The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 19, 1912, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    TUB CITIZEN, Kill DAY, AI'IIIL 10, 1012.
An Apparent Mystery That
Was Simply Explained.
To soo oneself In n mirror, nn exact
11 rod . f Mia la iintmnor 1a ciin it- u
1 1 1 1 1 riM i Timna n imi nut- i r mm.
inn'innr innrnrnntit a nninir niwi nnnii
hit. k 1 1 1 1 r 1 1' BTfiiiiiiniT in in wn n ret ui 1 1 1
I was standing one morning in my
m . . . . .. ..
uai i nnii mv uni ua m mv nouuets.
.tl I...M.1I.... ft" I . .. 41 ........ .... nun
.... T T .. 1..1 l.f I. ., ., ,1 In 1.1,.
lockets and wore glasses. I nlso wear
' mm'i ill m:im iik iif:irii 1 1 i iiimfii
i iinnir t Rn ii.iti i. ins nnsn wns n iriuu
My first emotion was surprise, ray
orm.' was tins uniiucinnuonf una
nv lirnln litvoine nffeetoil? I shrank
JUlh. uuui liiu muu imu imu u
Suninioning all my fortitude, I looked
milii. Tht tlmiro hnd rtlsnnnpnrrMi. I
A I , i j 1 1 mil lull luiii. iiui. iiiiiiimiiu it:i
1nt.1 1.... l.n.,
t-mit mifr Pnllln,- n fvili T ,llrrvtn,l thn
river to tuiso mo lo mr imvsician. 1
dUUllU'li ttllill I11IU UlUUlllJU, UUU Ull.-
r pnileavoriiiir to reassure me ho cave
.... - . . . 1 . 1 .. ... 1 1 .. .. .. .1 ,
It was some time before I dared go
o me winuow again, uur. alter going
hero several times without seeing my
II -l rli4- i im In n il rt'na ln(tnlln t -
"IIM II II 11 IllI III lUilllin LI I'll IILUT
s i rnnriion ir. mv iinunii rnacniMi 111s
rtJ- . 1 . . . A , . "
L UUUUU 1VI OVJLilliUHJ IIVA 141111. 1
I remained abroad two years. I '
not received notice from my attorney
lint- T was nondpil in tho sottlompnt nf .
.... r.. i t i.n,,i.tA
rom tne nrsr, xor my iatuer anu mom-:
a iiuu ni 'in uilu i u, i ito aj it a, ta
ear old, and this naturally led to com-'
it it t t i - ... . .ni i. '
iiiiL iiit-ii; n us iu uL'uucaiii, uj
nrnovs did not Inform mi as to the nil-
x. T J 1 .J X ..1. ...
t uul'l. i saiieu lur auw iuib uuu
Inzleton, who had summoned me.
'hat there was something of impor- j
anew on his mind was evident. He i
, i i . i t i,A n 1
jUKt'u uio nil uUi ua 1L UU 11UU iiutci
een me before, then stood, still look-
i iir iiim wiriiiiiir h:i v 1 11 :i ii i 1 1 1 1 ilt. i
"Well, what Is It?" I asked.
"Did you ever hear that your mother
"Or that she had an interest in your
atuer s estate .'"
"No, My mother died before my fa-
"There is a piece of property which
u muni 1 1 ul-iuic iclliiiih luu uolulu
t was owned jointly by your father
nd mother. At any rate, it needs the
Ignature of the heirs of both."
"Very well. Am I not tho heir of
"Come here tomorrow morning at 9
clock. I shall want your signature."
"Tomorrow nt 0 o'clock," ho rcpoat-
nnd went into his privato office.
At the appointed hour I was at Mr.
ozoltnn'H ouipq anil was tout to wain
an anteroom. Presently tho door
11111 11111111. J I lilt. NIIIIII. I 11
ior opposite me opened, and a man
Ivanced Into the room I had entered.
Horror of horrors, he was my dou-
We stood looking at each other like
le two Dromlos, he in wonder, I in
"Oh, heavens!" I moaned. "It. has
imo back to me!"
"Gentlemen," said Mr. Ilazelton, "1
ed, You aro twin brothers."
Ifr.nn l .1. .HI 1.1 .1
a uiu lit uiiiut a. nu t; in n.
"Yes. When your father and mother
parated your father took one, your
' v. itiim VUtU 01UUU tvw
pt In ignorance of the other."
The relief the finding of a brother,
twin brother, of whose existence- I
id beet: in ignorance was a delight
- -
ence. It did not require that we
lould have bceu brought up together
feel that strong mutual drawing
ways to be found in children of a
ngle birth. We advanced, embraced
id cried simultaneously:
"You are?"
I was Max, and ho wub Mark. No
ilia u i j a uu& v I i m. caiTuiiiifii
cb other, nd Mr. Ilazelton, with a
wyera instinct, seized a pen and
ratched our respective names on our
ff in nrfRirrft tho Idpntltv nf onph
y brother on seeing mo at my win-
her has not to this day obliterated
Trio of Old
Big leaguo clubs mako no mlstako
In carrying such men as Koblnson,
Farrell, Jim McGulro and other
veterans. These old heads have a
good influence on tho young plnyers
and can steer tho boys over tho
RSs!!sv!asssKKa I
Baseball Blunder
Some gent with a liking for
acid baseball history has com
piled the 20 areatest blunders In
baseball.. Here they are:
When Cincinnati traded a kid
named Mathewson for a great
pitcher named Rusle.
When St. Louis traded Three
Fingered Brown to Chicago for
Jack Taylor.
When Charles Webb Murphy
stood In the lobby of the Wal
dorf and called Rajah Bresnahan
a policeman.
When John Anderson stole
second with three men on.
When Jack Chesbro lost a
world's championship on a wild
When Merklo failed to touch
second and lost a pennant.
When Marquard grooved one
for Baker.
When Charles Webb Murphy
panned the national commission.
When Clark Griffith allowed
Miller Hugglns to leave Cincin
nati. When Sherwood Magee belted
Flnnernan on the bugle.
When Pittsburg and Detroit
passed up Grover Cleveland Al
exander. When Cincinnati allowed Mar
ty O'Toole to get away without
a trial.
When Hughey Jennings under
estimated Babe Adams In 1900.
When Umpire Jack Doylo
twice misinterpreted tho Infield
fly rule.
When Bresnihan made faoes
at Umpire Billy Klemm.
When Horace Fogel switched
his famous Herrmtn-Murphy let
ters. When MeQraw parted with
Mike Donlln prior to the 1911
world's series.
When Lou Crlger touted Ty
Cobb as a bonehesd.
It is said Pitcher Duck O'Brien or
the Boston Red Sox received a boost
of a thousand dollars over his con
tract of last year.
Manager Fred Clarke has but ten
pitchers all told on his roster, and
that Includes LelHeld and Noel, neith
er of whom are sure.
FanB will miss the annual Hclnlo
Zimmerman holdout story, for Zim
merman's contract as signed with tho
Cubs is for threo years.
Hank O'Day Is making control a
strong point In tho developmont of
his twlrlers. "It Is the biggest asset
of any man in tho box," says the ex
umpire. Harold Grover, the Pirate youngster
from the town lots of Itockport,
Mass., Is said to bo one young pitcher
who has acquired tho knack of hold
lug men on basos.
The most astounding, interesting,,
but wholly unbelievable news from
any training camp -was that Johnny
Evers had reported to tho Chicago
Cubs "so fat that he was not recog-.
Jack Glasscock, old National leaguer,,
is said to have professed "conver
sion" at the religious revival held In.
Wheeling by Billy Sunday, Nine thou-j
sand people cheered him as ho walked!
to the front of the hall.
hurdles safely. Tho time will como
when every well-organized club win
havo a veteran player on tho pay-roll.
They glvo tho youngsters confidence
and strengthen the hands of the man
Manager Griffith of Washington Team,
Believes Alnsmlth and Henry Can
Handle Walter's Shoot.
"If tho only thing standing in our
way of winning tho pennant was the
fact that we had no ono to catch
Johnson, I would have the flag polo in
tho center of tho right field now,"
remarked Clarke Griffith in comment
ing on tho expressed fear that with
Street gono tho team had no one to
catch JohnBon.
"Nothing could bo more absurd," he
continued. "Let Henry and Alnsmlth
start to handling Johnson's delivery
from the timo that the team goes into
training, and they will catch him as
well as any other catcher.
"Johnson, to my way of thinking, is
easy to catch for the reason that he Is
true. The fact that he has a lot of
Walter Johnson.
speed matters not, for a fast ball Is
easier to handle than a lot of shoots
and curves. I'll stake my reputation
that Johnson's delivory will be as well
handled this season as it ever has
been before. Incidentally, Walter
should have tho best season of his
career. H will havo a careful prep
aration bscause he will not bo asked
to do a lot of work in the spring. He
will rport a week later than the oth
er pitchers and then gradually work
himself into Bhape. I wish that trying
to find a man who can catch Johnson
was all tts had to worry about. It
would be soft picking Indeed."
Expert Cincinnati Pitchers.
The IUd pitchers should bo fairly
expert on tho art of balking this sea
son, for Hank O'Day Is showing them
a lot of tricks along the line of fooling
both the batter and the umpire. "Ed
Walsh," says Hank, "has tho most de
ceptive ways of them all. He'll hold
his hands h!-h as If about to pitch;
then lowsr them a foot or so, and the
base runnsr will start. I called him
for It In the Cub-White Sox series, and
mode him cut it out. He acknowl
edged that It was a clear cose of hoik,
but said that the American league um
pires had been letting him sot away
with it for years."
iT HEAL ESTATE. By vlrtuo of
process issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Wayno county, and
Stuto of Pennsylvania, nnd to mo di
rected nnd dolivorcd, 1 havo levied on
nnd will cxposo to public sale, at tho
Court Houso In Honesdale, on
TUHSDAV. MAY 7, liMil, 11 A. M.
All tho defendant's right, title
nnd intorcst in the following de
scribed proporty vl:
All that curtain pleco or parcel of
land and tho land covered with wa
ter known as tho Sand Pond propor
ty situate in Cherry Hidgo township,
Wayno county, Pennsylvania, bound
ed and described as follows:
Beginning in tho mlddlo of tho
Cherry Illdgo and 'East Sterling
turnpiko road in tho southern lino
of land of tho Pennsylvania Coal
Company and being tho northeaster
ly corner of tho land hereinafter de
scribed, thenco along tho mlddlo of
said road south 45 degrees west 7
perches, thenco along the mlddlo of
tho samo south 58 degrees west 28
perches; thenco along tho lino of said
company's land south GO degrees
east 17 and 9-10 perches to a heap
of stones; thenco along lino of L.
nnd T. Bonoar's land south 40 degs.
west 328 perches to a line tree
corner; thenco north 50 degrees west
34 perches to a stones corner;
thenco south 40 degrees west 59
porches to n stones corner; thenco
south G9 degrees 28 and 1-10
perches to a birch for a corner;
thenco north 15 V4 degrees east 11G
and 6-10 perches to n stones corner
In line of J. Leonard's land; thence
north 50 degrees west 35 perches to
the center of tho aforesaid road;
thence along tho center thereof north
20 degrees east 1C porches; thenco
north 38 degrees west 70 and 4-10
perches to tho lino of O. Thorp's
land; thenco along tho samo lands
of A. Hcssling and Charles Higgln's
lands north 50 degrees east 258 and
S-10 perches; thenco north GO de
grees west 11 perches to tho line of
Pennsylvania Coal Company's land;
thenco along the lino of said Com
pany's land as follows, viz: North
8 degrees east 19 1 perches, north
01 degrees east 4 and 7-10
perches, east 10 Vz perches,
south fifty-Uiree degrees east live
and 8-10 perches, south 69 degrees
east 14 perches, south 41 degrees
east 40 porches, south 57 degrees
east 16 and one-half perches, south
9 degrees east 22 perches, south
43 degrees east 35 perches east
12 perches, south 34 degrees east
IS perches and south 50 degrees
east 50 perches to tho middle of the
aforesaid road the place of beginning
Containing in all 47G acres and 15S
perches bo tho same more or less.
Excepting ond reserving neverthe
less out of tho above described land
all that certain lot of land which
James A. Bigart by deed dated June
31, 1872, and recorded in Wayne
County in deed book No. 42, Pago
146, etc., granted and conveyed to
Abram KIrby. Said land containing
82 acres and 106 perohes. Also all
that certain other pleco or parcel of
land which tho said James A. Bigart
et ux. by deed dated August 20,
1878, and recorded in Wayno county
Deed Book No. 61, Page 7, granted
and conveyed to William H. Bidwell.
Said parcel containing forty-two and
one-half acres of land. Also all that
certain piece or parcel of land con
taining 5 acres and 121 perches
which the said James A. Bigart et
ux. by deed dated Juno 2, 1881, and
recorded In Wayno county In Deed
Book No. 54, page 49, granted and
conveyed to Lewis Arnold. Also all
that certain other pleco or parcel of
land containing 10 acres and ten
perches which tho said James A.
Bigart et ux. by deed dated Feb.
25, 1S82, and recorded in Wayne
county in Deed Book No. 54, page
402, granted and conveyed to -Frank
Schick. Also that certain other piece
or parcel of land containing 97
acres of land which the said James
A. Bigart et ux by their deed dated
April 15, 1885, and recorded in
Wayne county in Deed Book No. 61,
page 220, granted and conveyed to
Sheldon P. Schick. And tho right of
access, Ingress and egress to tho wa
ters of Sand Pond from its proporty
on the western side of tho said pond
as the samo is mentioned in tho deed
from tho Wyoming Coal Association
to the Pennsylvania Coal Company by
deed dated May 30, 1851, and re
corded in Wayno county in Deed
Book, No. 19, pago 297.
Tho above described property be
ing tho samo piece or parcel of land
which James A. BIgert et ux. by
their deed dated August 10, 1S99,
and recorded In tho offico for re
cording deeds in and for Wayno
county in Deed Book No. 85, pago
202, etc., granted and convoyed to
Earl II. Bishop, and being the same
piece or parcel of land which Earl H.
Bishop et ux. 'by their deed of Nov.
23. 1899, and recorded in Wayno
county in Deed Book No. 90, pago
28, etc., granted and convoyod to tho
Cleino Real Estate Company.
Also all that piece or parcol of
land situate in the township of
Cherry Ridge, Wayno county, Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as
follows: Beginning on tho southerly
sido of tho road end on tho lino be
tween lauds late of L. A. Robertson
and tho Pennsylvania Coal Com
pany; thenco south 45 degrees 17
minutes west 1276 feet to a corner
near old loaded track road bed;
thenco south ono degrco fifteen min
utes cast 2089 feot; thonco south 67
degrees 15 minutes west 180 feet;
thence south thirteen degrees seven
teen minutes west 300 feet; thonco
south 44 degroes, 30 minutes east
235 feet; to a stake and stones cor
ner near lake; thenco along tho samo
north 13 dogreos seventeen minutes
east 320; thonco north 66 degrees 35
minutes east 450 feot; thenco south
39 degrees 43 minutes oast 78 feot;
thonco south 84 degrees 43 minutes
east 172 feet to a stako and stones
corner; thenco south 47 degrees 15
minutes east 101 and 5-10 feot to a
stake and stones cornor; thonco
south 64 degrees 25 minutes east 231
feet to a stako and stones corner;
thenco south 35 degrees 55 minutes
east 668 feot to a maplo; thonco
south 52 dogroes 1G mlnutos east 270
and 5-10 feot to a stako and stones
corner; thonco south 4 degrees 30
minutes east 364 feot to a stake and
Btones corner; tbepco south 38 dogs.
45 minutes oast 17S feot to a stake
and stones cornor; thonco south 38
degrees 20 minutes east 408 feet to
a stake and etones corner; thence
south 84 degrees G2 minutes cast
198 feot to an ash; thonco south 29
degrees 20 mlnutos cast 310 foot to
a hemlock; thonco south 44 degrees
39 minutes cast 820 feot to a stako
and stones cornor on road; thenco
along tho road north GO degroes oast
1G0 feot; thenco north 37 degrees
10 minutes west 2154 feet; thenco
north 40 dgrees 4G minutes west
1400 feet;-thonco north 29 degrees
22 minutes east 701 feot; thenco
north 10 dgrees 15 minutes oast
1400 feot to a cornor on Old Loaded
Track; thenco north ono degrco for-ty-flvo
minutes west 565 feot to a
cornor on southerly sldo of road
and thenco by tho samo north 86
degrees 32 minutes west 441 feot
to the plnco of beginning. Contain
ing 86. G7 acres of land or there
abouts. Being tho same piece or parcel of
land wnlch tho Pennsylvania Coal
Company by their deed dated Nov.
22, 1899, and recorded in Wayno
County Deed Book No. 87, pago 20,
etc., granted and conveyed to tho
Clomo iRoal Estate Company- On
tho nbovo described premises Is a
largo dwelling houso together with
barns and outbuildings and about
40 acres of Improved land.
Seized and taken In execution as
the property of Carl W. Bishop and
tho Clemo Real Estate company,
terra tenant, at the suit of James A.
Bigart, assigned to T3zra H. Ripple,
et al. No. 89, March Term, 1912.
Judgment, J7.000. Homer Greene,
TAKE NOTICE All bids and costs
must be paid on day of salo or deeds
will not be acknowledged.
Honesdale. April 10, 1912. '
D REAL ESTATE By vlrtuo of
process Issued out of tho Court of
Common Pleas of Wayno county, and
State of Pennsylvania, and to me di
rected and delivered, I have levied on
and will expose to public sale, at the
Court Houso In Honesdale, on
FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1011!, 2 P. M
All of tho defendant's interest in
tho two following described pieces or
parcels of land, viz:
All that certain piece, lot or par
cel of land situate, lying and being
in tho township of Palmyra, In the
county of Wayne and state of Penn
sylvania and described as follows, to
Beginning at tho south-cast cor
ner of twenty-third and twenky
elghth streets; thenco easterly along
tho north sldo of the said twenty
third street, sixty feet; thenco on a
lino parallel with said twenty-eighth
street ono hundred and twenty feet:
thenco westerly on a lino parallol
with said twenty-third street, sixty
feet to the westerly side of twenty
eighth street as aforesaid; thence
southerly along tho westerly sldo of
twenty-eighth street as aforesaid,
one hundred and twenty feet to tho
place of beginning. Containing
seven thousand two hundred square
feet of land. Being Lot No. Three
(3) on Twenty-third street in the
said village of Hawley. It being the
same land which tho Pennsylvania
Coal Company by their deed bearing
date October first A. D. 1855, grant
ed and conveyed to John Curran.
Said deed being recorded in tho of
fice for recording deeds in Honesdale
In said county of Wayne in Deed
Book No. 29 at page 641, etc.
And also, all that certain lot, pleco
or parcel of land situate, lying and
being in the village of Hawley, in
the township of Palmyra in the
county of Wayne, and stato of Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as
follows, to wit: Beginning at a
point on the northwesterly sldo of
Twenty-third street sixty feot from
corner of Twenty-third street and
Twenty-eighth streets; thenco north
westerly on a line parallel with said
Twenty-eighth street, ono hundred
and twenty feot; thenco northwest
erly on a line parallel with said
twenty-third street, sixty feet; thenco
southwesterly on a lino parallel with
said twenty-eighth street, one hun
dred and twenty feet to the north
westerly side of twenty-third street
as aforesaid: thenco southwesterly
along tho same, sixty feet to the
place of beginning. Containing sev
en thousand and two hundred square
feet of land. Being lot No. four (4)
on Twenty-third street in said village
of 'Hawley. It being the samo land
that tho Pennsylvania Coal Company
by tholr deed bearing dato January
first A. D. 1857 granted and con
veyed to John Curran. Said deed
being recorded in tho offico for re
cording deeds in Honesdale In said
county of Wayno in Deed Book No.
29, pago 642, and boing tho samo
pieces of land conveyed by the
abovo named John Curran to Daniel
Neo by deed dated October 10, 1870,
and recorded in Deed Book No. 101,
pago 33S.
Upon said premises Is a ono-story
dwelling house, and out building.
Seized and taken in execution as
the property of Chas. Barth at the
suit of Petor Beilman, No. 10, Jan.
Term, 1911. Judgment, ?140.
Hnrmes, Attorney.
TAKE NOTICE. All bids and costs
must be paid on day of salo or deeds
will not be acknowledged.
Ilonesdalo, April 3, 1911.
Trade Marks
Copyrights 4 c.
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The Jeweler f
twould like to see you if t
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you arc in the market;:
"Guaranteed articles only sold." i
in your family you of course call
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You can find no more reliable
store than ours. It would be im
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H. F. Weaver
Plans & Estimates
Residence, 1302 EastSt.
Asthma! Asthma!
gives instant relief and an absolute cure
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Hay Fever. Sold by druggists ; mail on
receipt of price $:.oo.
Trial Package by mnll 10 cents.
WILLIAMS MFC. CO.. Prop... Cleveland. Ohio
which arc of no vnluo to you. niftiest
prices paid for Old (iolil. SIlTrr. Old
Watches, Hroken Jewelry, nnd l'rucloas
Stont'3. Mane; Sent bj Return Mall.
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Rare Bargain
On receipt of eame the Cititen will
be sent you twice a. weelc or troai
mow until January 1, 1911,
and Builder
SEND 95g