Ismay for saving
himself In the Titanic disaster. Hoi
says I
For all the loss of life tho com-1
pany is responsible, individually and !
collectively; Mr. Ismay personally, )
not only as one of the members, t
Men bear the consequences of their
mistakes as well as their faults.
I hold that, under tho condition,
no long as there was a soul that
could be saved, tho obligation lay
upon Mr Ismay that that one per
son, and not he, should have been In
the boat More than 1500 perished."
Auto License Fund is at $100,000
With tho issuing of the 40,000th
automohllo license tag at tho State
Highway Department, Saturday, tho
automobile license fund reached
$400,00o. This will be added to tho
fund of $1,400,000 received for past
registrations and by the end of tho
year there will probably bo $2,000,
000 In tho treasury to tho account
of the automobile division.
At tho next session of tho Legis
lature, it 1b prohable, that a bill will
he introduced proving for tho ex
penditure of this sura and all other
funds received from tho licensing of
automobiles on tho roads of the
A calf with two heads, two talis
and six legs was brought into Hones
dale Thursday morning by Julius
(Martin, a German, living' below
"White Mills. Tho freak of nature
was (born last Saturday and lived
only two -minutes after hlrth.
Right Forward March to Captain
.lames Ham Post Quarters, Where
Company Will ("amp for a Little
Wlillo This Friday Evening.
All members of Captain James
Ham Post, O. A. R., aro most earn-
nctlt. rnnnnotnil t r 1in In nltnnilntlnn
v " -' -i1- ... - .. -
I at tho regular monthly meeting of
1 the Post this Friday evening at 8
I o'clock.
Every Civil Wnr veteran, to tho
man, who is not physically unablo
to attend this meeting, is urgently
nsked to report to roll call.
Preparations for 'Memorial Day,
which falls upon Thursday, May 30,
' aro being made and as it Is expected
to make this the most Interesting
and successful celebration ever ob
served, a good nttondanco Is earnest
ly desired.
Rev. C. C. Miller, pastor of
the German Lutheran church of
this place, will preach the Memorial
sermon on Sunday preceding AVL'" '
mortal Day. Tho Post will attend i
in a body.
The High school will hold exer
cises appropriate to the day in tho .
auditorium on Wednesday after-!
noon, May 29.
Rev. A. L. Whittaker will deliver
the Memorial address in Glen Dy-
j uorry cemetery.
Twenty-Foot Ship Used as Model
Wreck May lie Duo to Criminal
London, May 2. Tho British
Court of Inquiry to-day began its in
vestigation into tho sinking of tho
Titanic. Lord Mercey was in charge
of the committee and will try to And
out If the wreck of the ship Is due
to criminal neglect. A 20-foot model
builders and has 'been placed In the
room where tho hearing Is held. It
will be used as an Illustration.
Weaver Get.s Stromisburg Theatre.
Architect Harry Weaver 'has se
cured the contract for a new and up-to-date
theatre in Stroudsburg.
There was a great deal of competi
tion for the job but evidently the
Stroudslburg people recognized the
ability of the local man, and if our
theatre and school house are any
criterion, Stroudsburg will get a
thoroughly satisfactory job.
Wind Blows Tree Down Hill.
On Tuesday during the heavy wind
John Dermody, of Lookout, was cut
ting a ..tree down and had It partly
cut In two when the 'wind blew It
down and It tumbled end over end
down a hill, tearing the fences and
other trees in its path.
It is reported that tho wind T)lew
about 90 miles an hour that day and
did considerable damage in Northern
Wayne. Calllcoon 'Democrat.
Comments on Board of Trade's Of
fer to Farmers.
A very interesting plan suggested
by the Honesdalo Board of Trade is
of great concern to all the farmers
of Wayne county. It would greatly
help all agriculturists who make
Honesdalo their shipping point. The
suggestion is that the Board of
Trade employ an experienced buyer
whose business It will bo to guaran
tee the sale of all apples, rutabagas
and other farm products of tho coun
ty. It Is explained that this -plan
would take away a great strain from
the farmer and enable him to .dis
pose of all of his crops, It matters
not how largo they are. In tho past
thero has been complaint that the
farmers of that section have been
unable to convert their fruits, vege
tables and cereals Into cash. Scran
ton Truth in Afternoon Echoes.
Mrs. Woodward, of Hoadleys,
mention of whoso birthday was
made In tho last Issue of Tho Citi
zen, celebrated her 91st natal day
April 28. Sho Is tho mother of
Frank P. Woodwnrd, tho venerable
Scranton Trlbuno-Republican rep
resentative of this place.
Tho Citizen extends heartiest
birthday greetings to Mrs. Wood
ward and sincerely hopes that she
will enjoy many like occasions.
Tho last will and testament of tho
late Nicholas iNIart, of Texas, was
filed Tor pronation. April 30. After
just debts are paid ho bequeathed $5
each to tho following children;
Henry, of Toledo, Ohio; Anna Rlt
ter, iHonesdale; Lena Stenzhorn,
Philadelphia; William Niart. Toledo.
To Mary Jeltz, Honesdalo, daughter,
all real estate, house and property
now occupied by her. - Whatever
cash money to ho divided equally
among tho children. Mary Jeltz
was appointed executrix. .M. J. nan
lan and E. W. Gamraell were wit
nesses of tho will.
Nicholson Sells Property.
II. F. 'Nicholson, of Hamlin, sold
his hotel nronorty to Otto Dol
anotsch, of Dunmoro, on Tuesday,
consideration $4,000, Mr. Dolmetsch
will tako immediate possession.
Top row, reading loft to right
center; W BOLT, forward.
Bottom row J POLT, utility; L.
The Rink Five last week closed a
remarkably successful season of has-
ket ball by defeating the German
Catholic Club on their own floor,
having previously easily defeated
them on the 'Rink floor and in win
ning this game crushed tho hopes of
tho last aspirant for die title of
" Champions of Wayne County."
This title meant something this
year because there was so much
interest taken in tho game and so
many teams aspiring to tho title
that it meant a strenuous schedule
of games for the winner, and the
Rink Five have decisively proven
that they are entitled to be called
"champions" by defeating all comers
not only on the Ttink floor but also
on their own floor. Probably no oth
er athletic team who havo won hon
ors in Wayne county eer had so
many rivals and such a hard light
for tho title.
The opening game of the season'
was nlnvmt acalnst. tho Hawlnv tpam i
who vied with Seelyvllle for lastwhen the opportunity came and for
yeartmffhTp'ionshlp and they weni a' tlrao after he left, the team sadly
easily defeated. Then started - a
seven-game .series with the previous
season's' "-champions, Seelyvllle. At
the beginning no ono thought that
tho Rink team had much chances
against theso seasoned Seelyvlllers,
as they (tho Rink Five) had never
played together previous to this sea
son, and Seelyvllle closed their last
season with the wonderful record of
only one defeat; so that w'hen the
opening game of tho series was play
ed at the Rink about one-half of
Seelyvillo came down to seo their
"boys show the Honesdalers how to
play the game and many of those
who saw the game will no doubt re
member that they started off with a
rush and had caged thrco baskets
before tho Rink team got started,
but! well, tho score ended, as we
now know, 35 to 17 in favor of tho
Rink Five, and the Seelyvillo people
went homo In a dazed condition and
wondered for several weeks how it
happened. The series went to six
games, tho Rink Five winning tho
Cth game on tho Seelyvillo floor.
In tho meantime "Eddie Murphy,"
tho White Mills noted athletic, had
organized a basket ball team In
Whito Mills wnlch many thought
would bo a winner, and they did
prove to be much stronger than
Seelyvllle. This series also went to
six games, tho Rink Flvo winning
tho sixth game on the White 'Mills
floor in a hard fight thus defeating
two aspirants for tho titlo by winning
four of six games played with each.
The hardest fight was yet to come.
A team representing bhe Alert Fire
Company, who called themselves tho
Alerts, had been organized from tho
best players obtainable In tho town
and after playing a few preliminary
games challenged tho Rink Flvo to a
series of flvo games. These two
teams Bhowed themselves to bo the
most evenly matched of any, tho
series being undecided until tho very
last game which was decisively won
by tho Rink team by superior team
work and staying qualities. Score
20 to 12.
Co. E "Tho Reef Trust" was
tho next Wayne county team to chal
lenge tho Rink boys for tho champ
ionship hut were outclassed In every
way, tho Rink Flvo winning threo
straight games.
At Intervals between theso local
games tho Rink Flvo had been play
ing many different teams from othor
counties and by defeating Milford
two games on Thanksgiving Day, and
Susquehanna two games Now Year's
Day, these two teams being tho
champions respectively of PIko and
Susqudhanna counties, havo tho
'right to bo called "Trl-County
Chnmplons. Tho Taylor team, who
claims to bo champions of Lacka
wanna and Luzerne counties by de
feating Wilkes-Barre Ninth Regi
ment, wore also defeated once, but
tho TayIorito3 returned tho compli
ment, so that that series stands a
tlo, This Taylor team has boon play
ing together eleven years, and tho
fact that tho Rink Flvo tied them In
their series. Is quite an accomplish
ment, as this is tho Rink Five's first
In all tho Rink Flvo played 'fofty-
ono games and lost but olovon. Tho
only teams which were ablo to take
games from thorn without being de
feated later by the Rink Five wero
L. BAB-ER, guard; !R. O'CONNEDL,
BRIADER, guard; L. ROSS, forward.
Wyoming Seminary and the B. I. A.
All Stars of Scranton. The game
with 'Wyoming was played just af
ter the local boys had lost the ser
vices of Capt. Brader, who left the
team on January 1, and ihls placo had
not been satisfactorily filled; as It
was, they were only .beaten by two
points, 17 to 15. Tho B. I. A. All
Stars of Scranton twice defeated tho
locals, the last two weekB of the
season, but the Rink Flvo were not
in the condition of palylng the game
they did the first part.
The regular members of the
champions are: Louis Bader, Capt.,
Leon Ross, Manager, Munson McDer
mott, Reginald O'Connell, William
Polt and Julius Polt. Leslie Brader
was captain of the team until Jan.
lRt when he was obliged to leave.
as his work called him to New York
City to live.
Brader's equal as a guard would
be thard to find, combining his good
floor work with his ability to "shoot'
missed him.
To O'Connell's work at center tho
team owes many points, as "Tim
was usually able'to get the jump on
his 'man even thougn he was alrg-
er, and besides is naturally a good
At forwards tho two regulars, W
Polt and Ross, worked the best to
gether, the former being the only
member of tho team who partlclpat
ed In every game. Ho scored tho
most points of any man on the team
and was always a hard worker,
while Ross was more for floor and
team work, being quick and fast on
his feet. At guards, after the retire
ment of Brader, Capt. Bader and J.
Polt and later 'McDermatt made
names for themselves In this depart
ment of tho game. J. Polt was fre
quently used at forward as well as
guard and showing equal ability In
this position. Bader was the "old
reliable" and saved many a game by
his careful guarding and ability to
get ahead of his man. Munson Mc
Dermott is tho oldest man on tho
team In experience and tho latter
part of tho season was a big help to
it through his lino floor and "head"
work. Although not having played
for four years previous to this sea
son he fully demonstrated that ho
could "come back" and at tlhe end
of tho season was ono of tho most
valuable men on tho team.
Taken ail in all tho Rink Flvo has
a record to he proud of and should
do still better next year if they can
hold the same team together, as team
work and " getting used to one an
other counts for a whole lot
basket ball.
Tho team has certainly been a
good advertisement for tho Rink this
year and perhaps will bo a good
i advertisement for tho town next
John Tuman, of White (Mills, who
has played good baseball on the local
athletic Hold, will bo retained by
Manager Freeman for Scranton's
team. Ho will bo played at short.
Tho Scranton Times says that
those who havo seen Tuman and
Starr (second baseman) play, believe
that they will mako good. Ono thing
that they will do 1b plant a pepper
factory right in tho mlddlo of the
diamond and that's ono thing that a
winning cluh must have.
Tho Times says furthor:
" Manager Freeman never did In
tend to let Tuman get away from
Scranton this season. Ho Is a big
fellow and can do ono hundred yards
in olovon seconds. Tno ono thing
that has kept him out of tho short
position so long is that ho hits loft
handed and thore woro too many
left sido cloutors on tho team. With
Freeman out of tho game, It will sim
ply ho putting another left hander In
his place. Ho played In all tho ex
hibition games and nobody could
mako a kick on his work for he
showed his speed even though tho
grounds wore a Uttlo heavy all tho
tlmo. Tuman played third for two
years at St. Bonaventuro and for the
same length of tlmo at Phllllpsburg
In tho Inter-Mountain league and last
season hit .330 for that team. He
has plenty of confidence, Is always
talking and at touching a runner,
the thing that makes a shortstop
good or bad, ho Is clover."
Cauliflowers Grow Fine In Wayne'
County rIliere is Big Money In
Growing Them.
Did it over occur to you, Mr.
Farmer, that thoro is good profit in
rnislng tho cauliflower? It can be
raised upon your farm and tho varie
ty is mucn sweeter man ino lunu
grown near tho Metropolis. It can
nlso bo raised at times of tho sum
mer when tho Long Island product
Is unfit for market. Then is tho time
when you will get fancy prices for
tho crystal heads. You need not go
into it so extensive at first, but that
would bo tho only way for profit.
Say you had under cultivation from
15 to 30 acres, allowing each acre
to yield an avorago of 200 barrels!
per year, we shall havo a yearly out
put of between 15,000 and 16,000
barrels to be sold in tho city at
prices ranging from $2 to $12 per
barrel quite a nice bunch of money
each fall to come iback up hero
among the 'hills and dales of dear
old Wayno to keep things going.
'Wayno county Is fortunately
blessed with one of the largest and
best cooperages In this section of the
country, McKenna Bros., located at
Honesdale, which can furnish bar
rels for tho grower of the cauli
flower in any quantity. This is good
for botlt raiser and manufacturer.
Tho barrelmaker gets a market for
his factory product and tho farmers
aro saved tho bother of 'hunting
packages for tho fruit of their
It takes both labor and skill to
grow cauliflower and a goodly qual
ity of each. From preparing the soil
with fertilizers, all through the
plowing, harrowing, planting, up to
the tying up tho heads and cutting
and packing there Is a lot of back
aching toll for whoever embarks In
tho Industry. No one who wishes
an easy summer should go Into the
cauliflower business. If you live
near a railroad you can ship direct
to the market. Otherwise drive to
Honesdale. By the way what do you
think of the suggestion offered 'by
the Greater Honesdalo Board of
Trade of appointing a good honest,
conscientious buyer for tho farmer
without one cent of cost to you to
sell your product in tho city? The
service would bo absolutely free and
you could dispose of apples, ruta
bagas, cauliflower, cabbage, etc.,
whereas now It might remain upon
the farm and be a dead loss to you.
Fertilize and realize something from
your farm. You will never regret
tho effort put forth.
Help Lutherans Get Now Church
Through the persistent and untir
ing efforts of Rev. C. C. Miller,
the energetic pastor of St. John's
Lutheran church a promise of $750
was secured from Andrew Carnegie
to apply toward the purchase of a
now church organ, providing the
members of his congregation raise a
like amount.
Pastor Miller has been In corres
pondence with this philanthropist
for some time and having secured
a satisfactory promiso from Air.
Carnegie, ho presented the matter
before tho trustees of the church at
a meeting held last 'Wednesday
evening. Tho hoard will accept the
offor. Too much credit cannot bo
given Pastor 'Miller for 'his efforts.
We havo heen informed that a
$2,000 organ will bo Installed.
Scranton Young Man Seriously In
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Scranton, May 2. Alfred Wilson,
aged 24 years, of 331 Phelps street,
was seriously injured at 11 o'clock
this morning. 'Ho was at work on a
tree cutting down tho branches,
when ono branch fell on a tolephono
wire. He reached out to pull It out,
i and In so doing grabbed a livo wire.
He let go, and fell, lnndlng on his
stomach on an iron picket fence.
His hands and face wero burned from
tho wire, and he was badly bruised
Ho was taken to the State Hospital,
and Is in a critical condition.
Rev. W. H. Hlller Makes Threo
Couples Happy.
Married at tho Methodist parson
age Tuesday evening, April 30, Chas.
L. Williams and Edna M. SIgnor,
both of DownsvIIIo, N. Y.
Married at tho Methodist parson
ago, Honesdale, 'Wednesday, May 1,
Fred Hlnaman of Huguonot, N. Y.,
and Addlo S. Raunor of Braman, Pa
Married Wednesday ovenlng, May
1, at tho residence of tho bride,
Honesdale, Ernest Jordan, of Hones
dalo, and .Ethol Walker.
100,000 Gallons or Gasoline
Naphtha Evplodc.
n n (I
Cloveland, O., May 2. Flvo men
were burned to death when six buc-
cesslvo explosions of a total of 100,
000 gallons of gasoline and naphtha
In tho compartments of tho Standard
Oil company barge No. 88, lying in a
slip south of tho Jefferson street
bridge, covered everything In tho vl
clnlty with tho blazing fluid.
Flvo men wero Blightly burned
Fully a hundred wero working In tho
yard or the Great Lakes Towing
company's repair plant, whero tho
live men wno wore killed woro cm
Tho total property damage, It Is
estimated will amount to between
$150,000 and $200,000.
Despite the Fact Thnt April Was n
Stormy Mouth Tho Little Lovo
God Did Good Work.
Some ono has said that "Of all
actions of a man's life his marrlago
does least concern other people, yet
of all the actions of our life 'tis most
meddled with by other people." This
can truthfully be said in tho present
Instance and Marrlago License. Book
Numher 4 bears all scrutiny without
a murmur. During the month of
April thero were recorded in this
faithful book some nineteen mar
rlago licenses, the analizing of which
Is no light task, for thero one may
find many Interesting facts hidden
away from tho unobservant eye.
The season Is approaching for tho
forming of " two souls with but a
single thought " and so far tho
month of April holds the record In
number. In March thero wero only
six licenses Issued, probably duo to
the fact that the weather was too
stormy and unpleasant, as that Is tho
month when tho frost king Is sup
posed to lay down and give up tho
ghost, but Is always reluctant to do
so. April was also a stormy month
but not too stormy to dishearten
nineteen brave youths and as many
The occupations owned up to hy
the brides of April were few beside
tho conventional "at homo." Three
confessed to be silk workers; four
gavo their occupations as house
keepers while two acknowledged
themselves to be "homekeepers."
Beside these there was ono steno
grapher, one domestic, one teacher,
and one dressmaker.
The occupations of the grooms
was given as farmers, of which there
were six. Two gave their trade as
blacksmiths, and two as laborers.
There was ono car service clerk, ono
Insurance agent, one car inspector.
one railroader, one glass cutter, one
glass blower, one plumber, one lum
berman and one tracer.
Ml Pniers Tied Up Believe None
Will be Printed Until After Dif
ficulty is Settled.
(Special to The Citizen.)
Chicago, May 2. All the union
pressmen employed on tho Chicago
daily papers went out on strike at
9:30 this morning. It is believed
that all the big papers v. Ill be tied
up until the strike is ended. The
morning papers are on the street,
but It is not known whether or not
any evening papers will be issued.
The trouble is due to the fact that
the publishers of the papers and tho
union officials couldn't agree on a
wage scale.
Gavo All Away lacked Funds For
Chicago, May 2. Search among
the effects of the late Dr. D. K.
Pearsons, tho aged philanthropist.
thus far has failed to reveal any will.
"Tho family wishes to say that bo
far as It appears there will be hard
ly sufficient funds left to cover tho
expenses of Dr. Pearson's burial and
late sickness," said H. A. Pearsons.
Tho two nephews have guaranteed
the expense of the funeral of their
uncle, who gave away about six mil
lion dollars.
Funeral services wero held Tues
day afternoon.
Purchases interest in Voigt House.
'Mrs. Charles J. Weaver Is again
proprietor of tho Commercial Hotei,
and took charge of same on Wednes
day, May 1. Chas. McDonald, who
had leased tho hotel property of
Mrs. Weaver, has purchased a part
nership with Frederick Michaels In
the Voigt House and ho will tako an
active part in tho 'business of that
placo. iMrs. Weaver conducted tho
Commercial last year beforo leasing
it to Mr. 'McDonald and now that tho
management Is again with her and
her sons, sho Intends to conduct
same herself until sho can find a
proper lessee for tho place.
Antl-FIy Cluh Formed.
Wllkes-Barre, May 1. "Death to
tho fly" was pronounced tonight
when an anti-fly club was organized
by iboys of tho Calvary Episcopal
church, Rev. H. G. .Hartman, pastor.
Tho club received Its first lesson In
fly extermination, and the fly as a
dlseaso bearing pest was exposed by
different speakers.
As a result an active crusado will
be launched a ssoon as the fly make3
his annual debutt and for tho great
est number slain tho boys will re
ceive prizes. Scranton Trlbuno-Republican.
Tho Rev. Mr. Hartman mado many
friends during his recent visit in
To Do Honor to Late Major Butte,
President's Former Aide.
Augusta, Ga., May 2. President
Taft arrived bore to-day to Join tho
people of Augusta to do honor to tho
lato Major R. C. Butte, tho Presi
dent's former military aide who lost
his life In tho Titanic disaster, Fres
dent Tart attended tho services at
the opera house. Thero was a very
largo attendance. Business was
suspended from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m.
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
New York, (May -2. J. Bruce Is
may, manager of the White Star
Line company, sailed today for England,