i PAGE 0 rn oiTianN, wkdxhsday, aimul 17, 1012. INGLEHART. (Special to The Citizen.) Inglehart, April 13. V. B. Case, of Welcomo Lake, doesn't Rain a bit. Ho had Dr. Skin nor of Port Jorvls, "Monday, April 8, and ho said that thcro was not much hopo for him. Prod Wood assisted Charles Yatho In sawing wood Wednesday. Mrs. W. Hector spent a few days with Tier parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Brannlng. Mrs. 51. Fullcborn gavo 'her llttlo daughter, Helen, a surprise party Saturday, April C, on her fifth iblrth day. After all of the chlldron had all gathered at 3:30 they served Ice cream, cake, candles and peanuts. Those present 'were: Violet 'Wood, Corral Hrannlng, Philip and Allco Ilrannlng, Emmons Perkln, Ethel, Jessie, Kuth, Clarence, Gwert, Allco, William, Edythe and William War wick. Alvln Holllcld, IMabel Hran nlng, Hazol Gevert, and tho mem bers of the family. Mr. and 'Mrs. E. A. Caso and son, Chris, and William Marsh made, a business trip to Honcsdale Wednes day. Mrs. A. Warring is helping tako caro of V. li. Case. Fred Wood of this place has pur chased a horse of Harry Wood. Chas. 'Wood of this place, has tak on possession of his now homo at this place. THE TiOST AHT OF SPEIIilXG. Tho rising and oven the risen gen erations cannot spell. Our school children cannot spell, our college graduates cannot spell. ' The dean of a post-graduate department of ono of our universities complained a few years ago that the men who came before him to qualify to study a profession could not spell. The trustees of ono of our largo Institu tions, which by its charter requires all Its officers to possess tho degree of Bachelor of Arts (even that of B.S. not being accepted) find that the aforesaid B.A.'s, when confront ed by the severe mental effort of writing necessary reports, cannot spell. So Insurmountable, is the dif ficulty, that tho advocates of sim plified spelling join forces with the advertisers in search of a trade mark, and both of them affront our eyes and insult our intelligence with their horrid makeshifts. Tho fault cannot be entirely that of the English language. Fifty years ago the case was different, as Is proved by the survivors from that primitive period. Your grandmoth er if you are lucky enough to have ono may not know tho difference between the subjective and the ob jective, but she can spell. Let us see if we can find the reason. Grandmother, when she was a girl, may have lived in the country. It so, she went to spelling-bees. If she was educated in city schools she took part in monthly spelling con tests, In which team contended against team, class against class, the teachers joining in the game. In those benighted days, even the boarders in summer hotels played spelling games, and are said to have enjoyed them. There was system atic drill In what was recognized as a difficult and valuable art. In the memory of some of us who are not grandmothers, spelling was taught by a graduated system be ginning with the phonetic value of the letters. The spelling-books we recognize it now were designed to make learning easy. Long lists of words of similar sound but with dif ferent letters were given, and possi bly with one or two exceptions or variations sandwiched in. The ear and tho mind, from frequent repeti tion, grew accustomed to a certain combination, and, once learned, it was never forgotten. To-day I tako up tho spelling-book of a child just out of the Kindergar ten and attempt to bear him his les son. What do I see? A list of " Things to Use on the Table." Ho spells "bread," "salt," and "knives." Ho goes back, studies it again, and again sticks at "knives." Why should knives be spelled as it is? Ho cannot understand. The fact that it is something to use on the table does not help him. I turn to the preface of the book to seo if I can And what Uosetti would call " the fundamental brainwork " underly ing tho system, and learn that spelling, forsooth, should bo taught " by an association of ideas!" Now, spelling Is not an association of ideas. It Is an association of sounds. If you teach it by associa tion of the idea of sound, well and good. Why should tho child be rob bed of the help which association of sounds would glvo him? Why should each word bo made an exception and have to be learned by a distinct mental process? Why aro the theo ries of PestolozzI and Froebel thus clumsily misapplied? Tho framers of tho old-fashioned memory-systems depended on tho as sociation of ideas, and justly so, for they taught lists of unrelated words. They would have been tho last to de pond on It for the teaching of Eng lish spelling. They would have been tho first to claim tho help of tho linked chain of similar sound. Let us thank our lucky stars that wo were educated before tnero was an effort to make learning pictures que. Those of us who wept over "'Reading Without Tears" have reap ed ono advantage: wo can at least write a letter without looking In the dictionary. Mary 'Eleanor Roberts In Llpplncott's. I. S. .MUST PAY FOU PATENT. Supremo Court Kules French Inven tor is to (Set Si:i!,0(. Washington, April 14. For tho uso of tho patented "Do Bango gas check" on Its cannon in tho army and navy, tho United States Govornmnt was today held llablo by tho Su premo court of tho United States to pay I13G.000 to the owner of tho French Invention. It is said that such a dovico 1b in dispensable in breech loading guns, In order to rehmetlcally seal tho preech at tho instant of explosion of tho powder charge, so as to cut off the escape- of gases to the Tear. What Impressed Him. 'So you got tho opinions of two lawyors on tho caBo. Were their opinions tho same?" "Yes; 50 each." Boston Transcript. FORMING AN AEROPLANE CIRCUIT OF 1,810 MILES. Clubs In Stven States Interested. Prizes Expected to Total $100,000. The Aero Clnb of America, with tho co-operation of tho nero clubs of Illi nois, Mlchlgnn, Mllwnukco, Knnsas City, St. Louis, Indiana, Cincinnati And Ohio, Is organizing an aeroplane circuit of 1,810 miles, which will be held In tho month of August and will be known ns tho Great American cir cuit. Chicago will be the starting and fin ishing point of the circuit. Tho route proposed Is Chicago-Milwaukee, 80 miles; Cedar Itaplds, 200 miles; Des Moines, 120 miles; Omaha, 100 miles; St. Joseph, 120 miles, Kansas City, -10 miles; Jefferson City, x 123 miles; St. Louis, 100 miles; Charleston, 125 miles; Indianapolis, 100 miles; Cincin nati, 100 miles. Columbus, 00 miles; Cleveland, 131 miles; Toledo, 100 miles; Detroit, CO miles; Chicago, 220 miles. Stops will be made nt each city where there will be a "control" or sta tion and possibly nt other cities. Tho circuit Is to bo open to nil licensed pilots of nil nationalities who will be free from injunction under tho Wright patents. The prizes probably will amount to $100,000 and will lncludo n grand prize of $2r,000, second prize of $5,000, third prize of $2,500. Other prizes will bo: For first nnd second machines to reach each con trol; special prizes for American built and flown machines; first to arrive and for (a) least horse power1 to complete course; (b) passenger carrying; (c) first to flash a wireless message to a con trol; (c-1) greatest number of wireless messages delivered; (d) best maps made en route nnd description of con ditions, etc.; (el first aeroplane fitted with stabilizer to nrrlve; (f) most com pletely equipped machine. WILL BHNKFIT THE STATE. UTAH'S GUNS SET A RECORD. Dreadnought Shoots Targets Away, Beating tho Whole World. According to reports which reached the navy department from the Atlan tic fleet, the battery of twelve ten-inch guns on tho Dreadnought Utah in re cent target practice completely de stroyed the targets on tho third day's individual firing, and, although the ship continued firing at nothing in accord ance with the regulations, thero is no knowing whether the gunners did not keep up this record of 100 per cent. Every shot was a hit up to the time tho target was swept away, according to the umpires. Tho Utah seems to have broken all world's records in long distance firing. Tho distnuce was 11,000 yards, or six and a half miles, while the ship was steaming In squadron at a speed of fif teen knots, the movements of tho tar gets being unknown at time of firing. PAYS $3,500 FOR $5 COIN. Half Eagle Minted In 1815 Only Three Others In Existence. II. O. Grantors, a wealthy mining broker of Csbkosb, Wis., paid $3,500 for a five dollar gold piece of the Unit ed States minted In 1S15. The coin was purchased from Max Mehl of Fort Worth, Tex., a numismatist. This coin in 1000 was sold for $1,000 and a year later was sold nt a Philadelphia auc tion to Mehl for 2,000. There are only three other 1815 five dollar gold pieces in existence. Ono is owned by V. Brand, a rich Chicago brewer; an other by John C. Clapp, a millionaire of Washington, while tho fourth is in tho United States treasury. It is said that the price paid for this half eagle Is tho next highest price ever paid for a coin, tho highest price being $3,C00 paid for an 1801 United States dollar by a New York jewelry firm. TO OPEN WAR COLLEGE MAY 31 Captain Rogers, U. S. N., Announces Tentative Program. Captain William L. Rogers, TJ. S. N., president of the naval war college, has aunounced the tentative program for reopening the college Friday, May 31, the members of the class assigned re porting nnd arranging their quarters on that day. The course will open regularly June 1 nnd will last four months Instead of three, and it is expected that either the secretary of tho navy or tho assist ant secretary will bo present to make an opening address. It is expected the class this year will remain over for tho long course of twelve months, which will bo inau gurated at the close of tho short term. UNIVERSITY FOR ATLANTA. Attempt Made to Reorganize Institu tion Abandoned Years Ago. A Presbyterian university, to cost probably 500.000, will bo located In Atlanta, Gu. Tho institution will be u reorganization of old Oglethorpe uni versity, which was founded In 1S30 at Mllledgovlllo, moved to Atlanta in 1870, but several years later was forced to close. Forty-two A41antans havo pledged $1,000 each ns a starting point in the reorganization, nnd these, with eight others, will form tho first directorate of tho university. It is expected that actual construction work will bo started within a year. Panama-Pacific Exposition Dates, Tho Panama-Pacific International ex position at San Francisco will open ou Feb. 20, 1015, and closo on Dec, 4, 1015. Proposed Improvement on tho Del nwnrc. Philadelphia, Pa., April 10. In tho introduction of an ordln anco in Councils to nppropriuta $B0, 000 for tho purpose of employing engineering exports nnd tho outlining of a comprohonslvo plan for develop ing tho port facilities nt Philadel phia, tho first stops havo been tak en toward tho carrying out of cxton sivo Improvements which aro bolng projected on -tho basis that tho Port of Philadelphia Js tho port of Ponn sylvnnla, and should, therefore, bo developed to a capacity for handling all of this State's Import and export trade. Tho fund is to bo placed at tho disposal of George W. Morris, Direc tor of the 'Department of Wharves and 'Docks, and undor his direction n. svflfoinntin nrnirrn,hi In tn lin wnrk- cd out, tho most Important features being recommendations as to reclam ation and improvement of land fori additional water frontage, types of now piers, nbd tho best methods for transferring cargoes from vessels to the trunk lino railroads. The initiative thus taken by Coun cils to develop tho Port of Philadel phia to tho almost unlimited com mercial capacity that its geographi cal advantages make possible, is re garded by those interested in tho 'Port as virtually pledging tho muni cipality to the fulfillment of tho rec ommendations that may bo made. Such a systematic plan has been 'followed by other ports in solving similar problems, and tho chief ob ject of the ordinance is understood to bo to eliminate any haphazard work which might only partially meet the needs, and which, if hastily effected without duo regard for fut ure developments, might prove later to have been an almost useless ex penditure. Tho general recognition now of tho fact that tho improvement of port fa cilities at Philadelphia is by no means a 'merely local question, but ono which, because of tho broad In terests it involves, is of equal or even greater Importance to tho whole of Pennsylvania, has added tho support of State and national as well as city officials to tho movement. United States Senator Penrose plainly Indicated his attitude (toward the port when, in a recent address promising his efforts to havo the Federal appropriation of $1,000,000 for 3C-foot channel work increased to $2,000,000, he said: " I take it that we all owe loyal support in tho great work of de veloping our river facilities. Tho Governor of this Commonwealth could not do a better thing than to bear in mind that tho Port of Phila delphia is, legany and practically, tho port of Pennsylvania. It belongs to tho citizens of the whole Common wealth and all aro directly interested in its developments. If, through ihis help, tho next Legislature could bo induced to make an appropriation (and I will not bo frightened at tho amount) that will help to bring about a fruition of tho plans which the Mayor and his Director of Wharves and Docks havo In mind, I for one will gladly aid toward that end." The first steps in this direction have been toward placing tho whole subject in the hands of a body of ex perts empowered to outline a definite program. Vast expenditures abroad, where the development of port facili ties has been carried out upon a more extensive scale than In any American port, with tho exception of tho Port of New York, have, almost without exception, been under tho guldanco of a body of experts who gavo their entiro time to the study of all phases of the problems in volved. In Liverpool, where $150,000,000 has been spent in port improve ments, and where projected improve ments will entail tho expenditure of $50,000,000 more, tho work has been carried on by tho Mersey Docks and Harbor Board. In tho last decado American ports havo adopted similar methods for ac complishing their unprecedented ex pansion. A $9,000,000 initial ap propriation by tho State of Massa chusetts for tho further develop ment of tho Port of Boston has been placed irt tho hands of a recently created Board of 'Harbor Commis sioners. Connecticut lias also estab lished a State Board to report how tho best results may be had in tho expenditure of a $1,000,000 State appropriation for improving tho har bor and port of New London. In Seattle, Wash., where tho peo plo In a special olection recently ap proved an $8,000,000 bond issuo for port development, a soparato corpor ate Dody was created, known as the Port District, governed by tho Port Commission. And on tho Gulf tho Commissioners of tho Port of Now Orleans superintended tho expendi ture of $4,250,000. Several tentatlvo plans for the comprehensive, development of tho Port of Philadelphia 'havo already been suggested, and it is In response to tho widespread Interest and ac tivity in behalf of these projects that Philadelphia Councils havo taken tho lnitlativo to secure tho earliest possl blo results along a consistent plan, eacli development of which is to bo taken up as rapidly as money be comes available for tho purpose. DR. E. F. SCANLON The Only Permanent lteslilcnt Rupture Specialist In Hcrnnton. 20 cars' Success In tills City. GuringRupture,Varicocele, Hydrocele, Piles, and Flstnln, Diseases of Men-Cured forever without opera tion or detention from business. I Dr. K. F. Scnlon pays: "Trusses will not cure rupture." Como to mo and I will euro you so you will not need to wear a truss. INTERVIEW OH WRITE ' THESE CURED PATIENTS: Thomas I,. Smith, Orson, Wnync Co., Pa. Hupture. l'etcr Si. Allen. 22 Seventh Ave,, Carbondalc. I 'a. Hydrocele. Ollbcrt II. Knnpp, Aldcnvlltc, Wayno Co.. Pn. Rupture. J. It. Meconium, fi.11 North Lincoln Avenue Scranton, Pa. Hupture. Davis A. Oaylord, Pleasant Mount, Wayne Co.. Va. Hupture. Olllco Hours: 8a.m. to fi p. m and 7 to 9 D. in.. Sunilnys, 12 to 1 p. m. Satisfactory nrraiicements may be made for credit. Consultation nnd Kxamlnntlon Free. OFFIC'KS-433 Linden St.. SCKANTON. PA. Urges Universal Alplinbet. Washington, D. C. Alexander Graham Bell, appearing before tho House Committeo on Forolgn Affairs recently, urged adoption of a resolu tion requesting tho Secretnr; of tho Interior to mako Inquiry regarding tho advisability and practicability of an International agreement on a uni versal alphabet Intended to represent tho sounds of speech after a uniform system. " You havo no Idea of tho absurdi ties of our speech," Bald Mr. Boll. " For Instance, o-n-o-u-g-h spoils enuff, wthoreas p-l-o-u-g-h spells plow. A foreigner might think that co-u-u-g-h spelled cow, but It does not." Ho said tho English languago was fast becoming tho commercial languago of tho world and could be come tho universal languago If standard pronounciatlon was adopt ed. Tho committeo took tuo view that tho Department of tho Interior already had power to conduct tho in vostlgatlon. RHEUMATISM r Dr. Whitehall's For 15 years a Standard Ramedr for all form of Rheumatism, lombtgo, gont, sore muscles, stiff or swollen joints. It quickly rtlirree tits terera paln reduces tbe fertr, and eliminates the poison from tha ijreteco. 66 cents a box at dnifgiits. Wrtia for a Free Mai Bmx Dr. Whitehall Mogrlmlna Co. 188 8. LafayetO St. rth Bmtf, tod. THIS and THAT w HERE one man gets rich through hazarous speculation a hundred get POOR. w HERE one man stays poor by his slow methods of saving, a hundred get RICH. wise man chooses the better plan and places his money in this hank. HONESDALE DIME BANK, Honcsdale, Pa. H. F. Weaver Architect and Builder Plans & Estimates Furnished Residence, 1302 EastSt. J. E. HALEY AUCTIONEER Havo mo nnd snvo money. Wi attend sales anywhere in State, Address WAYMART.PA.CR. D.3 $49.50 TO CALIFORNIA, OREGON, WASHINGTON and PACIFIC COAST POINTS VIA ERIE R. R. March 1st to April 14, 1912 For full Information, call on Ticket Agent, Honesdalc. I'n. or apply to W. O. Itock, D. 1". A. Krie 11. It. Chambers St. Station, New York City. D. & H. CO. TIHE TABLE HONESDALE BRANCH A.M. SUN 8 30 io oo; 10 00 3 15 4 05 P.M. 6 40 5 50 5 64 tl 11 6 17 6 26 6 32 6 35 6 39 6 43 H 46 6 50, P.M. SUN 2 15 7 10 8 00 A.M. 8 45' 8 55 8 59 9 18 9 24 9 32 9 37 9 39 U 4.1 9 47 9 SO 9 65 A.M. 10 00 10 00 12 30 4 40 5 30, P.M. 6 20 6 30 6 34 6 62 6 68 7 07 7 13 7 16 7 20 7 21 7 271 7 31 P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A. M A.M. 2 15 12 30! 1 19 P.M. 2 05 2 15 2 19 2 37 2 43 2 62 2 57 2 59 3 03 3 0 3 10; 3 15 P.M. 4 30 6 05 A.M. 2 15 7 10 7 65 A.M. 8 45' 8 65 8 59 9 18 9 24 9 32 9 37 9 39 9 43 9 47 9 50 9 55 P. M. .... Albany .... Illnshamton Philadelphia. Wllkes-Ilarre. ....Scranton.... Lv Ar Carbondale .... ...Lincoln Avenue.. Whlte3 Farview Canaan LakcLodore ... ... . Waymart Keene Steene Prompton Fortenla , Seelyvllle ..... Ilonosdale ... Ar 2 00 12 40 4 09 A.M 9 35 8 45 A.M H 05 7 51 7 50 7 33 7 25 7 nl 7 12 7 09 7 05 7 01 6 5S 6 65 Lv A.M P.M. A.M.i.... 10 sol. 8 451. 7 14 2 55 2 13 P.M. 1 35 1 25 1 21 1 03 12 66 12 49 12 43 12 40 12 36 12 32 12 29, 12 25 7 38 7 25 6 SO P.M, 5 50 5 40 6 34 5 18 6 11 5 56 4 5 4 55! 4 51, 4 471 4 441 4 40 P. M, SUN 10 50 00 ,V.M. SUN. 7 II 12 55 12 05 P.M..P.M., P.M. 11 25 11 14 11 10 10 53 11 45 10 37 10 32! 10 29 10 25 10 21 10 18 10 15 7 38 P.M. 10 OS 9 n P.M. 8 27 8 17 8 13 54 7 47 7 39 7 32 7 30 7 28 7 22 7 19 7 15 A.M. P.M. Advertise in THE CITIZEN F w. MOTOR CARS $ISOa F. Call and see the cars at E. W. Gammell9 Garage, Honesdale, or at F. E. Bortree9s Ariel., Pa FORD The Universal Car From "hero" to "thero" and back again one-third of tho motoring world will go tills year in Ford Cars. Sovonty-flvo thousand now Fords all alike put into service in a twelvemonth it's tolling testimony to their unequalled sorviceablencss and economy. Thoro is no other car like tho Ford Model T. It's lightest, lightest most economical. Tho tvro-imssenger cur costs but $500, f. o. b. Detroit, complete with nil equipment tho live passenger "hut $000. F. E. BORTREE, AGENT, Ariel, Pa.