The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 01, 1912, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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TO GET$500,000
White Star Must Pay Relatives
ot Those Lost on Titanic,
Workingmen'a Compensation Act of
1906 Covers the Case British Gov
ernment Will Compel the Line to
Make Adequate Provision.
Ilundrcds of homes In England bnvp
been desolated by the loss of 700 of tup
crew of tlio Titanic, but tlio British
government will force a payment of
more tlinn ?."00.000 from the White
Stnr line, so those dependent on the
crew may not suffer so greatly because
of the untimely deaths. That provi
sion for the families of those who
stood by their posts until the last will
bo exacted from the company under
the worUIngnicn's compensation act us
amended In inofi. Kvery one. from the
humblest apprentice boy to tin chief
petty officer, comes In the scope of the
net that will make the men's families
beneficiaries. '
The huge liner had n crew roster of
almost S00 men nud women. Including
seamen, firemen, engineers, stewnrds.
apprentice boys and cadets of the line.
In the filling of the lifeboats several
men were told off to each boat to nnn
the oars. The others had to put their
chance of life behind those of tlio
meanest of passengers. Thus the hum
blest woman In the steerage would
get consideration before the chief wo
man steward, nnd die chief petty of
ficer would have to wait until the poor
est passenger of the third class had
been given a place in the boats.
Probably Seven Hundred Went Down.
When the elimination was forced ii
the officers beonuse of the lack of boats
to accommodate all, those who were
not pulling on the oars had to watch
their fellows go over the side to al
most certain rescue. That inflexible
rule Included the boys In the service
and the woman stewards. Froni the
present facts It Is probable that 700 of
the crew went down with their ship.
The Hritlsh Jack fluttered at the
peak as the leviathan dropped into the
deep, so that all the crew oik board
were under its protection. That gov
ernmental patronage will insure that
those who received the wages of the
brave band will not suffer from want
for the next three years. Under the
act what pay the crew would have re
ceived for three years to come will be
given to those who have been bereaved.
The Law's Provision.
In the inclusion of sailors as work
men the act says speclflcnlly:
If the workman leaves any dependent?
whoPy dependent on his earnings an
amount equal to his earnings In the em
ployment of the same employer during the
three years next preceding the injury or
S1S0, whichever of these sums Is tho lar
ger but not exceeding In any case 300,
shall bo paid provided that the amount
of any weekly payments mado under this
act and any lump sum paid In redemption
thereof shall bo deducted from such
amount, and If tho period of the work
man's employment by the said employer
has been less than the said three years
then tho amount of his earnings during
the said period shall be deemed to be ICG
times hla average weekly earnings during
the period of his actual employment under
tho said employer.
If tho workman docs not leavo any such
dependents, but leaves any dependents In
part dependent on his earnings, such
amount, not exceeding In any case the
amount payable under the foregoing pro
visions, as may be agreed on or In default
of agreement may be determined on arbi
tration under this act to bo reasonable
and proportionate to tho Injury to the bald
dependent, shall be paid.
How the Rule Works.
In other words, where the support of
a family or any members of a family
devolved on one of those who were
drowned the families will be entitled
to amounts that will range from $750
to $1,500, That applies whether the
victim has been in the employ of the
company for less than three years, just
as well as it includes those who have
been with the White Star line for n
longer period. If the wages of the
member of the crew were contributed
only in part to the support of his fam
ily and the money deprivation is not so
acute a settlement may be made be
tween the comjiany and the family.
Should such a settlement be made with
those who are entirely dependent on
the crew member tho agreement may
he abrogated, but tho money paid un
der its terms will be deducted from the
amount specified by the act.
Thus the parent government will
compel the Hue to make adequate pro
vision for the families of every one of
the victims who were employed lu the
Titanic As the men who sailed in the
Titanic for tho greater part were the
sole support of their families or the
principal source of Income the compa
ny will bo taxed anywhere from $750
to $1,500. Balancing tho wages of the
firemen, who received $25 a month, and
the seamen, who got $18 a month,
against the wages of tho stewards, ap
prentice boys and others of minor em
ployment, who got about $5 a month,
tho nverago will bo about $750 for
each of the families of the lost ones.
Subtracting from that tho few who
would como under tho second clause of
the act, tho Indemnity of the White
Star will bo more than $500,000.
Parliamentary Electors.
Tho total nnmber of parliamentary
electors In the United Kingdom Is
now 7,084,000, an Increase of 80,025
over lost vcar.
4- 4- 4--- -
The Escape
lljr FltANK A. HUUUISIjTj, Iinto Plvnto 1st I'cnii. Vol. und Cnpt.
Co. I) 07th I'cn. Tortnge, Wash.
(Copyrighted 1912 by Frank A. dlub
blo, Yakima, Wash.)
Now that I hnvo deviated so Jar
from my story, I wish to call your at
tention to tho make-up of theso men.
In John IMcElroy's Appomattnx Cam
paign in tho National Tribune "In
dividual Heroism" .Maj. Randall
14th Now York Heavy Artillery,
commends James K. Brady. Co. .11,
for capturing a stand of colors.
Lieut. Col. Jas. M. Tucker, 57th
Massachusetts, commends Sorgt.
MaJ. Charles H. IMnkhnm for captur
ing n Hag of tho 57th North Carolina,
and for Baving tho colors of his regi
ment from the enemy.
First Sergeant Geo. Adams, Co. G,
was conspicuously brave, received 15
wounds, and still remained with his
regiment. Capt. John M. Dean, 20th
Massachusetts, gives many instances
of stubborn valor by his men. Al
though surprised at tho stealthy ad
vance of tho enemy In the darkness,
Lieut. Nathaniel Burgess refused to
surrender and was mortally wound
ed. Color Sergeant Conrad Homan
refused to surrender his colors and
escaped with them. First Sergeant
A. Harlow refused to surrender and
was killed. Private W. Kllnkler de
fended the entrance to a bomb-proof
and was killed rather than yield.
Preserve Wcsgato fought tho
enemy with a club until killed at his
post. Fighting to the last, Edward
Carney was caught by the throat and
whllo struggling against his capture
was clubbed over the head with a
musket, but managed to free himself
and escaped. Charles L. Nightingale
stuck to his post and shot the enemy
who demanded his surrender. The
3rd Maryland captured two stands of
colors, that of the 51st Virginia,
taken by Capt. J. F. Carter, and that
of the 27th Georgia by Patrick Mc
Cnnn. James Becker, Co. D, 205th Penn
sylvania, Corporal Fulton, Co. B,
207th Pennsylvania, and Charles IH.
Koust, Co. F, 209th Pennsylvania,
each captured Confederate fiags un
der heroic conditions.
Two Union officers mado their
way Into Fort Stedman to the guns,
which were double shotted, and pull
ed lanyards. Not only did they fire
tho loaded guns, but they reloaded
them and fired, sweeping the outside
of the trenches, filling tho ground in
front with dead and wounded Con
federates. Tho dense mass of as
sailants made a fine mark for the
deadly canister, and after tho battle
tho sight insido tho works was more
than matched by the corpse-strewn
ground in front.
Such, my readers, wore tho scenes
that occurred in the different battles
of the Civil war. Nothing was ever
recorded of the thousands whose
great charge and splendid courage
sank with them into unknown
Such fortitude lifts high the
standard ot the American soldier, as
men who dared to do and die in ac
cord with their convictions, for
which a pension of $12.00 per month
seems but a paltry trifle in recogni
tion of such heroic sacrifice for union
and liberty.
Hark, some one calling "Mary";
again " Mary." ' Yes," she answers,
Coming. It was a white voice,
and from tho location of tho sun,
Don't take trout under six Inches
or more than forty in number in ono
Don t trespass on private property,
ask for tho privilege.
Don't uso explosives, poisons,
guns, spears, snares or loops in
catching trout.
Don't fish for trout In any other
way save by rod, hook and lino.
Don't shlnglo a trout stream, fish
on Sunday or sell trout.
Don't touch trout under size with
dry hands and they will llvo on be
ing returned to the water unless
badly Injured; otherwise a fungus
growth will appear and kill them.
Don't uso hooks for trout that aro
less than soven-sixteenths of an inch
from the shank to tho barb. Those
hooks will catch six-inch trout.
while tho smaller fry will find it
more difficult to take tho hook.
Don't throw lighted cigars about
in tho woodlands; bo caroful about
fires; also excrclso judgment In re
placing fence bars and closing gates.
Many of theso "no trespassing signs
are the results of anglers damaging
Don't llsh.a stream fast at this sea
son of tho year. Tho trout will not
rise as quickly as they will later on
when tho leaves shoot forth and tho
bugs and flies appear.
To Plant 2,000,000 Trees.
Important reforestation work is
being dono by tho State Forestry
Commission's nurseries this spring
and it is expected that whon tho
shipment of seedlings from the threo
establishments aro completed that
over 2,000,000 young trees will havo
been sent out. Tho majority of
tho trees being shipped aro white
plno and the fact that tho Stato has
been able to furnish so many for its
own reserves and to private pnrties
who agree to take caro of thorn
Illustrates tho wisdom of tho estab
lishment of tho nursorlos several
years ago.
Tho Stato has threo nursorles, ono
In Bedford, ono In Huntingdon and
ono In Tioga with Mont Alto helping
along. Thoy aro all on Stato re
serves and havo proved ot great lm
portannce in tho State's work in dis
tricts where replanting was neces
sary to consorvo tho water supply.
Last year close to 2,000,000 seed
lings wero shipped.
f - - 4-
near noon. Our Robinson was pro
paring to Investigate. Stealthily ho
left. And oh, how long. Wo be
enmo greatly concerned nbout 'him.
Could It bo possible he had mot
trouble. iWo must know. No one
wanted to go. Each complained of
tholr stiff nnd soro limbs, swollen
nnd bleeding feet. Five twigs woro
broken. Ho who draws the short
one must go. Our dear Meany drow
tho prize. The only timo I heard a
jesting remnrk on our trip, when ho
remarked: "Tho Irish always gets
the shortest pull; God bless you.
The night wns coming. Great
hlnck clouds were gathering in tho
south. Tho wind began to sway the
trees, largo drops of rain beat in
upon our uncovered forms. The song
birds were flitting to nnd fro with
unusual agitation. Tho sweeping
wind bcaino stronger as the younger
trees wore bended nearly to the
What? Ho, the poor miserable,
creeping, crawling figure struggling
In the storm's fury. Wo watch this
almost Inanlmato body, at times on
his feet, and then tho ground catches
his form. Who and what is it?
There was never a picture of suffer
ing humanity to equal this. The
history of the dark ages could not
present so pltable a sight of suffer
ing. The most forlorn object to live
and breathe Imaginable to the human
mind. But, my readers, it was a
soldier of the Civil war, a hero of the
prison pons of tho south, D. G. Ly
tell, of the 81st Ohio, who would per
haps never have seen the Tennessee
lines had not a merciful heaven
guided him to our trail.
Hero they vorno, Robinson and
Meany. Ono has a dish pan, the
other a great big pone. Thank God
for Lytell's sake. How we fed him.
How we cheered him. How wo told
of his long journey, of his partner,
whose form lies beneath the droop
ing limbs of a lonely tree, where 'the
sycamore towers along tho deadly
trail of the escaped prisoner of war.
Again upon tho road, through
fields and by-paths, which we read
ily locate from a diagram drawn for
our convenience by our Union friend,
whom Capt. Ttoblnson had happily
met at Mary's home. Wo wero now
very close to the foot of tho moun
tains. Already the stars shone down
upon tho rock glade. At day brake
wo halted midst fields of gloomy
From information given our leader
we would soon be in the most
dangerous part of our journey. The
mountains and its passes. Guarded
at different points by Union as well
as Confederate bushwhackers. Men
who in these troublesome times, ae
cording to their belief for or against
tho principles of tho south, had
banded themselves together, taken
their families to tho mountain fast
nesses amidst tho rocks, caves and
recesses, and established a fortress
of protection which at times became
scenes of strife unequaled, according
to their numbers, in tho annals of
the great American conflict.
This great panaroma was now be
foro us. Our only way to reach tho
Union lines in Tennessee was
through this narrow and dangerous
path of miles and miles of uncer
(To bo Continued.)
Suit Brought For Very Largo Amount
Charles M. Culver, Esq., district
attorney of Bradford county, Friday
filed papers In Court there commenc
ing suit for J. Willis Bahard, receiver
of tho Keystone Guard, against tho
American Surety company of Now
York, to recover $103,000. Tho
American Surety company bonded
tho officers of tho Keystono Guard.
This suit is to recover on such
bond for the money's alleged to havo
been wrongfully converted by such
James Scarlet, of Danville, and
F. W. Fleltz, of Harrishurg, aro at
torneys for Receiver Ballard, and At
torney Charles M. Culver of Towan-
da, who Friday filed suit, Is associat
ed with them In the case.
Tho end of tho celebrated Key
stone Guard case is not yet in sight.
Tlio Senrchers.
By Richard J. Beamish.
Unweary eyes search all tho freezing
Each drifting stick, each shadow on
a wave
Wakes hope anew, then casts it down
About thorn, all tho gear that saved
their lives;
Yet gladly would they leavo It now
to Ho hesldo tho well-beloved
whose last kiss
Remains a deathless holy memory.
Transported out of self, they Bit all
Entranched by death, each hoping
that the sea,
By somo great miracle, would glvo
her back .
Tho lovo that, deeply prisoned, still
most near
Means all of life. And so they drift
From Icy death to dreary death-in-llfo.
But overymoro their eyes will hold
that scene;
An Arctic 'scapo, an obon-mlrrored
Low-flung gray clouds and vondIess
misery. " v
Bear Catches Trout.
Now that tho trout fishing season
has opened tho first fish story of tho
yoar comes from a Wllliarasport re
porter, who tolls tho following: "toj
other day Frederick Sampsoll was
going from Cascade township over
into tho Sugar Camp region to cut
timber, when ho dipped down Into a
deep hollow through which a pretty
little trout stream flows, Ho saw
---- -
"Tltnnlc rightly named, sir" says
tho captain of tho ship,
"And tho snfest of nil vessols now
mark hor maiden trip,"
And all think as tho captain thinks
all hor two thousand souls,
As steadily out o'er tho sea the stato-
ly vessol rolls.
For she is Shod with Iron, and her
frame Is built of oak,
And stout hearts man tho vessel,
wherefore tho captain spoko;
And with nothing pleaauro making,
so stately and so fair,
Sho seems a floating palace fit for
angels living there.
So "farewell," says merry England,
'farewell" says each green isle,
"And iblesslngs for Titanic on hor
Initial trial.
And pralso bo to her makers, and
good-will to her crow,
And safely to hor passengers" take
this our last adieu.
O. there wore pleasant partings as tho
vessel sail'd awnv.
And there was Joy In every heart
mat pleasant 'April day,
And there were happy thoughts of
nome or meeting kith nnd kin,
For tlio stately vessel soon would bo
her harbor safe within.
And so blue the sky above them, and
so blue tho wave beneath,
That all, all thought of living and
no ono thought of death,
As, hour by hour, tho vessol left
England far behind,
And, hour by hour, the ship sped
on as speeds an ocean wind.
And when night came, with fond
good-nights the floating city
Yet ever o'er the rolling waves the
mighty vessel swept,
And no one thought of danger un
til with thunderous roar,
The great ship struck the rock-llko
Ice, and shook from floor to
Then there was breaking timbers,
and bulging plates of steel,
And noise of great commotion along
that vessel's keel
Then there wero cries of anguish,
and curses from rough men,
And earnest prayers for safety O
prayers for safety then.
For women wept In terror, and stout
men drop'd a tear,
And the shouting and the tumult was
maddening to hear,
Yet there amidst that seething tho
life-boats, one by one,
Were set adrift at midnight where
cold sea-rivers run.
Then, on that fated vessel, the
thousand waited there,
In hope some sea-born sister would
snatch them from despair,
But no ship came to aid her, and, in
the dead of night,
Tho noble ship Titanic sank sudden
ly from sight.
O midway in old ocean, In her dark
est, deepest gloom,
A thousand brake hearts bravely
went down to meet their doom,
And what a tragic picture! Oh,
what a solemn sight
Upon that fated vessol with tho stars
still shining bright!
Then there was time for thinking
O time enough to spare,
And there was time for cursing and
tlmo enough for pray'r,
Time, time for retrospection, and
time enough to die,
Time, timo for Hfo's great tragedy
and time to reason why.
That was the greatest battle that
over yet was fought,
That was the greatest picture on any
canvas wrought,
That was tho greatest lesson that
mortal man can teach,
That was the greatest sermon that
priests of earth can preach.
Yet no ono fought that battlo with
saber or with gun,
And no ono saw that picture, save
those bravo hearts alone.
And no ono read that lesson thcro
written in tho dark.
And no ono heard that sermon that
went straight to its mark.
Nor shall wo know their story, tho
saddest of the sea,
Or shall bo learn the sequel, tho sor
row yet to be,
But long shall wo remember how
bravo men bravely died
For some poor, lowly woman with a
baby at her side.
And when the world gets scorning
tho greatest of tho great.
When poverty sits cursing tho man
of largo estate.
O then let men remember, how, In
that awful hour,
Tlio wealth ot all tho world was
poworless In Us power.
Judgo James Ellison of the Kan
sas City Court ot Appeals handed
ilmt'n Hi. ffillniilni ilnntctnn In Mm'
case of O. D. Austin of tho Hutlor
(Mo.) Record hy Hurgo, other mem
bers concurring, and published In 137
S. V. Reports 018:
" Tlio preparation and publication
of a newspaper Involves much mental
and physical labor as well as an out
lay of money. Ono who accepts tho
paper by continuously taking it from
tlio postolllco receives a benefit and
pleasure arising from such labors and
expenditures as fully as If ho had
appropriated any other product of an
other's lnbor, and by such act he
must bo hold llablo for tho subscrip
tion price."
what ho at first bolieved was a man
deliberately engaged in yanking ilsh
out of a pool. Upon closer Inspec
tion, howovor, ho discovered that
tho " man " was not n man, at all,
but a big hear, probably just out of
hibernation and engaged In his first
spring ropast. Then Sampsoll watch
ed tho old critter for a long tlmo,
and whllo ho looked on tho bear
throw out upon tho bank at least
four or llvo trout. IIo stood In tho
pool and just yanked tho llsh out as
a boy might pollywogs. Then ho
would leisurely saunter out on land
and devour his prlzo, returning to
moro catching. Sampsell put tho
bear's picnic to an end by yelling at
tho top ot his voice, nnd bruin
skedaddled in lino style."
To Patrons Along the Scranton
Branch ot the Erie Railroad,
Tho afternoon train tearing Scran
ton as por schedule following, runs
dally dlroctly to Honesdalo, giving
pcoplo tlmo to transact tholr business
at tho county scat and return homo
tho eamo evening.
8:20 Scranton 1:30
8:13 Dunmoro 1:37
8:02 Nny Aug 1:46
7:54 Elmhurst 1:55
7:43 Wlmmors 2:07
7:40 Saco 2:10
7:34 Maplowood 2:10
7:20 jLako Ariel 2:34
7:09 Gravity 2:41
G:59 Clcmo 2:51
G:53 Hoadloys 2:56
G:37 West Hawloy.. ..3:27
6:12 Whlto Mills ....3:38
6:03 East Honesdalo .3:47
6:00 Honesdalo 3:50
Published br tho Greater Honesdalo
Board of Trade, 'Honesdalo, Pa,
t The Jeweler
"would like to sec you If"
" you arc In the market J
"Guaranteed articles only sold."
in your family you of course call
a reliable physician. Don't stop
at that; have his prescriptions
put up at a reliable pharmacy,
even if it is a little farther from
your home than some other store.
You can find no more reliable
store than ours. It would be im
possible for more care to be taken
in the selection of drugs, etc., or
in the compounding. Preecrip
tions brought here, either night
or day, will be promptly and
accurately compounded by a
competent registered pharmacist
and the prices will be most rea
sonable, O. T. CHAMBERS,
jj Opp. D. ct H. Station. IIonesdai-e. Pa.
All of the crops of 1911 experimentally
tested nnd hand picked from the yield of the
justly celebrated gardens of Vick.
at the drug store of
C. C. Jadwin,
Honesdale, Pa.
8 30
10 00
10 00
10 00
4 30
fj 05
A.M. I
10 00
2 15
12 30
2 15
2 15
8 15
4 05
7 10
8 00
4 40
& 30
12 30
7 10
7 65
. Wllkes-Ilarre.
1 19
6 10
8 15
(i 65
H 69,
U 1M
9 21
6 20
2 05
2 15
2 19
..Lincoln Avenue..
, Wldtes
... Ijikel-odore ...
Honesdale ....
6 GO
0 51
8 17
0 31
6 62
2 37
6 68
7 13
7 16
7 20
2 43
2 62
2 67
2 69
3 03
3 07
3 10
3 15
6 20
0 32
a 37
6 35
6 43
H 4A
6 60
U 39
U 43
9 47
9 60
U 65
7 21
7 27
7 31
P.M. P.M.
A.M. Ar
Designer and Man
ufacturer of
Office and Works;
1036 MAIN ST.
oil of
Attertfon is called to tne STRENGTH
of the
Wayne County
The FINANCIER of New York
City has published a IIOLL Or
HONOR of the 11,470 State Hanks
and Trust Companies of United
States. In this list the WAYNE
Stands 38th in the United States
Stands 10th in Pennsylvania.
Stands FIRST in Wayne County.
Capital, Surplus, $550,000.00
Total ASSETS, $3,000,000.00
Honesdale. Pa., March 25, 1911.
Trade Marks
Copyrights &c.
Anrone sending n tketrh nnd description may
quickly as certain our opinion frco whether an
invention is probably patcntnhlo. Cotnrnunlciv
tinnsMrlctlycontJilentlul. HANQBOOK on I 'at cuts
Bent free. Oldest atoncy f or eecurinppntenta.
Patents taken tbroueh Mutm A Co. receive
special notice, without charse, la tho
Scientific Jlnteiicatn
A lmndiomelr lllintmled weeWr. T-areest dr
culallou of any clentiuc Journal. Terms, f 3 a
rrnir: Jour months, II. Sold byall nowsdealor.
MUNN &Co.3G,BrosdM'' New York
llranch office. Gi F SL. Washington. I. C
Tho great fly killing contest
starts on Wednesday, Jlay 1. Bo
sure and join tho fly killers.
P.M. I
1'. M.
2 00
12 40
10 60
h 45
8 00
4 09
7 11
.7 38
7 11
7 38
A. M
7 25
2 65
a 13!
10 03
8 12
8 17
8 13
i 51
1 47
7 39
7 32
7 30
7 2d
7 22
7 19
7 18
8 45
6 30
P.M. I
8 05
7 61
7 60
7 33
1 35
1 25
5 60
6 40
1 21
5 34
1 03
6 18
7 25
12 56
12 49
12 43
12 40
12 36
12 32
12 29
12 25
5 11
7 17
7 12
6 66!
4 68!
7 09
7 05
4 65
4 51
7 01
4 47
4 44
6 68
6 65
4 40
Lv A.M. P.M. P.M
A.M. P.M.