THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1912. PAGE THREE CELEBRATION OF GETTYSBURG ANNIVERSARY Hout Votes $50,000 For Participation by the Government. An appropriation of $50,000 to en able the United States government to participate In next year's celebration of the fiftieth nnnlvcrsnrr of tbo bnt fks of Gettysburg w nnrsed bjr the homo after Representative Burke of Pennsylvania had nked to have the subject discussed by bringing up the enato concurrent resolution covering the matter. The resolution provides that tho fed eral government will look nftor tho tcntnge, policing and sanitation of tho huge enmp which will bo necessary to accommodate tho thousands of veter ans of both sldea who nro expected to be present. Representative Burke said that in some instances tho states have appro priated $1150,000 each to send their vet erans to the reunion and celebration. In reply to n question by Represent ative Mann of Illinois, Mr. Burke said that both Confederates and Union vet erans would be cntertnlned and should be provided for by the states and fed eral government. Representative Lamb of Virginia, a Confederate veteran, who was In tho battle and whose announcement of that fact elicited loud cheers from llio members present, made an enthusias tic appeal for the passage of the reso lution. FIND 12 DINOSAURIA IN UTAH. Dr. Holland of Carnegie Institute Calls It Groatest Discovery Made. Dr. W. J. Holland, director of the Carnegie lustltulc museum at Pitts burgh, who is accounted the highest authority In this country on the dip lodocus and dinosaur, has Just received news of paleontological discoveries In Utah. Dr. Holland Is known for his work abroad In mounting the replicas of the frame of the gigantic Dlplodo cus carnegll, which Andrew Carnegie presented to the king of England, em peror of Germany, czar of Russia, the kings of Italy and Spain and tho Aus trian emperor, the doctor each time being decorated with orders. The doctor learns that etrippings in a quarry near Jansen, Utah, have re vealed the existence of three or four fossil dlnosaurla of huge size, which appear to be lying undisturbed. Up to the present time the work of excavat ing has disclosed nearly a dozen skele tons, one-half of which are practically perfect, all the bones lying in place. Dr. Holland says it is the greatest col lection of Sauropod dlnosaurla which has ever been found In tho history of paleontology. The quarry, which is under the su pervision of Dr. Holland, Is nine miles north of Jansen. Tho bono level now reached is in the bed of an old river, where cobblestones nnd shells abound with the sand covering. It would seem that the mammoth animals lay down In the river nnd a flood blanketed them with stones nnd sand. KIPLING ATTACKS HOME RULE. Bitter Poem Against the Irish Bill by the English Writer. Rudyard Kipling's slashing denuncia tory poem on tho Irish home rule bill is entitled "Ulster." It follows: Tho dark eleventh hour Draws on and sets us sold To every evil power We fought asalnst of old Rebellion, rapine, hate. Oppression, wront and creed Are loosed to rule our fate. By England's act and deed The faith In which we stand, Tho laws we make and guard, Our honor, lives and land Are given for reward To murder dono by night. To treason taught by day, To folly, doth and spite, And wo are thrust away. Tho next two stanzas of "Ulster" de clare the homo rulers to bo England's foes. The poem concludes: We know war Is prepared . On every peaceful homo; We know hell Is declared For such as servo no Rome: The terror, threats and dread In market, hearth and field We know when all Is said. Wo perish If we yield. PUinArcn'c; iiiucmii c pnuoiie Illiterates, Defectives' and Babies Un der Four to Be Listed. Selection of supervisors and enumer ators is being made by the superin- paratory to the biennial school census, which will begin May 2. The census will show the name, address, sex, ago and nativity of each child us well as the parents' nativity. The census will record the number of Illiterates between twelve nnd twenty ono years, tho number t children be tween fourteen nnd sixteen years who aro working, those neither working nor attending school, the number of deaf, dumb, blind, crippled and epileptic chil dren of school nge, the causes for Il literacy and a completo list of babies under four years old. Orchestra of One Armed Men. Portland, Ore., lias nn orchestra of ono armed men. It Is believed to be tho only one in the world. Two men aro required to play tho Instruments whero two bunds are needed. First All Night Theater. The owners of tho Lyric theater, Chi- cago, have decided to keep open all night nnd all day. This is tho first all night theater In tho United States. 800 FAMINES IN 1,000 YEARS Charles F. Gammon Tells of China's Hungry Millions, 50,000 MILES ARE AFFECTED Relief Fund Used Largely In Employ ing Sufferers to Reconstruct Dike and Roads Destroyed by Excessive Floods People Work For Food. Charles P. Gammon, who has spent seventeen years nmong the Chinese, line written the following description of that great country's distress: "In n period of 1,000 years China has had over 800 famines, yet practically nil of these have been unknown to the world at large. The great famine of 1S78, taking Its terrible toll of 0,000, 000 to 13,000,000 lives, aroused the at tention nna sympatny of the whole world, and the generous response which followed tho appeal of 11 famine committee nt that 'time did much to break down tho barriers of nntl-forelgn feeling which up to then had been in surmountable. "The present famine, unlike the drought famine of 187S, has been due to excessive rains, followed by ty phoons and floods, affecting nn area of over 50,000 squnre miles and a popu lation of over 3,000.000 people. "Pnst experience has rendered pos sible the distribution of famine relief on a most systematic and economical basis. Tho pauperizing effect result ins to some extent from relief opera Hons in other famines, due to affording1 support to thousands during prolonged periods of enforced Idleness, has boon practically eliminated in this. How Fund Is Used. "Tho famine fund is being largely used In employing tho sufferers to re construct their own dikes nnd roads, which were destroyed by tho floods. Thus the idle and despairing people nre enabled to earn a living while wait ing for another harvest and are at the same time helping to restore normal conditions nnd to prevent future occur rences of this nature. Wages nre paid in food only, and this reward is neces sarily so limited as to offer induce ments only to those truly deserving. To save and sustain Hfo Is the object of famine relief, and since the means never equals the need tho rations must bo carefully distributed and those who are suffering least ignored for those whose necessities are vital. "These extreme cases make no dem onstration. They have got beyond that. They do not even beg, but are mute and motionless, the spark of life hardly struggling to retain Its hold upon their emaciated forms. Sometimes when they understand that tho ticket given them means food and life tears roll down their cheeks. Tickets for food aro giv en only in the home, except in ex change for labor, tho necessaries of each family being Judged not by the home, but by tho fnces of its inmates. A man may bo hungry and suffering for food, bnt unless his face is swollen from anaemia he must bo passed by for those more terribly needy. Were it not that through centuries of poverty nnd extreme "hardship only tho strong have survived half the 3,000,000 now suffering would havo died In the first months of the famine. Horror Difficult to Realize. "It 13 difficult for us to rcallzo tho real horror of these extensive famines, confined almost wholly to China, India and Russia. Under the best conditions the Chinese live but a sordid life, de void of many things we would regard as necessary to existence and with every form of luxury unknown. What the Chinese know as prosperity we should regard ns the severest hardship, ns it means a coarse and meager liv ing, a cramped and cheerless hut and the most trying toll from tho rising of tho sun until the -all of darkness. "Milk and butter nro practically un known, meat la rarely tasted oftoner than once a week, nnd then only under prosperous conditions, nnd In tho fat years there Is little surplus to bo saved for the lean' years of famine, nence when drought or flood destroys tho crops there is nothing for the hard working farmers to fall back upon. Conditions Existing Today. "In the case of a man of ifflWhrr he cells first his cow, the wnter buffalo that plows his fields, then his farm utensils, nnd Anally his household goods. Ono by one all nre "eaten up," as ho would sny. Then tho doors and windows aro taken from tho mud-brick but and carried to market, and at last the few timbers that support the roof go to nourish the family. I.oft ut Inst without a roof, they Join tho endless procession of refugees, somo to drop nnd die whero they fall and others to struggle nnd stagger onward in tho hope of reaching some moro prosper ous region. Often they aro huddled into tiny huts, hardly larger than a half barrel, cut endwlso and made of cheap matting, nnd in theso camps pestllencn soon finds Its way, often in tho form of relapsing fever, frequently tho dead ly typhus, and nlso in smallpox. "These nro tho conditions existing to day over an Immense area of China. It Is tho result of tltreo lean years fol lowed by excessive rains and floods, with terrific typhoons, which wiped out wholo towns nnd villages from tbo map and turned the roads Into bogs." GARDEN SEED SOWING. Hrd to Find Man Who Can Perform Operations Properly. Among tho different gardening opera tions there is none more dlfllcult than seed sowing. To get a man who cun properly sow both broadcast and with hand drill nil tho various seeds is al most 11 hopeless tnsk. The subject needs close study to avoid heuvy loss es, which may cotne either way by over or underseedlng or by entire failure. Some operators would make us believe that the time for broadcast sowing Is past absolutely. Such Is not the case. There are times and subjects when broadcast seeding In very successful. Tho reason for this is very plain upou investigation. Itroadcastcd seed Is cov ered nt varying depths, so that under nlmost all conditions a stand is obtain ed. If the weather turns wet after seeding (hose seeds nearest tho surface will sprout; If dry the deeply burled ones will have their chance, while by the drill method they nre all uniformly covered; hence if tho weather turns un favorable for the depth at which they were sown the whole lot may be u fall tire. Old market gardeners know from experience that It itf easier to get a stand of lettuce, splimch. radish or tur nip by broadcasting than by drilling: hence the method is still In use. We do not like broadcasting, hut admit Its uses, says (Jnrdcnlng. To operate seed drills successfully requires close attention. Where n vet' thlu stand Is desired nnd u drill set very close It will be found that after some time tin; machine has actually sifted the seeds by allowing the small ones to pass nud rejecting the large ones and thereby reducing the stand for the last cine-half. Some machine will not stand close regulation at nil, as they choke up unless the How is lib eral. When this is the ease the only way out is to proceed rapidly, t hereby reducing the time for the seed to roll out. Where land Is too rough for nice work such machines as have a two piece coverer can often be made to work by removing one side of the cov ering device, thus allowing clods to pass. Another way to handle rough Innd is to precede the drill with a sin gle wheel hoe, using one slim cultiva tor tooth to open a mark and roll the clods aside. This can bo made to work where nothing else will. Soils that bake readily can be handled similarly by opening a slight furrow, removing the covering device entirely and de pending upon the roller to firm the seed without covering. This permits tho weak seedlings to come up through the crevices. There cun be no greater mis take made than preparing land too una if it is liable to puddle nnd bake. A certain amount of roughness is abso lutely necessary to keep such soils open. GOLDEN LINKS. 1 The harvest fields are the gold en links that connect the ages and the zones and nssoclato to gether the most distant times nnd the remotest nations in one common bond of sympathy and dependence. They make of the earth one great home, of the hu man race one great family and of God the universal parent. Hugh Macmlllan. Everlasting Post Holes, Hero Is a way to set posts for a yard or garden fence so they will stay where you put them. Dig tho holes fourteen inches square and thirty-two inches deep, then take a post, A, and make five Inches nt the hirty inches upinke it six 1 n c h e s square. This makes a nice taper. Nowbore nn Inch hole through each way at B. Then put two pins, C, through so each will rest on the ground and thus hold the post in place. Then fill space D with concrete. After this sets awhile lift tho post out, take it to the next hole, and so on. Then dress your- postB all to this pattern and drive them in. If they rot off it is an easy matter to put in new ones. Farm and Fireside. Among the Chickens. No use to sputter about it and call folks fools because they insist on hav ing white eggs. Just get yourself into a position to cater to the tasto and let it go at that. Don't forget that meat is good to mako hens lay, but don't go crazy on tho meat question nnd glvo them too much, for you can easily make them alck. Meat two or thrco times a week is often enough. Why not feed tho laying hens some potatoes, cabbage, turnips, etc., and thus make them feel somewhat as they did in tho summer, when they found plenty of green material for food? Then your egg basket would also fill up as it did "in the good old nmmer time." Roup is usually n fatal malady, and very HUIe can bo dono for tho fowls unless in tho first stages, when the following is effective: Balsam copaiba ono ounce, Hcorlco powder half nn ounco nnd plperlno ono dram. Mix well and divido Into thirty doses. Glvo each fowl three doses dally. Listen In the henhouse after dark and if you hear wheeling you have roup ill FOR THE CHILDREN My Day. I wonder where the days all go And what makes other days. Borne hurry by, nnd BOme nro slow, llut not ono ever stays. I wish I knew n way to keep A long and happy day, llut when I sleep they always creep So silently away. I'd llko to keep a day with me Tho one that was tho best. It would mnybe Just let mo see What happens to the rest. If I could only hldo behind Tho dny I loved and peck It wouldn't mind If I should find How days can mako a week. And I woutd tnko him by tho hand. And ho nnd 1 would RO To Sutirlso 1 And, whero days alt stand Just wultlri? In a low. And t would amj the hours crow To innku my dearst dny, And then I'd know why somo oro slow H'hllu others rush away. Youth's Companion. In tho Heart of a Tree. Two men with nxes chopped nt the trunk of a great Imsswood tree, nnd then they went at the notch with a long saw, one ninn nt each end. The tree stood in the forest nlong the Montreal river In Wisconsin. The men sawed nwny, nnd all of it sudden the saw rasped on something hard the tough heart wood doubtless. The sawyers worked the harder, but it wns to no effect. The teeth of the saw were blunted, and tho men took to tho axes again. Can you Imagine what they found when the tree had fallen with a roar that shook the surrounding woods? Their axes had uncovered the edge of another ax blade, hidden In the liv ing tree, covered so deeply thnt no mark had remained on the bark to tell of what was within. Tho blade must have been In Its plnco for a cen tury or moro, while the wood was growing about It nnd beyond. Its owner must have been ono of tho ear ly settlors or perhaps a French hunter. The ax, still In Its bod of bnsswood, will be kept on exhibition In the Smithsonian Institution at Washing ton. Washington's Birthday Party. For n Washington's birthday party, given for children between the ages of eight and fourteen, tho following will be sure to prove amusing: Pictures of George Washington nnd n number of his generals, n drum, a boat, a Hag, a tent, n picture of Mount Vernon and a caunon have been cut out of whlto cardboard. Red, white and blue crayons aro to be given to the children, with the request to dec orate their designs. The latter are chosen by blinding the eyes with a handkerchief and then leading the child to the table. This method of ob taining tho picture precludes auy pref erence. Allow half an hour for tho completing of the pictures. Each guest is to keep the figure that ho or she col ors. Cut the sandwiches with a hatch et shaped cutter, and tho ice cream should bo molded in cherry forms. Tho Game of Pairs. Great fun may be got out of the game of "pairs." Each boy chooses a partner for himself. Tho host, who pretends he is a lawyer, walks up and down tho room in front of the pairs, asking questions of any ono he pleases. Tho answers to his questions must be made not by the ono addressed, but by his partner. If the girl bo addressed tho boy promptly answers. For In stance, the lawyer says, "What is your favorite occupation?" to the boy. nis partner answers, "Dressing dolls" or "Making beds." He may ask a girl "What do you llko best to do?" nnd the boy by her Bido nnswers, "Playing leapfrog," or somo other masculine sport. If any one answers out of turn he or she mustpay a forfeit. The saucier tho answbrs tho greater tho fun. A Real Hidy Tree. Did you ever bean of a thread and needle tree? It is rather a handy tree to havo growing In tho back yard, don't you think, especially when there are boys in the houso with buttons coming off about every other minute? This strango treo grows in nearly nil tropical countries and in some places nearer homo whero the climate is warm. It gets its name by which wo know it from tho curious formation of its leaves. At the tip of the leaf there is a sharp thorn, which is tho needle. If you grasp it firmly nnd pull it out there you aro with a needle nlready threaded for your sewing. This fiber thread Is very strong, and tho Mexi cans use it for weaving n coarse kind of cloth as well as for sewing. Conundrums. Why Is a car strap llko conscience? Ilecauso It Is nn Inner check to the outer man. Why Is It dangerous to sleep In a steam car? Ilecauso the train runs over sleepers. What should you do if you split your sides with laughter? Run until you get a stitch In them. Which of tho birds would bo sup posed to lift tho heaviest weight? The crane. Why is a dirty child llko flannel? Because It shrinks from washing. Philadelphia Ledger. Happenings In Nursery Town, Jack Frost, tho famous artist, has painted somo beautiful pictures on the nursery window panes. Wo are so sorry for our friend nnd neighbor, tho snow man. His nose molted away yesterday nt noon when Ilia nun v hlirh. utunrimtmtnrramttuumumHtttmir. MARTIN CAUFIELD Designer and Man ufacturer of ARTISTIC MEMORIALS Office and Works; 1036 MAIN ST. HONESDALE, PA. JOSEPH N. WELCH Fire The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Office: Second lloor Masonic Build ing, over C. C. Jadwin's drug store, Ilonsdale. Asthma! Asthma! POPHAM'S ASTHMA REMEDY gives instant relief and an absolute euro in all cases of Asthma, Bronchitis, and Hay Fever. Sold by druggists ; mail on receipt of price $i.oo. Trial Package by mall 10 cents. WILLIAMS MFG. CO.. Prop... ClereUnd. Ohio FOR SALE BX C. C. J AD WIN. Good work dono promptly at the CITIZEN office. THE NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. Asency at Honesdale, Wayne Co., Pa. FROM THE 53d ANNUAL REPORT. Total admitted assets ? 273,S13,06J.G5 Total Insurance In force 1,0S0,KI,703.(M Total number policy-holders 42S.481.0O New Insurance Reported and paid for In 1910 118,79,033.00 Increase In Insurance in force over 1509 67,240,613.00 Total Income for 1910 61,979,892.23 Total payment to policy-holders 32.863,899.00 Ratio of expense and taxes to Income 12.78 per cent. YOU WILL. MAKE NO MISTAKE IF YOU INSURE WITH H. A. TINQLET, Afjent. HONESDALE. PA The Ideal of the estates of your minor si pal and accrued ncomek VIGK'S FLOWER SEEDS VICK'S GARDEN SEEDS All of the crops of 1911 experimentally tested and hand picked from the yield of the justly celebrated gardens of Vick. FOR SALE at the drug store of C. C. Jadwin9 Honesdale, Pa. D. & H. CO. TIHE TABLE J-A.M. P.M. HUN A.M. ,V..M, P.M, SUN H 30 10 00, 10 00 4 30 b 05 Albany ... IllnuhHiutpn 10 00 A.M 10 00 2 15 12 30 2 15 2 15 3 15 4 05 7 10 li 00 4 40 6 30, 12 30 1 19, 7 10 7 65 .... Wllkea-llarre. Scranton.... P.M. A.M, P.M. P.M. iV.JI Lv 6 40, 0 60, 5 51 b 11 6 17 H 45 8 55 8 69 U 1H 6 20 2 05 2 15 2 19 2 37 2 43 262 2 67i 2 69 3 03 3 07 3 10 H 45' 8 65' 8 69, 9 18 Cnrbomlalo .... ...Lincoln Avenue.. Whites Farvlew Canaan .... Ijike Lodore ... W'aymart Keene Steene Prompton Hortenla Keelyvllle lloneadale .... ti 30 6 31 0 62 0 5a 7 07 7 13 a 21 U 21 6 20 9 32 9 37 9 39 9 43 9 47 9 50 9 65 9 32 6 32 9 3: 8 33 e 3o 6 13 H 46 6 tO 7 16 7 20 939 9 43 9 47 7 24 7 27 7 31 9 50 9 65 3 151 P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. Ar To Patrons Along ilie .Scranton Branch of the Erie Railroad, Tho afternoon train leaving Scrax ton as per schedulo following, runs dally directly to Honesdalo, giving people tlmo to transact tholr business at tho county seat and return homo tho snmo evening. ARRIVE. LEAVE. 8:20 Scranton 1:30 8:13 Dunmore 1:37 8:02 Nay Aug 1:4a 7:54 Elmhurst 1:56 7:43 Wimmors 2:07 7:40 Snco 2:10 7:34 Mnplowood 2:16 7:20 Lako Ariel 2:34 7:09 Gravity 2:41 G:59 Clomo 2:51 C:53 Hondlcya 2:56 6:37 West Hawloy.. ..3:27 0:12 Whlto Mills 3:38 6:03 East Honesdalo .3:47 6:00 Honesdalo 3:50 LEAVE. ARRIVE. Published by tho Greater Honesdalo Hoard of Trade, Honesdalo, Pa. :::n:n::an:n::nn:n5:i:;:;j:j::::j:::::::u 1 WHEN THERE J IS ILLNESS jj in your family you of course call li a reliable physician. Don't stop H at that; nave his prescriptions J put up at a reliable pharmacy, JJ even if it is a little farther from tX your home than eonie other store. jj You can find no more reliable ti store than ours. It would be im- 8 poseible for more care to be taken jj in the selection of drugs, etc., or g in the compounding. Prescrip tions brought here, either night ti or day, will be promptly and H accurately compounded by a jj competent registered pharmacist H and the prices will be most rea- h sonable. O. T. CHAMBERS, PHARMACIST, Opp. D. A H. Station IIoNnsDALE. Pa. ttttiti?ttitiinttiiTn C. We wish to secure a good correspondent in every town in Wayne county. Don't be afraid to write this office for paper and stamped envelops. Guardian dren. It has the very best facilities for the profitable and wise invest ment and re investment of the princi - The Scranton Trust Co. 510 Spruco Street. VICK'S FIELD SEEDS HONESDALE BRANCH P.M. P.M. A..M.I P. M SUN A.M. SUN. 2 00 12 40 10 50 8 45 10 60 00 Philadelphia. 4 09 A.M 9 35 8 45 7 14 738 P.M. 7 25 b 30 7 11 7 38 P.M. 10 05 9 12 2 55 J 13 12 65 12 05 Ar A.M, P.M, P.M. P.M. P.M. 8 05 1 35 1 25 6 50 5 40 9 34 S 18 S 11 Q66 4 68 4 65 1 61 1 17 1 11 11 25 8 27 8 17 8 13 7 61 7 17 7 39 7 32 7 30 7 2ti 7 22 7 19 7 15 7 61 7 60 7 33 7 25! 7 17 7 12 7 09 11 11 1 21 11 10 i at 12 50 12 49 12 43 12 40 12 3ti 12 32 12 29 12 25 10 63 11 15 10 37 10 32 10 29 10 25 7 05 7 01 10 21 0 68 b 65 10 18 10 15 1 10 LV A.M. P.M. P.M, A.M. P.M.