The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 01, 1912, Image 1
CttoetL VlL Until TI1K CITIZEN1 I "Wo Print All tho News Tlmt's Pit to Print All tho Time." January 1. 1013, 70th YBAR.-NO. 35 HONESDALB, WAYNE CO., PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1912. prio; CENTS OlBlla, LUTHERAN MINISTERIUM MEETS it nnin nonnnn Al UUULUODUnU I Tlio Wilkes-Harro Conference Began n Session of Meetings nt CJoiilds boro Monday Hev. C. C. 3111 ler. of St. John's Lutheran Churcli, Honcsdnlc, to Speak Wednesday. Tho lift T.iithnrnn nnnifiai.nrn nn Mondnv. Tnesdny and Wednesday next. The officers of tho conference are: President, Rev. J. II. Kuder; English secretary, Rev. W S. Heist: Gorman secretary, Jtev. j. D. C. Witko; treasurer, Hev. J. W Koch; statistician, ltev. W. F. Hcldt. The program follows: .Monday Evening 7:30, confes sion and absolution; 8:30, confer ence sermon. Itev. .1. H. Kuder; ad ministration of the holy communion. Tuesday Morning 9:00, formal opening of tho conferenco by tho president: ofllclal reports, President, ltev. .1 H. Kuder; treasurer, Rev. .1. H Koch; report of secretaries on MEMORIAL service. .Memorial Services Wert; Held nt tlio Jrwlyttfrlii!i Church Sunday .Morn Inn Easter Music Repent ed nt Evening Service. Tho Presbyterian church on Sun day morning was crowded to hear i PLANT TREESJY DYNAMITE Honesdalo Orchnrdlsts Set Eamplo for Other Progressive Farmers .Modern Method About One-hnlf tho Cost of Old Way. It wns our pleasuro Saturday nfter- THAT $10 PRIZE. Who Is Ooliij,' to (Jet It? Why tho Hoy or llrl Bringing tho Inrg est Number of Dead Files to This Olllce. Tho Citizen's tly killing contest starts on Wednesday, 'May 1. To tho DEATH OF PROMINENT LAWYER START MONDAY. It. Stuart Hcntley Died nt Ills Wit llamsport Homo Idist Tuesday Well Known Here Was n Cousin of Mrs. W. II. Stone. (Set Ready to Assist In Clean-up Week Crusade Improvement As sociation Efforts to Mnko Home dalo Cleaner tho Talk of tho Town Evcryhoily Lend n. Hand. IJ. Stuart Hcntley died at his rcsl- Nobody In Honesdalo or Texan Mifflin place, nt 1:30 tnwnfthln Is too hie or tflo small not ftemoon, aged 75 tn ,i. Ivln1v Intnrestnii In tho nth. Ho had been nlnnmin mnvomnnl. nrrnrrllnt? to tho , """i1-" "i -"" - i uiiuun utrus uiiu la lugiuuu in . . .,, ., t.,i.a tim nn-rt counnuu io tno nuiiHo uui iui iuu views or those who aro nrosecutinK Wllkes-Barre conferenco of sages From tho Titanic Disaster." t township, Just north of tho borough and to the J3'". next k b ft 8orlousnca8 lv Tousoholdor In Ilonosdnlo ithoran.MlnlBtorlum met atj1Io took fop Mb text the E Rhty-flrs ,ncg. As wo nI,proached the road-, i nil of his condition had been recognized ; d vc&ty?Uno matter "hero ho KJ v " " nltiinof Tfm Mi ft r Of T J r la dir. i i a. . i t lives, wiieuier it uu in u muuaiuu ur , . i HliUOi v (i iinuuviiuii wiv , !.,-, ri i n 1 Vllllnrr th a ilia. " lila I'UUUiuuu iitiu uuuu i o w fc v i 1111(1 VlClnlLV. IlU ITIalltT Wliei ha I Way leading to tho entrance of thls"o bW Vlng nest at on o dlS , almost from tho first. Ho Is sur-; ,4, wllelhe'r U be Tit la mansl f- up-to-date farm our attention was .at-, eaB'"? : I " neighborhood of vlvccl hy hla w,fo' ono daughter, Mrs. . B 8hacki or any 0f tho Intormi hat !r?ci?d, fha?.0UJ!S. .a,L,f, a bllUon liles wero kUled In A;. of,th, 8cl'y,' n-r! ot buildings, Is hereby Psalm, thirteenth verso "Oh that my people would hearken unto me "Pnn. V rt, irl, fa n m In 111V lllll this morning. Four messages that nilght llavo bccn ,nrgot practice, but , W" oro killed In tho var pnmn n us frnm the slnklnir Titanic. ,, fiV,- it,i,i ti,n hill n lous campaigns of 1311 and lllthy "First It Is a grave mistake to ., these nrocresslve farmers Reding places were ; c leaned up Rnrrlflre snfntv on tho Atlnnt C to ,.. ..M , Jlvnrml thnti that, 11 loll alone, would navo iiisur luxurlousncss and speed. they were planting peach trees. They "Second This great loss of llfo na,i no pckt shovel or grubblng axe was unnecessary. but wore setting out yearlings at Third Tlio cure lor mo ovn, tllG rato of ono per minute and with that hns wrecked so many homes and Is eating like a canker Into tho social life of our times, Is a lovo so true, so tender, so strong, that not even death can sever It. Fourth In llfo s crisis God is In tho evening the Easter music was repeated by the choir. GANAL WILL HELP OS Commerce Hot ween the Ports on tho Atlantic and Pacific Coasts Over tho Panama Houto AVIU Hcnellt Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, April 30. Just what effect the present United States navigation laws will have up on intercoastal commerce under unfinished business; reports of stand-1 our only refuge and strength, and lng committees; Mission, president , then tho heart turns to min or conference; doctrinal and practi cal subjects, Rev. J. D. C. Wltke: apportionment committee, Rev. F. Croman; committee on excuses, Rev. 1j. B. Sterner; board of church ex tension society of tho Wllkes-Uarro conference, Rev. W. M. Rehrig, Ph. (D ; statistician, Rev. W. F. Heldt; report of visitor, president of con ference; Luther league, Northeast district, tho president; Upper Le high Valley district, the president; matters referred to conferences by synod; miscellaneous 'business. Tuesday afternoon, 2 o'clock Opening service, Rev. L. B. Sterner; discussion of doctrinal and practical subjects; "The Scopo and Import ance of E angelical Church Disci pline Hev. O. F. Ettweln; "Origi nal Sin.'" Rev. Paul L. Kunzmann; ' The Pastor in tho Catechetical Class,' Rev. W. M. Rehrig, Ph. D. Tuesday Evening. 7:30 o'clock Vesper service. Rev. A. L. Smith; "The Great Importance of Attending to tho Proper Education of Our Young People." Rev. W. Euchlor; "Tho Field of Lutheran Evangelistic Work and Methods of Work," Rev. C. K. Fegley. Wednesday Morning. 9 o'clock Opening service with address, Rev. L. Lindenstruth, D. D.; institutions (brief written reports) ; Thologlcal Seminary, Rev. W. M. Behrig, Ph. D. ; Muhlenberg College, Rev. J. A. Bender; Institutions of mercy, Rev. W H. Kline; reports of special com mittees; President's report, audit ing, reformation Jubilee, forward movement, Sunday school Institute Inner mission, W. H. and F. Mission ary Society, visitor's questions, rec ommendation of students lor Dene' much more enso1 than father or grandfather ever thought of doing. But how, our readers ask, did they do It? Wo will tell you how and hope that the 'mothod adopted by theso gentlemen may 'bo practiced moro extensively In the future by orchnrdlsts and farmers. Dynamite was tho agency used and to our knowledge it is the first time this powerful explosive has ibeon used In 'Wayne county or nt least in this section for preparing the soil for transplanting trees. A. T. Bryant had charge of tho operation. He measured off 18 feet between the avenues and 15 f,eet between the trees. At the end of every 15 feet Mr. Bryant forced a crowbar down into the subsoil a distance of 15 Inches into which a third of a stick of 30 Du Pont dynamite was dropped. The fuse was Ignited and ediato noti- ter, Mrs. G. G. Waller, of German-, nc(j to clean up his premises. And town, and ono brother, P. W. Bent- to their credit most of them seem to ley, of this city. , !lo cntiroly willing to engage in tho .1 m nronacation of additional un- e"J"ini aiuari uemiuy was task of making tho town cleaner 1 1 o ...ill nvfnrmlnntlnn U1U JUJm 111 liXJi, UA,t iiiuuit.iuii of tho species. But if the plans of . - "V '"7,"" r ".XT' ?JPaK. s s "3 al . ...... ...... - - . Illillll Ul 111V 1:IM1IM11KU. JJIII. 111 . 1 ., 1 ..... 1 n i. n r. w naiionni, biuiu uuu iu" u. - . , . mmn.,,i t.ia canlzatlons and health departments i 1lcawa3,crap,?!elI :...r h'a. are only half carried out, tho outlook for tho crop of 1913 will foe very much less encouraging to the ily. Just think of It the female houso ily whose progeny In a season is 1,090, 181, 249, 320,720, 000, OQO.O 0 0, 000 Hies, enough to make 2C8.778, 1 05,801 cubic miles, or moro than tho total mass of tho earth, visits our homes every day. Please kill that fly. ' . t ltl, ,.n ' llCC. ill! IlU . ' "us. 'V . ,i school boatd and ieL lllil uu niiicu i j '. any form except ny sucny ny- father' ..lpnnnnt. as this will bo for tho offl- and an uncle. He was admitted to ' rnr(,. i,IBt that much moro unnleas- the bar of Susquehanna county In I ant wm t be for those arrested. iou- ll.v.t us hone there will (bo no occas- cnanged mariuiue .mu iumiucir Brip, of chnr(reg had been conditions due to tho opening of the '.tLW. hSi wn Panama Canal; and what modifica tions will be necessary In those laws to build up a larger American Mer chant Marine, and encourage tho In vestment, oi American cajmai mcie- , h f become loosened in all in, aro questions that are .causing 5r?"??adfn able agitation in political as r"""""" ."r" :-:,, ,,,, set off an Inspection of the holes was made. Mr. Bryant dropped the crow bar into the holes made, and it sank down a little over half its length without any effort whatever. The considerable agitation in politi well as in business and commercial circles. It is conceded that the present domestic merchant marine is scarce ly adequate to tho purposes it now serves, and that it will fall far short of meeting the demands of increased commerce between ports on the At lantic and Pacific Coasts, over tho Panama route. But at tho same time It is recog nized that under existing maritime laws in this country foreign vessels cannot engage in commercial trans portation between two American ports. Therefore tho exchange of products between eastern and west ern states by water carriers must necessarily devolve upon vessels built In tho United States, flying this country's Hag. and in all other re flciary aid, coal for Good Shepherd j spects meeting tho requirements of Home; report oi conference Histor ian, Hev. J. H. Kuder; miscellaneous huslnnss. Wednesday Afternoon, 1:30 Opening service, Rev. C. C. Millet! tho Federal statutes. In view of such conditions 'busi ness men in all parts of the stato foresee the necessity, and at tho same time the opportunity, for tho postponed reports; miscellaneous re-1 Investment of local capital in new norts: renort of committee on ex cuses; final roll call and adjournment FOOTHHIDCE ACROSS WAXEX. LACICA- Wlll Probably He Built Tills Spring Commissioners to Advertise for Bids. There is an absolute necessity for tho erection of the proposed Court Ktreet footbridge In Honesdale. The ibrldge view has been approved by the court and everything is in readi ness for the county commissioners to advertise for bids. Wo have receiv ed authentic information that the board is seriously considering the ad visability of building the bridge this enrine. which will be gratifying news to tho hundreds of people that tho bridge would accommodate. The Greater Honesdalo Board of Trade, which fathered tho movement, has adopted plans for tho structure which call for a reinforced concrete bridge 1G0 feet long. The arch span will be 110 feet with a footpath of 1 . f 1 1 .....1 .i 1 . to nntlHnil tn something from the county as sholcrs and exporters. The possibility of pays one-fifth or all the taxes or the ""ua"a u....t, county. This alone Is an item ! these new lines, thereby retaining as Strong "1 grip upuii uiu irauaiJuuaiiuu situation as they have in the past, in the judgment or many gives a now steamship lines, with tho prospect of earning big dividends in return. Preliminary steps havo already been taken to estimato what Pennsylva nia's share of this Increased commer cial activity will bo; and there aro rumors of a financial syndicate about to be formed, to establish a new shipping lino between the Port of Philadelphia and Pacific coast ports, via tho Panama Canal. While It is not known just how far such negotiations havo progress ed, It is realized that within a short time after tho opening or tho Pan ama Canal several such new lines will be necessary, and that those who are first to meet tho need will naturally get tho strongest hold on this new business. The situation is, for many reasons, ono of vital Im portance to Pennsylvania and tho many industries centred here. In the first place, commercial men point out that every Pennsylvania industry will be directly or indi rectly affected, and that tho interests of tho ullraato consumer aro no less at stake than aro those of tho man- iifoitiitnpo 41m fflwnnpfl thn i Tn Tn r t - county. which ought to carry considerable weight with tho county commlBslon- n-ti Tf Iha hnnrd rlnna nnt Intend to build tho bridge this year we suggest and more serious that it advert so for hlds and ascer-, ""' i tain the cost of same. The county! Tho natural fear Is expressed that treasury is in good shape and the under such conations tho railroads county is free from debt. Let us would bo just as powerful to fix aspect to tho havo tho bridge this spring. Teachers' Association at Kqulnunk, May 10-11. The spring meeting of tho Teach ers' Association of Wayne tounty will be held at Equinunk, May 10 and 11. A largo attendance of teachers is desired. Tho following program will be rendered: Friday, May 10, 8 p. m. Solo, Edith N. Freed; recitation, Jane B. Gilchrist; lecture, Dr. D. W. LaRue, Professor of Psychology of Stato Normal School, East Strudsburg, and of Harvard Univer sity Summer School. Saturday, May il, 9 a. m.: De votional exercises; "Geography," Elizabeth A. Baird; address, Dr. La Jtue; paper, W. W. Menhennett; rec itation, Jane B. Gilchrist; "Somo Present Country Problems," II. II. Pethlck. STRUCK SUBMARINE (Special to The Citizen.) . .Ixindon, April !10. It Is reported that tho American Milp, "Texas," carrying a enrgo of lumber, struck n tiuhmurino mine, to-day, us tho ves bel entered tho Gulf of Smyrna. Seventy-seven of tho crow of 1-10 men aro reported to navo ueen kjh ed. rates and equalize competition as they are now. And wlillo there is no disposition to diminish tho busi ness or cut tho legitimate profits of tho rail carriers, the control of tho new Intercoastal steamship lines that carry tho commerce by way of Panama will, nevertheless, largely determine to just what extent tho country as a whole shall profit by tho dlg-glng or the " Big Ditch." Lumber and fruits rrom tho west em states, and harU coal from Penri- sylvanla, will in themselves form a big percentage of this Intercoastal trade. With slight exception what transportation of these commodities thoro has beon in the past between those two markets has been by tho railroads. Tho transfer of this busi ness, therefore, to water carriers at greatly reduced rates, ropesents a directly proportionate loss to tho railroads. It Is regarded as only natural that they should avail them selves of tho best opportunity re maining that of dominant control over tho steamship lines. blast not only breaks up the harden ed ground but kills all Insects and grubs In the soil. A tree planted in the hole will be helped In its growth. It gives the tree roots a better op portunity to spread out than when the hole is dug by hand. Ten trees were planted in about as many min utes. After a tree Is placed In tho hole, sod is drawn around it and carefully packed down. Fertilizer will be placed over the sod and dirt as a top dressing. The remaining depression will serve as a pocket to retain the rain. Tho Mountain Rose, Early Craw ford. -Niagara and El iBerta, all free stone, comnrlse the early varlotles planted. Messrs. Bryant and Rob inson, if their trees grow well, ex pect a crop in two soasonB. They have set out 500 trees and all havo been planted by means of dynamite An example of the great benefit derived from the use of explosives. for excavating the holes In which young trees aro to bo planted, was recently brought to our attention by a well-known fruit grower, who re- norted that he planted nine peach trees a few years ago to determine positively whether anything was to bo gained by using dynamite. Three of the trees were planted in holes by drillinc a two-inch auger three to four feet deep, and exploding a charge of dynamite In tho bottom; tho other six trees were planted In holes of tho regulation size by hand. In three years tho three trees which had been planted In tho blasted holes were strong and healthy, and produced between five and six bushels of very fine peaches; but tho other six trees, platncd upon tho same ground without blasting, bore practically no peaches at all, both fruit and leaves having shrivelled up and dropped off during tho dry sea Bon. In addition to the orchard end of thoir farm, Messrs. Bryant and Rob inson are raising chickens upon an extensive scale. They havo GOO lay ing hens and about 900 chicks. All chickens are White Leghorns. New York was a ready market for eggs Inst winter and good prices wero re ceived for tho product. Tho chicken houso, 14x100 feet, is built on modern lines and faces tho south. FIno springs aro located upon tho farm and everything is kept in first class shape. Before many years will have pass ed Messrs. Bryant and Robinson will bo enjoying tho fruits of their labor. They havo sot an example which all progressive farmers ought to follow. It certainly would mean an increase In tho crop per aero and tho farmer who fails to realize this, and still") believes that ho can get along in tho old way, will soon find himself hopelessly defeated. hv paper. Traps, "swatters" and poison paper can be used. Tho wide awaito boy can set his trap or dish of poison paper in windows, mosi any mer chant would give permission to havo traps or other devices placed in his store windows to free his place of the 11 v. To make a trap tack a cone or wire gauze to a wooden base con taining a hole about three inches in diameter. Tack legs or supports oi somo kind that win raise mo trap about a half inch above the surrace on which it is placed. Cover tho lower part of the cone with a black cloth. Use a poisoned bait. The flies will afterwards climb toward the light. Sweetened water is a good bait, this of courso will not kill tho Ily, something must be added to it to make it fatal. It Is better not to drown tho fly for a wet fly does not occupy as much space as a dry one. Sulphur fumes can be used with success to kill them when the trap needs empty ing. Tho flies will 'be counted by bulk, 1,600 flies filling a gill meas ure. Kill all tho flies you see, save them and bring them to tho Citizen offlce. They will bo counted and you will be given the proper credit. You can not earn 10 easier. COMPANIES TOSE CHARTER. Stato Water Commission Sends Names of Companies to Attorney Cencnd for Rei-ocntion of Char ters. Harrisburg. Names of sixty-five inactive water companies of the stato were certified to tho attorney gen eral's department by the stato wa ter supply commission for revocation of charters. This, it is said. Is the beggest single action of this kind ever undertaken. The general incorporation act of 1874 provides for vacation of tho charter of any corporation that does not start work within two years af ter It gets its charter and which does not finish construction within five years. Tho water supply commis sion has been looking over charter records in tho state department for some time to ascertain what compan les are amenable to revocation. Some of the companies on the list aro not merely Inactive but havo certified to the auditor general's de partment that they aro doing noth ing: this was done in order to escape taxation. Somo of tho companies wero Incorporated ten or moro years ago; others havo been incorporated moro recently. The companies named 'from this end of tho stato aro as follows: People's Water company, of Ply mouth township, Luzerno county. PIko Water Power company, Haw ley borough, Wayne county. Shavertown water company, i Ho practiced law in 'Montroso un til October 20, 1SGG, when ho took up his Tesldence In Williamsport and continued the practice of law. There aro only two men living today who wore members of the Lycoming county bar when he was admitted and neither of them Is in active prac tice, lie had served in both tho Common council with credit to the ward which chose him. He served for a number of years as clerk of tho circuit court of tho United States for the western -district of Pennsylvania and still held tho olllce of United States Commis sioner. AVns First Protlionotary. When the Superior court was created, in June, 1S95, Mr. Bentley was appointed prothonotary for the Williamsport district and continued to hold that offlce until death remov ed him. When, In 1888, the Republican party looked about for a strong man whom It felt could be elected judge of this county, its choice fell upon Mr. Bentley and, after a campaign of unusual warmth, ho was defeated by Hon. John J. Metzgar by only 44 votes In a poll of nearly 15,000 votes. Then followed tho famous judicial contest which lasted more than a year before Judges .Mayer, Rockefeller and Burcher decided Mr. Metzgar elected by a plurality of 129 votes. An Excellent Musicinn. Mr. Bentley was very fond of mu sic and in his younger days no con cert or homo musical entertainment was complete witnout mm. no played Dick Deaueye in the famous WllHaimsport "Pinafore" -company which made the 'Williamsport hospi tal possble by Its performances, and Sam Trusty, the boatman, In "The Naiad Queen." Ho was a member of tho Ulandel and Haydn society and In Its ipalmy days sang promi nent parts in Its cantatas, one of wlilM, n'in -rTlin Uflvm.nlfi-s." For many years he was organist of Trinity Episcopal churcu and when the chimes wore first placed In Trin ity's steeple and when they were used for moro than striking tho quarter hour, it was his hand that pealed out tho hymns and other sweet music on Its bells. Mr. Bentley was also a vestryman of Trinity church for a number of years. Williamsport Gazette and Bulletin. Tho following obituary notice of B. S. Bentley appeared In last Wednes day's Williamsport Gazette and Bul letin. Mr. Bentley was a cousin of Mrs. W. H. Stone of Court street. The deceased was In the law office of G. G. Waller, Honesdale, ono year. Ion for arrests. Individual property owners aro not alono In being directed to take part in tho clean-up movement. Corporations, business firms and owners of vacant lots are among those to whom the word has been given also. There aro a number of families in Honesdalo who havo heeded form er requests to clean up to whom tho Improvement Association is indeed very grateful. In cleaning up your back yards, and cellars you will como across considerable rubbish which you can turn into money, such as old rubbers, Iron, brass, copper and pa pers. 'Rake up. Clean up. Shlno up. Dust up. Try and make your home surroundings neater than your neighbors. Begin now. SHEA WANTS JUDGE FUIiliEIt RECALLED. Every boy who goes chestnutlng should hear tho free Illustrated lec ture at tho school auditorium Friday evening, May 3. Keller 03. Hockey will show many interesting and In structive pictures and tell tib how tho chestnut trees of this county may bo saved from destruction by tho OUTLAW CANG REING TRIED (SDoclal to Tho Cltlzon.) Hlllsvlllo, W. Va.. April 30. The trial of tho Allon gang was commonc ed hero this morning. Tho gang Is charged with killing tho Judge. district attorney, clerk of tho court and others March 14 last when tho Aliens wero on trial. Ainonc tho men to bo tried are Floyd, Victor, Claudo and Frlel Al len, all brothers. Floyd will ue mod first. All spectators wero searched bo foro they were allowed to enter tho court room. It is oxpectod that tho trial will bo of short duration. PRIMARIES IN MASSACHUSETTS Hot Both Sldew Claim Victory; A Fight is On. (Special to Tho Citizen.) 'BoBton. Mass.. April 30.- urlmarles aro In Besslon horo today, There Is a hot fight on, both sldos claiming a victory. -Tho Attorney General Has Set May 8 as Tino For HenriiiK on Attorney's Petition. Attorney Thomas D. Shea, of Wllkes-Barre, who Is leading the re call against President Judge II. A. Fuller, of Luzerne county, has suc ceeded in gottlng Attorney General FREEDOM LK CELEBRATE Anniversary Sermon Prcathed by Pastor Wendell Sunday Electric City Quartette Entertain Mon day Evening Excellent Sup per. Freedom Lodge of Odd Fe.lows, No. 88, royally entertained their members, wives and invited guests .it their lodco rooms last Monday evening, the occasion being the cel ebration of tho 93rd anniversary of Odd Fellowship in America. The latter, 'however, was nttingi:- observ ed at the Baptist chun-h last Sunday evening when 75 nicm'ue.s of Free dom Lodge attended that church in a body. They listened to a very strong and Instructive sermon by tho "p'asto,- tRer. G. S. Wemlell. Tho lesson was taken from the story of tho "Good Samaritan" and tho -words of Christ, " What doest thou?" or In other words, what is your pur pose. The social side of tho anniversary was attended by about 200 guest and members. A most sumptuous supper was served and only words of highest praise wore heard con cerning it. After the guests had partaken of the repast .tney are entertained by tho Electric City Quartette. The members of this singing club were heartily encored after each selection. Their voiceB blended nicely and they are stars ot tho first magnitude. They wero well recolved and Freedom Lodge made no mistako In securing them for their evening's entertainment. Vice-Grand R. M. Stocker made a short address and R. J. 'Rehbeln told a few stories. Freedom Lodge is ono of tho most active fraternal organi zations in Wayne county. It ha3 a membership of 165 and the prospects aro good for many moro. Tho lodge was instituted In Prompton October 1G, 1843, and was removed to Hones dale July 31. 1852. The lodge meets every Monday evenlngn. Its officers are: L. S. Partridge, noble grand; 11. M. Stocker, vice grand; W. A. Sluman, secretary; A. C. Lindsay, treasurer; G. W. Penwar den, R. J. Muller and Ceorgo Lo- renz, trustees, it is to tuese b"- ,,,Mrri ......T Z' Ml to set May 8. at 10 a. m.. in men that those who attended tho so- lYiiiKsiuwu luvwimui., I Harrsburg, for a hearing to show 1 cial gathering Monday evening are ty Spragueville Water company, Strouds township, Monroo township. OnuHi Ahlnetnn Wnlop onmnnnv. South Ablngton, Lackawanna county. . Springs Run water company, .ncs- copeck township, Luzerno county. Lenape 'Water supply company, Coolbaugh township, Monroo county. 'Monroe Twnshlp Water company. Monroe township, Snyder county. Buck Township Water company, Buck township, Luzerno county. Struck by Iickawanna Train, Kchacrrcr Died in Hospital. Struck by a Lackawanna railroad train at Gouldsboro Sunday, William Schaeffer, 54 years old, employed at tho St. Charles hotel In Gouldsboro, died at 5 o'clock Monday morning in tho Stato hospital, Scranton. Schaeffer was a former resldont of Wilkos-Barro. but lately lived with 13. Schaeffer, a brother, on Acadomy street. It was a milk train tnat un hlra as ho crossed tho tracks. His skull was fractured and an opera tion was performed. 1)00 1'cr Cent, on Mnrconl Stock. Tho stockholders of tho iMarconl Wireless Telegraph Company of America, at a special meeting hold recently approved tho proposition to Increase tho capital stock from G82.G00 to $10,000,000. Sharehold ers will rocelvo llvo shares of now stock, par value ?B each, for every sharo of old stock, tho par of which Is 125, and will also bo allowed to subscrlbo for additional now stock at par dn tho ratio of flvp shares of now to ono of old up to tho close , ot business on May u cause whether a quo warranto shall indebted. not bo instituted against Judgo Ful-ia time. lcr. At tho legislative session of 1U01, a bill was passed entitling the Elev enth judicial idlstrlot, which is tho Messenger same as uuzerno county, to an aucu tional law judge. That bill was sign ed by tho governor on July 11. All had the finest kind of SCRANTON HOY ASPHYXIATED. 225 BODIES BROUGHT ASHORE (Special to Tho Citizen.) Halifax. N. S., April 30. At 9:40 this morning tho morgue ship, Mac- 1. .. .n.nnl , ,w.l . . ,1 l.-lnnlnn shore 225 bodies, victims ot tho TI- kicked off the gas tube which allow- tanlc disaster, as tno vessel steamed toward shore- tho church bells tolled I Hoy Slept In Office Kicked Off Gils Tube and Died Two Hours After Discov ered. (Special to Tho Citizen.) Scranton, April 30. Harry Rel denbach, aged 14 years, of this city, a messenger boy at offlco No. 6 of tho Messenger company, was found unconscious tills morning at 6 o'clock. Reldenback had slept in tho offlco all night and In somo manner and flags woro lowered at half-mast. In five minutes afterwards tho bod ies were removed from tho ship. Sailors stood in a lino and passed tho bodies from hand to hand. They woro covered with burlaps and canvas. Tho bodies woro soaked with sea salt and wero comparatively In good condition. They woro plac ed in servico wagons and taken to undertakers. Among tho numbor wero Col. John Jacob Astor and Isodoro Strauss, be ing tho last to bo removed from tho ship, Tho remains of Col. Astor woro Identified by Captain iRIchard Robert, who claimed that tho body was that of his former master. Tho sailors claim that tho scenes wero horrible whon tho bodies wero picked up. Many ot them, thoy state, woro found frozen In tho lco and It was with groat difficulty that thoy were secured. mi Mm to escape. Ho was re- niovod to tho Stato hospital and de Bplto all efforts mado to resuscitate hlra. ho died two hours later with out gaining consciousness. McNally Now Owns Ijiiko Lodore. Patrick McNally has purchased tho Jordan's Interest In tho Lake Lodoro Improvomont company and will hereafter conduct tho business of that popular picnic resort himself. Tho deal Includes tho purchase of Lako Lodoro, Elk and Keen lakes and about sovon acres of land near tho Ice housos. Tho picnic ground Is loasod property. Tho deal in cludes all stock with the exception of J5.000 hold hy Mrs. Robinson, Scranton. Tho offices will bo trans fered from Scranton to Waymart Tho Citizen congratulates Mr. Mc Nally 1n obtaining control of that popular resort and hopes ho will ex perience a record-breaking year. blight.