The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 01, 1912, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Semi-Weekly Founded 11)08; Weekly Founded 1844.
Published Wednesdays and Fridays by tbo Citizen Publishing Company.
Entered as second-class matter, at tho postofllco. Honosdalo, Pa.
M. B. AL1.K.V,
Our friends who favor us with contributions, and desire to have the same re
umed, should in every case enclose stamps for that purpose,
Remit by Express Monoy Order, Draft, Post Ofllco Order or Registered
letter. Address all communications to Tho Citizen, No. 803 Main street,
Honesdalo, Pa.
All notices of shows, or other ontortalntnnnts held for the purposo of
making money or any items that contain advertising matter, will only bo
admitted to this paper on payment of regular advertising rates. Notice
of entertainments for the benefit of churches or for charitable purpose"
whero a fee is charged, will be published at half rates. Curds of thanks,
SO cnta, memorial poetry and resolutions of respect will bo charged for at
th rate of a cent o word. Advertising rates on application.
Givo every man thine ear tout few thy voice. Shakespeare.
"Nearer My God to Thee," will, without a doubt, becomo the Na
tional hymn Instead of "America."
Nothing advertises a town like a good baseball team and an active
Board of Trade. Honesdalo has 'both. Now for results.
The town knocker will soon bo given an opportunity to UBe his ham
mor in Honesdale's coming boom, as all carpenters will be busy and there
will bo a demand for moro hammers.
'It has been said that It takes a pretty fast automobile to catch up
with running expenses. Judging from tho speed of some cars driven in
Honesdalo they are way ahead of their running expenses.
Tho County Commissioners, at their next regular monthly meeting,
vill undoubtedly decide to advertlso for bids for tho proposed Park Lake
footbridge. The bridge is an absolute necessity and should be ibuilt. We
hopo tho commissioners see their way clear to do so.
So great Is the demand for agricultural imports in this country that
our sales abroad aro falling off and we are Importing 'largo quantities.
The recent shipments of potatoes from Ireland are fresh in everyone's
mind, and we take considerable shipments from Canada and Mexico. A
recent agricultural item in the consular reports states that last year 197,
698 crates of tomatoes were shipped to this country from Cuba, besides
41,813 crates of okra, eggplant, peppers, etc. The farmer still has room
to expand his market.
In all ages tho eating of fruit has been recognized as an aid to health.
Somo of thee more advanced dieticians advocate the use of fruit and nuts
exclusively. The more reasonable plan, however, seems to be to eat
"plenty of fruit,' and that's the way Dr. Harvey 'W. Wiley, the famed pure
food expert puts it. He believes that everyone should eat fruit say or
anges or apples, and they cost about the same every day. The nation
seems to bo following this advice. "It will save doctor's bills," says Dr.
Wiley, and who should know better than he? But that Is a fundamental
fact which everyone should know from experience. It is pretty safe to
say that the moro fruit people eat, the better the health of the nation
will be.
A news article in this Issue of The Citizen tolls of tho modern and
In our opinion, the only way of planting trees; the agency being dyna
mite. Messrs. A. T. Bryant and J. B. Robinson, two of iHonesdale's pro
gressive citizens recently purchased fifteen acres of land just outside of
tho borough line and "have just finished planting five hundred trees by
tho means of dynamite. The ground where the tree is to bo planted can be
loosened up, and the hole partly dug, in a moment, "by exploding a very
small charge of dynamite a short distance below tho surface. Explosives
aro also used to advantage for splitting logs for rails or any other purpose,
for felling trees, blasting out stumps, destroying old buildings and for al
most any kind of work where a strong force, quickly applied, is desirable.
Dynamite is 6lmply concentrated power or condensed strength. As time
passes, farmers will find other ways of saving money by using explosives,
for the demand for farm products is increasing so rapidly that greater
acreage must bo put under cultivation, and the old acres must increase
their yield. In order to do this successfully and to meet competition,
every device and arrangement that really saves labor and makes for
economy, either in the present or tho future, must 'be adopted. The
farmer who fails to realize this, and still believes that he can get along
in the old way, will soon find himself hopelessly defeated.
It is perhaps to bo regretted that tho two leading candidates for tho
Republican presidential nomination have chosen to attack each other per
Bonally instead of resting their several cases on tho principles involved.
But after the repeated onslaughts by Col. Roosovelt on President Taft,
his motives and his administration, it was inevitable that, sooner or later,
Mr. Taft would reply In kind. He has finally done so. In his Massachu
setts and New Jersey speeches of last week ho has handled Col. Roosevelt
without gloves. It was not Mr. Taft's Intention to turn his campaign for
renominatlon into a personal fight. It was against his taste, his inclina
tion and his sense of the dignity and seriousness of the situation to' do
so. But, under a campaign against him of misrepresentation and malice,
carried on for weeks and growing in boldness and bitterness, ho was
forced by tho very exigencies of tho situation to como out into tho open
and defend himself and his policies. That lie has dono so with vigor and
with telling effect no ono can deny. And that his shots havo struck homo
and havo struck deep Is evidenced by tho 'broadsldo of denunciation let
loose by Col. Roosevelt In his Springfield speech of Friday. It is not truo
that Mr. Taft has 'been the weak tool of designing persons. Nor is it
probable that Mr. Roosevelt, as chief executive, would bo so startling a
menace to good government as his opponents fear and as his somewhat
radical utterances and erratic theories would seem to indicate. Thero is
always a cabinet to bo consulted with, and a congress to act as a restrain
ing force. Col. Roosevelt made a mistake when ho inaugurated a cam
paign of personalities, and tho American people aro likely to becomo im
patient of a contest carried on along these lines.
It is the ha'bit of a certain kind of politician to attribute baso mo
tives to every person who differs from him politically. Of this kind thero
havo of late been certain illustrious examples. Newspapers which follow
In the footsteps of these persons take up tho same hue and cry. It seems
to bo Impossible for them to concelvo how any ono can hold different po
litical views form theirs and do so honestly or voluntarily. Whether this
is duo to their political trailing, or to an Inborn distrust of the people
it would bo hard to say. When President Roosevelt exerted his inllucnco
four years ago for tho nomination of Mr. Taft, a howl of Indignation
went up from tho Bamo newspapers that now pretend to bo horrified be
cause persons officially connected with tho stato or national government
havo expressed their preference for tho renominatlon of President Taft.
It is tho theory of theso Journals that if ono holds an ofilco of any kind
under a stato or national administration ho should at all times be found In
activo opposition to that administration. If ho Is not so found, it neces
sarily follows that ho has been bribed or coerced. In tho Judgment of
theso Journals no man holding public office, either stato or national, has
been, or Is, or can bo a voluntary or honest advocato of tho'renomlnatlon of
President Taft. They will not concede that ho has any right of political
judgment, or that his preferenco arises from any honest conviction. If
ho supports tho present administration he must of necessity bo either
bought or bulldozed.
Selecting a fow holders of public ofllco In this vicinity, Including cx-
ofllco holdors, who havo openly expressed their proferonco for tho re
nominatlon Of Mr. Tnft, tho local antl-Taft organ calls thorn "a Job lot,"
and proceeds to showor them with nbuso and ridicule, not bccnUBo they
havo been guilty of any misconduct In tholr sovoral offices, but becauso
they have chosen to express by their words, and prosumaJbly by their
ballots, tholr liroforonco ns .between tho sovcrnl candidates for tho, Re
publican presidential nomination. Ht Is easy enough to charge a class of
citizens with being brow-beaten or venal, but if tho organ roforred to will
produco ono ofllco holder or cx-olfico holder who will certify that ho was
bribed or coerced Into advocating or supporting any ticket at tho pri
maries, or that ho did not oxorclso his right of suffrngo according to his
own freo will, and his best Judgment, then Its sweeping chargo might de
serve somo consideration. Othor.wlso It Is not worth whllo to tako It sorl
ously. But what must bo tho stato of mind of n Journal that bclloves or
affects to bcllovo that ovcry person, office-holder or non-ofilco holdor, who
differs from it politically must of necessity act from baso or solflsh mo
tives or bo under the dictation of somo alleged political boss.
Advertising Is an art that has grown but slowly. Somo of tho old
files of newspapers that are kept stored away in tho Congressional Library
aro of tho greatest Interest becauso they give as nothing else can certain
aspects of tho times in which they were prlntc'd. The House Beautiful
has found in ono of theso old newspa pers somo quaint little advertisement
and among them Is one of the littlo rihop where lemons were sold In Bos
ton by John Crosby. Ho called it " Tho 'Basket of Lemons." This was
away back in 17G9, and Citizen Crosby modestly asserted that his lemons
were " as large, in general, as lemons commonly are," and that they
wore sold " at 4 per hundred, or ten shillings per dozen." That would
bo from ten to twenty times the present cost. And yet ono of the freo
trade advocates In Congress had tho assuranco last year to chargo pub
licly that the 'high cost of living was duo to the tariff on lemons.
As to Mr. John Crosby's enterprise In running a live or six lino adver
tisement in 17G9, what would ho think now to see tho growers of oranges
and lemons In California spending ? 150,000 In a slnglo year and the grow
ers in Florida making an expenditure proportionately large, to advertise
their wares, and beside that distributing to tho consumers in the shape of
premiums tho entire product of one big silver ware manufactory?
Take a word of advice' from a
friend, Joel, and 'bo very, very care
ful in climbing on tho platform con
structed by The Independent for you.
There are two or three rotten planks
in it, and if you will heed this
warning you might be saved from
an accident.
Teddy and (lie Bosses.
The following letter sent to the
editor of the 'Philadelphia Record is
what a Honesdale citizen thinks of
Editor or The Record:
I would like to ask you if you
have knowledgo of any instance
whero 'Roosevelt, when President, as
sisted tho progressives in the Re
publican party? In this State, when
they were making a flglit against the
Republican iMachlno officered by
Quay and Penrose, John Wanaraaker
and Rudolph Blankenburg went
about the State making speeches
against boss rule in Pennsylvania
while Roosevelt was President. As
far as I havo any knowledge, every
person appointed to a Federal ofllco
during his administration was a fol
lower of tho bosses. Now, If" you
know of a single instance where a
progressive reformer in sympathy
with Wanamaker, iBlankenburg and
others was appointed to any office
during the seven and one-half years
that the man with a big stick domi
nated his party I would like to know
who It was.
Roosevelt Is going around tho
country exciting the common people
with the cry Down the bosses!
This Is popular, 'but why did he not
down tho bosses when ho bad a
chance? If ho worked with tho
bosses for seven years, would he not
work with them four years moro If
elected again?
Honesdale, Pa., April 28, 1912.
Don't Forget the House Fly.
Tho first fow consecutive days of,
warm spring weather will soon be
here. With them will appear the
house flies that havo survived the
winter. Then is the time to begin
systematic warfare on them. 'Flies
breed in decaying refuse. Tho long
snowbound winter has preserved the
castoff organic matter that has been
loft In back yards, alleys and other
little used places during a period of
five months. With the going of tho
snow and ice it is left exposed to tho
sun for decomposition. This in Itself
Is a menace to health. But, moro
dangerous still, it produces tho ad
vance guard of tho myriad army of
files that spread dlseaso during the
warm months. The back yards, al
loys and vacant lots should bo clean
ed up promptly. The effort put
forth to do this will bo very small
compared with tho discomfort and
sickness it will avert. And don't for
got to swat the fiy from the start.
One fly killed in early spring Is
equivalent to a million killed in
August. Cleveland Leader.
.lames A. Itigart Dead.
James A. Bigart died at tho home
of his daughter, Mrs. John M.
Chapman, on Sunday morning, at 2
oVloek. at the ago of eighty-one
years. Tho funeral was held at 2
o'clock this (Tuesday) afternoon at
his lato homo In Hawloy.
Mr. Bigart was born In New York
city, IMay 7, 1831. In 1834 the
family removed to Orango county.
Now York, and began farming and
later moved to Wayne county, locat
ing In South Canaan township,
Whero his father purchased a wild
tract of land and developed a lino
farm. Ills father's health began to
fall and they retired from tho farm
and moved to Bethany whero tho
family lived until his death. Jas.
A. Bigart remained with his parents
until ho became of ngo and tho
first Hvo years of his llfo aftor start
ing out for himself were spent In tho
lumber woods and for mnny years
ho was employed by tho Pennsylva
nia Coal Co. In September, 1804, ho
laid aside his personal Interests and
enlisted In tho 50th Now York En
gineers for sorvico In tho Civil War
and wns later transferred to tho 15th
Now York Engineers. Ho was dis
charged May 13, 1805, and returned
to tho employ of tho Pennsylvania
Coal Company and remained with
them until 1871 when ho purchased
tho farm on which ho lived until ho
went to llvo with his daughter In
IHawioy. During his llfotlmo ho
ownod and operated a tract of land
In Chorry Rldgo township of 200
acres In tho midst of which was
situated the Beautiful Sand Lake.
For many years ho had been a ro
spocted resident of Hawloy whero
his death occurred. Mr. Bigart was
married at Lake Ariel, May 8, 1S59,
to Miss Elizabeth Mills and ten chil
dren blessed tho union.
He is survived by tho following
children: Alice, wife of F. H.
Thomas, of Honesdale: William D.,
of Dunmore; Jnmes E., of Carbqn
dale; Horace M., of Dinghamton, N.
Y.; Agnes, wife of J. M. Chapman,
of Hawley; Charles L., of Honesdale,
and Oscar, of Lake Ariel. He is sur
vived by one brother, John D., of
Lake Ariel, and three sisters, Eliza,
of Dinghamton; Mrs. William Bone,
of Binghamton, N. Y., and Mrs. Jas.
A. Corregan, of Oakland, California.
Death of Henry Hinellnc.
Henry Hinellnc, aged 71 years,
died at his home on Central avenue.
East Bangor, on Sunday evening of
congestion of the brain. Ho is sur
vived by his wife and tho following
brothers and sisters: Amzl illlnellne,
of 'Bushklll; Jeremiah Hincline, of
Scranton; Hiram Hincline, of
Stroudsburg; James and 'Nathan, of
illamlln, Wayno county, and Mrs.
Philip Ladlee of Bushklll. Services
were held on Tuesday evening at 7
o'clock at his home at East Ban
gor, conducted by Rev. W. H. As
pril, pastor of tho M. E. church of
that place, and on Wednesday morn
ing tho body was taken to Sand Hill
church, 'Monroe county, whero ser
vices were conducted by iRev. D. L.
McCartney, of Stroudsburg, former
pastor of East Bangor. Interment
In the Sand Hill cemetery. Sullivan
County Republican.
Death of Harvey .1. Decker.
Harvey J. Decker, of Hanklns,
who on Saturday last went to Star
light to visit his sister, Mrs. Edward
Perbsacker. died at 12 M. Sunday,
death resulting from tuberculosis.
Mr. Decker lacked but a few
weeks of being 21 years old. Sur
viving, beside tho sister at Starlight,
are two othdrs, Mrs. 'Henderson and
Miss Grace Decker of Hanklns. His
remains wore taken to Fremont Cen
ter Tuesday, whero tho funeral ser
vice was held In tho church at 3 p.
m., Bev. O. Warner of Long Eddy
officiating. Hancock Herald.
Greatest Marino Disasters.
Titanic, 1705 lost; ran Into Ice
berg; April 14, 1912.
The General Slocum; 959 lost;
fire; Juno 15, 1904.
The Norge, 750 lost; foundered,
July 3, 1904.
Tho Rllskaska, 599 lost; explo
sion; Sept. 12, 1905.
Tho Burgogne, 535 lost; collision;
July 4, 190S.
The Elbe, 330 lost; collision; Jan.
13, 1895.
The Ylng King, 300 lost; found
ered; July 28, 190S.
Tho Larchmont, 183 lost; colli
sion; Feb. 12, 1907.
Tho Koombuna, 150 lost; wreck
ed; April 3, 1911.
The Talsh, 150 lost; sunk; Nov. 0,
Tho Berlin, 150 lost; run on pier;
Fob. 21, 1907.
Tho Tucapel, SI lost; wrecked;
Sopt. 5, 1911.
Tho Abcnton, 70 lost; wrecked;
Feb. 2, 1911.
Tho Folgonfondevi, 70 lost; Aug.
24, 1908.
Tho Asia, 40 lost; run aground,
April 23, 1911.
The Gladiator, 30 lost; collision;
April 25, 1908.
Tho Iroquois, 20 lost; wrecked;
April 10, 1911.
The Hatfield, 20 lost; collision;
Oct. 2, 1911.
Liner Frankfurt Tiled to Reach Sink
liiK Vessel.
Bromorhnven, Gormany. Another
sad "too lato" was spoken when tho
liner Frankfurt reached hero with
a story of a vain raco toward tho
sinking Titanic off Newfoundland
Captain Hattorf, of the Frankfurt,
denied that ho had failed to make
an effort to aid tho sinking bessol. Ho
said tho Frankfurt was 140 miles
from tho Titanic when ho received
tho wireless call for help.
"Wo stnrtcd Immediately for tho
scone," ho said, "and arrived there
about 10 o'clock Monday morning.
Wo saw tho Iceberg with which tho
Titanic collided, n hugo bulk about
100 feet above tho water and about
1,000 foot long. Wo photographed
tho berg and aftor cruising about
searching vainly for survivors for
sovoral hours, wo resumed our
Officers on tho Frankfurt declared
ihnt as tho THnntn mnaf Tmvn nnnon.i
through hugo fields of Ico bororo she
struck tho berg sho should havo 'been
warned, and should havo proceeded
(Spcclnl to Tho Citizen.)
Bethany, April 30.
Miss Ella Gaminel! spent Sunday
In Scranton .with Miss Eva Harmes.
Dr. H. C. Many Is preparing to
movo his family on tho Goodrich
placo very soon.
Mrs. Ezra Glenson, of PleaBant
Valley, was calling on her friends
lioro Saturday.
Send six cents to Tho Citizen,
Honesdalo, Pa., and recelvo tho first
thirty lessons of tho spelling con
test words. Tho booklet contains
twelve pages. It receives tho
hearty endorsement of Superintend
ent J. J. Koehlor.
Judson Nome came homo Satur
day to spend Sunday with his wife,
who Is making a rapid recovery from
her rerent operation.
Rev. John C. Prltchnrd, of tho
Presbyterian church, preached a fine
sermon Sunday morning, preaching
In Waymart In tho nfternoon nnd
Prompton In tho evening.
Thero was a wedding at the
manse Friday afternoon, tho con
tracting parties being from Tanners
Measles nro prevalent. Dorthca
Smith, 'Robert Paynter and others
are down with them.
Fred Hauser spent Sunday In
Elolso Webb is recovering from
tho measles.
By tho explosion of tho Incubator
lamp Russell Gammell mot with tho
loss or rorty chicks and the brooder,
The school will close in Maw
Mr. Rceso Davis, of Carbondale,
spent tnc week-ond at woodsldc.
Amos Ward and daughter Alice,
spent Sunday at Orson.
Send six cents to Tho Citizen,
Honesdale, Pa., and receive the first
thirty lessons of tho spelling con
test words. Tho booklet contains
twelve pages. It receives the
hearty endorsement of Superintend
ent J. J. Koohler.
Wayne County Schools.
aislo allogator
Adirondack ambitious
antique Antarctic
apricot burial
barrier Baltimore
chief cancel
Danish domino
elovcnth exterior
easel flnanco
future glassy
ginger glrafTo
hostilo Injury
Send six cents to Tho Citizen.
Honcsdnlo, Pa., and recelvo tho first
thirty lessons of the spelling con
test words. Tho booklet contains
twelve pages. It receives the
hearty endorsement of Superintend
ent J. J. Koehler.
"Who's Who nnd Why?"
A complete short story appearing
In tho Friday (May 10th) Issue of
The Citizen. Don't miss it. 35eI3
Not Correct.
'She They don't use largo checks
for stylish costumes now.
He Don't they! Did you seo the
sizo of the last ono I sent to your
"Wo Provo It."
Every day ZEMO gives relief and
cures men, women and children In
every city and town In America whoso
skins are on fire with torturing
ECZEMA rashes and other Itching,
burning, scaly, and crusted skin and
scalp humors.
SOAP, two refined preparations will
givo you such quick relief that you
will feel like a new person.
Wo givo you three reasons why we
recommend and endorse ZEMO and
ZEMO SOAP for all skin and scalp
1st. They aro clean, scientific prep
arations that give universal satisfac
tion and aro pleasant and agreeable
to uso at all times.
2nd. They are not experiments,
but aro proven cures for every form
of skin or scalp affections whether
on infants or grown persons.
3rd. They work on a new princi
ple. They do not glaze over tho sur
face, but they penetrate to tho seat of
tho trouble and draw tho germ life
from underneath tho skin and destroy
it. In this way a complete cure Is
effected In any case of SKIN OR
Endorsed and sold In Honesdalo
by tho A. M. Lelne Drug Store.
"Who's Who ami Why?"
A complete short story appearing
in the Friday (May 10th) issue of
Tho Citizen. Don't miss it. 35eI3
It's So Easy to End Catarrh
Go to O. W. (Pell's and say I want
a HYOMEI outfit tako It home
open tho box pour a fow drops of
'HYOMEI from tho bottle Into tho lit
tle hard rubber Inhaler breatho It
for five minutes and note tho refresh
ing relief breatho it four or fivo
times a day for a few days and ca
tarrh and all its disgusting symp
toms will gradually disappear.
IIYOMDI contains no opium, co
caine or other harmful drug and la
sold on money back plan for catarrh,
asinraa, croup, colds, coughs and ca
tarrhal deafness. Completo outfit
$1.00 extra bottles if needed 50
cents at G. W. Pell's, tho druggist,
and druggists everywhere Simple
instructions for uso In every package
you can't fall to banish catarrh it
you follow instructions.
ave your hands
During house cleaning by
wearing Rubber Gloves.
- - - Two grades
50 Gents and $1.00
Your, furs,
blankets, etc.
Are safe if packed with
Sold only at
And they cost ten cents per box