The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 03, 1912, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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Our jr.
iunshine Department i
' Drannlng made a trip to Narrows
ourg last wook.
corral manning spent Sunday
with nor school mate, Alice War
Mr. and Mrs. William Marsh, of
weicomo iaKo, spent Sunday at Mr,
and Mrs. Frank Urannlne's.
Marshall Brannlng and William
Ainrsn urow logs Friday and Sat
tmiay to J. c. Caso's mill. They
mado good tlmo as tho sleighing
didn't last very lone.
Wo woro disappointed to seo tho
snow as wo had almost mado up
our minds that spring was hero, but
winter nas como onco more.
Mr. and Mrs. II, s. Whltmoro
visited at tho latter's mother, Mrs,
U. urown, of Beachlako. Frldnv.
She has been very poorly for tho past
Frank Wood, of Lackawaxon,
called on friends Saturday and Sunday.
A number of tho young pooplo at
tended tho candy social and danco
Saturday night at Silas Dextcr's.
V. D. Case, of Wclcomo Lake, Is
Improving very slowly. iH0 has had
a long solgo of Blckncss.
Flossie Buddenhagen Is spending
a fow days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Buddenhagen.
Not Flowers For the Iilvlag
Jtathcr Than Uio Dead.
lth increasing freauoncy. it will
round, death notices announcing
Is and places of funorals, closo
a request that Howors bo omit
In other ways. too. there Is
hod a tendency to dinnrt from thn
lino customs at funerals. In tho
of flowors. however, tho obicc-
to having tho houso filled with
l after a death in the family Is
ring rapidly. Too often it Is tho
I during tho sickness and tho days
ming mo death of a member or
amily there is llttlo in tho wnv
. -
I oral remembrances from cither
ly, other relatives or friends to
tho patient. Just whv all ex-
Mon which tho Mowers aro in-
IkI to convey should be nost-
untll after death when If they
Iieen sent during llfo they would
i gratefully received is hnrd to
lin. Flowers heaped on tho
moan nothing to tho corpse,
are of little or no avail in as-
Ing tho grief of the living. But
llffcrently are they received Into
Ick room. Who can estimate tho
thoy bring when the sufferer
lln tho 'bunch of flowers loving
Inco that others sympathize with
In their illness? In view of the
that nine persons out of ten are
Ig to admit that they would pro
pose evidences of love or esteem
i they are alive and in a position
predate and derive some bene-
would not bo surprising to seo
lustoms of tho present day
lo materially in the very near
l'ducnting Fishermen.
Ito Fish Commissioner Nathan
hller has called upon tho war-
Ihroughout Pennsylvania to Join
liim In a campaign of education,
not only will include men who
the lakes and streams, but also
Iiy of tho latter are chareed
the responsibility of polluting
reams to a degreo that causes
h to disappear. If co-operation
.sir part can be secured much
lis certain to result, and
.8 will bo preserved to the
fcien that otherwise would bo
to them very soon.
kmissloner Buller recognizes
kt that unless the co-operation
public is secured, best results
he obtained, violations of
law will continue and it will
Iiossiblo to halt pollution of
s in tho effective manner de-
Ian Is being worked out, whero-
spcclal wardens will bo mado
its to tho regular wardens.
re only nine in number, thus
kg a much larger territory un-
rect supervision. Aid of the
liollco in enforcing tho laws
Yo "been promised. Planting
It and other flsh will begin as
Is the streams are free from
I (Special to Tho Citizen.)
Holllsterville. March 27.
sick in this section. 'Sauire
iHoiiister and wife and Mrs
Kens, aro about tho same.
Relchert spent a few days In
In last week, taking In the
ig M. E. conference.
M. P. Sunday school will ren-
baster program on Saturday
April o, at s p. m.
Sunday was ono of the un-
Itest days of tho winter.
A. R. Reichert will have rec-
Irvlces in tho M. P. church
linday at 11 a. m. Theme:
Sastern conference of tho M.
eh of which Salem and Sterl-
uit Is a part, will meet In
sslon at Paterson, N. J., on
Iday, April 3, at 10 a. m.
fclchert and his delegate, J.
le, or urener, expect to at-
ino meeting is called for tho
of ratifying the union of the
and New Jersey conferences
le instructing of tho general
pco delegates.
will be regular services In
!. church on Sunday evening.
Iiriscd at Newfoundland.
Iprlse party was given at tho
Mr and Mrs. J. II. Green on
evening, March 18, in hon-
leir daughter, Miss May, on
ii 'birthday A delightful
i had and refreshments were
pessent were as follows:
Mrs. J II. Green. Mr. and
IF Green, Mrs. "V. DIctz. Mr.
P Rohackcr, Misses Edith
r, Mao Heffley, Myrtle War-
lii Smith, Grace Smith, Anna
Jaura Ueohn, Faclo Grim,
Grim, May Green, Henriet
, Olive Green: Geo. Green,
Green, Lewis Green, 'Fred
friend Hoag. Lawrence
viai-j uui uruuii, JjOwjh no-
lloyd Robacker, Wallace
IJeo Gilpin, Laurenco Gracer,
iirr, lieo. Schaffer, Floyd
Clair Beesecker. Keneth
jink Schelbert, John Voesto.
llay Green was completely
During tho evening
all sorts were played after
to guests departed wlshlnc
more nappy uirthdays.
Physicians Give Free Advlco
AVliich Parents May Profit.
It was an association of gentle
men, professionally physicians and
chemists, all of whom were born in
tho drug trade, so to speak, and who
have been connected with It all their
lives, who first gavo to tho world
Castorla, which as every one knows
Is a pleasant and effective remedy
ior mo ailments or inrants and chil
dren. It has always been recocnlzed
as a meritorious preparation, and Its
reward nas uecn tho greatest popu
iarity ever enjoyed by any Temedy
ever put upon tho market; attained,
not by flamboyant advertising or ap
peals to ignorance or vulgar pre-
juuice, out oy inherent merit. All
physicians recommend it, and many,
very many, prescribe It.
'Many parents call In tho family
physician. Many other narents take
advantage or what the physician told
mem wnen ho was llrst called In con
sulfation. All good family physl
clans say: " GIvo tho children Cas
torla. Healthy parents know this
remedy of old, for they took it them
selves as children. It was more than
thirty years ago that Castorla made
a place for itself In tho household.
it horo the signature of Charles H
Fletcher then, as It does today. Tho
signature Is its guarantee, which is
accepted in thousands of homes
where there are children.
Much is printed nowadays about
big families. Dr. William J. Mc
Crann, of Omaha, Neb., is the father
or ono or these much-read-about fain
Hies. Here is what he says:
"As the father or tnirteen chll
dren I certainly know something
about your great medicine, and aside
rrom my own family experience I
have, in my years of practice, found
uastoria a popular and efficient rem
edy in almost every home."
Charles H. Fletcher has received
hundreds of letters from prominent
physicians who have the same esteem
for Castoria that Dr. McCrann has.
Not only do these physicians say they
use Castoria in their own families,
uui iney present) it for their pati
ents. First of ail It is a vegetable
preparation which assimilates tho
food and regulates the stomach and
Dowels. After eating comes sleeping,
and Castoria looks out for that too.
it allays ieverishness and prevents
loss of sleep, and this absolutely
wunom me use or opium, morphine
or other baneful narcotic.
Medical Journals are reluctant to
discuss proprietary medicines. Hall's
Journal of Health, however, says
"Our duty Is to expose danger and re
cord the means for advancing health.
The day for poisoning innocent chil
dren through greed or Ignorance
ought to end. To our knowledge
Castorla Is a remedy which produces
composure and health by regulating
tne system, not by stupefying It. and
our readers are entitled to tho in-
addition to tho stato sanatorium at
Mt. Alto. Horo tho patient can bo
tnkon caro of Just as woll as in Col
orado. Hero also ho Is near his
frlonds, nnd whon ho leaves tho san
atorium ho Is more llkoly to And
congenial work. Tho sanatoria of
Pennsylvania every year aro sending
homo scores of mon and women
whose tuberculosis has boon arrest
ed and who aro on tho road to
Why wasto money nnd strength In
a long Journey across tho country
when tho euro for consumption can
bo had In your own stato?
Special to Tho Citizen.)
Inglehart, March 27.
Id Hlller, ot ncachlako, vlsit-
homo or liis undo, Frank
Saturday and Sunday.
iBrannlng and son, Marshall
rhed their long winters Job
Imd starting props for Jere-rldgo.
Wood s Injured foot is 1m-
Tlend Oriflln has gone to
to tako charge of her now
tor husband Is a glass cut-
Is employed there.
ood has been very 111 with
Ibut Is Improving very nico-
jward Hill and Mrs. Frank
AVheelervJllo Subscriber Tells Why
nays, - jjeavo Oregon Alono and
Build Up Rural Homes."
Editor Tho Citizen,
Dear Sirs:
1 inclose clipping which I took
from the Umpqua Valley News, of
Roseburg, Oregon, under date of
March 11, 1912. Roseburg is tho
county seat of Douglas county and Is
tho headquarters for tho Portland
Laibor Council. As I havo lived in
Oregon twenty years, I positively
know as woll as many others that
Oregon Is the best place to " stay
away from." All tho stato has to
commend Is Its sunshine and you
can't Hvo on that and it is tlmo that
the laboring people tako up tho vork
and sent tho misguided strangers
away. Tho Oregoners Hvo on the
amount of money tho easterner will
bring In and this dinning Is sent to
open tho eyes of people who Intend
to invest in Oregon. Beforo doinc
so they had better confer -with tho
Oregon Labor Council, of Portland.
Oregon. Stay at homo and 'build
up your own rural homes and bo
happy. Tho expression, "Old worn
our soil of tho East" may bo truo but
a person who lias lived In Oregon
soon realizes that thero Is ifar better
soil hero and better markets than ho
finds there.
Pennsylvania air Js as effective as
Colorado air In curing consumption.
Many people still think that thoy
must go west In order to recover
from tuberculosis. Arizona, Now
Mexico, California and Colorado are
full of homesick exiles who might
Just as well bo taking treatmont near
their friends. Many a consumptive
has used up all his savings In pay
ing his railroad faro to tho West
only to ho forced to accept charity
from strangers when ho arrives
there. Besides tho worry of try
ing to earn a living under now con
ditions and among strangers is not
likely to Improve tho patient's
Thoro aro In Pennsylvania twenty-
lono pulillc and prlvato sanatoria In
A Statement of Facts Backed by a
Strong Guarantee.
We guaranteo Immediate nnd posi
tive relief to nil suffcrera from consti
pation. In every case where our rem
edy falls to do this we will return tho
money paid us for it. That's a frank
statement of facts, and wo want you
to substantiate them at our risk.
Rcxall Orderlies are eaten Just Ilka
candy, are particularly prompt and
agreeable In action, may be taken nt
any time, day or night; do not cause
dlnrrhcca, nausea, griping, cxcesslvo
looseness, or other undesirable effects.
They have a very mild but positive
action upon tho organs with which
they como In contact, apparently act
ing ns a regulative tonic upon the ro
laxcd muscular coat of the bowel, thus
overcoming weakness, and aiding to
restore tho bowels to more vigorous
and healthy activity.
Rexnll Orderlies nre' unsurpassablo
and ideal for the uso of children, old
folks nnd delicate persons. We can
not too highly recommend them to
all sufferers from any form of con
stipation and its attendant evils,
That's why wo back our faith in them
with our promise of money back if they
do not give entire satisfaction. Threo
sizes: 32 tablets 10 cents, 30 tablets 25
cents nnd 80 tablets CO cents. Remem
ber, you can obtain Rexall Remedies
only at our store Tho Rexall Store.
r IP
The OLDEST Fire Insurance
Agency in Wayne County.
Oflice: Second floor Mnnnnin Rnllrt
ing, over O. 0. Jadwin's drug store
The Jeweler
t would like to see you If I
you are In the market
T "Guaranteed articles only sold
tl "
O REAL ESTATE. -By virtue of process
Issued out of tho Court of Common
PloaB of Wayno county, and Stato of
Pennsylvania, and to mo directed
arid delivered, I havo levied on nnd
will expose to public salo, at tho
Court House In Honosdalo, on
FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1012, 2 1 M.,
All tho defendant's ' right, title,
and Interest in tho following de
scribed property viz:
All that certain lnt ntttmtn In ik.
vlllago of Hawloy (now tho Borough
of Hawloy) In tho county of Wayno
and Stato of Pennsylvania, bounded
mm uoscnocu as roiiows, to wit:
Beginning nt a post In tho eastorn
lino of Second street ( now Umlanti
street) in said borough at tho south
ern corner of lot number 21 on said
Hudson street as represented on the
map of that part of said borough
which Josoph Atkinson ot. ux. con
veyed to Stophen Torroy ct al.;
thenco by said lot north 49 degrees
east, 252 2-10 feet to a point;
thenco by lands of John S. Atkinson
south 53 degrees east, 51 1-10 feet
to a post; thenco by land of said
Jacob B. Fitch (now Ralph Martin)
south 49 degrees west, 263 feot to
a post in said eastorn lino of said
Hudson street and thenco nlong tho
samo north 41 degrees west, 50 feot
to tho place of Beginning, comprising
lot No. 22 on Hudson street as rep
resented on tho aforesaid map, and
containing 47 porches, 'bo the samo
more or less. Being part of tho
samo land which Josonh Atkinson nt.
ux. by two sepnrato indentures dat
ed respectively tho 4th day of Feb.
A. D. 1850, recorded In Deed Book
No. 18, page -G9. and naco 171. con
veyed to Stephen Torroy, Russel F.
Lord, Th. R. Tracy and Jacob B.
Fitch and by thorn conveyed to John
T. Decker by deed dated Juno 9,
1854, entered In tho offlco for the re
cording of deeds in and for Wayno
county In Deed Book No. 23, page
38, as by reference thereto will more
fully appear and being tho same
land John T. Decker et. ux. granted
and conveyed to iPatrlck Fleming
Dy oeeu dated tho 12th day of May,
18G9, and recorded in Deed Book,
io. .so, page zb.
Also one other piece or parcel of
land situate in Palmyra township
(now theliorough of Hawley) county
oi vvayne and 'State of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to
wit: Beginning at tho north-east
cornor of a lot of land owned ,by
jonn i . uecKer (and now owned by
Edward Nellln); thence south 41
degrees cast, 50 feet to lino of J. B.
Flntch land (now owned by Ralph
Martin); thence by said Ralph
Martin's land south 49 degrees west,
28 4-10 feet to tho line of the said
John T. Decker (now Edward Nallln)
thenco hy said land north 53 degs.
west 31 38-100 feet to tho place of
beginning; containing C 3-10 perches
more or less. Being the samo land
which John S. Atkinson et ux. grant
ed and conveyed to John T. Decker
by deed dated October 20. 1868. etc..
and "being tho samo John T. Decker
et. ux. granted and conveyed to Pat
rick Fleming, and being tho same
land which Patrick Fleming et. ux.
granted and conveyed to Edward
Nallln by deed dated July 22. 1903.
and recorded In Deed Book No. 91,
page 293.
Also all of tho interest of the said
Edward Nallln In and to a certain lot
of land on tho north side of tho be
foro described nieces of land nur-
chased by a parol contract from
Ralph Martin. Upon said promises
is a two-story frame houso and sev
eral out buildings.
Seized and taken in execution as
tho property of Ed. Nallln at tho suit
of E. L. Schlager. No. 29 October
Term, 1910. Judgment, 105.
Harmcs, Attornoy.
All tho defendant's right, tltlo
nnd Interest In tho following de
scribed property viz:
All tho right, tltlo nnd Interest of
Josoph Spellmnn, In three certain
lots of land sltuato In tho township
ot Texas, county of Wayno, and stato
of Pennsylvania, bounded and de
scribed as follows:
Tho FlrBt Lot Beginning on a
stnko In tho lino of Thomas Robin
son's land, corner ot land sold to
Wllllnm Whaling; thonco by land
of said Robinson south olehtv-snvon
degrees east four and four-tenth rods
to a stako; thenco by land of Mlch
ael O'Neill south four degrees east
seventeen and one-tenth Tods to a
heap of stones in tho northern lino
of a ten foot alley; thonco along
said lino south elghty-slx degrees
west nlno and four-tenth rods to a
stake, cornor of land sold to Wm.
Whaling; thenco by said land north
twelvo degrees east elghteon and
three-tenths rods to place of begin
ning. Containing thero-fourthB of
an aero more or less. Being samo
lot which John Mcintosh by deed I
dated Sept. 4, 1867. recorded In D
B. No. 34, pago C09, granted and
conveyed to Patrick Spellman.
Tho Second L,ot ueginnlng in the
middle and hounded westerly by tho
nignway leading rrom Canal Feeder
in Borough of Honesdalo, to the
Cherry Rldgo Turnplko Road, south
erly oy lands formerly of Patrick
McCormlck, now of Philip Ryan,
easterly ny lands or widow Donolly,
ano northerly ty a ten root alley.
Being samo land which Eveline
Brown et al. by two separate deeds
dated respectively March 18, 1890,
and March 27, 1890, and recorded
In D. B. No. 68 at pago 247 and 257,
granted to Patrick Spellman, and
Mary Spellman In entirety, and Mary
Spellman having died this said land
became vested in Patrick Spellman.
Tho Third Lot All that land
bounded northerly by Vino street,
westerly by land of Peter Manger,
southerly by land of Mrs. Gibbons
and Thos. Finncrty, and easterly by
the Catholic cemetery. Comprising
about one-half acre more or less.
All of said lots aro tho premises
of which Patrick Spellman died, seiz
ed and by tho Intestate law a one
third undivided interest became
vested in said Joseph Spellman.
Each of said lots is improved by
a frame dwelling.
Seized and taken In execution as
tho property of J. F. Spellman at tho
suit of Mrs. Lucy Shuman. No. 115
Juno Term 1908. Judgment $300.
Kimble, Attorney.
All the defendant's right, title
and Interest In tho following de
scribed property viz:
All tht certain lot or parcel of I
land together with all tho Improve
ments thereon, sltuato In tho town
ship of Texas, county of Wayno and
Stato of Pennsylvania, on tho East
side of tho Dlngman's Choice Turn
plko road, (now known as River
street) and Is bounded and described
as follows, viz: On tho West by tho
easterly sldo of said street; on th
north by lot sold to F. Barrel; on
tho East by Cottan Lane, and on the
south by lot Of Z. Arnold. Being
threo and one-half rods wldo In front
and rear and being tho samo land
which A. J. Miller and wlfo by deed
bearing oven dnto herowlth granted
and convoyed to tho nbovo named
Michael Krommes. On said premi
ses is a 1-story framo dwelling.
Seized and taken in execution an
tho property of Michael Krommes at
tho suit of A. J. Miller. No. 28
March Term 1912. Judgment ?600.
Searlc & Salmon, Attorneys.
TAKE NOTICE. All bids and costs
must bo paid on day of sale or deeds
will not be acknowledged.
Honesdnle, Pa., March 19, 1912.
" 8
Designer and Man
ufacturer of
Office and Works
1036 MAIN ST.
which are of no value to you. Highest
prices paid lor Old Gold, Sliver. Old
Watches. Hrokcn Jewelry, and Precious
Stones. Money Sent br Return Mail.
Phlln. Smelting & Refining Co.
8 30
Iff 00,
10 00
3 15
4 05
5 10
5 50
5 SI
ti 11
6 17
6 26
6 32
6 35
6 39
6 43
K 4fi
6 SO
2 15
7 10
8 00
8 45
8 55
8 60
8 18
a 21
9 37
9 39
U 43
9 47
9 50
9 55
10 00
10 00
12 301
4 40
5 30
6 20
6 30
6 34
6 52
6 68
7 13
7 16
7 20
7 24
7 27i
7 31
2 15
12 30
1 19
2 05
2 15
2 19
2 37
2 43
2 52
2 67
2 59
3 as
3 07
3 10
3 15
4 30
6 05
2 15
7 10
7 55
8 45
8 65
8 59
9 18,
9 21
9 32
9 3
9 39
9 43
9 47
9 60
9 55
, Albany ,
... ninchamton
Philadelphia .
...Lincoln Avenue...
, Canaan
... Lake Lodore ....
... . Way mart
, Seelyvllle
.... ilonesdale
P. M,
2 00
12 40;
4 01)
9 35
8 45
8 05
7 M
7 50
7 31!
7 25
7 17
7 12,
7 0!)
7 05!
7 01
6 58;
6 65
10 50
8 45
7 11
2 65
a 13
1 35
1 25
1 21
1 03
12 66
12 49
12 43
12 40
12 36
12 32
12 29
12 25
7 38
7 25
6 30
5 50
5 40
5 34
6 18
5 11
4 58
4 65
4 51
4 47
4 44
4 40
P. M,
10 50
v oo
7 14
12 55
12 05
11 25
II 14
a 10
10 63
11 45
10 37
10 32
10 29
10 25
10 21
10 18
10 15
7 38
10 05
9 12
Dr. Whitehall's
For 15 yin a Standard Hamdr lor
all fonni of Rlmzmatlfm, tambara,
gout, tor mbicIm, BUT or trroUaa
Jolalt. It quickly raUroa tfaa nmra
paint I ridoc tlia fTi, awl cliEoisatM
tht poboa from th tjiua. 60 mirtt
a box at drufgiit.
MMrfto for a Fm Mai Bmx
Dr. Whitehall M err) mine Oo.
1W B. Ufaytto St. tfUtti tad.
1 7 Cents a Day
The Plan That Promotes Success
THE " 17-Cent8-a-Day " Plan of purchasing
Tho Oliver Typowrlter means more than promot
ing sales of this wonderful writing machine.
This Plan Is a positive and powerful factor in
promoting tho success of all who avail themselves
of Its benefits.
It means that this Company Is giving practical
assistance to earnest peoplo everywhere by supply
ing them for. pennies with tho best typewriter
in tho world.
Tho "17-Cents-a-Day" Plan is directly in-line
with tho present-day movement to substitute type
writing for handwriting in business correspond
ence. Ownership of Tho Oliver Typewriter is fast be
coming ono of tho essentials of success.
Asthma! Asthma!
gives instant relief and an absolute cure
in all cases of Asthma, Bronchitis, and
Hay Fever. Sold by druggists ; mail on
receipt of price Jl.oo.
Trial I'nckatro by mall 10 cents.
WILLIAMS MFC CO..Frop., Cleveland, Ohio
1 1 iv spring utritn ., run.., !., ci.p.
atrir "4 K. Uk 81.) O.I; Otru HpwtelUI la
ltrl. &ur..tMtaOvrlMkf BtlLvllkkla
1'u.rpMMt tirm..1rrlj...t,
EllCM... lb.t. WllLll.nn Nl.lttM illnnA
atrt.rr r.UM, Dappnu.., 1'mIUmI; tr lam, nlw
Jb klli. Ik.uadi, tkflr ik..p llr.. ar. w.rM Iku tk
Ulwu..) l.r.a U.kllll, UIBaa.a',ltap.m,
ljdn.l,T.rltMl.,ttriflar.( C.IU.flt .4llUpaU
Jk Kkraak.a Onau, Uladdtr a kldat; ULtaa, LaaaM,
Ural.., C.rM Sl.jla h Harrlat Ul., mum llt.r
G. We wlsli to secure a cood
correspondent in every town
in Wayne county. Don't be
afraid to write this office for
paper and stamped envelops.
"17 Cents a Day" and The
The Standard Visible Writer
Thoro is no patent on the "17-Conts-a-Day"
Purchaso Plan.
Wo Invented it and presented it to tho public,
with our compllmontB.
Tho "17-Conts-a-Day" Plan loaves no excuse
for writing In primitive longhand. Wo havo
mado it bo easy to own Tho Oliver Typowritor
that there's no need oven to rent ono.
Just say "17 Cents a Day" save your pennies
and Boon tho machine la yours!
Tho Oliver Typewriter is selling by thousands
for 17 Cents a Day.
Whon ovon tho School Children aro buying ma
chines on this simple, practical Plan, don't you
think It is tlmo for you to get an Oliver Type
writer? 17 Cents a Day
Buys Newest Mode!
Wo sell tho now Oliver Typewriter No. S for
17 Cents a Day.
Wo guarantee our No. 5 to bo absolutely our
best model,
Tho samo machine that tho great corporatloni
Their dollars cannot buy a better machine than
you can get for pennies.
Tho Oliver Typewriter So. 5 has many great
eonvenlonces not found on other machines.
Wo evon supply It equipped to write the won
derful new PItlNTYPE for 17 Cents a Day.
Make the Machine
Pay Its Cost
Tho Oliver Tj-powrlter Is a mancr-making ma
chine. It helps " big business " pllo up huge
Tens of thousands of peoplo rely on Tho OHrcr
Typowritor for their very bread and butter.
A small first payment puts the machlno in your
Then you can make it cam tlie money to meet
tho llttlo payments.
If you aro running a business of your own, uso
Tho Oliver Typowritor and make tho business
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