fllE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1012. PACK 8 TTEMPTS ON I IF OF ITALY'S KING iuiui ciiniiaiiuui nas dsen m- ject of Many Plots. i urn uvin inninniui Trn HI HUM ViHu H00H00IHM1CU, Lets Than a Week After He Had Succeeded to tho Throne an Armed Man Threatened the Life of Queen Helena. The recent attempt on the life of 7t Tin . 1 1 mnnn ti ant lit 1 n a trnr mill. led to the throno of Italy through he assassination of his father. Kin'? Iumbert. by Hrcsct. Tho anarchists aw nnrn imrrinii nr r nnr rn ntrn nor un. mil iiiiii wincri n im v Ttmnii hot. tt iifHMi iiiviKiwi iti i iii unnmniur fit . I f t.W XT T Proclaimed king of Italy July iJO. in less than n week an armed i in unonn o n in tt'im hoii i,uin he i'riucess I'etroritcli Xiegoch of nnfonnrrn Less than three weeks Inter an Hal n alleged plot to kill the king. Tlio ollowing March It was learned that plot to assassinate the king had been Mnntnn,1 I .. T 1 1 l b"ui.i-u III XJIU.1I, illlu uu iiuiuiu, .avacchia, and several others were rrestcd. Other arrests were made a ew (lavs inter in tlio nllpuprl nlnt. Threw Stones at Train. In May, 1002. when the king was bout to start on a tour of the Euro- ud later Imprisoned. It was at this inn i i it i n nnrn sra worn ninrnn t Fnterson against him. The first rrest after the discovery of this was f an Italian from Taterson unmed firroftf. W in m fnnml liirlrinrr in Am IiriTTl r T T IWk I-IlKT'i- niltnmnliUn uly IS. 1002. A plot to wreck his train while the lng was going to Berlin was dlseov red and frustrated on Aug. 20, 1002. UO Ul UBUU UJ IUL' UI I L'SL Ui. IUU Anarchists plotted again against his a a trip to Paris in November. 1003, UUlUt'I JI1UL US UlbCUt Ui eU, IlliU UI vm liuu .uutijt.iiiv.ii King Victor Emmanuel was not rrpsr In Rnmp nr tho rtvn nllprrpri lonri. Another Paterson Plot. Another plot to kill him, originating Paterson, was uncovered in June, r nfnnr fii i np 1'Mii.rsiiii i.nuiii Ki'iir blow up the king's train after the uuna iuiui ill duu, uuu nnuiu u ira carnpfl mnrrt n Tottpd tn hnro hp. 1 1 t M 1 m I i J I i : I 1 1 L 1 1 1 him i iiuuui J. liU ext plot against him was discovered year later, before the conspirators ad an opportunity to make an at- 1000, a bomb was found near the HIM TH 1T1 lfMITir 111ST UK 1 1 U.' H III1I1I1I. explode. King Victor Emmanuel was boru ov. 11, isu'j. lie marriou l'rincess plpnn nr Mnntpnptrrn on Hot. 1M. ri iinir iirur niiiiii who nii. i-rin. -t- -f f -f f -f -- -t--t- The Escape OUT OF THE JAWS OF DEATH Hy FRANK A. HUimELL, Lnto I'lvnto 1st Fcnn. Vol. nnd Cnpt. Co. I) 07th Pcnn. Portage, Wash. ESULT OF FINDING THE POLE. nnn Timn Wnather Predictions Now Possible, Says Professor. Long time weather predictions, for :ii l ii i itra. in u uuuu uiu i luil ui iih imi iiv itv iii i in riiiiiii iniiir. iii-t-ii iiiiiLi the geology department of the Unl- "lurougn the uiscovery or tne nn m winn m(iTnmnnTa ti ni t in rrnnnrn i inimnnorin nnniiitinna it win MWni ossibie to make a complete map of ;i ii Niiirni rrnm vim rm nt r nnrn. turougu the path it takes nnd un it IIH TOrPO In uncnf Ac, 1...... nu hn one, for tho finest calculations would e upset often when the storm passed ver tho south pole. "It has been known that certain po ii in r ii rn(Hiiiurin rfm m 1 t inn o nhinii imi i ivinn iin( in inn ffirii nv ut t the south pole. This, coupled with lotting of a complete map imposHlble. lie uaiu wuicu uupiain coit will ring back will be a great contribution j scientific knowledge." CHAPTER IV. It was at this critical porlod or my cscapo which, when detailed to tho public in my lectures through out tho western States caused un usual commonts by tho press. Somo maintained that it would ho Impos sible for a person In my exhausted condition at that tlmo, consequent on my long 'imprisonment, to pass through tho trying ordeal to which 1 was subjected toy this homo guard who completed my capture at tho time I knocked on tho bottom of that kitchen door, asking for food, then In the last stage of starvation. But tho comrades of tho Grand Army stood by me, and believed. They knew that such atrocities as partici pated upon mo when recaptured (which at this late date, to relate would causo unnecessary contro versy and add but a little to the Interest of 'my story) was common with theso men when upon tho trail of an escaped prisoner of war. I wish my readers to understand I do not charge these persecutions to tho regular enlisted soldier who did his lighting at tho front, wlf,ero you found tho man of courage, but to tho homo guard human vampires dressed In the cloth of the Southern soldier, to which they wero no more entitled than Old Nick would bo to tho sacred robes of Heaven. These scavengers for blood, men who wero void of honor when tho demon of their nature was temporarily van quished and tho spirit of goodness illuminated their soul; men capable to dark deeds who repellod the least suspicion of a thought that tended towards mercy. These wero tho peo ple that trailed and hounded the prisoner of wnr that would daro to break away, and mako an effort for liberty. It was theso vicious agencies that deterred many from making an ef fort to get away from theso pens of pestilence and vermin, knowing from others' experience, who had tried and failed, that there was a slight chance to succeed, but a stronger one to lose one's life. The swamps and tho val leys were often whitened with their bleaching bones. In all due fairness to tho Southern soldier to maintain their escape, the men who fought val iantly at tho front, I must draw tho line and separate them from these merciless whelps that wero placed over prisoners of war, or that hung upon the outskirts of a prison ready to hunt them down. When the Southern Confederacy called its roll of men heartless and merciless and placed them in charge, they could not have selected a more fiendish set had the gates of Hell been opened to them, but all this was sanctioned by a few not all. Six hundred and thirty-five days in their different prisons gave me a thorough knowledge of the class that were upholding their cause. There were scenes and occurrences in my prison life that wero I to tell you of ten minutes' happenings each day, In the way I see them, would discount fiction and qualify you to judge as to their character as soldiers. Oh, you who heard not of this woe, Listen till you hear tho tale. It caused tho man of strength to shrink, it turned tho warrior nale. It made tho youthful hair turn gray, it changed tho youth to old, It mado a skeleton form of some, Whllo thousands it turn cold. It wns qulto an uncertainty to mo mat 1 would over reach Columbia when I overhenrd I Was to bo re taken. Several times they would stop and nrguo tho easiest and most diabolical way to dispose of me Passing through Newberry It seemed to bo tho delight of my captors to completo my torture, they practising tho extent of tholr Ingenuity whllo standing at a well at the outskirts of tho town, refreshing 'themselves but not a drop for tho poor, miser able Yankee. (Readers, I shall draw tho screen again.) One of them started In ndvanco as wo left tho well to procure tho ropo and the crowd. After my first night's exper ience witu them, I did not doubt the cruelties the were capable of, and I think thoy would have carried out their Intentions had tho patrol not been waiting for mo nr some others to take them to Columbia. My heart was gladdened In a mensuro to get out of their hnnds. Tho patrol wero not such had fellows. Yet at that time with prison again staring mo In tho face, I was indifferent as to what they did. My poor suffering body was too far gono to care. Death would have 'been a relief. And when my sentence at tho Col umbia Jail was announced to remain upon the stair steps 24 hours with out food a guard at the top and one at the foot with instructions to run a bayonette through me if I went up or came down. I cnsldered It very magnanimous to what I ex pected and consoled myself with this pleasant surprise. I was soon returned to tho prison from whence I had escaped, and many wero the questions from .my comrades. One especially, how It felt to ho free, and what yore the cnanccs for success. The winter of 'C4 passed, leaving In its prison record a sorrowing tale of woe and want, and death, which I hope never to see chronicled. It is February, 1SG5. There is a new lot of guards on hand. Some thing new Is stirring the prison au thorities. The guards are preparing to leave. 'Where now are they going to take us? Can It be worse? On our way to Charlotte, Captain Wilson, 22 Mass., Boston; Captain D. B. Meany, 12th Penn. Cavalry, 60G Chestnut St.. Philadelphia, Pa.; Durbrow, 81st Ohio; Lieut. Hagen back, Easton, Pa.; Capt. J. F. Robin son, Telurold, Col., of my own regi ment, got our heads together. I am encouraging them. Yes, they are nearly willing to try Liberty. Oh, how sweet tho sound. Look back upon tho dark past. Will you go? My very soul Is aflame with the thought. I have tried It, come with me. There is a possibility of our reaching the union lines in Tennes see. Oh come! Do not stay and dlo. Make an effort. Only a few hundred miles. I appeal to you, my comrades. Liberty! Oh, how sweet! Come! (To be Continued.) MRS. FURMAN FOUND GUIITY. Bcntcnco Suspended nnd Sho Returns to Her Homo nt Mlddlctown. Mrs. Ellen E. Furman, who waa Indicted for forgory In tho second do greo, wns found guilty by tho Jury at Goshen last Monday with a ro commondatlon for, mercy. It will bo romombered that Mrs. I'lirmnn was tho mother of tho boy whoso body Is supposed to havo been tho one found In tho car of hot cin ders, It being olalmod that ho waa murdered and tho body put In tho car by his brothers, although tho brothers wero acquitted by tho grand Jury, their caso novor coming to trial. Tho chargo is that Mrs. Furman forged tho namo of her son, Theo dore, to his pay check from tho O. & W. railroad and collected tho amount duo thereon, about $12. After tho Jury had returned a vor dlct of guilty, Judge Seegor suspond- vu scnienco ami .Mrs. Furman has returned to hor homo In MIddlotown. NEW DIRECT CURRENT FOR RAILWAY POWER. Howitt Says His System Will Drive Trains Long Distances. Teter Cooper Hewitt of New York, grandson of Peter Cooper, Inventor of the electric lamp that bears his name, nfter several years' work hns invented a vacuum transformer by which It is possible to change an alternating elec trical current into a direct current, by which trains can be operated entirely by electricity with tho tiower station. 200 miles apart. Tho inventor snys that with this di rect current trains can be operated be tween New York nnd Chicniro with only three or four Intervening power Btatlous. while It will be possible to operate them across the coutlnent. Tiie invention has been tested by the Westinghouse couinnnv In Pittsburgh. and these le-.ts. It Is said, give every Inrllpntfnn nf nnnninnMelilnn nil (lint Mr. Hewitt expects, fie has named tne current the "negative reluctance." 1th this new current, he savs. tralnn will be able to make a speed of 100 miles an hour, and Its perfection muy mean the eventual electrification of every railroad in tho United Stntps. On a line from New York to New Or leans probably not more than half c dozen power stations would be needed, while to San Francisco probably not more than fifteen power plants would be required. Mr. Hewitt said he believed his in vention would revolutionize railroad ing in this country when it is fully de veloped. Missing. There is 51,300.000.000 worth of prop erty in Arkansas that Is not on the tax books. Where Is this property at? Okolona Messenger Don't know. Steve. Blamed if we've got it. Stephens News. Well, you can search us. New York Herald. We can't locate It here. Cincinnati Enquirer. Start An Account Every man, woman or child should mako It a point to lay up a Httlo monoy for that " rainy day " which wo aro nil liable to encounter when least expected. Tho best way to do this Is to opon a savings account with tho FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK HONESDALE, PA. Tho bank for all classes ac cepts small or largo accounts. Scrapo togothor ono dollar, make your deposit, recelvo your bank book, and then rcsolvo to de posit a given sura, small though It may bo, once a month, or onco a weok, according to tho cir cumstances. Nobody knows without trying It, how easy a thing it is to save money when an account with a bank has been opened. With an account a person feels a deslro to en largo his deposit. It starts you on tho right road with some thing to rely upon in time of need. Grow with this bank which has reached over tho ?:ioo,ooo.oo mark In deposits. Tho Farmers and Mechanics Bank was established In 1907. Capital Stock, 975,000.00 It Is ono of the growing banks of wayno county and represents the deposits of tho people of all vocations of life. 31. E. SI3IONS, President. C. A. E3IERY, Cashier. To Patrons Along the Scranton Branch of tiie Erie Railroad. Tho afternoon train leaving Scran ton as per sclicdulo following, runs dally directly to Honesdale, giving pooplo tlmo to transact their business at tho county seat and return horn tho samo ovenlng. ARRIVE. LEAVE. 8:20 Scranton 1:30 8:13 Dunmoro 1:37 8:02 Nay Aug 1:46 7:54 Elmhum 1:56 7:43 Wlmmors 2:0T 7:40 Saco 2:10 7:34 Maplowood 2:1G 7:20 Lako Ariel 2:34 7:09 Gravity 2:41 G:59 Clemo 2:51 0:53 Hoadleys 2:56 0:37 West Hawley.. ..3:27 G:12 White Mills ....3:3 G:03 East Honesdalo .3:4T 6:00 Honesdalo 3:50 LEAVE. ARRIVH. Published by tho Greater HonesdaU Board of Trado, Honesdalo, Pa. Roost Honesdalo nnd Wayn county. IS THIS SPRING? Sprig seebs to hab cub ad ladst. The grlb id abroad id tho lad. wo aro sniffllg ad wheeslg wid colds Id our heads, red fladdle deck bads, goose grease ad lldlbent for us for the dext few weegs whldo tho doc tors bill beads tho coal ban's. " Berry Diras are slnglg, brooks aro rugglg, ad tho troud will sood bo bltlg. Ho! for tho berry sprig!" day morning at 2:15 o'clock, having been afflicted with Bright's disease for three years past. . The deceased was tho daughter of James and Emellne Demander, plon- neer residents of Doposlt. She was born May 13, 1829, and received her education in that village. In 1S54 she married George Perigo, ono son being born to them, George H. Perl- go, now of Scranton. Her husband died twenty-nine years ago last Jan uary. After an absence of several The foregoing Is not tho result of years Mrs. Perigo returned to Deposit To Increase Italian Navy. A proposal Is to be mado by the rain ier oi marine to increase me nanan ry uj tne construction or lour super ine linotype macnine going on a rampage or of uncorrected proof but it is the sad attempt of a Honesdalo man, who shed his winter under clothing in too much enthusiasm over tho apparent advent of spring, regardless of the fact that this is still tho month of March and good ness knows what March will do be fore April dawns forth In all Its splendor. Thursday, March 21, was the first official day of spring. Unmistakable evidence of the ad vent of spring In Wayno county has been coming In for tho past few weeks. Veracious residents allege tho robins wero singing merrily. From Lakevillo comes news that buds aro beginning to appear on tho trees and an affidavit signed by a worthy resident of Hawley attests that rose bushes in his back yard aro eight years ago find again mado her home here, her sister, Mrs. R. E. Orr, and niece, Miss Fannie Orr, of Aurora, 111., coming to live with her. Tho deceased is survived by ono son, George H., of Scranton, one sis ter, Mrs. R. E. Orr, and four broth ers, Henry Demander, of Blodgett Mills, Pa., Ira, of Iowa, Herbert, of Wisconsin, and Frank, of Jit. Pleas ant, Pa. Tho funeral sorvices wero held at tho homo Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, Rev. G. R. Merrill, pastor of tho Presbyterian church, olllclating. Tho romalns wero taken to Scranton for Interment. PETITIONS NOW ALL IN. Saturday, March 23, was tho last day for filing petitions for delegates putting forth now leaves. From all t0 tn m convention. Several parts of tho country comes the re-: w,Gro received by the county commls port that tho peach crop Is ruined. sl,?rs ",'at daft Since tho last issue the buds having been nipped by tho frost. Another ovidenco of spring is that tho seed catalogs have taken tho placo of the morning paper in the bouse and all the old fishing rods and tacklo Including trout lines aro being taken out of cold storage and burnished up for use. Tho 'best ovi denco, however, can bo seen in woman's npparol. Spring styles aro beginning to blossom from beneath the furs and many spring hats can bo seen, but all Is not over yot and that Easter bonnet may get soiled even on EaBter, which Is only some two weeks away. Of course wo ad mit that it looks like winter, tho air is chilly and the blrdB aro twitter ing in tho trees, but it may bo snow ing tomorrow. After the long and savoro winter It Is no wonder that we aro begin ning to feel an attack of spring fover evon if It is only tho 21st of March. 3Irs. Georgo Perigo. Jeannette C, widow of tho late George Perigo, died at her home on Third street, Deposit, lost Thurs- of Tho Citizen tho fqllowing petitions navo .neon nieu: Thomas M. Dunn, of Tunkhan nock, Republican delegate to Nation al convention, 14th congressional dis trict. R. E. Bates, Waymart, altornato delegate State Ropubllcan conven tion. E. W. Estus, East Rush, Susque hanna county, Republican altornato delegate to National convention. William I. Avery, of Tunkhan nock, alternate delegate to National Republican convention. Mark T. Tuttlo, Hawley, alternate delegate to Ropubllcan State conven tion. C. A. McCarty, Honesdalo, dele gate to Democratic State convenlon. Edward Whalen and Adolph Kingsbury, both of Towandn, delo" gates to Democratic National con vention, representing 14th congres sional district. Advortlso tho sale In Tho CItlzon. where it will bo seen by thousands of readers. "Honesdalo to tlio Front." Facts From France. It Is proposed In France to pay a franc additional a day to all married army officers. A proposition is before the French government to establish meat markets in all towns nbove 5,000 Inhabitants by way of lowering prices through compe tition. The mayor of the French city of Havre, which has a population of 135, 000, has an Income of only $2,500 a year, or half as much as tho agent of a prominent steamship line. H. F Weaver Architect and Doilder ii Plans & Estimates Furnished Residence, 1302 EastSt. Aro you reading tho war story now being run in The Citizen? It Is very interesting. Tho women can't vote but nil can boost Honesdale. ; Varnish Toniht Valsnar dries free of rlnsti in two hours and hard inj twenty-four. Use tomorrow! n A floor varnished with; Valspar can be walked onl in twenty-four hours, with-' out sticking or marring. Wash Next Day The lustre stays, does not' turn white, wears thel longest. : Keeps Things New mAL VALENTINE'S SPAR "Tlit VvaUa Thai Woq'i Turn Whin" Guaranteed b$ us C. Go Jadwin HEATING IPLUMBING CONSULT S. E. BVSornson I2th and Kimble St. HONESDALE, PA. COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE FOR "CAPITOL" Boilers nnd Radiators. "LEADER" Air pressure water systems. "GOULD" Pumps. "STAR" Windmill. ,,.J ?Ve soods represent the best products in the market. The use of them coupled with our 26 years' practical experience at tho business Insures you a lasting and satisfactory Job. correspondence Solicited. uoth 'Phones a a - a -t-a a a - a a a a o o . - uuiu M. HUIltXf. i aaaaaaaaaaaaaa-faaaaaaaaaaaaa EDUCTION IN FUEL GAS Beginning March 1, 1912 we annouce a reduction of price in fuel gas to all customers using same through a separate meter as follows: From 100 .cubic feet to 23 one thousand. 0003 $1.50 per From 2,000 cubic feet to 590009 $1.25 per one thousand. Above 5,000 cubic feet $1.00 thousand. per one These rates makes the cost of gas for Fuel, Cooking, etc., cheaper than coal. Be independent of the coal dealer. USE GAS Honesdale Consolidated Light, Heat & Power Co. Both Phones 110-7th St.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers