The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 27, 1912, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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Foreign Grown 1'otntocs.
March 19. 1012.
no uoncsanio citizen,
uonesaaic. Pa.
I desire through tho columns of
ii r Tin nnr t r nn nttnntmn tx thn
H'fnr nnr wn ontit nut tw inn i
irLlilPTlf nr A fr Inii 1 turn wni-n nt -tlio
i ii i in n trn mot r Hn n c- er fniA rn
unit iiiiiTiinns nr Rrwn niirnnKPS.
i ti r i iir Lrnnnin rn wior in r n l a
"Mil J VUU llll(lUU,llUtl W L l
iiiii irrnni v Jinnrr nnr i uurn i n
tn n rrt na nrtA 1 n n rl (n cnrlmia 1 1 fTl
iiv. tiio nrrnmr rurnior rails
tnntlnn r Vi n f i linen f nrnl en rrn wn
eltlicr tho north or south.
Very truly yours,
Offlco of the Secretary,
Washington, D. C.
March 1G, 1912.
Although home-grown seed pota-
s nrp n linn" nr iifl, nvlniit fn
ii ninn i n r innin "I'mh iai nm.
statement on tho dancer to tho
innr l ii nninrn nrnn i rnin t r r mca
imported seeu-potatoes is issued
the becretary of Airriculturo:
lntrv. tvh!pll If InTrnrlnnwl tntcrVif
the means of greatly reducing our
uivuos uuv.uiiic jmu i 11:11 l
"uuuui uju uuiieu oiiiies, me
f rtt nrnrlnntncr ftttnon nvnn t V 4
very greatly Increased.
, "
. . . W 1. fIU JUCH-
iwi Dt:u tjllliui ilk IliU llUi III ur
time are late sorts and are not
nted to nlnntlnc: In tho smith
iru t anv t nininps nrn tha mn n
if. uuiiiiei iliu Liit:v luiuninii in
Tint nr rhn ti t yt . f- ... i T
produce a satisfactory yield.
ii nnr r un.iip nnn will tirti vinin
fltnhlo prn-nn tint thn rlnTurnK nf
... . I ' - uuv k . UUUhUI V L
uuucius uisuiises not now pres-
is suincient reason for refusing
,y-uiituiioii in 1'ennsyivnnin.
C 'I .1 C- . 1 1 1 nt tVin wnnn t .. .1 n ..
L. dv inn MPrnnrnn nnnii.i swslnn
he Pennsylvania Stato Rranco.
tJ DlUjlO 11(1 U UUCU lilltUU iuu
ons in mat stato to set going a
lino co-operatlvo policy, that
1 be far-reaching and effective,
ho executive committee of tho
e Grange has been giving tho
ter careful attention and expects
e aoie to snoruy announce aen
plans completed. The idea will
central bureau of administra
te which Information will be
ctcd and disseminated, especlal
latlng to crop conditions and re
3, market prices and tendencies
many other things which will be
10 advantage of tho farmer s to
is not tho Pennsylvania inten
to rush into the co-operatlvo
ure blindly, nor without viewing
ides with great care; for it is
rnlTfill thnt nn.nnnl'aHnn wna tho
on which many a Grange went
ieces in tho earlier days of the
many sections of Pennsylvania
advantage Is of tremendous 1m
mco to tho patrons, because ag
ture is their main business. In
sections, whore oil is tho prln-
" crop," tho farmers are chiefly
ested In tho purchasing end of
'eratlon. There is no doubt that
resum uuuuriaKiiig will tcsuii in
Ive, activo stops, along well
dered lines, to be put into prac
n tho near future. Tho patrons
nnsyivuma aro apparently Teaay
ibraco some co-opeTatlvo policy,
fcctlvo and practical sort, and
I .. 111,..!., ii r i
iweill J i:tii in iiiivjj, Lliuruiuru, 1
ono of Important events In the .
'n lilutn-rv nf Ponnnvlrnnln
(rango Extension I'liins.
e management of tho National
;e aro carrying out a far-reach-ollcy
of extension work for the
, which Is likely to be fruitful
rge results. Jt is expected to
ize several now urange states
rai, miu uuiuilh lllUBU iiiiul
nratlon are Montana. Wvomlnc
Irglnla. Tho first two are en-
new, while, tho latter had a
'n irPfinlTnHflii fttn tint
1, i ... .1 i... ii,n . t .. .1 n
atnn In 1 li rt npilap U'hliti ll'ir.
ho organization in the western
outhorn states about twenty
ns aro also in progress for tho
.11 1 At. 1 II l
1 V. 11 1 .. r, " fil.lll.HHVH 111
of tho weak states, partlcular-
llllnnti. n.l In.llnnn TI, n
-organized states of South Ua
and Nobraska aro also to ho
vigorous assistance, as tho
In both theso states is very
.1 I I V. n I .1 I ..
vlUK uuu lijuiu ia uviuuiiki uu
unlimited Held for -work.
energetic organizers aro now In
Id and aro pushing tho exten-
nrlr rt ttin nritfir fnp all It 1b
Naturally thore will follow tho mak
ing of Improved highways of other
roads until tho wholo stato shall en
Joy tho prlvllego of froo Improved
roads. V. V. Klnley, president of
tho Southern Railway company and
chairman o tho oxecutlvo commlttoo
of tho American Association for
Highway Improvement, makes a plea
to tho farmers of tho country to Join
forces with tho view of improving
country hlghways.especlally thoso
which connect large towns that fur
nish a market for their produce and
shipping points. Ho alludes to the
roads connecting tho principal towns
as " trunk lines" in distinguishing
them from thoso to shipping points.
Mr. PInloy says: "Tho trunk lino
highways, afford Ideal routes for
tourists. Thero aro some localities,
especially thoso most frequented by
tourists, whore the construction of
trunk lino highways of this class 1b
highly desirable and their improve
ment necessarily benefits tho farm
ers adjacent to them. If the greatest
good is to bo done to tho greatest
numbers, tho farmer Is moro Inter
ested In tho Improvements of the
roads of the second class which have
been mentioned thoso radiating
from a market town or shipping sta
tion. By giving attention first to
those parts of tho roads Immediately
adjacent to the towns and shipping
stations and extending improvement
out into tho country year after year
as funds may become available, en
tiro regions will in time be traversed
by good roads. Then, by connecting
up adjoining systems of those radiat
ing roads, trunk lines and through
road for tourists ultimately will be
formed. The Improvement of theso
radiating roads will be benefltilal to
not only tho farmer, but also to a
largo proportion of tho dwellers In
cities and towns. Thoy will enlarge
the trade of retail merchants, facili
tate tho work of rural mall carriers
and extend the limits within which
local newspapers can be circulated
on the day of publication.
State Zoologist Finds Duiimeo Where
Snow Wiitj Light.
Fears that the wheat crop of Penn
sylvania will fall as far short of the
average as it did last year, because of
tho severity of tho Winter and tho
absence of snow at the time of the
remarkable drop of the temperature
In January -and February, are ex
pressed by llr. H. A. Surface, the
Stato Economic Zoologist, who has
returned to the capitol after visiting
a number of counties in tho southern
and western ends of the State.
Last year tho wheat crop fell short
owing to tho depredations of tho
Hessian fly, which was worse than
had been known in a decado, and al
most ruined tho crops on famous
farms. In many fields tho wheat
stalks have been frozen.
iood Itoads and Farmers,
project of tho stato to ovont
mako stone roads between all
. - i J 11..... llnV
every section of tho common
, is a sano and promising
lent. It will bo several years,
. ........ 1 1 Ik. ciinnma ef tinr-
'JTl 1 1 bllU DVUWMIW V MV.1 -
tU, UUU, UUU IQr lUO Jiunnjou
. . . .. . -. .1 .. I
UWU, UOIUIU 1 11 II I. uiuvu mimi
rovoment can bo secured. Its
ages to ine travelling yuuuc,
peclally to tho farmora and
Surrounded with verdure and wood
land and brake,
Spread out like a mirror lies dainty
Beach Lake,
A Jewel of nature reflecting tho light
Of the lord of the day and the queen
of tho night.
Its beauties hut half understood by
the throng,
Who people its borders the whole
summer long,
In primitive splendor it lies here as
Who's worth is unnoticed, who's
1 praise is unsung.
Its waters of crystal, lit drink for a
Tho sands of its shore gleaming
Its coves aro all dear to tho fisher
man's heart,
Its beaches tho bathers delight.
Its health-giving hreezes Tirlngs color
To the cheeks of tho workers In of
fice or store,
Who, when their brief summer vaca
tion they take,
Put In the glad hours around dainty
Beach Lake.
There nro lakes that are larger, much
larger, in fact,
Some of them approaching in size to
tho sea,
They are all right for traffic, but for
pleasure or rest
Lakes of that size don't appeal to
In an hour of comfort, with paper or
Or a health giving row I would take,
Or a season of pleasure with rod,
lino nnd hook
Then give to mo dainty Beach Lake.
A river has beauties peculiarly fts
Tin ninnn' ImnrMnlvn and vast.
Thoy both furnish pleasure and Joy
ror a time
But they pall on the senses at last.
But tho prldo of Wayno county, its
puro mountain lakes
Which glitter like gems In tho sun,
Offers pleasure unbounded to thous
ands of hearts
Both now and for ages to come.
Keep forever theso beauty spots open
to all,
Whero alike, both tho Tich and tho
May get close to nature and naturos
groat God
As long as tho world shall endure.
Candy Kastcr Eggs' Seized.
Boston is threatened with a fam
Ino in candy Easter eggs as tho to
sult of a suit begun by tho United
States district attorney following tho
seizure of moro than 300 cases of
candy eggs alleged to contain talc
In violation of tho puro food regula
tions. This candy was seized on
complaint of the local puro food laboratory.
A Convenient Hog House
Deagned by P. B. MORGAN, College of Agriculture, Ohio State
r 1 tb'-t ,
TTlT ' 1 1 1 I l I 1
y Pihkj vy-3 i .
E f hFI iif --J I c3
. PUn.K. pt-lvK.1? PUKK.
LL i 1 4-H H-U (-J . i J .
' I
! ' I
First Floor.
orr Bin.
f-jVj itra.w.; j
M '-o' LI i
:! ;
! t
A'. . . r
Second Floor.
HIS hog house will be found very
useful and convenient where hog
raising Is made a specialty. It
will cost between $200 and $300. The
bill of materials includes the following:
Board feet.
12 pieces, 2x4 In. xl2 ft 836
10 pieces, 2x4 In. x8 ft l
10 pieces, 3x6 In. xS ft 120
10 pieces, 2x6 In. xS ft SO
E pieces, 4x6 In. xlG ft 160
12 pieces, 6x6 In. xlO f t 3C0
6 pieces. 6x8 In. xl8 ft 320
45 pieces, 2x6 in. xS ft 3C0
4 pieces, 4x4 In. xl2 ft 61
CO pieces, 2x4 In. xlO ft 333
ToUl 2,187
1,700 feet roof boards, $20 per 1,000.... $31.00
223 feet 2 In. planks, $18 per 1,000 4.03
l,f0 feet shlplap, $26 per 1.000 4S.10
13 squares composition roofing, $3.50.. 45.60
17 windows, 2Hx2V4 feet, 40c 6.S0
13 yards crushed stone, 75c 9.75
Perspective View.
6V5 yards sand, $1 6.50
22 barrels cement, $1.40 S0.S0
640 feet flooring, $25 per 1,000 16.00
200 feet matched lumber, $30 per 1,000. 6.00
2.1S7 board feet, $25 per 1,000 54.67
Total $262.1T
latlng his ipnrolo, returnod hero Inst
evening with tho prisoner. Kelly
will bo compelled to remain In tho
county Jail until tho regular May
term of tho circuit court when tho
pnrolo will bo formerly revoked "by
Judgo J. W. Hamilton. Following
this formality, Kolly will bo taken to
Salem to servo a two-year sentonco
Imposed by Judge Hamilton follow
ing tho prisoner's ndmlsslon of bur
glarizing a Suthorlln store about
eight months ngo.
Sheriff Quino says the thermom
eter registered about 1G oelow zero
during his stay In North Dakota, and
sulllco to say that ho is pleased to
got back to Oregon. Enrouto from
Seattle to Fargo ho says he enjoyed
tho company of William Jennings
Bryan, twlco Democratic candldato
for President of tho United States.
While In Fargo tho sheriff met a
numher of friends of 51 . Guest, tho
local baker, all of whom wore glad
to learn of actual conditions prevail
ing In Oregon. Sheriff Quino says
there aro hundreds of glnrlng post
ers scattered throughout Dakota, all
of which carry tho " stay away from
Oregon" message, as adopted and
sent broadcast throughout tho United
States by tho Portland Labor Coun
cil. Umpqua Valley News, Itose
hurg, Oregon.
This Offer Should Gain the Confidenco
of the Most Skeptical.
Wo pay for nil tho medicine used
during tho trial, if our remedy falls
to completely relieve you of constipa
tion. We take all the risk. You aro
not obligated to U8 in nny way what
ever, If you accept our offer. That's
a mighty broad statement, but we
mean every word of It. Could anything
be more fnir for you?
A most scientific, common-sense
treatment is Itexall Orderlies, which
ore eaten like candy. Their active
principle la a recent scientific discov
ery that is odorless, colorless, and
tasteless; very pronounced, gentle, and
pleasant In action, .and particularly
ngreeable In every way. This ingredi
ent does not cause diarrhoea, nausea,
flatulence, griping, or other Inconven
ience. Itexall Orderlies are particular
ly good for children, aged and delicate
If you suffer from chronic or habit
ual constipation, or the associate or
dependent chronic ailments, we urge
you to try Itexall Orderlies at our risk.
Bcmembcr, you can get them only at
our store. 12 tablets, 10 cents; 3C tab
lets, 25 cents; SO tablets, CO cents. Sold
only at our store Tho Rcxall Store.
in your family you of courso call
a reliable physician. Don't stop
at that; nave his prescriptions
put up at a reliable pharmacy,
even if it Is n little farther from
your home than some other store.
You can find no moru rcliablo
store than ours. It would be im
possible for more care to be taken
in tho selection of drugs, etc., or
in the compounding. Preccrip
Hons brought here, either night
or day, will bo promptly and
accurately compounded by a
competent registered pharmacist
and the prices will bo most rea
sonable. O. T. CHAMBERS,
Opp. I). A II. Station, Honemials. Pa.
H Designer and Man-
uiaLiuici ui
Office and Works
1036 MAIN ST.
A Few of tho Things Dono by tho
Present Administration.
No better statement so briefly put
can be found of the splendid work
of tho Taft administration than the
following from the Oregonlan:
As with ono of his predecesosrs,
tho people should lovo Taft for tho
enemies ho has made. Con over the
list and see if they aro not the right
kind of enemies for a man whoso solo
aim Is to enforce tho law as It
stands and amend it in such fashion
that it shall moro closely conform
to justice.
He has prosecuted violators of tho
anti-trust law with such impartiality
that political associates and college
classmates are not spared. Ho has
put such life Into this law that thoso
men, who scoffed at It as a dead let
ter, now beg to have it extended, that
tho Government may protect them
against their own proneness to
wrongdoing. Theso men who have
felt tho scourago of tho law aro his
He has consistently adhered to a
tariff policy which will cut out tho
craft without impairing the rational
protective features of tho tariff;
which will relievo tho consumer
from extortion without hardship to
tho producer; which will make each
schedule stand on its merits, as do
wned by an imartlal board, Instead
of allowing thoso Interested In ex
cessive duties to pool their Interests
In order to perpetuate such duties.
Dy securing tho Insertion in tho
Pnyno-Aldrlch law of provision for
tho Tariff Board ho Insured that that
Bhould bo tho last tariff bill prepared
under tho old log-rolling system,
and that all future tariff bills should
bo based on ascertained facts col
lected by a non-partisan body. So
clearly did ho see that this was the
only rational policy that ho did not
fear to awaken a roar of denuncia
tion by vetoing tho Democratic bills
which did not conform to ft. Tho
general approval with which tho re
port of tho wool tariff has mot, its
accoptanco by tho standpatters as a
culdo. the embarrassment of tho Ir
reconcilable Insurgents and tho
cries of Democrats for tho abolition
of tho Tariff Hoard aro tho vindica
tion of Taft's policy. Hut ho has
mado enemies of tho manufacturers,
who see tho end of their tariff graft
approaching, and of the politicians,
who wish to keep tho tariff In poll
tins for political purposes. Aro thoy
not tho right kind of enemies for a
faithful public servant?
Ho has conserved tho public do
main iby sotting asldo forest, coal and
phosphato land and watcr-powor
sites, and has proposed reform In
tho land laws which will conserve
this wealth from tho eploltor, but
will permit Its uso. Ho has thus
mado enemies of both tho exploiters
of tho public domain and tho con
servationists who would provent its
Ho has approved a plan of mone
tary reform which lias won tho In
dorsement of business men, little as
well as ibig, but by 60 doing ho has
Incurred tho enmity of thoso who
"soo rod" at every mention of mon
ey, and of all thoso In whoso disor
dered brains tho groonback and froo
silver crazes still linger. Ho proposes
a wholesale extension of tho Civil
Service system, which would doprlvo
congressmen of much power and
patronage. Ilo saves millions by
economy In administration and pro
poses to put system Into tho national
finances by means of an annual budget.
President Taft's enemies are those
he has made by doing his duty to tho
nation those who liavo fallen foul
of him because thoy are enemies of
the public good. Tho kind of enemies
ho has made are his strongest rec
ommendation to the public confi
dence. Being unpopular with such
men, ho should be popular with all
tho rest of us. As the pooplo review
his work, thoy more and moro realizo
tho fact. That is why he is " com
ing .back."
ltcports Scvero Weather Throughout
North Dakota.
Sheriff Geofgo Qulne, who recently
went to Fargo, North Dakota, In
quest of Frank Kolly, wanted In
Douglass county on a chargo of vio-
8 30
10 00
10 00
3 15
4 0V
3 40
5 50
& 51
6 11
6 17
6 26
6 32
6 33
6 3(1
6 43
H 4B
6 60
2 13
7 10
8 00
8 43
8 65
8 69
y 21
D 32
9 37
9 33
9 4.1
9 47
9 60
9 65
A.M. ....
10 00
10 00
12 30
4 40
5 30
2 15
12 30
1 19,
6 20
6 30
H 34
6 62
6 58
7 0;
7 13
7 16
7 20
7 21
7 27,
7 31
P.M. P.M.
2 03
2 15
2 19
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2 13
2 52
2 57
2 69
3 0.1
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3 10
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6 03
2 15
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7 65
8 43
8 53
8 69
9 18
9 21
9 32
9 3;
9 39
9 43
9 47
9 60
9 63
A.M. Ar
.... Albany
Ilinsbamton ....
. Philadelphia.
. WHkes-Barre.
... .Carbonclale
..Lincoln Aveuue..
... Lake Lodore ...
... . Wnymart
.... Uonesdale
2 00
12 40
4 09
9 35
8 45
8 03
7 51
7 60
7 33
7 25
7 IT
7 12,
7 09
7 05
7 01
6 58
6 53
Lv A.M
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4 68
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4 51
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7 14
12 65
12 05
P.M. P.M.
A.M. P.M
1 7 Cents a Day
The Plan Thai Promotes Success
THE " 17-Conts-a-Day " Plan of purchasing
Tho Oliver Typewriter means moro than promot
ing sales of this wonderful writing machine
This Plan Is a posltivo and powerful factor In
promoting tho success of all who avail themselves
of Its benefits.
It means that this Company is giving practical
assistance to earnest people everywhere by supply
ing them for pennies with tho best typewriter
in the world.
The "17-Cents-a-Day" Plan is directly In lino
with tho present-day movement to substitute type
writing for handwriting in business correspond
ence. Ownership of Tho Oliver Typewriter Is fast be
coming one of tho essentials of success.
"17 Cents a Day" and The
The Standard Visible Writer
There Is no patent on tho "17-Cents-a-Day"
Purchase Plan.
Wo Invented it and presented it to tho public,
with our compliments.
Tho "17-Cents-a-Day" Plan loaves no excuse
for writing in prltnltlvo longhand. Wo havo
mado It so easy to own Tho Oliver Typewriter
that there's no need evqn to rent one.
Just say "17 Conts a Day" save your pennies
and soon tho machlno Is yours I
Tho Oliver Typewriter Is selling by thousands
for 17 Conts a Day.
Whon oven tho School Children aro buying ma
chines on this slmplo, practical Plan, don't you
think it is time for you to got an Oliver Typo
wrltorT 17 Cents a Day
Buys Newest Model
Wo sell tho now Oliver Typowrltor No. 5 for
17 Conts a Day.
Wo guarantee our No. 5 to Iks absolutely our
best model.
Tho samo machlno that tho great corporations
Their dollars cannot buy a bettor machlno than
you can get for pennies.
Tho Oliver Typewriter No. 5 has many groat
conveniences not found on other machines. .
We oven supply It equipped to write tho won
derful now PR1NTVPE for 17 Cents a Day.
Make the Machine
Pay Its Cost
Tho Oliver Typewriter is a money-nmkiug ma
chine. It helps " big business " pllo up huge
Tens of thousands of people rely on Tho Oliver
Typowrltor for their very bread and butter.
A small first payment puts tho machlno In your
Then you can make It earn tho money to meet
tho Httlo paymonts.
If you aro running a business of your own, use
Tho Oliver Typewriter and inako the business
If you want to got a start In business uso Tho
Oliver Typewriter ns a battorlng-ram to force
your way In!
. .Tho nblllty to operate Tho Oliver Typowrltor
is placing young pooplo in good positions evory
Get Tho Oliver Typowrlter on tho " 17-Cents-a-Day"
Plan It will help you win success.
Ask About "The Easy Way"
to eecuro the newest model Oliver Typewriter No.
5. Tho Art Catalog and full particulars of the
" 17-Cents-a-Day"' Purchase Plan will b sent
promptly on request. Address
Clias. E. Dodge, Local Agent. - Walnut and 10 th Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.
men will ho ineaumaDie.