The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 01, 1912, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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ilUIE IS 1 IB III i 101 !
unlit iwrnounwiinyniy
5,516 Names on Roster of
Missing and $150,000,000
Money Loss Since 1837.
THE Titanic stands thirtieth Iti the
list or death ships of the sum
mer Ice Held off Newfoundland.
The 1,(Vt."i mimes on the roster
of her missing brought the toll of vic
tims up to n.SKt. The material vnluc
of herself mid her cargo brought the
property loss b.v Icebergs 11ml Ice pans
over the Grand banks to SI.IO.OOO.OOO.
The story Hint Is summed up In this
way has been writing for Just seveuty
tlvo years. There had been no loss
of life In six years before the Tltnnle
went down, and in the three years
Immediately preceding there had been
but tvo vessels hut. e.vludlng coast
ing schooners and lish'tr; si.iacUs.
which must always take clu.iu-i s.
Arctic exploration has Imied many
of the secrets of the yenrly southward
movement of Ice from Greenland and
Grant Land. The hydrographie services
of the United States and England
have perfected bulletin systems that
keep bolh nations In dnllv touch with
conditions over the banks. Wireless
telegraphy has extended the syslem to
the sea Itself, and only deliberate ad
venture should bring disaster In tin
future. British Regiment lost.
The first great disaster caused by an
Iceberg occurred In 1S37. The Hritlsh
transport Albeurn, bearing a regiment
from the garrison nt Quebec, had made
her way down the St. Lawrence upon
the resumption of navigation out into
the gulf when she struck n berg that
had come down between Labrador and
Newfoundland. The Albeura sank be
fore her boats could be launched, and
525 lives were lost.
Three years later the steamer Dun
das, after having got farther Into the
gulf and farther to the south, struck a
berg that foundered her so quickly
only thirty-live of her passengers and
crew were able to get away In boats.
Of the L02 loft on board all were lost.
The survivors reached shore and died
there of starvation before they could
reach succor.
On Sept. "2, 1S50, the Collins Unci
1'n -Iflc sailed from Liverpool for New
York with L'SS persons on board. No
direct word was ever received of hei
after she had cleared port, but there
was reason to believe that she fell a
victim to the Ice over the "tall" of the
Grand banks, latitude 42.30 north, Ion
gltude CO west. Her name, at least,
has becu hi the list of Iceberg victims
ever since.
Five years later, on June 1, 1S01, the
Canadian, first of the Allan line's traus
atlnntle ships, left Quebec for Liver
pool. Three days afterward, when she
had reached a point eight miles south
of Hollo Isle strait, the Canadian struck
a sunken field of ice. Throe of her wa
tertight compartments were broken In
at once, and the ship sank In thirty
five minutes, but 181 of her passengers
were able to make Cape Bauld In her
boats. Twenty-nine others, however
were lost.
Heavy Toll of Lives.
Iu 1SG4 and at almost the same spot
the Canadian's sister ship, the Indian,
hit n "growler," ns bergs are called
when they have melted nearly down to
the water line. The Indian remained
afloat for more than an hour, and in
that time all but twenty-two of her 30C
passengers and crew got away to
In 18CS the City of Glasgow wa
sunk by a berg over the "tall" of the
banks at a cost of 4S0 lives, and In
1871 the City of Boston went down
with 101 within a few miles of tin
sunie spot.
For three years after that time then
was no great disaster, but In 1874 tin
freighter Itonald struck a berg am' I
sank before the .thirty-five members ol
her crew could make even an attcmp:
to escape. On May 2."., 1875, the Vlcl
burg of the .Mississippi line left Mont
real with cattle and freight for Liver
pool. At Quebec twenty-eight passeu
gers were taken on board, and the vy
age continued without Incident for
five days.
On Mny CO the VIeksuurg fell In with
Icebergs and In an nttempt to clear
them steamed due south until mid
night. Then she struck, and It was
found that the blades of her propeller
were gone, while on the port side the
Jce had hammered away her plntes tin
til she had begun to fill. Eight hours
later the Vlcksburg sank when 120
miles southeast of St. John's. Of her
company seventy-ono lost their lives.
Stono Figure of a Human Being Hold
ing Up a Seat.
The Yale university museum lias re
ceived from Ecuador, South America,
an Interesting prehistoric relic In the
shape of a largo stone chair, carved ns
a crouching human figure holding up
u stone seat.
The chair Is of unkind of stone found
nowhere In the world except on some
of tho Ecuador hills. Tho donor is
Charles O, Brown, Yale, 1003, who has
been living iu Ecuador, no was for
merly assistant to Secretary Stokes o(
the Yale corporation.
Some of the Historic Disas
ters of the Last Seventy
five Years.
and of the twclvo survivors nine were
members of the crew.
The spring of 1SS2, with the excep
tlon of that of 1003, was tho worst for
icebergs since records of the north At
lantic have been kept, it Is said. Tho
bergs were of exceptional size, nnd tho
floating ice which surrounded them
was of great thickness. The gulf of
St. Lawrence was blocked by the
movement, and perhaps twenty schoon
ers nnd steamers were caught in the
Jam. Their danger was grave at all
times, but none was lost.
Many Steamships Crippled.
March snw the .situation over the
banks become very critical. The
steamship Hlnlto, from Hull to New
York, was caught in tho llow of ice
over the forty-seventh parallel of lon
gitude on Feb. 27 and had to sail 200
miles to the south with both bows
stove in nnd her forward compart
ments filled before she could continue'
to New York, where she nrrlved on
Mnrch 8. During that month the
steamers ncrman. Sheldon and LImo
sa limped into New York badly dam
aged. In April tho steamship ISampur
was towed in by the Mary Tonlza, and
the Ilermod followed on April 17 after
having sailed 1.100 miles with her fore
hold full of water.
That year took heavy toll of lives,
besides the damage done to shipping.
The City of Limerick went down with
175 souls on board, and the City of
London was lost witli 1G0. The Tl
tanla carried ISO to their death.
In 1S81 the Slrlus was wrecked by
nn iceberg nt n cost of forty-two lives
nnd the Ontnrlo with eighteen.. In
1SS0 the Princess was lost with eight
nnd In 1S01 the Snowbird with twenty
one and the Zebra with seventeen. In
1S03 the Naronic was lost, her name
being set down on the list with the
Georgia, lost In 1S97; the Huronlan.
lost in 1002; the Lucerne, lost In 100 1,
nnd the Athos, lost in lOOti, the five
carrying down with them more than
1,000 people, although it has never
been possible to arrive nt nny accu
rate estimate.
In the year of the Georgia's loss the
Yaillant went down with seventy-one
on board. Two hundred members of
the party belonging to the sealer
Greenland were lost on a tloe thnt was
broken away by n berg from the Ice
nurroundlng their ship, nnd when res
cue enme forty-eight of them had per
ished. On Nov. 30, 1809, the Ferndale was
carried down by a berg, nnd seventeen
of her crew of thirty-one were lost. In
180S the Gibraltar was lost, and In
1001 the Pioneer, the two disasters
costing over a hundred lives. In 1903
the nelen Stone went down with a
loss of twenty-five.
Some Thrilling Escapes.
Some of the escapes of these years
were thrilling. In February, 1800, the
liner Amsterdam had to go south for
180 miles to escape nn ice pack, and
the Exeter City 174 miles. Bergs were
sighted In the north Atlantic in each
of the twelve months of that year. In
1890, 300 bergs were reported at Now
York during March, D00 during April
and 2,524 during May and June.
In 1S07 the Zaandam was held fast
for five days in an ice pack over the
banks. ' In the second week of March,
1003, the Pandosla and Siberian
brought word to New York of having
made their way along a procession of
bergs 150 miles in extent. The first
week in April eighty steamers reported
bergs at this port 239 of them alto
gether. Two of the escapes that seamen best
remember were those of the Arizona
and Nnrmannla. The Arizona in 1871N
hit a berg while going nt a speed of
eighteen knots. She succeeded In get
ting back to St. John's with 200 tons
of Ice on her decks. The Normannla.
then of the Ilnmburg-Amerlcan Hue,
but later L'Aquitaine of the French
line, on Mny 31. 1800, came upon n
berg iu water thnt had been clear for
many miles.
The berg was sighted so abruptly
that a collision was nverted only by re
versing one screw while the other
raced ahead. In this wny It was possl
ble to turn the Normnnnln in half her
length. A woman renched over the
rail and touched tho berg as the ship
swung round. Curiously enough, the
Normannla wns on her maiden trip
when she had this extraordinary ex
Building to Accommodate Seventy and
Will Cost $150,000.
Ground has been broken for n new
dormitory on the campus of Princpton
university, which wilt cost $150,000.
Tho new building will have six entries,
with accommodations for seventy stu
dents. It Is the gift of the alumni.
Tho structure will bo of collegiate
Gothic design, nnd at tho junction of
the wings there Is an arch with a short
tower approached from tho south by a
flight of steps. It will bo ready for the
opening of-tho college In the fall of
Figures Show Oho Murder Or Stiicldo
Every Eight Hours.
Now York, April 29. That ono
homlcldo and nenrly three suicides
occurreu in mis city ror each work
inST llnV lnnt Vmir la lha atn-1ln
: ' - - - .u .1.1.1 L 1 1 1 1 VUIl
dltlon of nffnlrs revealed by the ro-
pori 01 mo Department or Health
covering tho vital statistics of Great
er Now York for tho past year which
has Just been mado public hero. The
total number of h
whllo suicides totalled 788, showing
iniu ono or mo otner of such killings
took placo about every eight hours
tho vonr round. rfnnv nM. nr.
- - - v..j. iihmv-a
concerning the probabilities of life in
this city were made public. Tho
stork had n busy yearns is Indicated
by tho recordlnc of lari.n!? hlrMm
against 75,423 deaths from all
causes, rncro were 4 8,705 mar
riages, by no means a record figure.
As mlcht bn nxnrvtnfl. Mm
slnglo cause of death was tubercu
losis witn S7DU victims. Heart dis
ease mnde a closo second with
79GG. But nrohahlv Mm ntmntmo
feature of the report is that which
shows that tho deaths accounted for
under the heads of violence and ac
cidonts made mi .1 ( tirnoiin..
equal to that attributed to tho great
wimo piaguo. jo less than 4390
persons camo to violent ends, and
ncciflnrTlffl npnnnn.f? Fnr .4 11.4
showing that life in this city Is beset
with many dangers. Curiously
enough too measles outstripped all
other contagious diseases in the num
ber of cases reported with 25,541, ex
ceeding oven tuberculosis with 24,
G13. Scarlet fever was n poor third
Wltll 15.59.1. Whllo Hill 1 T. nnono f
smallpox were recorded. It has also
been unkindly pointed out that nine
iiursuns uieu or violence or accident
for each one dying ifrom brain
trouble, thn fnr Mm Intlnr. ,),nn.
- - - V..V, 1. 1 1. 1 II 1- 1 1 1 t,
only 900.
Two Conferences Unite.
At the last Kesstnnq rr Mm
NeW York Jinrf PmiilCVI vnnln nnrfn-
ences of tho Methodist Protestant
church, hold at PIttston, Pa., these
two bodies united as ono conference,
under the name of tho Eastern Con
ference. ItnV. S. V. Apklnv nntst,.
at Dalovllle, Pa., was elected presl-
uuiu. inis samo united conference
elected commissioners to nttend the
Sessions of tlin Xnw .Inrsnv nmifo..
ence, with power to act, In enso that
conierence mado overtures towards
union. The Now Jersey conference,
realizing that, in nntnn Ihnrn lo
strength unanimously ejected a like
Luiuiiussiuii 10 act wnn mo above
commission on union. Tho commis
sion met and agreed on a basis of
union. At a special session of tho
Eastern conference held at Pater
son, N. J., April 3, 1912, this action
was ratified and the delegates to the
general conference which meets at
Baltimore. Old., were Inst-
uso their ofilce In favor of the rati
fication by that body of tho action of
these two oodles. Tho new confer
ence will be one of tho strongest
conferences in the church. It will
be composed of 09 ordained minis
ters ana tu local and licentiate
preachers with a membership of 7,-
520. 102 ChlirchPB f"hlirrh ni-nnnw-
ty worth about $800,000, and a
preacners- am rund of almost $30,
000 on interest. Tho n
this conferenco will moot In tji.t-
lyn, N. Y., October 1, 1912.
Perha-ps you know the little girl
nft , . . ...
viius aiwnys losing tilings;
Her hand Is in a constant whirl.
Her property has wings.
She's very suro she put away
jacn article in place,
But when she wants them, they're
And thus begins the chase:
" O mother, have you seen my hat?
It's nearly half pnst eight.
I thought 'twas earlier than that!
I'm sure I shall be-Iatoi
"And whore's my coat? I hung it
Upon that hook last night.
Well, yes, perhaps 'twas on tho
Or under it you're right!
" Somo pixie hid my books there.
I'm sure it wasn't I
Hat, coat, gloves, books, a kiss! And
I'm ready now. Good-bye!"
What work and worry sho could
Herself, aud othors, too,
By Just a little thought and care,
Now, can this girl be you?
Alice L. Carson. In Youth's Com
panion. Marriage hrlns out all there is
in a mart, including the looso change
in his pocket.
All a. woman asks is to bo allowed
to go her own way and take her hus
band with her.
The person who bears burdens
choerfu'lly may bo stupid, but ho Ja
a social treasure.
Here'a an Offer You Should Not Over
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets remedy
stomach troubles by aiding nature to
supply the elements tho ubseuce of
which in the gastric Juices causes indi
gestion nnd dyspepsia. They aid tho
stomach to digest food and to quickly
convert it into rich red blood and ma
terial necessary for overcoming nat
ural body waste.
Carry n package of Rcxall Dyspepsia
Tablets in your vest pocket, or keep
them in your room. Tnko one after
each heavy meal and prove our asser
tion that indigestion will not bother
We know what Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablets are and what they will do. We
guarantee them to relievo Indigestion
"and dyspepsia. If they fall wo' wlM
refund your money. Three sizes: 2
cents, 50 cents, nnd $1.00. Remem
ber, you can obtain Rexall Remedies
only at our store Tho Rexall Btore.
Women's Column
Wlmt is New In Tub Frocks.
What Is now In tub frocks this sen
son? Nothing, madame that Is,
nothing now In lino, but thcro nro
many novol trimming touches on the
simpler Borts of wash frocks. Tho
skirts have a trifle mora fullness, but
tho skirt of the sheer summer frock
nlwnys Is fuller than n winter skirt
of cloth or silk. On sonio of tho new
tub modols there appears n slightly
godet seam, an Inverted plait or a
scant flounce Joined to a severely
straight and plain upper skirt of lin
en or somo other firm washing fnbrlc.
'Long lines of trimming aro much
in evldenco on linen, gingham and
sheer cotton frocks, nnd buttons are
set down the middle front or sldo of
tho skirt, nnd thoro aro Innumerable
panel arrangements that add to tho
attraction of a morning gown.
Tho waist lino on most of the new
models is a natural one, tout thcro aro
many charming frocks with slightly
raised waists. Tho former lino Is
Sleeves are usually short, with
somo kind of a turned back cuff, al
thdugh an occasional tub gown shows
a long sleeve and wrist Umnd. Hound
neck or square neck finished Just
below the throat base or a slight V
shaped cut with collar or fichu finish
Is customary.
Many of the little tub frocks are
made up devoid of trimming other
than tho transverse use of tho strip
ed material or tho hair lino checked
fabrics combined with sheer white
hemstitched lawn.
Seams put together with beading
add very much to the daintiness of
those frocks, and pipings of wash
tulle, though difficult to launder, are
most effective upon colored mater
ials. The shoulder yoke with trim
ming extending down the center of
the sleevo Is again a favorite waist I
arrangement and lines of tiny white
peari uuttons put on with colored
thread aro ono of the newest touches
seen on tub frocks.
H. F. Weaver
itect sod Bui
Plans & Estimates
Residence, 1302 EastSt.
" Dr. Whitehall's "
For 15 ytn a Studied Raaadr for
all forma of RlMmmalicm, lameaeo,
eot. tore mudat, cd9 or twoUm
Joints. It quickly le&tTM tho wtcto
paling redaci th frpoc, ad tUralnafi
the poiton from tba tyiinini. SS cento
ft box at drngtitts.
Kfeffo far a Furrm QrZai Sjt
Dr. Whitehall MMrrfmltM Co.
1B6 0. LatfaywtU St, wrth Bo4, hid.
Menner & Co. UUrbreai spring Menner & Co.
1 1 1 1 1
Rugs, Carpets, Linoleums, Portiere,
Lace Curtains, Curtain Nets,
and! Scrims
are nowdispflayed on our second and third floors
The largest and most complete assortment of these rugs we ever had for
your selection. Only the best dependable qualties in newest styles
and colorings ; every size can. be obtained from 18X36 in tothe larg
est room sie.
We are showing these
a large variety to
We carry all sizes in stock in different qualties
room sizes. Inspection invited.
Seamed and seamless, in new styles and colors. Big selection, and in
qualities that will stand the hardest of wear. Sizes 6X9, 7-6X9, 8-3X10-6
9X12, 11-3X12.
Menner & Go's Stores
Notico Is horoby given that agree
ably to tho Act of Genoral Assomblr
of tho Commonwoalth of Pennsyl
vania, passed tho 13th day of
March, 1815, entitled "An Act t
nmend tho Act entitled, "An Act di
recting tho modo of soiling unseato4
Inndi for taxes, nnd for othor pur
poses," nnd nn Act passed tho 13th
day of March, 1813, entitled, "A
further supplement to an Act entitled
"An Act directing tho modo of sell
ing unseated lands for taxes and for
other nnrnnnoa." nn,l 1... i.
, .... u; liiu m
Genornl Assembly passed tho Ctk
dnv of Mnrch nr,iut.t .
Act in relation to sales of unseated
lanas in mo aovorai counties in tho
Commonwealth," the following
tracts of land will bo sold at public
vendue on tho
(it being tho 10th day of tho month)
at 2 o'clock p. m., at tho Court
House, in Honesdalc, in tho county
of Wayne, for arrearages of taxes
due and the costs nccrulng on each
lot respectlvly:
No. Warantoo.
Theophllus Moore, 117 acres.
J (.OS.
45 James Ellis, 47 acres, 111.13,
94 Roger Ellis, 75 acres, I9.2S.
122 Joseph Sansom, 20 acres, $4.51.
12G William Sansom, 20 acres, S4.69
242 Samuel Gregg, 7 acres, 11.57.
Treasurer of Wayne County.
Honesdalo. Pa., April 9, 1912.
Hnvo mo nnd save money. Wl
nttend sales anywhere In State.
Address WAYMART, PA.CR. D. 3'
The little fly that you see every
day may cause you much trouble.
Remember tho Citizen contest.
HERE one man gets rich through
hazarous speculation a hundred
get POOR.
t .i ' " -
The wise man chooses
the better1 plan and places
his money in this bank.
Honesdale, Pa.
russet Ru
rugs in many new colors and designs. We have
select from. 27in. by 54in. up to lift. 3in. by 15
Axminster Ruffs
Tapestry Brussel
The OLDEST Fire Insurance
Agency in Wayne County.
Office: Second floor Masonic Build
Ing, over 0. C. Jadwin'a drug Btore,
The Only I'crmntient Resident Rupture
Specialist In Kcrnnton.
20 Yeura' Success In this City.
Plies, and Flstala.
Diseases of Men Cure
forever without opera
tion or detention frona
I'Dr. E. F. Scanlon savs: "Trusses will t
eure rupture."
Come to mo and I will cure you so
you will not need to wear a truss.
Thomas L. Smith, Orson. Wayne Co., Pa.
tln... f 4 linn ') .......,.V. A ..a Po.1.nnitAU
I'n. Hydrocele.
Ollbert II. Knnpp, Aldenvlllc, Wayne Co..
l'a. Rupture.
J. H. McConnon, BH North Lincoln Avcnne
Scraiiton. I'n. Rupture.
Davis A. Oaylord. Pleasant Mount. Yaye
Co.. Pa. Rupture.
Olllce Hours: 9a.m. to 5 p. ni., nnd 7 to 9 D.
Satisfactory arranrements may be made tor
Consultation and Examination Free.
OFFICES 4ll I.lnden St.. SC RANTON. PA.
HERE one man stays poor by
his slow methods of saving,
a hundred get RICH.
from mat sizes to large