The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 29, 1912, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    'l'f1ff?r'P",WW',V' IW
rsprclnl to Tho Citizen.)
Hawloy, March 26.
'William I'olton went to Deposit,
N. Y., on Friday where his family Is
etlll living. Ho Intends moving to
Hawley this week.
Honry Wagner has moved from
his farm In a house on Glass Row.
Thero are very few empty houses In
town at present.
Miss Margaret McNamara and son
Frank, went to Plttston on Tuesday
to attond tho funeral of her father-in-law,
John McXamara, which took
place thoro on Thursday. Mr. Mc
Namara died at that place on Mon
day, aged about 75 years. Ho has
been a resldont of Plttston for many
Ovor CO cases of measles have
Jjcen reported to the board of health
liy tho different doctors and many
houses are quarantined. Tho schools
urn Riiffnrlnp- .1 frrnnf Inea nf nnnUn
liut It Is hoped that they will nott
do compelled to close.
Prof. Mark Creasy has been ap
pointed chairman of the examining
loard of education of which he is a
tnem'ber. This board has charge of
the twonty-llrst district.
Donjamln Gilpin and John Thielke
came homo from Kingston, N. Y.,
last Tuesday.
Samuel Saunders, of Beachiake,
was a caller In town on Friday. He
attended the encampment where he
met several of his old friends.
Jiibt what the directors arc going
to do with the school question Is
still a conundrum, but will probably
get together and come to some un
derstanding In tho near future. We
realize that the office is far from be
ing a pleasant one to hold, particular
ly at this present time. If there
isn't any honor in It, what is there In
it? Hut a school board must expect
to face these disagreeable things and
not Hunk. The effort being put forth
to reduce expenses is not alone with
Hawley, but we see tho same being
tried in many other places. A very
good suggestion is made public by
one niemher of the school board, ie.,
to let the objectors who want the
school expenses reduced and want a
change in the management get tho
signature of tho owners of one-fourth
of the assessed valuation of the prop
erty, then the board will consider
their demands.
Mr. Gilpin, of Church street, is
suffering with a rheumatic attack and
confined to his homo.
Jacob Breihaupt, Wilkes-Barre,
was a recent guest at tho home of
his mother on Bellemont (Hill.
Mrs. John Cauley and daughter,
who recently moved from Plttston
here, are occupying rooms in the
Brelhaupt house.
Mr. Bregstein, of Honesdale, was
in town on Monday.
Mrs. Richard Phillips returned on
Tuesday from a brief visit with
Scranton friends.
Miss Nettle Schrader, of the Elec
tric City, has 'been at tho homo of her
mother on Chestnut street for a
short vacation.
Confirmation services will be held
In the German Lutheran church next
Sunday morning at tho usual hour.
'Rev. Mr. Lucas of this church preach
ed at Lackawaxen on Sunday.
Chris Lehmann, the popular pro
prietor of tho well-known Park View
Hotel, at the Eddy, suffered a stroke
of paralysis while sitting at tho
breakfast table Saturday morning.
Only faint hopes of his recovery aro
Prank Warflcld, of Hoachlakc, Is
visiting relatives nnd old friends In
tho Valley. His nephew, Shepherd
Williams, of iPeckvlllo, Is looking af
ter Mr. Warflold's -work during ab
sence from home.
Many changes will take placo In
this vicinity this spring. 'Somo will
move to other parts, while others
will come hero to settle.
(Special to The Citizen.)
Indian Orchard, March 26.
During tho last tnreo or four days
we have had fairly good sleighing.
The Betnel L. A. S. met -with Mrs.
H. H. Crosby on Wednesday of last
The Episcopalian ladles held their
guild meeting at tho homo of Mrs.
H. H. Bunnoll and as usual had a
good social time. The next meeting
will be held at Mrs. W. D. Bucking
ham's. Tho Granger's annunl banquot held
at their hall on Thursday evening
last was a grand affair. A commit
tee of brothers did the work while
the ladles rat and looked on. At 10
o'clock the ladies were Invited to
partake of a sumptuous repast of
oysters and otnor seasonable viands.
After supptv H. D. Wood actod as
toast master. Nearly all responded
when called upon. Somo gave short
talks, some told stories while others
sang songs. It was tho most enter
taining meeting ever hold in the
grange hall.
'Wijllnm Avery, of Brookroad,
visited his father, E. B. Avery, of
the Bethel Fruit farm on Thursday
'Bert Dain, wife and son, of De
posit, Now York, Is spending sever
al days with relatives and friends
at this place.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Henshaw wero
calling on tho latter's sister, Mrs.
Perry, of Torroy, recently,
Minnie Weeks, who has been
spending tho winter with hor par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Weeks, of
Grand View farm, will soon roturn
to Llborty, M. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Weeks, of
White Mills, spent Saturday and
Sunday with friends here.
W. C. Spry and wlfo called on
their son, Charles, and wife of Lau
rella on Sunday.
Mrs. Joseph Swartr and son, Ed
ward, aro enjoying a visit with rel
atives In Now York City.
Miss Flynn, of Scranton, who has
been taking caro of Richard Ham,
has returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Taylor and
Mr. and Mrs. W. IH, Cblwell, of Tor
roy were guests of relatives at this
place last week.
(Ppeclnl to Tho Citizen.)
Gouldsboro, March 27.
Misses Grace Crooks and Geralnln
Kelloy are spending the spring va
cation with their parents,
The last of the week Mrs. Amanda
Wheeler fell on the Icy pavement and
severely fractured her right shoulder
Joint. Sho suffers a great deal of
pain from it. Until it Is better Bhe
will stay with hor daughter, Mrs.
Arch Knecht, at Clifton. Little Julia
Phillips also fell on the Ice hurting
her hand and putting one finger out
of joint. Sho is having considerable
trouble with it.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards,
George Edwards and Miss Anna
Smith returned on Saturday evening
from Dover where they were called
by the sickness and death of Mr.
Edwards' mother. The funeral took
placo on Friday.
Quito a number from hero are
planning on attending tho entertain
ment to be given by the pupils of
the Lehigh Glen and tho Fayette
schools at Clifton next Friday even
ing, March 29. Tho Gouldsboro
Male Quartette and tho Gouldshoro
Banjo club will render several se
lections. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. William
Heater Saturday, March 23, a son.
L. G. Smith of Easton, spent tho
first of tho week with his mother,
Mrs. G. G. Smith.
Mrs. M. M. Cobb and daughters,
Anna and Hazel, have been spending
a week with relatives and friends at
Mrs. Joseph Glockner and Miss
Margaret Roth wore Scranton visi
tors the last of tho week.
Mr. and 'Mrs. "William Foster are
spending some time in Scranton.
Before returning homo Mrs. Foster
expects to spend a few weeks In
Mrs. Ella Dutot has returned from
a visit with relatives and friends In
(Special to The Citizen.)
Maplowood, March 26.
Harvest Grango held their anni
versary meeting Saturday night
when many guests were entertained.
The meeting was called to order in
open form by the worthy master and
after the order of business was dis
posed of tho meeting was turned over
to the Lecturer. The following pro
gram was given: Question box; "Bill
's in Trouble," a recitation by Mrs.
E. M. Pugh; "The Boy and the
Woodchuck," 'by Elna Jones; "Only
Three Grains of Corn, Mother," hy
May Bartlow; instrumental selection
by Helen Ferris; reading, Roy
Black; dialogue, "Aunt Sophrlna at
tho Opera," Mrs. F. S. Keeno and
Mrs. Roy Black. A resume of the
year's work of tho grango and an
alphabetical roll call in humorous
vein by tho secretary. Rev. Kuhn, a
brother patron and new pastor of the
Evangelical church gave a very In
structive talk.
Tho ball team made a neat sum at
their social Friday evening.
Thursday night Macoby Triho of
Red Men will elect officers for the
following term.
Maple syrup weather has been very
slow In coming this year and many
havo not tapped yot.
Tho Ladles' Aid society will meet
at James Black's tho first Thursday
In April.
Portor Swingle is getting over
four hundred eggs a day from his
flock of White Leghorns.
Elllo Bell visited relatives In Ariel
'Philander Black is at Poyntello
looking a ter tho Interests of the
Consumers' Ice company.
fSpcoliil to The Citizen.)
Paupack, March 2C.
.Miss L. W. Votterleln rcturnod to
Bloomsburg Monday niter spondlng
ton days' vacation at her homo.
Mrs. Bennett went to Hawley Sat
urday. Dan Smith was a business caller
at this place last week.
Miss Mabel Pellett spent a week
Mark Ansley is improving slowly.
Dr. Simons railed last week.
Mrs. H. Fowlor visited Mrs. E. A.
Gumbie last Friday.
Gub and Edwin GuuVblo expect to
go to Wisconsin this week.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Slo
cum, Friday, a daughter.
Tho L. A. S. met with 'Mrs. James
Klllam Saturday.
Misses Rose and Mae Gumblo,
Honesdalo. visited friends at this
placo last week.
A P. R. W. farowoll party was hold
at C. Curable, Jr., Saturday night for
Gus and Edwin who expect to go to
Wisconsin this week. Dancing nnd
playing cards were tho amusing feat
ures of tho evening. Refreshments
woro served after which tho "bunch"
took tho homeward trail. Those
present woro: Mr. and Mrs. C. Gum
blo, Mrs. Arter, Louise, Frieda nnd
Hilda Votterleln, Anna, Stolnman,
Ida, Gcrtlo and Dlancho Fowler,
Franc Pellett, Esther Singer, Anna
Gumbie, Mao and Roso Gumblo,
Edna Singer, Mabel Gumblo, Isabel
Williams, Emollno Singer, William
Brown, Gcorgo Coutts, Peto Gumbie,
Lloyd Gumblo, Henry Votterleln,
Harry Singor, Arthur Trivolpicco,
Frnnk Jllttlnger, Ralph Williams,
Arthur Pellett, Edwin, August, Ar
thur, Gcorgo, Harold, Loland, Floyd
nnd Joo Gumblo, Billy Singor. Jake
Brown, Losllo nnd Floranco Singor,
Clarence Singer, Leon Gumblo, Fred
Singer, nnd Leonnrd Ansloy. Every
one reported a lino time.
(Special to The Citizen.)
Bethany, March 27.
James Johns spent last Tuesday
at Forest City.
Charles Avery has been seriously
ill for tho past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwnrd Pethlck, of
Carbondnlo, came Saturday to attend
tho funernl of tho former's sistor-ih-lnw,
Mrs. William A. Pethlck.
Mrs. Rhoda Grlmstono loft for
Wllkes-Uarro Saturday to enro for
her daughter, Mrs. Irwin Ball, who
IS 111 of pneumonia.
Mrs. George Robertson, of Hones
dale, spent 'Sundny with her sister,
Mrs. J. J. Hauser.
iMrs. Charles Pethlck spent last
week In Hawloy caring for Mrs.
Harry Pethlck.
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Blake and
daughter, Dorothy, spent Sunday
with relatives at Pleasant Mount.
Since tho removal of his family
to their homo in Slko, Mr. Charles
Arthur Is boarding with Mr. nnd
Mrs. Charles Wood.
Mrs. Edward O. Ward, of Newark,
N. J has donated somo furniture to
tho manse.
Robins havo been seen here.
(Rpeclnl to Tho Citizen.)
Lakewood, March 27.
The Mothodist Episcopal church
has been adorned with very beautiful
memorial windows. Tho two largo
art windows wero given by the Kel
logg and Lakin family, two of tho
founders of the church. The re
maining windows wero given by tho
Ladles' Aid society and the people of
tho vicinity.
Blanche and Jennie LaBarr, of
Mansilold, are spending Easter vaca
tion at their home here.
A farewell reception was given to
P. P. Madigan on Thursday evening
of the past week by his numerous
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Farley, or
Scranton, were the guests of P. F.
.Madlgan and family.
John MvAndrew, of Avoca, was a
welcome visitor in town on Sunday.
J. J. Henshaw, of Lafayette Col
lege, spent a few days at tho home
of D. LaBarr's.
iRufus Niles has accepted a posi
tion as foreman with the Consumers'
Milk Co., Preston Park, Pa., and has
moved there to take up his duties.
Warren W. LaBarr, of Lafayette
College, Is spending his vacation
with his parents of this place.
Seventh Regiment to Go on One Hun
dred and Twelve Mile March.
An entire regiment, the Seventh In
fantry, will tramp 112 miles in the
near future to put to practical test the
"modified shoe." a new type of army
footwear evolved by a board of offi
cers appointed to investigate innu
merable complaints against the shoes
now Issued to soldiers. On the march,
which will bo made from Fort Leaven
worth, Kan., one third of the men will
wear the "modified," one third the reg
ulation marching shoe and the re
mainder the present garrison shoe.
The board will be along to see the
test of Its theories upon every con
ceivable variety of feet.
If the new shoe should be adopted
considerable economy would result.
Instead of having to buy different
shoes for garrison, marching and
dress tho soldier would get along with
n pair of black and a pair of tan shoes
of theame kind. , -
Will Be Appointed an Attendant In the
Marine Hospital Service.
The government has come to the re
lief of John R. Early, the leper, who
was driven from one city to another
and Who is now in Tacomn. Early
will bo appointed an attendant in the
marine hospital servlco to care for
Andrew Grover, a helpless leper. For
this work he will receive $03 a month
and quarters.
Mrs. Early had appealed to the guv
ernment Jor a pension of $100 n month
for her husband, who now gets u
pension, nnd this appeal was ".backed
by nppenls iniide by the Elks. Masons
and Spanish War Veterans. Surgeon
General Blue nnd Secretary MacVeagh
suggested the- plan, which will give
Early n total Income of S!)5 n month
nnd President O'nft consented to It
Valuable Relic on Exhibition In Chi
cago Only One In America.
A brick which for soventy-ilve year
was n part of the walls of St Peter's.
Rome, nnd which was recently loaned
by J. B. Combs of Philadelphia to
brother, R. M. Conibs of Chicago, was
stolen recently. A man had born hih
tloned especially to guard tho treasure
At the time when there were only n
few persons neUr the guard left Ms
post for a few minutes, und when he
returned the brick was gone.
At certain intervals a portion of the
wulls of St. Peter's is removed in order
to placo records in a cavity of tho
church. The bricks taken out are pre
sented to prominent members of the
Catholic church. This Li said to hare
been the only one ever presented to an
J. II. Pyniond hns Just received
his spring stock of wall paper. lit
1). "M. Ferry gnrden seeds hnvo ar
rived by tho bushel and pound at J.
1J. Dymond's. 2t.
Just received a carload of Fdlson
Portland Cement. J. II. Dymond. 2t
Millinery opening April 4 and 5 at
Mrs. J. IJ. Dymond's.
Roll of
AttcrMon la called totnc STRENGTH
of the
Wayne County
The FINANCIER of New York
City has published a ROLL 01
HONOR of tho 11,470 State Hankf
and Trust Companies of United
States. In this list tho WAYNF
Stands 38th in the United States
Stands 10th in Pennsylvania.
Stands FIRST in Wavne County.
Capital, Surplus, $550,000.00
Total ASSETS, $3,C 00,000.00
Honesdale. Pa., March 25, 1911.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for delegate from tho
Fourteenth Congressional District of
Pennsylvania to tho Republican Na
tional Convention to bo held at Chi
cago Juno 18, 1912. If elected I
shall go unpledged, and shall support
for tho presidential nomination that
man who nt the time of tho conven
tion appears most fully to represent
the will of tho Republican voters,
and is best fitted to lead tho party to
success at tho polls.
Honesdale, Pa., March 12, 1912.
I hereby announce to the voters of
Wayno county that I am for tho sec
ond nnd last tlmo a candldato for the
nomination and election for Repre
sentative in tho General Assembly
at Harrlsburg. I thoroforo solicit
tho aid and support of all my friends
at the Prlmarlos to bo hold April 13.
Tyler Hill. Pa. liooi
The Jeweler
would like to sec you If
you are In the market
a nr: nr AToitro
1 "Guaranteed articles only gold.'
Agency in Wayne County.
Office: Second floor Masonic Build
Ing, over O. C. Jadwin'a drug store
Trade Marks
Copyriqhts &c.
Anyone sending a sketrh and description mj
qntcklr nacortnlu our opinion free whether an
Invention Is prnhnhly rmteninhlo. Communion.
Until strlctljconUdenllnl. HANDBOOK onl'ntenta
lent free. Olripit opener for securlne: patents.
rnlents taken throunh Munn A Co. recelri
tpteial notice, without charge. In the
Scientific flincncnii.
Ahandaomelrlllnatrated wefklr. Tjireest elr.
dilation of any iricntluc journal. Terms, 13 a
jmr: four months,, tL Bold by all newsdealers.
MUNN&Co.38,B'"d'. New York
Urancn omca. 62S P 8U Washington. D.C.
Estate of C. J. WEAVER,
Late of the Borough of Honesdale,
The undersigned, an auditor ap
pointed to pass upon the exceptions
to account and to report distribution
of said estate, will attend to the du
ties of his appointment on
WEDNESDAY, APR. 3, 1912,
at 10 o'clock a. m., at his office in
tho borough of Honesdale, at which
time and place all claims against
said estate must bo presented, or re
course to the fund for distribution
will bo lost.
R. M. SALMON, Auditor.
Monesdale, March 12, 1912. 20ool3
The ideal Guardian
of the estates of your minor
dren. It has the very best facilities
for the profitable and wise invest
ment and re investment of the princi
pal and accrued ncome.-The Scranton Trust Co.
510 Spruco Street.
Reoresent Reliable
Cnmnanies ONLY
Easter Displays Of
Been selling Clothes for a good many years doing it in a sat
isfactory way- styles, prices, quality and time of delivery, all exactly
right. And the "Square Deal" feature enters into all our transactions.
But What I Readiness
For Spring and Summer ?
We Are Ready, Are You ?
You will find something
hero especially fitted to the
wants of the fastidious man
to say nothing of his needs.
We bought our now goods
for tho benefit of "Discrimi
nating Ones," who appreciate
good things when they see
We respectfully call your
attention to our -Children's
department Wo have all tho
season's novelties for tho little
Wo want to quicken the
minds of our readers to realize
what a visit to our recently
improved storo will mean. For
instance, you will be shown
the now
Spring and Summer Clothing
tastefully displayed. Our
Knox Spring stylo Hats aro
here. And thero aro other
incentives held out for you to
come and seo us. You are
Wo carry a largo lino of
Trunks, Bags and Dress Suit
Cases. In our Furnishing
Department we carry tho
Columbia shirt with tho new
double roversiblo cuff.
Bregstein Brothers