The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 29, 1912, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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A Record of
Since the
What the Causes Were and
How the Struggles
Turned Out.
I1E first organized strike In tho
nntLraclto coal fields of Penn
sylvania occurred Just slxty
threo years ago. Before that
uavuiva uiiui'io uim vv-im-
f 1S10 stnnds out as the opening bat-
n nr n innr urnwn nnr wnrrnrn wn pn
as kept the hard coal regions In a
There were occasional years bo
na 1-i.r.imi. inn UK . 1 irMiii'rui iniiiir iiin
locality or nnother.
Trtw mnnv linnrirmla np t Imttsnrwla
such strikes took place will never
known, for until comparatively re-
uv iiuii.ii uu iitii.iju(u; iii iti uuu umu
limn iiiitiriii.ii it 1 1 1 in m tiki'h Miiii'ir
o firm wlinn If trn nrfrnnlTPil. Tho
rniifTi Hinlr rnlnmlnniiQ rnmrrla ntnl
WKvmy imu uuiiv iilmysijuiiltm juu-
III'f'N III i.iiHir in is IIM 1 hv i :ivt
left for n clergyman, the Jtev.
Lur JiuiicriH hi junii:mnv uirv. in iiih
ustive rcsearcu ana 10 conaie na
IT no nrtca h m n rnpnn rr ctrlktsi
ion Tvfi a nnn tenoii vnnra nrt in nn
Imrnto trontlsr nntlHwl Th An.
The First Strike.
Is interesting to note In the strike
1819 the first recorded conflict be-
anthracite Industry; that the Issues
oiveu were about tne same as in
j icub mwic Dtuv.u lutii.
1 1 n r 11 1 11 1 11 ir n rirn 11 1 7.11 1 1 nn n r n n
lcite miners was lormpi in Nciniri-
t-UUIll.V tJUUI. UUlL'Ii, eilllT WUUU1
UO UilUlL'U, M UL'U IUU UU1 1 E?lilU
R4f nrrlvofl Hnfn fnnnrt t Rtrnnr
uu lo iut in curtain an man as in
operators of in I nes higher wages.
The operators declined to
Tiio iidiiinniiQ nnri in nr o rrnn.
strike was declared throughout
Schuylkill, or lower field.
2. 1S4!. In the village of Miners-
and another meeting on May 3 in
adjoining township, at which rcso-
u were auupieu siuiiug mar. we
learned from Divine Providence
the laborer is worthy of his hire,"
ng significantly that if any man
prevented from working because
is membership in the union they
d all strike.
e same tactics wero employed in
Btrike of 1840 that have been em-
ever since. The men in the
union armed themselves with
lis. fnrmpd thpmsplrpa Into hnnrtu
jy methods of threat, intimidation
assault when deemed necessary
elled men to quit work and Join
n i.-c
several weeks of straggle the
rs and the workmen got togeth-
11 pnanrui n rnYrrrvr ion tim
was declared off, nnd the men
back to work,
irst Strong Miners' "Onion.
UJ 1U LUC 1UL Lcl 1JUIL tIl 1 rf I 1 I 11)11
leaders In all tho three anthracite
the nnnop Tntlriln nrwl Inifnc
the necessity of having the
en knitted together in one
union, and after much en refill
WlflTl IF! II11TF 1 J .M Illli IIK'T
is 1 vi- uiuuracue coal union was
d the Worklngmen's Benevolent
atiou, whose first presldeiit ami
ning spini was jonn smey.
miners still call It. was strongly
Miwl In till. Innnr ntwl mlil.llu
So large a proportion of mine
became members that It vlr-
controlled the situation there,
e the middle and lower Held
leu un nam nmi rant imworoi-
region, continued at work dav
ght and supplied the nubile tie-
for anthracite, fin Rlnn
on march across country to
barre to persuade the miners
rar successful that the opera
the upper field agreed to an
nnr iriirKiiir unv nirninnnt i
lied to cet nn advance la wr-t,-
ower or Schuylkill region, when
emeu 1 rruw reacneu merit vf neri'
men gained a 10 per cent ad
but lost their demand fur an
and bis associate leaders of the
by constant missionary work
& In raising the membership
s Mid to ltxlode 30,000 out
ffmnil 1ho tnlnn tin thnt- hr
i of 1SC3 the W. IS. A. actual
ded Blr-aeTenths of all the an-
employees, a proportion great
r other organization has ba:
y, 1SC9. tht union ordered
Coal Strikes
Firstln 1849
No Adequate Data as to
the Number of Min
ers' Strikes.
general strike to enforce demands for
n sliding scale of wages, basing such
adjustment upon varying prices of coal
nt certain points of shipment and de
livery. This sliding scalo was draft
ed by tho men themselves and was a
most complicated schedulo for wage
The operators took the position that
nobody could tell definitely Just how
much money was actually duo to the
85,000 or more individuals under such
a basis of computing payments, that
tho plan could be understood only by
n small proportion of the men nnd that
It never would work satisfactorily.
However, the men Insisted, nnd almost
all the operators agreed to this slid
ing scale. So the strike was declared
off, the victory belonging to the union
this time.
This was at the close of June, 1SC0.
But the sliding scale worked out so
little to the satisfaction of the men
that in less than two months they de
manded n 20 per cent advance. There
was much parleying nnd compromis
ing, but finally an agreement was
reached and tho men went to work
The Strike of 1870.
Early in 1870 the Schuylkill operators
announced a reduction of wages. The
onion resisted nnd ordered another
strike. -The operators offered to com
promise, but the union declined, until
in July it effected nn agreement with
Franklin B. Gowan, newly elected
president of the Heading railroad. In
agreement with this "Gowan compro
mise" the strike was declared off in
August and work was resumed.
In November, 1870, when three of
the great companies announced a re
duction of 30 per cent the men era
ployed by these companies went on
strike within a few clays, and on Jan.
10, 1871, a general strike was ordered,
which shut down practically every an
thracite mine. After several months
of idleness, rioting nnd terrorism the
troops were called out. nnd In conflict
with them several strikers were killed.
The operators were victorious, and
work was resumed.
Between this strike of 1871 and the
"long strike" of 1875 there was no
general organized suspension of work,
although local troubles here and there
were constantly coming up to be dis
cussed, debated and settled somehow.
Tho "long strike" lasted for five
months and was confined lnrgely to
the Schuylkill region, where operators
announced a 10 per cent reduction In
pay. After five months the miners
gave In and went back to work at a
20 per cent reduction.
It was In 1884 that tho Miners and
Laborers' Amalgamated association
wns organized, and three years later
It Included some 30,000 members. Dur
ing these years also tho Knights of
Lnbor were actively at work In tho
anthracite region, nnd In 18S7 the two
organizations became one In member
ship. A few months nfterward the
knights Indorsed a strike which tied
up the mtaes of the mlddlo and lower
fields. This strike ended In March,
1888, In n defeat for the men.
After eight or nine years of compar
ative peace, unbroken by any general
strike, although punctuated with un
numbered "scraps" and disputes and
local strikes, the anthracite region was
visited in 1807 by emissaries of the
United Mine Workers of America, nn
organization of bituminous coal work
ers, following u long drawn out dls
puto In the middle coal field, when a
mob of several thousand rioters start
ed to raid the city of Hazleton, but
was stopped by word that the national
guard was already arriving there on
troop trains. ICarller that same day
6ome thirty men in another wild liuib
at Iattluier had been shot to pieces
by a squad of deputies in an effort to
rescue the sheriff, who had been
smashed to the ground and whose life
was imperiled. This trouble also was
ended after the military arm of the
state had gained control, and work
was resumed in the mines.
Big Shutdown of 1901.
It was on Sept. 12, 1001, that John
Mitchell, president of the United Mine
Workers, ordered a general strike for
better wages, reduction In price of
blasting powder, payment of wages
very two weeks, etc. Within a month
practically all of the 30(5 anthracite col
lleries were shut down. After n sus
pension of six weeks the operator
precd to a 10 per cent advance in
It Is estimated that this brief strike
of 1001 cost In money alone nearlv
The last great strike, that of 1002, Is
well remembered. It lasted from May
until October of that year nnd wns
marked by violence, which 10,000
troop failed to ijuelL Conditions ut
last became so intolerable that Presi
dent appointed a commlFslou
to settle wage questions and all other
disputes. John Mitchell accepted the
terms of peace proposed and the 150,
000 miners wnt back to work.
Woman Is Qtato Librarian.
Gorenwr Goldsboroush of Marrlanu
has appointed a woman, Miss Sallln
Webster Dorsey, to fill tho office of
tatn llhrlan
Miss Ellen Emerson, the granddaugh
ter of Italph Waldo Emerson, is a
nurso in the Massachusetts Genera!
hospital at Boston.
Miss Louise F. Brown of WelleHley
eollegu has the distinction of being tht
first woman to win the prize offered
biennially by the American Historical
association for the best essay on Eu
ropean history.
Little Askey Tercoyo Martin, the
four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Johnson Martin of Brooklyn, is show-
tug phenomenal precocity for one of
her age. lthout any regular Instruc
tion she has acquired a fluent com
mand of four languages.'
Mrs. Carruthers Is the first woman to
bo elected treasurer of the London Iu
stitute of Journalism. Mrs. Carriithcrs
and Miss Patterson were recently
chosen to represent the London district
on the council of the institute, anil
Mrs. Carruthers election as treasurer
Frau von Gontard, who becomes a
peeress through the distribution of hon
ors in commcmorntjon of the kaiser's
birthday anniversary, is an American
girl, the daughter of Adolphus Busch
of St. Louis. Her husband, Dr. von
Gontard, has been given corresponding
honors. Frau von Gontard is one of
tho leaders of' Berlin society.
Tales of Cities.
Chicago's court of domestic relations
has an official bridesmaid.
Between the hours of 0 and 10 in the
morning more than 5,000 people enter
the city of London every minute.
Teheran, the principal Persian city,
has a population of 280.000. Tabriz
200.000 and Isfahan 80,000. Fewer than
1,500 Europeans reside within the em
pire. The new social register of New York
city contains 11,510 families. Accord
ing to tho social register, the social
center of the city has moved within six
years from Fifty-eighth street to Sixty
second and Sixty-third, and It will con
tinue to move northward.
Town Topics.
For tho collection and disposal of
garbago the city of Cleveland pays 80
cents n ton. For the same service tho
city of Chicago pays 54 a ton. Chlca
go Tribune.
Cincinnati seems to fear the advent
In Its courts of the suffragette. Ore
of Its Judges permits lawyers and
Jurors to smoke "as a stimulant to
thought." Cleveland Leader.
A timid observer of New York re
marks that "It is three times aa dan
gerous to cross Broadway as the
ocean." In the matter of gun play
that town Is livelier than an old time
mining camp. Providence Journal.
Pert Personals.
"The Babbling Brooke" has turned
her gifts to account by taking tho lec
ture platform. New York American.
Pierre Lotl says that the white man
Is not acting very well toward the
yellow and brown races. lie should
get up a Joint debate on the subject
with It. Kipling. Chicago Nows.
Mayor Gaynor says Horace Greeley
advised him not to go to New York.
What a lot of trouble Mayor Gaynoi
would have saved himself If he had
taken that advice. But his punish
ment Is severe. They elected him
mayor. Watertown Times.
"What's the matter with Biffcrsr'
"Don't mind him. He's got a crazy
notion that he's losing his memory."
"What makes him think so?" "Why,
be can't remember whether the Chi
nese emperor's name Is Pu Yi or Pi
Yu." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"A handsome man smiled at me in
town 'today."
"Oh, well, don't feel bad about it
Borne women look even funnier than
you do." Houston Post.
Little drop of water
In the can of milk
Drlns the milkman's daughter
Pretty aowna of Blllc
X 1ES. In compliance with Sec
tion a, 01 me unuorm rrimary Act,
pago 37, P. L., 190C, notice is here
by given to tho electors of Wayne
county of the number of delegates
to tho Stato Convention which each
party is entitled to elect, names of
party officers to bo filled and for
what olilccs nominations aro to be
made at tho Spring Primaries to be
held on
1 person for Representative U
1 person for Representative la
General Assembly.
2 persons for Delegates to the
Stato Convention.
2 persons for Delegates to the Re
publican National Convention.
2 persons for alternates to the
Republican National Convention.
1 person for Party Committeeman
In each district in tho county.
1 person for Representative in
1 porson for Representative im
General Assombly.
1 person for Delegate to the State
2 persons for Delegates to the
National Convention.
2 persons for alternates to the Na
tional Convention.
1 person for Party Committeeman
in each election district in the coun
3 persons for Delegates to the
State Prohibition Convention.
7 persons for Delogates to the
National Prohibitive Convention,
7 persons for altornatcs to the
National Prohibitive Convention.
1 person for Dologato to tho Koy
stono Stato Convention.
l'otltlon forms may bo obtained at
tho Commissioners' office.
1 person for Representative in
1 porson for Representative in
General Assembly.
3 persons for dolcgates to the
Stato Prohibition Convention.
7 porsons for Dolcgates to the
National Prohibition Convention.
7 persons for alternates to the
National Prohibition Convention.
3 persons for alternates to the
stato convention.
1 porson for Representative in
1 person for Representative in
General Assombly.
1 porson for dologato to tho Koy
stono Stato Convention.
Potltions for Congress and Repre
sontativo must bo led with tho Sec
retary of tho Commonwealth on or
beforo Saturday, March 10, 1912.
Petitions for Party officers, Com
mitteemen and Delegates to the
Stato Conventions must bo filed at
tho Commissioners' office on or be
foro Saturday, March 23, 1912.
Attest: Thos. Y. Boyd, Clork.
Commissioners' Office, Honesdale,
Pa.. Feb. 2C, 1912.
Nearly Any One May Secure a Splendid
Growth of Hair.
We have a remedy that has aided
to grow hair and prevented baldness
in 03 out of 100 cases where used ac
cording to directions for a reasonable
length of time. That may seem like 0
strong statement it is, and we mean
it to be, and no one should doubt it
until they have put our claims to ar
actual test.
Wo aro so certain Rexall "03" Hall
Tonic will cure dandruff, prevent
baldness, 6timulntc the scalp and hall
roots, stop falling Hair and grow new
hair, that we personally give our posl
tlve guarantee to refund every penny
paid us for it In every instance where
it does not give entire satisfaction tc
the user.
Rexall "93" nair Tonic in as pleas
ant to use us clear spring water. It Is
delightfully perfumed, and does not
grease or gum the hair. Two sizes, 50c.
and $1.00. With our guarantee back
of it, you certainly take no risk. Sold
only at our storo The Rexall Store
r Dr. Whitehall's "
For 15 yean a Standard Remedy for
all formi of Rheumatism, lamoaro,
goat, tore mutdet, itlff or swollen
Joint. It quickly relieves, the ecrere
palnif reduces the fever, and eliminate
the poison from the eyttem. 60 cent
a box at druggists.
WrHo for a Fro a Ma! Sex
Dr. Whitehall Mogrlmlne Co.
IBS a. Lereyette Bt. Bcuth Bead, lad,
Republican Candidate for
In General Assembly
When You Vote
Saturday, April 13
Use the STiCKER or Write
my name on the ballot
In your family yon of course call
a reliable physician. Don't stop
at that; nave his prescriptions
put up at a reliable pimrmacy,
even if it is a little farther from
your home than some other store.
You can find no more reliable
store than ours. It would be im-
ftossible for more care to be taken
n the selection of drugs, etc., or
in the compounding. Preecrip
tions brought here, either night
or day, will be promptly and
accurately compounded by a
competent registered pharmacist
and the prices will be most reasonable.
Stickers available at all
places In the county.
i7ii fprinir tinrdrn M., I'liiia., iA.,(if
, nrrlr SSJ S. Ulh M.) Only fJfrmu Nrf1tUt la
Amrrlr. Clairaattri (4 Our by Hail, with hit
k Firrttrt, Ahai, MrakBt Hprclflo lllood
' lol4on (oUirn only b Arne to mid. InlvclUa.
Jlrrrory A t'oliM, Hoppr-, lYtltltely ifr turn, rain
A kill Ihootandi, their tbrap Drug am nftftf than the
Map air. ) Apttwdi Debility Lost Hanhotxl, Itaptorr a, lt
II J drocl, Yarlror!. Mrlttarrtao tutUna;)l'ndfT Hopattata
h Barantrn Ontami, II ladder k kidney llUeaaet, Lmf,
Dralna, Cure Abnief In blngl A Harried IJIe, rratorra Igor
A Im to enjoy III stain. Fretb Caaei Cared la 410 daya
other ran! 40 yri. firaetle al A O yr. Honpltal Kiperlene
la (Jem any. Head lorilooh, telliall,Eipoalng; Jlaeum tlty
fc Coualry idtrrllalnc Frauds, llra.i IMtMt Ban., 0--
Asthma! Asthma!
gives instant relief and an absolute cure
in all cases of Asthma, Bronchitis, and
Hay Fever. Sold by druggists ; mail on
receipt of price Si.oo.
Trial Package by mall 10 cents.
WIUJAMS lire. CO.. Propi., Cleveland. Ohio
Send us tho news of your com
munity. Wo have btoh 'phones.
We are always glad to get it.
Opp. I). ,t H. Station. Hokfbdah. Pa.
Designer and Man
ufacturer of
Office and Works
1036 MAIN ST.
S 30
10 00
10 00
3 15
4 03
5 40
6 50
S 51
6 11
6 17
6 26
6 35
6 43
H 4(1
6 SO
2 15
7 10
8 00
8 45!
H 55
8 59
9 21
9 32
9 37
9 39
9 4.1
9 47
9 50
9 55
P.M. A.M.
10 00
10 00
12 30
4 40
0 30,
2 15
12 30
1 19
6 20
6 30
6 34
6 62
6 58
7 071
7 13
7 16
7 20
7 24
7 27
7 31
P.M. P.M. A. M
2 05
2 15
2 19
2 37
2 43
2 52
2 57
2 69
3 03
3 07
3 10
3 15
4 30
6 05
2 15
7 10
7 63
8 45
8 65
8 59
9 18
9 24
9 32
9 37
9 39
9 43
9 47
9 60
9 65
... Albany
Hincbnmton ...
Scran ton
...Lincoln Avenue...
Lake Lodore ....
... . Wnymart
Seelyvllle ,
P. M.
2 00
12 40
4 09
9 35
8 45
8 05
7 5
7 50
7 33
7 23
7 17
7 12
7 09
7 05
7 01
6 58
6 55
10 50
8 45
7 14
2 55
S 13
1 35
1 25
1 21
1 03
12 56
12 49!
12 43
12 40
12 36!
12 32
12 29,
12 25
7 38
7 25
6 30
5 60
6 40
5 34
5 18
5 11
5 56
4 68
4 65
4 61
4 47
4 44
4 40
P. 11,
10 50
8 00
7 14
12 55
12 05
10 05
9 Li
. Ar Lv A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M.
1 7 Cents a Day
The Plan That Promotes Success
THE " 17-Cents-a-Day " Plan of purchasing
The Oliver Typewriter means more than promot
ing 6ales of this wonderful writing machine
This Plan Is a positive and powerful factor In
promoting tho success of all who avail themselves
of its benefits.
It meanB that this Company Is giving practical
assistance to earnest people everywhero by supply
ing them for pennies with tho best typewriter
in tho world.
Tho "17-Cents-a-Day" Plan is directly In Hn
with tho present-day movement to substitute type
writing for handwriting In business correspond
ence. Ownership of The Oliver Typewrltor Is fast be
coming ono or tho essentials of success.
"17 Cents a Day" and The
The Standard Visible Writer
There is no patent on tho "17-Conts-a-Day"
Purchaso Plan.
Wo invented it and presented it to the public,
with our compliments.
Tho "17-Cents-a-Day" Plan loaves no excuse
for writing In prlmltivo longhand. We havo
made It so easy to own Tho Oliver Typewriter
that thero's no need even to rent one.
Just say "17 Conts a Day" savo your pennies
and soon tho machine is yours!
Tho Oliver Typewriter is selling by thousands
for 17 Conts a Day.
When ovon tho School Children aro buying ma
chines on this simple, prnctlcal Plan, don't you
think It is time for you to got an Oliver Typo
writer? 17 Cents a Day
Buys Newest Mode!
Wo sell tho now Oliver Typewriter No. S for
17 Cents a Day.
We guarantee our No. 5 to bo absolutely our
best model.
The samo machine that the groat corporatloni
Their dollars cannot buy a better nachlna than
you can get for pennies.
The Oliver Typewriter No. 5 has many great
conveniences not found on othor machines.
We even supply it equipped to -write the won
derful now PIUNTYPE for 17 Conts a Day.
Make the Machine
Pay Its Cost
Tho Oliver Typewriter is a money-making ma
chine. It helps " big business " pllo up huge
Tens of thousands of people rely on Tho Oliver
Typowriter for their very bread und butter.
A small first payment puts tho machine in your
Then you can make it cam the money to meet
tho little payments.
If you are running a business of your own, use
Tho Oliver Typewrltor and make the business
If you want to get a start in business uso The
Ollvor Typowriter as a battering-ram to force
your way In!
. .Tho ability to operate Tho Oliver Typowriter
Is placing young peoplo In good positions every
Get Tho Oliver Typowriter on tho " 17-Cents-a-Day"
Plan it will help you win success.
Ask About "The Easy Way"
to secure the newest model Oliver Typowriter No.
5. Tho Art Catalog and full particulars of the
" 17-Cents-a-Day" Purchase Plan will be sent
promptly on request. Address
Chas. E. Dodge, Local Agent. - Walnut and 10th Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.