The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 19, 1912, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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i tilt v.lilAh., lIULAY, A PHIL 10, 11)12.
Send-Weekly Founded 1UU8; Weekly lundcU ,1HM.
Published Wednesdays aud Fridays by the Citizen Publishing Company.
Entered as Bocond-class matter, at the postolllco. Honesdalo, Pa.
n. DORrLiNOr.n,
M. n. ALLEN,
Our friends who favor us ici'fft contributions, and desire to have the same re
umtd, should in every case enclose stamps for that putjme.
Ail nnitpca nf nhnws. or other entertainments held for the purpose ol
making monoy or any Items that contain advertising mattor, will only bo
Emitted to thin nanor on navniont of regular advertising ratos. Notice
of entertainments for the boneflt of churches or for charitable purpose!
where a fee is charged, will he published at iiair rates, uaras oi manna,
SO cnU, memorial poetry and resolutions of respect will be chnrged for at
th rato of a cent o word. Aaveriising rates on nppuuuuuu.
Welcome is that visitor who appreciates tho value of another's tlmo.
Advertising is gradually "being reduced to a science. That Is, tho pub
lishers aro realizing and tho merchants are learning that newspaper adver
tising is the selling of space that has a fixed valuo tho samo as staplo arti
cles of merchandising. The time has gono by when any store can hope to
bo a success except on tho one-price systom. The city dally papers, tho
magazines and the best conducted weekly papers havo adopted the same
methods in regard to advertising space and havo their rates so that all
business men can know just what they get. The publisher should know
what space is worth in his paper based on tho cost of production.
The suggestion of tho Board of Trade in conducting a market for
tho farmers of Wayne county meets with the general approval oi tno puu-
lic. It would mean more monoy for the farmer and more (business for tho
merchant. Trade that is now going out of Honesdale would be returned
and it would be better for all concerned.
It 'has been stated many times that If the farmers of Wayne county
would devote some of their timo and attention to apple culture they would
to richer at the end of the year than they arc now. In order that the
readers of The Citizen may .become better acquainted with tho possibilities
in this respect articles will be printed in this paper from time to time
enlightening the farmers on the subject.
There is a big future in store for those who will engage in the culti
vation of apples, that if they use common sense and take advantage of
the experiences of those who are but now reaping the beneilts of their
experiments. There are so many arguments In favor of raising apples In
Wayne county that 'it could not be told in a single edition of The Citizen
Wo believe if the readers of the rural districts who are contemplating set
ting out now orchards will carefully read this paper that they will find
considerable valuable information on tho subject of apple culture from
men of experience. W. H. Bullock, district horticulturist, says Wayne
county is fast falling into line and .before many years tho majority of the
farmers will foe spraying and pruning their trees and raising apples on a
scientific basis.
yors WhtTliavo handled tho caso thus far should handlo It boforo tho tri
bunal1' of tho peoplo. in fact tliov could hardly afford, nor could tholr
clients, 1 unless .eklronioly- wealthy, afford to iieop them on Jtho BtUnip
throughout tho statujdurlng n campaign of weeks or months. ' And 'again,
wnno a lawyer mignt no very learned in tno law and bo ablo to rnaKp a
logical argument boforo tho courts, ho might ho n very poor campaigner. It
would eeom, thoroforo, that tho partlos In lntorcst might omploy a choapor
but probably no less offoctivo grado of talent to present their causes to the
pcoplo. Such an advocato should be a ready talker, effcctlvo In appoallng
to tho sentiment, tho sympathies and tho passions of tho populaco, quick
witted, a good mlxor, hall-follow-well-mct, tho kind of man who Is plauslblo
and who makes frlonds. Wo all know such men. As a rulo thoy aro not
engaged In particularly profltablo employment. Their services could
doubtless bo readily obtained at a 'reasonable compensation. In a short
tlmo they would form a class by themselves, as having a distinct occupa
tion. They would doubtless organlzo themselves Into n body, surround
tholr profession with proper safeguards and adopt a namo for tholr calling.
Wo look to sco an offer of a prlzo for tho most appropriate nama.
Sermons on the prevention of consumption will bo preached in thous
Ands of churches on April 28 which the National Association for the Study
and Prevention of Tuberculosis, has set aside a Tuberculosis iDay.
Last year out of 200,000 churches in the United States, over 50,000
observed Tuberculosis Day, and millions of churchgoers were told about
this disease from the pulpit. This year will be the third observation of
Tuberculosis Day. Plans are being made to have the Gospel of Health
preached more widely than ever before.
The movement will be pushed through the GOO anti-tuberculosis asso
ciations allied with the National Association and through the boards of
health, women's clubs, and other organizations in hundreds of cities and
towns throughout the country. Through these various bodies tho churches
will he reached and interested in the tuberculosis campaign.
According to reports gathered by the National Association in 1911
practically 10 per cent, of all deaths in church organizations are caused 'by
tuberculosis. In a study of 312,000 communicants of 725 churches in
which there were 7.000 deaths In' 1910, the death rato among these church
members was found to be 2.24 for every thousand communicants. This is
higher than the rate for the Registration Area of the United States which
was 1.C0 In 1910.
" While these statistics," says the National Association, "are not com
parable from the point of view of accuracy with those of the Bureau of
Uie Census, sufficient credence may bo given to them to indicate that one
of the most serious problems the ordinary church has to consider is that
of the devastation of its membership by tuberculosis. Every minister in
tho United States should give this subject some attention during the week
preceding or that .following April 30."
The sinking of the Titanic steamer of the White Star line, the most
costly and palatial of all vessels afloat, carrying down with it more
than one thousand helpless souls, Is appalling. It is an incident that will
blacken the pages of history for ages to come. One cannot imagine, -and
in fact does not want to try to realize the awful agony tho passengers
aboard experienced when it was known thoro was no possible way of
escape. That brave. God-fearing men faced death and went down In tho
leep, black cold waters to an untimely end, leaving loved ones behind,
In something that might have been avoided If sufficient life saving appar
atus had been carried on board tho Titanic.
Owing to the scarcity of boats, rafts and life preservers It is alleged
that tho White Star line may bo charged with criminal neglect. It Is claim
od that many passengers met tho awful death of drowning by not (being
eupplied with preservers and were unable to get Into tho boats. It Is our
opinion that it would havo beon better by far had somo of tho money
that had been expended lavishly for amusements been convertod Into
steel and placed in tho bow of tho boat as an extra precaution against
possible collisions with other vessels or icebergs. The toll has been paid,
many notables sacrificing their lives for women and children. Those who
went down to the almost fathomless depths of tho ocean wero all gallant
men. There were heartbreaking scenes upon tho Titanic when fathers
and mothers, husbands nnd wives and children kissed goodbye. Somo
did not leave loved ones and with scarcely any warning in tho darkness
of that awful night tho Titanic plunged down to tho bottom of the Atlan
tic Ocean, where it now rests two miles below tho surface.
Tho world at large mourns with tho widows and orphans in tho bereavement.
When Ex-President Roosevelt succeeds In having tho several states
of the Union adopt n constitutional amendment -providing for the recall of
decisions, he will havo opened up possibilities which should lead to a very
attractive, and perhaps a profltablo occupation. It will ho remembered that
tho Colonel'B proposition Is to glvo to tho persons Interested a right of ap
peal (from the decisions of tho highest court In a stato to tho peoplo gen
erally when constitutional questions aro Involved. But who shall advocato
tho causo of tho partlos In interest to tho people? Every caso that goes to a
higher court, whothor constitutional questions aro Involved or not, must
havo Its parties plaintiff and defendant. Whon tho appeal Is taken from tho
court to the people tho caso will still havo Us parties plaintiff and defend
ant, and as tho peoplo bollovo that ono or tho other is Tight thoy will so
docldo tho caso by tholr votes. Up to the tlmo of tho appeal It will havo
ibeen the duty of tho lawyers to arguo the caso In tho courts on matters of
law. But when tho decision of thq court Is appealed from It Is apparont
that tho caso has gono beyond tho domain of law, that tho peoplo who aro
hearing tho caso on appeal are not concerned with tho legal points,, and
would not havo tho necessary knowledge to understand thorn or decide
them If they wero concerned. It is not necessary thoroforo that tho law-
No Rcllcctlon on Mr. Greene.
Editor Citizen,
Dear Sir: 1 would like to say
through tho columns of Tho Cltlzon
that 1 do not believe tho voters of
tho county wished to cut 'Mr. Greeno
In any sense. Wayno county voters
wanted Mr. 'Roosevelt and 'Mr. Greene
was sacrificed. Wo still want him
for Congressman-at-Large.
Respectfully yours,
Tho Scranton Tribune-Republican
was a most ardent, faithful and hon
est supporter of tho candidacy of
Colonel Roosevelt during the canvass
preceding the late primaries, and
The Citizen desires to extend con
gratulations to that paper for tho
fairness with which It conducted Its
effort In behalf of the Colonel. Wo
do this with tho knowledge that the
Tribune-Republican exerted some In
fluence among tho voters In certain
portions of Wayno county.
Tho following article appeared in
the above paper after the primaries,
extending congratulations to its co
workers in the Interest of Mr. Roose
velt: All those wno had a share in tho
victory for Mr. Roosevelt on Satur
day are deserving of congratulations
for more reasons than one. In the
very nature of the case tho support
of Mr. Roosevelt has been largely
duo to sincere attachment to tho
man and his principles. The peo
ple who care for him havo no inter
est in 'his candidacy apart from
their Interest in tho cause.of popular
government. Thoso who have in a
more especial way led the Roose
velt flght could have been inspired
by no other motives than aro proper
to any man who champions a cause.
The ordinary impulses of men who
have jobs to keep wero absent.
In a larger wny tho leaders Identi
fied with the Roosevelt cause are the
beneficiaries of a personal popularity
nnd enthusiasm. Tlicy will do well
not to overestimate tho importance
of their own work in luinninj; alxnit
tho victorious result. Every man
who has ventured to support Mr.
Roosevelt must admit that Mr.
Roosevelt's superb leadership lias
conferred on liim moro than it has
derived from lilm.
The Tribuno-Republlcan for Itself
takes pride In recalling tho fact that
it has uttered no abusive word, nor,
so far as wo know, resorted to a
single trick or device that could of
fend the sense of fairness in any
man whether he agreed with our
position or not.
All honor to the Taft supporters
of Lackawanna county. They put up
a good fight and a lair flght. They
are sincere and will no doubt bow
to the will of the majority, just as
they would have expected the fol
lowers of Colonel Roosevelt to do
In case Mr. Taft had been tho win-
To close out a few single and odd
lot tailor suits for Misses and Chil
dren Menner fc Co. will sell them
at half price. 31t4.
The conviction of Mrs. Jennie
Brink, of Dunmoro, on which she was
sentenced to ono year in the county
jail, was sustained -Monday by tho
superior court In an 'opinion handed
down in Pittsburg.
Sho was twice tried at tho Decem
ber sessions last in this court. Tho
first was before Judge Evans, of
Bloomsburg. Tho jury, after being
out all night, disagreed. That was
in tho first week of tho term. Sho
was called again tho second week
before Judge MeClure, of Lewis
burg, and found guilty.
Sentence of ono year was Imposed
tho week before Christmas. Her
counsel, R. II, Holgato and Claronco
Balentine, secured a supersedeas
from tho superior court on appeal,
and tho caso was argued in March
when the superior court sat in Scran
ton. Mr. Holgato argued for Mrs.
Brink and Assistant District Attor
ney Donahoe for the commonwealth.
Mrs. Brink's conviction was tho
outcomo of much complaint against
her method of conducting tho Ex
change hotel at Dunmoro corners.
Tho court took her license away in
August, 1911, but the warning was
unheeded and tho place wns run even
worso than boforo.
If tho supremo court grants an ap
poal from tho adjudication of tho su-
Best Stomachs
in the World
People who dopond upon MI-O-NA
to keep them free from stomach
misery always havo clean stomachs
free 'from fermentation.
'MI-O-NA stomach tablets will drivo
out gas, sourness and stomnch dis
tress In ilvo minutes. Poll, tho drug
gist, guarantees thorn.
They will absolutely put an end
to Indigestion and mako tho stom
nch sturdy and strong if used ns di
rected. For all stomach ailments and for
nervousness, loss of appotito, night
mare, dizziness, overeating, drink
ing, and for all diseases caused by
upset stomach, MI-O-NA is guaran
teed. A largo box CO cents at G. W.
Poll's, tho druggist, and druggists
perlor court Mrs. Brink will .have an
other chnnco to escapo going to Jail.
Sho has beon out slnco Christmas
ovo on ball, pending tho appeal to
tho superior court, after serving but
a few days of tho sentence.
Albany, N. Y. Tho expenses of
Colonel Roosovelt's campaign In New
York city for delegates to tho na
tional Republican convention were
$59,125.75, according to tho report
of tho Roosevelt league, filed with
tho secretary of stato Wednesday.
George W. Perkins, Frank A. Mun-
sey and Alexander S. Cochran each
contributed J 15,000 towards the expenses.
-r-r -r-r-t--r-r -r-r-r-f-r-r-r
-t- 4
t- Corrected Every Thursday
-r By ' t
-r J. H. Stcgncr' & Sons. -f
Full Crew Bill is Held Constitutional
Harrlsburg. Tho Dauphin coun
ty court In a decision given Tuesday
holds that tho full crew act of 1911
is not unconstitutional, .but Is a
proper exercise of the police power
of tho State. The court in its de
cision follows tho lines of tho de
cisions of tho courts of Arkansas and
Indiana, which wero upheld by the
Supreme Court of tho United States.
The court analyzes tho act and
holds that it is not confiscatory and
that the legislature In providing for
equipment of solid mail or express
trains, which It had been contended
was not germane to the law because
not set forth In tho title, wns clearly
within its powers, as it provided for
facilities for men to get on and off
trains and to handlo them.
Sixty-eight requests for findings of
fact and conclusions of law aro an
swered by the court.
Asparagus, bunch
Cucumbers, each
Strawberries, qt.
Celery, California, stalk
Lettuce, head
Lettuce, curly
Parsley, bunch
Cauliflower, head
Radishes, bunch.
Swcot Potatoes, 2 qts.
White Cabbage, lb.
Potatoes, Wayno Co., pk.
Now Potatoes, pk. '
Onions, qt.
Onions, green bunch
Beets, qt.
Shlvcs, bunch
Carrots, qt.
Parsnips, qt.
Hickory Nuts, pk.
Tomatoes, qt.
Oranges, Navols, per -dot.
Bananns, per doz.
Lemons, doz.
'Egg plant, each
Roe Shad
Buck Shad
Cut Shad
St. Cod
Clams, doz.
No. 1 Norway Mackerel
No. 2 Norway Mackerel
Salmon, salt
Log Bloaters
Bluellesh, lb.
than eight Inches, number unlimit
ed: Blinfish tinnrntvtrwt. it,n
chubs or fnll fish unprotected: class-
uu ua iuua nan 10 do taKen at any
nmo wun rou ana nne or hand line,
aunuay excepted.
Monncr & Co. havo on hand to soil
n n.,lii...l 1 I - .
x. w vw avr uutjiwto uuu VUllUIClli 111 U
cuts. 31t4
Now is tho time to begin the flght
against the house fly. For every fly
that you kill this month you will re
duce tho fly population in the sum
mer by several billions.
One fly on an average lays in a
season twelve sets of eggs. At the
lowest estimate sixty flies are hatch
ed from each laying. It is fair to
say that 50 per cent, of the eggs
hatched will 'bo females. Each fe
male will inturn hatch sixty flies.
Theso will beget others, so that in
ono season a single fly will by a
most conservative count havo pro
duced seven millions of files.
Just as tho boo gathers pollen
from the Howers, on Its legs, so does
tho fly collect germs. Typhoid fe
ver, tuberculosis, and many other
diseases are carried in this way
from tho sick room to your home.
Wherever there is filth there tho fly
swarms. The fly Which lights upon
your Hps may menace your llfo with
disease germs. Tho flies that buzz
about your kitchen or your dining
room may literally be poisoning
your food.
As a matter of self-preservation,
therefore, start right now to kill
tho solitary flies which, if given a
chance, will beget billions of their
kind. Karl do Schwelnltz, Execu
tive Secretary of the 'Pennsylvania
Society lor the Prevention of Tuberculosis.
And Wo Can Prove It.
Tho Lelno's Drug Storo says to
every person bo it man, woman or
child who has an irritated, tendor,
Inflamed, itching SKIN or SCALP,
you need not suffer another day.
"Wo havo a refined skin preparation
that acts instantly and will bring
you swift and sure results."
Ono warm bath with ZEMO SOAP
and ono application of ZEMO and
you will not suffer another moment
and you will soon seo a euro In sight.
ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP aro prov
en cures for every form of skin or
scalp affection. Thoy aro sold by
ono leading druggist in ovory city
or town In America and in Hones
dalo by A. M. Lolno's drug storo.
When Fish May ho Taken.
Following is a list of tho flsh that
may ibo taken in tho Interior waters
of Pennsylvania, showing open sea
sons, number and sizo to be taken in
one day, and how they are caught.
Trout, any species savo lake
trout, no less than six Inches, 40 in
one day, limited to ono rod and line,
from April 15 to July 31, inclusive.
Black bass, largo or small mouth,
not less than eight inches, 12 In one
day; rock bass, white bass, straw
berry or grass bass, crapple, not less
than six inches, 25 in one day; from
Juno 15 to November 30 inclusive.
Blue pike, pike porch, otherwise
called wall eyed pike or Susquehan
na salmon, pickerel; not less than 12
inches, 25 in ono day, from Juno 15
to December 31 Inclusive.
Striped bass or rock flsh. not less
Pov If CI ITnrfmriT, nt Wilt....,
Tlnrrn will nfflplntn nt Clmnn TnlnAn
inn cmirrii. nunfi.iv. rtnn v.. nt 1 1
Rector. Holy Communion nt. R n
tti . Mnrnlnp Qnpvlnn 1 fl 1 fl t.n.
ing service at iu aunuay scnoo
at 12 M.
lfov H ll lUnrtmnn nt
T , .. ...,11 1.1 .. .., 1 .1 T 1 I
urciiaru sonoui iiuuso aunuay, Apn
I. , II . . All 1 . I . I . .
OPP. POST OFFICE, Honesdale, Pa.
its me aeeos you 50
ine oesc itesuits arc occurea rrom our oupenor yuuiicy
DAlSkl QKflan Caoc
They are the best money can buy
Clover and Timothy Seed, the best recleaned stock
h 4MWBflB iinvii m fine n mMiuviiv
n b wfl b n utm wk m mma b hhbbihiii
um ug mm i ui i mn miAiui
will give you best results and produce a thick and matty lawn.
The Satisfaction Giving Qualities Of
Classify It distinctly as tho flour par excellence. Thoro are many
brands, but only ono "Niagara Spray." Try a bag or barrel of It.
Wholesale and Retail
Light Driving Harness
$12 to
Light Double Harness
j;.$25 to
Fancy Surrey Harness
S18 to
Express or Milk Harness
$16 to
Farm Team Harness
All styles $28 to
Our Harness Business Increases Each Month. There is a Reason.
Leavo us fit collars on your horses. Our collar man Is an oxport and will fit your norsea perfectly. Wo
carry over 400 sizes and styles of collars. If you iiavo had collar trouble, try us.
Wo havo a full lino of strap wo rk, pads and horso clothing at prices you can afford to pay. Wo eharpei
clipper knives.
Murray Company
Everything for the Farm
ii i - i n
unnnnnnin 11
ri 1 1 iim ii hi M r