PAGE FOUR THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 191a. THE) CITIZEN Somlo Weekly Founded 1008; Weekly Founded 1814. Published Wednesdays and Fridays by tho Citizen Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter, at tho postofflco. Honesdalo, Pa. B. D. HAItDENBERQH PRESIDENT H. C. VAN ALSTYNE and E. 11. CALLAWAY MANAGING EDITORS II. DOtlFMNCIKR, N. B. AI.LKN, dirkctorb: ii. wilson, r. ii, HAunr.NnERnii w, w. wooti Our friends who favor us with contributions, and desire to have the same re urned, should in every case enclose stamps for that purjme. TERMS: ONE YEAR $1.60 THREE MONTHS 38c SIX MONTHS 76 ONE MONTH 13c Remit by Express Money Order, Draft, Post Offlco Order or Registered ttr. Addrtss all communications to Tho Citizen, No. 803 Main street, Honesdalo, Pa. All notices of shows, or other entertainments held for tho purpose of making money or any Items that contain advertising matter, will only bf .admitted to this nanor on nayment of regular advertising rates. Notice of entertainments for the benefit of churches or for charitable purposes where a fee is charged, will be published at nair rates, uarus oi iuuuks, SO cnts, memorial poetry and resolutions of respect will be charged for at th rate of a cent 8 word. Advertising rates on application. FRIDAY, APKIIi !!, opinion In tho choice of loaders. Republican voters will follow no ono out of tho party, nor will thoy permit that party strength to bo dissipated by Internal discord. When the contest opons with their hereditary foe, they will bo found acting In perfect unison. Wayno county Republicans In particular should not permit thomsolvcs to bq deceived by tho falso assumption on ilia part of those who aro un friendly to us, that tho party in this county or In tho stato or nation is hopelessly divided. Wo aro not divided. Tho dlfforonco of opinion among us as to a national leader la of necessity only a temporary differ ence. With tho passing of tho national convention It will necessarily dis appear. For Wayno county tho contest is already over. Whatovor differ ence nroso In tho light for control of tho primaries may well bo forgotten. Wo nro all Republicans. Wo have a common purpose, and a common end In view. Let us work together In harmony and hopofulncss for a common victory. commodato Mllanvlllo and Narrows burg patrons. Tho Perseverance band hold a social at M. L. Skinner's on tho evon Ing of Thursday last. !Ml8s Minnie- llockor closes hor "Sticklcy-Brandt Furniture" is made of honest materials and by skilled craftsmen. Tho Western Union has ordered 10,000 now typewriters, which is hut a beginning, and It Is expected that within a year all telegrams, in cluding tho day and night letters, will bo typewritten. Does this mean, It may he wondered, the gradual extinction of that peculiar current writ ing, rapid, open, free and intricately looped, which is known as " tele graph hand?" It is admirable ifor its purposo but It is tho reverse of what is nceJed for those uses for which ohlrography is still retained. Librarians, for example, also have a special hand, but it is compact, formal and print-like, and rapidity is less important than legibility. Tho mer cantile hand, nowadays at least, is much less uniform, 'but It has its own traditions. Literary people, on the other hand, when they happen not to typewrite, follow any model they like, hut t'hey seldom employ tho easy, ranid gallop or lope of the telegrapher's hand. That is best suited to one who is writing from dictation, and who keeps up a steady pace after onco getting up motion. KILL Tim FLY. As the warm weather approaches, that pest of pests, the house fly, becomes not only a nuisance but tho source of disease germs of many kinds and also tho primary cause of many fevers that are deadly during tho summer months. In the Interest of health It therefore becomes necessary to ilevlso means whereby this menace to the health and even life of mankind may bo eliminated. Vigorous campaigns have been begun all over tho coun try against the pest among the medical and newspaper professions. Tho Citizen will inaugurate such a campaign in Honesdale and endeavors to rid the borough of as many of these pests as 'possible. In the first place attention should be given to your screens and see that they are hung r!ht. thn swat all files that come in through cracks and otherwise. The greatest safeguarding of health in general lies In preventing the pests from breeding. When It is realized that the descendants of a single fly number more than a million during a season it can be readily seen that a systematic effort to exterminate them and keep them from hatching can accomplish a good deal. In another part of today's paper the plan of campaign is more clearly outlined. Begin now, and swat tho fly. OLEAN-UP WEEK. It has been said that modern science and luxury has done away with tho terrors of tho annual house-cleaning. Those who have rugs and hard wood floors and a corps of servants are supposed to be so clean at all times that there is no necessity for .-eating all tho carpets at once, wash ing all the woodwork on a given day, polishing all the windows simultane ously, fitting out the whole family with dust caps and worried expressions and turning things generally topsy turvy. While this may be true in some few Instances, there aro enough homes left without rugs and hardwood floors and, What Is more important, without the requisite number of servants to keep them in apple pie order, to Insure tho permanency of the spring housecleanlng as an American Institution. And no matter how neat we may become as a town, there will always be sections worthy of the steel of the crusaders of "Clean-up Week." Tho local Improvement Association has decided upon the week of May G as being tho best time to clean up. aionesdale has always responded nobly to these calls to arms against t'he common enemy 'dirt. Inasmuch as each Individual soldier in the battle must necessarily act for himself to a largo extent, defending his own castle In his own way, It would not bo amiss for the army to be casting Its eye3 over the situation and mapping out a plan of action. Clean-up week should make the county seat a real spotless town and the impetus gained during clean-up week should keep us clean for the rest of tho summer at least. THE TRIUMPH OF TAFT. Interesting pages of political history aro being written these days. The pre-eminent issue of the presidential campaign of 1912 has been focused, which lias brought forth William Howard Taft as the man of the hour, moving surely and flrmly in meeting an issue of more crucial moment to the government than that which characterized the sound money cam paign of 1S9G. Tho lino of clevage lies between sound constitutional government that has stood tho test of time, and "sixteen-to-ono" judicial recall. Tho campaign of 1S9C brought forth Marcus A. Hanna as a leader who, in tho teeth of what at first seemed to ho a sweeping gale, firmly stood his ground and conducted one of tho greatest educative campaigns in our history for sound money, l)ellevlng that tho same rational common sense of tho people would prevail against tho whirlwind of the silver agitation, that had always appeared when a crisis threatened tho In tegrity of American institutions. With all the strength within him, without equivocation, William H. Taft has taken up tho gauntlet for sound constitutional government. His reply to tho challenge of his predecessor has dollned 'an unmlstakablo Is sue of the campaign. President Taft insists that to destroy the inde pendence of the judiciary Is to take away tho keystone from tho arch of freo government. He has further insisted that irresponsible assaults up on the Judiciary are a serious menaco to enduring government, that they launch a rudderloss ship of state on a sea of troubles. To deny that the people 1iave ruled, ho insists, Is a reflection on our form of government, tho pole star of which always has been, and always will he, tho will of the people. WE ARE ALL REPUBLICANS. Much effort is being put forth by persons and journals not identified with tho Uopuhllcan party to make it appear that the differences between what are known as tho progressive and conservative elements In tho party aro Irreconcilable, and that tho party itself is likely to founder on the rocks of dissension. Tills Is very tar from tho truth. No vital prlnclplo of tho Republican party Is at stako, no vital question is at Issuo in tho controversy that has arisen concerning tho presidential nomination. It Is simply that thero is a difference of opinion among Republicans as to a choico of leader for tho coming campaign. This is not unusual. Quito tho contrary. The battlo for tho nomination is always fought out prior to tho national convention. Hut when tho convention has mado and re corded Its choice, and adopted its platform, the Ttopubllcan "hosts aro found marching together and fighting together for victory over tho com mon enemy. Tho new doctrines put forth by Col. Roosevelt In his cam paign for tho nomination, doctrines about which all Republicans do not agree, aro not doctrines with which a national administration has to do, but relate very largely to the government of tho several states. For the most part tho declarations of Col. Roosevelt concerning policies wl'.h which as president ho would have to deal are such as would bo heartily confirmed by all Republicans. Tho samo Is truo of tho declarations mado by President Taft. Thero Is no material difference of opinion among Re publicans concerning tho policies which havo been pursued by tho party In tho past, which govern It In tho present, or Vvhjch should control It In tho future. It is thcroforo not posslblo to disrupt tho party over the racro question of leadership. Political parties havo often been split asunder by dissensions over party policies, hut rarely If over over differences of FRESH AIR ITS IMPORTANCE TO HEALTH. Tho cheapest nnd most accessible preventive and curative agent In tho whole realm of medicine is fresh air. Air is an escntlal of human life. Entering tho body .by way of the nose nnd throat it penetrates tho smaller divisions of tho lungs, absorb ing tho Impurities of tho blood and changing It to a bright red, healthful nnd Invigorating fluid. Tho purer and fresher the air, tho bettor will It j.erform this function. Tho expelled air is loaded with wasto products of tho body and fre quently eontnlns disease germs. Ono can readily understand why tho samo air should not ho breathed over and over again. While you remain in a poorly ventilated room you aro performing this Injurious act. During tho summer open windows and out door llfo insure sufllclent fresh air. In winter It requires moro effort to get tho best air. That Is possibly the reason why colds, catarrhs, grip, tonsllltis and pneumonia, all diseases of tho air passages, aro more prevalent In cold weather. Sleep only In rooms which are well ventilated. Havo tho windows open at top and bottom, but avoid a draught. If this is uncomfortable because of tho cold uso moro bed clothing. Make it a rule to spend an hour or moro each day out of doors, walking and practicing deep breath ing. Avoid hot, stuffy, over-crowded, poorly ventilated rooms. If you aro susceptible to colds these precautions will Increase your resistance; If jou feel that you are perfectly healthy. It will safeguard your health. A body Invigorated by this practice is less likely to contract infectious diseases such as typhoid fever, diphtheria, scarlet fever and consumption, aad when such a person becomes 111, tho chances of recovery aro much greater than In an individual who has lived and slept In close rooms and avoided out door exercise because of cold weather. Consumption, which causes moro deaths than any other disease, finds Its greatest enemy in fresh air. INDIAN ORCHARD. (Special to Tha Citizen.) Indian Orchard, April 25. The sick in this vicinity aro on the gain. Leo Weeks thinks that he will soon be ablo to resume work. W. H. 'Marshall, wife, Samuel Saunders and daughter, Mrs. W. D. Buckingham attended tho Odd Fel lows' banquet given by Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Wood of the Beachlake house on Wednesday evening last. All found them royal entertainers. The seats for tho new church have arrived and now that they aro In place It makes the main room appear fine. .Mr. and (Mrs. William Wills, who havo been visiting J. W. Spry and wife, have returned to their homes near New 'Mllford. Margaret Maloney, of Laurella, who has been tho guest of Mrs. J. W. Spry and Mrs. E. C. Ham, has returned to her home at Laurella. Messrs. Curtis and Olver, of Honesdale, were pleasant business callers here on Wednesday last. They were making an Inspecting tour. These gentlemen are very fair with their patrons. They are always ready and willing to instruct their patrons, especially tnoso wno ask for information. P. L. Braman was a business caller at Beachlako on Thursday last. George Menner and Fred Swartz were recent callers at the home of Mrs. Joseph Swartz. Henry Wenders is treating his house to a coat of paint, both inside and outside, which adds much to the appearance of same. Warren Beardslee, who worked for the late William Sutton, of Beach Grove for the past five years, is now working for H. H. Bunnell at tho Alms house. J. ft. Buckingham, of Atco, was a pleasant visitor at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles Weber on Thurs day last. Mrs. O. D. Itenshaw and children, who havo been Visiting tho former's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Joseph Atkin son of 'White (Mills, havo returend 'homo. Summit Rest Cottage, owned by John Lozo, is one of the prettiest places in this vicinity. Fred Avery, of Seelyville, was tho guest of his parents, E. E. Avery and wife of tho Bethel fruit farm. W. C. Spry attended and auction eered a sale for Charles Roberts of Atco on Saturday last. Mike Tenbus, of Berlin Center, spent esveral days last week with E C. Ham. Several of tho farmers In this vicinity unloaded a car of Hmo at Honesdalo this week and hauled tho samo to their farms. Pathmastcr Ham Is busily en gaged at mending tho ways in this vicinity. William Weeks and wife, of White Mills, spent Sunday with tho form' or's parents, ..Mr. and Mrs. Cecil T Weeks, of tho Grand View farm. Wallace Keesler, a Civil war vet eran, died at Ills lato homo at Abrahamsvlllo on tho eighth of April, 1012. Besides his relict, he is survived by four brothers: Joseph of California; Solomon of the West; Thomas of Galilee, and Peter of Galilee; three sisters: Emily Scud- der of Broome county, N. Y.; Mrs. Itoxy Doughty or Syracuse, N. Y.; Mrs. Augusta Marks of Galilee; live children: 'Blanche L. Keesler, of Washington; Edith L. Comfort, of Galilee; Estella B. Conklln, of Da mascus; Walter M. Keesler, of Rock Rift, and Lester S. Keesler, of Damascus. PAUPACK. (Special to The Citizen.) Paupack, April 23. Sunday school will be reorganized next Sunday at 10 a. m.; church ser vice at 10:30 a. m. Mark Edgar visited friends and relatives at this place last week. Mrs. Bennett is entertaining Mrs. Klrdendalo for the time being. Elizabeth D. Mihalyi spent Sun day with Gertrude Fowler. Tho L. A. S. was held with Mrs. Vottorleln last Thursday. James H. Mahnken visited this place Sunday. 'Mrs. B. F. Klllam Is improving rapidly from her recent Illness. Mr. and Mrs. Masters, of Center vllle, visited their daughter, Mrs. Chas. Affardo, last Sunday. Miss Hazel Affarde also spent Sun day with her parents. Wm. Hausman is employed by J. Zimmerman. About ?12 was cleared at the box party which was held last Sat urday night for the benefit of Wie base ball team. Notwithstanding tho stormy weather quite a crowd was present. Frieda Vetterlein was entertained by Mrs. H. Fowler Sunday. Esther Singer returned to her homo in Hawley after spending a week at Gumbles. Steve and Charles Mihalyi visited friends at Shiny (Mount Sunday af ternoon. Anna Stelnman returned homo last week after spending somo time with relatives and friends In Pater son, N. J. DAMASCUS. (Special to Tho Citizen.) Damascus, April 24. Frank and Leigh Walker of Abrahamsvlllo, purchased a drove of cattle at Lcdgedalo last week. Mrs. F. E. Moyer has returned from a months' visit with relatives at Wllllamsport. Rev. F. E. Moyer's salary has been Increased from fSOO to $901. Ho preaches at tho various churches of Damascus, Mllanvllle, Cnlklns, Galilee and Abrahamsvlllo. A prominent citizen remarked recently Chat tho usual quory, "Whoso rig Is that?" would ho changed to "Whoso auto is that?" Everyone Is buying cars this spring. Amos Knapp, a son-in-law of Eu gene Marks of Galileo, has purchas ed Stanley Mark's farm at Abra hamsvlllo. Tho many friends of Ireno Canfield of Galilee, tendered hor a surprlso party on Thursday evening, April 18, on tho occasion of hor sixteenth birthday. Miss Agnes Smith, tho Galileo mil liner, mado a Jrlp to Now York last week. Bessio and Sadie Welsh of Tyler Hill, aro spending somo tlmo with rolatlves in Now York city and Hartford, Conn, MILANVILLE. (Special to Tho Citizen.) Mllanvllle, April 23. Frank Brown, of Forest City, ar rived in town Saturday to spend a few days with his grandfather and mother. Mrs. John Sherwood entertained a number of tho young ladies on Sat urday afternoon. Mrs. Elmer Olver, of Tyler Hill, spent Friday with Miss Mabel Skin ner. Miss Ruth Barnes, of Honesdale, Is visiting her brother, Earl Barnes. G. C. Abraham's saw mill started up on Saturday last. Mrs. Florence Brown, of Now York City, arrived Sunday to spend a fow days with Mrs. D. H. Beach. Mrs. Brown lins been coming to Mllanvlllo twice a year for several years with millinery supplies to ac- school at iNobodies Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Ed. Clark, of Boyds Mills, was at tho homo of tho Mesdamcs Connor and Nichols on Wednesday of last week and did an cxtenslvo business. Walter Sampson la heplng in the store. to 27. tha Only $9.75 For this handsome and massive style Dining Table, made of selected Golden OaW, heavy beveled top, round corners, fancy and wide rim, massive style fluted Ices, built on a Hercules frame. This ex cellent table retails in stores for (11.(0 and upwards. Carefully packed and shipped, freight charges prepaid, for $9.75. Why pay the retailer's profit when you can buy at factory prices? Send today for our latest catalogue of furniture. Free. BINGHAMTON, N. Y. ".lolly Phil Malicr's" Reception tho School Boys nnd Girls. On Saturday morning, April Mr. Phil Mahor will glvo to school boys and girls of our town a morning reception at tho LyrU theatre. Doors will open promptly at 9 o'clock. Fun will begin at 9:15. Reception at 9:30 and lc cream and cako freo to all at 10 o'clock. In tho afternoon at 2:15 ho and his company will present "Girl From tho Eaglo Ranch." Th afternoon prices will bo, children 10 cents; adults 20 cents to all parts o tho house. Indigestion Goes Sourness, Heaviness, Ilelrlilntr anil Stomach Distress Quickly Fade Away. Magical Ml-0JNA is what you need for any disturbed condition of tho stomach. MI-O-NA stomach tablets will drive all the poisonous gases from your stomach and make your stom ach strong enough to digest any food. For any ailment caused by weak stomach such as sick headache, dizzi ness, nervousness, lack of eHlclency, that tired all in feeling, sleepless ness, bad dreams or bad stomach the morning after too much smoking ami rlrlnkinir fnr nil thnso nllmsntH nuiuiiiK uu uuriu can surpass .ui-u- NA Large box for oO cents at G. W Pell, the druggist, and druggists everywhere. t's The Seeds You Sow The Best Results arc Secured from our Superior Quality Reliable Garden S&ds They arc the best money can buy Clover and Timothy Seed, the best recleaned stock Our Central Park Lawn Mixture will glvo you best results and produce a thick and matty lawn. CHOICE MIXED NASTURTIUMS CHOICE MIXED SWEET PEAS The Satisfaction Giving Qualities Of NIAGARA SPRAY FLOOR Classify It distinctly as tho flour par excellence. There aro many brands, but only ono "Niagara Spray." Try a bag or barrel of It. HENRY FREUND Wholesale and Retail AWAY GOES PIMPLES, BLACK HEADS, ECZEMA, DANDRUFF AND OTHER SKIN AFFECTIONS When Zciiio and Zemo hoap Aro Used Tho A. M. Lolno Drug Store says: "Wo aro so confldont that Zomo and ZEMO SOAP used togothor will rid tho skin or scalp of infant or grown person of PIMPLES, BLACKHEAD. ECZEMA, DANDRUFF, INSECT RITES or any form of itching, Irri tated, disfiguring &kin or scalp trouble, that wo do not hesltato to recommend theso clean, rotlned rem edies to every person who desires quick relief and a euro from any form of aggravated skin or scalp affection. Oftentimes ono bottle and ono cake of soap will euro a minor caso of skin troublo. ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP produce sure and swift results. You will not suffor another day after you com monco to uso them. You will feel llko a now person. ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP can bo ob tained from ono leading druggist In every city or town In America and In Honesdale. By tho A. M. Lelno drug store. in RICKERT IS NOW OPEN in ii III! M lH B 1B R B K M . M L . 111 in r arm a m ar m m i I I H B U D B n I . I I B B l H nK I I I ii mmm i ii HI L Ifflf IIIIIIU i lu v OPPOSITE n p. u mai nrnnr II. (X II. UUMLUI I IUL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers